Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1868, p. 2

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pair- e <batý dl>' te A TEDM. IACTivE LAD. o! (ai d sn.. aiau £ppreuîîee k lise Prilatlg quir Atthe <leeuo! this papsn. GOXPOSITOR WANtTDe Enqisemi is.PE. a!<bi paer Wkiuti by, 1îrý1y oeue 61 amsatisgo Pis emomlagioelages, hoe atfilirvorded petlewhialy bave baiu so ezteuslv.ly preseued for sIu4ure brougbouî the Proilu« rbave heu peoeg kf uis hBfouse in a stres,. Sf Wdotsfht.dsg <thepreassru #oght Io 6v brovsgbs Sfvt 0<l ie laiare,9 file sollkeIy tiaî the griots MiII h remeved. 19 M#41toute th 1e anoimr in vbieh blimatme vere obalued <o thseu doca. -um<so. Irp îboes vbo vere kmovm <o h favorablýte o emval o! he trente fi aIré# rffeated ibat thie proyer ofthtie gsttom wue (o is effuot, but thse opon. auteo aey griots <o thèeneCollagee ver. 51117ii omt bt ait <thvs aaked for vus a graitlu id o! aprlor edmsion. W.aIl km., how .der 1< la <o obtalu big. * hU<orta obe douesente, but mach ln. digeation li expa'esied agalmat <bornevbo bar#. deelved ami loto tasexpression o( eti opinioeoutrary te tisir ruai senti-. TAie sM00of thse greal juaJbritry o s.w people of Ontaro supports tise Premier la bis deter.luaulom to ellmlnste #bain graste <rom &mong tise Items o! suppi>'; and fisougis uoîbea isardbaotle mai>'taise plaa# e odoubt mot ,bat tisa vîcton>' vîlI romin vîtibese vbo oppose ail denoui. natoeal graats (rom prniple--sise friends ef!flSrai Ide ud rofoa-ais cbaneha i<hé Luw Courts. Wbet sr& .CoL i; a rs sud t1(haOffler of tise 34b6Battallea about?7 W vonld 6e sonry oem so fine a llattlioi sea. tise B4tb Otaro reaseved from tiesete:of Volnanteetregmente. Ssetisgongbî <oh bue aistonce. NorsL atSrsoolÂvî.-Osu tova»sa Xer. Clament Dayes, visile uap vet .latel>', visiteal Waipols lamplon [aise' 5< Clair, sud psrebasd Iromstise Indisos tht. ulu.e o! sieir famoua ponte&- TUisa>'arenov bare, andi are stout, stronglitlte animal», rom 10 to là bandesissii.' We bave no dombt tise. sp.nlatlou viii prove À, profit., able ou to Mfr. Daves, as tise anmale are weli brolwn, soundnai mabrdyf , ni oies tbe asitlonsi aivntage oe! hlng es.il>' kepitastise>' seino tbriv. on <ha seati. est food. Tise>'are sunoisses <obé solsi b>' publie suetios la oiser eoluams». M aLMrczox.v Bvîicza,.-grs. GilEtS, vifle o! lir. Chsarles Gnillitis, o! hi.ovi, committeai suicide b>' esttlmg ber tbroat, on Frida>' mornag lest. The rab net vus perpehrataal lau a cksroca of t he boaue vtiskt rabor, ber busbsud bolsg st tti<me emptoyesi la tise frost &hop. -Bise vas 66 jears of âge, andi a sadve o<Devoa,. Rfngiand. An Inquest vas belai b> Dr, Qsrson, coroneraid a verdict rotairneai #h bth. dectea cosslttea tise rushs au visile lsboring under temporary lmranit>'. Tbe poor voman sad boum, rom ntsme an. knovn eau., laborlng caider great depres- sion of spirit& or &Ose fisse put; batthaie vét round doing bover as lsmal, anMd no ou supectesi sb@ vonis bave commit- ted tius boceilg crime. It bas oiscfid thse vboie neigbbourbood. Tas gBîvuanêr Ruîsvi s« e he @o! a ev Qaee pcper-.rtb*second unaier (vu ddsot receive tise Brut,> of vieis isu roucai! a s. [<le corainir msuregarde typograpis>, size, stjle, asd matete m oit readabla aesvsansi asti>'paper Queece iss jet prodmecl ithin our long recolleo. tion. Mfr. Joisn Douagisue ia tise pubislber suda editor. -es e-- Ta Fgpistivà in colobratlon o! t. Andrews Day Ibis yesr, asidvisicis of coma-s taises place on Monays> eusa, tise 055.5. It....l ..si C....«Ilma --an ..... - 5lm Thé Premier o! (tloée s ntrodioed outil lja..1 waa., avam ai we Caosar, -DO a ll ioh viii affect consisierabla me fn nlua> neOt msu In h& a(m . .m----- ha 1 preparations are bhimg made, anal aotiig SIoaiîrtd. ileoorder's Courts lu Citiesa-re <o h babolsised, ad nS Couftes t<ber*r t: h but tvo sitflugs of tise Connî>' Coma-I isnd Quarter Sassions la, oseis yoar hustesi of tours aet proeeul.Tisis yull lestoa oslahorabil'tise expensses o euhb coant> for tise cnomonlmg andalsmelt of Jurons. Coeunt,'officloh, ovever, ylloue some portion o! their (es. Proision le alan bas benuloft unudou b,' tise gontieuso havlmg tise arrangemen'ts ln cisargo <o moite the eelebratios o! St. Andrews' day <bi pear a ussrkaa suscette. The "gaibe r. tmg,lu na vors i ezepeed eai bu hamgran d s.Protessor Ihilier'a Concert aver- tisd e< coma off on tise 26<5 lust., lias heu pos<possed. Baril notico yul hb made for trial ot Conni>' Court L'anses ut givon wbon it le <o taise place. Anai, ve *111 ot sufer rom dotlaIncomsquence mal da>' bmfdd baud <bt, arrangeaent# are la niogrous lot as enertainaicnt des- et tise propose aisaige. tlndea thse sev to autpaosi îiing o ottiSnd Ibat bill Oetain moaasseau bh triesi b btis jta ît < ison lacnluWiitbyp Jusige vîtisout thils te<rvectou o! a-jury, absiuitise parties so desîn. 1<, WhoelnluToronto.. Tbo noteS criminel Wiseiauvas toai (rom te Ottava jolil -o Toronto, viser. tiveda ly on Satairda>' lut, in ebange e!leSPovudted a pom .of onostabies, aud v$u ee s wasdistoly couveyed <o tise TuIato j"l, vbore Se mli rembla. On »onY>'be vas breuglbt oastisa Court of OmeesoEss adiuer a vrlt of Habeai OO,2MV. Tie -ndlmg Juegeesmvre Ciiefltuo iceMpbfsJadpge otnison, sUd Jad5 AMao Wllsou. Mis Coustil fisnJ. a. Csaseron, .ppeared-for il, and galler th voiteo! error balmg beeaf »uS104 &WMs au'muet ofeore < o lise 164gm«em neeeiafe gimt-Wiselans t tis court4 A",ilaluGiise -Tlueerrors adgasi amebat Oble!ieus isSerais W bomt beid 16e Asises oeudt gauj cou'e blam~. -T" a* jury proem slosvaid d~lB is esei.Tïat WtmBesleg oS à jurfor d eu".md<ats hi lune va.4f0( silovoS, adétIse -gtesad th 11V Pbesa 104Bot ezisamsed bit BOasWb# qeba ti tM, bnlstopbo à" Pfuàre<e iei nG To ueumen bai la Aimt or ras Haênit r VlxTac Anou- ulIAILz ABUorv ui. - W. note, 'vitis gratutladoulsat the vorse tissu scounsirel isaianai ohfIse nfortenate o vosan gme, iasbosn arreslod amni committed for triai. if lâj gots Iis desosertie peuttar>' <or for l!. voulti le too goosi for hi., W# are géîtifid te, h abe <o informi "Pi roadensthisa thé R ey. W.M. pan- sion, M. A., vili -lectasre lu Wisitby, on TUO&sa>, Doc. 15th, For tanIser informa- ti4 en s Aivertisement eat iseïS. ,O166e le somanneilt o dliter-vsst m- mol fait oproo-a moal iteéestingle.. tare, lan-Ibe Cogegtloasi ChaeSon Weafda>'.@#log et, on tisa "Habita. tions of Ib. jevs suSareS lam,," i*a. Noarm Wsy,.-We ore glasi te pet. osuvé <t 1f r. liclillan la igsin à auesdl dato for , inclttars lu t rsNrdsWord. Et bas bien s fultisfuti<eoulstoand ,Iteliigent reproestatitE. Tue Osiàm bSosla.glm hangeai basiMsd lesoinlu Ibepossesion o!f1Mr. Alezander, late o! Broolin.i. 1r. AIea. "140au.m1 veit kPova lu cou ttioo mtS. hoel uplug, sud aï,s ,famoe cleterfor lageai., td a », do"bi lam tent<nuusço recelve t<h patreisgeof- tise oui 'fd" isuIsgondul W aseàured t, film 0$ tise Globe botltansuaieh3e,. uuSersWm..i sa Utiehg o!Iurisbmu, d*Jges froM thl 1reiheofô<'Qso<oe bad in iale, 'o h quasbed. in tbe coorta. TU B m UCKv BY-LIW. Thse Brook Oouill prolitdb Rr. Ela<e's opinion, aud bave pvovlded tise correct suas forth.fr *5,000 by-.iaw, viz, six per cent, annuel intereat sud flev per cent. annuel slnklg fund, s -folove. 6-por cent. lnt.realon $58.000.... .$8,480 Ipet cent slnking fond $58,000., 2,900- Total...............5$,880 <ob. raadàanuail>'. Bul lb.Brook b>'. lavin defective lu anotier patlsiar. Bob. sec. 8 of sec. 19ô unIcipal Act Baya tIsa tise "notice appended <ocas c cp>' of a b ola<ocrcatesa obIpublii<s or poat- eti aith ie bour,da anA pac or plaes faxe ifrtaklng tisevoles of lhe elector1. ut -E. 1.. lrso'n, Inluai notes lu tise MunIcipal Matnal, goayIl'thes publication o! tisetisenoticeleqmite@au noesar>'atisaI o!tiiby.lavitael!.' TI lis, notice o! the Brock by-la tise 'place or places' xeifor taklng tbevoteu s cmen tIi>' yonsttesi. fence tisat by.latw la bad, ani tise Council i viihale <o mais.a rosis start, or tbate sAefectlve by.lav, omiyt><o tic quashod by the Courts. «0 ETOI&OXITO IT.LAW. In tis. NIiiseing by.law of $150.000 of tise Cty ofTeoronto,-thse slnking famui le properi>' cuated aI Ove pur c-ut.,nmaks. Ing aifol1lovc 6 par cent. Interoat on $150oo00. $9,000 ô percentiL lterestosu sining fond 7,500 Dut Ibis byisv ls baid in anothet parlbci. ia'. In tb. by-lav, lb. agnsssveluvie of tise Citll ut dovu at $24.678,673. Tise amoun at o ise raisoal annuali>' undor tise by-iav lu $16,500, ansitise rate in tho dol- lar lu paoduce <lis smniqlenamesi aI two- titirds of& miii in tise dollar on lise msscs. ed valai. producea $16,449, icavi'ng an an- titai deficlamin>'o!$51.Sbas ec. 40<4e. 2<0of Minipa Adosays, 'Sncb specisi rate shall be sufficlont, according <oteh amonnt o! rateabie propert>' apearug b>' tise lust reviscai aeaessmenttroil., <o dis charge tise debî and Intercat wvis ats- pectivl,' payable." On Ibis point sec cms "Per-ry». as.Tovn o! Wiitby, 13 IL C. 2 B. 554."' Therefore (rom tise Inanhl- doe>' of tise rate, tise by.law le bcd ansi iliegal on Il& face.,Tonatathet particulan ILi làalodefective. Tisa byliaty eciares tlt il uhall coonlto force anaidard cton lut Jarnur>', 1869. Bob ueo. 1 o(sec. 220 of Municipal Act sas'*Tise byIav ihasl naine a da>' lItihe tinanclai yoar in rco the sainme se4 is PAZwon tise b>lssaol taise chIcot.0 Mlont aunreti>' tho lit d-ty of Januar,. 1869 le nôt a day o! tise inanciai year of 1808, liscreWoe, alec, os thi@ poant, tise Toronto by-iav in bas! on Ira face.Tise questions reliat lutise Cil>' Counuolias <o excecaiing the rate o! tvo, cents ou thse dellar,lise repaitton cf lise Cil>'b,' ns- pending balf o! tise requirads inkiaig fanai or <is yosr, $48,000, or tise correctnoss of tise cil>' aistt, asusel forth in tiae b>'lav, are al points visici se5005 10jusîli>'tise cil>' Ailermonminlathe e ccarationa of tise Council Board, tisaItise bylawa were b.d and ihable <o bh quaased in tise courts. Witis so mati> fatal defects in tise ci>' b>'- lava, lise Townshsip Councila ina,'vel <car, tisaI; aftcr tise Tovnsip bonuseo are accureai, Ihat thistci,'by-laî viii h voe- lateal againal ansi quasisek) b>'tise jusiges. IraEDNuow av-LAU'. Tise.railva,' ly-iav for tisaI ovnship irafor $44,000, aisitise amount requiredi annusîl>' la accordsng <o stataite Ian'. 6 per cent- intercut on $44,000....$2,640 O'pet conl. ainiing fund .... .. 2,200 $4,840 Bil Instoal o! this ani, lise b>'lcaol>' provides for $3,960 annuali>', miic in l parobably made aap as folova: - ô per cent, intereai on $44,000 .... $2,040 5 pot coul, sinising h armai........1,820 $3,960 iesvlsg ami annual deficiene,' o! $8W, ainsi makiaig for tise 20 y«or, $17,M0, Conse- quonti>', cn Ibis point siono tisa B y-lav ira W, If1 one townsip Cmn reauce tise simiiing fanai rate, amidontise fit. per cent for a 20 yoirs debenmime, down <o lhrco par cent, visto prevemil tise eduction <o tivo per coul, one pet cent. or aven lise amaliist fraction o! one pet cent Thse municipal Act ean>' comtempiatoi a J<zed and urtcharteaZle rate for tieseaisk- invl fand, Itheis>'giviaiga susbstantieil vainc oManicipalliecuniliea. In tise El- don by-làw tise total arsesesi vaine ln altatesi at $298,055. To proluce the cor- rect sain, "W,40 oulai reqoire srate oser to men theb.dollar, visicli rate, tise stitute lai oapecliy protides &ainât Tisoretore. 10 avoiti a rate ovea- <vo conta oni tIse dollar on the face of lise by.lav, tise aIing fand s reduceai, conta-ar>' b statuts, rom live par cent ainualli. to, dites, pet coul,.ansi <hie rate là ovor aisi abbve tise presant County>, Tovnsblp,-and Sciscol rate for tise Tovwnislip. Cant ier. Wr a more gluaing case o! aller disigard <o tise Municipal -Lnv of lise country>'1 Aglio<, tise Bidon by-Iaç (IlSe-tise Toronto) providats bale nI ua comte in<o force on 1st Jlanuar, , 169.Asu IstheToronsto By-law, <his la ea1y itiegél, sud avenl ou <is point alune, tisa 3'y-iaw fo1isi W t'am op ID ILET Ny-LLWS. Thes 1y--s f or $40,000 are botS bad,-firâil, th isaaning fond rate bcng b.- loi tisan requiroal by Statut., anal se-1 co nail>, tise rata beimg ovev <vo cents on tise dollar. Tise Townshsip. of Maniham bas also oubiîttea by-lav for $*80,000, -ibici pa-ovidea I o »tanneîil $f*3,100 àud a per t ntatrul nslusfond - 9$400 panleseôobs ozperlmeut - dreamed-tba extend toi lation of the, cf pst Ldw, a fanai, vaupu benture iola altered andi of àn>' reiw biov tote c <o lise &(&bill l le fearedýt gîte ns <o00 tb. attetapt9 thse Houe. pe be volt gru by *3scs a iealy pfvi or el sisoulai prova dit of Ouri M lajareil both. alabilit>' ai aboula b. il doalsî. lotis Nov. li e the and.'- Ee uni ise foilovins notices of motion bave a fir os regards tise. sirikims ingvn sua for tise irltétlon of de- Mfr. Clarke-Eesomsîion, Tisat lu <b. dors, and now to ihavée <hilav op4àIou o! tbis Hone, 1< le meceiary 'sd 1changea ait the' conimuand expedisat1lu th. imieresta of Colqiate ,>' compinti1wo id 9. assai Esimption, <bat om. oospresemaive credît of munlelpalitios, and sbes.ho eveaiaAaotdfrgv l>' o! oui isîs. Wlthmai>' sceffoe <o ise andoîs o su d for $!rom igs that Our local ieoçlstfre v iii much logiaiatou, ansudaboulai operatton o! Act JO Vie., Csp. 39, lu tise tgo legalizo tise.by-lies -b yestabliismeint o! aProviucial University', troej sacescitise fear viii 'andi tho afiliation o!, Colieges <o Ili sp. unded. lai botter tisaItise ported ln conusctlon tisoeitb. 'nid ail1b. repoaleai, and sont 1fr.McKellr-Address io Bis Excel. r framcd <o thse electors for op- leo>' tise Ieut,-Ooveruort praying fer en <bat tise narrov gauge copies o! ait corresponanece <bat mal bave e a (allure, than <baltishe cre-tainpcebteàteGm nto lutcipal Debentutrcs shomilsibc oaka ndlace eve t ovtenm o i at home@ansi sbrad, and tise Qutaroni ' oGvruet !ts ua ml permanene>' ef oui lave Ion of Canada, respeotini; the order osf sbaken 7or even linged vitis officiai proceduse. NORTI! ONTARIO. Tise New York Sun sa>' tisa, as mesr 108.esu eau nov be u scîai, Gêerai Grant& -e-e - majorif>' over Goveruor Seymnour ou tise en$ Townîsip Comucîl. pooular vote là about 265.000'. Tis is Tise Pbcketingi 'coursnilmnt; membters alitpresent; minutes o! lai meeting rend anai approvei. 1fr. Park.r' mdves tisItishe by-iav to amn iby-lav No. 182 bh î.o rosai tise second lIme, snai chaItishe cou cil rewaoiv itiel!luto coanhitteeo! tisa viole tisareon. -. Tiso'cuitcil ln commitîe o! 'tise visole, Ufr, I#ixsct in tise chair; Tise cotamitte. rose anal reported tho by.lav vwils certaina asemdmats. Report recîeidand adopteai -andi, on motion o! Mr. 'arkiserthï- b>'.aw vwu rend illir 5iime and pacsed. Ur. Wluxsou preuto1cte pctiiion et tise ratepayors o! achool bectios No., Mr. Millet movenscatisI lis, iaage tex of A. B. Ferri( er bheraopd trous lthe Col- loctors roîL - . " Ou motion of 1fr. lParkser tisIresuror vas orderleai o psy T. P. White lte sau et $10, WfortD"edInbduplicate; andi aise te John obier, $150, for regislcring a siceai <roisJosephs Collinte<othis cor- poration. Mr. Miller moyes <hat tise rocvo grant hic orier ounlise resurert<o theo foleowing parties (or tise sarins set *Oppffsite choir respective nanses, vi M-oIartisi Nigits. vander, $1.50, for plank;, Pliver Johsn- s<on, $50, for iork ln front Ã"( loI 10, Gtis con. ; Jair. Wisitsor., $2,47, fr plan k fisv nir6ae for tise reai; John GordOn, $50, for grsvelling rond belvecu lots 14 ainsi 14 in jeI con.; Win. Barnes, $8 72, for vork on rond betwocn lots 32 and 38 ina ln Sis cou. -John Darnues, $11,50, for vans on r;Z1 betveen iota 2 amal 8 an Stis con.; Ruberl Word, $ 100, for voris on tcon. in front o! lot No. Il; Sasanei Seidoti, $80, for vois in front o! lots 12 andi 18 in 4tb con.; 8. Mrrov, *60, for verk ou rosai teemu lots 4 asai 5in Oîis con; John Goa, $80, or verk ou tomai botvenlots 8 assiai 9 in tir. dir, con.; R. Dais,, $11.90. for vork done Ï51in tla r aoadsi; Michael Nighsvandu.r, $17i- for vork on rosai belveaslots 34t aisi 35 la 7tuscon. ; Jas. Whsite, $41.50, for verS lun front of lot 20, 10 4<11 con. On motion of Mn. Green, *4e treamîner vwu osaiereai le psy Wuu. « s$18.50, for building enîverl in front 41f lot 20 in 5tis con. .M4, Wlxaon mores tchat tise petitioti of Samuel Soldats andi 20 otisers, prsying for ceatain allcratioasin latise isuaaries of scisoci section& Nos. f5 andi6, st asaidveï L bh grantod. Ma-. Green movcêîthst tise reve grant bis order on tise lrenanrer for $3.22, ina favor of Neison <Jiapinan. trustatofo!scisool section No. 5, b. non-remiaentsi shool tex aine-aiai section for tise proaseiml yeaa-. Mr. Groom motos <bat tiso reave grant, Iis ender on lise treasmrer for $01376. in !açionof .Toiu Sh-ier, for servico renaienes as rosd commlesiorser for tise.proxemit year Ma-. Parker moaves thst Margaret Scott bc alioveai lie cuni o! $9, ta procure tire- vood for tiso vinter. and <bat Wm. Tay'-- fon h appointcd to paovide ths arne. Mr. Wixu;on givora notice ciant ho viii, at tise next meeting of tise coajoci, molo for basve te introduco a ly-laiv <o alter cclaool section No, 5 ansi 6, oacI andi veet, by ,attacimg iota 11, 12 mnai ,13, in tise 4ti con., and tise nortish bl(ansi alantlise n(ith tial! o! the souîi halit o!lots 11, 12 andi 10, ini tho Srd con. <ao chool section No. 5, sud b,' attacîing tihe nortis hait of lots 14, 15 andi 10, in tbee Srd con., andl also lots 14, 15 ansi 10, ina tle 4tis con. to schooi section 1Po. 6, vest. Ma. Paker moyosntisatiseé recta gramîl bis onder on tise treascirer for $5, is laion o! Jag. Jolisîon, for vorlc dono onlise, 2ndl con,, in front o! lot 2«1 Council adjonnned -usstîl-.atrda>, lise, bibs de>' of Docomber iiàt. ' Fias tl,» woioor Lrsas Stotmirnsa. von.-Boutampton, Nov. 24.-Ekini' hotel silatea aboust 14 miles '1rons <bis place, tooS ire 8< <vo o'cioci <bis mr- iug ansi as aestnoyel. Tvo. smn ert e burusei <o deatis, ansitise propriestor sud tvo otis ers es bail>' injuted <ba tise>' are mol sarpeccd <o icover. lvtAL ttAccoBsarAT caLê- trouas, Nov. 24.-A seai accident bappenea biere hast nigist, st orna o! tie Star COM. pany'fs valle. A masn aussa W. [i. sv.e>' fuitliste a tank .!of it and va nrv ed.Hibaes a vife and < l>. 24.-»Lo't avesgt ws svhfksi iscvie va0009 b> oi ar> e>etusou tse Iargest majoril>' evum obtainesi over ail his, opponuate b>' an>'Presidentiltcandi- date, vitis oas exception. Tbat exception vu in1864,vissa -1r. Lincoin receivesi 411,281 usejohit>'cove General MoClollan. lBut tis * a*seau etraordiuary occasion, since, becoue o! tbe rashîliomi, eleven stateo sud n ms o 'toeat ail. - lu1832,9vison, acogrdintsoi<06traduijonai issue!, Generai Jackson carriesi tb. country overviselu. ingly agaimst Mfr. Cia>', b. reco*ved s pop. nier usajorit>' of about 100,000. lu 1940, visen Gonerat Rarrisun vas regardesi as issviug sveps tfie ld, h. oui>' go 145,000 over Mr. Van Buron. On Wceday, Notember 1, Ily s. aion of Calcuaies, 111,, paid <or<itlto Jas, Word o! Toronto, tise famons oue araies ehot. On bthIibsins,ea mev mteS va sar. rangosi betveen Ahe Kicuuaen of Calumet Ill., antd Jamses Ward, the famns one- arused sisot of Toronto, to shoot 100 pig- eons escli (or $500 àaside, Thse forteil, of $200 la nov psop. and tise matchs viii conte offli [toDztr Park, Chsicago, on the 27th imst. Tise siooting las <o bh ondac cd aordiag to the roies of tise Nev Yens Sportinfç Association, except <batt lie> shboot trous a groond trap, aunsithse charge is mot < eseceed Il oz, Capt. John Travis of Cisicago andl Ja. Word o! Toronto, Canada, baieo signedsar ticI.. o<agreememl <o shoot at 50 pi&eons euch, single riscs, (rom s plonge trop, for $1,000 a lide, et Dexter Park, Cilsicgo, on tise 26th ilut. Tise charge of shot ont b esoudaIl14 <>z-,andi euh part, to lima isi ovu birdâ. Yong mothers aisoulsi b. canotai boy tise> admimister narcotice 1tisshir ehilsiren, or allow youug girls 10 vataboi in utho procels. A <ev dasyssinco a yomng mother vent out on sous. business, ieavimig bar eblinl charge of a yonng eirI, viso ba occsoionally aveu laudanumi given <o Lise chils vison It beesais restloss Tise cisilsi became restless dnring the asober«s ab- sence, tise girl gave it 50W0 laudanum, ansi nov ii iepstise long sleep lu tise cemeer.-81. Catkarines Journal, A sailor nauses Peter bc1fahon vas lost overboard front tiseschooner Jsabella, Cspt, Owens, ou Sondal muoraing last. If seamirt <bat eva,strnok by tise boom ansi dubiesi into tiselaite <rom visichis Ilvas impossible <o rescue isim ovîng to tise isigis ses visics vas rnnning et tise dîme. Tise schooner arriveal ai Toronto front Brightion on Wednesaaiy niss; and tise decuasesi, wvs s bont 30 jean of age, residesi as Brigiston for severai yesns. Tise oldout reuident lu th. township or Souths Dumfrnies, andi one extenoiveiy Stiova, sud respecîcai, Mr. John Me- Nanghî, Sr., died et bis reaidenee, near Glenmorrlo, lust Thursday, qged 96 years. Mfr. McNangbt vas a malilge o! Kilenal. brigistahire, Scotiausiandi vas bora la 1172. Ho vwu educatesi for tise lsv, eaid stndiesi slong vith Heur>' Bromghaai, Fraucie Jeffre>', aud otisur celebrites. Bis recolieotions of Scottiais lega1 sud literar>' societ>', six jeas & go, vore vividsidnsil. torestiug. On Weduamdayevening lut, a sqnav, visile engagelde*ilimg bér vires to passon. ge!o on board of tise eveuing express,- lest hem. footing stise train vas in metion. f'ailing botwec'n the carisuad the piatftsrus bser legs la>' acros. the rails, vise. a gen. ilemin, who bappoued to lbe standling b>' attse tise, graspes tise vouan b, lise shawi, diagged iser from her perilou poi. tion, a«-i brongisl ber <o tiss plobtforai. Tise oupe vas a siaulons one.-Loo- 'don Pro'4ypo. M.A. IL stepiena, :of OwenSond, ha. on ImprovfedidiSr breocb.losding ile, viicis lenov lseimg exhibuîca lu REontreal, in viicitise motionsuere te daseil<o tbree-cockiug, loadig sansi firmg. Io «Mnidtu b. capable o! S ié-. charging fifty rounds a minuate. The Ia- spofo!muskeryare te examie IL. sueàtisi vem>' serions linariesby.a acci- Bt. JboissCismreb, 131r, vas blroker is<o, on aSu n igis t st, at tseBada' sebool collections taisen.I .u Wolf& M.P, fr ortis NorfolSp, 5a isl A b6y mamed 'Clar k itlidon Mon- Sa'js etWootoe&, by s spm o!f PAIN ILLBR $i Au externat aii&iuteinalremedy for thé ena-a CUAUP *$à1iN~ TdÈKACU, ai Braisa., Enri sudanASealis, pfainsr svelllng Old,ont of th di L"sta Tipotsc,maPain lu thse laies. lyses- dey- enoral ansudtas - ooiimor Guoraa,s minois amentétL -Regret- le <it <bat none o! tise vorkinaien'a candidates, vho fail- oS for vent of mon.>' sud organisation,. vili b. lu tise IHon.. <orepresent thua< Dev eleaient lu <he Goveroment. Tise aie. <ions in thse coumities ' bave not - ail beau finissesi, but îisey vii liee cuplted bufore tise end of-tisveekr. London, Nov. -24, eveniag-lectious vere SelS o-day' lu 19 conuties. The Conservetires carriesi tie lar,<er, aumber o! tisio elucîlous, anal have somovisat rom dmeiltise Lberal msjorty lu tise HOUe Tise totalsnovr stand as follove: Liberole eleoteai, 343; Conservatilves eleelesi, 212; LiSer a jority1, lai. London, 1ov. 24, aen.-Thse Ut.Bon. Win . .Uladetone ansi bis LiSeraI coilea,- go#e, Mr. Orenfili, bave hemn de(esteaini sotisvest tanusire. Tise vote a tood as follovs s-For 1fr.> Cross, Conservatîve, 7,730; for-1fr. C., Surner, Ccasenvatlve, 7,670; fer 1Mr. Giadetomel, Libral, 1,890, for Mr. Grenfeli, Lihea-al, 6,930. Londion, Nov. 23.-M 'r. ýGlsdstone, lna pamphlet onîlîleai "Cliapte o! aus Antobjo- grapis>," mut pubuiasb>' >tMurra,,defines anal defens sbis changes o!f pIiou ofa tise subjeet o! Cisurei stsaisimeats. AI! tise Liserai fournalo reviev <ha book;-,but apparenti>' copies vero not fnrniised <o th Ccnservative ýpu"s, as - tise>' are ail siuent about iv Tise Tane regards tise publication as s volïoUtansd isazardons confession. Spai.-nteligenze tram sSpais le <o tise eIl'ect tisat Gen. Pria la chargeai vitis dclayiug fise el.ectioon, sud reorganizimg tise anus>, vits tise siesigs -o! 'a 0coup , 4tat, ansi tiseestabliisment cf sa empire.XIt is saisi tisaI bad-bille are fred,' cf roniateai nrgîng bis'eleaieon to tise thnone, anal tisul <bey emanato romt his inmedista friands. Madid, Nov. 24.-Large public meet- ings bava ben bshla inbuBarceloma b>' botS tisa 1onarcbist anal Repobican parties. Ail the proeediogs haie bave becs peuc@. able anS order la respected, Tise Morarcis- lits are largel>' in tisaascndan4t, ioogis theie lpublioaosseons <o ha gaining ground. Thora l9ver>' indication o! s Ilvely canvasfor tise forticoming eiection. Madrid, Noir. 23ra.-Tbo asivocates o! repaibican intitutions appear to be igain- log grond bu Spain, Tise cii, o! Banco- Ions fvoars tise establisisment o! a Federal Repaiblie. NatInal, Nov. 24.-TSi Provionsi Goveraient Ima promen'atsd a deeneere.. aarangelig tise seisedule o!finspot Saies, anS usakisi resinctions on maas> articles. Tise chsange$ are <o go mb oeffeet ou tise tot dis>' a Jannary. Tise follovi.g sare aaioag tSe provi:sions of the nov decree - -,Ail vessels ore permitteal to enter tise Spauleis ports ou paylnig tonnage duos o! (roms 80 tu 130 rnsa par ton. Tise redue. tioni o!flise tatisicis vere umadeb>' tise decrce o!f Oclobor are revokies. Tise psy. sent o! th# seai.uansl intereat ou tise publie delit la proviiesi for. 1< lasofflciall annonacedti bat tise eectiouss for sielegates Le tise Constituent Ccrtes -yl taise place on tise 15ib of December, anal lie Certes viii uscet on tho IstS of Jaunar>', 1869. FENIAI DISEFLAT iIX 19LAIID.--LoIsdOal Nov. 23.-Tse <unorai of a rioler sisot a; Droghsedas, relausi, dnrlng tise election, vus tha occasion o! a Fenian duapia>' im tbat cil,, ou Soncay. Greal erovis linssi lise streeo, asd it vas cosputeal tbaItiser. vore fmiii>'8,000 men bunlise procession. The Feuian demonsîrations e ainu,, sud in Hy'de Park, is tis ecil>, viicis(or <the occasion cf ibis faneraihai heu arrangesi proveal <obc. sasitanal mnimpat affala. Tatn FsuaaêwCcsvors-Dablin, Nov. 24.-Tse corporate auîbonities oftiis tit>' bave petitioned tise goverument for tise par- don o! tiso Feuian convicts. MocuuT Vauvius. -Najties, Nov. 23.- The ernpuicms of Mount Vuouvins.lo subsial- log. Tisene are no longer, su>' fesse for tha safet> o! tise adjacent viltsgeç. There vas a lins in tho Grand TruoS cars on Tisunsda>', belveen Shakespeare sud Biratfensi. à. --oa -arlàos_<Se-oro.t.etral B3ANK, Tuesdyl teck oi mn, issu me yul ie. ou 'ris Tranc!er B..oks vliS heloseai roui the 15tii to the VOth o! November, botS dayâ in- cluive4. B,' ordor of tise Board. V. mousIE, Oabie. Jiovmasnvlle,-Ut1h Oct .. Taxes,, Tai Kea! luwnsugoo 01 1.5 ue, n, î u a i su.t..uc lust, Mfr. James Hmrrisoîp, a uative, of U&~ barue, fi the Oouilof Amîriot, friand,' aged 74. Mr, IHarrison Wad Wu'* résa dout- o! Brook for nearly 40 yeasw, dnring vsic i lae' bis laîsgriay end uprigistuosa ot' ebarcewr bldwon for im the cie andi respect of aithis Irimodsi;, bo beld fur several 7marstihe offices o! eolIetor sud trosuver of Broch. Wbttby Markets. Whitby, Nov. 256, 1868, Poit Wbeat,........ $1,20 to $1,2. Sping do......1900 Io, 1,05, I3arley,;.. ,.-. *1,15- 0$1.30# pe.... .......70clàsto 7TScw.. ile.... .......9cma Oste.........47ets <o fNoté. Tmér es.....0cm 1ts o ets, .~Bots <o 400»,, Dcs..........40ets to 50e pi. Chcsii........ -20e <o ZOo pr.., Cordvood........* 3 10$4 pi ord. NEW ÂDVETISEXENTS. HOTEL AttRIVAL8.' la W reig,lickerisnuà 1 B. Carnter; Flais d Tbotc'. Minrai;0. MeAlil,- Toronto; G. Ocott, Penaylvii, J. Jilohisrdi Easlud; '. ).aaspbml, Mar ra;1Casruiebaut Scott; JB.(;. Greeus, Montret; J. G. Boarmd. Toroistoi J. G, Wamalhuras, Scgog. Tsuiuoàr, 11 bh.-J, Lspilore Toronto; .. Alibrglit do Wtt., iciierîu;io Miller, do.; Uiai g Biogor; W. cnifMural mi ükùýUIl Port Ferry, YnruAr1 01h-NBroyn Cannlngton; J. %W011, ,Ciaromonit, J <Jouldjfjf [Tzdge ; . Il. Gordon, Bllluvfle; W. Tett, Uaaa; W. oll« ,Beach;, 1trui Bulle>', do.,. 0. Ual- iralth Bami, ; G. il. {loL.don, -U, Vosburg, 0.3 Ltii, h&Ldy, IL Aoigit. . Johsnson, C.<urthil Y. Wularog,, B!.Iooker. G. Data- f'urlb, X. .. Buctor, G. Wssklasgt'on, IL OrsI', 8. Wood, 4. V44a, Monter c.hasr la. J. 5Mater, a, Little, J. J. Shovies, Goorgias laveTroupe. sAMB0D,91.1.-IL Baim 'hwalt, . eh; L. (ludîre>, Torono ; 0. A. Wlnn, Toronto. Leuki. IJarlimson ; T. Brand. Uxbcl<lgua:-. Cxaluslnol Montrent ; J. A. Greig, Toronto; liro. I'iikeJ, Pickerinig J. V. $peur.-. do, ;ý A. ?4eoibrgen, Hlamilton' A. W. Comuplamî, Broolsln; 11ev. .Jass. lerid, 1usd..;9W. 8 t»e. Torontlo; J. M. Draigusam , do.; J. ZCetevmma, do; A. Starraatt, i'emi. Tauvià. 24th.-Mr. Livlagston, laaailu: D. Giletclâ#l'~ iecrssg;, J. Lave4on, do.; 'nom4. 17mb, P;.Ii.Thornton, 1IL Fiais, . c. r.î, ('.-linasîn, J. rista. A.- Nia, 9. Mollville, T. ilarrioon. W. Bisoglîam, X. P. Ta3-Icr, 0. 1B. Winshlp. P. teudricits, Y. G. Butter, Fis h Tlsornton%'eMisitrels 10. McAvoy. Picering C,. MoAvo>', jr., do.;1 B.MOAvo, i.;- V Miller & wile, Jo; Jsa. Pjerde,oo,- lIe-M; Qoddo; J1. Sharp, (iiulnno; Wl.etit, hIr;W. C. Wetmnore, Liaadsay - N Gale. ,earbro' ,J. B. Camipbell, Heil ;M. IH. ROYALHIOTELe Win»Pgsîl, Nov. -. G. llsvthorn, Oshwa ; J. . 1'.Dci. Moutresl; J. A. plaink. Miisemetr;if Mi o mmdvisBurelia G. 'r. Billimgwnt Dism.dass; IL. Mackiin, Ilasuastomi A. Ji. Martin, Oshawa. Tuuaoîr, 1bih-J. 1Shcrilla, l'amboro'; Wsa. scot1, Prlue Albiert; J. Primigle, Ui.bsws 1fr.. sudMIges Maalhevs, Brougliosa; Q. IL. leullaor 4Cutla.,.;-Jas. Ilaivkimsg, Fort Ferry; J. T. I4uler, Teroulo; A. oindes>',$üuntluimup, ton. Fumn41, 2lfh-,I. Wellas, Myrtl, A. 5<T. Wolin, do.; J. Atkîîsasou, Aalaburtosa; 1M. IL. H{owaird, Toromto~ J. G. Mon* Momtrel ; B. Way, l'iý,cu- J., dapb.l. Brooklin:-. J. Bud. *W1, ao.; à. Whitneoy, Toronto; W».. Boltoni, do.; J. Watsosn, York; W. Mulocý, iorofito. 8SLmoir&, 21t-E. Miller, Bowmnvile, W. D. Michaiel, Oshawa;, L. Fos rdo.; J. JMtie, Toronsto A. Y. Martin, OcLav; E.B iAudorsaoai, lioasL,; IH.Canlso-Ohv ;A. Bourd, Jr., <'rIne Aber; J. A. Domalisldou Toronto; C. irfio, lloutreal; B8. Brysa, blagncheater-; A, Wsjsrd, Toronto; Jas. 11111,o oubsa' ,C ituma.tOttawva; Il,. Beyuolda,, Mioaa.r, 23r-J. Bain, Toronto; Dr. Pat- tenson, Iuwsnvillo ; B. Way FieWin; J. Ty- ler. BrooklîlluJ- GuolBrughbain; W. il. Sxo,'rtFerry; .Bigelov do, - Il olaîu do 5,.. ellett, do., IL D. Ifiabel,, do; J- a nLs owiasasset; 9. ttegke.., do.;1 C. 1'. ; elr .r.iuaton'; J. H. Gordon,- Giarinmos; T. 9. tku do.; A. Conlsaon Tûmsssu., Nov. 24.-W. Yale, Toronto, R. Anderson, London; J. G. Mos,, Moutreal ; G. B1. Lewis, do.; J. Sheid ,1' rboro'1 11.ý Joligistou, Hoilîmnos; T. F. LsvsonToronwo; TIIOR9OLD, ONqT. lu tIse Cout> LO E. Proprlotor. Ini the ID5tt4 i utiS orfj 0~~~ oc ~ n ou bi 1861-Pi ' 1861-T( 1867 -Pi 1868-Pi 1868-PE On lstb of Sc streugili, wilbI ansi, vtS bis ri lake tise pis c Thse aeof tl Imeuse pressa of -te strings -The grett strei wble tise solih whietiser tise flo logs are liable t Wbkbhy, i TotMe Rai ofW GENTiEM of mas>' cf a as induced ta didaie for ï] thse 6nsuiig FES ST. Ai] O! wiitby, Pici jautu. vil bbuJh Xoniday, Tise eeimg'% pot of hort s serve At .6 o'lôor Vise L'residai 8ýirt 0 ocu tise Cousuittec Tiekela "soulo ETr. Wm. Culles, 1Coîxrxn , IUngl Friser. Ji Pttea-siaib, Jus P#Issgle, J& as ia DW5v.Geo. Gond' quhinin, Win.; mSnJas. CsuspI Mille,) Robert C I. Guidon, Ueo. Borueil Johnu N Lsmng,Jas. Culi -cemerot4 John 1 t<orsuk, eo. Da*Visi tirrcll, pyàngai.Oshawa GOD SA! B. J. GJJNI Nov. Itth, 1868. TENDE Et RaiIv fect Iom ,tsbc tteci. - - -Tise Tenders t tiseandersisisal be!ore sooa of wbllsy Nov, mi IN IB.-No Ta IBLACEK £ve acresof ¶sn ftien thes vItia rlUB Mds reoeu mutlkein 1 1 es due the üortiaUokthUe TOWN 0F WIILTBY Larqsie tbvith ; otb.rvle rmsdig viii be uii#Ctnled.UBE HA AM nort l of 0( Mlesur r. I ieMttalian h C«,viser. poyausst eau las moadefrouaS, s. ma u b o'eoo" p.ns, dal!y. - Wlalby,2!y. 2., 168.47 LANDFO SAE T goTJZDEBSIGÃŽW ord're for silo Itme Tovaasbip Ut Beac-', he b.lsu& la <vo mîlIC4 North- et Mancherter on 'the Centre rossi. Thoera la somae vals ineulber lotr eilway for partieularn îApI7 10 W. IL. DILLINVGi, sOLIOiIUME, h., itby. WIitl y, ov;251, 1M6. . MONEY TO LOAN. JE ZPIYABLE IN ONE SUN OR - B yesmyrly lnstloeuli. ltin or Tovn pro-. porqj, nt loy rates of intorest. Wltby, Nov. t5, 186s. 47 2'O 712E LECI ORS 1IOWNI0F WHIThY. 0 ENTLEMEN Havlng been varmly iolicfte,1 birmamiy of' younlvea 10 laccomaa candidats <or Ibm MAYOIAI, stfthe ou- sulasg suunlmlp.4 ai iin, 1 bave, Dot vîthont due couiide,.oi o!ofh. v elghty rearpouibii.. tie of!te bm a, dccided to USde ta your requoat. Perispu <bora gayer' via a Moto Implortant poriod lu tise hlatory of Witbythau <de pre- sent. The building ot the Bsllay <o Port rFy iii gir a fresisImpsiasesud snesgy t» te o ibuâiueaa of tis, lova but, l insWW or Ibm large boiasgrsnýt 10 d laf ~Comn- pany, Ï& vilI h. neeisry'ta tuse thea. tmsat cMr au ivigilano, <o »0uo s thse provisiona or the l$uae yBy-law are fully cousplied wiUs, before tse Tovu Debouturesare is adedovipr y, Lis. Coupsay. And Ik vill b. imWîbas ever nooessary te ooudu.st thse bu -inus othe Tov~vis tse resuu ,posibb àecoooy. Shonltl yoa ionourmue .wt our conouee. I sah caiidoavourlu diica the odmti(s of thse OfiE.., inthe» endujail thors IssGoudemuen, r tour obedlent smrvat, ;JAMES a. «RaucI. roTicz i

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