Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1869, p. 1

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SA i T , Inse1-DUNI Ontario, 11o7 1ThIleOMCO ofQi t 'ir , Cçîurt- .Oefijturs iotes wajffiu a. "kls<,Wi 88 , rsrnpsed i slî td qth JkUION&SItIN sittuteoi, oppvsitthtlOt ieanï h TA.RRiSTIiRS, Attornça., soiicitorpi ,&o.,"contrt of t£ise Town., mnîîs.The itaiiwsy Oiusnbs colilm At th0se tl sud, QinrIseuil thÇ ,,LIe su'ffep furUxbridge uusd Be '0j eje ANGUMOURO?< J.A.$ALP8otheud oër veriuornul, no ilOflSper4nt Toronto, Xuly 2o,isoi. 2-GEORGE OBi. se Ossefs iOtiraia > natedarse 0. il. COCIInÂNE, Le Le.IBO libIy10. 0 nOUSTYOÇROIN ATTOI1'ltFOU ON Ators>'.stLgw o GEORGE CoUMVK flt~-1n ligeow' NewJsiIîis, J y nde u T uMEi 'MEROIIANT, Oes.penteu. andi Pffi__________g_ ew B____ sigDo ailA4 Joiner,GonS tto o kindt olumboooontantyo anJ GEORGE il. DAitiNELL, UNDE E Xà Bfl UXISTE:, ATTU1KY4,VYN I RING caor, Doputy Roglptrasr, Mâter ExtmaorsliFUEIL L unJatedJ tarysand oxjnuietin CCisoery for I Sissui-F itusontico l i banud. ~LI Or Hoarecofet .BOBERT J. WIL SON, Oiroîieatr, diAr -lY TCi~ 4itby, Fbsth , 1882, 11MCK aide Ove Uitasro ûsuk rooklin Drug Storo. B ARRTSTBUAT.LAW ANI)>SOLTCIT4,R Bta Oisssn811ory. (tsssn ber-)J9Torosto8t.. D lu LIDrsu1 ,si tust Modiolis cry, oto. JAE JE11 <OR0N pfWlnesand Liqno of tebetq0 l AU111U& .TIINE.TLWf.w Mdiessi purpottcp. betqait B $ lslo userrlu Cosvoynsctr, 1Ne- orse Cat11eAIedfcneýu<awa3i sla .izl[l orOtise 8tOrscf1 E. &J. Urookilui, C. W., 186.42 Oauspbeli, Brook êt., Wiittiy, Onlt. WilsNov'. 16, 1867. id ~ .. W. T z )fi NOTwad. PUBLIC,_&o._&e. iropsred tu Ki.:Mbnsfo andésiinggles W# 11, 1I1L1IA GI4 A '1101te ssbc made at thfie OltoorfJolsusb 8OLICIToÎi, 4C., .&C. I stret J>sgsssljstover Jasmes < Brook Strict. 'Wh ltby, Jalis. 28, 1 Ù2. C O T1'~ ftî> CrIAILES C. JKELLER, C (LAERIS LATT' 'El) ÂT&W8oIÇ'II~N NELSO>N ST. TORONTO,, j. IZAMEIt(ULEE-N W OOD, INIIiOFUPKINÇG sT. OrLRNEYI-r-kAIV. SOL1Cloit IN 3SET&KEIL,.Ps<Os'nETORS. &Q, IlIVItoru Bock '111MProprietoriq resrîctuliy anouces tu hsonte, tisait ftias> liay il- e l t he l abuve 1-setitit5 J A-1 El LADONq ýbiwisuar,neévery rem,,- A &TToRNLY.AT-LAW%%, SOLIWITOU IN 52f!555Jfuad".arueasciaaodtli Cisaiiuer>', &i & . bu arostsd lut eôusstssuut jr osîul tteusdiiia<, tondi » Duns,>, Street. W Tisrce doors Wcest oif Wilieosveusotiissusd ousi 0u tileilu mst,to rive ~ t1è on 011e.10 eit$cas tuto sluu isusflivor th us witisa a i CLCi[IANE &COCHItANE.- --------.-2 AUiRitL( EUs, A'i"r N KYtS CON VEY- YEOMAN GIPSON. B auersuai dN otation &(, PaseuaALauus-Urscu- Townu OM ISINMER 0CIAIANZ ron Piisi-OIoE13ie1n's lok. i NsuriIANCE, & GEN EtA L AGENT. S .Ccrssa.LL. 1B., 1 W.M. Couliar.Àu.% WsiNicJaus, is28 iccusty (rowus Attorsset'. .RVR O O T Lort AN>err, 6t I SeeusLbe 1 1#4 B.ERE HOrJSE& LYNN EGLIII, L > ~ PLNK,- -- -Proprietor. Tu Q AUtISTEIt AT LA W, Sollietor 1lu <Ulan,. Stagels te oafrou Whitbï cash sissil>. Evor>' s.eu', osvo>'uscer, &C., &o. stteusshou, pasîsite gtýsti aeu àdatn-J ItueOe, -opposbite tise l'out Office, t'slsaws. îeutcr jii5 (5essaaiatiu- ]Dao5. CARBON & LAW, 1868 188., conssultationu Of Pautueralslp.frec charge. TELIVEI'IPOOT N LNO Willtby, .ljsiy 0, 908. i i Is1A (I O .'Y DR. HA-N 000K, Ili been lns exigteauce tisirt>'-two yeura<, ausd (issox IXOLANe> eTOusOiTo.) ulrissg tisat perivilIbata paid s eùs e eediug ËURGEON, ACCOUýCjHEUR, &c, ivo ausd as hull mlion ponseteriiusg. E e nsieu & OsTsC-at 1ev. Mr. Uusigo's Js iaba;esist<fthe1usnssan B>ro ast.over as wide arca, liasn,,witlîotit dosrbt oti tByrisontihlsliseituttsi ,sesui % IL#J. GUNN, M. D. IU1RQRON TO THE COUNTY UAP] DeW. FEIiEiun M. J). SBILOU0IIAM. SOyyzos lIloums-8 to 1 tg. rM., ansd à toE ;o dock, p. in.i J04N V. HAM, Wlaitty, Aprl i Stis, 1868. TIJOMAS HUSTON, T0OWN OLiUK & TltEAý1UItEJ(p Wi'ITIfl VICTORIA UOZrEL. WILLIA hl$OUTT, Phi>'R1ETOR .(Late Wi. oynton's.) 27 * JOUX, ROBINSOiN's Hair, Dressing 'and Shâwing BUQtCK ST., WIiI1TBY. 801SOTll QirTils ]Arix 0 MO 55AL WV1itby, Jaun. 22, '08.8 BOYNTON'S RIOTEL, IXTM. BOYNTON bogg to 'torni the lb-. YVlabtanteof the (Cosuty Or %istsrtsand ou, reandin cuutietisst li) asu Opezsssitlisa lioteL on William $ 4treet rsteîy ocouIiotî b>' ,lowott,ga 46110 buliehd itllti;d assdturrli. eidlu IiutîisitorswiIid11usd veryoousve. l oc.W suLlquocrm a&bd Cigare C.È thse b, Llistay. 4. $ COMMERCIAL HOTEL', -B110OK MT.,_WIILT1BY. FriîîK *ubmeeiber begitto:annotinco to blei JLfrlossdqgaund theopublie, thal;hé. bias ro- aumd pssesio orthse aboya Weiliand tu- vorsibi> ksuwn hotoi, wiicis là DOW fittei up ln'* uperior munsser, witis evi suhvoul_ enefrthea rmuoliOs f guostii ansd thse iris.. egt seousswosatioss, and si apoeilor W Dein, iiqsoraa And cigars. OSI tabila with éescised yars.tm',sudattole IOnOtlis a! was eotbe rositaeCharges lModeriste. é XL M. CALI>WEILL. p DatitL.l Booms, direct) Qpý simoe.trept thsrd doornoÏeh eftho Ontario Bansk. 1 tir XPItESS AGENT, é&e, aloAgent Acildeut bill tanIard Iuantausge Uio.» sstise counfiunce of urpSLC C(iiOns.aTÂs-xuseu,3 . Ous&L-AN, i IUOrIWeLssEse, ansi bumais inaessgels- Li erasiYp miseres-s-it la rt-pucoeutcd. Slu Ufs flu-t yeisî, 1636y tlIws-Pre 1ressiumuasjonc InAmountesi to............... usIts lotis as, 18408.... £,7 2001 2Otls>euu, 1858...........7 7 l 8 otli >'eau, ISOS...... .......£2 2î t t is ~su ais...n-............E712,82obA Tise FineRfesenve Futd i; nu ow $4,M7,46J4 - 'VI0 Er. cyamtI9 Tise Lito emerosne Psusd fi;nom $9,t82,468 DENTAL Boosîi, Tise CéoinP aàis lruepu-ioeusîd tiuonghiout Oun- taro gud1uebec, b>' iiflssntial Aget, to JU D S~ ' i whn <P"âtO or IDUsiRuO u'co usa>'le. a-'-'ST EE G. F. 0. SMITII, WIIBy,-C. W. y RESuIsIXSEo SxL]TABY0 IONTEZAL. ROM.s-,M.I.'ohus'aSre LFAM1BANK s-sROS-vrM l.ccrilbSoe AGEXNt, Wssss-sr, OL, Rutoua-.Uyr Osc. WiîittsY, Joue 28, 1867. Febutir>' 17i h, 18 6s.7 THE -SBOE IOOLS & FINDINGS y siseasurIiaue ofstie lateau patterns oritis ONTARIU I A E R S Tuaz ' ile1*lc(LAuhle jj, MUTUALj .*C.&, INSU ANCE COM 'ly.lirW1IOLESALE AND BETAIL INSUANCE- RYAN & OLIVER, 'rIS Cnspay l :w fuly ors:z6si aussi12-lY lt-t VONez STRasîOer, o & opsepusned t ceept rM lPsu-su Hoineàn, aîi Chusses. Tiiose wtiiisg to lu- -- sure, and tiseroby asport a hiomte Etisaance Amersusan tOscan ,Trnuaiers and Pin~tsoal axes Ct>mpsssY, lis-e romun opportuuity ofsioiigusg cocus-ad ies, tsaigu.tsgacflaupruvuc ne, h>' ausPI>ln l Otlier ratttsaId office, or 1 i T îi as sssiisCrscst iie" suN peti u20, &c.,ailof lIse itwosuality asud ai luese au>' oit e loa agents. Ousiraleà& mill b. cuitsié«e,. as lom an tisose ot an>' s'epousnible Mutual lis- RYANV & OLIVER, ourauce Company lus Canaa. 2y Imotr ffrweYgS.,Tono - L. FAIRBANKS, a',, mpnr HrmarYsuesTseu 1iRAD OFFICiI--TIs. Olsi Rîgisaîry - MeTO. MACHINISîTru Biiiag, B -vBrSu-c tec, Wi ltsy, Itejimles, 1StetiStquares, Ceuire Gaagea, Vernier 1 c 5qeul, steel Ceiper Raies,, Caiper tquaris, Aiutie@ & I1LISj..Side tcicra 5ieà lsassaI Toelu,, Naent s>iers, dlâce FOR SALE- RYAN & OLIVER, BATH*' o lestabllied and wmmli knamu i T- 5 e s 4Tr u CENRALHOU, EEOM CABINET MAKE.RS Splendid roons>' tablGpg, aussi drivlusg shes, ;,N UIIl TER. b egther,lii, eetu' m0seor asaietaui. usr Seadg, Canld;jalr f5pri edasemay bLe lerasi, a tuc yonnu boss'- Tu-lai,Chairwemoi isua 6 1 ew, tL Sr igOrelsarsi. Tîsere are tw: wel[ik it sgood TaeékyaFltPZeiu e l'e ' up-swou, Iiluuqre»' ae acîsi aai a lssr AçldumC, Uùise". Nee adRejait -Wil isa lugosi lor 1,aim propes'îy.Gess5irda Me1su, ?or teualo.,a-i'(t 'bter, pré-pali .-> 114 Yengit Si, Toronto. - Octoo - WI LIAX Bf tTON, Y A & OL V R - - ~ li YAsNu.'& r.eI.., .- , vit~.1,- iaxLî18 Si 4o the~ ls and jjqt For Perticunire aÉPpy tb W.Il ILL Nt AT, Qt a bc:aeheia tis at (JsI1t é tissu~ ~~1 !si-Itis ul~n'tise (Coausy, a dc uit s o 1vrI as a ssîctier usai a. ~ tse usattes' go do] Uakssact oulsg froimard.' BIb CH ST., VIrr.I Whistb>', Nov. 12, 1867. JOH 'N CARTEPR, ZIICNSED AUCTIONE TOaux rcous"Isuos- ONTARIO, YORK< & P], Mr REî»ECsO 8Sh Mlurklam. .lpost Office-Unionvlîi SA&LESatled ouh ots nte ous reastnablritermuise asnsgsoi b il se P rn e t a .ti s e T e r n ie e a u bt i usi C u rter. ,ý b r o usc e oi ue foi WELLINGTON 110TÊL MA1RI-jAM. J RITF.BOTTOMp--laor BRITIsfl Â1IEJIuCA I 'IE sutidLersignc.ai iUs.uing Sseeuaupali LAicii. fur tie a1s asnui>.1 'r',asu-cai te ltuiuso i)roPÇf niugainnss.Li lot IRIE, vil 'tse naoss favorable tt.-u-ssî. A1sjslY &o, . LEVI FA;IlBÀxKS, Js. 12mos.AgstI1 FAREWELL & IftcEE, 3A<ilu3-EX8, ATTL"'NEYS gSOM î î t î E , C a ) Y V E Y .I N -E i < $ , ' N I'L'JJPULIC. Ometicui-Ose door' usrth or the l'ot 0fj is"awas; ansi MeFetasu-#4 hock, 'Vp -mss llssl, e ijissavil.,II E. F"XSwILL. IR. Mot 1OHN L. W IK 1110 ONDNTU. rok Strect, W hitb>. 9»Att mark marrsbntid F aM i eic attesussed nat pris-ate reti.d c c,. T'EETII( ZM" EXTRACTI Wý WITHOUT PI,. NITROUS OXIDE LAUGHING CI O-U TUIl9 NEW GENRAL BLA ~ N FIRST..PRIZE HORS imEi, Wlgtby, 19, -188?. 21-1>' 10sThe' 'of"sex . li lit4 eM .not pitrt-e-inr!y an" I -an A - - - - 5 DOpewib uii nél un fOocu tirettetriuthe tôam sulT si- - - ;", -A ,I L cis a . c ar' 8fliceI )nWs u a î. n ia 5 i s e - b c-. :or* y ,k t .d W v v p r s i g t d x W i p ,.lii s I l c -e u c h u d à "e's- I_ s n . 1re a i r i t e soie nu-veusfrIecnla.gis ...m et;n auo: hty td'rneI-fh*'kol ss ae bel4 a uem 7u - I" h, tejle"'e - treroqatung t c .i buslsiur favcilsthe -int orWanheu1eub»ajiy Ib eg îlu go r p w- T e rris I Wvi klnls 5fu. t ieee1 sj-> ee s e s , ýi e 1 1 o r ic tiV a t u s. a nW i l , nu ln r xsip h g t h e ros c n ' b oA yhe a0r a i ea ~ e o e b a a r i h i d , u e l a T T X o an . 1h AR l , té.s usofsu4clc fo. ____ ____ _no_______ f o ps d e e e - - »giy 4-1ýAo e as Ln w!s hi4 r lo~b re t e Lt5uk boel Wsibynssbosbîs siIseot ('10 inSscs oreas iltifuusdl syf0taé ébtthpra inai u p tI e o e an si tab i e s Cusu rirai.-iqtu s etbs ,bib < ur, o rir-ti - - g a z e T n o v e r 1 b J - oWiîs i , linr ,,5it by5t e r ho i-iltiwilltbcn semc<iluowene v ilpeI c orc nudo n o ,' Çehl A- Jus tIse tisenle wes andaoforureuair. Ù. d -oie JAMié ES Btic o WE. - sîf,,4e itte pjgi* m i te slot c nhmaat Ioro.p 0y.. es B17U OMSg10 basirü nt e 'tubereu 4 theO fi-ent'a prssaad on trnafrbh r idgOer(c e, lesracJi 'useJu Og. YI neats ________air,_____________________ It dut Rene o ;seîya udui-hàd wna.Orrscîdt fe oa tdo i e tre advaà t h cf aui 1~IO N Y 'l' L O A N y* , IsOfi afJ E ' L O , usorraue erancsssra ool mifolt awep-f hrnh ie areey o.r isae ocuumuvsl iep my uild a'useme î; sd at oreüfnie gresit sud t ofs auoi tbisd ai ie e eri.. Bo! do-bos lac suîyiio epr c tur cs . C O E or a, e n » fd é tll e.s tiî, ds oItb satsi'rpy buiorn, lalbarlu s arsin, uss ju ti a ever.- futi ft e, scn.-ftîtg ~ uud i sbsaicui rv unf Cb r- ss,a sstt d as> up, ssir'u t ild avsssbor IssIllat, 867 c2 tuie tsia u BOubdiuau?, ud dirci>or uw sir e b s pt.s e and were-sJaes! a in pig a -ofla k ass assic l i. s ,tieii i Inu ie, aspjst t iy t, abov A i g rt si os itwiaon~lsoae ee-hn cm umno8 bae lsltms lrauii11-n tpasael etJAn[ES IIOàDFIon ilaîrlate , Soilcator aasChanter>', a stis J-i55 Ide, ilt filertosi colossal -hinuîaîh ilsci paStoPeser, â {t nàwu n a deil ut ; a d te p dais' ofpouetei onrais m u po n sd èid-usscrteran sot 08 11 nliss îiss iby (f1 l e1 t a t lo vrts a w vr sd bc re. gdow! by ise nto t ise baî ro uis ad ge isim a"eto 1, poduti sen, e k e cos. i MOàâ il 4 Lit ellila'ut oe,àuTisoeà Caroczocasi ohorrso OierCom eî, slebu t a £igomeeoe lisrcosinsnc f iie-od fsbe-tesoo u in CE iecssusi issor 2, 4c raé Io lion, iat Iu-tme p rt on t he- s. culg d l iroubas-.1 Oas id cf si.(otImpisdeon catistedr gsnu ioao myh iS i pix'#af!te on n d ms ais oW c lîss i t y glei t.is. &gsaod o , br as r n en a s- ý ,p " I pti. feo a ro a b r. iM n, si iu ar ani ve ~ 55a a ur ~ tTi A1) P IL IS bI i~ lot)gsam; a r g-lyer _____a',B U K - aa4 s ofI atosici ieleaoenj', 4ahucas be lise l ual presu i selog e amust ad eyouci-e o! cuezzf fmua kl J. d 5.J> te ONCE SIO I o oi at it, it atuc ue stin <ud gyrsu ou; utë, omn e t ise àaJ i ldr ithoe thise l i mat, a y c iouoni ÀJILIN A S. à ilOLE Ltc  P3pîtraiera eciig e oQuroçeeris"rpewlsn Lsecluiora&aginttie asiv sle. o ashe Po s ds e.S. Bssr i.tr, k in d . W t u d t - t i i e ts o e e ntlem a n frty L u o n m sa ilIft c I ru s it r st > m p o e i i y ica c u -6 isj~ D~ ROV D .sssot mussnts .easil0, name,* cuui:cfsr.ly aiïoo titues a. - is eteor ce rtiss idsi Icar B LI C K E Ystti, dwE oiêly ', ildMyhefg o*ï. IéÉ- of j isueissî* e -1frl daise of ild 1 , rosuin,, kuerit os, teck a t f in mIco f lee.suhisjlai f e ty ass i i @atise deaire henalim n FOR gYL A . KIuS. ES, , IýW .e teras o f ise ld , uss i J snd opMtis e Iis dua oeskp iu tisée a ess e bnac !uuntessdms!e F U D Sli-isi aI. ab ut 1 0 t resiland ' ra cyntsude(ccd; article., la eseenjutly i of - r  r> GIESusRAbrinsrcie D InsrutinLL. da GAEWA ssgîi esn l u0sTin -oheafplceymnandibr 1 aing ato Mneot u yi fronrt lieagouul, n loiung emu au iwl ausitit ha piasesarged te lusgis aroaroitouamlicu. Meu o I C I W E D E sIIo fTS tC AJaTc k s o n"N s e c uisrl; a ot le nva sa m ofe et fn dhe r e u totsais i a nou clo nge d a asue dig ui y c uti a - Ven thRoT a itL A N COne l'e agsori b t is a is u t aueiesac l se ay pi .i ke ba il o! bo i>, bi d a es ' al er m ii c cr 's . es ri ti n n io Voulftled, di, gorete-Parr-, icrent, on tise uScursi>' tissarose pls bar i i g otardet nl<in at drfate eey ecn.At e o Ofise aire abitallyer ban ing eroe bencas co.ite u WARN IrT sw Ila stse ir. .A u.ualla t usguusr Asýif v o ,siar , sei s ca. a dy- cf t~e u cal esitfabe lle 1- Rl cntib>'ealsaesatilsstalusiuîu. - etie of lis lp st i se desong ire rs lis vn nabtsykiiu.i. 1vrn c and sinieexasasiisssi iaaforuaiustioti loui-.thsasils>'ipace.M set i e re &ound thwe, ktieag O sel oh ud a Inse a fraI vel le t gpp foretise oxto hit e re sai in e si rt S e,à,s ht I 11011 Y 11etter, asidreadeaiit tise (.,omuNSua15ine1utun>'ise .ia l, sue sey irof ete 4ed. ilongas uiae-c on o nas otte'g a.aIs lu tise- sipeo!t is te garei ic is*a s, l o a rg urb, - viteit t iaungtrst: ono acr frX ary tsssàf L. FAIuANS Jr., li ionycooase.a ! tisofveuisg aiaadssdslea. tariusgtil1lie1867-ou21 auelps- (isissiillov usildistancetisemuscls. Be sale cli ,-i p . b o v thzg rre m eyrg v aad*mmeus. ise y en-si. 5 - u e secWhu r td ;u- i -pr a n o...p e n 1s1iZa l I & GRSS EED OFECE ~oc ~tcct,- st bfar I tsanbt f lme 1 bemovusg peaetitenss e à,'ati-esit aemss tLege r quityt& oq& e a iti a le rod begiss hing sta Ite isi cis iitin aio si t lir flcw p s 4cOO,)forl lsiuesssii tlscisi lissv ulâs s- 0 à ghR A L H OI , lstiecoeb aea is iag ue. eoîise e a , rtopbus certid fslyao.huhfeqotye ýeD nsss3ioss'sa Ntryi . saliuens-&îu., ate. 1h>' a rmvd1 ficet lIsueo te oevf a dsaitnglseteeîrc Si î on i isd ielrmf aitgo seage BT t'ow. n Ârlokn o î od. T- Sc e wNnt ad of G e r W h el .o B A.V%. Hel o? eh ukst a, I u saI iisiuk b out e i të t cat ccmi'oui bie. eue -- a eM - ý ï 1n Z se 19 ly OFICE--Seoiid Ftsor, MeMllau'i§ lock, gcig o stebfody mi-5 fii çé ss Crgontviell He asbtid s alogesi bÎree Ter co'iun ftismd of W etrd B rckn1 . î Sau u e d i L. n m u i a s i s s s u u i s A E ithe U . E, 6 8 - 4 o P r o p r s e ue h s o v e u d v n a e e lhîa d e , sror .n d e r n t t A ug uât 24tiseIse? .r84 l>dtatise h illiii-breois'tim ecf koard leoab o u t 2 or itîa 'iffrccn uiad li i~e swirg> s ssu i sseaslse Iu er ii'e > ic o i et ol is h s asi l e in t a firt dso m nh y ol lep oNIyNiU'r c lod. ae e ees j1àsisen barues. i flas he u pbna sbe ahd lrfgina .' o Dsete ith ori w es!t à irubed loana oricra.. Ait"dtiirsaF O 8I vas sted o t ils budo ! a chair, abies aud dnukisg ar. hela n y îsu l c s eniî>' lu i îils J de ven p r c e ss m a v a n a ie dnuteti a t îb is, ias u e h mefatnii e gl ollr lg ip, l Lee adsjeaLiretis secoussimise astosiebesi , à. NW. GIre, scîlArouît, r o onSiabls-Wsî1 orer ; t e 1d pngt fusntse lmpforisoe &hlonm h, oalat jd âmïgýeucamno f JAS. IOLDFN. OT32 A D 33,Igt e xcrsION O léékng atil, t strck methatit wold bc ofcm-ost machowo!;tits e'bscrbingnoeDur Oi te-lisei E'csLuiorLI t 6, p le -st e nn o s o liod , e t m s t c a a r w, a i t s i e e e l s n e. g n e L d l a i a e e t n h o r ss tth a e w r a i fat d n s s d rallier ai!r. lOt) acnîi, t aencl cltarelet - sel 5>'in h . rgusa i> u sid i e r tu a misaaan s i ce is iv le -fte i e g a n Tei .. C AuJ N S w if il andrs hte1, oe ,,, , rva sn ha et. n a'.n s. FULLER, tese e rude , . tisj o cf 100kse a ousr ian iuy.e T irofSt le s a d pr eonge hi a 5îram, ls ts s oin a, s m r nci ue îe eacluibe nI c isatois l ise steil-ts auyshre eed. BUKLaE Egupc hefdeadin- ecny - h oteilste>'etinte r- Iand1 joinjua>' iOfboeju lotadn holeSi a 55 * ~ a U ~ Issu-cie, are FORi eu us a liecu>'lin gtisea ire dou, t -1 muet ailrpoaiti ca and ligeus oousîri-er ses a d tsi m latnss. a sq ie ct '-0orrassavisg lsheorwojofau>e kunt ht- rotun>' ba nd eunnim nts de c u ie ff is hagingi ebsan tW l- e au.. o'onu pi . Moto ese, r m le v e iotthaussi sufoo d 1pvarsotsexaoueS -sus se at q sens -' 10 epo -s s b ~ s 0 25 ~IiE Snbersbr efaratisefo]owiz liu <, doiig s, ater isi tine, ae tispssuer, yusaitis eeailo myeif onevrmesegoaia, anivinigreinhot dmusaTisabi1 bwavap insuil ju o bt 7 r 8duiles tsa: cfi.la t ba tise la-s-.ensY. - paemyansiple iI W BF A l sR V eA L U A T N IO O UR is a . N ,ti s st (t wof fieti t - a , ou ý ll, , , 0 ofd n t g ~ f l e ' s s o ii i n a s u y c u s s e No - ,N. ,ls2dcseaoucfI>h,7 WisTb>,SlrsT A1868. 1<47 NIlagii c u tis plce s d' foot =be e nyunls yp.ie ai fbd,,tl oàà btemi é ss, at-ri ehecrei a tric e inusucis eush>' easy cousueleusceIl hadeLoessCKccustGReIN taIpLrforuhuileeroaudssudrbis voice vaa joutnsi ansiouârousg. miter w a molette galun assît dcu. -rte of ceiiirc. cneeo s iiitrnGLE Fn SALE i (t lp. - Over aus ou triise lu oipîl br u eore ail snrptheseiailta fessa, tisai ie a- aiebing t-- lyo tu îL e lotis eonvssolidofo r Xu-cf tD ad .4,gOruesa i sasi sas>'g >'n - as n d i i vre e m d o e - asbtht nee er theoest m s u u e t o fha g ain e a s p n a q [17.UNDE SIGN D Sus -o isassi, an i dcse a o e aîib oou 111, a? d eomhst stin csos. - cs r n ttesiisd-wr airn No u ls Uicus, ar, sn ceseFu iter frsusft]Io m a tis cin hoquais- -ilaet s4 thermuecle asiim isen n- a j> us " m e oinltisa.-yo ave raerves! tie h f rssfe. I eiv re plus>' 'jî taîrt. S aiMyealsl.N. RA , uiarn omie, viiiaus et yu te, oi- -caci H 9o i vs e h puglyeaif stheIgtar i ssWhe I ApI- ereuul, r >'iattiu, on-~d,~ inetbenO., 188.r lufsLop ustis m109e beseîlmanu. si rt g isie.e fa fsixuaves' g 'anse own'fuor plyia te, maouil e Il.E . SR I L.or ¶ler.le graldif'enascëb.- .tma songbae@ aut'k uj lir a i - : P E A 8 , i ctil Ë L t e & el.c ral A g e nt . i 'b eiï h '; a nd th e s o n w u lont an sie tv iie ieold -bnvoT hanou n ge x ista a p i téfa ehi olisrepan d tm neet v as rf ai s a li oietîbr e et rom l tie g rsotu a ni egsbe-î aedb Ia ' sai das!, amottb.-su la mI GR SSS ED OEcEirt ecuiap on tiead o t acaed éal, vib ausstlos. IOiur vounitelme jsusite bar i .rack iiia e aU soi p1 N ESNDmi u h sgua abesn -' o1O-,o t esd tesigiaiymil ad ap , ec t -The --îneo machr q ie ait xle a pavmegnun.ta of ama chdit g i i ilbs flo ssn- . fc ae - J (4fJA lt i thrauuncsutu s tSuIs sai rusiz O M RC AfOE e liutellas Tisa te orn oioi - - ttstir f * P t Taasre< auju~..t'î*acu ;» ho dteimed a i ,eti? the - - - - - - - - - bâridto cl e u p etillrle r 't !il iPurTOES, iniiiusg tluPer 1slai. 1rto a >k:î>'<or iâge-~ cs, ~ ~ wI ôu O S H W A 4R I1eî1b l,do t I l stcro>d lc u t L iosele hs l ___ -o k ad l bot2 Can u ng iea rs expîuiruiec, ad h cçtn osuclos1amuidsth--m literiewnglbca eta de;r és e syt, w'L h o told i,bThal l as-e a Itvfre s i l1 eaa e d y Le c blem i uu le prorsuotanudrassasmi-ns if esueds$105,000 i aneeu o-upl, is ie' i ~na, seiam e bausout remausustuco, s uacoursetemot'a hnèd -o iusi lg u cl in bipn tsouce sa, OH ni uJ ieuus n rhst - orfriglit- i vas taleO!a e aiûknpwaé p Teyposuy -u lnro tail sterit'n -.sjevr procso, wassentd ina kid of a sdi mn w advnci r'daenr u.swapajiura8YImQ L uisi sle ! i3 te ajlnuupl aidb-erelug TeSfi iet, r e o h eTI, ls. 'Wîil, I sasifi t a>'ef, ad a fi t. s es i us life nd ilig of5115'vie yi > eiâheife m ou >', C o u te - p u n t l u e , h e n >' o < s~W eu -su r. m c h I c g e r l d na ti lu i l o ul l o g , n p ,b i n m u s v - itu 4 l - e m c..f.ts a b s rb n g a h cal Coispoaitlssu, as it pssrleuH er lteullo 111 Oct bersecondj * hoL L i a g, li bon-etatWeuilistbiio!:l~ soi,.e 168 hfoisialst a ewile s o litîo thie -1"1111 - W6ie ti aWýuIIiI ,di, rancetis rectos, of '8c;Boean l) i ug orn AUCT-riN BUSINOF DO.-c Jü v#sýYé T TH M A ry~ n , ESTABL IS' D i 8 8 . fé db~ ,s: okisîold-:,~i-- ~ ~--- - THOMASins eat iCainbMfge.'Et- ae Jt I~ SIW haby, A4ug ist 2ôt , lâ s. 'e, Dundiu i4

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