Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1868, p. 4

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>tober Mir s TORONTO. CUTRE 0F CONSUMPTON!1 IN (CANADA. Maees. Yute <'amggm.sa,4iIc,1i(cctoiIta =il ic il" îî, jne w«Q gtoethtsepu litiit.m .'usiiesi't ,iirfui cure dot cisitssp sâge- ;,notuitled iai sger»s.. tig e oa see o rrist 'dhoteadayisardlî1 loigequîaitlee of lssitter. tsu h agîtentapals about soir ei.s. isg ait ýoliS lhill s eVery dso. mund eves'e 551f t s wasever'> figbt. and istweu the reig ~fcuugbs plat gret uîvemiiug 1 wfo etsstisst i privre 0( oulep; h tiguele *ois u eitmwel1wl'y fie 1000 afspî-1ile. ivsUrie- e itedlises iba 1coutil httrdiyi *id a st. 1 ws, tsder 1sle coegt>'c' 1hçi&olSUtr a'giishor line, basut .st w) relet rl dittereîît recipemi. bel mit vilîisessteify 4(d,4id efeet, squire i'ctecaust. of Outil, rewpomended asietsiueo isetisaI tisouot eniiueiyt-l.p'ogured #forgee boutlee s ssewilIse Villo, 00me i ometcu- t oiiued poinsg It 0iagaitoe stbeller'. and wlest I1isad isîtiiebed ilisole Cmpilessi tieetcu;it, ctcor'elloi or togitlir. pint Silost ltihe lanIge, chilisf. .vetling, ke.. trio 1sb,tmial t1ycotuinstgth» Urie 1tv 6 re e mig t 7im t isd là u v r wuof uitise smince I quit lise itMÈ > sdhiteshicbave ên slsn ympiinseor lise ,Lvua lotrusg. auidl9i have lccts. Larn msowvientc- lisiermasl bettes'filons louve Iscîtfur gamaly yees.ifA Intel vots will Msek. Ibi îowî la thesipubite. dot i llCy igitî el se swatee clise pcceui't ueufsit ruty uveîderfd aIdino Resacît. plirEI c . V. IILLIR >~eAUwn ow , 1.of Lenuos k maluin", ont. 'lo ail t sons m ev moycoue.-Tiela oconVtif> 1 bave oion acqauiticd wig il$ uiî ve Peter 0. V. Milles. ftq. or usuy yfwru and have bsown is ils i orstviayu tsi hee tetise veiiiiîly, Rmielf l,»r trdiadcredlba pers ,oil nî r ans coisfdcu foues s con urcy o u'veS (rûitrIuis«o lsabove,os'muy flother latgnent mode byh tao. plit ' 1REV. W. iF. 0. iALPl, lctr ofash 11NSOLVIENT ACT 0F 1864A ANID AMINMENTS TIIEIET0. In thse Catsnty Court of te (Janiut Ouuatirln, luIn i.the mtter iiiII1TSY BAlllEi, Ly»- ostrix of Jsnepli Baîrlts., decoese, tcurry- hSa on buiefl is' ceGeorge Bsrkor aisd IIIJ'LE.i & iTHOMflASt ALlLISON, curry- lng ou bsuiîeea sfi Juim'1 L",Butler eand Company>, I'cdsss JT'FOI the appsluiaiono hlisePintiml, andt V MOU pistI alng tige uiltavie t* dpstperm Büssler anI Tisosîpu Aliliosi, bu field bsuture mse nt the tiloi'jcsis V. flasns, th ise îrisfai lii Mssourt tWihiy, n MWsdîîcssiay, lisi sNitii (iii>' u J),cisetisr, 1'"8, ut tie Iîuur oi tels Aec, e i., PIki tIîurîiusu fg'svitîg tîteir ditivee nîu Utise sPisuitttîtt aisllk'issli Anlousee la tlsecupe, pusciuait bu tise mid Act, D tedilà sieltiiNovessîber, 158,8 Mzecsse.BEATTrY â;ClIAI>WICK, Z. igINilAMd, 40 judyo C. 0. INSOLVENT ACT -0F 1864 AND13AMENUMENTS ,TiEIIE-TO. Province ar Ontario, Il iel ot Cur Tu vr: ICoutt>of Ontatsrio. lu the matter a IN401WARREN, anuIn - *oVeut. ~.OTICE lelicrebs> givea thisai on tise faurtit J.day af February next, sit ten ai tise ceia- board, tue umdersigned viii uppi>' tuthe J udge ini tise si Court for a dlschlargu, utdts tise ealsd Ac. Dateil antise town af Wlitby, lu the counut of .Ontarilo, titis lth de>' of November, A. 1). tul.47 J UIWARREN.# ONTÂRÏO HOTEL. WHITBY. A. ALEXANDER --Proprietar. and Pi and-next door-Nrt f Royal (Ianadiau Bank, Momilan' Block, 4rock'ste Whitbyr. Henry's Rif le- Cartridges - OR BÂLE, VE R CEP. Re Je YARNOLDO Whitby, September. 2nd, 1868-. BOOTS & ýSHSOES 0f hie.RightFit a'nd Make, wrcktetsd Young Ifyoma 's. vurk, ke., i eOr me, oo.iis o', 9 >H Subseriber would respeetfüuly aunounce te his old Cuq- j tomera, -and the publie generalyj, that, havng' lagd i ~ro te doublo its former dsieabe usin conseqtieiie, »ffai'ded room ta show tus assnà Stock twiee os large as be bas ever ollered before of BOXParlor & oooking toves, Dumb Stoves, Coal- Stoves, Agrnicultural Furnaces, Cisiern Cbilreu'csiriaes&JC., ec.,ather i iother Cookzing Stovos, wii bc fauud the CELEB1UATED ARMSTRONG, mil the GENTINE IlION. DUEIMSTOME, whieh eau ouiy bc purobassd lib is town, at hi. store. J'.~ IEave-troughini and Job Work promptly atttended to. Any quautity of gaad Cordwood takin luexobange. ~ ~ VA. B EG toinfrm is riens m cutomrsthatliehasreciv-I . i.R A LV N " cd a very large stock of Fail &,Winter Boots& Shoosq 0F THE 13EST STYLE AND) MAKE. Mlso on hand a large Stock of JIOMEi-MADE Boots and Shoos whieh cannot bc surpasad for quality orprice. -g5' Ail Orders punotually attended to. Repairs neatly doue. Remember the place, nearîy opposite the Batik of Montreal, Brook Street,- Whitby. Wlsftby, September 32, 1868. 38 W.ATCIIES- & JEWEL-LERYO Jpurchaisers to his NEW STOCK 0F GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES, JEWELLERY,. Clocks, &c., ail of which will be -sold at the lowest 'prices, con- sistent witb good quality. WATRR59 COLOUSI & 3EWELL*'RY, -CarOfuUy Repairpd. SWhitbyo May 4; 1868. TE OLD STAND! ES TABLISHED 1833. In reference te an anuouncemcnt of dissolution of the copartner- slip heretofore existing iatwecn TILL & lIRO., thse undeýrctgrsd desirea te inforus hie finondesud nsimerous patron that he tilI continuée tbe busineesblised b>' hie late father, lu 1888, et tise OLD STAND, Nos. 8 and 4, TILL'S uLOOK, BROCIK STREET, WHITBY, viere be viii be aivays fouud ready ta, attend ta tise ants af csstosuers. An entire new stock of thse best snnnufaotssred Furuture. UPIIOLSTERY A&S USIJAL. - UNDERTAKING AND FUNWRALB Bupplied as heretofore, g5Some splendid specimens o! Picture Frames, and Gilding-. Remember the Old Stand. Whitbyq may 41 1868, C2ounty af Ã"taslo, I'1 IERICUT GIVEN ta Wt: L tisaitise Cuurt of (lcnerei Quarter Seaiuism ai' tise Pleand e~usyCu' Is asit tusth isast>'of distIt- io, wliiLels110d nt tise court lIane.lu tise 'lown ai Witb>, on - TUE8D*Y. Deomber 6, 1M6, At tise heur of Twelve o'cleek, noon, cf wblish a91 Jumtl«ofaitise ue., C',rer's, costsbes, aiJ »Il othi er russit, vî wli teke notieesd XELSON 0. REYNOLDS, tie*II'fles W, WlIlby. LVsts>, 14,V8E8, t.l-68. i MIL'XX..L.. 18-Jy TIIOS. LAWLER, WHOLESÂLE &RETAIL GENERAL OROCER, W-INE AND SPIRIT TUE Ã"HEQUERED STORE.- DEOÇE OTEEBET, WHITBV. Whitby,, Sept. 22, 1868. 13'RESH QROCERIES No,, 1, on the Corner, Cheaper and Better than ever, mluaalaTc5 S nmc CL 0 s' CD > pu HE ROYAL HOTEL îs now fited up ini the best order for T herception of guests.Eeyaletnpido and conveiient àpartments provided for Commercial travellers for the display of goods. ~.. ,A... ~ T ~ I j.'Tbe recent alteralous imade ini tse premises,render Ih. rooms Lgitoome, X L h.ealtiy, and corcfort-ilble. The table supplied wieh everytiîing in seàson, snd the charge as moderate as any other hotl.e in town. Invites the attention fci stoînlers to bis pre- sent splended stock of choice and well seleeted GROCERIES, embracing everythiDig in the Grocery line, that cau, be enquired for. Hiousekeepers will id it to their advantage to cali and examine. I T('~T(~ Comprising Brandies, Port, Sherry, IN LIQUORDQ and other Wiiea, lu wood adbt tdc, arc ail of the best brands. OOTTI.ED.ALE & PORTER OF SUPERIOR Tavern Keepers and Country Merchants can suit themselves as ieli, if nôt -better than by going to To- ronto, or clscwherc. Cdash'for ail kiiids of fiiriers' produce. Remember the place.. 'w' «n' A s'TiTQ Whiiby, Sept. 16, 1868. w ow 3 mi Carniage No. 1, ou the corner. Factory.1 CARRUACES & BUGGIES 0f eOvcr e sito kept on band and made to csrder, from the lates aiîsd eMi desg, at the abovet carnage warlctt. Vitistlhee necpaqed, facilities nlow st bis duspomul, the under igu 0 -i botter prepnred tissu ever ta emonte ail orders pi'owptIy, witlh wbichi he suay bc a avred. ]Brook st., Whitby, Jue 9# 1868. DIVISION COURTS'1IN THE COU NTY 0F ON-TARIOQ ForTEE VELU1868. 2 ' 1.. 1 121 MW b 'leslig .... ...... .... î- 2 .2 8, Ianeseetr u l"lne Aieri18 s80 ~ 1 2.... 4.. Si " . abilg............ 1-ISt. Albert:1 04, .2 0 9 St s' !,atsU gtb s............ ............ 28........ 665, 21 Ahre....... ...... .... 27.......... ,... 21 . CC ~ ~ ~ ~ P 2,lae*o............. ..80... ...... 5..... 22 ,Whitby, Jeanar>'lOtbis 1JUDO£ $1,OO N P RESENT$ AT 1LIV AQUA Prizesc and Jeiw ie&y of ë Life sure pM, V-A 1 ST FLOOE. Chaibi, -Bzoohe ÀiAbuwfl5and a vY- Wisitby Ont., Ot 21 , Ses1ad868.e yid om TIIOS. RUJSSELL & SONS' CELIIDRATI6D WATCUE8. T Il E Subsuoriber Ieogৠto =11 tie eteutiosn cf timîsse about pisreiiimusg tai ths iollowitig, 11= omiln aînc'gssnv Tes.tiîîsonissus hlissIlui Te- ceivei(os partiem, viso hsâve becu wesriug tiscea ttlhos furs me im*tise. Thse Subecril)er lier'sby c'c-rhife tisat thse wnlei:selie putcisaseti iros iuslanee .olîston, iusts-uftiisred b>' Tiîos. Itus.mell & Son, asre ts lesreisented, îisorougliy ,clistbie lime lseeperm. MU.H.MBIIEN, Tse Subecriber lîcreisy certifies tîsat tihe vîlch lie ptsîîilus-ed front Jaussa Jounton, WUsatuflse'sis'cd 1», Tjison L'Isîeli îl] 05, le c reprosiieuted, ut1 hsroligîîiy reliaîble isuî keeper. THOMAS SIcAVOT, Fartisor, Busim. À Afull' asgrtmess inluold 'And Silver JAMES JOUNSTON, "ivnutlismaktr, Brook Street. Wilitby., Sept, 2, 1868. S amui MICHAEL& MOIIGAN, Importors of Dryooodo, Groceries, HIardware, and Qeneral Marchants, Corner'o! RLing & Simcoe 8ts, 'Oshawa. Imy busitiess, I buve tuken Mnu. E. ». Mon;ÂN-- as a partiser into thse busi. Dn, and I tnke tisis opportuiiity -ta returu my sineere thunos ta my frieiids sud, tise publie-,gencrauly, for thecir liberni patronauge duriug tise past lix years I bave boenin ùinegsiand salicit for thse new.tirs» a coutinuuauco oetishe saine, as it àa our determination tao eil goods at a omasxi advauce ou cm tpuces. W. D). MICHAEL !Michael,& Morga-n Are naow in recept of their Sok fN W À f 30 grui-clase workmcu. A gi lthe MILLINERYI1 ,VATENTIM IfiMAX, lieo T IM 11N YW ION M L4 UG;so thse gol'e istfeo~.it th% eonéettd vitis ;foul bces nessd voodenfisandle. Tise ct biody wrouuehli roit beam lofllxed lotoserese on ths e ud ise of body, wltis cotsterfzed ouen u and buelu âsd et-serw, mo Ihat ts elu'cen be pLiScdat esydeied sangle,' snd imt uit sti l at0' ks foil. - h misem tire casai poluli-oD for meed fairroW, andi the otiser forsmneforrow; ieudlssu4oeantruetc thott a wranxbt politeaunbe eaeily pleel msnsktit'eqasal te Rn iranjon is. h iii1tu NeW Doussibi" J in 'OU se-iusIf htisaio! l s o î s P l o n g i . - y , Tise following from ib. Whitby Custoscltz O! tie Minh May, 1868, viii ellew visai t s, New Dosiiou Mi!'kugl s lss'stiougisi o!ai thse Grat Dominion Plolsghiug Matis, bel assnilsa 2lei of tieseua mnotl- M.Jamnesý Walker, of AslsiuM ,bcd on Sthse grouissiàsnew elaglitorSbi.owss insven- tîts, viilho l je'-tise 1 NewDossisiouf iil>lagli. -h là CatsstrastOd of au iron beum enud voocle thisl3q, veiiii eo "meuded sibtle J udgee, suDJ pruied b>' ail Whois examtxiued ih, m uàat Ile tiwg." W, Town'shiip snd Jossiaty Rigisth fo cale at reaeonabie rotes. &pply te, Agei buru, Sept. 14, 18 68'. t Neiw Bakery AND Tpiiz undereigsîa etsfepeetfnlly iefonsia Ibe Lpîtbisue tia lie se oatillliiy prepared bu al wi pronupitsude ail ordescluthse Baker>' ansd (*oîstcctiaîîary line, Fruit, Sposige, sud AmI ailier kicidset Cake, Tarte sud Bleculic of thîe biet qualit>'. jarFruit af ail LkIrÀoeIlu eseon. Aloob. etere, Ssrdius, Cocos laie, Gifsger Boer, c Baker, Coufeceiiouer, "te,-Brook et. ir. itby, Jal>' 16, 1867. SB NEWLY IMPORTED PAPERý HÀNGINGSO T a uEnscerigssed hbe ta ltiforssstise Pub- Tlie chuti lie- hm purcisasesi durl ie re- c'ent uts>'nlu egleud, a loi of $?LE D seloetecl carctull>' b>'Isîmisel!, vib ise he m on sle ai Very Beducesi Psucec. and Papeir Hangang, execotesl ln a vr- Mul a niieud expeditiasie uer,a s susa!. A. C. WiIsoN, ]Disade Street, Whitbr Waggon Shop- le prepsred ta nssnufaeiure to orcler, ail kissde or - BLEIES, &o IN LATEST STYLES., £"Rcpaitamh seetîr andi premptiT ,zecuted'. , âr Tissesdom>'reai tof Lelng'a, Dun"s» atreei Wbutby. Whitby Apii 23, 0.1 FIRE ASSURANCE COO, L)MBDSTRLEET & OHARINO CZM9S Taronto, Jisiy-O, . .coci --EORE S tary,assd examinec ty 'ofussiario-. O B 6BE *ide. tsin assicery. Toronto. soliellor ini er'Publie, &c. 4rnes-Nezi dc Campies.I, Broek d W!jith)Y, Nov. Il . S. B. S OLICITOii, NM W ý&.Ysiezlm Brok et" et on, Broek, C-'W. XTTORNEY-A Oiusuceryý, Ni 5-itO eittr><u TTOREYU Oundas Street. te pt'omSic. CeCIMES. f J>sucer ansd 1 Passai ALIMMss Hall. Po" Fust-Os Port Perry, 2611 1> us>, Cossvey Conenitatiau eti .. couX, if. v Whitby, .ly k Byrol Stect 1). W.]1 WILiLY, April W iL.LIAM W t. oys HarDres WiibJans. 782; e - r I I 14-tf 1 . W w KENT Whitby, Ont., Oct. 21, 1868. ls-ly 1 QUALITYO Whitby, April 8, 18U. TT M. 0. DONOVAN 1

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