Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1868, p. 4

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A, LARGI AND -COMPLBEBSTOCK TIwo 'l'anis of -PrfrMe 1actbry Cheéstê for $ilver at par. T~L~2 ausit ou issu tises ma 1 paiesfrn - - it. Bonek mmMn.jais, IsniltonMn 1110009 Mrwoo , n. M 0DoIuomn , .,M IL Coarau, Mrs.. Jas yrâi, Une. J. Il' ~'myMis L.Yslbj14 US. J. Agnew, »r. .s#wod, is. L C"dwM, Mü*r( uJb CAUTION. Ail mséIfl ndem horold linUth#<onty of #)tAu" and Dorbatn muat las:the proprfr- SOl aum, b.srg daoe 01 patent anadIsis botôs,, mies, u.d vorjy I- tromuwi ibe proulied to the fulloz oûst for tihe manufactureAw ui! le lis Ub,,ep.28, 1808. 8 TO FARMERS. Pasys -lié f1,ullaunt of Ineaaeo. W Thse PreumNoe vSys tu Jebu £m*eu dont à&awit by tUs. 'iii 'al Aget, Ckronlv Office, Wbithy. STOP AND SEE. ll.I.Y lae iesiens, Massafeaasble saisi ilcieesij.l(scia, alllitucssnsois- %nîtce ihe eict ksiila'a onsite arseasSleii Votupiis'slyt'srlstidsl mfr l'or sges s svs iwacessalsl is p4fItlpaceueon 11e Tisrai. Longs. Ltven. i>rhistl eyigiseso&a., ai cl asau f icaiInu lilaime11nap4 i. l ai dsiwa Ihut 11511to't "' rI, nt4o Cnoplion t all'uernC. Yf. Mille, Y iisîtuwa, Unit., al'Coumasspalaai. or tios '-'Amblri sse,al, s4d Ca'sssca,Voit. "ut lsi bLison (touataen.rluioans utl'Johnu ltaaey, ut' à. raasaee, Osat, ofJ'Ileumsllam,viso iaaaiiscaially imtes Il01 -'r«o t eur yas, iu epl ir l'allitecaaiella ba'notelra., laid Iino%' eIL &ieuulo cuts ses iiglisibbe oasis. t~iord tiai vu cpue. 3Cdisas.e nu SbIre asd sis r a Cireuhir of a.skîss'stianable conilsaaîusou fi la , Il"bls sîtimEUIza àttgiDY aîaai ILU., cadi aailio-ur. 'slves. Prica of-tise Igeauedy la large pIate $1. Î> Fr1lai. Gy aitlDraisand suailesnaiMui. (ioa. Ageusi' iilby, Jas' Il. GCccii.assdiJames j WHOLEJIALE AGENTS 101 %l4i'aVU & Co,. ;UN,5 kSON. A. JIAiLToN &eun. sept.,l. as-lm CURE O0F OONSUMPTION lN CANADVA. %laity I ove le ys.u, as vsll as w itts' pPublie, ts, ,asl'uîsa , uq l eîusagtoa',islelulcure o u atssal.uîs.e- 4-'slapllouailn ssîy purcols, b,'thaesune o! tise Great SIissces ltieaty ad Voils. Jcouglseda greoa aljsl aiuy aussaolali, eap'Lioiaalig large gluaitaliaacàuto sli. ai iatic ea isialsbua s>ILu> i' iag.filbait osichills oser day, asuai aere ai sglat suca, e ver,' "aglt, and, btwoeu tisairu'b,sig.-ug"ara' dosgreat A weataf »u taitut lers-ed tif slerai; by filet# idisse as vela asl'y athe Iu.ol'aspî,easa. 1 im;o nre- -Anedsitht i coulsi-harsla saut a unes. iaisa ulsder 'a1e cure of&s psict loawa s iaglî li at, batisdsiig #w relie.trl d lialltill aec. l[ettalaioit au,' venud elt'ecl. j§miraeeiaor Il iusi, reosaîstseiled iiiii lamais te G. .ra tsaiho(aees ltsuaisl,'y; 1procureai alre "be#ticu li 1cm Witht§tise Pilla;,80 an iass coisr- auammeod ulisg it I begaas te gel boteand s liral 1 hWou llii4ba heal ll eitilut.diseacreui ofearliiial matler, a î about the lsong#, rii. .v.aluig, k... Iel reu;asu 1 euaalntasasg is#use 1 bocaîuau cresag sali ~.atSy* ti ssw user Ivîs uss.îslhs #Rase 1 i boith lteadsiitisr. bavai lcesasi oùayuslnua teai'ts Jaseuseretnsaasg s#udi base lotenal, uino ia sui hs. $#Matesal bener thasa 1 havai beau l'sr suany l'yesrs. i lmortivolsa vWitto tarat is.t inv,îtth ie publise, tisu they sîsair ta.made &Wordm orwlie âeeilIfvirasses u!ttilii, îaecssdut IwhmaIdlteritedly. 1'WrER tic. Y. MILLES.- PrnA ievwiî,Coc, !LsaxkAdsglsOi '('wafft an visnal am o.-TMisls4laloerir (bat i baia n msaslai"d Ibo iseabosa, Ieton 0.Vy. (&Wr I.q M fiuai,'ya'cs ad have Isîsovsbla t. lWayo 140i(4s e o e'> igiad e,9 rlcaldlaly, usna Vse,>'ewtoldisisais dib" i.rauls; slu I use moesanet 1 lai a eou sshly vu"eu(naar *tsof this boyaorsgsy r.he i shls'îpsl sasde 1>7lais'. ilt i J tié'. te .L 8. l R ol, lc.lotrul'sb 'LIVERY!I TND'U<NE DEOIIIES TO IN- fkf à i r;osîl d asi!putroas. tisai ho bs uaplis raeuaed bilasuat Ltiseï 'wEIY LIVERYV STABLES 1atel>' eecpied k' osn. 'uallud ls tîi esareasa.cd thisiuanher anti u'tito 1wcsl, tusîd siso uddd tu àud lui- provedthé (lie esyoaanasuauJ vtsaicleà on tis ibnemm Ie hpe bie.by bu111< laia Pos.I(Ioia te ilaet (be wats ,i!tcusiacsiireî.ais-t a *aro 'Utfptblio paweuacae. W CHh-RGE-td uODESATE. N. X*-Cusor.d C(Josyeaosl'or !suilics. tealorduen.. WLaitby, Aprl i ,18. Pb*1Witby, DÜ "bor16,8. JLiiW :"J LD J J IJiJ FRESI ARIiV.AL4 BOOTS &_SHOS. 12 12 Re J. YARNOLD WC lias juet received a vIer>' large and wcll slectcd Stock of VI thu 15IiiM7. 41J&LLI 1 and -tatest style, for vaIt '~and Winter Taade, which will be wild at prices that,- Cannot l'e beat O-3 Nons' Caif, hp, and Cowhido0 Boots.g Ow' Womone' Goat, Kitd, andi Caif Boots. 49 :c> IffRsss.' c OuIerns' oots & shoos. «M: 03-r Gentiemfens' Enoýglisb, Lace and El s- tic Boots. FELT OVERSHOES, ail sizes. Ldes -'andGetits'Best Sewed and Peg- ýcd Work made to order by-C&STLE FOX. Repairs ncatly xecuted Riteember .the stand-next door NoriU of Royal Canadian Bank, McMilan's Block, I3rock-st.. Whitby. Henry's Rif le Cartridges FOR ,ý8AL, VERY CHEAP. R. J. YARNOLD, WhiLlby, September. 2nid, 1868.- 35 BOOTS & HOES 0f the Rigkt Fit and .'Pake, EGS to inform bis frieuds and customers, thatlie bas receiv- Bcd a ver>" large stock of FaIl & Winter -Boots & Shoes, 0F THE BEST STYLE AND MA KE. Also on hand a large Stock of IIOME-MADE B oots -aud Sh ocs which cannot be surpassed for quality or vrices. ~Ail Orders punctually attcndcd to., Repairs ncati>' done. Reinember thc place, nearly opposite the Bauk of Montreal, Brock Street, Whitby. Wiiitlly, Spobr3,16.3 THE OLD STAD EsTrAB LI S"HED 1833 In refermne to an anîîouuement of dissolution of the copartner. ship heretoforè exWsing beteneen TILL & BRO1., thp asudersigneti ticiirea (o infortu bhi frliinds anti nunierous patron that hostili continues the bamsinuaas cstablisial hy blia late <alierl IMS~O, at the. CL» STAN'D, Nos.' 3 anti 4, TJLL'S BLOCK, IILOCK STRIEET, WliiTBY9 whea'e tic wili b. ilways. founti rcady to attend to tise vaîîtm i u stowners. Au 'ettire nos' stock of thse Lest anaitafacturcd Jurasit uic. UPIIOLSTI'EIY AS UNDERTAKIG AND FUNERALS Bupplied as heretofore. IF'ome splendid specimens of Pieture Framnes, and (Jildiug. Remember the Old Stand. Whitby, May 4, 1968. ~JC~ll.aX.aq 18-1y $15300'0 «IN,,PRESENETS!1 AT 1IOITS NEW PIWTOGIIApfI GALLERY, OSIIAWA' CORNER 0Fr INGAr siXCOn STREET8, FIR.BT FLOOR. iPrizes eonsist of GolèA aund Silver Watches, Gold Chin_ Broôches and Jewely of ail kinds; " &w8~'ig- Macine, Paintingo, Albums, and a va- iet;y o! excelle nt; Clo&S. -Life-like likenesses taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en-' sura perfect satiafootion. ow' Sec Bills, for manner of d6, tribution ot- pre. sentu, &ow is the chance for ahi te, occUre enduring PIIOTOGRA'PIIS, àud valuible presents, ut a less price than inost photogrnphers charge for tape turcs alone. Osawa, islarch 24, 1868. 12 iJVa,,Janpdjg mauxbiL 0OFF tIAL, A-8SilQNEE' ;ENERÂ-LAdEN CY ,OFFIÇE!l TRIO uderIwgn.d baelug recolveci te appointsnent of OMEcfAlUI.e00uforfrlà Ontario, id. Preared tW gave proant attention to &Il matters ln En ru tcy4, , Insolrney. Pomaueor 4Ntesa ACcluts speqdity coilectil an4 viaittauen promiptly ma&ts Qi; good f14M seearlty BatS per cent intest Spécial attention wili b. given to the. u.gocatlouof L and borrowensciâ rely upon bhadng their applications attendet! E0"~ ~ ~~~~~i Aiejadlol mpee ni npoveti constautly for sale. insuraneca ettotei I.te Oitaio1are~MtuI Iîsrancu Company; .MJR OIlICEI-%elov'e Block, nest door to tho loyol Cusdian isui;' CHEA GODS! (jJ ubseriber would beg-to -intimate that lie is now in re- jceipt of bis Eall Stock of FRES FÂIL Y GI'OCBRIES, Complete l vr department Ie woulddirect special atten- tin= o is large and complete assortment of Uroe)ëkery, Glass & ,Earthe 1nwa,-re Glassware. in sets to match, Lamps, Chimneys, &c, ail of -whicL. ho ini determined tooeai as cheap as any house'uq town ; in, fatebouud flot to bc underuold. Cal! and oc. ~FLOUR AND FEED', AS USIJAL. Cash paid for any quantity of good Firekin Butte-r. corner B3yron & Dundas-sts., opposite thec Robson Ilouse. Whitbyl October 28, 1888. EnIargement1 f of Promises, INCitEASE ol, STOCK. H 1E Subscriber would4s cfnlyanonce to bis old cug- tomners, and tlhe pubi eal, that, having enlarged bis trc to double ito formeor size, l4i i, in consequencc, nfforded rooni to show tuiâa saon a Stock'twico, aslargo au Le lan' ever ollered.before o! Box, Parlor t cooki ng Stovesr» Dumb Stoves, Coal Stovcs, Agricultural Furnaces, Cisteru Pumpl, Braiîsansd Enainelled Presorve KettIes, Tinwas'e o! every description, ýChlirens' Carringes, &c,,, &c., tegether with thae otiier Cooking Stoves, ivili be fiîand thae CELEBRATED .AR IL'RONG, andth ie GENUINE IRON DUJKE STOVES, whicli ccti on"> be parc-bnsed lu this towu t his store. Ef4avc.troughing and Job Work pcomptly attcuded to. Any quaitaiy of good Cordwood taites La exchaxige. R A4 1Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868. FFu TU JNO. TILL & o. Would r ctully cal attention to their large Stock of Furvi- tucadCabinet -ae i fthe, newest stylei and design. An examination of their PIR8T-C0LÂSS STOCK, vil warrant them in saying that thereinoeser nbe Dominion. 07e U'pbolsterilngz of ail kind é, ain the work guaranteed to be exceuted in a superior n'anner. arPartieular attention- is' requested'--to LL-FuneraWs Fu ly,,Suplid' Cash for any quantity lofFE TIR jWlutby, Sept. 9, 1868. J'NO. TILL &,CO Caldwell's Brick Block. 385 $ herry Rum,' 83DCândaOld ,Ryeand Malt, very fine., 'ExtraFinreý Green aud Black Teas, 'HAMILTON -&CO. Whitby, Dec. 1lo, 1868. If you wànt to-buy a First..class Go TOM-.,Il. COUIIIIANE'S. AND CLOTHING MADEG TO ORI)ERt At'M.- H. COCHRLANE'S. BOOTS & SHOES OVERSIIOE8,- &c., cbeap for cash, At M. Il. COCIIRANES. 1Whitby, December 9, 1868& 49.1>' GENTLEMXEN'S TÂLORING AND FURNISIIING IiolisE,' ALEXANDER PRJNGLEý Takes leave respeetfully to iutorrnbis frieuds and patrons that lai$s.tock of Ik' WTER CLOTHO, .ÇO, a 1Dow very cpmplete, and! of the very but qn: i ad thath prepared to malte tp with dis- patola, and ini the lateat sy=esGonflieei î's (3ruacntat. , 1 Gentlemnen's Fi'nislîilng Goods of every description, embreiug-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &e., &C4 SNO FIT NO PAY 1 1 lrock st., Whitby, sept. 16, 1808. &LEXANDER PRINGftL, rTHE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY faetiO-spiTAL gSTiEET, MoNtRILUL. mljubg e cof Tes, lasve bu:p Oncs ~ S~' sud~ne lrouZsiiMm*s subsumsuie an « 0 tuipose IIII AIE UNQiTA.LE> VOt 51ILEGTII AND FLAVJL'IL. 'They has hea. hoss, lsrihee lansle nris, eepni ai ulasi eaiiaeeeoaysd a higis degre a[cfplessnne iai doues.Oners<unIlon 11, bxes tw alb.boxsaircal li o tOts bo 'ut cssrnlage (rue tusay alallwaa sesio lasuala Ta vlSle 'ovsnas lneialiysusucip c'ib eaie ly ausseimcsiftig uioiey. or #bu ,oyea............se lrepra na, vsr.Iee epe. offie. liaa rdur ne sbeow ahe smiuoss c 1 0 louve epeu.laviiibu beaier und th Me w #.ua.c va bu eider. W are Wbli.box wousld tonUic ues,(M ati lils eluibiung taiether coulatil n tier iu 1. or ave itîts. boxes., Va seuti ilscm tu e aréms, stragePSUMW arkime xphtiily, gosas tssh Party gelai tc0"wles. WC. vaisut ail ibut«we ei togie IraboYar iai.n t alsueey Iler-ale i .reaunscalet «r exgseue. BLACKL TE4, En.lkh BoenXwdr T.5&M;Fiue Vlava.oslNo ew os"de M. Soc sud 0.; Full at Flvoasreddo ai., oe.usd Os.ng, 45c;RcâFaore u e;Vr Pn o.;-pn GREY<TUA. Twaskay . 56 Me.;Ya 50q 6sli 0 l, GasaI '8e-;isa.do. '1e. Veny Fine 85e.; Septeit nsd Tory ' Îf.*a Pui " tvde8Bk. - Extra liiprbsaado. 44! Tem cm meniaonol u ir culen cqeslly ecep. Tex cîsly sol y Ihie Compny, "v' Au oceIent ilsesi Tencoulal b. sont l'un 60sud 10c; e.;soy ga.nd<n( or mmniopurposu1e Vusoriover 1'm 0 iimuials, wo lanoa thlie ollowlîg i Ibo m.tmal Tes WU pituA s Ogulos-lafi usly a year j'jaco Y punchuard thie fin'it eust c<Toafront vour boume.1ibave chaou nau ob as',Pn PlmeWi e i ortiu nitasth. Tes a eer«y es5. ted Wesslliy il a eedlaiy caaip. Yo v aras ly, y.p DE Msusireal Tes nsat~' i KouireaiApral 1888 -Tà tise MnoisilTes Cens- onsva.xxas-r-iTa espurcbascaiof yeun uManreda pu, 6ioplal5ne-t, m5 t.-Ve ouie watt heu usugrua amiocslkeia, ansitise Ilssaisr ol'it ai -please athe isrges.nuo iTes that wva bor .n seti.l, seserisanange, but 's'iie, I héro beui -warded l'or, oe an d'slee larcs cfise Peinieil.tsisi .disgouasr w. 1 fhase acisquite tree (tosu biait- . eac ga thSd your biasiem go zmpllyaufessw&E iunbtnedtla tas aie punsty yt yeiTe,andallah co- as-ia t iio large aiunt Torwvsded w va ae a.ii Uuate s cuaosue, lifaS aemealai W caunuonu box, wiick ts uieçsssssu ~Youirs Eieeal'ull4 vas ent ou hivughla mwwrnth FRNCS T.GEEZOZ, -G.CDiNIW. 64 81 -. - ~B.John Stucet, g Mra. M" dasee Clu-duisaa xpre Co. Mttral TeCotnpony: - - or- - i. itwi Otrxiiuxxxs-Ttsbe tigf EngisIs Dieaklstaud Yëming Unon Tea wbhbyenuscat me -<(ses <ruaisiss6cr- lion. YctsaMayozaect Myl'fsture Ordire.Yoic,- s KNM ~vse c Pellassid rssuereasu ca uau.,r iing oui Tremsi lnitullpsegee. Wctsaiglem ,lhsaascu.ol. - -NOTfE TIUS ADDRESS8-TbeoMnel Tçsanlpeaayt ioapllal 5aneo.atoniical. 33' Silsenlukentpsn. 17« NotesauitPWsi0fc()i dlisovecmpaay wW ldthe premiau i ota. Io enrder.- ai1 .,aw loge rue eis il", ' i Iumuuty oa 0? ,For par9tclflerasppy te.. 10W589 LAUDER&XLOK ýBanlets s"d Mtoraey, SOLICITORS IN C{REY c OYTICU&-maonie bail. Toronto tet Toronto, and bMeMilili tock. sd$onl M -goldlen'* Offie, Brock et., WisltIy, ontmue #Tbe Newflmoiiin lough<5, PATBMTEP loti MAy, Sss PHg NWDOM 1NtUN Fl'OUGW' 15'f tiseisole Uaaiufacmarr. (t in .onutruele.JwiUji iron iseaffi, andi êoodeu itizaudleâ. The emrt body vroàghlaroaiièaan la fied lut.,a aîecg -wof thse laud aide01 ot dY, itIa COulter ffed en biua,,, andi bucl1 i g, d scfcev, goth tiie coulter eau ise pLaedutafuy deairnd gagr, aMd souee W uit auy klluti ofWmal. Ithm a s1 tWe cisst PslftI-0ii Iri5êd luin@v, ant Sd otiser for nm.rfunnow - andtisasoeutruete.. tbataàvrngbât Pointch&a W. uair pieetila.-: nmking it iqaigio sau mon 41on9gs li Ill Unieassrn ejaa elviho tf'Tu Nev DomialuIou"l oza> ue-la' (bat ct.aw Iron Plougli. frmteWhyCaowa. Tise follovîn#,rmii hib mm of the "t3h1MAY, 1869, Winill eew, visat d" New Dominion i'kugh" vw. tlougist ofast tla 'Gria.Dowuio lahuMtcblio a' 21*9 or tise nume suonti- "M.JmsWalker, of Ashisun sâ adosi "ltisegronD à aoir _plougis of ise vuiae " tien, wldbcul]» di.thse "lieWDominion "P lougla. * cuautt fa ine "anti inooden 1.51.42., vus bighli>' ocOm-, "ned ti b SuJ ud di. anti psaa.d by sid / "vlho examasasi i9, a u. i.tig W "Tovnsiip anti Ccuuty Bightr'fc'î aie, AppI>' te, Ailïburu, Sept. 14, 18 . (f47 New Blak eryl- AND- G ONFEGTIOMIERY T 1JE nnderiged nea.pctfully infonna ahtiss Lpubtlie thast ho ias cwatantly preparedti 011 wacl, prompitude all onderin lu tiekry' and! tontectiouary lin.fruit, Sposige, aud ail oiher kiaids 0f Cake, Tart»a ud i Biscita of tia. liest quality. W~ Fruit of .11 ki;rdi in eesou. Aioob. stars., Sardiues, Cocu Nuto is Uauoer, .. j. McDOIJGALL, Baker, Contectioaaor, &.e., Stock eit. WlihJul> 16, 1847. 2 NEWLY IMPORTE1Y PAPR TIliE uuderaigue1 iegs (to ltafora tise- pub- lie tist lie ima purclaaed durlngc lais re-_ cent éstey in Engiand, a lot t! SPLENDII> Soecteid aarefuly.y bhimmel, wlaich be lis on saie .at Very Redusceti Pistes.& . W alutaug, Graiaing, GIszaugi and Paper Iiaug'.ge'eut ul ilu a vork naaulik.a andl expeditiuus mnnner, Juss usal. Ae ce WILSON, Ditudus Street, Wlaibi Wisitby, Apa-il 8, 106K.14a NEW CABRLIAGE AID ,Waggon-, Shop la preparet to manufacture ta onden, ail kMode 'or CARRIAGESt -WAGS IN LATEST STYLE86 gw" laspaliaug ueatly and projuptîf 9W Three donneFutet ofLsiug', s~ atreét, Whitby. 'Whitby Apnil 2396. 8. - 1 MOTICE is biereby iziselathae on tise fowih day of Pabraay neoitlat ton oft tlsecl(i lni tise forenocu,1 or as "oa(o<onsel mm, -b.' -board, tbe un4Jera§igueti'vi-NL ppi>' - ~jndge eltise nuid Court fvr àdw-- ne thé nid Act. DaLtea atthe towsa of Wbitby, lu th6 caunt>' Iof;Ontanl, (is loth day e! Noseataisi, A. P- . 1 1 1

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