~a <'~ <f~ -L' 1848, vinit nm'wulUbIEa, t>" FAIR VALUATIO4,.ÇO - pu oigarad. o. i.19n therd COunm.iuuof 14«b lé Offlu lnwad. 1(O. 9, la OUi .pn., Merifasu tres elogrd. O00mre ln Soneile-bo50% soubi uln y "08 ars luLuaztn-4too mres la nJMrnont. - Appiy poudnii, or by Litter, 1popd, tw Jmst,1808. ONADIAN GENLUS! Tne Greatent Labor-estwing Machine cf the D&%y To the ladies cf Whitby and County of Ontario 1 nhe INow Dominion Ste am W'ashing Machine t Caii b. uaed inany Doiler!1 Ouly Tour Dollars. 11118 IACIIIN>. enaesap n rel>' tcoTifc Ieasuuoîrlutî'sîiasg. I l isatitiandau iliaspeameas sitsti r l iiîa Inher asitsl itette fo el'ttltem. 'Tite flot tif sitiet aLn Oi, b>' tisa ne- dlita a' fiee, ire Arircîs up tisrtra'el iiastbora5 I sonrn'i uj'asstisa î.itlîss, sud (ceeu'! ilirotigot li fmbrls w'tii sstoilti1;issif iadty, cîelaigg lb lîîfaîuly isiîut rultibiîlu îst s it tlicoaauliltcitabsi,iiiiilroiisouicod asscqssuiod ona us aotliil wimîssutr hy fti'., ttiao nitra amat il. Ail ftbrles, fritta tisaie llt I.CÀAa te tiheséa ltlsaîktotscitiae wiltiitd îoricl u n & itimli amusa ,vitlsotiibthe wasooîstlr. For 1iinAitusl lis llaVAIIIt$tie, sasClctue nttlng. îolitttiisistl L)resalîuog ,sric&stP iiast s tcett'i'ly full tut-m muroeo tr lèmstfi, b ritJy a aisas jî nd clutlicos ",,Iivoi4gistiait. %vatsliltsg mil n usger tic a lînltà Ã,lîijs, sîîd wimsli tut>'4 a terrur sud drumd tel iitamirL'îi; Tise Inventtion u hisé, asd moi b ss uler aîîd bhe lîirlpr'aée of te obtIsai., $,. fucu ualiîlite ettîit sof cuvr> îiîîy. 'ridas Sittt(ihilltO fis bd»aistr'cd alla thiorfugiiy to'esutiIP l' licrtîiltir st foin wioiu tembtlioo'ti hreboeus rc'tivcd. TESTIJIONIAILS* Mm. Ti..,ilickl, lirm. Ja. lliiutoîs5 Mmi. IV. Ili lifigifs, bin, IL. >iîîit rx ia. .1. IL. (rt-auîwotd, tiri. M. O'iQtis'ai, isa.M I. Coii.stt, mi. Ja. B hyrie, blm.. J. IL. I5rry, Nirs. -L .loairlits, blin. J. Aiiai, lisS. l. ,Coclirhtisu, bMs. bl. Ilaries', lire. Dr. Etistwod, bIts. . LCiwtclis bia. CouIt,- C AUTIO0N. AU siou'îa-îo tr s' iii listuCi ort io 1 ors,' al;tnl,aiî, it-triIVilittuofI ilil aui l lI!s illtliiil Clio lte i s a ) 4.gls ota r'is- f'itsiusî rli bu roossuted tu tisa furi ex tout ( o la 11. - Il. 'LDLA11, sle Agent for tuie nsaiusiiîttira sila tite Couuuty of Osital ttniatd Durhamt. Ocitaima, sept. 28, 1888. [ ie i CUrE for CONSUMPTIOi IN CANADA. Mssmam. utura &Ctà tmLa-lrJ(el Iita dat>'9 S air oyou, su Wet i tla thev pubîlc. SIoftîfar )-ua afiteuis iteitdurful cure tfor t Dipuas.ue enapiisiied lia su)ssy ,îr1u7 I>'lieu or Ilvfle Orrami à 4tlasseus Itesîed> maidt'ale. i cat<lsed a great deidg dihb, xie4riigluZe cliisuititlem cf ratid cuchi vrc>dis>'.u t l se-re tiglîtiat esteri> isîiat. atdi iîetauuatis a ekitîsig isaid peuti swvstlssg,1i mmc lstsieSst-peinai of icp; Syt>'sîema eshaere tstweilia- 1.), thie lus sf pi ît s g o a re- ilaed tisu, 1 coulsl isaitly ximiîsl uîsite. tva, muider sie cra tis phiysirsî (tuir le tsfo( lint,buti lidiig sui relier. I lelil dulervoi rciîrit. lot ail Miisisut ir.> gondti alneci, 4uqiale l'rlerest. tf giai. recoiisîrsdvut sanistau mte tait- s ittsîtra ileieti; i prorureal ihu isra5îtilr us pce wiis liseil'iis tussoaiynsit mmlt - iinswed uiste fi 1 iegmis S toSel ter. aud irbitsi bail ftlded iliaiscueaploutieiit thae t*.rai ,otiltlorc Mairles.lsu itl ie litage, e 1 l1 si .vrssiiir, c.ke ri mje leril lsiigiin use 1 i Sctasue strassaand crii .tlssîw nier tWo mosiuietmie Iquît tise Et fal, iaitere avelitais îritno msuitois oruf Ise di sease rrisig. a.5551 Ihave bLait. si aaîo huai- t lter osA bI .ter thonmia iae 1L.eu (tr uîaiiy yemrs. I trae it ws»mît sikt isinuuwiwSiniihpublie, tsenailîey maiy lie pondue nuire o(iîe peeuuirtur.of Iis trot>' wsîiicefailuduinReiieti>. PrrR aC. V. IIILLEItR esuiau a fLeuutox & Adduasgtau5 (liai. 1.0 aittal'vhstm i mmv cusi.-fhls la ecetif> tiai 1 bava hava aeqaalssi.d wlih Isleabîmses Peter C. V. blililar, FIi., for isai> yessv,, asndhavaeisuowia lalu n. aSwtyto e uftbaver> ilglteet re.perSliiioty, Rside ver>' emîslaîS miit esulIil »vus ii 9usi9 ieSI oniteiat ibiSam CUieafeSy veut-il(or tise gsnu o bose ulOvrauyý les'totament mode byo,>'la le ly RitV. %. . . ,IARPISi, neioiafor Bat LIV E R-Y T fi 1JDERIND DEIRYâ TO IN-. fnorauitiss fleîuds, and atrsbnn, lai lhs bis'aglu renamed busloma ai the od WHTYLIVERy STABLES et to>' ie bk l Msera. Conîtiard sud lIsting osaocaithé tuambor aud qatyortel ud, as alop seadded Ioa aî,d lra- I e ,itvyuiîes ad rellie an tilt proinii.e is bisp »Y l> sig ln a liiosibu iIXîu qIll t iiirasiu or tsfaga u . b is ot aa irs ofîiiill issrewiîtg' -' ~7Q1UE%310r) ERATE..,e N. 1$ -CsUrm.dCunivoyilucemfrfauh Aulads... l'gouupi Atisudmas, se4h.eioY$org NjdtbAT £Pmo61eleu, visais cof tisais aacuaV. mwXOfMe nu us mmd âWIt4y0*Wfg>l 10 pOtfP pidl o4 ton i lsl' h à mà 8I - - -s Grecfflem.-Lkor &Wios 1QQw5jotuw~yr M.JKJ; VAL aisiam.. Drame"Fi. vibe tsud Imtiu, su' C ,Br sod A1Gin,'la jîs 4 e !, 15 anit, T, U, D1.ML14AXf 4 c. CHEP HEP uigzarn&a Musan HAVE JUSI RECEÃŽIVED TWO CASES 0F GREY 'SATIN ETTS,& CÂNADIAN TWEEDS, Which will be found very cheap, and sold at a small advance on coat. DRESS O -OODS,Ç BHAWL, WOLEN OO~1 THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Contains evcrything new and stylish in BONNETS, RIATS, JACKETS' ANTI M MiCS. IIx1~. i =~=4 l~ 12 '1 I 1 I 1 2.... 5..., 20.,..2028.... 27 ..., 21 29 Il .... 18 18.20.... *IAt' I .1.11.1 III 880 4 51 '41 S1, Maulatmtue 4 PrinesAlbsrk. "' 4.VUzbridge,,.............., Whitby, Jtoury lîeui ;1869. Great Attr>actions!1 NEW YARIETY STORE (NEXT DOOR EAST 0F MR. CROSBY's.) J #MES BORLAND respectfully announces, to the inhabitants jof Whitby and surrounding country tha~t he has opened a General BOOK & FÂNCY STORE. in the above place, and will be happy at ail times to supply the wants of ail those who may -favorhîm with their patronage. He las on hand a supply of MORSE'S FOIJNTAIN 'PEN, (wbich cannot be proeured at any other place in town,) and is particularly adapted for the use of ail buimess men. Aloo agent for the.J)aily Globe and flelegrapi, loc. per week; and lte Vaily Leader, De. per week., ORR'S DOMINION ACCOUNTANT, a work indispensable to ail tradesmen is only to be procurei nt tho abovc Establishmnent. fIe aime keeps on band a generai sujpiy oft801100LL 1001i8 &- T9TIONERY, geneailprouro lea, firbt-eiams Stationery Estabismhment là PLAN- CIEIF"in great variety. Yu patronage sulicited. JAMES BORLAND.1 CUTTERS Wliitbyq Jau. 26tbl 1869, CUTTEIRS M B GS to iÛform is patrons and the publie that le bas manu- factured this season a lar-ge number of BEGs to inform bis friencs and enstomers, that lie bas8 receiv- cd a sery large stCk of Fali 1- Wi nter Boo0ts & S0o5q 0F TiE I3ES'r STYLE AND'MARE.' Also on handqa large Stock of HO0ME-IADE Boots and Shoes whieh cannot le surpasscd for quiality or price. CA' Ail Orders punctnally -atended ta. Repairsi neatly donc. Rememlber the place, -nearly;' opp osite theé]Bank of Montreal, Brook Street, Whitby. Whitbyl, September 32, 1868. 98s Hf ou w'ant to b1uy a.-First-class GO TO 31- Il. (COCIURNE'Se- Rteady-. ade -tloth'lnge AND CLOILNG MADE TO, OR1)ER, At M.,HM COCHIRANE'S. BOOTS & SHýOESi OVERSIIOES, &c., cheap for, cashý At M. Il. UCaýCRANE'S Whitby, December 9, 1868, 49-ly' Tailoring Ofvcry superior quality, style andfish The Departme ntshiOh bo is now disposing of at exceedingly low prices.flÃŽh&EN L E S TAILOIL Clothiig made to order by firstclass workmen, and a good fit BgiScgl,&c B-epais guaranteed. --- -- --* tBugOd ngieSe Ftor, B&ck.SRe-aWirsba' .f A-fuil stockof.Groner.es ,adar, 1craio ee t teOdCrig atr, rc tet hty Sait, &Q., &c. OshaWa, DPc. 23, 16.,5 isa8t IILIAU 18So. fil". 18SUOWING A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT 0F CLOT S & CLOTIiflNIG SUITABLE FORilE IIOLIDAYS, Ladiéà I and ý-Gent Iemen's Fors. 500 pa irs f Ladies', Cliiidren's sud Geutlemen's Fe-It Overshoes & Rubbers. The lîighest eut gaunjel iued Walking sud Skating Boots in the- market. .A large stoçk of F anoy G oodas fuitabe for Chîristmtas Prescnts' Oalaw4 Duec. 28, 1808. -5 CIOICE IýROCEIES No.; 1, on,-thne 0Corner, 1 have madeL éxteiisïve IhIeparatons tp sup ply My cusetomers and thé- publie with everytiég inseason in the 'wray of 8zrGroceries,'New Fruit.and -I'tre ,iq*uors,- Suitable 'for the Ilolidays, or for any other ôoasion. As meëre wordà could not ,enumerâte, m'y extensive and varied' Stock,' 1 re'pectfilly asl My patrons tb eaU and judge- for thecm. Whitby, Dm .23, 1868,R. 1LA!OS usual Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868. OFFICIAL. A-9810NEEB GEINElAL AGENCY OFFICE! ¶~HEuudrslged savng received the. appointinent of Officiai Ao~gne for North inafle prep rd to give prompt atiention ta alratrouIakutyo Insoienc. Prasnissory Notes and Accaunts secdiiy coliecci and retuittances prom tlyinde On gaod fart» seeurity. at Spe cent interest. Special attention wiii bu given to the negoclation of Loang, and îborrowers eau ruiy upon having their applications attonded te promptiy, and at sînail expense. r-m Aima, Lands, bath Isnproved and unisnproved constatitly for sate. Itisurances effectud ln the Ontario Farmers Mutual Insurancu Company. E. 1MAOR, official Ammîgiuec alla Valnator. OFFICE-Bigelaw'm Blookg, nexi door ta the. Royal omadissu Bauk. Port PrrtyDeccembor 2, 1808. 4 CH-EAP GOODS TURE subseriber would beg to intimate that lie;is now in re- jceipt of bis Fail Stock of Complets eveydepartmnen& Ho would direct :*speeWla aten- lion 'à bs ag and coià plote amsrtmienb of Cirockery,, Glass-& Eartheoware Gtlas ware ïn sets to match, Lamps, OhimDeys, &c., aU1 of whieli he iA determinedi o seli si eheap as auy bouse in town ; in flietbound flot lo be undersold. C3ali sud se. orFLOJR, AND FEE D- AS TJSIAL. 0aauipaid for mny quantity of goo& ,Firkin Butte-r.: Corner JByron à Dun4us.#stýoppof eu1 ý l. bsu Il"i. Wliby, cbr28 88 AND, FTJRNISHIING IIOTISE ALEXANDIEII PRJNGLE Takes leave respectfully to inforni bis frîends'and- patrons thaï, lîls Stock of W~ WINTER OLOTHS, 4ý la now very compiete, ind of the very Lest quatity, and tliat lie ia proparcd to imake up with dils- patcb, sud in the latetet styles Geutlemeu's Garments. Gentlemnen's Furnishing Goods of cvery; ,description, embrcing-Shirts, Collars, Socks,, Braces, &o., &C-1 gr NO FIT NO PAY 1 Brack st., Wîitby, Sept. 16, 1868. ALEXANDER TRINGLEi 0.11 6 HOSPITAL STRLET, OIL TREÂL. UVL h have beac cismifor iheilitiitie moitis, kcpiug flu miuid icalti, conoluy, end sà isigis slgnue a( pinure lit dI iukisig stu.. IveWe mil(or-tis a rlirit pmbie p rofts,, ctrectssîg as aista thse consumer Ofbo. e. t 2epr, lit, Oua tsare p t upisu5,12. 15,20 isa 2ILb. ozez, sud oe 1rrrantid para end fiee ftomuploosim gaiui. stances. Ordarm (aifour Suis. boxes.two 121. boxcm. or asne 20 or 2à ib, bli enSfai age fract Io mn>'ruiiwsy, simioù aui Tes wil b.forward(.d ilsor~diatcJy tnreeespt <ibe aider .nmai eaisiaspîs iiione>'). or tisa IIOiICy t5f e CRtic liciver>'y epsrjsî, Ibieeert are ezpsessu lces. Ilps gmnilli aidera below tise Aa.t b10 agv .ace. iw e Later ta enai the Juissey iatiste Conder. ' isae s 2b15. box "CIldoha 010tî I s, ats (uulies e.i iaubn oieretdeulfror .ortatibbep. Vemdtss saol ana mdrmoulcarr paies ud iaie ber pilseil fo , rM.o tsiccsp r t gel2ti b.ra oxs. W. ,msruit mli tise taie WC Beil itgiva cutigs. aoeias. If tise7 aricet«ma; sstlsm Illr tis om bc rataruttailstcour capeama B LA CJC TEA.f ;'FneFlaotil ewScaon. do, e.5eMa dIl poil, SOc., 85., Flue SOc.,Ver>' Ne.; fi., Ftucllais, TwBnhîa>M 66aselle., Youg llyiea.SO 0,5 ia 5. lu o 2. cyFin> e .; Mpr sd Vary Cblce $t; faneGujwdrSc;aisaprlado . Temmo ,ultailutisacirasequill>' aisap. imo ud ybisaComp»'.ý 33'Au acclcu Mid Ts cuti Lepett (i6ansd 10C.; ver gôoed furrcomma ucaphqu15e, outOfofovuî100 légisil,iWC laserstisa fallawiti Tise Meustreali Tas Cam"muysan lu& Isse. rudi i apleaued ta bibru ye tiatise -T« a l vry amiepraveai MeMiastiE0Jlgo Wallasj .5 g x. Milliîaa-Teà s C poeissdfyuii ias ImureO MAPhaL'u1 iM aIo Dtre-s sxetst bssglves grraimmsî<mileýam a 1iahose avour Cptil a wiiamme t"a largêe uau o<Tes ihat we imr. irar vavfle t iivet essig, bu iii iebc mdd<ro dIrfpaePs oiii ad ÂAUCl 1 968. bt.ig a btura tisijsafor Il iIb.TBI p*8ro mg0 horetofore bentowed îsj>srn we, lad te n nunce ibM 1 mm prepared teo ndact smule - uluhur i TOWN OR COUNTY AT BEA89>NABLE RATES. UDArrangements for asies cm ibd mae efflaer a et bii Uwmx.a Office, or lit my Offic, Brook streot, Wbitby. L.FAIKDBAXNK, Jr., * ¶hitbv, sert-, 16, 1868. To 3obbers- & Teams ters T lIE SUB5CIBER wants to jet, ln iota J suiît mppiuunts, te cattiug aLd hautiul dt.rilig thi etoiusing mter, els qu=atit simw log# tid mlingle baisa. 0For par.icalarg mpply ta -IR. T. JHARRISON, Broakil, Oct. 1, 158.se- New -Bakerj AND Taille is th.-là caustantry prepareit 011 itis rompitudu ýa1iordqr* ln thse Biake and (ou (octiollÀry Mie. Fruit, BpSsgai mil other hinds ef Cake, Tarte. aazaIlcu tiie l'etqusiity; * W Fiaiitel al kir.dm in seau. Aima La £tera, sardinie, Cocon lNuîug, uleger Beer, &I NWLY IMPOILTED o d r i n d bege ta lit t . m t h oe pi Tllic ilnt Ilie 130A purclee rigIl1 PAlPER llAN"GINGk maie at VerY Reduced Pricea. M71- ]a'-timg, Gralutug, Gaag su aptIauçuug, excutosilisar cuaulia ad ;puiîia.manuart-as usuel. A.- C. WILSON, Dtsndaa Street, WLitby Whitbyi April 0, 1868. 4i -NEW- CAJiRIAGEAN Waggon Shop or W$GGONSO IN LATEST STYLES. ,Vi Repoariug ueatly and proMptly exenîuld. W~ Thrte.door ast ofii une's, Dnndis fitreet, 'Wbittby. 'Whitby April W8, 2m. TIRE ASSURANCO., GILLE8PiE, MOFFÂTT 4Co., Agen ta for canada- JAMES DÂvIiN, Imager. NURN agninst LOBS b>' FIEEZare eeceonenuiuaaastayaWle Ceruses ai la London, -, - YEOMAN 01980E - Agenit, WhltLr 'Apzil ard,185I.- To 8uflle e*4 a1s O a br btui ",-sia-ueult slra pie etper mlesa.s ..psao orzm .gsa" sssg gwal uamnmen , yy.; utiltDy jouier, >'wg; 't',ý w a"tiriom iIsltis*a par d iyoue TeB,BISsUicl. soiuts arg ouuut hgr;=ue eb 0el onuSsmù BiTasogIhmTt y 6- ofuas a . .AwA îor Tél noing11br or oapkhdW4 GSUaenSW w4bs bos of Eg*BBeind YpwgujHyme s.u Tsikyo,an't ms gvq est ae .f-ver frnt he bove loi ansui ar.> usal ee w Y euum=y eîp ect'u yfulsr.adora Y aske ,' 8 i datesa a re puagte , and noo"uoPdua rieeumg o trtam, efarlug our 'eii:kIýkkp,ýedn at-h ul-Utu WafCm1 Ii< muleii Ie uiruI 'sLt ' - - 0-silvur Umka#at or y #FPO*gqu9afr wig*4 c Bs Fm ILT« Nth 1011m,- Over 'ni - JaMI tan>'Pubfia, 4 -etinpbîl, Bra ~OLICITOM ta ~Brek Strict SWbistby4e ATTORMI , - TTORKI >Y ACaneî lt >1. iFmai AI - Pour Pum et. d3IL. CocHEsk 5 Ceunty Crow r - - oriPery DRII WUEGWIA hai iaurraattdiu dev.ttad ed inultratst' b t-alinti W LiStdBSYal COMfr t .friand .Ufmfud Poi1 v- serblj kit' Je- Aabopet vomen frabs >' mtusa, Il M ncu - Z DURNHAXas O'DONOVAN Il - - 41@MMMN-