Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1869, p. 4

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È. bus rsuaned Irus te the prinoiles of elsvery, but usodified, as ho dmis.- le cosioad.iriglâta toe usnegro rae. trbleb cas pffle thon il la borni fo ejoy thom and m4de to, underatand tbem;but et boitolu1. b. I. convuneed bat the Africau a-cdCowaulau races esunos uuslmiiae' As lto.teset he.extrbme violence vbieh the. euîgocea of tihe atfi-aery parly ceile, th. effecto cf wuthevas b.ddcn muin of the. southern people, via, in him opinion, iii. oouequemcsm of thereulatence wbleb the. laîlor mad. Bar#, Jeff. Davis là foiiy enJoyiag liltihe ourloskty îth&$Paris agforas;, vhlcWheb. d. v.ry beautI6uIO and vbleb b. auuîrfg!y -visite #Il -day.As te, bis materisl ité1.ho doa noet cars as te bis (ced, breakl'aing' onuaa ile. efbrsmd *ahd bater'and à cup tif coffoo, and dlgng on lwodiabea. Moral7, bis, courage, i views, bis etrleîra, bis"esuuite proýbity, the . Z ample of ail hia devoteduea, bi.selIf deiiial, bis good <ib te bis prnniples-to wieic ho ha.sacrificed everytbiong, for vhie hob bus suffrid evryLI.hng-îthe p'scidity of tu apotie, mnd ithe oommisseration of a martyr for bis enemies, hi& remgnation and arenly-all befe- bau madie Jeff. Davis a grest uqa-so great that, lu the. midit ef or modern elvilization, on@ cannot corne iseat lm ihtbout tb. ulmoat resptct. Mr. Jeg. Davis dlned on Nev Year's da li thé'residence of bis old respressu. tie et.Paria; Mr >. Sldel. The ditner Iaa quit. pivse, mmd rse. Davis, in Ënocung <or ber nouer, vas mt ot bra. The Terre Haute Express, of the 2Oîh 6mt.,sp.ahlng cfa family camedl Cross, saym Mv. (ross la nov enu.aaiy cross,- bWing toetii. (set tbat tii. otiier igbt Mrs. brosu pr es.nted im witb another liale Cross, luýaddItion loý lie ton lîtlis Crosses tbat bad already beau borne. Ou tuso ce. ession Mr. crossatibid te bis vifs ;6Aniolia dansittus la oi tho bebonert dBut It la bora. my dear," said bis vifs meekly; *Ideml' b. augry, my love; vsailHave eur liatecrossa#tebebar." Mr. Cross groaued lu bitternesa of spirit. 'Ameli, Jaue# btblu igbasbeeu jolug on long *aongb, if yen bave amsy more litile crosses to beari Xaban't belli yen to support Th. total atout of Mr. PAsbody's gfts for benovoient purposes amouint ho Gem. Grant bua aloved tL i cole .Associatio'ocf.Phladeiphist ake mii.hl au bonormry meimber. Thé Soiman aumonees the. desaticf Dr. Woodfpmd, ber MaJetmy's luspector cf Baboois for Seottend. OURE 0F CoNBsuMPTION!i in CANADA. bum u ng k el, 1 fuuUr.-l.,i(el il&a duly 1owe l~u ulsu wooli asto tac publie, tu, laurm yuu othos MOW msdrful cure aif cnna.aanptoin u.- euauptlatud ulnuay perso4 e., 'the Use or lias Great t4ohns est iy sid la0..1 gi egaiapa lots msuihzp.ta fetaghr,n. 1ua itr ëotiahihs iveAldy, S atisvertiai g oen very iglit, mWiii stween t he ra.rkiîgicougi aii rti, aaWetltag, 1 wa ao iua>i rpraveiaof eirp- hy the gowaiira.u uWei o it .t ls tiol'apst te. £ wu osa ra- t issi Ual î outd iardW y siad sbts, 1 w.., voader ilae cur adi physice ia l eagth or fina ittoti la.dsag hfa rt. 1 triad ifioifi roo lpea tbut imli wiiaot au, rdu efeeLMqur Pettrsaaa of. liais,aar n.aaie tus use .t raiet auut o s edy -,I1pruicrsi esat i luttlusaItau wila Ibolia lla; 9se suaits ocons- iaa.aacd tiuh laagni us tu getllictter, agit]whesaî 1bai tla iue tla enaeatitecaueta, rpectoraîlon cf mater. Mgiuasi#uen .longs, cili,s.veiig e.lf tle;asta oat uiulog Il# s oas I ecaame s atsud iaa'iIhy. lo aaw osurflWaaift aiacs tequit the Ragomtiya muidlteora have isaianac sympiom# orthe îliiarsrlmaaag. adt Ihave lierai, and auaow bheu- obir u as els lsn aebren for mîaly Test'.. frugo. voi willmakeiiuunwsi to the publietis at ihey iis',Au4swars oralas lassuilur finîtes oi'his lruay ,drfiaJti" hRased)>. liaraauiowaa, ieo. o? Lunox &k mingtch; ot Tu il e, homIl aycorn.-Thlo lliec@nW r iai v av.lhstiiscqoahpJwiiath abaaBvo Pele« .V. b.lsq, rfdrati na.'yar.sd Garé haown blasil iwayalgo sottiseaveryh;bîOttsel resecilliy, imudia vcry csi ad dcrudlwa psascaaa ; sud 1, atm, idcaa li aamayvoilo t. a tittof sie attme, orwtny fluer =ulalatamdo la bin. JO l' 5EV W. Y. 0, HARPER,RctolBa L-1VE R Y1, No.iLontne Corer, 1 ha've made extensive preparations to'ýsu p ply my. customers and the public with everythingin season in the Way or' oirGroceries, New Fruit, and Pure Liquors, Suitable for the Uolidays, or for any other occasion, As mere words could flot enumerate my extensive and varied- stock, 1I respectfiilly aak my patronsto call and judge for them:' selves. Whitby, Dec. 23, 1868.,; Re FRA.NOISt NO. le on ýhe corne BOOTS_&_,SHOE'S.- 48 Re J. YARNOLD . Hus just rcceived a very large sud well selected Stock of UJ) 0f the BEST QUALITY and latest style, for FaIl and Winter Taade, which will be iiold at prices that Cannot l'e beat 0~>- Mens' Caif, Kip, and Cowhido Boots. -4: »- Women' ' Goat, Lidl andi Calf Boots. - 4: 0: Misses' & Chidrens'- Boots & Shoos. 4:0 e az'Gentiemens', Englie'b Lace and Elas- tic Boots. FELT OVERSEQES, ail sizes. Ladies' and- Gents' Best Sewved aid Pegm ged Work made to order by CASTLE, FO X. Repairs neatly* executede' Remember the stand -next door North of Royal Canadian Bank, McMillan's Block, Brock-ist.. Whitby. ,Henry's.Rifle Cartridges R. J. YARNOLD, Whitby, September. 2nd, 1868. 35 BOOTS & SH-OESI 0f the Right Fit and .?Make, 3. AUN ER BESto inform bis friends and customers, that lie lias receiv- Bedsa very large stock of Fali 1 Wi nte r Boots & Sh oes, OF THE. BEST STYLE AND MAKE. Also on hand a large Stock of HOME-MA.DE Boots 'and Shocs whieh cannot be surpassed for quality or prices, Sff AUl Orders punctually attended to. Repaire neatly done. Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitbj , September 32, 1868. 38 TEOLD ST-A-'ND?' 1533 *The public are respectfully inforinid that the- subscriber lias. opened butinees ini the above premises, latelyroccupied by .Mr. Farqifii'an. H e bas jnst oyene~d a large and superior Stook-especially snitn-d for tis season, eomprisig: Now Raisins & Currants, Orange, Lemon & Citron -Pool, Spices, &0.. Vory Buperior Black, green & Mixeti Fresh Toas.r Broken, Loaf, Crushoti andi Muscovado Bugars. S» His Stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS wiI :Bbe fôuund- com- plots and attractive. À lirarsd.>lInè stocký of choice Wineà4 Brandies, Jamaica Rnm, Ilas>, Scotch, and'Old R>'. Wbiake, Cheeso, Fiab, &o. Al ouspenror Tobacco in plngs. ~-Cali and examine. 1 Wbitbyt Dec. 23, 1868. R, H. éJAMESON., Wine &Sii Merabant, Dandas-St. Gin, Rum, - CaadaSclotch Whisky, 8: (lanaaOld' Rye a'nd Malt, very, Extra Fine Green and eB'lack Teas Whitby, ]>ec. 16, 1868, HIA1MLTO' If you -want to buy a *-First-eIass OFCA SSICNEE- VE-'C GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE! BEndrignsd baving eceived te appointutent cf Oficiai Assign. orNot ou a sprepared 10'lavepromptattention 10 *Il maltera lunBankraptcy or - Insovenc. ~ romisàry Nots sd Acunts speedily ccllected-sud remittances p romptly ma'de. ~xoeoewr me£» 1 ..C>Jamv On good larm ,ecorty at 8 per cent inles'est. Speclal attention will b. giron 10 the negociation -of Loans, and borrowers can rely upon having their applications attended to promptly, and at omali expense. W*Ai. Lands, botb Improved and uni.nproved constantly for sale. Insurances effceted ln the. Ontario Fumiera Matual Insura nce Companiy. E. M JR Officiailsin.un ontr OPY1CZ,-Bigelow'a Block, noxt door to the Rovol Canadien Banki. Port Ferry, DecemberS,21 M. MrIlx~ wx a6i CHEAPGOODS! THE- subscriber would beg to intimate that he is now in re- o eipt of his Fall Stock of FRESII FÂMILY GROCELIIES, Complete in ever departent He wonld direct special atten- tion to yhilage a d cozuplete assortment of Ci'oce'kery,'Gi-as & Earthenware Glassware in sets to match, Lamps, Chimneys, &c,, ail of whict~ ho it, determnined to sel ns cheap ns any bouse in town ; in fat.-bonnd not to be undersold. Cail and see. o3 FLOIJR AND FEED, AS USIJAL. Cash paid for any quantity of good Firkin Butter. Corner Byron &Dundas.st4., opposite the RobsonIlons.. Wbitby, October 28, 1868. F.URN'il tn An' the '1REi OVEIISHOES, &c., clieap for, cashi, At NI. Il, COCIJRANE'S. SWhitby, December 9, 1868. 49-ly GENTLE NIEN'S.- IAILOIIN-G AND 'FUJLINISIII.NG ýHOUSE9,- w~~o ALEXANDER, PRINGLE" Takes leave respectfully to iuform his friends sud patrons that hie Stock of g£e' WINTER CLOTHS, .Co le Dow ver>' complete, and of the vIer>' best quality, and tijat he le prepared te inake up with dis patch, and in tho lateet style$ Gentlemen's Garments. Gentlemnen's, Furnishing- Good.s of cvery description, embrcng-Sý-hirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C, 0NO FIT NO PAY!1 Brock st.', litby, sept. le, 1868. m» M BeLa mC T Il E, f OSJTAE STRE *fiR e ru . the lia s eaveras, et byiiaa boul 5)sosemt a ojure , n m e(risTUB' llc balasse bm(n fa ueaaswut, epnt n.nu lb. Oarifaarls rdbs51K t, otv lla. boxe#, or one ft oalà Cnaa.Tom wiii ttc ocwwrai d i oùe ley anan Moncneý ubcolin elitdOh elV ri#xmon i e! thas maimnsat ?.iebîens xpsestis emi v - would bu I0 ntel,l'un sautes eiaslotu uieor couli»s te uas sadtes car a ndlimamark oacb bxplahal>, su the to e s elilu itd utrste <a IL s.If "Y a'm snul a 'NO. I IL ACo. crnld respectfnlly palIttontion to heir lage Stock of F'ur i- g5cj.,Fin ogec, Vcry 1iaO t,&-, Flnes7lu. 'e and, CabinetY are; ai: of th newest stylssddsgu 2 examination of héir FfIRST-O ÂSS STOCI] tyfi ,WarXrant Twas',e6, ô5 Oc;Votat ung . se 5, b0 66 sud75c.; tm waînth here la none a erior ilu the Dominion. TCa*tm e00jovere.s , etulcbp.Tr- U 190Asa exceltent smixedTes uasid iesat for 00 ad 1 U~ Pl)stering of ail kinds,. apd the ".oeaMelsUsaaweia'sthe [fofLoig: >rk guarauteéèd b. execnted inu0Isuperior inanuer. passe1. 51 ae SsiI ehe«. ALEXNDE~PEINlei IVrC «Mz o 39. - I TACOMPANY thes bies quaty. gw»Frait Of ailkir.ds in sea mIen., Bardintes, Coco. Nmtaa, G 1. JieD Bner onfcuouio Whithy, Juiy 16, 1867. NEWLY IMPC pAP: m HANGIfr TISun-srsiiznsd begp 1to lai"c hat he in'h rIj cent atay un P.nland, a>4t PATPE R >N gelected cairoînîîy à mie a& Very R ---ROB] BARISTEIL Bfie vrO Campbeîl, Broc W uithy, N'ol sOLICITOU, ~_OshLuawtî.C. W. Wbitby, Jan ATTURNEI on, Brock, C. &Î,., tO1IXE ACluanci --Duunda's Stre ÀRRi$TE racersai Hall. 6 IL cocalcma Ccnnty Crown Port 1'orry,1 Whliîby, Ji IUGEON, J 0W Wimlly, A f TI O CL, -, Tvil W'IA w-Wn.1 ~ HafJ( rET, OTEL g»"Bome spiendId'i mto1m emember thee 014 Si putor. 144;u iWbblty May 4y-1808, GO TO il1* H. COCilIRANEe'. RedylVadc C 1 otIiingTi AND CLOTHLING MADE TO ORI)ERt Brn At M. f-1. (ilOCHRlLANE'S. BOOTS & -SHIOES.

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