Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1869, p. 2

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tvoeu the twa ehartrs-tbe Ti NIplsuIg Obmpasay on thes on«. the Wiltby Raiilway Obmpanj tbv..nPola tW:ojal.what wu .4 to b e the tru e intrst o(î of tbis. souaty. ru Ibostcou thst the Wliby chasrte, fa- ta blit proteste th.el'atereasiof ýai Sb;- cýmusY, iie, swckhèol -le, sMd the manielpalftiea grie W.o r1w Proposé (o rovieff the advauîagieo claimaed by tiie, proe tia. eiplosîipS s etmela faoi *' nsro« gangs"§ and la dolt msy att.At, -ieoutot, îhstî snd Ozares'".weia 1a ire are t vbit la known as thias0"Nar,4 Pamphleýt" copilcd by 0. Lat thil pamphlet, pcbllo attozaîon la the workint or the B"arrow gau JInNov,,7, QUeonslsnud and ladi if W# examinle ciasély the taopa JFuglneoro af thos rosais, vvfi the iaarr-3w gangesvwu adopted singlse t a no other ründ bail, front the mosintainous uite conutry, vithontat u enormous' monoy. Mr. 0. Pihi, Chiier' worway, »&y&, page 33 - 6"lu QI thiefeatureu. of t/ta country n nos of Ill e bainsi curie, and cou aa (S<. 68flu. Range " Again, ui atpaakl ug 0< Norway ; siWitht leen a question of prvidingà communicaation $kt a comparaîin coit, uit/t ltte trafflc and Ii sources." 19 irCharles Fox & Oc Oulting Englacera, London, spe the Quecaeiland vaiways, Oly,p "éThoeelines are fur the most psr an undeveloped country for the pi opeuiug l out, and for s Portion fabpas lrough vory mmi districts inrioving "avg <cr/e.' Mr. 0. W. Pot, lie junior me the.firm, ast5 public meeting bel boenouFeb. 6111, 1868, gavee h sue of "Nàrrow Gauge" lin the1 irorda. We qucae frontthe Toro etfo 1/c.. Sposklng of Queens] siys:s'Mr. Filz$ibiiosavis appoln Engluier. This gentleman etsi It woald ha neccuaary (o adopi systeqa of rsl.ay bu liai oolony, théb.iiisOe for many yeara voald b. tively'lfghî, sud lie country V4 dej7cult nature, critatlng a veet a&tptlug sharp cusrees."- Aga Queenslsnd, wlire îbey bail îueî ]y dîfflamît counity so deal wiîb, t!d s brooder gongs emuM Shave becs profîtbilte, Having tw cree.p ro î Opurs of flU., thay bailfoaidlit ni to redue. (lwlv curie, w thea von ridina of 330'fort,", 8peaking0 w ay, 1"ADothcç t 1mile# long ehri ascodlngly diiiult eountry, writh bridgeoansd rock ceuuingosi aa 000W bo O.an lany couuîv." Il 4"19vwu esàeotiai tbaithobra ii otiier iuma mada no feeders to ib lines, (rom Olia' euparitivuly lAi id led dstrict#," . 1jeve we have tho reasona fur l >Isrrog anuge rai wya In îi>e col W. and abat lin(2ueecslsiad the guiavas adopped (rousibe aimpl "lthat io'othev rosuLconld be buil 0a4 tetc ndrd g44, a. l th&' sciat, r a dort tocl flan, v sud *isepe l. Ite WmcPtsi raoit w mue at aU. Ad ii ethse o eîld aidda oinidIa. la iero s Mro eh"1, On le s ostimia>or# lusd ou mue of 8Sfi.01.gna r ,W rm liwsye ,çf #b.gp 'arà$, thsitar. uelsaaîr li be fiit....aotblig la dôU-ots5 tta thb, propa55dnavrov-guegeortis vest eaisJjt1 eeofrntsge i befet . 'drop se llvy a 4erSaatrom Torento, WIII îusay pga"asd 40plekju'ai te le lbi on bave usosîly 'eu-tropgh "mosssulsons .OuOa*r lso îupipss a lesddui sti 4u'ha e lt hre stUphbIsla t ceep 'ouadi" s atigasaisryesttagameutiadeed. Bat-Idie 'ovoalo m s-là aeOOpgWo..,jltisec. go'r -elsIt '" payers'v > ould aot stand IL Thée baud, aud ttaffiler!"' If snchb llé h.e#sdistethselovpebip.of-Soeirile defeaîed eps 17- ly on the 'qufttlin oe: snstrov.gqg, Blati l thelari-tisa township o! Brook s~. ead go foualdeî. country tii favorable for the, esp, con- The tooifo uisrfuas1ialy ale peole str ot c rslIays ..jlf die popuIi6o is sud Uîbnldgedeeinesaté isaie tbefr debi parhu oa c stire, ýeiev,#titt, '110, 1sn&i'l< bièailatoi? taras. :iil8eoîttt Whitdbusrclî-suad ftsaIo'aiy Iraffle fo0rtIsa rOýds sifter they ore, Searho, vltbolr.v ble rb,.lbslfor. a* mua. admit, boilt,(berna rejeot tisa uarrov gu&&# bons.1v9te ", token, sud nov euesdrw se oa# ibat- busg#It Io s serions msttsr for saouUiel- properly ao-to sahmhî olier b- Iv o T Il parties- .pality 10 gramat large ohatses of i850000' anMIvoonderlw h tera1a1e.ae os th@ Pub. or $60,0600foraà s.ilvsy i, bat h-lutoi - r !aDlai(e rapee r inting ~ ~ ~ ~ ; bo1îmîmr e 4"itsud dtmr! ll! a to bht of ýÎO -, i - nmooserions -p oa'orpoematloa (O tâldTA ls could npe..*oha qpglâibs, gjim, etvpenlmegn: lursiival huildiug4 If île magofligat iu.tlsedlatmut.lna s v *Portlaîr bon",eaare tebchegrauîed, If theia.rilvsyo the Compay la horst gu n 1 oisd > motors,"ofare to bu halit, ai lent bha rsod that Tie asýartov gaui aov 'llifg !the Ur Of tise wiii bu of coma ervIce, sud oas that' yl pat-catiaiy fins,'bu mai.! ler. vas 10g 'os we bc capable cf doîug the business Of theulmmit btion oprrt 'tc tie ac ' wsce onutry thiroagh wiich il passes, > aubscribed, uotbiug baethébe. Biot-if tskeu rom1 Brook Bonus. Uahridge or auy of tise municipahiîiea ibave mvw gauge e- n y ilbonu syn g rou ir,ïtoun oue idîa. l XÇPLSINQ AIL'~YiY. ths, have ao Cime Le Io»e. Somtimsea lu' lugel se u Ishepublic discussion ou tish ase usnssm moa oment# are - pveco>iia lia#, B>utm iplaiug By-bay in Brook sieral imper- sud wvba mmmouth aàir 1k. île To.. i "tatau pointa vorteaite, some of whiob rouloansd Nipiaaing Rsiivay Cc. goes ut, rts of tis e aready docide.!, and! otiers troin gurll smboyi urt." il1 find liant yet tu be delernsined.-' 1 rcm the Tise opponusuts alloged .firat, hast lias A oaîd . bonus hy-lavaset tiast ibm.passe.!b, blu's ovec of the lildon, lUîbridge, Markisam an.! Toronto, Aucîber cf "the landmavks"' bas beau otîs, of vere boid, illegal and! dtfctiro, hotu h taken swsy. Onuirday'. moruing tise liv un.! in aquity, Tiss vasutaihéfiLime spiri of RobertiRichaer4sn-on, of thec Engineer, deule. b, tisa Nipiasing friends; but tvo isouestest an.! Seat ai men-fic.! (o ils I lueçngusls ho aart mentis have proren vnicis was or- Klaker. Neatly isîf sSontuty 550 Robertti t0 tiacto,.The. amexaded. Nipbssbn'g Cissyter Richardson -wettbd ibu the townuhip ofV Msequantly begalizO.!asu tise y-iaws berelofore passa.! Pickering, wiaore he rosid. up (o Lie t se page, gvauling boisusea. Ouly for til thers unsm of bis deatis. He vas sueedbugby nt IL bas voul.! nol ho a single hy-lav granting aid tevuship'and Oounty concillor; and! in e la railvay 1tisaI ot vorth tlisefirot dollarvi '. -i'pubicecapacity; aswvolas lu privsle r rely srnli Seeundly. £biaitishe stock houka of tisa' luse, 4egrred thse respect and! esCeep o! t 'mIite re COnaarl ia.! nol beau openo..Thbi vas allao knosr hlm. IH vas sotn noir ;0n, con- denleà by gentlemen frein Toronto viso Mçanuesuis, in Lhe Quen's Count>', Ire- 5 uasking of duilared thît 1he stock books Sa.!- beau laind, lu 1709, sn ud astlaofore, st tise tc pgSt1opene.! an.! largo amonuls subsçibed. Wa tieeofbis dcti, 69 years ci.!. Like bis hae3 avei nov ou vecord tisai ou lie floor cf -brotiser-iu-iav, and! tirst cousin, James 91 ile thrOug tise Legîsiphive -Assatabllu Toronto lust iloe, viose deati wualha.it tîchrouficle tî atposeo!fmonts, Ih vas ebarge.! tisai', t é k '(âvo-yacks ago,lhe ha.! arive. , Lthe e a cf their bocks bu.! nul beau opene.!, an.! not lia alote.! ego cf man, Aund, érauge coin- f untalnous irsI subacripton wo stock Sa.! beau made. cidenceo casA movning of lise day bo This vas net donie.!, but by silen.ce tacitly vasn foïce.! Lu talie bis be.! (tvc day's bc- 8 iember cf îdmbttad. Tisevefore tise charge Ilavea for James Rowe'a deahi, sud whom Se Id lu To. moutha ago In Brook was (rue. One montS is.! nol beau u friendly' tevme vitialot v lsexpéri- ago in Tornto" Ilvas trua, aunonetidi yeîrs;) Robert Richardson vent up ta is hia isour have tisose bocks been open' for, Captsin Rova, shoolç bina by tise baud, foiiaviug tisa rogulait l'na»ld subseription of stock. sua. said.: "Bove, va are botS gettiug gr utO GloeLoi tisai (oct-b. tiotougiy iudiatood by ho ha old mnan sd h leu uukuevu f oupu!, b h ie tax-payers cf Brook. - viici oh us -viiigo off'inot; timae va tl atedl thielr T/irdly. It vas alcged itsu tho Nipi saook bauds." And! boiS indalge.!, (fer ei once a Asr ing Company coutl uao1l le xceute a the finaL lime for years) lu-a warm clasp. go a s igi bonîd lu lise Township, guaraiteeigig cer- RobertI Richardsona vas a conscieautions t beecus tain protection lu -gvatug a railway member of tho Society af Frienda, sud counpari. bonus. On tisa opposite, a prcteuded cste&!ittIeý for public Uibe ;-did ha, Lisera >a faopinion of liv. Harrison, Barvister of To- wu as epSeiors in Lise glît ot bis (ovu- e 'auit of aronto, vas pruduce..This vritlen docu- slip ho might uci bave aspire.! (o. -01f-et eut f ment, on rarleais ocçaejons', vasniurviodly "hieu LMay Weil Sa mai.!, in tlue vords of Fil ein, "lu8vcad b, Lise Ueroe, but anover printo.! for a&'Tory popular pool, visose linos BurnsBc ceeediug. Lise information of Brook. Tise vriting arile. himiself of, vriling of lis fatlaev'îOr me nu of vas no opinions, nov di.! iL preten.! (o ho deati:the fi dimly no. -W.o aloe ha aying, t tia (o i i "Auhonast i n'a thea noilest vcu-ltof Go.."in, ound 1/4e montant te coulicil of Ugbnidgo hava no Robert Richtard!son baves a barge family gui ieceaaavy vritteu opinilonitiaitlie Nipiasiug bois.! elI provicled for, au.! s large circle of in~ ry &mail to tistlownshuip iu go, pu.! bindiug lu monrniug friands, sinongat wiom lalis bi la.Nibrbas tise Brcck couneil. Ifo.ulwts ado fLeauay v ofNo's. L is> ave by 8aIlMalins lot IL s600Lise ligliat sWrîgla the Cho hecuty r rouigia an of day. Relievo lise (caris au.!idoubtao 0 rih.tl bhesîy (le ralopayorx, aîud aboya sil, reiieie lise Turesàiî o intss-À Grand Tant.aIX asy as suspiciorise uow dir&ecued (o the Iteoves O! . o éis ilbubl nconcinBui ýn judis. lFeau township#, respeethug ibis bond v . te iiidntOdr fGod!e ioI.! b.business, WIsilé itseNipiasiug Co. là ab. vtats aasdu ro fGo us min Wlsing amculmeuts t u er cir. ev,- Templera ai île hall oh île «Mec ica' .Vpp.galizing lisoir Township by-lavs, makiug lastitute, On Fridsy cvaniug, the 26t i l0 croryiising us igt as vax ou tisa part of hlut., Si viicb iddraeae viii ha delivere.!th& buligthe b> -uas, uothhhg l said or doue about by msevl tatentedl speakers rom a db-- ihi blxlgaliziuge e ompauy's bola nds( ltanc, &.b-i- th Grud'W -b-Ci.efgr ermiDua.Tb!&s certairély ina s trauuge povar ho gir. day at-iruao'olock, ara gang., a atroug Company; s Company ibos uiqe k vws (ogo off likeo "Soi cakes," .a bT4udy.tsapbbaldSo TiAliW i 4 <set soie pen ar-xiou for oisasa, anud tisa vosilet, viii appear bpfpre ahsbîy a i rya IanMbmeu ass4 prters cof Toronto '10 sais- diciio00optiap evpung pf Tisraaj Mqus a ita at eriba al!the atoalginu48 bourm. For Ath, - '> sucia spowerful smous Company toaoki -bJ à"tr,.an!otIuis e îfgbt -ofh cmmeneing île Tsi Raroa'UzwMusirin -ra<ere.eJO p Sbuildingoh a îong 'ilqe of (isvy itisout Dr, MaGiU'a course inla tiusmué'aîlma, à île Irai dollar o! piratas e hn sis apushan laer.y prialed I in I T u srIMbe.!, fa someiisiug asevu r iaYAsf-k n vab'iase. Te.day IL appau rre t- of aup cOrln&. Aundvilhs sepo,rsmtaaoaama>' >y. 'Fiseheur, mmi v(ib. s ie hit o, & "Pua m zecluicpid1iésIato go on granings M »gshos le,îefor anotiaei) 0ao *t'à I taosa1,sW. admire plc, btprmsmp, 'atIAita.»ueeilme hq Brook, tSboseNipa. MWbaa uetsauiId.aa 5 b~shng gentiomen rdbeuje.! id 1es of tiebsa ibaaipr? ýWhap le m lss aitd -JMvuj 'Whih , ». ' ins upowy $9fa .499MW? o'a ohf t pery ess~rueedvaasAMI siar~ Poï. sible té tipe.5,a WrdiSr %we.ç fe<et 84 lInch, or the ôSfeut ibau 6.0 Again, ln thse Nu9rvgs4epaaapblet,' Mm, Fox sa/s: "Mia le oior 0<haut- *go on liae ivo gaugnu ish a urn.1" A4 ouce -more, lKv. Fox, Ina4lsa ea. .pampbL proper mana"gaeqt; I%Ïa'ovked sud msîala lalud t e t Mloî1v apereaatn M or 0041ý ln. the actuasiexpenaa et movii 9 a passsaer oré S tio o» ol b s~t: Samne par ùýpqlle u elhrgugee1' Sers va have fiv e l pa( thîle Mur. rov jauge, apoaîle, îli e oost Of "Moi- in rit on is enirgwv gaage,.udiI fl ot stiiàt 1ss,46le leu," 4bsn ou tbe«' brosi ganZs. This point, Ihua eéatabliabed, ve vili nov tov, té: page 50, of tihe malpe pamphlet, vhere vs Eud t1be rata of frelgIai fixed pu îtae Toroutoy Grey sud :Brocs, (sud va suppose il la 10 e haeuséme ou !ie .Torouw sand Nipuiug,) 8 conts par to« per mile. For easy calcilatio avsw Witt sume a topa of 3000 Ilia,.be a equal (o 33 bushels 0of visaI Froua' the point before usmed, Joues" ,Corners ia Brook, the diatauce to Torouto ia& Nipiasbng, may saaly be called GO' aile-from tise saine poiut in Brock 10 WViitby, via -the Whitby sud Bésvertciu railvay, lias dittancs viii pot excaeçl 80 miles. To moie a ton of vbcaî, 3 mua. ela, (rom Brook bo Toronto, ils Nipitoiug ros!, whIl0o,0; acordiug to Ïie aboe. tarift% one dollar and sighîy cents, 'or" gay 5J cents per buahel. Agalu, tb moe à ton of wvist <rom theseame poit b lVhitby, 30 miles, wviii cost ju#l cm hlf( 90 cents, or' 21 cents e pr 1Saisq. nd tae saue proportiou of saarig vi! Ibe af, fectcd on avery poand of froig1i *hipped iom the townshaips, sud aaevy pond of gouda sud marchandise takesu to thé lova. bhip. This saving la net for 4 dîy or a mazr, but Jor ail ime b corn, ;smr lu,j and year out, good tises or bard time. Suppose the average aonnai aiipmeni of grain of al kinds, for Brook, for the ucal 1wsnty ysars, tb ha 200,000 buab.lq.. Qa thai quaauity, the aaviug 10 Brook, ol eipping tie grain ever the ahorterl rond "Witiby, hastes.! of, the Nipissing rios. " T ovoto, voald ha *5,500, aunaly. But tbat bs nos ail. Whou the produce la iWiitbl ht iuaMon to an uatarn mulwt cthoeaper rate& tasa <vroua iorbuto. ?our, lrom Wbitby to Noutses!, 'Portland,t esto an sdQoe.bsc, s. parrle4 yhyle rand Trauk atjve cents per barre! tees ban fram Tovopte t tbe samne point, ha. g equal tulacAs ent pet haibel. -Ând 'alan la carriod for tvo conte pet 100 Ile. Ms, (rom Whilby tiasa Toronto, toe o ame points, l>eiug aqual wo a savins of as toton over e sesautPer >ubl. AUd les saaing by the Whitby route.s t h. bore samtof $5,500, sud vo bava for Wook a large yaarly saaiiug p tiais eu" en aloue.1 Tis uontgags o! extra cost, in freigsi a (a more serions question, t'oa » 1ev musse.! dollars, lbore or <bers lu the )Pa of a bosn= . Wh.n a b owuebijp aoute a bonus,' large or amall, il la boped- ms dhne t. 'mipe h cpi. liqi u14 es;îa >Pt of carryiugs babel of grain crer 60 iles o! read, îa'in 9ppa$tiou v*ita 00 ýle., eun aevsr le remoro.!. It *yull bc perpetual morugage (or ail lime to-comm s te twsip. A movtgsge tst casa. )t ha discisarore., bat vili for cier lu.' easa, as the- grovîl a! the couatry iu sacs. Io thsecase cf 'Brook, thé bvoad Suge extenssion o! tha Ladsay and Boa. 'rtw raivsy.viii toucli the eastena andarY of the townshaip. Ands tbe bros.! mge. Wbitby susd Besvertua rond, la ai. adj kuoeking et the soutbenu bound ,avy 1tea townshsip, for Permission te Pmu -ougi ths townsbip on ilsasortacrumis- a. Tht misca to join banda viîb i Tindssy (sud Bearartou, toeatretcb >ttte useMisoka couptry-be tru oit coautvy-tbeaee skirtiqg the nereil. i siacreaof île (eorgim a l, on il# utera jarise, lae aB.d Hiver coutry. it ïo. â; roid vans bajming, a rond ýriy of onrcouny,s>s4sa uad Shat e oblsiaad in lima sud for leu tissu fàis ost demaaded b, parrw Tr bcsOffice Sernga 4 l ifsm-ý ) t Pm.asé,la '0 g resisups. ic 4.m#4 for îhluit monts b ov's sbo ,%l pF t4dppMtled Y-sndtae thîe lit Àpril h apye«W tui- oa S depcsltad ipjor ùssl, $UQ>0 poe hmf olls magle plminhatiq Pemlini0à the To;#og byisrhelai sofah 9,692- ssaalsd r d 4ta tLq Imti r: lre fa osu eam a or i, S0,ad iro sUoties la $50 asi, for td»i s bsorisues -'of-thse hy-lev. Eiary LÀcisusas shahle là'a BIisr.sé, $ pe'l2ht 0prieBoom.t NOTINdoge.TIN.1 By Ut. lirovia, e mfoe ai aeM m. Cn <Ieonctnt ~Aeuil eerea Aaeert lu aid Ofibhe5EPiaopal ciauvch at ibis nulage, îoek pis..e-'ianfthe Tois Ral on Tuaaday eveulng, Oab iruat, Ths building was crovded tô etpss, quit@ a number o! the Bleaventopiane vers proesa. Thea OnJla uanpre.! Oqïin al terce <o patrouisa lias affslr The enlartaiuspeui commence! by Mv.,X. IPatteraoan, o! Beaverton, aiuging a pairiotie aong, this geaîtleuppp also sang "Wil I on nol, cons Cack ta me," is excellent ýstyle. Thse Star of s-she vening, vas numistakeabi, Mrs. Dr. Wilacn, of Csnningtou. Titis lady sang sereral asquisillu longs, ber rende, iag o! "Bonpie Mryo! Argyle,' "Listen wta.heMocking Bird,11 sud -IlWhou ths. Bloaaoms Bloom on the #le," pas aertaiuly hesatif ai. Ail ber songs vere appreciated sud receired ricbiy deserve! encore, Mv. Tisomas Ellicti of Orilsa, reeited several bansorema and o.iaer pioea v hica prave.! very acceptable, sud provokied, no i&Waill mouût o!fisangiter. Miss Tippbng sang sororal aveet songe, "gTh. Wiip poor Wili" agong vas really good; lien "Capti" aGrpek Girl" oelicite! a ou.! sacovei ia relura fer viiab aisegars "Beautiful Drsm r. er vom~i povera are excellent, snd ber seireal poqgswv warmll encred, .. gewr Mr. J. O'Brienu sang 4"Pâ alloy" la- boti costume sud charseter, sud provois,.! a deafeniug enorne. He alto sang anoîler couuia song vbicis vasrepeatsdly eucored,1 h. reuàdere! "Ieoreiy Muid oh Brin" iu a r.ry patibatie manuer, Mi"a luIcpisa'a-Belle Malone" mt viii s varm encore, tbe likavise sang s aumber of otber acngs, ameugat tbem ber reademing of àèOnsca Darling" bs deserrung of apeeial, mention., Thissang tecoiveil s t vei menite, encore, an.! ln vetorn'ah. gaied île "-Ps.!edéocai o! Blne."t Misa Rhah7 Tipplng sang "Joanyt Bandeand "Ton ltie musabol*" rer>' voil, t>.latter gong vas loudly encore!, tesjionse for vhicb aie gaie "iTopay."a mi#s$ wlitu aysang -"AunaLUel, snd0 '$Palling on Airsa-il bath ber acaja veve a veill pveeJ. andi recaire! spirite! eu t] soies. Oving tealise ilins OF Mmr. C, e Havat-, the adience mimse ooraev l cicel-v lent suig-ueerlee ah. scceded insu plemai iulîem b, piaying tbe accompaus- b monte ois tbp piano forte. We ouastîed n slatiug that Mrs. Dr. Willsoa, la icapanse i ta a nqafarou encore, sg Robin Red es Bresas."mi" Paîterao., lu MusVa., "À aud Mas. C. Hevett, alicrnatel prou...! c' as iii. piano fonte ; Mias MePhee alot plsyed a fcv of lifsp aoompanimenUs on o tihe aa4odeon. The atom o! over M wuvas vealiaeh, vbich viii go tovards iiqoidsîiug ' tise deat on the eburca. Ou laccount o! si the absence of sveral, amateurs, it la belt just ti state tisai Mr. N. Patterson kindly pr bassistance lu order tw fliiop thé b thiliîe programma. The lproceedingi .' sera Ivouglat ta àclau b! aiutgiug -.le 0 Ilatiosal Antson. Ait proaent vare deligitM id vie the eneaiugs eutertamen,-Cou. Pl To t1x Editor of t/ce W/citby C>.rouide. la Sagt'au jour eutsrprising 'tovn ~ tashavu cusiderable energy la pMah forvari. . BIîvay eonueoîioa vith. k. Seogog, aad Iesrning thatithi l ta'elu 41 teh-tsamatter asihlfortber, I vo d, tF,00tùrl te maie a suggeation, vbeiic= ace!qpous, vould gire jour roi.! 0 tica Ce0commpae for the immense lu. ýr bubuso! Buekhotu, Spurgon, rBs msu and la1". Ferbape 7yen ar avar5 thai thoaebinnavigable. rter (ro licelakea, via Om.maa, rugît thr' gi t. s point luatle tovuhip of - t viot uîu SOM8 miles o! navigable vl osn1h. HiveprBugog, sud tiai viti aI kst omeme, and <bis apaceof 8 mijs opseilbye eena l mber coald ha saplpMsd oxpedituauly dhieeta '<iPrfrqljs t#m orthieuiasas t i04 eaule s aiua. Bailaiiag tin t Iis a prbmatstar iaoly tolebu tsova nordertu baa i t s atdupsd bapi hagtiaiyos u -gira a f, ab.mss,1 8budb q~iu&ream f# ve sKaee b ll*iWMfo la «sIld tuby ý w..mlrsuuouyjscatuunts aré e cme rs liàbricaîtionÏ,, madenp lu'ia.thehope Chaià lhcynay b. aceepted as trntl-an. ccra for hlm s& longer lems ofIll. ýWhalsu Me a Ststement Iss i ght te Géa, POUps igltrata, tbt ho vs lire sont vian Mv. MGeo vas illed, but dld notlire lias ahot. There"vars ivo oher promeut vhom, ho refusas to nant, but ilates they Ïvere, neither Buckley, nov Daylo. This la as onfesalou mnificient té 5ustify bis excution, heing an ackuoir. lodgcmenl. that bh a su ntsccaoy O ttava, lih 1a eh.' 1869.-The ay dawned vus ,dark mark7 atmospiaere, acompanie! by s bliuding sPov -Storm' from the Haut. sîcighI" bdof country people bcgan t arriveàit an eavly. laour,, sud by len o'elocc Ihere vee boutî 2,000 people gatheredlbut aill rderly snd qit Tbemilitary. ander wcmmispd of Lr Russohi, kop the crovýd baci. The-pri- son physiclan mide*is hasut riait te lVbe- ian ai 10 -, clohç, sud roportei.! him lu good notre, thora being ni a gitation or flurry pa'rceptibo. Aller s delsy of aslow minutas the aber. iff, atlived lu official, robes, outered sud announce.! (bet aIll as vcady. By' ibis time tbe crovd bad lucroased to about 6000 people. Ai Il o'clock, Wbeiau4 wra plnioned and led !vom the jail, ne- aumpanie.! by tis hersif sund tires prists iu whsite surplcos. go looked ver y pae snd excite.!; but movcd along vitla frm ;tp ad mounted tbo stivvay t the ;=sfod responding distincîly to tho praver. Alter lb. paster fouler bad becu repcsted, ho - ai.!, IlI beg pardon for any offeuce I May bave commiaced. 1 forgire aill.parties via have *njnved me 1 ask lorgiyonoass rom auy one Imay bars injure. C o! sare reland, aud God gave ny sou! l" The execnt4our (heu par. formed bis offices, sud 4ti s quater paît eeen o'clock, tho drop <cll. and! Wielas sung by the neck for four fitauea suifer- ing inlonsely, and tipo drew fls l ast gasp. Ha du.! nol make i' long spech, as vas expeced ;:but il isai.!ho biet, a vriteu document vits tha Sherifi, the pnrpon of rhIeh is not yct knovn. Bis qUAVB in TUE PEigOX YARD. Ottawa' Pcb. 12.-Ou thIb o unc- ment by tise Goverumient (bat. tha body f Wiselan vas not to be giron pp-tbaî th mos'bid, appatite of tia ssnguiuary vilaimî s h, nu doubt,.wvesthe cause of the deati of Tios. D'Arcy MeGea, snd rho bronight the iculprit to un inuminons end-vas not Co bh aated! thé SberilT lmmediately *made bis arrange. seuls for tie digposail niah bpdy. The light wu sdark sud dvsary. AK solemu dieuce preraied- Net a Sound vas Cc. bo iar!, gave Lie foolfali of the fasihful nrdians of the niglat, do they paased ou soeir iouoly bout. îhe moun vas cbpcpr. ,d ly dark cioudlp sud th ise 4, as it repi over . he jail wail, scemcd to sigh Smournful requiem. Tho sable hues of he nigisi, the melanchoiy naoan of tise mid, va fitting accumpanimout for ho closiug aceue of giriug back to me- bet earth the hast poor remuant of one 3atked viCia the bran.! c asuurderer. A fcv minutes alter -one o'ciopk thi uruing s pavty of six people at liGbbe ount emîrge front a certaiu bac door Lishe jaiL.lu the banda uf font vere pades and! picksxes. Eu a fev minues âe %pot select..! vas clearo.! of snovthe I r-,t vws broken, sud tise vovk of oes-9 (i'on proceed:.!. he ouly light vich 's aditcrms a pîi'ejrlamp iluth.e *ads o! an officiaI. s'bout Cen- imutes thbesvity wu. opes.! p 4o ils til citent Sherlif Powel, vho bas ovu. s due respect for aIl thee religions rcoulonals, Sent for s pris, and in «sm- Sim tist tisa hurlai of tisa body vas ta ike place, sud Chus afiordedthle chance rperforming lb.ehast tlean.! prayers,' ,d (ho blc.sig of tho'- gruaun..This rvico, visich is in, itselfsoleuua8114 !in. ning, was performad lu a most impres- 1 ve Marine. Iu s fev minulos moto a '1 demu procession appars. Tisey svp s- arrying a roulgb, pin. box. Iu ibis fi 1: M twd. They approaci. hi i lovcred 8 o iCi' place. Tie abordis Ilsiaartly. M ec cari hraLles viLS a dul, baraSsound! t tisa coffin bld. Ilis covere! np. Tise i low-viitoenambicuaof innoceuce sud 1 irity is place! over the spot, thus oh. p sratiug the spot ihat ubîgIal indicato tise i st restsug..place cf tise body of Patrick v Lmes Wisclau. This i la ýe end. Tlw t ork doua, tho ;noon burst ont from n- t r' a clou.!, sud poreo. over lhe grave d r silver liit. ,Tisa stars Lwiukied sud Lu Srdorhi Wheus Mvi. Wiolan fonnd blet aise v coul.! not geLtishe boul>, iser- laugaa a ucither chsoice nor lu igod taule. mike tl Shirt Lawrence Hagleson sud Dau Goo.!e w are du4eéte-bed, y4 pios.Tbeir dasap- il poliutçipeid pet. -1 ny fiendâ. - mi. 1mcGee's eloLliei s, bi aloo ilsose orfiisiaflsin, avehantise bauds il gi Deteetire Q'Neii, andi 5 would ha e welI tbat theey vers disposes.dcf - t Huèmaisoya tii, (heie vill e omevery I otartJing-,reioiiesuade Uvlie ledis- posal olibe zevurds a 5aneunc., amouni am inigto $19,000, Ti,i ssdvill baa fi nuir houaeof meajatin. Le Wai aivas> eoraTc ome-Ddmluhl i hnformation sai afIea resie4 'diqb îI4 . t imcn'AtuaSsaat st res * the-us tgwnt . usca value fer thé WlsA ole OppY iae 48,-a 1201,681«". For' thésa'm year L eàl an.! a perÈona.! prolicrtyllou'ffrock vaseqaized for county purpofsesnt $955jQl2. Accord- ing t biebasis, wbam"vonld ble l i&býi- 'à >lit' of lrock, fr her-poËtioroftihecouist' bnujs?-Ansve', 11,650. Sta is ailvwe golIdbe pkçd for to e litethe Besverion exenion, vjth tveuly yearto piy it ln. And (or ibis sum w. bave' hult Ibirteen miles o! vos.! la'our ovu tovnsl'ip-sir OF seven miles uorth.of us teo Beaverton' ' an.! tveuty-fiva or tbivty south, cf us to Wistby, "illu 5e oaîtyof Ontario." PZ Mr. Gllespie, ont reeve, vas content $u <'e -gir. a sulent voe againsi a conuty road.Hl M . Bretaou, les. cuuning, sudd 4se et, ail muai not ol oeaaus'tam sa«o. s p e e c h . o a r e p o rts i m a s a u in - M r Brthouteharater zdth re létigi mouatrous lu the extremè." Tisa Prince' regardaeith esoîntion asÀ, monsttons pro. O position." bhé The proposition thait Btockehouldlccn- ti tribale for s ciut railway $11,650 'mon- sîvolu te exevmo 4' Prelty giron gt lanuage this. 'MIoustrous' te ask Broc kInI to gir. 511,650 lor a eousnty' la iivuy, in t oppoatiuu o $5,000 for the ~psia vos.! 'Monstrous' ouak Brook*tp»psya railway tax for the WhiLhy sud Beavotton 'ul railwvrof $1,281 as againhts- yearly tax Of uitô,38Q for lie Nipissxng,-ro.. I'oni- D stroma teo ask. >Brock to pay one 'doUe'un- lui dev thae ounty vailway by-lam'foi a connty th; roqO, for everyfize dollars undertis'e 550-Pei 000 Nipissing by.law. 'Mfonstriua'. t. nc, kropose tisai the total railvsy tax for vo. irock for Che whola twouty years;, for the o! Whitby sud Boaverton voad ~sahl bo $25,. lIr 620, as sgain8t; foi tisa saine lengh ioftlime m for the Nipigsing road of $127,600.. 'Mou- Strous' Le save lta Brock lu taxation f belveen thse vo ruadg 3101,p80, Seing fr equail u one-fith of tb a llamseeed lie' value of t/ce township. 3Morstruss' to pro.th pose tisait to years taxation uuder theaM Nipissing by-law wonld-psy the _.wo&i portion of Brock under tise county isy-law. t i MUonstrpus' le favor a von.!t(ottise county c lovu oi Wisitby, s distance cf LiirCy miles nu from onça'Ço.çrs, as aj;ainsti sixty miles frum tiese ainepo, . _ Toonto 'Mouslrous' 10 favor s '(os.!guagel rosil P1 conueciug vits tise hoie -raiivsy ystcuM q of tise Dominiou, 'as againsi tsa..uaruvw S guage,' uDt ones-mileo!of rbic îa Sas cr î1 beau buiit ou liscontinout - 'Mons;trous' To Cc grant 4 bpnus to a raiiway eompany O tiat bas aiveey -ndor con.tvact li? firs ,ýP0£ twelaty miles of rond, as agaiuat tise Nip- cei isling roand vitiont oue dollar cf . private lisA stock yet subacribe!. 'Monstrous- (o pro-. e vide (bat; the bonus deboutures shah otly lie issue.! as lie voî k procees.4g ia b., *50,Oo0( o be bande.! over th tha Nip¶asiu ýoij Compsauy lu six voeks, an.! tison vistle loy yurrvond. 'Moustrous' to proîldo saut cor frrons year, but for aill ime, as long <fasby- valet vuns sud grass grows' tisaiLile -pro-PO dllic of Bvoek eaach tise Grand Tvunk ai Wiitby, ai hall 1h. cou p hy bthe Nip- 'b ;bsing tes.! (o Toronto. 'Mousoivaus' w corl aror tis ahaller dobt -tise baser taxes. irai lac ghorter di stance, tisa LouuLy roàd nd, d' the bvoad guaga, as againsit tbe larget vs. lebt, tisa Venter taxes, thebougeai vos., 'T tho uarrov guage, sud thea doubtful pro- day ect Ail titis is calle.! 'Mouasirous.' Pou!, blyilt may bc so, but -if you vill aflov me viib, by aud bya, gi îe yo ù some 'Xou - va Y trous big tings rçiiire o t iis NiPlsslng dirk scheme, and tisa Brock $50,000 by.ilav. îleý 7 A TAX PA&YER. isd Ifipling onus a lisud4 To lMe Editor of lMo W/ciIng,"0/cron"d.. Mua.e»avIoit-Wee . o iare anoher lipiasing Raiivay batîle lu Brock. The Toronto mnugers ofl liai voiderfasl ciseme are net content wits' oui- defeat, mai must seek tvo. We viii not Se dis- appoissled. But fiais s;econd by-lav sub-ý uitCcd b>'tise council is oui>' fuIfiling the bhroal made il>'Mr. Laidlaýw ou ihe aven-' ug cf usday of polling un -BrocS, hast )oember, lu Lia presence, ef-fort>' or fity gentlemen at Thompsou's Hotel. AtgAbt me Se pubiel>' sai4 "Lhsat O ivoul!1 mear bis fougue dovas ta its r4otps, but I lu)at Se voul.! hava tise Brock bonus&. Ai the lime I tisoigis it un idie iteat o! a is iu Iedeened imn; but T fin.! be las good se bis word.- A usecod b- inov be!ote, tse peuplefor 550,000 'asn. risen tua la deféahe. 1suppose anciier wiii Se submitte! for W4,000, and theai S40,000, an.! u ounudtvun. Reshl>', Mv. Kdllov, it bocomes a sosjops question as tg, hov fathe public iis oSa icunde.! sp4 rorvrsd S>'sucS a a n- Hslu toma bo su iat tie Brook pouncil Wbirai! of lais 1E.i.sdlsv; tbat iey-sri to more rbsn b. coma p 'aha.wp -ara to arn oui an.! vote ments siter musih, or bave our farms mortgag-e! spinal t p- visies 1 Patience ii saidt) oSe a ultime vu e are jusi nov esile! on for nrama 1ani su ondissar>' îar. Caan yen -tellme qr. 13ditor. wbit lis the, eceaeity cf ai bia baste? Wh j o sipq te 'jiaraîre Brock Iu ibis zNiag scisama aset1sif articulai umoment? I eustlaU,oa. h--i à(obuil! arailwsy ho VUxbtldgeandait! a. rsvtber, The Nhpissing men deu,'t expect ýbul.! itsny <usthc tissu V:bridge.and se Uxhridge mai en ntvautitan>'- sar- asi. 'WVy, pin, lui Deéeer har ont tea-' rl'ip vss llet! àus4îiito viths"U;bddge ent £,sn vp iiiff a6à" tses>m s a n Brown ries of Igisi of ing fgr ýr. and. rau, of ire euuuaea sais ci 1 rsuig suas uvigWila'sêdNol.7 sd a n sh lai con. of lie townshsiprof Pioker- ngi tea autrvee'..!nsddthbboundavies reof pçpjqponCly marked by eut stoup r ouiscv durable nmonument$, Tuisce. ai he front sud -rear a >ngleà cf mai.! lots, ioder thse-sntbovbty of f-,.he ommfflaione; fOvovublands agroeably'lo these t,chap, 8; sçc 1 sud 12 of tisa consolidate! aLa- Les cf TJpper Canada, tiserciove resohre! bat thse veeve, on bebaif cf <bis ffoncil, etition bia' cîcelieucy tLie Lat.Gorr qr, prying tbat 5e voul! cause tse sur-n ey at esisîlisimeut of tise bondarîeii f aiul lots sns dosit ed, sud (bai provincial a4 surveyor, John Suier, ha recem- rude! laemalçe sas.! auvvey. Mr. Gren> mored, isal the racra ordes le tveasuvev (to puy thofollovilig parties r evie eudave.! -ss ispeetors o! 'eusos for ie yeav 1868, toi5a., Baxler, oe son of!$4. Gee. Lcug. $I'; Heur' Mn. If ublor'movo.! tisai lie nasseordep ae Lveasn.er Lu pay Lia folloving se- aunti, viz, lo r.! Ien, $, for-ffur- isiug coffin, aliîonb, k&*,'for. île lat imuel Irving, te Geo. Ballar, $6,09, for îuk for roads, to Johns Windsor $1,50, iiuçe veè4C boaid'to tbe late Magnas w na s o . . 1-- M. Gre-eu mores tisat i W.!wî ateg hive $1 par weak tliitise loi o4fïnuioj )h Pairies (o ha commissener te ex- ed li samne, ihat Mss. Wihbtrasa e- iviOif'cs. pcv week tlii rai Jane and! at Fred Mfeepi bç cotnuissiener to - ex- s.! tise smn tMr. tûreon Movçu for besre te iutrodue îy..iw (orepeal bY-rl;výNo. 291 o!fii rporation. IThé by-hav vas rte ti rai -an.! s- nd, tùme. Mfr. Green more.! thaitisah 1-Iaw busnov tead 'a tirt.lime sund liv. Green moved'fot heare (o introdace bY-isv (o men! by-iav No. 152 ot tuis rpovation. -Tise by-Isw Viasi.! 11 - ttaud 2tod lime. )avujo(tiou o! Mr, Mackey tisa by-lav 18 ead the tird tme and pqas4 The conucilUseu sdjbtrned tilt Salur-e thbe3LI.dy f Marc nexm. IanFracieo'la~î.iavicteaslaia h y 'Ode"dilwespne a ïs Iv'dgiu l, e111 the hiset ht- agle&. v#is bladbia esppak Tla. ibiav leÎiverd siaigu*& <rois tisa alseolds 11087Y gala, Saempsaisd 17 bornaIsq ram, pravailedsiroughaas Grp" Bri- on« di. lai of Febrasty Thesa asi aM ja 507Plas e rflaved IbwM ta. csausng mach damage te ptoperty. ny marine dissâeru are alteady raforte. no ilve.segofar se bsard. DIE. ýOWHLL-Aît Brookiu, ou Tuesday, Oti Peb:yFrank wahiev, infant sot; r.james Powell, of the Globe HoteiL 'HORNTON.0-OnWedd"y 12ui 13-i B, <curis dangister of île *. .Tborsiten, D-]>,Oaivaag. eas aund 10 mouaba. - Wbuby, Fois. 17li, 18». ýpria5 de ...... 900 e 98e, arly.........115 go*1L30, e.......... . o8ta ste...'.:"-;" 041 ta la Oc. tain baul butj P. te Ber. 2,- Pl Pl Ail Carpe piction te Ge Thse Coinmi GEO; BLAI Wbtby, Fbr ,,esny flamber ou 4ToroaWl ,Feb. N hotlargSe. Tt fui. Wilbe - -~ g~ Enqii Witty, 11h. ll-LARI T TUE Wý Tuz Cnucau pýage, 83 l'y 4,, >sze of the vOl or! 'tories. ui Rleury Ward for tiie former giep about .ai cldts_ tliet l Stinsse vWho vai Beiag about -1, vsrigued Iiqi f ug'vaq beanu cbsng anud vS Stenamboet l=i sud atabrlàugd 2-msahoedoue in a"le, is ,Binis Cci 401101 of Ont PROF a smeofy71 The sst-bslt I ion of the Toi Dýuriars, lkm PEILTY." ri "Ibe » s u n i 4Isere ara good .For hu ter -TOWNSI 'Cous y 'o Osa .or egs. Tise Mr TITLE 4 Fpor farier

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