Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1869, p. 4

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sub3begje0ffr the. foflowing Il"itôc A judâ, WhIc is all lAt a. 0- FA-1R VALUAT10Ni -qS 0. X, NO. 8, lia 213d eosiassin o01 .sqbTO sers. lpared. N. No. le, Iln the 8:4 con.ssion of Ne moes lieid. Xo. 28. ohei.lotis omobsloa et Dalingion, 60 sore ro.rd4 1o , lu ôth con,, MAAra,1 s eorerd 19, El MNo. 97, la 904 Ousson" "Wbltby, »00 mces ln sonservllle-500 &in lu .ly, 900 acres lu Laxton-400 acres l lh lasesit .*pply Pousonsily, or by laetter', pott-pald, te R. E. ?ERRYe ENCOURAGE CANADIAN GENIJS! The. &eatest Labor-saving Xaochine of the Dayl, ' To the Ladies of WIlitby and County -of Ontario!1 The. New Dominion Btoam Washing Machine!1 10 'PERE NET DiCOUNT, ANSIL VER AT PAR. oMILLAN CO0, tbaye oommeuaad, sud lm -iii aontinue for one montbtocfa: tise- vsol.e tbti e xtensve steak or psy -GeOG& sud dY4ad44e lieg t10ilpar oent dis- cousit aui aesesales. Groories, Liquors kWwos. 400 boxes nev layer M. K. & VAL. Raisins. Riss. Il Currauts. ý DramIl Pgy Bq$. Wlnusst, Jlertesud AlmWon. Caàss Brandy, Gin, Cliampgue, Irish andi -Celebrated i Aies# lu -packagdu of 10, 15ansi 00 galions.I! q1 >>T. Ut NÇXlio4.AS *& Vo ciIIEP CHEAF Vau b. uaed ln any Bolier1IUEUEllaEiz £ UUEUAEÉ, Ouly Pour Dollaro,. I..moienitifio principles. It la seif.actlng and diseus eitirssy withi lbor and tii. Weaaser alottise». Thse hot matit ana soteain, by the ae- tien orffre, araeirivon np titre' theohnnmbers, fponrdyl upusuthesetol$lo, asud fored throngni tia (fibrié with fsstoîslsiiiusi rapidity, cleasss.lng It pesfectly wlthosst rnbbing. t hsue beau thoroaglly totetdnsnd prot)otnocd nnequalle ast àclotises- Waslher by 1110>0who hae eussd t. Ail tutrie, froin tha fliffst laces te tisa bcst blisnkcts., cou fiea wisisled pesacetiy andi witiî eaua, witliîost the wwaslibces. fefl aunels It 10a invsiualle, sgo tiserubblssg, solllssgaud presing proces.s nust uecesssrily fiCl ieu more eýr iis...it là iruiy a labor asmd clotises savinghinveition. Wsiliîsiig ilno longer lia a liaïdâlslp, azd wamlihitig idy a tersor andi droad te lionsewivt4 ;Tite Inventilon eau b. sssed l n aity huiler, ansd tisa inw pricaeofthtie article, 84. wîae.it tîin tihe rcach of nery lasnuiy. T il iisnscliise hlits beets tr$'ed aus tisoroiilyd testcd tiy diffes-esît parties, frein lwlositesàtilsosu a s shavebeau saclvesi. TESTIMONIALS# -Yrs. L. ilousck, Mrs. Jas, Hamilîton Mr*. W. Il. lligghns., Mra. H. J. Mssdotsll, ï1rs. J. Il. Urcenwood, lrs. M. O'lJosvssr, Msst. M. H. Cochsraune, Mrs. Jais. Byrno, Mrs. J. il. V'ory fi,,, L. Iairbank», lirs. J. Agnew, Mssi.. .11; Cochrane, 14rs. M. Iloaspar Mss. Dr. Eastwood, bMss. X. <2s.dwell i, Ms. . t CAUTION. Ail machina iadeor o ollinth* (qonnty ci Ontario asit lDurhsamsimumt Ishave tise proprio.. torst' slitnp, beitsri.sg daste of lpaieteslaisd iîs isstiais oi Liste liottosis, as eissis ssid evoi'y lis- trilissphiei i liu Proicuted t te sefull ex tént ai tise law. I.PEDLAR, oo.lsiwn, liole Agent for thisn-annsfactssre andisala lu lise Cou my of Osntario auss Durhisas. oilsawa, sept. 23, 1808. 8 CURE 1ç 0F CONSUBMTON!1 IN CANADA, dais- 1 ove t o-c, asnvWeil as ta the pubslie, 0 tain s-ou uitihe nisesvusiterftslcure uof consomptonpe. se- eompiliahes Sn rayperron, lis-tue use orthtie Greast 14huliecae» leesid asidiPlls. iàcuglsesia greai sudes- aasui nuit, exuiecsoraslusg large quaislice cf* matser aussi tti agreas: jasit atout uy ieftiJung. I ted muid chilis ee-rs-dis-, ansdres-esencillitswenvea rsy silgiSu. ansi letweesite raekif aunais and gresu swaausinvas wirialisutdefiruive ofsiaéep; hlis-ss pim-e te sveai te loris Pet oiw vas os-e- ulucesi usai i-csid iirsuiy wsiausIl so. î i ulnies- tase c fure sais ur usa lasgt cof lime, bus iiiduig iso relier, 1 rtedill ihiass capes. but ait vîisnout ans- good effect. t4qulre Pi'éusrso f Bat, rs-coeneuuded Îduq uo-ssus lise Orri, u hisese ry; 1 priieds u t e siau once iis te l'iis.; 50 cenon as i con- tnueed uug ii 1begaîs tigatimsituer, andusvt 1ui ta glishiet a u r.npei hes ls cugt, sexpectoration cf maSser,ilit absi te isiigo, chilI,. A.s-caling, &o». lot: mie -au.ss ili uîssussscg ia se fe la-uniarossg aud hsat- iteànî,w avesr two mainuissasai 1qaftste aasids- asi iere ae-eu u siio mptwsna or île dui r esrte sîsg. antisuave eies.ansi amrnosuti- tier assiSbs-uer tau 1 tave bs-un r ts-cair ys-mar. -i tuse s-cc wil i nr s.kiuswi sote pubise, i taIes- puas- te madse avare otite peculilsrs of thiis us-ni> wousdertui Inudiaen iems-si,. * s'PETRit c. V. PILLER. Kirsasove, Co. bf Ls-nssex &Aildigic, Ont. - 'le ail tso lt51may o- Ths ardernfi t Y have. bs-s-useqaali.ud w v teus v Ptr .V Milles-. El., fr(us- siys-as, usi have kcowssns l- oiwsys S ta o ofte vas-- )isen s seeiilisty, anssia vers- cassdid naïfiS rs-situe ps-cii,,,;sasudi1taie confidenst slat iran saiSis- voues btetiseutruiihe abos-eos-ass etber ssatoeunt îmd.by tins as - ILEV WV.P. 8.SARPEIt, Reeiur «Bath, LIVEÇR Y 1 1T HE UNDEM8IGNÉED DESIIES TO IN. .foru llà friands and patronstsAh biasagalu s-asumod business )attise ohd UeteIy ceaupliesi iw Ma c outlissd sand Id fls-g anes-easd the numbes- andl Onalth-o tis uiss,sud aioaSsed tosudin.- ps-os-ad tise ous-ayauxcas ans i sehl..on tise psrnicas, ho hopai bybeluug is postiéu t. pisslot e 'uvons of cuseleuers te mas-t s has-e Pt eus-slo Pais-c nage. N. B.-Covered Courayanoos for fasuiliesà N. AT, .Psopgstor.e Wiltby, APri ,SD 4t HAVE JUST RECEIVED TWO CASES 0P GREY SATINETTS & CANÂDIÂN TWEEDS, Whloh will be found very cheap, and sold at a small 4dvance on cost. DRESS CGOODS, SKAWLS, WOOLENMOO# BONPNNJTS LANTS AKT ANHOTR M E, LAKET, e si,,,Zbltby 1........ ~ S, Ylkeslag ............ .. g.. UMn sekPrneAbr..... 26 ...20 2U s ,xM ............... ......27.... 21 29 " ,.ea....... ........... .... ....1 .... 18 ~~~~~' ~ ~ ~ 1 , tsra............8.... Io Wbltby, Jabuasy lSth, 1809. i ;...I iii0 2 .... ... si 21I5 i 28:î j ...2J. Great. Attracýtios NEW YARJETY STORE WHITBY, (OPPOSITE TRfE POST OFF'ICE.) JAMER BORLAND respectftilly ànnounces lo lhe inhabitants of Whitb &and snrrounding country that he has opened à, eneral BOO k& FANCY STORE in -the above place, and wil be happy at ail times ta supply the wants of £H tthose Who may favor him with tlieir patronage. He has on hand a supply of MORSE'S' POT'TAIN PEN, (which cannot bc procured at auy otber place in tovu,) and la pnarticulalriy d aptfr the use cf ail buèeluss men. Alec agent for the Daily eGlobe adleeaPk,1e e wee;- and the .Daily Leader, 9cp. ek ORR'S DOMINION .&CCOUNTANT, a work indispensable to ail tradeamen is only to bc proosired at the abos-o Establishmnent. £1. alo keeps ou hand a generai euppiy ot SCHOOL B00118 & $TATIONERY, gonerally procured in a trst-elass Stationery Establishment. "l plAN- CHETE' in grcnt vanoety. IV' Your patronage solicited, SWhitby,_ Jan. 28th, 1869. JAMES BORLAND.1 4 CITTTEJIS! CUTTEItS I -o- M. ODONOVAN 1)EGS to inform lis patrons and the publie thàt lie hgs manu- ffactured this season a large number of c xi E~ The Tailoring Department. 0f ve3ry superior quality, style and finish, 1which he i now disposing of at exceedingly low prices. Ciothing made to order by tfirst-cli.ssworkmen, and a good fit guaranteed. If»A. ml stock of Groceriets, Hardware, Hydratilic Cernent, Sait, &«., &d. Oshava, Doc. 23p 1868. 51 1868. WILlIAM 1868. ""'E11 18 SHOWING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0F CLOTHS &CLOTHINI SUITABLIE FOR TBF .iIROLIDAYS. Ladiles' and Gentlemxen's Furs. 500 pairs cf Ladies', Chilclreu'p andl Gentlemen'. Feit Overahoos d& Rubbers. Tho highest cut fiaunel liàedi Walklug and Slçgtiug Boots i4 the Market, .4 latge stock cf Fancy Goodâ anitable for Christmas Presnts. 1Oshava, Doec, 23, 1868. - WILIAMDCie=.1 CHOCEGROCERIES No. 1,011 the C'orner, 1 have mnade' extensive preparationq to supu pymy customers and the pubie , with everything in sos»in OTrGroceriesý, NewFruit and Pare Liquors, Suitable-forA th. Holiclyo, or for any other-ocaaio>. Asmere mords couldç fnot enumerate ml extensive aud varied tcI.respectfully ,àsk my patrglis te caland judge for'them. Wbitb7, ~~R D',3,86, FRANCIS No. , Ipon theÇcoriew Buggies, Sleigbs, &c. at the Oid Carniage Factory, Brock Repairs as usual Street, Whitby.1 Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868. 51 0O1FFICIAL A$SIC'NEE. GEINERÂL AGENCY OFFICE ! TEE ndepigne havng received b. eitment cf Officiai Assinefor North Onase i peardte gir. promp nion i atssin Bakrsspcyo Insevenc. I~Promi sesy Notes andi Accounts specdiy coilectosi spd remittances On good fars- ectrity At 8 per cent interest. Special attention viii bo given te tth. negecistion cf Loans, and borrowers eanuvely upon having their applications attendcd to ps'omptiy, andi at smali cxpenso. gff-Aise, Landis, hoth lmps-eved and unimsprovesi oonstantly for sale. Insurances cifectei in the Ontario Farmen NMtLal Inairance Compasny. E. MAJOR, Oficiai Asguc snd Vsluter. OPFICE-lrsgclow's Block, ucxt door te tii., Rejet Qanm4lau Bank, Port Pers-y, December 2, 1868. 740 rwxx CHE AP w raLli GOODS- Týýji,,t',sp-,!erwonld beg ta intimate that lie is v.ow in re- cè fb .8Fai stock or FRESI FÂMLILYGIOEES Complete in every department4 He woeuldj4iect special aetenr tion ta lias 1lanKe a44 jeomplete assortnwnt of Cr'ockeryGIasà &Earthenwvare Glassware ini seÏA match, U mps, Chimneys, &c., ail of whiclit ,hu ,sdetermiued to sei -as ehhe uybotie in twn; infa4t-bouAd »ot tg bý u»'derel4s- C4 aOd~e eFL0U9ý ANDýýl'FEE» 4S tJSUL. ~'s.i@aL >,oasA.5. LtP4. ca~ Gi WI4Lby, Q~i~ey ~8, In refermne to an announcemént of- dissolution o ship her0tofOrO axistlng botveen>TILL & BRO., the. undersigued4 fria'nds sud mimerons, patron aho ahe tili continues the. business.e father, ln 1888, at the. OLD STAND, Nos. 3oand 4~ TILL'S BLOCE WHITBY, viiere he will b. iae fndvayt attend to the AuenLise nov stock of 'the. hst nsanufactured Parnitare, IJDERTAKING AND FUNERALS Supplied Or8o m'e splendid specimensof Pictkre Frame Rezember the Old Stand. Whitby, M47 4, 1868f Ifyou want tolbu' aF ire-t 6O TO Mo IL COCHR&NE'S.- Rcady -iadeCoth'iug, ANI) CLOTIILNG MADE TO ORI)ERt .At M. HR COCH1IANE'SO BOOTS &8SOESq OVEURIOES, &.;cheap for cash, Wh] as5w loi .Brook]l At M. 1He COCHIIANES, t tel Whutby, December 9, 1868. 49.ly GENTLEM1EN'S TÂJLORINGJ1 AND F1JRNISIiI1NG HOIUSE ALEXANDEft PRJNGLE Takes leave respectfally to inform Ibis fiendis and patroxiw ibat an his Stock of 9W' NTE OLOTH$, lahnow very oomplete, asnd of theo very best qu~iy and that he-le prepared to-make'UP with dis- Patoh, and in the latcst stle Gentlemen's Garintwu Gentlemen's Fu-rnishing, Goods of overy descriptfon, embreing-Shirts, CollarsScs, Brase,,c&, V WF NO FIT NO PAY f Brock st, Wlitby, Sept. 16, 1809. 8i miles eau b. ss4# LiSe or utt sy OW4 BANKS, Jr., AUCIs-tszigs. %toe t, I lr*otat tnt sud hantag te IIAKRISON. Lkery informuse tlbq ps-epaes¶ q itt llies Iua gnrk, rock ut. 57. 21 GI LfJEJ1 HÀNG1NGSO tae *aafel by blinsef, wlsicbhaebus on. At V e r y R &dm c l r i c . . rPaltng, Çrainigg, E iapus pape: Iifaagiag, axecutaîlluis vork e ansd expeditious>uanr, sausueL A. C. WILSON, D»u445 Street, Whitby NEW CAEEIAGZ AN» J. lis F o;- 111E MONTIREAL TEA COMXPÂNY. 6 BO-SPITAL STREET, MONTREFAL. UTEAS. aies- tisa muaises-eataue bs-Us a lmadicaui muprsi sumd julget pf Tep, lab eanso .m si bas- iseui eosas (o - Usaisicusssee ostb, keepicg lu n miucitealit, acosos-, tsud a bitS deirea cfrpie d4"sQ#e05te, . W tst ufos- ils. sallesPossible r,e tiisg asas-scg rîssbe comnmer cf e. Io lbas- _ets are pri up in,5, i15, 20ensd 26 lt. caxs, and as-e wsrrsne i peaeuudfroctsIm poison u$te=@. ordersaos-tous 5lit. boxejslie 121b. boxe#, or ope 20 os- 251b. box senl cas-sige fsmeSau- elsîlsi l Canda. Te viite ons-asiedirnrelus-oi ip othe, carr r li osalusins ol in'e10as t mylelei s.s----t-aireeu»a mass, iare ustesie exprepa o> s.-leseusliag os-si 1,40 epsouui cfr$10,10cae xpeese. iillbc testas sentusite sacces- ils>os-des-.ýWlsese àa vpjiteoemah is, ».lnie ic labig sgterS oss uc tund ISsus- Ait.,o vplb,. boxes. %We s se~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ w ameaaissa ar-ue ad ,dbupk oex' piawiuils m- h p sasgarss- ,4 t shhcrales.WC wa lthe uea vasali te gis- emuile uuiiisios. 'If tey as-riotmsatuic5aipy ey cun lue aurued a as ure4pe *L LA KTZAP Ecsrisb Breakfast, Es-ieu LssIireug Tes. 45e., 8Ne.; Pipe Fia-ouecd Newv jsopos do . &_ 60.1 Vers-lIeu Pull PFs-sms--d tdo. 76c -5ens5dOoltsssg, 45c ; Eblel Peso.srpiddu. 80e. Vas-sFiue do. lo. 0Ocd,4§0a., 55e> Fins os6e.ser-9 liuse e., Ficesulsia. ýGREEN TEA. - Tyntnia, sl 5 0, 5,65.; oin ayi-on 500(, 65 sud 7&e.; iuue do. 72e;YPrFleSss. Supere5sM thie $1; Fine Îousc -w uscuas.qim; J3- An axeellent mixed Tesacould te sectsufr U. 10*7lOc.; s-ar> - eefutr cesuon pugpesas 'rsc Ount o oyr 111M ladlmontal e alises-tte foliowug Th tnirm Mess-a pa Cosn:ysa-s- as. Otsre-ti nesis eyearsins-e 1 purehte s Let ebest f ecf p yprh. i 1 aya wun soisse, PuS a»1asam ud ionrs» omusas ýipfa in avers- cams ps-os-d muetss$ailsfory,aqv i cedingi- liap 1ps -ss u-s, - nmftaLiaAéi -T5uu,'lan- ebas0:10114 À 1in Mas-heMontres If mner 13ysrO4n - - s. - ra Wl7 ou Poil Bll

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