Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1869, p. 4

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Whlibhy, Dio 1Au maobin.m md,0, <Jton. send Durham e friuwmnt wflhl eD )0 àty cf "Il, diestfbr the lnanmufotte,-&bd.i sale ln te Co nty of Ontarw esUd Durhamn. oslu , Iseo1, 90. TO FmRMIERSO TUE CANADA FARIMERS' 1NSIJRANCE COMP'IY, (0F IJAx1JLTOA) l'as'& the fui! amount of Ibhaurance. Ill Th Iremium Note Oiteom bitsaben b2r... don.., 'with b>' this (.?,uni ut>. GEO, . 11lAI!, ~ ,~ Agent, 04,'oid. Office, W hithy. STOP AND SEE. sdwlura currs litCagwda by IrOKATlxulxx tr IM.DY. ThejY are iteni, Ine am udtacoutsuîe ttî fef sient l lucon- iaotl.moSt skgfcel thet lhteGreat Medicitol CeMIPOUudycsmucd ater fur sges Io now accessible in lte Great SH]OSHEONEES REX ED'Y (rr Duess or te Throat. iange. Lwer, Digeoilt forga Kid &.,asWel uWle, te varices dhiuDlesseitgs and ail diseuses arisins train impmetîi e lod.'we lisatuiol hi, s fwiuedy boafvas W FR IOOFIN XýAL'.w o tho ltra ever sob a cures.*ltatut %Wiion Slorrns, tttDrighkle Ont., ci Oouumpdon; or that ot Peter C. Y. M ler, EumeO#town, On., t.tlotîstuptltn. or tat - e Ambiré»a Vood, e« Coniooen,Ocrie, ofDyopeein nd LUver Oomplaint. or rlitIof Joithn foy, oflÇa- 1 nea, of, e lhsîmsdmm,whe itad acully Itean ou =rniobesfor yesrs, In epite eataîl Ireaimlt lhereko<ttre, nisnoleew well. Soe tso ae ngt emn titited bad we spice. X3-Cali t teé Deg&toe. nd get îa CIreniar et inl'leala certificat«e sa it e (iiftAT 8115. :n~~BBMEand PILL£tund alîsty Tour. Price.of the Remedy la large plnts $1. Fj or Sale b iDvetis sud Dealersainu Medi. Hra. Ageuts for Wblîby, fus, H. Uocrin ma Jantses WHOLESALE AGENTS: LVYMAN. !lL &'P kCe., .'L'NSIeAUGII k VTu TORONTO. .9. Wvirflit- & ct, 110LIIOC)K &k riK, JAITN 'r. JltCtLE & 110N. HAITN A. UA04ILTON kCo. CURE 0F CONSUMPTION: IN CANADA, Massas. Yens, & Cu1ss.î.AisJcl il s diel>' I ewe te yen, ais Weillus lothe publie, lu làîttrtu yio ote mot wcuderrul cure ttt consomeptiton. ac. romplfished lfitu>' permie, Ily teuse of %lite ircut Moitoeeas emady aMntPillm. j conghcd a gtest <lloqdoa sd elI, expectorttittg large quanîjîles er s,Itgcr,atîd bsda greal psittaiteul my ltiuîîg. ld ê'd cohilis every'dsy, antisevere nigito wcsisevery igll, sud ttetwee limekttttut cgitantdiget Awestlng, 1 wonalmeeîdcdprîveto( âicp; b,. 1hse tuisenes iii wullss b>' te loveetappelito. I wu o se ne il ced sial; 1comid brd ojsdauit~. 1 Jw., under ligeenreor* hý-belomor atengh or l,butifinding 91 dierantreciptbut DUailbîoeîut y good eciit Ot.qnlre Poeeroît,et(lRasht, recoemencled trtstann te ei(ront oh"& iec. lerusdy; I prucurcd itruetbolles ut otsco wilhthe lt 'tl0acoeaseeicai en- seenced uslng 111 began l go: botter, sud wheu 1 bas! *tilsied thiiscontptemcnt. lte crgit, xppcteralleu or tesle hemshunt te longs, chilIs .clng i. i MIue àuS îcoetlutulug l# use 1- lbecome Oslrottg sud te ila now osier îwe nitntis mittes 1 quit te teelsdtitere bave le,mneosympteeotrte =tîlsemereunug, end 9 have ltsen. sud amn uew besi. Oitar suMboter tan 1 hava hes lor mmrysrs. 1 so voitwtt imatitis known th e opatbl e, iti ltey ýns>' lc mode swmrs otîte pecular vnrserîtîs trul>' wdsuiIndait emedy. PETER C. V. PsIILLER. rteacowe, Co. of Lenîtex & Adduttgtou, Ont. 'a ollte wiot It may come.-'Phits le ocertltv ibhat Y bmv bec-n cqnanted wlla te aste aPrier C. V. 1101ier. 0 .,te n' yenrsand have knewu hlm al. tîlwayt te ith ve> iigitotet roetaltiltty, sudsa ver>' sadd doredibleo peon; sud Isam confident lshat 8ssib vonci t trtlhoftlhe slove,orany ttier = 11y, lîlmode b>'flmt. ýIS l' - 1EV. I. . S. ARPER, ctr or ath I1DESIGNED DESIK Es TO IN- his Mndn . ntipatrons thât ho uouame.lbutinlî â. ah .el'M lit LVERY STABILES euplod by' Mes. Cottthard sud r.D fil,.0 the mbrsud ,the Lnd, sud aise sdded te sud lm- ke *onveyanoea aud vobioles on te ho hope. b> beoîng lae seitionî to vailte of oltalolire te krta ahane RIRGES KOI>EKATE.JOe Oeverod Convoyanoes for famille. Prtompt attendance, se beretten Apulil Sý, leu.4-t BOOý0.TS &_SEQESO ~ Ha jus recivêda vry largo and"well selectcd Stock: ofmo BOOTs S tfOf? Osm f the BEST QUALITY and latest style, for Fal "~and -Winter Taade, which wilbe sold at-prices that Cannot be beat Cb- »Moe' Caif, Kip, and Oowhide Boots. .4Ço C> Womens' Goat, Kid, and Caif Boots. . -C3 b-Misses' & Chi1cdrens' Boots & Shoos.-C r'GentIlnmens' in-glish Lace -and Elas- tic Boots. FELT 0VERSHOESj, ail sizes. Ladies' and Genîts' BpSt. Sewed and Pcg- ged Work made to order by CASTLE FOX. Repairs neatly executed- Remembe the stand -next door North of Royal (Janadian Banik, McMiilan',s Block, Brook-st.. Whitby. Henry'$ Rifle- Cartridges FOR SALE, VERY OHEAP. R. el. YARNOLD, WhiLby, September. 2nd, 1868. 35 IUFFI-CIML ASSIOQN"'E-E. GENERÂIL, ÂGENCY2 OFFICE!1 ¶~E1ndragnd avng recived thle appoinntent of, Offici ,AsignLe. for iNorth 'O"ntar-idoig propared to V e prompt attention to ail mattera k B arnpty or Inspv en PomaoyNotes and Aocounts apeediiy collecteilend, remittances On good farm ieeurity'at 8 per -cont interest. Speýcial -attention will b. given to tbel negociation o! Loans, and borrbwers can roiy upon having their applications attended to prompetiy, and at Binai expense. W Also, Lands, -both Tmproved and uni'nproved constantiy forsale. Insurances effectedl in tbie Ontario Fermera Mutuel Insurance Company-. B Offliial Asmiguec and Vuluator. 0F'FICE-BigeIow'g Block, neit door to the. Royol Cmnjadinf lBank. 1>or t Perry, Deceuber 2, 1868. 48 9EX PX THE. subseriber would beg to Intimate that he is now in re- ceipt of his Faîl Stock of FIESH FÂMYILY GIIOCElI'IES, Complete l vr departrruent. Ne would direct special atten- tint is large and complete assortment of Crockery, Glass & Earthenware Glassware ini sets to match, Lawps, Chimneys, &c, ail of which b. in dutermined to seil as cheap as auy bouse ini tovn ; ini lhct,--bonnd flot to be undcrsld. Cail and sec. SFLOUR ANI, FEE D, AS 1JSUAL. w.OOD 'BOOTS & SHOE~S """paaorayqntt0fgd Corner 1lyron & Dundas-sts., opposite the Rob.4on Ilonse. 0f thte Rigkt Fit and M.Fakc, Whlby, October 28, 1868. 3. AUNDEIV Enlarg ement of Promises, EGS to informn his friends and customers, that lie bas receiv- fali #& Wunter 1Boots #& Shoes,XEHA1 Si101 0F TUIE13EST STYLE AND MAKE. Mso n bad a argoStoc of OME-ADE ootsand ho - TH E Subscriber would respectf'ulI.v announce to his old' cu,,- whlgo cn' anotabelarpedoko IOED ofor qandty or pice,.1jtomera, and the public qeneraI1y, that, having enlarged his whic , ca not b e s rpas ed or q alit or priSto re to double is form er site, ho ts, in cons quenco, tifforded room to show gW- Mi Orders punctually attended to. Repairs nently done. this season a Stock twite as large as ho lh& ever offered bcfore of Remeniber the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal, Bo , a lo c okingSo. e Brook.Street, Whitby. B x -ro 0 Kin L V S ~ ~ ~ 3U~ ~ Dumb Stoves, Coal 4toves, Agrîcultural Furnaces, Cisterti Imm= M SPumps, l3rass nud Enaînclicd Presci vo Ketties, Tinware of evcry description, lVkitby, Scptcmber 32, -1868. M Chiidrens' Carrnages, &c, &o, together ith the otiser Cooking Stoves, wil 1 be foîînd the CELEBRATKD -ARMSTRONG, and the GENTJ1NE MIM DIJKE STOVES, whicb cala oniy be purchased in this town, at bis store. T IIE~ OI.aI) T.oA.]ST'I)a!d Job Work promptly attended to. Any T O L S TN D ! uanity f god CrdwodLaken in oxcliange. ESTA BLIS'H ED In reference to an announcemeDt Of dissolution of the copartuer-l ahip beretofore existing between TILL & BRO., the undcrxigned desirea to inforîn hi$ friends sund fumerons patron that ho atill continuies the business ostablisbed by bis bite fatiier, in 1888, et the OLD STAND, Nos. 8 and 4, TILL'S BLOCK, BROOK STREEr, IVHITOY, where lie-wiii b. alwsys found resdy to attend to tho wunts of customerix. An entire new stock oe Lb. best manufactureti Furniture. UPHOLSTERy AS USLTAL. UNDERTAK ING AND FIJNERALS Supplied as herotofore, W~Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, add Gilding. .Remember the 01<1 Stand. Whitby, May 4, 1868.S 18-ly $159000 UN PRESENTrS! AT LIOYT'S NEW PIIOTOGRAPII GALLERY, OSHIAWA COUNER 0F KING &SIIICOE STREETIFIRsT FLOOIL. Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chah>;, Broodhesi sud Joeweiy el ail kinds -,elso Sewing Machine, Paintingeý Albumis, and s va.i iety of excellent dlocks. Life-like likenesses taken ini a few-secondis, in a manner to en- sure perfect safaction. lU' Se Bills for manDner off distribu"tion et pre. gents. Now 1-0 thé chance for ail to senure enduring PHOTOGRAPIT89an velu'ble present., ste lespuice than moait photographera Charge for t4e pie. ttzres aie-. 9$shaia5mAreh 24i 18d8, : ~herry, Ru M9 Ol Scotadc Mlt Extra Fine Green atid Black Ir If you w*ant to huy a Fi'rst-ciass GO0 iO 11. IH.,COUIIRA11NE'S. R cady M ad e Clothtng, AND CLOTIIING MADE TO ORI)ERf At M. Fi. COCLIRANE'IS. BOOTS .& SHlfOE-S.* OVERSHOES, &c., cheap-for cash, At M. H. COCH RANE'S.ý W rhitby, December 9, 1868. (~ENLEMN'STÂILORING, i't lu Pwork or ablieaand relation AGENTS ery PUBLifi ail other kind& of Cake, Tarta eand Biscuita, of the heast qunufiîy. W- Fruit et ait kir.ds in saison. AsLob. ter, sardines, cocon Pint, Ginger Be, &0' J. IMeDOIJG LL, Baker, Coufectioner, &e., Brook at. Wb yJniy 1, sar'. 28 NWLY IMPORTED PPpg-R I -' m lieito,1 ta ry, Tor"n 01,1 0"yP Wbit! A TT( &C., Brc .7. A c Dandil AItE -B an( Port P Consul WIitb SURGE Byron st L>URQIP ~Byrorn Cana'd'a 1 Whitby, Dec. 16, 1868 1 49-ly HAMILTON & CO. 1 a 11, - ý 1 ý ý 3 3

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