fairedaa JAMESP. BUI rlsa Osihawa, Ontarie, Isigei DRY uS0090 r... 15,2868. b'Of tii. Subucst.i, Kue.h. on tt,.I ib IOe PTopetys ~ rJaL*108 INSLVNTACT 0F1P84 AND AMENIDà &"T» IRETo Sale 'olLand. tauil.. moster of J Oldt; ODGOON, au iia- pUBLIC NOTICE la bei'eby glvonu ht, i.b> -vinne et tise power vmes lnivme,Ii#hal AlffettorOetly PC chi ioqA et' r, My onfc lu thse teu of Whilt.>, en Frlday tie stb odayoetMareis, A. D. 1 280 at one fOlofeci,. *Il1le ieghite sudInieret 01 the nad lu. StJv$ ln Isefellowing ptopotty, uîarnely t" Ail snd sagula,' tb.îetaIjý1ùnptrùol oetntac zi n a oee stnato, 1$nw anti hein1 en ut 4to*îîslgbfFenelea lis tse lotity 0f W01 e114,eoatsili04aby itdîaeeurmeuî eue tlumfr oftnamre <tma4t, more or leu. belug ceowdelIiuIII;Ãnuptr 2, la tise vII. hge etCmbry, cie ot oha planetftise auadill4 ofth ti ast part kf lot ntsitber ]IV*%ih th.&eene or i k!thwusaip et - Yenlen, inade by William l. fDean, Provin- Sijiry <1f 000ettiseCmonty et ictoria. 1j.rtss viii te %ati.katvuntaIt1ise tlinb of Dited at Wlsitby, thh 1tby eD&Wben le g4. A RAIRECA$ - T' Esitbsâ;yCItJE eYeî ;Dr, t '!ie, , j.liatl on ressens, litbmni, 1* ~aa I'r"prty oisosn su the~1 Wiltis k oetsu aere bf tend, ho fveli led, b)nlihsr liusé uts! Gond tsbig,-aîoid a lot e e eFruit Tresl, Ile. oba.tt e Wo lls 01 OVtr a ud Clern. This l*otirty la pleoar.tly altuate.d le-ihe VJILLÀIGE DI' Baivot7AN;lf Tevnsblptif Pickering,, cou ty t Ontario, sud :1 Wall, à dapted for thse >Dr Ueeodsor Uroeery Trade, as Wallsus thse -iver bindg OuI y # liv ted..fre i tieTown lisud AirrÇ- cuural 13.1, *isbrs tise 6priog sd Fall Faire Ar& iîel& Puaes'son o eau ibtise £ret dîy e« ilanar>, 1869. For fsrtiior partlouiari apply te >thsésuis. seriber, JOUXtP IL II Broughsam, P. 0. Doeobr lôtboIN&05 in NOTICE6 * TFUBID l! aersoîs oedllngMy Fanîlly j.or tisir Motier vhtlaoat a %rlun rder ftem nie. 1 aime caution al pemIWîa »to- bot bîsy anYttsng of thée lorestils!partis, snthey lave Doe autborlîy rom mie tu eili. -W* PJIEEILL. *Prince Albert, Dec. lth, 1868. 581n40 $15 Reward!-l f'f'lE aboie Bevard wyul h. paid te AnY pert AL sen givlng ncëb infoïmation MnvlllJoad te tise ricivery of a Rlisr. etrayed or stolon freinithse aixdesagned, er as viii Joad te tise #convliç ton elps4ty or parieos vho las 'tslacuber îway. Ise Mlfervlla a irge- siseil 'twe our 0W, wite celer, sd was à rat mines! frcni the show yard, Wlîltby, on tihe day of the £rlsultnral Far,Sost Uctebeu-. JAS. l »AVIDSONt. à ablburn P. 0. Dec. 16, 1808. 60 STRATOATTE. k1<Jt loto 'thre 'premis et otlîe s O- * Ijcrler, on lot No. 81, Stit concssilon et. 'W iitby, *tvo esriliîtg lelfers, euet ed vitis white ar'in tw'ebesd,'tliseother iierly Wite, * mxes! wti.ed halma.Tise otnuler -« have tie iiby prov siproper#y ans! paylng caorgea. etlsevwlsgay ise'yln ve sels d an coemot in Dec, 16, 1868. mf. F. 'CA1tniL"BE5L 1 PUBLICNOTICE laeeb give4istà %loeetot Wthe Buis- sotsi.tookee lu tise '1rt W4sltby . I»ortl'erry Bslivypay Ç vUiiby erder of tise liilof getoviiieua hIMrso'ofthe iseid CompeuJi, b. Iem sthtie off I-ttsboin- PAL;, lu the. towsi.t W*tby, un Wudueadý,- tise Pls day et Jà nuay next, attise bout or tvel va 'elbeei, Dm, forth. iisný,Asor elsetý. lInj PsreclqrS of ths els! conipes for tisotse ennauig Yeau. Z>tdbte ceulth, * «Dow. A. P. le". - reslet ftise Board of Provllolt, - eo«»f the F.W.&p.I'.Eiiwsy. INSOLVENT ACT 01 lm Ted Whiîby, 1,. . s, se. l-o Faim and vifl1broperty for Saie, CIhmp. T fiX »lorih'.jtif u t thi eatsIai ioi c a.NuMieTety dire, in tise IlintIs ce- couasliof Wlstnby, ilacree TIser" là a god Young Orcbl fon lot &Danliie troum et wsier crodumet la W~ Aloo Let Ne. IlIty on Ilaldwln Street, (belnz tisetavel -tond,) In thse village et Etopkilu. Tisr. lu a gees! Frme Bern@ a.,u toleltn l tboniaon 1h18 lot., F«2 tortuans!d partliili Aupply to -mus.,AIBL, -i7bus lesrt. Iltée nabot l', 1568. S. Il. COCIIRANZ, Wl~ltisy. 495'iu reinevey pr'ai*reay$ di e- 14 b ditntena ti. pus lir. ~iI~sy d arae lipteytn. onne bé ryîe. ti , Wsiby wb r is t.11 aW aty b To the Ratepayere o the Centre WarZ4 GErFMNq n nieet thse te- cd&i' nno fiedte offerMaY",f dion. Son Ii;,ettise4 euiuug si lec- Ir elcited, taboU eendnà 'r, se Iîbave lu tbé et. te net fltisf01ly, heneetiy, and felirour M. tltersts.. .Trnetlniç for a esMnetiance e osai'n idence, I1i, gentleen, Wliltb3r, Dec. 8, Iode. 4. Tad own cfWhitby'. GENqTLEMEN.1,- At thse 0aelicittiis ofa nomber of tih e lns.,1I an idaledtp efer Miy servicea Co nù corfer tis e ntr'à Wsrd. Wbitby, Dec. 8, 1868. BN 49UTii -MARS8HA LL'Ys OYSER ML ilOJuE, Op'IOSITE RlOYA&L OTELI, ]BROOK, 8T2=E,WHTY O TBTERM rcivddallyit-cIneiii«,tyo Baltimere Oyiter D6pot, Trento. Wtn Oysteus erves! Up lu evary aIr!. dii abr 00Otie (>u i, à larye sppy Lebitersi, BirdIcas,and! insed Fint. GEORGE MEIAL *DOU MILAID,,an OÃder au Johnù I-J arr04. mdebJ enrty Iloe% sud py- soeie I?#atofMai, 1560, fortise aun.ofTweuîy Dollars, lu fayot of George Ballard. Ail parties ire torbid Dogd3lating sais! rdet ma ne vine vssreeled<e tise a"me. OKUERGE BALLARD, tGteenveod, 1P. O. MONEY 14O1 WAN. Xb Vam orTownpro. 'S. hCOCJaitANu, Wldisy, Nbv, 2M, IW8. 4 NTi1C E: Iby P ~g. ~ JR. bu I~s~e liret ceived e ~Bonute and, J * Cloude M Ctwpboelt, John Elcbardown. ,Iia CrawWed liobet lFIrbin,esiey Smith (lar 0, B'enry , servis,, "Mr DeiiMI$$* Couil Web,,4§. B. Danu, leury WiAsmir,144l.. JIlzS Dlavy. Mss.Anu Yenr. Jase. A Figtsffieal, lti es enauglo, B. J. 1à 'tla elilaz or the abei'e Vitiplaise, »k wbitby, De'c.0, 1668., otiatr INSOLVENT ACT OY1N,ýle AND AMENDMENKZTiiEIETO. r e t rtIs hi e .Act, i Iwreiy cali ALà inmtInlto e .CI'elitorsê of the aboie siamnd lns610% finU 4 ,.ls.d ut tu1office, ln thse Town of ~ji ln t h Ie C.îlslty 0f Un- tivio, on Tue a>ry, tlseettis dity t Deeniber, 1568, At the l'our of iegmoo'elcp. ni. for tihe parliosi..e<ebtaisiogr tiiels suvie. relatve ta t!ho ofsecle tihe sets. JAZZ$ HOILDEX, Dated à ait*ithr, thibisPday et Dec. 1668. WA INI' S Y ST E X JEATTOUR CTeURClEB, PUBLIC REV. ýL. WARNERIES Publie 'and Privato Buildîigs,ý Thée dlenp.s.t sin-mot efficient .7*4cm klnown.l MIy bé s.pplles te gauy kind of building. Nu. swron. testitl* est o its#s.nerlority *ver &»Y ether metlei Cf lseatiisg are lns pcnea.ion of thee lùvesrtor. 1 bave been appolnted sigonL for Introduci'ng thse optons. ond for a circulsr. Modal ansd prlnted Instructionins ay lie exumincd oss up- * pliction te 'Dec. 2, 1668. WM. DUNKLEY, Bulider, &c., Agent, Wisltby. 2bthe ratepayer8 of the Toton of Whitby: I IbertesDY tlat t 10%not niy Intention te b. a candidate for thse- Mayor- alty, eAt tise ceming élection. Wltb gloLwislies for tihe preaperity et Our tovn, una tyoursi-vea lndividuisly. l 'ronmain, yonr obedîcat servant. 19. J. GUN<(. Wly, Dei. 1, 1868. 48 Hforse, Wagon& Demoèrat #ýGR 9ALE, A IlOMBE, Wieofq, ANb .Densocrat-cheap. enssx ista WWltby, Dec,. 2, 1868. ONTARIO HOTEL, (late C. Dawes»a.) WHITB3Y._ONTXAIIO. A. ALEXANDER - Prepicter. ~JIltou bscrilher daiirès te retutn tirskste th te public fùrtlse ver>' liberal patron ,me beitoee upen lîi»iwilo preprîctorot thse Gobe-.hotel, Breeklusisd ut th ise imee taie.s'loà iote ansseutce that lhe bus leused tise SboVe wel l nowu Isetel.Large additions Jà bae iui cetly iude to tiseprenlcour- lng lnorb. eemmodlsiitc icoinodstion and tnuuahg e puinbér ýe eitieri AOs t- neai' bue lii! niorm tissa rmleoyiuAIreste ohma Billard Parler vitis threu tables bon aise been as!ded. -, xtcnsive additions te tise tabliug, SBss., iom.Boes, -*o.; ibave uloo beoenmade. Ail, enabling tisetundersligned te oifer ti is <ld lriend94 und thb spublic geno- râall advantages sursed I'y rno t-ler tetel ln tlepl». e4, viii ut ail time be Isïppyto velcenie his oldtrienda. Whltby, Dec. 2si1858. -l VIOTORIA. SKATING RI NK PUNiDAS $TREET, WIUTBY. T Ill?, PMlrrOU DEIBESTO IN- forn te pbll,'tstthé MIOTOR]a SKATINGBN WilI b. opines!, tMA e"Mn, sas scu a aelisa %ýMset ce. if teormd. JTJST -REC] - A CHOICE LOT e jï Ca nadaà NewFru it, Portié Serry .ScotcohWhiskyj Old' Rye and Malt,- very fine., &Co. )'~il -jupe ns E. B ~ CA AND FURMISHING ALEXAND ERPIG Takes leave resPectfnllv, to infôîïm bis friends'find patrons tbat bis Stock of- fj W INMr- LEL -CILOTHS, 'là 1k tw ver>' vomplete, -and Of the ver>' best q"ait>', and -thatlie i. prcpare4 b lpake ap,with dis- jatt h , an d ta th e late est 4e G nt m n' G r ne i , Gentlemen 's Fnrnishing Goods ofcvr description, embring-Shirtiç CâllarSbk Baes e. c I NO FIT NO PÂY 1 Breck et., Whitby, Sept. là , 1868. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, OFFýIOCiIALý A83-102N EE GENERÂL AGENCI "OFIFý'IOR ¶J~I ûbd~alget hvingt'ree hcapitihent e! Officiai Asos*e-lfor Nlrt1s Ontri, i.prpaes t, lý0 peaupé tt6ite ail imatters in 1nluptey or Inaovenc. ~*Promi or oteà an'dl Accunts speodily coliected and remittances' On good faim sccuriiy at 8 per contlaitqrest- Special attention will b. given le the negeciation of Loans, and ,borrowers e an rtl>' pon having tiseir applications attended te promptly, and at amani expense. g ls'se Lande, ,oth Improvedand nni'provcd constant,>' for sale. Insùndbà effccted in tise Ontitaro Farmmrs Mntnalý Insnrance Company.- E.MDAJOR OFFICE-Blgelow'. Blocks, netrt deor te tise Royel cansadlan Blank, Port Perry, Decembe 2, 1803-.4 FU RNJTUJIE YWÂC'P*3EL*~. 7 *~ 'Wbitby, Nol i haiehen tu Ytr obedent id 25, 18T.uoa. TOWN-0F1 GEiI4TLÉEN î i,ý GRE Whitby, Dec. lot 1868 FOR SILVEII ATPR [lfave New Drcss G004S, Shirtinge, Wi- cyFlannels, Blankëe, HevyOvrcoatingsikMitrs Blpue and Black Bea.ver and Pilot Oveitebat, Pea JAckéÃte &c. NEW 11ILINER Bonnet8, Ilats, FlowveË9, ,eathers, &e Ã":?' New Mkintie Cloths,, lU1anties, Opera' Cloaks, Dupes, &c., mnadè to order in the Iate8t style of fashion'. Nc~W ôoleîî.Xoijds, 8Sontags,, elerines, Cbest Ptotectors, Clonds, Breakfast Shawls, SGarfs, &c., &o. CkizstasGiroceries 4 ~rts A-LARGE AND COMPLETE STCK. Two .T.ons of ?r.imé Fatbry Cheese for Wnitby, December 16, 186à , POWELL.ý 114TCH &BROTËHER have recèivedasp1 fBak emitbs' Bello, 00 on upror nqult>';fC7 a - goeciv d tfrFaliStock ot ~ ~ îb Sdôdh res, lisgbBbo J o-tôh ob 8a17sh aft e1 Hômè Itespà ,ýieSpr JNO.TI Woiild réspectfully oeil attéim tare and Cinie Ware ;ap An examination-of their.,FIlý them, ini svin2. tbat thehii,e Whitl,>, Noven J. BïoC HEAMILTON Extraà Fine Gre, en and Black Teas. LLAN; 41 LOWES &