Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1869, p. 3

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rond W«"#4 ......... 90 , 0 aeo.qii1IDO..1ý ,. 450.0&_a a -Townam Hallr. . 9440- 18011 v«telwléà su, a-sî',noogPer of Pickering, for theorý Colombue, by tb. 5ev. ;,Bq EdmoMndasl où Momday, tb. 151h linstant, Mr. ohn Cblaholm <oeMIdfuMary Caasbosb o! West Wbiftby. *SUATON-IS-O. thé. lZîh lait by Bel. J. C. Siater, Mr., John 'Smeton, go UWs.Mary Jane 1Mab, botUaeOù&*&aa DIZD. 1 LEQNARD-A.s bis reidençe oftainis çrer, on Thoridey, ttht 11<6 lait. gr, Biabard ILeomrd, sied 48 Iyer, Whitsby Màlrkets. Whuîbyî Match tib, 1869. Wb#&#.@0 à or.* $If t$1040 sPis .. ". 906 #0 9201cis RIO Ose5ts. O a s. 47s th1 0Octe. S;PECJAL W0TICIR. uDnilapunrom.d , t tibythse selurj oen.e,J% rele.s ail1-puln 111.1 statanouslyandrouose. Inlsaulstion witil ropi1t7.-oratl;g a h.at4j g."don ot AU dis- taied or agi$,i Wonoas.-tets a Cing upidtidadiM el urs or soan tomot diotreo*lng e.)tàs1uaIsaa to tvlsk' liad are anljeot, 1$ygge' Allevantor lu Odby #9 a uto od eert nrsmedy or.orne,hupions ..-.rn%, asie . 0 n or liotuss, buit a J. ~%r~ IL * (3<', i A0io,811t, ganeral oouhfrMsBrtish pse0sesons. NEjW ADVERTIBEXMTS., CREDIT SALE. At tie r"wgeloo.orthtie Jt# OAPTAIN ROWE,. ITown 01P WIITEY, 4~iTubady, of orSd marc%, 186 jar For.J4st or Artscles 'Uee Posters. Fl àu, a,0.,Aluonclxp!4 1% ALE, A URRAMI BULL CALF 1 *IT *fflzargo PDIGRELF sin-il HOULSEHROLD FURNITURE. 1%0se ubecrîbar liai ree.jved lastrnotioft *0o sel b>' PUBLIC -AUCTION. et lier rosi- Sdines, Byrftn Street Whihby, on X2huzasday, 24b, 34arch, 1869, '5h. wholc Of ber IIOnseisld t'nrniture anud cffcts. _pale at 12 Peo - e Ternie cash. L. fAIRBANKSq,Ancoer. Wlstby, lMsah IftIi, ISÇP. i * INSQLVENT AmO 0?le". AND AED~N5'IEEQ * *I <amtter of ]tZUBEN JiUlLBU19T, oi tise Township of Wistl'7, au Inslvevt. T EE COreditors ofthtie tnsoivent are xibtMsid Lthithe buIs#À au oïi.ssgiiaiant oetli Esateoind affectâ, pader thse aboye Act, te jase, thi* nuêlrignid Assigne., and.'tlii. are pqoteinmaIto lurtitaitime wltin tw oatotis trm lii.date, Wlth, tiîir uials,,pCoifling tise s.ienrlt, y ibol, if *Q>', stn ainevau qttald.t105,talJetc U, ît is hlôi snb lamt 1s vusr974 up. j, JAMES C1LDEN, INSOLVN MI01? 1664. 'Al» AXESPINT TEXT Za tise MAtteOr o«REUBEN IXUElLE URT. ofe thse Towsselljet Wsty nlsovt o! obno tih ,! s tuhe malver L iv44tie iapoeld tb M sa.es l tbaton 9 WitbJaMthe t i 0;;;4 onMMU th moméoh yOfiatosrn 1~ae4s1y)~b7<ha utlîaymari f« îIl NE-W AD VERTJ-EMIE-NTS DO0 M1I0ON WÂEE R-OOMS, llLiliney ad Drss aking, READYaMADE ,'CLOTHINO BOOTS AND SHOESt FAILY GJtOCERJES, -CHIjýNA,, LOWE$'& 'POWELL. Whitby, Maroh lGth, 1869. il NEW BOOT & 8110E STORE. IE unde!ined takes this oportnnity of thanking Ite public o the very generous support awarded tu him i» tlte pust, and, bege ho iIfori them t1hat, he has open.ed a New Boot and Shoe Store, IN NO. 30 TlI!LS BLOCK, WIIITBY, Opposite the Commercial iotel, Broclç Street, where he will Skcep on hand and make to order'every description of Boots and Socq, gff Please eal and examine the stock~ NEW 4DVERTIBEMIENTS. B 190CII LOIT. Lst on WedAusday onlg on Byron <treet, a BiaUIs Lava booei. Tise fluder wili be aistiital>' rwardod by Jeaving tise marno aI Wlsltby, Marci IitIs, 1869. 'ludi1 [OSEY TO LENQ. TO INVEST ON REAL M$4TA, AT VODS5ATE sEizl Commàlon W. il. BILLINUS, - MS. WÂTKIS' . '00ND ÇOZANO? ANNLJAI4CONCERT, To 33 SIELO .41 TuS JECXAN1CO'» HALL, WflITBY, FERIDÂY, M<&5fCH 19t1i, 1"01, At wickhtie toliowlng Profatsslonals end! Aissatoarg wilI is MIlS. OIIASSICK, ,seé MISS P. HILLAReY Ml" III LLA tDit. HILLARY, MIàsS14 UA A lLyLAIIY DU J JiaILLi,4Yý Dit. M. iiLLA2Y. Doorsepes At 7.2( P. nM. Mrsiuia25 east. gabry 80 cmie. Tlcketo for reoerve.! mestu eau ba obtaned At MnAIÎIn's. Book Store and Mi, James Byrne'iDiug Store, Whltby, Mercis 18, 1869. HENRY GRIOT-, PATENT -SOLICIT»n AND DRAIJGIIThMAN, OTTAW,pCANADA, Transsetebusga Vîwtil tliq 2'amtn OSIqe, sud otiter departs»snt. of tise Gevera- marks andI Deslgnsproeoted. Ma Mdd lnwaaé, adprdlss- Matois,>8 foi&1 Neot 0¶. PU alu a Hav...Ou.of1hshogb (W 1"41nhbdsoid to 0 'rr aart. U"Iquirq ae thjoffa". W I W b , 1 t h ] *O . 7 8 0 9 . I sanuti>' sapplied, properi>' and Pasi sait isou#okeopes Primc. &CUIRED IIEbe1s to lagorm custoi. t>apýbic that llShop io cou - vsth tLa hast 1TeaiLamb, fort, &C-9 'foaiiy dressed ad !Jolnted te Sx,sA fr f>r ls talovat ,- PROL 8SI 'Our tt TURNS.- WhitU,;, March'l ~Ubç SK&LL O1% ---QUC-n 1! 109 JHNTIL CO. To--,WEEKS LON'CE-R TH RAT SAýE o0F BINKBFPT STOIR 0? DRiY GOODS WILL CONTINUE AT, JOIE wE, ARlE 8TLIjý( SREEIINGS, BLÂNKETS, QIJILIS, TABLE LINIENS, AND HOU R1NfG GOOBS OF AU KJNS AT WAREHIOUSE PRICES. gar' Another large lot of Dre Goodq from 8 cents ho 20 cou tg, Wptldouble tho rnoneï. 1Whbitby, Marci 17, 1869. JOHN SEINNEIL TRIS WÂY FOR CIIEAP GOODS 1! The subscriber would beg to intimate that he lias opened a ini the sihop lately occupied by J. Ho w<ell, where wijLbe found a complete asortment cf Oroceries anid Provisions! CONSISTING OF-Snioked Hlame, Cheese, Sugar. Raisins;ý CU"Sts a pidme lot o!re, Tobaccos, Oranges, Lmaons, Dates, [Repatb & on's] Golden SyiOalo' ht Wine Vinegar, Ginger Snips, , l'aê Fo One do South of Express Office, 4rock Street, Witb Mrarch 4th, 1860. 9 CpndBee 7Iyk aRd Ox ITopguc cure.! la a supe/lr ni anner;sd everything la tise Yiotidlizsg li"sekept eonstassîy o. W» mnîertise snrop -,.ýetwentisa store* of Mesure.fliaeis ud Lbwuk Powell, prqok OPeat. JAMES MANN. Wlsltby, Merch,is sIS. 10-1>' ANDw TIN SHOP-1 rN ordar te muet tIse lnereaasg' dernand lu erade cAgft b>' tise baslding 9qi the~ e'Ilroad sud ibsjîeiporîing or VoImpedes, e. s'ubarber Ibau openod'a $tove -and Tin on, dQu 4r0Y snths t 7T11& sbaw.paruu!- STOYJES & NWR wdd@otd n 11t4ê»Orw'e novete, W ý '.)IJrou', Cper, Brasa, (otton andI Lin Bopg., Woel 'lefklngs, forse liait and! 81l =snne r ettrîsek takealu exciar.ga. .Wiltby, Match ith, lm. 1 Licendiat. or tjse DUBLIN LYIN9-;Jf'-#OOPITAL. ATM TEECmOSi EOirii .a='. iXa>os Mtore, Wlitby. d", tise 9tls loot. <vo Patent Loather I6kîs., o- - I.!Skis t sudMomeOSatin<ai.Tbilhder wll hoesnltably eadéibJmn b a$KJiIIÇ%* Bi, h 7b, or t *mL, »Lb, lut. GREAT CLERN SALE,» 187, 0F ,,FEBR1JARY TILL TuRE MS.-0F IARCU WB OFFER TUIE REMAINDER OF OUR Winter, Stock ofDy ods AT A -GRU4T RE9DUOTION OF ]PIE, READY-'MADE CLQTI CLOTHINQ MAI E O OU gr* The bigheSt pi Lce paid o 1er Sèed-ani Wh4~l~>m2 F~b. lst, 1869, A.RE ÂLWÂYS eTO BE POUND, Glass MIo f ailkindo, Crokoy, China, ~rt~awe o ev~yDeufa nd -Jigures. Yroub. and eur-edplish,çm*04 dSamonHeérrlng. , . AU 3 m- -39 110OL»Zm 19 tvm uI9 8t Now ON SALE A TO ii TH AT Du"V 0oumPEToN. 11h. OÙ ysters at 30 cents pe? con. Lobsterso, Sgbrdipes, &c. CQUie and get the greatest htwg4ins, ever offoed.n TIUO948 LAWLP41R. The Cheqteed Store, Brock Street. i Whitby, Karob, 1869. 10 MUST BE -SO--LDI O,,TOVESp STOVES! 1'Commonweajlh," 9 andlil., the oelebrated "Trou ,Dýuke, "Queen Cities,v 1ery éheap, Elevated Orn Cook,' Parlor aànd Box Stoves, at reduced prices, previons tq taking stock 'L)on't fait to get a. bargain in Stoves before the 2Oth of this mouîh, Must be sold as tbey require the room for thoir large Spring importatippo., $2MFuripaces, and SugarKetties v ycheap. HAÂRDWARE!fl-HARDWARE, IL & B. offer geat i4cemçptr, ho prties building, in Nails. L4cko, gin ' pants, o s, sd.e'tin uIerequire. Close buyers abouti! nooveriook tibe tctQIsaviug 15 ptcent Iy uyioç direct trom- HatoisA; Brother. large stock of Bar Ironl, quaht y urned an prices vr>' Io*.,W $atjispIuse note the tact ! âom i Q, ails, &4, wholesale. Buy Eor ar4,Wsre, Stoires sud Tinwage direct from. the JIATCII'& BROTIIeR, Imporweof ardware,ke WANTD.-Crdwo47 au~b aq Shig.s.~JVBut Cal Oil only 10 41et. per gallon, cust. TII]BOU) -ý TANP! - FESTABLIS1IED 1833.] The underaigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage isitherto extende.! to the old establiasment, Wo neari>' a period o! fort>' years, desires te àqy tbat i4P i4jPov pn 40 da largg M unp e is ontmdr ss lgn stylet et And trusts by proper attention and modevate priées 10 secure a, cout~c tiq pub lpazge . -'ragtmea1pjilstering. sirn;tur.e rotuffe.!and! UNDERTAKIG A*I UN1P LSSupplie4 aà heretofora W$'ome isplendid »pecime4o of Pictpgre, Frames,, and CGilding. Reti»emer Me O9,UStand. Wbit4y, marph 9, 1868, I0.1y 1whisn aobaLicenae Vas auée<z.' IP;s. ,Tiss iL shsl$ thebatieuy of th.eTr sarar oM tise qsity to eep poste.! apl soin. onspipuoaa place iu bis Offic tise names ef &il tisoe personx Wshava <o rom tiMe o <ina obtalned Lieqas., as,!thie = fjo >r 'uîicis tise pâéo a x iremued, nt i.date of thse Jss4uofg elt Li;. its. Tijat By-Iaw »84 bhand .!tise sai 12tCs TibststLise fnrth clause et By-Lsw rNo. 188 haandth Ue amanuslusreby umne is ined'i WUIoncIVboa, WI!Tdeu C. 0. - .J. MAODONLL' 0. 0. ain.io lKrtgage Salé- DUESUANT to a pouer ponitalssed lnaa A1 a Mortgssgo, datedlseeslit day or Masy. 18ff, froa-s ues H. E. Hlogg an. lis,.Wl!. <o James Saslts,-wlsicis il! b>' prodacodat 1tnse Of sale, tisere ml bc *olI by PUBLIC Aue- TION, b>' AT P1nINGLE',1%HOTEL, Twentioth day, of Kareh, 1869, - AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, 2100W, Tise follo-wing e"Collent eîearedFai- seing the.Nortis 50 Aetes or thse South 100 Acrep of Lot Nq.23 inthe OUi Iorncesoog, Pt thse TEOWNSHIOF WRITBY. Tiss property Is well wàred. This sou à riais lois>' Clay. A 1,99House An.! Yrasae" Basrn are oroeted tiscreprns Tiserfi, lu rsoa goo Orohiadthereon.* '£ie FPat in atint troam -the Village o! BkyrC' oua00mlle0; troisBrook- lin abot i4 tilas; rtoa Wiiby auat 10 -Thi; prclbsr aisal, nt 1 isitime o! tise aaieý psy dowrus4b the Vasdor or h!saSoîiit.on.,, tent i 4 li> aroIse.mone>', uid, misil f,ý Lise bslanoeiercot Vitiilsne aspth tiom hu day o! Sale. Tho purcisaser la te aceept t15ltç eie4r'. tILle sud i le ouI>' ttaitt o '~retieh prodnotion oftIsedeemIs lu tiseYpnldor'upoà eaioaanMd-Ofîistheglu4trs.r'u Aulsstrsset-. _ Pier partlculara an.4 coaditions o! sae nur bc WOU alient to Jasues ZU5iti,or 0 éorÏ .1Finbatika, sud !th*e Dete.! di, 28 dY of Pais'>, A.»D. 1861. TO IIfOTEL Ri A IRARLE R. H.& JÂES ON, i s'- I. Rn ~atais il. 1850. ,rdluer uisir n aind of $08 mèiw ZIWI 1

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