Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1868, p. 1

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AND 1ATTOUIINEYO-ÀAT- A #"ýh opoton t ieCousty ontarlo, j4'<elc's, ko.,6.0., Wlitby, C. W, -M. 0. cà uo, ,q. . IL. J. .MoACoxrULU. t'mkonc.!t9lolaîi epon goot sdounrît>'.Ap-, y f 8 olueo Oe rnu, (Cort flouse,- Attorneys, soliltîori &0- B fAE-oucen asreii B1udngs 1>Ll'tb4ittfooltoO.W. S.ILCiOCUltAYW£, 1. L. B. oUwr b"IgIowm ATTOILNEY 11ON-1 tielLoî ltî.flhîîucoîyNoaîyI'bc,& - O;ll.e-a.î,îIiglow'. NowBilnlllg, Dondon, B>our, Boputy Rlogiotrar, bMaster Ixtruiordi itiy,aujto< exaaluîlin Ciîaey o iceoun. y ' fuitalo. U OffIc o-., Wbltby. RIOBERT J. WILSON. 4 ooiuS. c. aILVy&àWiM, 0 g>AIRITII-A't-LA W A NI> SOLWCITOU Toronto. iui .JAMEESI KE£11111 ON B Altilr'RISTt &ATIlINIiXAT-LiW Eullucîlor Lui chanuery, uîeneN- ttr>' Publie, d&o. lauou-I!ext door te the Star- of R.& J. Caeugpbe'il, Brook St., Wliitty, Ont. WiibNovl16e?. . 4u1 1OJITOI? NOTAtY PU.BLI, .h. ~ s iua~W. SoLtcITURn, &C., ac. 114klcJE ut vuxOLO 1LQLuTnOîeiyrrucu, Bror.k Street, ,Whltby, Jan. 28, 1862_ CHJARLES C.* KELLER, ÂTTOBU)7AT£ L&W, iILICI'IOR¶N Jii.iiuery,i)tioîrynucer, l.,nuig on, Brook, C. W. J.14AIER GIIE1NWOOI>, A (Ilimcer, Noitr Pulic, 0ouiroyantcor, u., Wltltfly(?.%W. Itouum,,lit Victoîits u lk, aixil tegxryIite oiBrook Itrost. 48 * A TTORNLPY.,AT-LAW, SOLICITOII11N .t1. Chalnoor>', ac.ui., t&a, Diilas$tract. W Tiîre oo aoWest uof io I'uogt 011100,.10 ÇtCUURANE & COCHREANE@ BALtt[TYfltS. A'L' ftINEYS, Ci )NVLey- angàora anduclNotarleslPub)lé, t&c., t&0, I'uincus uuvO vu-OpoieTowu PonvztarOva'-Bg wsBlock, 6SF. 01.Couuîau, Lb. B., 1 W.* M. Cociaràix. (i-easty Cruwn Altorutqy>. Port Ferry, 2tlî Uoebr, 1865. 61 ILYJIAN ENGLISii L IL iI.. 'Iltaoeuit,-oppoglto <b.ouosOficeo, ('sliawe.1 -s, 40 DAS. CAJISON & LAW, Consultation cif tiutuorlilp troce af clarge. Wlilîb>', Juil>' 20, 1008S. 29 OR. HANCOCK, (f Ioit IZI<LAi<uî d& olrouoT.) - SUEGEON, ACCOUCIIEun, &c., -ltlpasaîum & î"ccuu e.Mr. llntge', B.yraus itaet. c1 R.à. GUVN, lu. D* 4 JRGEON 1O 11111 COUNTY GAUL9 BRlOUGHIAM. 07go110îun-5te 10 a. u., antiô o ta oqk, p. in. 18 NOTAUT PUBLIC. 'Wlitby, Apili ltlu, 1868. TUiODIAS- IIUSTON, OWN CLLRK té TILEASàUIUlilWIIITBY T office-Town liait -llonrut9to i o'clouk. VICTORIA JMOTEL@ W Winî. loyistouu's.> 2 T 1I9 subseuiber begu ta anaonnee ta his ..frisuitissud tue public, thug ho bac te-t smcd pomusssion of lte aboya veil snd ta- vorsâl>' lenv lotl, vlicle aDov fitted up le à iaperior maquuer, vlth evor>'couareul-. eues for the îeceptioa of gaeîta tsnd the Ira- velin g publie..a go o Itintaeoommotitlou, anti suarior wrë,liqiiors anti elgarsa. Goot stabllngt, witli enelosied, yasii and ttetouive Otleroq si- vstyîou Iliepromises. Charges floderat., B. M. CALDWEILL. Witbv, Jîn. 14, 1888. i21y> ý,,VARS8à, DEVLIN. It. D Acl'FJALDontlat, Oshawa dPDïbuttliooma, dIieotl>'oppo. $Ipotes~iptthrd4tooriorth of te Ontario ,EPBE8S AGENT, hoC, cao Agent Albio1n botol, ZB.d market iSquar, -TR TEE BO 151t- ROUS£# rrale iEnbtoribr ticgr to v:îî aliee tht lie JL bfil4(lfg ot'Oî111 y kuown ad,~itroRootelwidc4*!,u, beeu rëiovat.,, <ho~111 betdeyo Jhlprellsi rp7a Pn'tty stedo*iq>uàte ilit Pooî 011k,, aîîd iti thé, The hi[a îil'u al.e toUtel,eiid tho r4tàger fur Uxbr1dudge ilBeavert4i,î baye tic edoor #ver,> tnaoulng. Ilourd $1 jerday. ogCre ru 1(Jo0AIer à a iwnyà ln attendancue WhltbMav 8b8.20. T 13MDE1 MJ~I>HAT, arp.nteri and <4yot.411 kinds ofl 8anîbeC conatalntly on lion d, UN DERTA ]KING*, F UNEAL A ullà u>pied and atituded banc). &Booklin,,Drug Store. 11A l'itiain 0la,1)rîî..,P.oa.teIctItcu ery, &,c. V"lWIc" anti,,,0' o~fthe beqtquality llroaoklit, (I. W., 186f, 28 8L prepared 'o g)veo Mn,),,and =Ingnes -Ap;ioètin t bcinnade et tOie0ffice of Jolhn L. %%t1nn, 8tirg:oti Deîii4, oçor James lyrnu'. MadieulJlili, flrqck St. Wliaby. CROCKER'S IIOIEL, NELSOîN -T. TORONTO, ()FLi 2KING n'A. T7 yProljnivora tcspectl'lh11,aflnoLnces ta haoine, lt~ lîy ltî c au Wkc~I,1lsnbovr, î'ronilsui wiliharc itri 6,%ery I c-pcet Ccîieîîtlv and ccutforktilul I ttlut plo,~it lue c oî'îoui boteei d i ouialuer-jl andulla.Tuy c) wli i buta iuothîuu'e uuîîuciooni tiieupart,to grive sati.Luueîicil tu alf wlîo inn>' fuir ithel cwitiî a call. - ___8 YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMIISSION MERGH.4NI INsU)LANCtE, u& GENEIAL AUENT. Wiiîy, Jli., lotlu18866. 2 REVELE HUE B. PLANK, -- -- Propraçtor. Stages to surd train Whitb cull duli>. Erer>' Mltention u iitita guitm. (Cireful a,:.L atictn- tire oster. 9 1868. 1868. TRE LIVLRPOOL AND LONDON INSIINCE CM'Y Ilis beesî Iniexistence thIrtywoyoiurés, andi during thuat perioti lnepifte )i=L c. axcuetig five teud a huit million ponndasteLrlinag. 'ilué chisbor acunent et thime cuiormeufs arnu 01er fi wiglo Sicâ, lin., viLluoiut dotihi, 2outri- Ituisei u Io .c.îfflc uueuut i'tlu Istituttion, ils elle Oticeîcoiluu Co.uruoi veN, itai- ciÂi<W, loc'.un;es ud btimuinoss nuon gt- arolly, wierr t la ereînued. lu Il& grée 'ttyesi, 1836, tleie toPrcinmsis nona nunoulntot to ......... ....... eh,970 In lits10t j yen, 1846,........... -4 0 6120LII year, 1856 .............. £!221275q 0 66O8ilu yenr, *î8fi9l...... .. ;7tt,12 Une ycnr lder, 1807 .......1:::::: b Tho Pire Re" irvo lunch in nov $4,727,4014 The Liblln-ci vo Fand olanov $0,2â2,468 Vie Coinkuuuîuy lmroî.ret.euuîcd tlurouigLuut Ou- turlo Und iciQe ec, by iîîfinciutiuîl Agnnta, ta wiuoiî applitcatiou for lumurnuce mny bo made. G. Y. C. SMITII, AOiu', 111W LD Iùoaiv 01710E. Fobruary 17l)>, 1608, TII E ONTAIO, FAIMERIIS MUTUAL« INSURANCE COMP'Y. rriîs Company lai îow tîuly organlzed andi JL in puopuiredto 1naet iui, l-kouiP Blildings», iuuuul thuir conitenta, Counutry Sc)iooi llotiiîu,anud ('iuuucLteo,. T'Iluo wiwllulrg ta lis- ocaru, sud t ilucby mueîuport a iHontoeiuurauco Ccuutipuiuy, lucrve now ail ojuportiuuniiy of doluugt 8o, b>' epplyiuug ctiuier nttii lite ofiece, or ta au»' o) tisoluucisi agent». Onr rte. viii bc teanti sun low ao tîjos..ofai a>'re.poSINLleMutuelllu- turuéConipany in (Ianuuda, L. FAIRBANKS, Jut., IIEAD OFFI('E-TlIe Ol I legitry Office Building. Brocku Street, Whittuy. HOTEL & PREMISES FOR SALE. T BAT aid establlied andi voll knawu Ho- tel, the CENTRAL bOUSE, EPEOM, Spiandit îoomy îlhiîng, and tring shed, tgcth%]er, with Quo or ivO iacres aitengd atteOb cd, est mi> lue utesret, i, alîis Zîuyou lbeur- Ing üiulivilrdltiera are two wellis witlapoi puiupî unti extelelct vna. SI TVtn wlie viii bc îolti nI a baîgnin, andi laoQue of dts beat chances ilu the Dominion fora acive biusiuesnMin. Wil))l>e ext-iuuiuued <or larm praperty, For terons, &C., eppt>' (ilby Jeuer, pre-paid) toilii rklr erMtf Octobe WILLIJAM i ian GENEBAL BLACKSMITB,, AID FuimuST-PRIZE 101-SfloER, FUI. 5'SAL5., OR TO LEASE, A VALVABLE AT BEÂVERTON. * W; UILDIrGt§are ai' nov and vell bl vIut'at Ieiutrioî ahlui o Lke, Soi t c.,novl ca tu-.mîà of nst Prt lo. ~ lmetlat peuail 1- guet. k Deaverten, 27tli Oclober, 188. tf-1tJ nV RuIfIDENCE-Yuot 9, Bih Con., mafrkhalm.-Puut OIlic'-UnIlnvIsIe. SAISt attuuudcd ou he shorteit notice, snd on reatunabletucu..Tcrmeq eau bc midce î..cI bis printed ti the CIiîoui'le oaile. for LMr. carter. 37 WELLINGTON MOTEL, MAD.KHAM%. J1. J<llJBOTTOM1, --Pcopr4cior. 19IJTJu&H AMBJRICAN ASSURANCE C%)M1PANY Capital,. $400,000. T 11 uiileminedhuvnghbcoa plýolied dteu.t. for tihe above t.nmpasly, la n.,w l.ened to limuire propeul> Ithiit L0zS IJY VFilE, oun 'ho inoêt favorable terime. Appi>' to, LEVYI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-lImas.Agent Whîtby F'AREWEL.L & MeGEE, B) AHILISTEURL, AT1NYSOLICI IL TIL1, <:VYYAI'cEis, AND> No- T/ulti lOi PUBLIC. Oaug: auo nr nortt orfthie Voqt OfIce, Osluuwatî; sd meFcecîcu'.Bloc'k,opposite Tuwn uilii, lowîzuiàvllle. J. B. FMiuw£LL. .LOE 18 JOHN I. WA'IKISt. SIJRGY.EON DENTIST, Ojrcp,u-.Over JIAS. BYILNE'8 Medictil all. Brooku Street, Whitby. IaT' AiL orl wnrnutedl. Fmleattesitded nt prIrate reuidcnceo%. TEETI! EXTRACTED of uinuy umvitatilii Euglii)t 'uenriic'. la tlit- veat theo mane l'or hlmu, iisu1t hi- nd uuIloiiiigj couliic, 0ui goad larm l'roet r CIej 1IT til i1i trprecriit Ituiecil' liii inrgest Moieiur>' Iiatittutuoi!a iiithte Doiiub-n, titat letiid niaisa>'on thse noat advautc;,eonui terul,.- W u'Aloo aharge unwnluer c e-f -htailtire:.ed Fan',, uài±d u>quinuitit> of 'Wild Landia, for suiJe ciicup. For tunthen pnrtbclars, eppi>' to JAMES 1HOLDET8, official Aubignco, Mono>' Brokor, Caunis- sionier, Nltirî lnb &o ., d'e. FlCE--k8econd EI'aor, bMcuIlan'a Bloch-, Brook fS<rectt, Wltitby. Augliat 24<Ii, 180. 84 N. B.-I am nloo preparedtoIveta lcatiul LiîindeVI'Desî<u rc&. (Jrceunahe bonghit anti .old; elso a largo qnantiiy of Silver fûtor ada. JAS. IIOLIIEN. IMPROVED BUCK a EYE GRAIN DRILL# Wvu fltîlRE TO CALL .ATTEIO I'IxO OUR BUCK EYE GRAIN DAtILL. 17E WA1IRANT IT TO 80W WJIEAT, DAULbEY, OATU, PEAS, & GRASS SERDI, Iti lnnov tluoeltig l)f'ilInu$uliuoUiiiu'dsigle*, 4,our.) îonxiauuci of tîtain iinri'ig beeuu one l eo lctib inet lu1 Olsia, for tIi) seabo,±'a <trade. Qnuttltsea ou cgied )by a M' WITUOUT PAIN, j., Icreir instc-ad of Gear-Wheels. BY 11E USE 0F y-- -1 NITROIJS OXIDE LAUGIIING GAS, OR TIHE JIf W lwo Mm. CYd&XEIC>'s DENTAL BOOMÜS, ]DUNDAS STIREET, WSIITBY,-C. W. ROOMs-Or M. Il. Cochrane, Store. Wlitey, Jano 26, 1867. 25 SII0E TOULS & FINDINGS: 'l'cou, ,u On out P.uuclutue 'uc, MeUiue Itilk, $lieu IL'rgs, Sha. Nuila, tUbo. oreLicol caId Ol'ai uu,., W WUOLEVALE AND RETA1L. RYAN h& OLIVER, 12-17 114 Yoxecet:au'av Toiaa':o. Ameeiiunln prmo'l'nsmseri. andintelsuatol otii b4nsurv, enrved uiht, struigIt liMie. i upuveJ iroais1 Leuuglu.lu auid Asserifuoi <',aont, lnicecuie ieut- lem, lalico6 e, ùu.~iat lbo lx-mi qsualiuy amduid t iweuài DffYAN & OLIVER, 12-ly lImpoiters orflsruiw.oa, Yuuugu St., Tuania. TO MACHINISTe! etuel fnie#, Oi-ci $qliuure, Ci-nisOst uuveriuer Calispers. Suilt'aijUper fiiri#, ('uper Sqsiarsa, ÂmesP Visjvoîr.,sil uqutauex, uteit ieguîerugCetLîpersanadi iM. vituex, Siaa Files und l Tio ;taiIuunit ilers, Sheet bteel, be.,LIbî baie bt>' UYAN &OLIVER, i2-ly 114 Yoîgu 15t., Toronto. TO CABINET MAKERS Hmirsenfilg; cured 'a 'Fé, 1ra0hpîn, Twist, Clair we b, Duilons trrevs, Mages,Lot, 'fAuk,,'Iit papiraine 'au télStvCO&ii Trimiugo, upiofueererLa Ieedies uad RegelsIOrs, Auiiî Carr,"alExtesiu4ii Lt p Auger talus, e- STAN & OIVE,ï 12-1> itameS. Trso RY-A N & OLIR,9 flPRTERSO ApAE 11 ONGE STUEET. ýTORONTO, Rave sivay on Iband anuuiucajuet cf SeDdee'f-a.a buet iakerro nd hlit"«Is He'ciardvare. Mecha- nW d aiter' other TaisJMg FM'gei ý Xi an a rGçla ', wluff al«eJé uer TewesleXb7à« racje; W po.' - .)li Cao ha cip rugrd luieanMomienit Jnotas much or litto if',lerence niate lu Mfe soving, usce>'a ha decireti. W WC cou slhip et once, upannrceipli of ordcr». F.W. GLEN, Exu catar,- Angust loth, 18681. Land. Land! - EEinscuh ers tcrhebufollowing hue of TIan c, wluldh b lue eillint a O> FAIR VA LUATIO0N, 4ÇO S. Yg, No. 8, in 2uid conueaslon of Beach, 70 acre. clearot. 3. Y,g No.] Pt. l l o $rdi eoncemslon of Rencu 10 etu cscleerut. No. 28. lu a iie lOttit couceion ai Deriugtouu, GO acres elearod. No. 1, lui6LI con., Mars, 5Sacre. cleared. N .rNo. 27, lui 2»d eauaaasion Whitliy, 1000 acres ln Soinerrille-5niouren in Bexle>'. 200 serezuIluiLaxtoiu-4o seres i f.ununuît. AppI>' persoially, or b>' letter, posu-pni. to R. E. PE RRY, md ay tonyerse19-6n8,hofe. vHiiASenion ofAlîswhomn>' hpluted idur* cie Mitonde nWi htle1 ie Iîrcton gciven uli lorough Bas., Bunt- floia',oa toon àTs Fe,-Thrc ofeel- eut) Composition, ami, part cuier attention vîll be givrruteothe altlveation of 1he vci)ce. 'rIM -Instruction urithLb.Piano,' $10, 1bo> otnniiu ompoitlon extra $à, ys4 Whltbytepr. tae aid eahted, nd otOutal, tptie hua I unecomnsnda*.etbe travelling pébllia. TIi.Bar ,itoeloei witu tlitebeeit lquorsa uudci lgarà, snd iii~ ~~~~~i atetv 'uir IWI*IItencaniuce. C.VICKL.ErT, DahinApril, 18436. 19.l7 Wýhy la Iltat &tha lu1 tic-ha irn for pit-tarp ro anUlffd Trunk Rail*ity Hotol. CLARK'S GALLEiRY? It Io bocatce lho lies the lacît (Jaller>' lu the Codnt>', atlndmare j'etit'n'ewitb chiljreu <baunii anotlier Art i l b. (Clouil>', snd eanu do qn4se as good wrk.un uyn' ther min la the go' Tfhu.ti'àuwlintet' le :l ter" mo dou't be baekward about eauuiîg lorward. .DROCK S.,WUITBY. WlIltby, Nov, 1L, 1W6. 451 JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. STM. O'lIIL heitig pirehaod îiso lacuhal stu tîtpreri'cs kLnuas. oiu irasid Ten l itel, IN, lith iti)sttlon, hep. hw uitforuti hsqi. ebod»aend fi oc -itvc-ing plilhIihuil ho hao# itteci up tlhe louié sud sizuble, luniirt- ilites âtylo, stnti h>' irîeulian toe lsovite or tiiese who fuvor' Ilui lîs, thoiir pauuroigo tituls lornenit a eonill:tit<s ni tîbair eatan. W-U Pie-îles taiig the trainundutileaulî'g, Ioru-es vîli have tlem wvo l inuare or til, WIJLIh,Y, Sept, 3Ise&.a1ri A 1hLLION AND & QUARTERL -ENCOURAGE The- Gi'eatest Labor-saing Machn f theIDay To the -Ladie 's cf Whitby and écounty of Ontariot The Newr Dominon steam Washing Macbine Can bo used in any-Roier 1 Only Pour IDoIIazr. T 1118 MACHIINE operates upon pnreîr ci!tifecpriluuipleslt Int,sI t'ictiig anda ILI)Llfýq 'a ot ,Id§ auidi a<eam, la>' lie ne- 1pjiltrlioltai Illîcilîtes, at.d foree' i tii'oîign t peciei>- iliion.ruibbiiig. IL ]li§abeet' ihurotigluly tcstted,:ud pronouueed nueqvalîlet lie. a clu luttew..oîerlilore vh o Paye nac ii.. AIl l'b'~,frointa10filipttlaces tu tIhe beât pa>G-, Wbu 'ot i h wu'.lto. lFor fiauiels il il)uV.btzsiie, Ia% the rabbiag, iolliug and pt»c"-ibîg pir'iss3 i-t reetesurily fali ilion> lnoie or )'e. Italu l>'a huitor acuti coltes ,e.sri.lg ikivet;iou. tuithing viiil no lougr ho a Iut-li' d oabul' lug ouy a terror cid il ini aut>'hler, laidd ile loy prila of Ille »;-; cbe, 3,1. poil vi fltufible renu 0f ccerr iuntily. 'luth. ni.!1,iie tua iibeeus lred and iluac xgllvla*ud la>'dîUrcicnt ia:uitieu., frolu vito ictuiuthoil l. tue heu rc'«iirc. TES-ýTIJONIALS. W. IH. Iliggint, AM;-. 1IL J, Itionell, Mua4. J. IL. tireenjwaod, ilirh..AM. O'Donoran, AirS. M. I. Coch)rr;iu, Aire. Jaus. Bysue, Lira. J. il. 1'arry,Irs. L, Yuib;,ui.A-,lits. J. Aguuew, l . mi. ohtn ,"'. M. Harper, tir.. Dr. Eabiwood, Mia.-&. LCs-Itwii, AIrra. Conît- CAUTION. AIl utohi:inîtumde or sld the Il. oc't- of Onlat io anud Diuiusi matisuir avathe puaple tarai '&;taîp, bcari-ug daeoaoUpaiet aend ls isnitiais, euthe bottonus,ras e:ich uii.d 01er> li-. frlugecîîuouî ii tac prosceuuted to chie rail ci t'ont ai the luuW. R. PEDLAII, Oshuawa, sale Aget tfor tîte manufactnré antsale in te Ccuuuty of Ontario aund Durhiam. (>,hani, Sept. 23, 1866. 88 FUNDS ]FOIR In vestmnent! -o-- T RE TRUS8T AND LOAN COMPAf Ilaro fuudu for Iavcctmcnl, et 1l)uir naiul roat cfintereust, on the seurit>' of lmprored Rleal Ritale. lomus modoé for fixeti periauLe, or repayeble b>' unuail.in"Inuluis. Fuilier and fol)I iuforuusîion cun be bat b>' laiter, etiesieed ta the Commlealoncrî* et Kisîgstou, or fromn L. F'AIRBANKS, Jr., Iteal Estuite & Genceral Agent. Ortioz-Brook Street, îliltby, Sept là, 1l68. 1 OMOM ERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - PropruetO,. Land for Sale. T ENorth Weii quarier of the East haîf of l".tost ,Ttcoui), ite townshlip of Beach, couiaiiu 25 acresç, esU lcared, part of the ce- tuata oft9<h lie lletury Ubail. Tbere are no buildinirs oui the landi. Fer paréiuluura ppl' tte icExéentors, BalunuitP. O THIOMAS 110DGS0N, Raln Raglan Witb>', Augusi 1 Or tO.- th, 1888.o ebotiCu,. TO FARMERS. THE CANADA FARMERS' INSIJIANCE COMI"Y, (OF !LIflLI01I) Pays thé full emoant of Incarance. beThe Preminm Note 6yetem hu been beonoe naiy vitIby îl#. Cmpauy. Agent, lu,onill.0000, Wbltby. Oct. 2,16.'4 IMPROVED FARM -" ToBell, Baentf or lot on Shares. 100 Acuos, 70 acres Clu areiL *lApply (if b>' latter, poit-pait,>rto NOTICE.-Aii parties ame forbiti ctnlt uver frona 16e above lot, sut Ar.>'pi'an fouat toIn;ïAo,.aftoi tluiu dut., astupuend ou :AUCTION:BUýI'N.ESS u,:ci TH 1O&~AS Y<R8 <b.S TICENSED ÀIJOTIONE Rfor <lus Couat' of et utia. tesire't t nfiruhi.- frhunli* -T anti Lb.puli <at ho ls roîi>' as iieretofcr. ho recoarefor saleîs f stock, fari'inpie monta, ho.j,; sud that aIortia -lof týIboh OT[CE Io Caaoxi>çr.sýofisvili bqduiyetten e<.~ '~ or et lakahtl le.bcsvLcutlo- arcukeptasuM, TnOe",,I qn cm sucn, 40 cnoauu exineo Iot e5 lem.' S. FUMLER, 0>TICE. 0,t <lling ill uleant tales, lhey aaj. fitalot t yoi lOiglOf5bone atue>'go, Knrrutingovery lbIngtiaey know 'Ant i beai tho pepc o igb bh, înd.'ow, O)1 hs4 the inluchilefi MaWngcrow Were altroduced oe or Swo, And the>' ver. paiiuted'yeti-or blue; iliat ever>' one mlight know thenîl1 Mhen vould ut uivillu gaforget Tnrago and quarrel., fam. and freto, Aid ud l Into anaugly Po, With thiaga soe ahbla h For 'tLi o suddogruding Osartý l'O makea nother'sa bauam smart, And plant a d a¶er lndthelier Thon lot a. evernuore be foand'- la qnietuueuu wiîh nl urounti, %%'lslo frtrh'uliip, joy anid peaboand, Aud eligry feeling. periab I Do Ton Eealy Think IIe:DId 1 Br xiu MA Âamroar. I valeitt tii) the twillgbn, Atid '4t ho dld not came, It utedul ang the heecie ailde And ulowly wândeîed home. W lien sho thona'Id corebeitidme, But hlm 1I volt haïe bld; ne 481 i i ome ta fiud Me- DOlI yoia resu>' tlink holieti I Heuaad that sincevepartait Me'd thonght of noàght sa iuveet, Ai of thé Very' moment, The moment vo uabout d meet. He shovoti me where, hait shadeti, A cottage homo la>' ld ; He snid ta me ho madle it- Do youîtîaly thInkhliedid?1 Ho qaid *ben 11e-st hoie w me, Mie ueon.ed at once divine- Zaclu night lsetirearnod aofAngola, .And ovory face wa mine. sometime a evoice. wheu leepiug, Would e)) hie hopos forbid, -Anti thon ho wakcda p weeping- Do you reailly thluk holie i Itartltng Adventauelun<lue Chtne» £t wuvs a rathor close @ae. <at,' sait <bu colonel, hnockiug thu ush off bis ciger, anti vipiug his long moustachu, eltur a pull nt bis brandy> anti soda vater. 'The poor feliowvuva broke attervertia, anti dieti, I huard, the other do>', s0 I don't mmnd t.liug yau ho. 1< hep- penet. 6 It vas duriug onuet our eerly caut. paigua Iu China. 1 vas oui>' a sub <heu, thaugh uxpectiug ever>' de>' ta finti m>selt gazettudti o a compen>' of lu ours," for the lever bat knccket over a goond man>' et musniors, anti, justl lith<buver>' lut, 1 bat got off vith cal>' a siighî toucb cf 1<. But, atter a long torm of out-post dut>', lu <bu mitidle cf <houe toarfui avamput 1Ivau wus lait ounut>'beck b>'e.etd.b>'e tainy eut vheu 1 vas&bout haIt detd,gel i-u vaidut home. Home 1 neyer expecie t o ruacb. My' oui>' chance, I bu.., Wvasta, catch <bu noît mail steamer tromt Hong. Koag, andti he journe>' dbvn <hure, vuak asvas, I. 1believet voulti do for mu. Hovuâer, 1 dutermidedte<orisk 1h, <hough vasw more <han daubtul vhetber I shoulti get <kur., b>' landti, butore thu Peninsuiar anti Oriental boit stertet. 'At the ulevuent bohur, a telle. I bue. alightly, a coontr>'msmI oofut>' ov, anti a commisuicuer, or aamuîbiug, lu tho Chinesu sou-vice, caeemuha-mu, anti offeret mu a passage <ota ng.rKag, tram soute Ittîle port ou the Coast. vhure a Chines. gun- bot-thu Tien-Tiug, she vas Calet- vs. viing for hlm. He u sortoreti home, toc, antiabung a aveul, <bu Goveun. munt heti orderoti round tb. Tieu Taiug ta talce bin. We vore to itart tb. next uighât-ic vasn oi>' s ruof soute ton boura-anti shouiti Catch <bu steamur et Hong-Kong comfortebiy. 'J1 ueud't t<l >ou 1 accepteti Farqnhar's offer like a &bot. I< vas to goodt ta bu refuset. -I abould «Cape aIl <bu'utisiur> aut fatigue of <bue uxbeustlng haut jourue>' throstegb bu vapo ; cxchmngs pustilun1 tiai miasma for pore »às breesus ; anti, abovu ail, ruane risk of losiug <bu home, vert mail. 6 'Tbat's aIl rlghbt, t<hua," sait Faàrqhar, whun 1 thacket hM. id Tout t'travul,* dova <o <bu steamur vith me. - Sbe-laes nt miti-niglut tom»orrov. - The,,boit1 don't ster< till noon niusda>', se vs $halbave lots ot 'ilmu."1 1 he nuit mom'ing fouat Ferquber mitO m>selt on boardtih<b Tieni-Taiugý. ' A rkiab.lookingliîtieguuboatshsv' s EngIisb bulltgoet courseannt, 0-mmal:dut b>'a Eagi.ms , 0,.Chinese pa>- a tellov vho bat been, somet hiag -or othu, I u everI kue. vbat-ln cuir' navy. Hi. name vas0 urnook. ýAnti'a ver>' quasi Rab I thcughttCaptanGurneek vas, auiuice came ont of.,thu dack-boum ;o. 1uc.yueil. - A tail IbmiO fdivli.al'beaeet to t4e' 'eO iu a nandecipt sort of uniformu#laa enlIai et hi.aide, anti a aiz shoerij'O bis bui- lqokiag mQo e iks à otage4flat bau aoy. A'And ti Ieî p ài1can ses thmnoir. DireeLl>' ho lo4edsS met , iguemaed'. buý Came 1<obavre loft cuis for the Celectial service. 11 -- 'And Caplala (*nrnéck 'eertainly drank à gooti del cf rmthal uvuuing'vu came on bossd the gueboat. 1W. ahi Ibrue, ho, 1, andi Farquhuar, the céomminiouur, sat lin the dock cabin tii), about half-phal eleven. 'Vie bat eleceti tta slcep <bers on-tb. two littie so6as un- dur mocquià-enrtaias iti profereuce to go- inu down ta. b. atiffitibehov-that in Farqubar sid I The: éeptain said h. aboutît bu on teck turing the passage aud tekeis 'ocheet a, snap. The'sa vas "as mooth Wsglss, ud e shoultirua- -davn <o.o nig-XOD la eighl hoars easily, ha atdet. This vas good nosa.NoStear ofmuiusing the malîboat no.,; ant asj railed t o na'sofa, eut aecnired <heor'- taino cereuui>'about mme, 1 eongratuleted misuif once mare on havin-fsll iun !thî Farquhar. $The commlssioner VAS- à tnM-p, cur. tainl>'. Ho bat hookutiL attor me 11k. e a brotherdt"igaur journbo>'dovu <o t<ho steamer andti ov Ivu indebted, to bis good-natu3refor <lue bout berth on»board tbu Tiuu.ýTaing. 'Hgo hat, liko myself, part>' iutreaiei,- andi cheroat iu moutb, turnet lu on the, opposite sofa Boîvwenus vas <bu littlu cabin table vhereou vwba depoîitod our revolvers. £Ont there yaa lcuov afollownueir àruanas a' goiug <a uloep vîthout a revol. ver baud>' und'er bis'pillow, but Ibat nighî of canrbe, ve kev thore vea very, litle lîkolih*oat ofý a pistai, beiug vantoti in sucb a hnrry. &The guuiboat bat got under va>', andi vau skimming the quiet ses like a sea-ý bird. Farquhar anti I lait avake awhilo, chatting andi smoking, andti tlliug one anaîher aur yarus of tho country' aut the pig <ails,t tilt, insagnsibly', vu botb trop- ped off te sloop. 6I1vs. dreamiin- of home plessanl>' euaîb-fecyiug. myseif atralling jmu the oummer tviigbm b>' thu loch b41, Cousin Annio's sido vbon a ro-a ndock avoko mu. A. noise of seuuffling anti staunpiug anti thcn a platoi.shat. fI vas broat aaku vbuu I buard that. My firut tboughî vs. <bah vu baîtconte acrasa a pirate junk, who -bat misiaken us for an unerme i dupoîch-bo< ; anti, gatliering mysuIf together, I vas just about <a spring transmy>'sofa antiseurs ut>'re- volver, vhich la) juat ont of my meach an the table, wbeu autidoul>' thucabiui tonr weru buaut open, anti, vith âa yul) hat mate ut>'blooti mn colti, 10 ebsoiîeiy n usith>' vas 1, a min, vitb a tirawu eut. liainl onu baud anti a smoking six- shooter in tbu othur, ruabet lu, vhiriing the huas'> cutius round hi. heat, andi blaspbeuning, ad >'elling lhue a fiond. This min follaveti au imaginaly fou aIl round the dock boue giviog point$ andislsabia3g saa> liku a madman. S'1< vas Gérnoek, foamiug eathebumaoth, bic eyus blazing liku> carbucles an'ti str- ing out of his bondi; gono mati, or takbou sutdon,>' ith a fit of D.T. 'Suideul>' bu balteti mitiway boîveen <bu cota, As I met tho horrible giaeuoa his ey.., 1 fuît that it wuas al up vitb me. Bren if I bat houa a match for bim-and 1 vos rather veakur <ban 'a kitton-tbe close fastoneti masquito. curtains vouli bave hindereti ut>' pring; anti once eon. tangltil in <hum, b. migh< have cnut mu dovu viîbont au>' trouble. To ruach ut> revolver vas onI of <ho question ; eaI Ibh firet attempî bu vaulti have 'poîtet ae tu, a moral, ant o<r>' ant i gin the dock vas bopelesa. Thore vas no chance -et mn>' bolp. The frightenet cru. batl probab> bohtet bebov vben the first abat, wbich bot voke me op, vws firoti. iWbat vas I ta, do?7 It vas bird, after going throngh the vboiseaffair -vithout a- scratch, th bu murtiret by s manise, at hat-blut that <bat vouit bu my file I nevur tionbtei for a moment 661 u I sitting hait uaprigb< Gu uMy, littIe sofa not, daringte utove, scarcely dtarini <o * breathu. -Tboughta of tbu peut- thangbts of <boisenuitak tiddear to-~,, vbam, I vas neveu ta ýsuec&gain, minglet vitb strangu upealatians as ta vho- might ' ycuý Howevee, ail'. 'vei-that end&-rvell. W. shall bu et Hong Kong li aoaother <vo houro -1 sake a puullet' ,nuy filak, ud hurm inSgain, lu th. meanlime. This' buggar vont giite i uf mor'e étrouble, anti <h. érev viii gel ontjustas voîlviîh autb hlm.IJsuppose thel'ré usedti o thia li oft tiuig/' 'Andi luten mintés uoee thi. comimi. siouer vu ast aaleep'ag ai. , We caaght <tho steamer aIl fudght, anti came bide te Englauti togetbei-he anti1. -The"vay. age homuset me as goatiasu ev again but it wva.along timê befpre 1 eonlIdýtur lu et niglut wbthouh a diaagcroeable- recel- lo~tion of shet beppeneut t me on bard 'Anti Ceptein Guruock?'9 aslcet.soute one, as the, colonel pnuseti. eWlu'eI u. 1came 'of hum f I muppose your friand the commisaloner. got him. broke l' - Woii, no, ho tltn't. Ho vas still inu- sensible w'bon' we left. im. Farquhar' thougbî he'ben pni,3beti euough; sur ho toldt iti ho shonit say notbing about thé effir. iItvoniduit bave beau mnch, nue if hbu ail, 1-tadre se>'. The captain vuas gooti one, ho figbt, anti, for tho reut, theo ere qneeirer fiuh among the teliova <ho mandarins-got <o do their wark.' - 'Hovever, he Sot broke, as 1 <aid you' for something or othur aflervarda aan& tieti not lonig go.' PaENxIE JoKxs.--A French auditor of accountis oft<ho ser-enteoatb century wva great prectica'l joker ýahii.i lite, eutd oven played*a trick atter bu bat <ha power et eajo>riug ui for, h. luf<four large- eantilea ta b. cartried tbishi fneraI, vhiehhbai net beun burniug fitteen minutes botore <bey vent off as firavorka. Wbeud'a hatdy con- descends ta à prauttical, 5oko, if i. general. 1>' a vor>' nuat one. M., Boucourt, a rich financier, vas ver>'e! stig o, hi. vifa lu tbu mitter of pin moue>'. Onu, day a lady, olosel 'veilei,,anti ver>' anions not to bu recagniauti, callitifp-ot, i hm anti bourovoti a large snm, leeving ber-' dia. mautisaepletigo.'I*t7vas hisi vie.'The Daka' cf Fronsac,- nçphev 'cf Marabîll Richolieu, wvas comiag ont oftheb operae onu night lu a splendid dru,, embroitiartt vîîh pearlo,-vwhen tvothievesmanaged tu, cnthi. coat tallas. .1Ho <urnedto ' bis club whero mverybody iaughet et him, and so hefonoaudct vahatia happenei, 'anti veul homu. Ban>' <buhe nnmoîniug a vuii.dres.ed ,man cellet at <ha tukba o-ho. tel, anti dumaudetlas. iaiet ,once on a uter oft vital imýportance. 'Mlin,%Iear, sait bu, - 1 am an offiaier of, <be'pohica. The lieutenant ef the police bas learatti <ho accident vhicb ýhappenet tayan yeu- turte>' un'iuaving <bu opera, andi-1 bave been sent b>' bim toorder <ho coat ta be placet in ut>'bands., that vo uta>' onvict the, -offeaders b>' compering iL *vitb thte- mutiietei tal 'la." The ares. vas given up, anti-the dieu'" luraptures at the vigil- ance of <bu police.' But il vas a umav trick of the rogue wbo, batl stolon <bhe tilsi hy vhich bu poasesueti himselt cf the' uuntire priant. The Laindau Novoaebef bas oxhanstetf <bu, vocabialr, ry 0dhcofor, lu prose anti paetr>.'. BuIavrteIla s ne(lu bis 'Lacrutia> ,hat u ,e& ther mantîbinLu ondion bau'its ubamaisfOt <le exprenctia' but <bot <his uhu oni>' rigar anti frovuso. Cf ,-The ver>' aspect cf the vayt£uiérs bas '<b look of meu nevi>' ousiaïed. Bien thu ehbiltrea- creep timid>' throngb <bu streelu, ihoý cafrages go cautions andi. earse liku rlong;iteyhigbt lu tim anti obscuire,; ue Lovu is not filieti, nor <bu brisk mirth cf Churistmas commeti;thbu nsacial aai- lova it euurlultheumists, I*kumon on the ire of atfatal couspirât ,'.1 ButloffeaU the tributec'to lthe joyléasuuas of'<bo ceason, noue lu compsarable to"<Tom, Booti'a ijitle poem 'No 1 IlI' is a metricol rSotl-met it, - Mç u é.no ,,eaa-.a' - - - F0197112 oraaco ONTARIO, YORK & PEEL. 1MON EY T O LOAN. liTs'.. v vogk- 141. -J'vu.

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