Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1868, p. 2

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~ WT80N~ AQ LA Dtof cf air eduos aqus. nq*. csh. f Ù14f BaIs per. oELY t.10 CENTS A TZR Whitby, flursiay, Deomber 3 1, 8t Hr.J Y. SPEARS. liwi been ipponwedGeeral Atgent forLi. C7ronite," and i. auhhorked to collt eatwcuntg, recive Subscriptkne, .dvertige- Mmnt and ordere for Printing, igndigive rccez'ptu.- A UrY Chrlsmmas and Hippy Nfew Tht. fr tsw fe.îîg liii eseomi on s#ades. Anodiltaeugb ve bave a litti. roopoot for lthol ad aage; bsf- 'ki*is.sam "oa t fiobucbrir,to #6 dimve refflonte eengratulste Our ovas. pÎôpTe that th@etayiag do o melubla lu Wbilby on. The. suey mentit bas covn iis od ioir Barth, sud vishas .eoo, Tb@ere ta- y« é"700vh&svsw 4 go t014 of, oscbqosko. mmd alitas, Of lempests, sbipwmcssMd of stoc.s1 lu told of btUzevon and lbit, 0ft thcoa« es,h.hbbies, t.mpu.toswu; Ho told lb. siory ome &gala of nvugéaii rmo. sud Spalu, Hfo, emmingXttp. to np hi. thome Kspt allitataaoody, Mmd o,O Moc~osceI7 dlguediwrld t o el HRo, Bocbon Iuabele <cl.. sie told of irts of var sud pemo. li. tld 1h. mory of old Grie., For, beutarloes I. Cbdisin vin Wsglmg sosicit h.Km..Iman go told tb. glocl. of xNsp[sr To mmuy lhriiling Iisteilog sac; Toid machof Abyaluin 1wlor E 1DtII. d.s of Thoodoro, Told boy trin. ihm..bi. life.-blood orsv.d The. trà"ve.,, Llingoe.,vias svd j How Disruiir omo ud<.ii, And Glastoano sg the Charo' kacl; And how sb. posourl us .8kari Brighî, Comld gird his lions <or ࣠gfi And tortsaBdiosllsm do.mv Wbeu ait dso f Ibo m trf Of 968 lb. crime, te. sià Thil bcmliuhed ibe Canadien as,,, Whou by lb. mmass. ballet epcd Tb@. trust lal our land goy dcid, wàraath that would miel bave boeonexpocedi Avielle te bis anoie or law in the rosu zone; aud po"ald penty, and Our Corporation cificers bave sery. tbis5 <o b. tialtion. Thc Caban Insarrecton. The cove (rom Cuba i. emphaîio encagb Ihat te spanieh dyousy in îbmi coayu ha. eoque te mun ed, pccuidemt Jobasoa'a Amnesty. Àvery gracionsuatmOte part ofPte.. aideut Johaisen, va es reanosîy procliim. ed tbý mm ou Christma Day, tlie day of peaue on eartb anal geod vii levamal. mou. Pity lB vss nol dons be<ere, flew many bearburuluga wcnid havo boom uavod the. Souith. iros BANK or àKeniraaL.. -This bonk Loih Ju& wihdravu hîs ageucy fre, Whaitby *(ter deiug boeniusorne fiteen pars la tLisI place.. The batik bu been gnsdusliy arfaiimg Its businecs for some o meths emd bu libale o w imaid up, otirer thami prevridiug for lia lange deposîto, vblehbhav, boom bandeal ovsr te the On. tarie Bink#, se Ibat th, bensfof c ecider- able capital viii still b. avsiimbie fer the bWuses requirements of the piso.. This *111i b. (oit to b. aatiufaciry, sasit vu f.mred the bank right bar. îranaferrod las depoits teothe.'Toronto brancb. 1fr. Irmcher là it proesuailutowu iaspeeaiug -*d indl lg mop the sgeney. We refer oucr rosalers to sdvortisememiî lu a oth.r eclumu. While upeu îhic ubjeci, ve <col It mu seo f juioes le Mr. Champion, (the laie mier of the zbsnk, analIf. virtual bond darhig Mr. Mmouldes long ilineas,) te express, on bebaif of the business cm- muuity cf ibis placer ia due sue cf the eoorteay, and bsineu.liko- habits, whicb bave been bis dhullnglaing ebaracteri.- Closauriug bit stay ameng aue, Wuon- deratasal Mr. Champion is promoteci £0 the Petea*ore' effioe, We tender bim our cougratailaioues apen bis aalvancomeaîî sud dur regrets.e is departure.- -0e-.-. the aiarrted mon cf the Whlîby Fen- Ecy, some 3goimla&Il, ocre agcesabiy dur- priseal by belug proenwuua on Chriutmas S,ov bon Ieaiuîg vont, vlîb a oplen. duii oece fcr ibeir Christmas dimuet, - bi %tr. BrcvntIhe manager cf ibthe wra, pcofaclng tbe gift i hba cntaiutile speech, tolltilg themu lu vbsl relation the empiey.. eus stood Oiflth. employer' And iu re* tam-lbe moi ivr@M r. lIron s ighl food heat, ébabr aui meny bemniy PUBLW Kaçm'Nm. -mr. Jîmed gldeni wîli sddraaa the electera of îh Tovn of Whltbyt aithle Towvn hali "bis(Tifri. dal) ev.niag, it half pausfew. Hé là, tllés -Mr. Thosite tb attemnd. ediaber. Ilsemont in other clumu, $.-W. are reoquestealte state ifsas Mr. Jobs Twosdlu yull uot bc a caudkd' foc onoallîcr foc tbe levnship cf Whibfw Ilii e iges Lui avpuupouestBe vclte,- doring the yemr 1869g, su eametar, vcrk os PpllUeal eeeouy, vortin the -plle, of Protection tb Home Indaotry - vii b. 4.pllnedsud mdvlalleateal. Thim qverk *111fôtât b. <lysa tet. hepablie tbromgb eealv. lunes of Ibmhe Vuork Tri 'boue, sa yl ippear la maiitm edios- Dmlly, $10; SomiWoekly, 04; Weekly $2 ver oanotm. -Paascrcx. DzAvz.-JosepI Csmphsllo ldét mou- of Mn. Arobibalal Cmpbe)l, 7th cou. cf Piloring, vhîllecheppbng la lb. trocalswliI ivwo other mei. oisModa, lut wà. lu ah. et cfflilnog a U«eou wbioh a demal troa vasloalgealagalea, 11,billobelSires b.gam be <al, the. ailres brroihaoot ton fenb rom the. grouasal, &auag acouad, sud strsek 1fr. Campbell os tls baudbreikleg bis shaîl lu a frigbea - fimaner; sud hillng hua ltaltly. Aund order, lu car Caaa; Anal roc Detroit t eGm.pala cooa TIIe nebiest of m noble boat Miegoe.,wbose anmefrom aboe.te #bore Wu naboed, bled froci every por.. Of- '68 14s memery tell11 Hev mn7féoagt-hcv many roll. I'd &log cf thi. youg year, divine Andall aihfescoming 'W. Yes, 'd9, tby praise shomil b. Sung'lu olal Tarna.peaalery Net moly ln Canadien chyme, - Wh. to maire Verums is pauime, Defenal car bomoe-Geal bleu our tous, Give ycamg Ceasaiaupongainsd boust The lut tecunlthuste the mii, The. drst te rois us froc our Loil. Andlthon, vh.n '69 is speut Our ear fer '70viliibuho leur Andl afler al jus glus young JACK What yeuil censider la bis vhackf. Proeutatlon t e oc. H. Dactueli, note Mr. Darineil, the Chairman of th. Board ef Saool Troussesacf this Townu alte. ly beta made the rciplinst ef(aauiaaalu popllsblf thé &ndwé-st. aéâolpréseôtud vecy badae.loi iI'hd. Ba lb. Principa Pre.uosion w.lsbolbehalc mon of iII. Bpad, G. K. Daciu.ll, E4 Who bas ooeupied theo positlon of Chairman darieg te .psut v. eusà. aui attenion I. III. douies of hi. position bu. ho.. mci uaromileig.aie, i.su md lulerést la Ihe cause of EMueatic u snover fagg.d. Hi. kiadil encoaragomoni *-t teacheoisudi pupils hu. doue 'iotea' litti o b bring lb. educmicnstl luatitatlons of tiIs leva 10 ihoir preacut bîgia piate of' efflciecy la ordor b manifest Iheirsap mutoation cf hi. valcable serv ices, b pariais &o4 caiepayers procureal a very valuable ailver vaor jug, salver and <oh. lo to, Au accouat of tbeir praentaîioaa OUI be fond lat' amaceer colemu, The Festival cf S t. John the Evingollst vsu duly oiebraed b7 the. broihamai cf the anysilo il. id 1hZ.lova, 'he fullowltag oficsgéréeus 10laantalled f. Bro. C. A. Jouas, W. if; id IL . LWilson, P. Id. si D. Bntae. Yf fi J; qaui . . "J. Igaaaaaon, S. D. tJ. Smilîb J. D. 'G. H. Dermei, M. 0. idG1, 9cnv 1n stewards, 44 J. A. Clark, 1. G. "J. M. Lowcsq Treamarer. 0801o44 1E. Anale, ocreiary. "Chas. Clark@, Chaplain. "A. Priagle, Tyler. The Intallation of affleura baving con- claded, tho bretbrea prcealbtwero caliod (rom laben t e rfresbmomî, anal nader cbargeocf the. Junier Waiden, adjcurued te the ante-rcom of the Loalgo, vbere an ezclieat banque as ipepeadanuder the the direction» of the îeairing Stevarda, Bics. C. Kiag and W. Thornpmou. TbI cousl time.benered icaste ver-o givronanal pruperly reupondd oall. Sevoral viiing brsîhren participateal li the fotivities cf the. evenimg. Pleisaîre anal profit haviug becs the realt, the Jainior Wardcu gave bis bout, "6Hippy te meet, aorry te poit, bappy te meefl again," and ibeLeAlge ce. saimealanal cloeoain hacmony. Lady r l.e *mp- v. lud Our ceadora viii receileet that vo gave mjke h eteui v u mbi a~e a preî,y full report of ibis interemting ee la the caus of education are bcld by his <cllie ciioens. TII. testimonilal consiste cf a massive ailver lIe pichor, vlîb osîver ald goblets, &il riebily eamedalnd vith ÉiIî medallilon. They ars from tbe man afmctury cf tbe veil kuevu establishment cf J. C. Joeph, à Co., silver-smitbe sud jovolera, Toronto. Tb@ salves and <oblats have Mfr. Dartulo name sugrivea apou them, anal the pior bin, ah. foiioviug iaseriptilouS rasaiaTE GEORGE. H. DAR'rNELL9 ESQ, By theinluabitanîs cf the Town et Wbîîbi, a. a toeo f iboir approciatien of hics srvicesu a Ciairmîn of the Boardl cf Sehool Trustees rom -Auv vrains. - Deo,1868. TII. presentmîienvau made on the oe- esuion of the &annual grarnmar-scbeel ao- cial, bolal lu the Meebaies' Hall ou the 22nd lut. J. Il. Ferry anal R. J. Wilmeu, Esqi., premouetoalIbmtesuiolann mbohaif of ihoir tlle, tevusmen, anal Mr.Donuoll madea s mnlsble reply. Mfr. Dartnel latention te, the odoca. tilemi interoat. cf Ib. tovu bas long siue@ merit'e, al bsteke cf bshi. o1v tevnu- mena appreballea, sud ve- certall .feui extrema gratification lu ehronieliug a comaplimentgo voil' and - alesovedly b. Nawsram'gai Dîasoua.-O, P. Rovali à Cc., the Nov York advertisimg ageats, ore about -iosmlu a comploe Americsa #evapgpev firectony. h lu o cmpilation mach eedal since. nobiug cf the bInal having auy elalms te cempletenese lbs ecr bison publiahod. - Meus.roweli & 60. lh$sefpSrmd 1 Pains or expease le lowe th. e nboomug ver-k complots# Wér iileeaàd 1hbe okwyul b. a banal. aoma ousteat volé.. of abut 300 pages, boanal 1* atariiotb1 ami aeld for $6 per copy, As tbep#Mib m ioware adhertlulug agents, ibeir lbumlug s omketainlug se muchl lformitiem, amoalî7 jeîosil gairai- ed by tIlin ta hbu"*Ofashow#. ibat they mie oaofideut cf ibeit abiif , e h cf service to, advetisr#o « tbey vaiea not suc roadhly puelu ibein bedîi tho menus of oumbliug evecy ount c âani rmie direct vîit pabllcbenif thé, 0 de Scmv.-Mc. Sii suda1fr.Van. sin- euh&î toma e Stii. 09" il Cemâcl spi tuas yic. The. aime membora of te. tovnshlp eOoooll-Jobmrben srio 1.ew tea iI tke dxonlmefMMadUl> vhose place lus@fledbycwUý hso whicII vu board boe.a @boretlime mgo bofore M r. Vie-Cbanelcr Spragire, vbc sine thoni basdelivereal lb. follcwing judgmeul: 1 1 allupeseal cf Ibis suit at the beariug, excepu that 1 desireal sc consittorfaribcr vbesber 1 eagbt to maite îuy distinction in th. remsdy 10 vhicb 1 ibougiat plaiaiff easiiledalsu galuat the mversildefemlni.t 1 viu lacllued tate ik that Kemp bat beau leu active tbami the otheî Ivo lu the sceeoby vbieh the plaintiffs ver-e im. poesal pen, anal I deabteti vb.ther tII. jusice cf the. casue olalnet bo satistisal by i decree of gainsî hlm fer policent ta ah, Company, cf the saim vhiob hs enableal Rural te ropromont te thoeCCrnpany vas ths price.cf bbe landls selal by hlmn. 1 bavo inge. efer-real ote o videnes, anal 1 final frontK.rnp'. eva mcuih, andl <crn vwbmî lu a ueoessary infereuce rom vbat ho samys, ibishe va. aseactive pic- ticipater ii Ibmsceheme by viici tire plaintiffs vers deoireal, anal kn.v thî the landod cii y Farevel as veli as thai sasil by bimslf, vua put aevn at a fictitiens price anmd tho llatitioais price.vas te ire reproiuszid as tbm traie prie. Wiîbout bis mia, indemal, Ibis sueme culal uc bave butau carrleal oui. He teck lb. pari as- sigai! go bim là it, whioh lhcaigh les active thbn ibiï,ef the ctber ivo, vis seil1 a part cf tîbsoabeme anal centributeal te las suecoas;, shoy vero ail confeoe, ad moai ail ho made ansvoraibe, to tIIe fu exteat, to these who have beeu mga grioved. In tbhesese&cf Cution vu. Jo'inson, 6 La T. N. 8. 973, and Walsbam vs. Stain- ton, 9 L. N. 8. 3f,, aere wore ditférences iu tII. degras cf ccmpliciby anal cf calpa- hulit7 li ah.eaefonalantu, but neodistinction vas made in tho exteut cf thoir liability to Sh@ pîlutifa s anal ibis Ià probabiy à maalaary r-aile. Repaymeut i. tc bs matIe viîb iuioroat, tbe Company cm iheir part. recunveyiug at the expenue ef tbm defendonts tIIe landl , ccuvoyed- reconeaeo ob.made te te party, or parties, vbo may repsy tIIe paiiutiffe. TII. Docres te b. viîIIcette gailau ail palties. Itlà luaili oppienat vitiîheb. alefadits te have the. intter ce hcard beore the ilines Jalgeaso u irt cf Chaceory aud if the decision ulii le adverse te thoan, Locarry it tote Court Of AppoaL. Wo mndersal tbat shey intena te parég. ibis curae. Ducass', Nzv Yi&ac Numis,- W. ouîy eebo the nnivsal epinicn, vheu vusol tuat Ibis Magasine Improves vitb ov.ery Ycarif net witII evr, suceenive sumber. Ciher Magainos pcoerve lb. same toue, the tomfeiîaaro., iho samm osyle, (mever rialug bove tbe desd lovel,) -vbfcb they have for ynarm putl; but Descoc.st'u in progresaive, alvays fr-osb étd M fi Itru-esMinsutructive buter- matien. -À noirfosturs for this year la te "&LmthleiClub," vblieh saouair-ady ta bave. a long liât of memberu. TIIe <asbioms and altterns are snsible sal. pracical as "aOtt $8 yeirly. Bendl 15 Osua, for a apacimen, 10$88Broadway, Ner Yorks. a"flt mpotio vothe it.ove of sport, and Above a&U, àmostextra- ordlnary mcitbry. He ~4éonato auemo*y. foribe imore oms f thelb.ef- fort long 'mgs fi;om 1h. "Speaker' suad rimite cmb bsoootfýoI o àm itluI umid chaI. ho could vojcst tbe nai.. 'of &U1 th. British constitu.noio, villa the nameosci ai Ibm,- mombers roprosontina them. witboua ituilke. NotvibatàanmÇ rm lb..,os and other indications of vcmavk. ibl4!iiy, lhe vasnot ç4o.ý'nated by his > fahor for publie or prsdf oi Mlté, nor does it appar ibat aitt f hfcm4 is nd laîtqro At firteenyears of ge h.ovas placod at pull"asa-dck In $1. shipplnfg' bus'iness. froan wblch port herîttihseqiten tly removed b oSunderland. When about 'twCnty yors of &go, ln tho order of Pro êvIuence, ho was rcnacved to Wolwleli, and bis rocidonco vac vithbhi. uncla, the Roi. flcnjamiiü Clouih. 11cr. lie won breught Into a cengeniol atmoophcre. M'r. Clough vas x man cf rave. tbeugh flot sbowy ondowmer.ts. A diotingulshed Oriental ucholar, ho bail compilocl a die- tionary cf the Singaleso, oneocf the Bast- orn langouge. which, aller lorty years, stli remains the batscof aIl isimilar workis ln Ihît lungnige. l, is aise n azesleas an self donying missioniry, baving been one0 of tbc first conipinyiof Voung men sent out by tb. Wooloyada tle bOuat under th. superntendence cf Dr.. Coeo, vbc dicd on tbm voy.c and vas btified ln tbe ocXq, X . Pdnkbhas conposed a a ltnabloand hosutiftil memoir of this ex- cellent man, t*a vom lhe owed senînucb. It vas undor bis adyic thatho made bis carly attompto 4t prenclîin-,.and ln May. 1845, ho presenlod himicîf for examina dion ln London, as a candidate for lbe Wesloyan - ,nnislry. At lt.e conforencc of 1848 h. roceivod hi% Ofitt appointmcnt, vbieh vas t10 Whitehavof. vhevc ho spont two ycars, followed by Ivo years ln (Jîvliole, and lhreo yeirs in Nowcasstle. This rusidence of seven years von for bim an oxtraordinary populavity in the fur norlh, his faithiful devolion le evcry deprartuient of bis vola being ne less to- marablo than lbis eloquenc. Previnus te lus enîrance o thebminiâtvy ho bad publiahod a amalI volume of pommo; and when at Carlisle ho made Lis.first literary effrocf a religieus kind. entitmd, 'Tabor, or the CIasMeoting.' This liltlc publi- cation vis an Indication eftûht ardent nI. !achmenît We .pecullar vieve and dis-n cipline of Mcthodis;m vhich lias al -along been characturistic cf Mv. Pun-bon, thoaigh in combination with Pucb 'a breadîh of view and catbelicity of spirit thal ho lias been clîisue'l î ln and again by other chairces as almnot their on. Seon ifter cominr te roside ini Newcatle. Mr. Punshon msvried the datler of Mfr. Viekers, cf Gateshead, This lady died in 1858, leaving sevqa childver. Aftor leavlng N~oecstle, ' 'à neat six years cf the saîbject va; spent ln York- ahirg tbrce yesàin Sheffild, andl tbv.., i ln Loodg. WhiteoiI eedi his _popularity via spprinaching Its holgb I. i t vas inI January, 1854, that Mr. Ptunshon mîade bis firsa appearance in Exeter 11all as aa lectsirer in connectien vith lb. Young Mfen's Christian Association. Tho sub- jecl was 'The Prophot of [Ioreb,' and the lecture, altbougb inferior ta several whichi ho aftorwavd proparoid. vus yet liigbly mharaeteristic, andI preducod za akod lm- pressinn. lie <liainet ippoir scain in this iipseity tliithe beginning cf 1857. ohen lie aolivercd wbsl won pvobably, for ch.- ' ýorical cifect, bis mnter-piccc-his lec- ture on John Bunyan, This eritien vos dolivered vitb oloctrical eftect ln varieus place*. In 1858 Mfr.Psanshenyoeved ar. &Zpointmont le Bayavator, iWere tie tsk as uuigned to bisa of cndesvoring fl eo misea no ;Wsoyan esfl*,* and con-, griîgallen. This, by tbe blesing cf GotI, ~ whlcb rcsted upen bis libers, ho accom plicha'd beyond expectatiain;- and in 1861P ho va% removeal to lalington. During u bhis period aeveral other lecture~s vere do. a liverod by hlm, wbich excited remarkible intorest; large aums of mnneyi beinc fre- îuîonîW offereal and rofuseil loitickets, p' altr Éus tany acoaîld pouaibly lie iasuaal n ad been seld. One of these, 'Tfhe llug. î Lenels,' vas publialîcd il a shilling, anîd from the proceedi of ils delivevy, bfv. ai 'mînsbefl gave a donation of à tlaousand b pnaînda bowardtheieiesloan chotpel an Ipitalfiolds. Large stima werolalsa raioted g fo varieus local charities by spitns cf liiiM lctures. In bhe mountime ho vas grnw- q rig ln tho esteoi n d love cf the brettîren tq f lus own cburch, wu,; honorel ,rilh many "A~~~~ no pee hvvr vit. hlm. ni le vis rec.ntly ippeinted b visit thbcg4 rnited Stites and Canada sivepresenti i 'veor fheb Wesleyans et Britain, end to v rgIe aIheb ccniceoncen in tbe imeper- el lanlrapidgy incrousing provinces ect Il May ho saldeal tiraIshovtly after bis irrlval ln tbis country blr. Painshen mirried bis decqased viîe's aiter. fHoi lov enjoling vigous hoaltb, and is ae- P ively engaged cvery day in Ibmthewek aisb roIl: as, Sunda.L nis iodtum esvevy. 'ber. rIelthlb.plaudits cf cvowded s. - iemblies, and tb, bigbett onconlums ofil âa prose . The Colliogweed Enterpis regrets il bat ait attemplate tcarIbse cFramae.(fi 'mitA hav en badoed for Ibis oea- Pl wu. Th T d.<anger i. ibat (rom ber ezpo.ed w amble., abse May ho ver, mach damaged, fnet hoelc.s iy bt doriug tbe vintor in ith hsavy vinds, aend tbe III. foadiu e u a $ho. sprwg. 91 thé vives brokêev er the' bulviacks andl gct bale lb.e passage vay'I esdlntg to tb. ongmne-rccm. Au. vras apparent that 6Il eftorts-, ave the sblp voeshopelosu, Captibn nio, who displsyod gpeut cocl. noua underth* trying civeuntanes, pve orderS te latu*nc th. boat». -Hia arrange-. ýments werecf tb. mneit complote d.scrip.- Mion. Insetrcions voie glyon te smipply * ,ê,boo4-Il, wbicb vwaeaUl4a excellent con. diuaoai, MWit an a'mple, supply cf vator. biscuit; and pre e 4meut. The. crov tehen leld cf le Lb,-différent botte, sud atter lhe men bad taken their 0'esiliens,ý lih. bouts ocre lcwored, under groît diffi- culie-lbe ficerýs in charge, of euch reý- In; instraîcteal te keep them -off freithb' sbîp until ttisy ocra called'tI. cere along- aide. -No pasengers vers allowod to go en board Ibe boul. bcfcre they vero 1ev- ared laite the vler, vitbhie-exception ci an lnvslid lady, twho vas massd stod thel, coplaitl's boit, tiie occupants cf which vere pickcd up. 'lh. ditlIault part oftthe vock thon ceoinmenced--tho enîbarking cf passeauigers on board the boat&. " This wus accempiisbed in a innner thnt reilletd the bighest crédit on thoeiPlain, 'Tho passongers ocre divided inb sections, as the crov b.d boom Boat No. 1 vau thon called to puil itengoido tirs sinklng sbip and rocelvo ber comnpléent ef paslsengers thon Nos. 2, 8, 4, and 5,in 11k. manner. Wlio Ibisdiffleul and dangercus work wnu in progvcsa,the ulmest ocder pcsvaiicd en hoard. iJaptain Munvo vus statied et the gangway, anal cmv that bis orders were cavrietl cul te cletten. No. 1 bout wbicb vuas subeequ.ntly comminded by tirs captain, vas pulied tovards tb. cbip, &ho vua sîruca by a vive, whicr cauned ber to' bump ugninst thb.vesoi's aide,1 wberoby ah. began tle Ieak in'censequence cf one cf ber titubera being started Thi. cpan and chief engineer remained on hoadtheo amp tilt aIl the pissengers were saiely put en beard tha bouts, lb. formcr being tire hast te louve tbo ahip. Tbe cap. t-qin and engineor thon gel or% board tire firset mnate's boit, but subqcquently tise former hsled bis on boat (Ne. 1) and tenped oni board. A. the lifeboal under charge cf the captain was consilcred te be4 t1, iîeavily latien, 10 passengeas veveà transferred ta tbe firsi wmtos, tbe numnber Ieft being 21'. Our boat (tira captain's) was thon pulled bafere the olnd, and &fier IIailing lier for about twoive heurs o-e4 arore picked up by the Star of Rope. Shaortly ifler leaving the sbip, the bout under charge cf the iraI mate capsized. 1I thon ebserved, iv.eor six men clinging le a the keeI, afler vhich silao righted,and ttacn nine or ton nmen gel imite ber. Amongst iro*e woe re immuorsea by the cspsizing of diae boat were scieraIl ldiosAll cf whom were obsecved 10 flost longer Ihan Ith.é, nen. Atfm.r bains Pioa4u P fy67 -S« ol Hope, ve recoiveal the grealesî ki ndnss and attention frem Ciptaini Talboet, bisi offilcers anîd crov. BEY. mil. ccusS TA&TEMZWT. On. cf th. passenge-rs, Bei, Mr.O'Cen- mer, cf Devry, corroerates the statoment, of (Jupt Mummre ln everv p&r4jcular, end speaks in irigb commcndatien ot bis con- luct tiroughast. Mfr. O'Connor vis oe of tboeo egel into lire Cîptain's boat, vod as subauequently pickcd up by the Star 0.f ucope Of Ibm treatmn e vbo wich bhey were subjecacal on Choir arrivai oST Aberdeen, lbe slaipvreckcd piasongors, bo ways, bave mucb reason te compmin. The tr fHope reached tlie lightbemisc off Abeordeen at eiglît o'cIock on Monday evening. AlLer ruckets iead been fired off (o about an heur a tug cama omnt fa'can §bore. Captain aulbet comnmunicatcd -ith tira màgter, and snbd ha vis-heal sema usosengo-astoken asirore, but the latter tbjecItd, tha ieaIhaibtdne authority do se. )n the captain ofet ta taof Hope saying rit, tho e Piengeris mal been picked ut, 'aui a wreck, tire master of tire tug re- lied bliat in tirî ons or woasld tulie tbem )n board, but ire sherlly afterwards poil- vcly declinnal le do su. Captain Talbot ion nukeal liraIthe second mute ef tira gtar of fHope should bco Inaedin the hope ,at ho mighti ie ileo eairrange matters; )ut ts*ri-quet o-as aise not complied 'itir, on tire gromînd tiraI il; veuld ire don- Brous Lo coma noir tira vessmi, aitheugr r.O'Connor soys the sca at the ine wnm lile colin. Shorîiy iflervard snaîer ig was sen coming oast frem shiore, 'rhe master et tug No. 1 set cut te mccl ha second vessel, and tire t1 captaIns îpeajred te helal a consultation,.ant ta Iose of wlîk-b tag No. 2 came vitlîin baill oftda Star efHaUt,,anal thiamnstar, on Bing asked, decl ined tln tako tlîe pasen- ers on board, The fInIt tug aIse sp- eracirea witin speakmîg distance, and 'aptaia Talbot asked abat tlae monter- icull brîarg hian iis erders ftrc shcre, id sonal eut a lifeboîlt or tbe passengers. ha Star o.f Hope, vetmiay sante, la an beraleen vessel, anal IJptïtin Talbot pro- Pbly expecteal instructions te discirargo s carge tire, elirher in wrireo or part, Pfore procoding te Ieltr. Tbe master 4Lth tug, et any raie, premised te attend o hot r requests, analtire to steatmers vent ouf. Tire htar of Hope lay in tie )ope cf relief or instructienow frem shore, ot an bour and a haif passoal vitheaut îny ppAIavnce et assistanîc. Monviaile the anal hal been rîpidly rising, and tho oa,, bicer hral been coli n ntheir scriîal, vas iow se treaîbled, uiqd Lthe gmt. no vicIent, mait he veasel vas in danger of being rivesi &shore. lu these circmimstances 3ptaîn Talbot deemea ltIl xpedient te set oàl Leatb, obere lie irrive lIn lb. fore- eon Mf Tuesay. As lncecising thc don- ar o( Ibeir position, Ur. O'Connor men- lons Ibast on board bhe vessel previsions Ve gelling acarco blh ish. cf course, aslty amcunted for by tb.eaddition cf tb. ;2 shipvrocked passongers tb hec evu empany. z'avAz.c cor Tas AIs. 0f thoeflue boats vhicb coailained the assengers anal or-ev, bre. have nov been ocovereal-ýnamùely, -the cmptahis, the. uain's, anal the scond, efflce'm, Ieav- Dg the beate i'irargooOf -tho chiot officer id the Ibîrd offlcer chili misslng. In the- bief oicers- boat thece vero lbirty-tbhret erscns4 hbuit aviii b.remenihoredl - t orly after Ibiscaft loft tle Bibernis, he vas capsîzoal, anal on &giainrigbting, for ah. vas eenslructcd, on lb. lieboat rinciple,) only sme eight or ton. Parsons rsr mtn on. board. ,Deprivedal as heIy mobmbly vere 41,,Liai.s uion cf their pro- 'sns, aidperbapa lsjo sny oneskshhleal n tire msanagomaot o i bout., Il muett b. onfassoal li eyr. Ipamsing bouc lcsmau qr liepe cf lJtacu. cl f Zio ro" 18 t andbu nis*uevréïen. t#Vnea o with only threecacivc- .Dlavies,' 2nd- éofcéÈrj PeterBlair, qaîarleraler;7 anal Jehi Rllsy, ALU. The bàat cmpcit i r bceing soin@elime at osqsand tbisviir cIhr e cauuiies, reducea tire nomiber te lb. tirrec men namnéa, M. fHerbertaon et PLesiva., Handyside & Henderco's effice lîcro, ias been despatcheal Io mneî tem.- they, ave,- unabi. boleave at prosent,, but are expectel boe.te-merrew or nexl day. Thi. cempmny bave oreereal the grcmtest cure te b. Laken cf Ibem," Bic, llowe'. Vcsimsca, (Frem th. Globe,# ZTographio epatl. At a lecture deliversal by 1fr. Howo in Cernwallis, lisi woek, oeai etI. audience. ahe If h.bc.id acceptoal tb. i!tautionm. The lo 'cal paperosely Mr. Heve replied that l itaenot deairable leta itroduce poli ties iaio scial gatheriage wbere the peo- pi. marfor amusement or instruction; hbut as the. gsntleman haad asheal a eivil qaies. dion he venida soer hlm, wbich suaver aaMany change. have besa rang opon a1 the Word$ 'aceepi theo situation.,Whou RKing David's son lay slck unie deatb, "Davidl wopt.grleveusiy, sumd :pried-teO thec Lord. TII. chilal died, then Dauidl Sarcse, est broad ana oepaed the.aimas.. "bien. Mamay pour fellevu lu St. John inve*ted their &ai u@ueof the.ibaika;- tC he baaik faileal, iheir mouel vas &Il agene. Soswerc rodaceal t6 pennry. "Soroly &gaies$ bheir vill t4e.,bhiltew *aceeps-the situatien, and 1 have ne ldemi bat ,minhave bad at Urnes ta 1t coept the situation vben they vcnld n et have doue a ad 1he,'the p.r Sta order events. Wbon vessi, are wrecked, dwollinga baret, or live. lest, "wbaî vcald bs donc bat boy le the "yul of Providence, hoeover fuill bearts Imixht b.cof aorrav. lai Ibis way wv. aiae boom cempellel ta accept cf con- Sfederatien, net becauso v like it, but Sbecauso vo cannes ork miracles, and 66 sarîhl, mtanss bavebeen exhaiaad. If 'scmiesuian me b ave I accopted a Isituation. I sasoor, No. In Augmut I~lut Sir John-A, M"acdd cereal me 'a sai in the. Cabinet, witb fiftoen hban drel poanoda a year. 1 net cnly de clineal, but infermeal Sir John ibat ne honorable meni on cai.de cf politics aconld tblle office nntil tI9he . ebah Ibeem revisel an thb.coiuîry catiafla.d thai nothing be- or ceaild hob done. For saix menths a; appciim.etvWrth a thoma or tvelve. handîed dollars a Iyear hbu boen opon bu me, urb*cb 1 might have taken vitbcuts ny eblige tien te ruau nelecîlcu. 1 have talien notbiîg myseîf, uer have I solicitoal îny f6 aver or appciutmeau fer my frionds. I6 arn as freesuad lndepeadenî ef the. lDomiuion Geverasment dovai to this heur se 1inienal te becof abe Local." A Nov Importai Bliuistry. au a' a' Tue caBmaxe. Firat Loral cf the Treisry-Mr. Glat. atone. Lord Chancello-Lord Elatberîoy, (Sir W. Pige Wod). Lord Preaidcss cf ibe Connii-Lal de Grcy anud Ripou. Lord Priv, Suai-Lord Kimnberley. Chancellor cf thI.e Bceemr-Mr. Love, oecroery fer the Hoe Department- Mr. Bruce. Suoretury for Foreign Atisirs -EsarI cf Clarendon. Seeretary fer the Cclenie-u-Earl Gran- ville. Secrtiry cf Wav-Mfr. Cirdwcîl. Socrotiry for- India-Dikeocf Argyll. Socreary foc Irelanal-Ma-, Chichecsier Fertescue. Firsi Lcrd cf Lb. Admlvaly-Kr. Ciailal sa. Préenlst cf ime Boirai of Trado-Mr. Bright. Poec iav Bord-Mi . Geacbemi. Local Stewart-The Bar-i cf Bous. bor-cugb. Lord Cbamherlîin-Yiuouut Sydney. 'Mastir of tII.Hersa-TII. Marquis of Alieshmiry. Mistresu cf the Robes-Ducbeu of ArgyIL' Master et the Baclonda-The Baril cf Cork, Cemmissiener o( Wor-ks anal Buildings -Mfr. Layaral. Joint-Socrotsries of tIIe Tremnry-Kr. George Gllu, Mr. Ayrteu. Third Lord cf the Trea.ury-9t. Lord of the Traury-Mr. Adi,. Uoalaii-.retary fer tII. Home Depart. ment-Mr. Katoebball Uingeasen. lUmder.Seorettry for India-Mr. Grant Under-goeeciliqfor Foreigmi Affaira- Mr. Otvsy, Attoray-Gsneal-Sic Robert Collier. Soliioter.Gee-Mr. Coleridgo. orielf. # tetfigoJd .Mn Lord Cbsueellec cf lreaud -Mr. Jus. til. 0'agsai. 'fM Local Listont-Eicl Spencer. Ljord Cbio.e-Mr. Justice O'Hsagsna, Sclictoc-GuoratMr. ejant Barry. miaoiec of Edgçatio-Mr. W. e lor, _9116 whch will provoe ie£ ionff'te tbe ounamtry end es ahicb infiets no hat&flWp disfty peridn cf the commun- iîy. Andl thîl the reeve be béteby i'.- qmiireà te nsenîloriie the.legislature -on, bohaflfotf is cdînil.,praying ta ac lav houfnot repaett 1fr Seas, ecn~c~by fm~ leyden,' tmoved Ihît'thLb.roé ho' éaltbrizod ta- grint bIs erder on the treasurer in favorý cf Wm. Goodman, for lb. sasa cf $81.8uc for di l dltýhslgiwgn>p on aide b ieen los 2 an nlathe 4tb con., alis i Lavr cfJorepa Heélmîn, for ditehinig on aide roaid otveen lots 20 mnd 21, 7tiîcn, 211 aise lin:favor cf John Hislep, 'for ni kiîag sleo çglvprb in svamp-boîeiwen lots 29,nd 5,4th' con. as pur- greemoent, $10. Mrv. 8Spears, uccenalealby 1Mr,.Dydon, mnoved Ibat tbe reevo <ranI bis aider on Lbe treasurer in laver cf Richard Oumtbcle, for theasuani cf $7.50. for 8 deys draving stone le Smilles' bridge, also aen. ordeir in favor et John Mmdiii for steno rcquired fer Sonilies' bridge. John Willis, aeconded, by T. Fisher, abat lbe reeve be authovisod te grant bis erdor on lie resosurer, in baver et tbe foi- loving parties for tbe saim opposits theirý r-espective names : W. ehigic s per account cendered, 55,Ththiy Fiichor as per arder cf, Jcromiair Dawson, commissiener forconîracî, on verk on lot 85, Ptb con., $20; W. U. Cbevitt andl Cc. Tevonte, as per accutnt, $2. Ma'.,.Speàrs fmcved Ihst the rcous grant bis ei der onlb. bressrer in lavec cf J. Madill for the sunu ef $25, hoing 6 montb's maintenance of an orphan ciid rom Dec. ta June 1868, heingtire lest allevance ta be gvanted. ,os said' John Kadill bau adei,îed the child. 1fMr. Dryden, secon 'ded- by Mr. Wiiiis, movedîhal Ihe ordurs-oL tb. ceevecn lIhe lreasurer in faver cfWm. Pearsion for $308. fer building stene culvorts; B. Martin, for $9.50, a per aiontract et An- dersmi'a but; John Rogers, for $46.40, contracl for gradling, bu cenfirmed. And thul the action cf the treasuror in 'pay ing Sylvester Mickey $10 fer vork dune on roa 'di acecrding tb inirmîclions, hc aise ccnfirmed. ,Jobn Wilis econded by Mfr. Speaca, moed It a tceevo ho auîlorizîd te grant bis urdrroit the tressurer- in -taior cf James Anderson, for cedar tIles fer culverts belo'eeaî lots 20 and 21.' on the 3ral con. $4.55, in laver cf H. Tyler, imeumît paid C. SîmIer, aa indigent per- son, $91.191. fer sundry geeda 8$5.01, aise an favor of J. B. BickeIlibtesaum cfý $5, said sum ta b. expenbed in favor of- C. Slater, an indigent persan. alse in faver of T. Fishecr, tb. aurai cf $10, te b. ex- pendeal in favor cf, Mn. 'heelcr, an in- digent persan., mue in favor cf Michael Teeny, for fixing bridge and cloaning vator course, $3.62. - J. Willis moi-ad, secendeal by J. V. peari, that tie reeve is hereb)y autborid ant required legrant bis order on tbe treasirer in favor cf -the foiioving pecstons, J. Kompt, $1.S5; R. Camplin, $2.50; J. Cook, $10; J. B. BiekelI, reghctering deed for drill shed, $1,60. Mfr Dryden, seConded by J. Willis, movred tist the collecter, lin bis sette- ment viab Ille treasurer, bre alloved a deductior cf $15.42, ameunt of taxes net cellectable, and Ibat tha clere forosird a copy cf Ibis vesolutien le tbe lrensurer. Mrv. Spena moyed, secended îy 1fr. Dryden, thal the ceeve grant bise rder on the troasurer in favrcf Tiniolby Ifishier for theosu in cf $50 for 411" oai f gravel, aIse for $1 for vent of lanad north baIt ef lot 25, Stb c.n. used by this mmînicipality for rond ollovance ta Dec. si, 1868, aise in favor of Geo. Gilvie, for S cord vocal foir aise of Town hall, $9, aisc bn laver et Noah Wass, for, $4 for gravel for road. Mr. Speara, secondealhy 1Mr. Fisher, mnoved that the rceve grant bis erder on the treasurer in favor cf lire aînmlrinen-. tioned persona, for aume eôaposite Ibeir namucu vespectively, for services rendered as ceuncillra. iock, collecter, andl Irea mairer, J. B. Bickelt, $127; ,jein Dryden# $21 ; John WiIlis, $19,50 ; Timelhy Fisher, $19,J50; J. V. Spear, $24; I. T. Hlarrison, clerk, au services $225 ; J. Bîîr. vnasghs, collecter, $85; Robt. Darlington, $50. Tihe ceuncit then adjourned sine die, Unitedal ea News. Baffalo, Dec. 29-The Commen Ceun. cil yetrday appinteca acommittee te confer viîb amy cempan, or persan havlng auîberity te couairnet a bridlgeoever ah. Niagara river anal Fort Brie, fortbm pair. pose cf macrtainimg vhethier auob bridge viii ho at once consirneteal if the cia, of Buffalo yl guaranto. the intevest' upen lias comn cf conhtruction, an&- if possible te settle upou $Ooe er-mm upen vich sait! bridlge vial b. constructed as ibo earliesI possible moment. Tbe@.$un'# mpecial uaya it je veli kuovu by Gsm.r-al Gramiis- frieuda tbat h. I., anal bau been etai ml limes, lu <isue'r cf remouing' from ofie every Demeerît vbom hoEnBds ln plices;anal ialkiung t leébisfrîsuda ho apeuku fromi, cf copperbeadds anal cele, andl neyer ceuccals bis aileike fer th.m.' Wassmuarcir Navu-T hlà e RcaMS apecWaidemies the caors -that Gem. Grant andl PresiuleuiJohnsonu ves&bout te place themselvea &gain, on a fricnatiy foot. ing. The report of Gen.' Gr-ant'u heutili. iîy tae -ue jsa.of bonds ýtote hePae!ie Railrcain luequaly uonfenudeal. - Chicago, Dec. 29. -At a fire lu0. bous No. 49 Frankln Lreeoi, Ibis mcrsiiug, tvo hrother,Wsllae anal LewisCard, jeimeal bauds ana l eiapo eaalIomg mbib te cireeS. Ou. vas instantly kilmoti, analte lb.er aleal in fifieu ýminutes astocvardm.,1 Nev York, Deo. 29. -rTII. PomPa m pe.ý' Ciel syalTboidebs seuilemeut, foc. De. vil sbov a ale%-ue cf 'about eigii mili. lieu dollams Goldal b mi1O ... 134;1 eebtiuge., fe tonMdsfe~Oo or-40 ous, @, (est of li nch lambet,-sud 01000 <sel Of x eer.smouing. M r. Gsrrie Ieuderâd blileam 0 s a' Member of te. conucl1ý*i thýNOMU Thé tcagusîtion u on apmotion etf Mc,_ CoIpiai, sud ils aay c miOl , . lu. i warrantform a y eh ios le M -fil SI 01u Motion thé mayoclefî te b id tui depîy rieee as- omilea aient. lep~ Melie, seeoudeuf by MIi4wpr, te, s close vilbouwiPrefàfuI p4 bition of-ibe oble , dgie, su» 1o t<îafaas.( *lcie Élis weoohpl e aiayoc filoal thecubir, and pcusidM over the. dolibeaious of thb. col oit nlgsl. .The auayor âa'sf f fs RPi oîr iço7 S ïê ooeT£.s A, impo'el ét, of'the Bo"i, 4iîtbe porpose 6ft iindmg àýi <66 9èar- vs1beld on Tnesdmy la.:. tesu-Mr. Diciacîl (Chairman,) 'Dr. Gnau, Dr. Carzou, sud Meurs. Ferry, Ferguéon, Clegg and Thvait, Absent-Dr. Tacker1 J. ff. Greenvced, R. J. Yaruo% J. - Pro.dfoot and Captaiu Rove. TIIe Chairmin hamided lauteibm nsfer the presons year, trim whhehh i' aps ibai the Ppualation cf tbm Tova ha. i.- crenucal64 dnariag ah. liut velve montu;' the figures beiag 2872 foc 188, *-mgp. 2808 for 1867. Thelacsi as .4 8qaoas in. the Contre Wscd;tue .is a aligÊle b.-- creaso luntho Botih WardibtheNorcthWsal cemaining narystiniry. hue a rotaru of tic asmes of tbes uu*-, atteading the souier divisien cf th Gras. mer Sebeol, frontm vhî-it appemratast-- there -are 22 pupils ataeudiug ah. sâhool Who corne Irom ibme country; cf abus, ten receive gatuiteus iusîueîei,audàc il.- termâ fte ro cfl,<cn r4o ibm Ceonîy Cme. cil. The'cemaaiuin1 g 12 pay fee& - The drafi finaucdes sistement vu. md- opîcal, anal $15 Appcopriated for ils pabli. caaion. TII. resbguation et M. Prcalfoot vu- âa.n Patinanal ibis fia,. aceepea.- Snodr aac ntse, (iaeladinx 1fr. Non meni's'aary) amoatig ta, $276.08, vèe paieil.dsd rdsred Iote .psid. The Chairicunreportelte.resIt tof bi cenferene in '1route vith th. members cf the Edaouoémisee. - Mc.,Ferry mevei avois -or tîmlis '-1 tho Chaîra'a3for .bis amî-viee daiaig ils put year. Dr. Gnonmoveal aailsîfr-voîte 1fr. Kirkland anal theoîher feshavain th». varions schoohs. Mv, Kirklsu'd repliedaon cmibesf cf Li'- self anal bis fmliev teachors, snd ezpretord bis - teaiks fer -ibis mark the appcmmaou of their services by te Boss$l- Th teachors ha lvi,.beon tiesel via rY cour"m anal ecusideraalion byih&mmaa cf the Board ludie-idnaiiy snd eolfeotlvÈy. This vas in marlealedcmîtr.stoteth. e» Der lu vhich tesebors veretresa lby sm other Beerdu. -Thesebolm vsrs' nov in"- i high alateofeteflecieuey, sud h. tramied ihat if tbm teacher bial don. their daty in the. pust, tII.y voll sontinueste do so lain tb. futurs- The Board tbou aioruol. tatbaC Iy Telegcsphi IM Ua DAîhîWqffuTtof. New ok, Dec. 29.-Il. IlReral£i Lonudon apecial ay -Dmmah (oin Berinu state that the oblef poilàt t. be treatel by the , Confereuoe of tbe Great Povers mae,,the sstonuocf Crou, tbe-- suspension cf imergethe mems es-m- tienel lu tb. oliauio, sud au sa.' ment te supportbe joit d.uanda efTor- key. It lau asflytyaiteal stated lai Coensaaueple ihat the Torklh G-(overa-- munt objece t Wthe.Comiferense.- Conatantinobli Dec. 29.-A circulaer frenttthe Sublime Porte joug soed, cou.1 ho- .r%-- -,o l e .dhe.sd u- - , ti Il c ti Ti a Ey feu -oe AI Messvin bel 7IODER O -The Luîuereou soaund t mereltsnu salnt tise Town 1 - '-et ai, ti:- the Setnos tusi Teudarsto e dresaetdé Tende ,Wbitby, 29th De TuuUdermigue TUE TG Thnrs4ay - AT IAL Fcthes purpea *qb*-Tovn. end ai baee"onvillatheao -'--MR. TiliVAIT -NO0 %ives ole i t aiore jbiohae er saln fte anb Th pe entutior Ilon tmocy Monroalirm- s llenk0r of ecal foa sefer iii.te. pa ofttsdi Monremi.utr - GEO. P. -NuWPA Terr« ui do e JL ftkyIno rc.uu,-dla tbn. e c monlimee bis ,l;ýb c F Il i W h e. 2, ati vi.infty inl *Orcd IJ. C. J4s Dm TOR 1-

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