Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1868, p. 1

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BDAgtisTIES AND ATIrriNEy-TS- J.Lav uleietors 1t tbis ak et Montmofs, e~4 tis dqrper thene çasÇout ofonItas-le volfsp, de.,i&C', Wliltbl, C0,iW. si'biley telisn spon gouel seeurtj. Ape pt.ý utthe 4100 of thee liras,Court lieus.,- ToonoJIRî2N 1 SAJPS Ae il.TER Aîtoney, SLIeL;oie.3h B UN T C -WateitAssrnceY ORBN-il Toroilo, luI>'for,1581.uli S. iotoR COhIILN E, L & . Lby . . B IAQITFB-WATOlAI) ET FORN ilol iisnlueetry Noan ubo ueN- ta Pul igva ia titl Ca pb ,Il Brk., htyOt 1> uer, DeNtv. lbsrerK8t6n7. iod ey efUnitarle.OficeUBLICie1,Wh&ab.&e RODER? JC. . WLO. L>St Oloss Cio-e e , . - LtbC.W aie. ,Jas 8,82 CA1S. . RVIS, T> ARBSTIRAT LAWAH> OLICITO)MX Trote, C.9-W. k.1> tlictic'l huer' etjior o seJt t uLegxtd)Ofiom e. oBrens eot. du4 WuiilthjStreet. Zlb, hrt1867. Wet O S. B. VtAIJCOCHRANE QOLlIJIOIt, NTRY I'LbL, duc. duc. *-Bê Oslicus s oareC. ble,&W,.0 W. Pzu-rrc-i, BlhTfGSock cauyCowi i-ti5,lc., c Portllbry, eu28, 1862.e, 165 A titUIdNEa AT LA, Slc1r Chan-T% siuoo t.ssiis>,to tbvi fi, c.autmai DitJ. IAEItEEH A WO Consutltstionci PNotas> ubite eu01oharg.n h. WIsItIsy M. D,1W .W,9 ., X. D.,'olnislluk D R. ANE &COCANI (rou xe zto.APd &ToitoNT.) $WIGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, ke., uitsmîsn&wo du (jz'teu-iL14v. Mn. ludges' IL. J, GUNN,a. D. 1 URQEUX TU VIE COUUJTY GAUL De W. FJmJIRig a, . 0. SOprion lieraistu tu a. M., sud ô to 8 nle e. Io1 *J04N V. HAMY I'UTAJiY PUBLIC.. WLltiy, Apnil IStIs, 1865. *TIIOJIASHUSTON, T OW N I LIi~tK eh TICEA86UIUr.L, WIIlTBY oTt-fie-ifuwii liai! Ilours9Ytsi e'ouck. 7VICTUILIA JIOTJPIL. JORN X08114901498M Hair Dressing and Shaviing * Wiitby, Jeui. 22, '60., JJOVYT014'S MOTEL, W U 0 TUZ4 Legs te 'utormu tus lu- " habllaut Urthe tOo.isty et Viotuentasud oumuin.uisohî,uiLte,l5ialia em 90uspnd tis iloîciu Wliilsî troot lebel>' oasupled b> Jvett,aud aslie isIsuI lLd utsnlb ad tdu urttilitn iiiidev.nj.onve-. niaises. W oses, LiqosonsudCGigars of tLe W àü atitende ostlii eiveys l uaed COMMERCIAL, HOTEL, T , tfrle suid tIse publieo, tIsa hi Lheure- sum#d Ipomeusmiots t fe boYa Well sud là- -veîrblykusosin huIs!, vbioh Io nov filt! ,p ene# for m1e rmptioMn 0< ouest&e sud tii ire- vfls gjublio' Wa» ou tL. p romulis hlgDJq 190 .CALDWELL# Wiltbv, Jeu. 14, 186. - S.y VARS &»DEVLIN. sieehat'ousUbuio-%5s Ïzéoi 1101eeelstowt tlird tieeraortb of the Qstaute ia Eifl " S AGET, de, t.ASWn « Stemd8andad ImaeuCoi. l TEE T Ez oubsenibor b.gs te annomuce ibat be tisa i.séedt ILl nlg fornserly 'kuevu as 6Mt 1 's lotelsi tihss'boeuresssêvMs- .4, rôfisisda, lt4d ap îbrougbout, lu tise b.étof style.. -Tho proises are plesî.eelly situâted'. %pépitei C4 Fout 010e4, ud lu t'Le The ltillvsy Unulbuo eeUsAl thie Ifotelaud the stage,. for Uxhridge esndEScaverton lbave 09EORGE ROBSON. J,.. Joiner,Greeu St,Wlitty. A lergoqiusu tilylfstll kinid» of meroniat n aut!. NE Il 7T A KING.<0 baud. ]Brookljl rng Store. ViLta 11,Be Stuffu, CQufecîlon- gw Iines su& Liquons of the hat quallty for MadIgAl purpeises. Broekill, 0. W., 186P 2 ZM=tà. Wive ± <Organia À,11 m&data urek, 0WlitIy.) Io prowerd teg ive bMuseosud sfgiog les J.sotiî, te a a llwlîed numimer ot pupilss 1A pication te bc:mudretaitho eficetJoiiu L, Wtki, 8riroisDejîtint, uver James Bymnc'e Medicai ilailI, Brock st. Will>y. CROCK ER'S JIOTE4lt (LATE PLATT'S, NELSON STr. TORONTO, NORTIL OF RING> ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, -Psorni'IETWs. T HF prprieqrxtesectfully aunoisnees t bomo, iltia the>' have tiiken tihe ahove preinsies wîîîoî are lu evcr respxect convenieuiîv sui euumftniaiuly fitted up sur tise accommuodations otgues'eud the tael iugpublime. Tise>' ilI tc i(boud lit coudtant P itosi atteudance, sudý vii bve îohiîg uuci, ci tter arttoitive gatiestaitcsn tu aII wbo nia>' laver ltin. vitlî a cait. 36 YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER OJL4NI MB.LLAWDEII, JAMES MoVAlýLAN,' to W .W. I ULI7lGs, Wib Solicitor, Whittsy. Whltly,,Sept. !80, 1868. go- tf, Q u ery whiy là itîhat Ilim la anohs rau for picturca AT CLMXK'S GALLERY?' IIIla becanse , lia s lhe bemlel sry Ilu tbe ,Counyntsd hlismore ýpticue. vitb ciljren do quite as good wcrk as auj ellien ùmatiip 1the connry. si' a gSW Tbet'e whfsthe matter, s do't b. bsckvard about-couîitiigforward. DEROCIL ST., WlilTBY. Whitby, N;ov. 12, 1867. 45 JOH~N CARTER, LIOENBED AUCTIONEEIR. ONTARIO,' YORK & PFEL. W RESIDEiVcE-lot S, SMisCon., ftarkkam.-Peaî OfRace-Unioavil le. SALES attendad cii thi.eiortest notie4 %sud ou reusoscnable ternis. Terme causb moade a.d billeq priuted at the Ch ronlcee fice fur btIr. Carter. 1 WELLIGTON MOTEL, MAIRKHAÎI. J. IIUF.DàOTTOZU, a Iroprietore 19 .iy IJUITISII AIEIICAN ASSURANC~E COMPANY Capital, $400,000. 11E uudereigued baviug heen eppsointed Agrent for the abliveomipany, le u3v e to tissus-oproperty sgalnst Lste BY VVÈ ou the muet fet'oratle teis.. Appi>' îo, LÈvi rFAIRBANKs, Jr., 2-i2nios. Agent Wiîitby FAREWELL & McGEE, *lNâUIIANCE, du GENEIIAL AGENT. fl AICIiSTERS, ATTc-RNILYSSOLCI. WîuibyJeu. lOIs 166.21-MTOM$ CONVEF aNCEIIS, 1ND No> wlljby, an.,loti 180. -TARIES I'tBLI(C.A IKINGUBOTZS, P. v. B. PLANK, - - - - Propniotor. Sîsiges bu and (rom;Whitby caîl dell'. Evor>' stteufîoia paid tu gueas aCretua sd atoun- tive. ostera. 9 1868. 1868. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON' . - azàLOEBl INSURAN CE COMP'N Y. lias been lu eisiteuco thirty-tvo jouris, sud durlîsg tisat pcniod bas paid LSues exceediug fIve and us hal Million pondm sterling. The diabument et lii enornieus %artî over s vide arcs, lias, vitiiotit doubt, toistri- buted tu esiietualimetft t iis Institution, lia the ccsufideunceo u'tlsLîICCuROAs'ONSie, MIca. clAUm, iieousEiuLDEiim, sud business mou gels- eral>', wberever iL let reîresctad. Iu lta flret ysiss, 1836,4te Fine Eronilumo asIe amourited L........£D,folo In lts lotit yer, 1.......47,703 66 20LII jean, M61.........i229,27t# 61 uo.yeer, «866..,.........£7to,882 i)» jean Ilter, 1547.............k,"18,08b The Fire Réserve Ftsid la nov $4,127,464 The Lit. e ere n uiid ls nov $9,282,468 - Tiie Comspany ta. oremeeted throughuutvU- toio sud quersee, b>' ,uiiol Agente, 10 vIson: appîlicationî for lineu'sco niey' buemade, 0. F. C., tiTlrl, Mulpine siczuv:Àr, IMuai-san., L. FAIRBANKS, Oa, Aussi-, W»1i-a-U I> Ezosib=m n =vo. Fobrsmr>' l7tlî, 186. 7 TUE ONTARIO FARMEIRS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP'Y rrlIl8Company' leinow fuI»' ogalud. sud .8. la prcparcd tu ace -t is.ke cîsFanin bilidivoe, ausîl thtir ooUte, Coutry .8chlse linuses,asud Churclses.tî,tioîewivlumiîgte lu- sure, sud thoreby support as home lîssuranie CQrsssîîy, buvoe ow su oppotuiiity ut Jeiist se, by spplyîug aitiser at tisu eailsdofice, or te aisn ut ite local agentsOunr rattes yl lic tcnndi as luw su tiiosa c9 auj resipousileoMutuel In- sureuee Comniy>lu -canada, L. FAIRBANKS, Ju... sEeniLTAISI. lHEAD>OFFICE-Thae Rinltny Ullice Butfi'ing. Brook Street, Wiittby. LLOTEL & I>IIEMISESý FOR SALE- T IUT old ettabl6simd sud vol! kuovu lie-, tl!, the gplondfid -roemy >etsbling, anti driviug eh1d, togotisorï, vf00«tiio riv gmet etland usk% sa M ray b. 'i.eret, fsud s fins you=gbo ing ùr4ismr4. Tise.are ivo veil 4e itjo W"Tu, vIm, ;viii b. m.old Ietupbi, Acud ohéeuof the hast oheneein lIse Dominion feras eve buslnux se mas. Wil,!bu exebsiiged lom tart pritj. OrME a:-oe docr nortîlftet0'to'tOffice, Oehwlts ansd McFeîer's Bluck, olspueîts Town Bail,Beuavlo J. E.FAEZELL.M. MGEr. 18 JOHN L. WATKIS9 sb "t L. 1AbyMW Wlsitbyt Bepr.lb, 1868. e' Bops mont respeetfu!iT toinform theinliebi- len>. t fs 4ooîty Ontario, tbat bo.bas I.aeed the, aboya promiges istely oeenpicd by- sendy Paorle, vhieh li. bu newly fornish ed and reuevsted, sud lie l prepared te sccemmodate tb. travelling public. The Bar itockej with thie boat llqueris sud cigars, sud sr. attentive ostle r al*àýs iii ettendatice. C.VICKEIRY, Broklin, April, 1806., ig-ly Grand' Trunk Railway Hotel; AT WHITBY STATION. W M. O'NEIL hstlig pnrcbased thboôtpl and premises buisowu on the (*v*îd truuk Boiel, Wisitby station, bep luiiîforni bis Moneda aud the travellng putîio thet 1bc baâ litted up lhe honte sud stables n lumat-- clama style, ,oud by attentionnte the wauts of those Who eeor bhlm vlth their pettloe trusite wimnlt a eoctiuuaues t liler eubtomù. gW" Partion tiikiug th3e train and leatiog horsea viii have 13c eR etaken gare of ti 'Whlîy, Sept., 1869. 8 A. MILLION AN]) &QUARTER MONEY TO LOAN. TflIE Subscriher bas receivcd instructions Xfroîii a gesîfletu vus, hms à large sinousit of inoney itisvested iti Etîglieli s»ecurites, lu lu- veot the ime for him, lu t1ils sud lidJoiuiiug Counties, on good Ferra Propeuty, or Deben. turcs. 1 stili continue tn represeut three oflu largest Moiet.iry Iiietita.ious ils the Dontinvmn. tisat tend Mouey oun1the Most sdvautageous ternis. £~Alsu a large numîmer Cf veli culltivsted Fatrine, iiid auy quautity of Wlld Lande, for aide ciiesp. Fur further parteulars, appiy te Offii Alàsigc4o. iey Broker, Couîmis- alunier, Nutery i'ubic, &c., &e. OFFICE--Seceiid Fluor, MeMillan's Block, Brock Street, W hiîtby. Augui§t 24th, 1808. 34 N. 1.-I Dentalou prrparoe W lvastluniai kitids of Deheutures. (irccnljancko lbouglit and id; asmo s large 1quaurity of Silvor tor saie. JAS. IIOLDEN. IMPROVÈD BUCK w EYE GRAIN DRILL. ---0- IWE DESIKE TO CALI, *ÂTTETON TO OUR BUCK EYE GRAIN DIL WB WARIRANT IT TO B0W WflEAT, SURGEON DENTIST. - iýE Omczo.--Ovcm JAS. BY1INE'S tedical Hall. BRtV Brook Street, Whitm>. W Ail vonk arranmel. Famnilles attcndcd et privete reaideuccs. TEETi! OATS, PEAS, & GRASS BEED, EXTRACTED »'-g -AlÇT neOM]mvana.intMDE. -4&J-L-LLTItL is nov theîoundiuglr l i heUnited States, Iq WITJOIUT ]pAIN, . (4000,)tour nsoudof îhem listing hben BF TUE USE OF seasou's Inade. Quaistit>' sowîî ragulated ey NITRUS flD LAUIIIO G S 'rew instead of Gear Wheels. OR TRE 11MW AT DENTAL BOOM», DUNDAS STREET, WUITBDI7C. W.'- btftS-îe'M l. ,Cochs-eo'astore. Wittu>, Juna 20, 1867. 25 SBOE TOULS & FINDINGS. A comPlete amssilment c o( miraespatiern nteb Toolatthaeaussi acula Thred shisse iik. i5hc s'bIseslad, is'las-k,, lice] stisi'fo lates, iuIYArg & OLIVER, 12-1>' 114 VoNsEiS=i-a -Toaoiuyo- U? C> m.&Ia iC> I . Amernsu $ears, Tronieora, sied Poils t.etai ls..m Squares, cinvesi Mles. birsigltit tdn o.,,peveu. trois., gtlisesasiAieimut'senlaieî9stites- u".'raea, S&o., ail et thse IcaestWais>- sutea loves: 11YAN k OLIVER, 12-1>' liupmneroflldwsre, Veuge St., Tanutio. TO MACHINI1STO!1 Bual n uIes, Iel Square., Coune tCanges, Venus-e Calopeo, 9licol Calpor Hales, Caîspor Squares, j4mest tlaireal Sfquares, Self Itegstefi-g Calpers ani. visIons, Ss.tal ies ausi Tols, Pient 0alen,5 Shoot &odSi., fonrsaaeb>-z RIrAIt k OLIVER, m2.1> 114 Yesge Sit, Teoufo.- TO CABINFET MAKERS AND UPH1âLSEE.ý TIns.. Csisi, Uias.. une vs, "ss " -ois Tacts, Yit aor Ie 'au tel LecS, .f Mds ster. ssla EI«idomat ugerlsa,he. - ILIA B tT0~ YA &OLIVER, OoWb2 ___________________ 114__ N U S T AEWA YIRTaPRIZE HOE8E-811OEM- q~f aci;Metg mall -Ià>*Je JrJ STIIl",T3 c LCau ho cbauged la a moment, sud Justaon mach or little idifféeace nmode lu ise asusg, as usa bc deiirad, M- W.e au slîip es eues, apen mocipî et os-dem.. Addresu, Y. w. GLÉW, Angusat lOtî, 18683. Land! Land! T 11FE Subeonihler eflcro tise feleving lias cf landb, vich lieo vimcli lit s OU FAIR VALUATION, -VO S. X, No. $,ilu 20dconcession et Beach, 70 atcres cleared. E. U, No. 19, lu the Brd concession otflBeach 10 noies cleemed. No, 28. l in ltis 0tconcession of Dsnilugtou, 60 fecres cîeurod. No. 1, Il UtIIscon., mens, 5scres cleemed. N. B. ýc No. 27, lu 2ud concessioa Whitby, 1000) asonslSoîusviiîa-500 acres lu Bexîe>'. 200 acres lu Laxtun-400 acres inu Beint. Appi>' persosail>', or b>' louer, peet-pale!, te R. E. ERRY, wnay. Public Notice L filîerehy givan, thal application -vili ha rusie m >lie f l'uPOT ni-Wsmx Nais 'ear'gx Itiit.vnx Ceeornu.i-te the Iros'Iniail perliamfeut of lite Provinceof trino, et lb, nextai son, for uAct smending thse IlAat te ineemporsats the Port WhiIbj sud lPos-I Fesry' Rilva>' Company" b>' eulamrluEk the povans et 113e saisi omp.uin utha ujoin;o us4htanonstruel- llis; ottisein repoedlil-> g t.t sc urpatse tusatuer veer sud suthtî l> ts laj ou t, cutiune, êa cd, aA emuetmathelr propeseti Musilvsj, 1 snob ignu Opofi tbe isatae fet LaIe10i nt Ior near Beaverton, as bbc> Maeoleet. A ti frtber te lay ont, c0i5stmucl sud b d abrsnche[otwesuais Xii# f îom sueh part tiiereet si! tue>-ma> înlt thea VILLAGE 0 F L'XBEIDG $1 ii thes mo=r mîluts, povers sud prîvilages te tise mlt! Cotupais>lu nespeaetlarW acfsartelmonetred' Upen theta b>' tIsh sAte ' flneoiprstiou, sud sîséo amonding thod sel b trklôgote fren tise t*esuty-tblr indmto hro vWede "4previde alvsys," andi ail tbeeteW cf ltse nd sactionend udter ammeuta thee- te. Datod Ibis t#ety4ftbday of otibe Seomebsry ef lb. Port Whitby sud Pont j3ar*SoIleir 40;Chan 1 c : l Af- yra b- 'fi, te tffoor over the CANA DI ANGENIl neheGreatoit Labor-saving Kac--hiiieof the Day! To the Laies-,of ,Whitby end -y Aont o Ontario The New DominionSteam WasingMachinel Can be used in any Poiler * OnIy Pour Dollars. Ta RIS MACnINE opemates ynen iel>' eclostilo ritcîpes. I esAltitig sud disýpenses eiltirely vitb laisor sud tisevear cf lîes. Tfisc hotisuds ssoien, by Ithe te- tien or lre, asmo drivon up turc tis e lisuiber%, por fhp lsise cilhes, sd tndu tlismeign Ibo tii vitb i stossialiig rrapidity, Ceeaîiiig il; petHerily viisont s-nlmtiug. I111,4been thorcugsil- tetadsud proiionîsea uneqisalle-d as a elotise;wusjlscr b>' tiso'e ho iave nAed if. AIl fssiries,froini the fism9st luces fa'1the bept blaniket-, tea l ie weildpenfet-tly sud wiils <case, vitisut lihe Wvis.uo;#rd. Fer fiusels iL le ~ ~ ~~1 Tusntse i b uhbxingiling ansd preaulu; promics muat icet-essnl>fulli fisein meoor le>». IL1la raI>- s labon sand cloths savlsîg invention. Wnbiing iii no longer ho a hardsbip, sud vsulltusrdoyay terror sud dretid LeaIsoasevivess; Tiseiuvenstion eau b. nacte lu asus>'boiter, snd tise loir pr;ce etthe es-ficie, $4. ulace st iLvitissu the reacb cf cuer>' inilv. Timîs machbine lias beeu tr4ed aud iicru-ly ieied b>' Aifeent parties, frein vIsons testirsouisislmihave been raeisveti. TEIITIJONIAL. htrs. L. llotnck, tise,. Jais. ilasuilton, M're. W. Il. Lii'rgiue,Ilie. H. J. Mrcedougelli, lre. J. Il. Grs-etwuod, s. M.'Donot-au,ilrs.3M. Il. t NecrulIr,4. Jags. Byrso, tirs. J. H. Perry, tire. L. }siirbtitsks, tire. .. Agusv, lire.S. Il. Cochranse,lre, It Harper Ms-s4 Dr. Essîîwood, l, M. E. Caildwcli, Mrds. êlit- CAUTION. Ail moliPses usdo or sold te loi ent>' of t>ufario sud Durhnhîtu mua ave tise proprio- tors' stsssp, besgri.sg date of paetnsd liii insitiais on thse bottens, as assiclta ed ever> in- trissgcmnsî viii ho pro'eossted te tige fuilex tout et tise 1evw. ne. FEDLAR, seole Ayeûti for tihe malmfcinre sud saloeitl Lise Ceuni>'oftOsîtilissud Dusisiscu. (>liala, Sept. 23, 1868.38 To Jobbers & Teaffitrs. rîlIE SUBSCRII3EII waubs to let, lu lobs te TL es-lt applic-suts, te culting snd isanling, ds.rlug the entuissg vinter, et s qussiie esiw b;. suad eiluglo boît. l"For pariculars appl>' to R. T. HIARRISON. BreekEu, Oc>. 1, 1868. .89-tf ]FUNDS FOR Investment! TPJHE TRUVST AND LOAN COMPAN'I b.lavaofands for iuvessuscrst, atîtheirusant mates et interesst, ou tise £ocurity et imaproveel Reai ttte. Luns made fos- fixcd poriods, on repayable Fnn.Iser sidd Juil igiforinatieu cen bcho id bj letter, addreeeslte tiste Cemmilsmonota at Risti, om froni L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., lenI Estato & Goeorsi Agent. OrEsc-Brocek $trect, Whltbsy, sept Yi, 16s. 8 ONTARIO HOTEL WHITBY. E. ARMSTRONG, - - Proprictor. AUCTION BU8INE>.S THOMAS MYi±EUS. L ICENSFID AUCTIOli£EER ote.Conut>' ot Onisi. desireta ltons bis friansl sud tue public tisho sc ed>' ýa ieretotisre te moccive orslerg tonritae et stock, tarn:impIe mrefits, &c., îsnd ilîssIail usa-ots it antLbss Cuiioascus oflice wili bie duîv aieu'ed te. Prof.- J. ýýpost ,Tf ho oro t apist , »tuonn l ; tei i. m uftl llslis bt# e e xysm pemisnao, ho fect' vnmment ôcfppu is, be me>' e a e cas- Aaa*mi IporeétbWplr.w ont . S Z TRI eeÇdeeiviI meeie& W 11kw, and balU ,Toooon, oo Poos, 1 ausato kno* thetiiotb Acsie1çtnlettoPseen urovoege; agalspin0thégfebas to bt lu Andi nova 1 io?lslnioeS $tOnin, suddeuasrnutho s10li nghit tenflesta, tornes Baes vwilîluîy brast; jbohIGd 1imuâtbe daub. -1Iuiut lie eaïlnfi resî1le bbis arm FcI',iing a cInIsO, jet lehn sIfin Wihilgiain y ey e hoseetoirasAmysoul, . But reada in valu. I muet he foudled, loïo, sd ld oy sw toll A huuAbaud'a 11f. le kultted up vltb umire, loor wgrihippeml1 -,ie does ,but- bucel bisfom Au emptyk riue- Empty 1I<Nay, more, ixiallowed; siotea ihoàgbî For loy., wiiich sanctilles ail otliheu crte, A geasîde Courlshlp. l'Il nover forget -tbet beantiful. biglit dovu by the ses, nor ber vis tood by my aide vaebing tbe fwî ilt gb Queen as ah. pisyed bide sud saab aînid the losey clouds ibat filled that sweet Septamber slty,ý whiie the white avas rolled overs ths giitterng saude 1to wbera vo sîood1, Neil Mordsuuî sud 1, busllly eugagod'vitb ont owu tbongbts. 8h. vas not beautifu-9 ouiy sveet aud gete-wiîhae paie ovai face, isnuid eycs of bszel, sud smeotb shiuiug braids of brovu huir geîhered4 back fromu ber snowy forebead, aud fasten.1 ed inas Grecian roil bebiud ber oinsi!,9 queeuoly head, that gave ber childisb formn su air of quiet dignity that I believe finit1 mae me love ber. We Lad ieft the old <ansi-bouse tbst1 was Nel!' borne, sud tLe gay cosnpauy 1I badl gone Ïhare witb fros Ioudou, tu vsicb the.songo dowu among tbe grey,1 fretin! vaves. ButLoum W ba ssed ince9 old Sol Lad diasppearad ; sud yat we1 stood thene by tbe ses, heedicas of the1 chili uigbî des. I dou't knov vbsî Neli vas thiukiug about ; but for me I vas1 tbiukiug of îny owu hidsomue housin1 ini London, sud vondernug if the littie1 stately foras by my aide silt ever sae1 it witb me. We Lad ofteu stood thon. before iunithe long oumise of my stay et the fanu bouse, watcbing the grand old ses in its fitful murmurings ; jet in sil that lime ve Lad uever spoken of love, sDot aven in jeit; sud nov, tbougb my hesrt vas full cf e wild, vayward passion for liat, Neill, could uot utten e syllabie cf ih b lb.hechild by my aide. "Did yen kmev, Neill, v are going te leave îo.morrov for borne VI Isaid, breakiug tLe long siliuce. "*No, iudeed 1i Yen are sanely jokiug, Paui.19 The lanuid air vasgoene, sudsa strauge, sad surprise vas iu ber voice, thet made uiy bean beat faster as I ausvered, Il 1 never vas more serions.' IlThis depanture is at r bbty. Are yon all going-Lizzie, tate, flsnny, sud $&Yes, ail."9 6 6'Vosvery aorry ; Isal! miss Ien ail go mue." ' Sbe apoke geeally, sud I vas not satisfied, for 1 bati grovu stugely selfisb of late. à4But vil! yen missuseaIl1juat tbe mane -Hanry sud Ait, as mnch as me V1 asked, tigbteuiug mmy rceaoneuthelb.tiny Vaist. il It il ontlquit. feir, Psu!, 10Sor askte question, sud seoI vo't ausver it ;I' sud ase looked op plsyfully jute my eanneat face on vbicb s abade cf pain res:ad, for 1 did not ra!isb ber gaiet, nov 1h5s1 Ivas in terribly lu eenuest. " 6But you viii somelimues îhiuk of me spart <rom tbe nest, Ne!!, vbeu yon coe Lere te tLe seaside asaee tLe înoubled wvesrush tb the sabe.tas îLeydo te- uigbt 7" 1_ eud lisld tigbter lier whiite, bataiug baud lufà ry-ny ioba -til Te. 71 loid, ring- lug lobtet o0 11 ,*o "y ve Lad loft si tb. boue rang i-brogh, the cLasse 0* !affnleNllse Dae..tg AUl was dni-atter tisat;sud vises î ibt org Mycousciounu agaf a I vastsu se Iyiu5 l i hat LWdonce beau Nellfs>. stango.' uhamber, yuLh my des-k broya bueks tare- -"fta id to surs', Leariug huimpaebable testi, preaqis for mony te tise avfuî anuuaise tt Lsd tel- wbenutl lô*ïi baeteri 0Meody isse ls'disitsrble discovary. bis ti, b Inovas-vaut, bacS tý1 My home, wiseesdsi: ut, faniaed roeim hbave net ecisoeatind 5i tiL. tîésti t«> auj banip an ; gfer yesrs. -Y e Ii, i nve- bave tLe oie! farta beuse, ots5 nonr tha"bich le deanrsti-the if i.f1875r. Sit gray mene! by ts a a portion fin goed ettenl lu e tison t ansinîîzy nov; î asîvmay-îive :hn vLan I mat My, love, nov; Ien A4t tvont>' I kuev a girl vus. great blIno ettise 9M oyes, e ces-ai moutb, bronze caris, ,antiaPl.s rnugiug l.i"gli. I eat tuitA for lser,-afta r bogs Ille fasbion oft most,,boys -experieiieMît vbet l; caile! fiaetloye. I1tIselu ea, ton- rible stale ot bils sud misas-y for som 0e -at e o ix menis, se paiufaiiy-alive aill IbeS rnmneladies'i bhat I tinglet Io 0My finger lips vuSIthtelog te lb. sumatiou of my Leat's frin blood. For:rat soie Leeline D'Ancy 1 tisongist I muet lire or claimiug'-î die-live if elle baide me, die if asescoru- littie batte eti me. I vas tbonougbîy in eamuest; but tarence Le mie vas merely plsyiug, -sud finsljl flirtati àt the ont et My rascs vitb tLe lieuonë--t' s imanpne naigbo-iug wvering,'plce-asmse Li! e"irtrust t perfect nigisl te de if me it l peset Les-. of Lia. ram But I wvas sunnet., I hasd er~erible sud aisten pareîyam et mental feelingasd thon ftai et this mc into a 1ev, nervona faven,, tbrougb vbiob oves-vbaîn my brother nusma me. I got op vas-y vascoe mach obsogeti, bist acitly erciiedthelb.tbfs lcide ceuse of my ilinesu, sud I nover boanrd la pretaci Leoline D5Ancy'a name meutionet aftas- for s loug yards. 0f aIli the But as lime pasad, Iundatitehave flu- mea va i terraisetof binking f etro, vbics matie me its mor-al rary vnaichad. Once, tvo yeens aCter unir- speak su1, last meeting, I cer nelcOsae àiittlii nota No- is the ah.e Lad-vnittea me; santisncb e apusraot as-e so tbo veakeea came oves me that I uesnly dieti. limuste tLe I vas couvincati thon that I boe for the -not et single tirn ofet y lite. Whatcven- preter Ibsuis Gm encea i migbi experieuce in the future for gel, ara beentitul vomen, thât oe! passion, viîb its sistens. pecnisr, thlisilig fs-eshuees, nover cond rendonsa te corne bock. I coulti neyer kuov suytbiug trusteti v se asorbiug sud seit-fongettul, agafu. îegnity et We!il, ibra.more jeans pasne. Ihlld Le spokan left homne sud vas satîleti in my profession genral 01 I becaine Lhe ona-surgeon et s litiegnen msaare a vilage *caliei Hartford. Thene I coin- oftbhugb muenced s pnacticai, active lite,' haviug mesure C pleuîy et vork for thbiesti sudbauds aud tisese tbe Leart. lb. cLars The place vas noetifon its pleasure onex-ctizens b cursions; sud ona mummor'e day, a lady Oun pclic vas fiung <nom Le- herse iu the s-osd Le-rniembertt fore my door. I1vas the firette10raobc depends fi ber, though, thora vere seve-al gentlemen No wonîti of te punty t0 vbicb site belonged. I 1OsOpsy,ý itted Le- frorns the grone, sud esmnied -veakea t] hon, perfactly seuseleas, imb ny marges-Y, like tLe i vhiie ber fnieuds foiieved fnasaions cou- uothiug l fusien. oarstin WItile elhe namsfued. nucenselous, honta upcsk j face ùIlpand to, be vany pIaf fià - but ia- mtantîy tisat sIte opened lien eles sud spoeeGive a I saw that sIt Lad a atrauge besuty-. Tha e lv anto bnov vas vwhite sud vide, tLe ajes sefblj 'ceaveufor black, tLe bsir iilken sud jetty, sud the Grant hi£ mentis large bat ai ullr!,meble. ibeleg- Her 1brothor tocS bat borne; sid I1vas oiels sud 1 requestat 10ce!! the naît day to eser es-tsmte i pnofcaisiely. -- that baï Sba vas the deugbitrof la gentlaman qnslity, ci living about thrae miles off ; sud mysne- qusintauce vit tise fûmily seen bece.me Tbmu inlimete. - !eiovieds six meubLa pause1, faibthde- It might 'bave beau msome especial> mo cacus ptetty toilat, e bluab, e smille, or- a vend, rnigbty C that revealed te me finit mylIove ton Cane nisvol il uine Fonton ; Lut vLan Iknev fItI kuev Loy su>' il vas s stadfast fate. Sha Lad a power eau cane I fiber-kaav auj otiser vomeau te av- ispisy. a roserve ef berseif ibat "as fuez pressibly lenovleti; beguiliug, Lacanse eue noyrnrescbed îLe, jaum for, eue!. Te viabar, te moeho oughtly - asilt - te hsve ibe reai love, se va-e l is e vo-Id1 hnuiret vbicb I knev bar boa-t bore., taeathiearqies at daep-rooted uant bso-Ling passlin e1 My<tns u vim-uaes.> d openathetisiéeting i"d nasiet î* leoketi ronun ite asenbly, uarrqamsgoiUgýto_"pak te >f foîkz a dsy, sainn,Ù ýd ains. îners,t samgf g i gfe your uts- andîI voulti have-- uguve he Lsd premoced leo#ieMu.aO long agbt lest, 4e pased,5md si! sinnans, I Lave doue îvitb yon 1May take yoar balts 104gai ont oeiuig boue as aoon las yen But ail tannieA andi ieard bis iuns on Weoman. - ,ceut maaliig la Boston,a i i vere praseut, a man, inrspoti. toast on 1 CWonusn, 0 àdvalt aI. 1>' -on thse frailtY of -'the maxg tbat tha hast snoing tbarn von. or thosu tbë vorst, bbc chiot dit. eing lu tise sunsnucdiaga. conclusion etftthe spéatb a gané uSent rose tà bi& feet, su d it: bhe-entlemani la îLe application tank,. ireftta bLis oviamtoiba u1ý sud sot teonrsai The efl'ecl '51 just anti timely rebukie wsss miug, the msiignat et voman nae ti -coûfasien sud shame. ent serves su excellent parpose .ung a &w. vonda vbich voe have l-ime La iloou ntmindt ». e ai-ils prevailiug aswoug Young snov of none -more hligbting lu a ffectass tbon-te Iaudenuclte ibtiugiy oethe vis-ina'of vemus -ns suyîbing iu wbfcb Young meca orughL>'mistaken n e he oes- cy era oethe iuteg-ity of vomon tbeir ovu mothera sud isieroi di Lut of ethars, *vis.-e, ifor- sousebotiy- lse's.moibersand Asa ru!., ne persan Wbo sut- a tbis debasing habit is mafta e it any entes-prise requiniug in- febaracte-, Plain vends abouiti a ou tbis peint, for tb. oui la s ta, sud deep reete!. . If yonug omstirnea Ibrovu into tse Societ7y iless, tey baye, ne more rigbitsi - otbcr vomen by vhat îb.y sce et au tbey voulti have aesetimsbe touter ot Louasi su,,ad .respectable )Y the developuients- et crime in ce courts., Lot Young menu s- bhat'tbein ébhiet Lappineas lu lite peu tite u tter fa ,ifh ilu'vomon. Iy -wisdoln, Tiltsmisanthropic phi- ne, generalization,' eanuvoer o- is fondamiental 'ts-utb. Ih îiandt- ,record at Goti Linsacît - for i t in las than thia -auti siencl! put un rg seul apon upc. that anc veut aligbtingly et voman.. mua tLe BnecSsenies et lite sud thecoenaca Give hini tho icetsand ho oravea othes suisîies. m tb. inînrias sud Le ighas-for noies. let Lim have lb. oiegsu. he sigsa toi tse-foulies. Givo ulmu sîtogelber, aud- Le eomplsina basa obeate! iu bel s ie sud )f tLe articles. fa seaîicg siOô îslig 'la go, sorethluggose sel.ox psudiugf ring enov Dwtilongbl, aornwoti< utei to- W tais lsmind - t,* Ai.. Cudator in the discovel oeta e e W Lis works, that it s"erns siange oeou ie yrsu lovas kueotiga to.pursas it mes-o!>'as aeasaoe r. lsppr us the man vho pus-suas 5e ni a pure' besîl andi simple discovanring at evary step uav rdivine lae, sud for!, increasei sppiyiug ai! *La informationa Le ea tLe good oet-Lia <elIov ores- teta teeperfection tof him ova s et$500000 actintally ex-, cleanitig the-Strelet o 'nien- snpositioe bas beau succe'ostnîly t là made in proportlen:oef fs-cm ene td-;sfou&ofbe usizad, M --s -*-<. TIIEu mue Po-' aaua -96 Wî RIDANK9, Jr,, PORTED 'ER NGCIS. te lafitte i epb NGINGS, self, vboi b Las1 'rléee. .6.islgl Glozzmu, azeetitetli lii a voi mausuiir,t asluiSi. V. WhL$SON. indus Street, Witl 14-tf UiU AN us-a Wonder 'I Lelng 1 1

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