dI0fhen,ý Wbhiske W XX sud XX RUn~, TO FÂRMERSe. (07 HffÀVLTOJI) I'y i.fuamonuot 1Issuranco. g'The Prninm MNote, Fy.tm t9hua b.n bu doens awqwlwth by this Company. GOO U., RAai *Agen, 4 ' , *,Ofice btbr. Oct. O8 se . STOP AN]) ,,SEE. Tn wasnd'4er(a u<.xrorMmr om asaaby 1WOUT lINDl*%N Rfmm$Dl. -Tlsuyarm sera, am fssb .8 nmsuuble icte, aèsle'nth.ucoSn-ý me "eut shigicaltaiI o rmt'edMusl CosfssIouu yfaudsliefr o nla ssw açc.uIII ln for »ussus 0« theThristLt14 "svr',Dogeutîe OrswJte.4 Mon, S wl u=0crut1110, tisevrOu b. dîas.ut* as bg rein Mmuidy bu. NEVUR IBUS hbtyýD. nme Aflrgîasont".,4 <OMOuuonis orss d or PlcfieterO. V. itirEamuusn.Ch., Gc ouismpdos. gr tise s.d nt<.ai ftwbtobiui.sfoCra- la ED cp FL i, ld uiluymon. Wortee 09 th.eoueedy l large pinstai. KiM. AFo r tb, Is. 11.Orlsud" i d i-~ Byrns. se, lwJIfE k LI VE R Y, wKITY LIVERY STABLES Lateiy oIepe by Messrs. Coutherd sud Armstronsg.f1 12rIav1n« sascroemscd tise iumbes' and ~qnlItZ of tise sfud, sud siso ndaed to and lm- proved telleuovusyannee snd vehioesuon the Iomm lies hopée. by beng ln à spoition to ; oôt the vewnts of onstomera to menit a âhane ,0' CHARGES HODERATE. i N. B.-Côvered conveyusioeu for tas.siiies "Id ipdls. I!rosspt atteudmuco, as heretotone fmJerdora. N. BAT# Proprîctor. Whlîby, April 8,o.. 4t Landi Land! cMEr. tbe follovlng lia; o T lss ia neistIiwlllli Eet s t> FAIR VALUAION1,41 O. 1Ne9, lu tlii. rd C«ouecupof V oSbh "In "use leas. 11- ln.0 I ii lmtis eoseelOea cf DAs'lIio, ",,ln t uo eei', ira,0 go res eleaned. -100 cres la ztsniif-0 acres ln ale@Y, -&Pporspnossly, or by letterp pot.pal d, t 1MPIROVED FÂRM To 40ii, Bout# or lt lon ah ars.. "ÀUto eu.eA,?ont, ton Soar-W.a f JVbl " 4, litoeuiue.lon of.1 Ulge, lm. ILLent WsxrP. 4O. COUNTRY IMCANTS ci s(ipp!y tb6uioelvez with Qoods at nýy Establishment tsly ai ohesp as they can Isy thoin dpwu from Toronto., THOMAS LItWLMR '1Agent f6ur theo ale of MoIeon's an& Cougroveis oelebrateda Àies Fresk drrival ,e rJ2 R. J.Y AR NOL Hasw just receîved a ve ry laUrge and weil selected Stock of 0f the BEST QUÂLITY and latest, style, for Pali and Winter Taade, which wil be sold at prices that OCannot be beai eu 1:> mous, ÇaIff Ripg, and Cowlido Boýots. m K>. Womons' Qoat, Kid, and caif Boots. : gà eie.. & Chirns'Boots-& Shoes. . .0r, GentiemWns' 9ls Lace. and Elas.- tic BQots. FELT OVERSHOES, ah -Bizes. Ladies' aînd Genits' Best Sewed and Peg- ged Work made teo rder bý CASTLE FOX. Repairs neatly executed- Rernember-the stand-next door North. of Royal (Janadian Bank, Mcmilla'is Block, Brock-st.. Whitby. Henry's Rifle -Cartridg.s Js. J. YARNOLD, Wbitby, September.. 2nd, 1868. 3 BOO)TS &SOES 0f the Righ Fit anWd .7Fake DEGS to. inforni bis friends andi customers, th-at lielias reoeiv- Ded a very large stock, of Fal & Winter Boots #c Shoos, OF THE I3EST STYLE AND MAKI& Also on haind a large Stock of HOME -MADE Boots and Shoes wbich cannot be snrpaased for quality or prices. I~Ail Orders punctnaily attended to. Repairs neatly done. Remember tbe place, nearly opposite the Bank-of Montreal, Brook Street, Wbitby. Whitlr;, September 32p 1868,.3 I'IE LDSTND E-S TA BL 1833 Ajt£LN.JIoD .là AJ.Jt AIfUXil JJ2 C lAli b l' T4he publie atre epçctfally informed tb4t the 'subserber bas opeod buinssiiith abvoprmisslaely occupied1y 5r. aqhrsn e. bas puat epened a large 'and supelor, Stooký-especially auited for this 50eoneomprising New, xà iins, k, eantst Orange, Lemon & Citron 1!eel, Spionî, &c'a, vry Suporlor Black, Green- & Mixed I'resh Toast Broken Loaf, Cruéhed and Nusoovado-Sugars. 1fw, HIs Stock- et GROCERIES & PROVISIONS wll ho fonnd comn- plote fiud attractive.- ÂIi.A.Wge sud linostc feoiceWlnes, ,BraudiesJmiaRuIly Scotch, sand Old nie Whisoys, Cheese, Fish,&c'AIsw_ auperior Tobacce in plage. O::".CAil and eïamine. 1Whitby, Dece. 2$, 19,68. IR, Ho JAMESON, Wine à Spirit Rerchant, Dandies-St. 51 OFFICIAL iASSICNEE. GÉNERÂL AGENCY OFFICE! 0Eunidersied ain recoved ýthe appointment or Oficiai Amui ce for North Inuoverc. ~ Proissry Notessnd ccounta spe.diiy eollecteodand remîttinees promptiy mad. On good farmi security at 8 per cent iaterent Speial attention wiii b. given to tihe negctonoLon, dboowr n rely upon having their applications attended ~ Aio, andu bois mproed nd niniproved coniqtantiy for sale. Insurances effctl i ti. ntrloFamer Mtus Isurance Company. E. MAJOR, Officiai Assigne.ond Vilnator. OFFICFe--Mgelowlu Block, nost Àoor to tho Royol Coasdian Bank. Port Ferry, Dmceiribr2, 1868. 4 vxu'~x~ CHEAP ,W4sL95r rtc>m GOODS TEsubseriber would beg to intimate that lie is now in e ceipt of bis Pal! Stock of 1FRESII -ffFANI LY -GIOCERIES, Complete i vr department. He would direct special atten- tin= is large and complete msortment of Cmockery, (ÇIass & Earthenware Glassware in sets to maklh, Lanips, Cliimneys, &c, ail of wbick~ ho Lç determined to ell a diabeap as any houso in town ; inut--bound fnot to be undèrsold. Caii and cee. oFLOTJR AND FEED, AS IJ8IJAL. Cash paid for any qusýntity of good Firkin Butter. Corner B3yron & Dundjta.sts., opposite thc Robson Ileuse. Wbitby, O<cteber 28, 1868.- FURaNiTR JNO. >T-IL &00, Wonld respectfuly cail attention t their large Stock of 'nà rDi-1 ture. and 'Cabinet Ware ; aIl oft newest style3sud 'desigu.- An ex mination 6f theirf IRST ÂSSTOCK, will warrant them in saying týüt there is none s perior i the Domin-O., [OZ"'Ip1hostering o il kinlds, and thé, work gnaranteÇd te be exiscuted i a superior manner. 0i& Pai/ticular .atten ion is r "eqýuested toè *1.o; xw iqW imtTam. À Arp à ikVPD1,A1O D-O. -Scotch- Wh isk &F Canada.,Old -Rye and Mfalt, Extra, ne Green, aîd -Black Wbity, ec.~16,1868, HAMILTON If you wan.t to.btsy a First-elass Go ,rO M. H. COC[IBNE'S. Ptea*dy M ' lde -ClotIiing AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDERt, At M. fi. OCRNES BOOTS &. SHOES., OVE RSIOE8i &C., cheup for cash, At M. FI. COCIINES. 1Wbitby, December 9, 1868. 494>n GENTLEMEN'S TÂILORING- AND FTJRNISIIING HO.11SE, W~~3~0 ALEXANDER PRINGLE Takes leave respectfuily to int'orni. bis.friends and- patrons that hie Stock of gW_ WIWTER CLOT 41 lo a now very. eomplete, and of thse very best qutility, and Ithe la repared to mnake up with dis- patch, and in the lateat 6iyî0s Gcntlemen's, arments. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods' of every de8cription, embring-Shirts, Coliars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C.1 99F NO FIT NO PAYI1 Brock et., WVlsitby, Sept 18, 1808. 'Arr pffi., Brc Whlcby, se, .15,1 To Zobboe saw lega sud shlngle1 3~For pALicaiaz Breoiclin, oct. 1,-les NewI rrnE tiadmigascd T publie that hoe a fil wjth pronspituclej anid Confuttousary lin ail other kiasds oet si store, Sardines, Cocos BlairCo& 'Wlthy, July 16, 181 NEWLY] HN(G Susicctcd caretssliy by1 sale at Very Ecdaeg 'I ALEXANDER PRINGLE, 86-ly - a IP MT 3 Ma MC vc m om0 THE MONTREA L rIEA> OOMPANY 6 6HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. 1Oua TEAB. afler tise mont1 svew testsbliste brai isedIcal andiis&W ui jakSes of(Tâa, I a omued t p hoqute paensd ftea(Irons unyattca ciussnsi.ioa usi: aImprove tise colurir tTu.TROY ARE NaQnLLDFl t ag1'RAOD PolmoA baiae bien ciseaunfo er nitnuusie wonhs,keipig laidtmincisesit, cossouy, masd s iigis degrue- dlasklag ais.n. Wc uc sll fortise inalIess pouelble pnafihi, ett ~ga eviag agoaise consmer cf iM lb. Oui rs are p10ala5,12,10, 2asd 25 lb. bozeu,aund»rémusited parn surotsp atusc,. ,d, tn ota bb. oxu~twoItis.boes.onmii5>or 51,.bôo sentcarniagetrie a Mielonin lsCsus.Tes, b le ftenwrded tas.ndisusly, is neccipiofthe ni yrsicisll ,I bu otcu sdlvnylvepestas wwetsr n xrmaoe.Jssudn J= w soif$1,usmi Iouct u b een1 esdts ooe as ieodi.We BLACK TEA. n b1rkitBroken LeaI utrotifTes. 40., Ne.; Fie FlsWsuu ev ewSe5ue o 6e, n, £M56&; y " ,e itBuskuss d doe. BuM(Wn, 5c ;icis Flavone.t.d d.; Yery Fase do.1Dm ; JjussQau à w-,Mr- ~~i" 6e., vicy i;îaee-, Fiasul750. GRE ENTEA.- TMc.y 0 0 k; 'Youg lryacn.0. 60, 06 Mud 1&.; Fine do. l"i-; VOnY Fin.eScr-T'SOuPn5gne maid V wau$1 inseun ver 5Ue., Exins SajirSse do. $1. ,, 1V l tisa cirnla eqnlty 'ruaotlsl cdby ibis Comrouy. *n Auexcellent mlxed eaeoaid bu sa Ow tr andiO.; e-,y odtncminpspaclc INU tioerlm 00te cansais, v aitert the foiievisg: ln 1 Tie KaUsneai Tes esuyuE-,' Osmu-itis nenly a yesrsl.se 1 psrgbaed thisncf cheaI cf Tes l'ea your bonus. 1u,.veiL alasor, Puti 1 m lemued ttu cnjen tisaitise Tes livery case proed iuesaaisfstcey, »selî"à Obý M eeediaigy chisp.- Yomuavoir ui, _______ g, I MentnTm ;ilrsLis0 To,.McntrtastTes Coin- Gunxu-lh mon n uy, 6Hospital SneaMslesl..-& W nc otMic th busgWovestaaiisati o, .rand le t = ti a isons lne g isTis Uat e. bave fin. Ps ne- ue J J ve r tsuge, bu! #1 iaule wutdl'ro r c, the fa u mse ewnber the Old$tazm 81 FUPLLER. ~1Whitby,- Sep. 9, 1868. 1505. 7,j.7Ný Il