Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1869, p. 2

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lit rt ' 1 r. re p:qýab. Fiqîa.sqa- [*, argh Mut,. lot 24, lad UoIoi thé Faro Saoek, &o.,,the pro. 1h a f@IIyý bu -Ooags-Thoa. 0 ' ,bplicite, On u Tà.dey, Xarcoi bi l 359 8rd con# Whlîby, Farm 8took, &o., -the preperty of' Xa. lAs. Youg.-. Myerâ, ogiobeor. On Konday, bmsu'ob29, st Port Wbit.by, W$«eli Maures, logueold Surniture, e.., &W pop.rty of Mr. &bou~ilo.T ONLY 8150 CENTS A TEAR 4Vhitby, Tliurs-ay, March 25t 1869. Partin indeUd.J < àop<4 fie are reqiist. ed to maies an ieemed ats sgettlsmdnt, 41th.r hb eallitng vr remitting -Mte amout. Ve kre~(<oour owen great uneenenlens,) eofjy forlboarin'g Kitherto ; but elreumslaneenota compe? us to insisi -upon immediate Paymentfrom thiose Whlo oee 0 monley. nokrd are many, accountà of .long standing d"s 1yparties eolo, if they pommeed a partioesof s#âme or lion - or,. ceadeZ have 'ZioMrged tcm lbd- for# tiit#.A 4at £ .thae i eill only say, looke out note for -an invitation <o court Mv. Jalin4q '9$b11w Jtorcolontal Rail. war Tba Frai P,-<s ailenepis te ho very nivera, on Mn. Blake,& atierances, et Bey. manvilla, neupeeîuagtlIte Intorcoloaiandam Forîiliahon tepica. Ih taunta Mn. Blakea #qd Mnr. Broum vi holding laccaîlalen' eplclo-pu. OOur conlempenarsam. i-6 The Globe ati Mn. Broum vere benri antisoui for -à aselesa railuway ta e b halIroagi sa ilderms, mnd nameoss fertiSicatiens stock Upadti eut lsceauyt takeep off tht korrîi Yankees, vi. boy top our grain ati aomme unear suirplue catIl. Bat Mn. Blake,'liecter day, vie is the Onaten af lie- Oppomtion, datoeu'nced bhthe rail. v3an sd ith ifamin Nev, Le use an cîpressioa of car cent. heupcvyy-oeoperhapa moesfencible 'ban eqegan,-thie laIsasgecti demI of "hbouh' kin ail tim. -Mn.'Bleake, speabring et' tia location f tise roule cf lie Inter- ciemnial, and et' Ib. foll7anti exlrsagaanco of the Govenameent lna olecinmg the longeai, 16I de net hesiLmie ta expressis neasMy opinion uaLtIiuaeosa. nteok of the-nature et'-& ramval cf lte olti sînifs hotueca On- *aie-anti Quee.-Quobec vus bangoly ha.rlted'p sfiobu provailai; andth le Yiethprojudîclaitilacar intenosta. (citeera.) Wbaî la the roditIl Ys baie gel tis Joug linio, and till bave te on rkil. Evar>' milsestitedt~a.tus ln i, 'or course, atiting te tb. expenses. Yen muai chargo mare for frlgi-aroasi accoaIcof eaeny additions! mile, antilooi must bull-Jîot. atitional miles tbrotugi n negion wulueoties'iov lu pu doop Ibat trainti cannot ruam la inien; ond along s shore viens thons iâ & magni. 11eemi uster communiatimon lasommer. (tlear.> Andtinlafa, Mr. Cinirman, oc- Cording $e My praens information, ihen weLaave baili the troche 'recteti tte britg. ee, andi laid thé rails, tie abeapemi plan for u a epienametVealti be te tsar Ileemeap &plu, ailisheIran, anti buna the bridgea."- <Ptobe. Mv. Browi.aand ,tbsîr polic7. No doabub thoIblbe. foae' "buoeliWied. la ore t iaka a asent agaimat? tbe mlmistiy Mr. Bimbke was ollgud tlb ýalluilu te ibo§mteal-; but wb4s bhewàuîstr1kL. log st Lhb, Governoe e fh. fI4ly jUrm îmgou be lobl hif.quit. : loar - tb4t tbare 18 &a%"rave msmdmadn"oe whrr;both oaum'îghgt. ré the Globe laerit icaîloas Intïv.eeloala and , li b.' stubbéad ÃŽatop. at oo. - 1£ on the other bon Jy M!. Blakie lainlb. tî rigbhî wbat are vaw* otiik of . . rown mmd tha Gloliêl Tbe alternative le, mn mgly oî. le those om ibone iL presses." Nelîber tbe. Globe ov oMr. Brolya eoer urgoti as "itbeir',pu.lioy," Lia Uppar Cou- ada shomiti met geL s- fair portion cf.theý expenditure. Tbay advocaWe diamoetrically tbe ooîrary. Ih la beaua itl le mt Pro. posed te give Uppoir canada a fait aarocf tbe contemplsted expenditure; mmd, be- cause thore lu ýwamtefalnesé in the govern- mont plane tbey cemplain, jni sI sJui and reamdly as Mr. Blake dos. Wbera thon la the trutb or logio of!our ceuteme. pcraryla insîting tbat every choor vas l"a vote of condamnation 1on -the part oeth ie Reformera of Ycit Darbataý of the Globo mnd Mr. lBrown,' mnd ibeir policy ?" w. eau fludmotbing applicable ilu tb.,arga mont#so ef l rae:Press. Tbey- are In fact meoninglesu andi pointless, ad evidon. tly demigaod by the. iter 10 serve thb. d dirîy tricke cf casting a uitile mua. Publie hfoladtys. Tbmrsdsy, (te-day), F4riday, and. Mon- dmy wiii h. kepi as pubîloebolidmys "la Lb. publie offices la Ottas, and lu 'the Pro- vince cf Qobec ; amd Fridiy mmd Monday la the public offices aud. bock&. of tbo Pro. vince cfOntarie.- - Quaebao. Tii. Etineailon qnestion bas oceapied t'fon somo lime.put a large shanéetc, -the attention efth ue Quebec Liegisimînire. The bill in edetby ties Goternaacnt le gom- - ealhy ppnovod by Protesantms,, atd pro- -nouaeti a meal libers!meaure. ,Sevenat neembena dung tics debate sali!c t eth ct Ç te billtii bnor te tha Goveramont anti . vas a convimcing proof, tiat lie Catbolie e majority wene dispoed te givo oven>' jus. tic. la the Protestant' miity. lie de. prccatodl certain articles ubici appe aroti lan a certain paper profasslmg le spoak for te Cathelle Clenrh, buet? uicih. deciaret titi mot spoahethe sentiments et' the- bchI' anibenitio.' Nov hadtheus iter sny mu- îioriîy '10 speak for thum. Ho eeuamcet uebrtniga s utemdheeg leexcitesashbotille feeling, uhen lioeevas ne uocesatty fer is. ' ' lié rovieweotheii.principal clauses et' the bill, end coaclutet b, mîaîlng liatI h vs foundeti cm justice te amilparties,'anti tiemenvedth le snppert cf t. enlire hoesm. A TRcT' ON ruas 1o9 AT'Peai WUITU'. -A trotmetal, tinhail dbeen on tb. tapis ferrmoome, short lime pasi boîveen smre vel inoun sports ofet't l eame off on the ice at Port Wbitby, on Saturtia> 1ai. Tho ilmatcIt" wvici bat iea onigindil> mate vm,boever, smaieqntlY tumneti laie a sweepstake by ils. parties -- encearaant anii.ue- sa(nlw.., Trasti Ibis1;.sveny vend. ln bargala- urge U, 8-10.&VMISue e iug2in3.- lot Wp Confdt'eorsn, Mn. Browmneyer J. A. Cnmpbeli's, h.' b, 122. eonieueplaied appnoviag lof lie longeai, W. Coulîtsarl's, b. b, 211. moi expansive, ad lesat prelliail. rente. We Theepson'., g. m, 333. Nor vould iu, if la lie Dominilon Cibinot, Tmee ,83.0 ; 3.15 j >,s~ bavascoamebedti leQuebuo lnaiueence'lan The day vas coceadingl>' fine,§mand tiere àvcvlucg Ils seecîlca, The I'iuectonAaîl vas a ,er) barge altendisnce ; mamy Smea Mwm.pr thé île peridl programme ilaina (mt belag pressai hban onoccasaions sanctoleicg.the. et cf union. Complimuce vcav aece i asscfrt vîuh Impeniol poîoy uns necesmar>', ia or_ meami mp higi la Lihe tires.figures. lier le seurs e t ppor Cansda tie aira. Metta. D. Kaet, anti R., Meaitî voe tagos cf Cont'ctoraiiom. Anti Mn. Brona iejtemieonlngpseiofsi- - acqaluieçatila uat pole, -' becanse, ha factonilj'. malti, b. boivet IL vas sorti dalag 5o, te The Wcst Durhina Dcmnstustlono seauo te Upper-Camadsthliacontrinolu cvn*beauanfaiirs. The case <Io ëy timon. ý W iat itcndod pubisbing a al sheet gamlon> sby p ut by ths Fret Prosg,. Mn. mateameni vitItan extentiet repent cf Ilrovn'a groait far vu extravagance ati thilt splamid domonstration anti baxiqasu. COrapticr inlaseloani; tie rente anti ButnthoI e uliPlict>' of haslnes," as building lice lino, !$pd tise prepentineoldoitTimten, tic. fisoniW tssage 'manager ai Quebeo ld aee ibm hoCabinet, lunetf. ine ie ime et' GeorviL he urt, us t t faoig tissa bail antis. tbappiiy the sq ýrin eutis at nagleeteti amuyîbiug egv veiihabujusîlfial isiifonna. The t' proc..regret Ibat w. have been unable 'le esvry I$lai 41fogrsota 1.ofIJppav Canadi, pan,,e0ts Our gond fitention,_ &ad npw,' gîbe- derae4 î-ýte(aumes'viaccoult i gva îlsem d4y aftte i (air,, - h*vealil bel'tee laie pluand mIpowar,san mou e orrupti>- tLedle i as, tbie' shsmae5aly bosasat they-aeeld do- Ate'aB k dSalmraabllu. le measatt Ileindisoposafia ntan 10 e e nt tiiîeiaclcnclrul e 141n t4iy pgitôo4. Imti It heau cîber-tanam elt'ciptoe, vla vlaep bal mou ippa Inme tu ptîncîples« Leapiîsni nia:ueua and party picilg6o; *nmtor a n4ce 4"prso :tuextensive balltlng as-, la the imr1sî,ý îles! Refrmee tiersmuiîS be m-On' st a And't neie-qalycfts ag Ottaus .te day ubo iculd - giv. the Dotne.ýa, c c vvyig aîe iee ia uh fou hunet ecenomelcis!govoromanî1sj e - "MuesaIL i9pan e eauioi.te lva"yéSept y'ould- mut sacrificae. sinieoeta iUp-oon ma.i o r -.; 'ccultor. Nuv Goobsi. -.Meutrs. #P,4ltn1 C. ai' 9.' lo-Al.:-.tli ).L4i. Bî..u.. s<Jvitïsp îhes reio t o îba r ap-slg- 47 QJ~TOetsie 1afoasep 9 le ia sbjeot gooedu'aniibe -opening eof t~çgo of 94a Iatareoloula. - Iromson fPS1mx129:b lsit, te th~e nmlorîaaales ib'gM' v0, Ihias(rod te, serve Ibeircoountry for oîlttsud os<- Sdeamer to liïbten tbe unweioome boidensi pimeed opon ibea i ban umiasît ai. Oae wsY of sbowing this mer.i,'wopld! b-9for -the Crowui Comas.! ttend le bld bau- * espromptly,i so ibat the witmessssamfgbt *at Jasai, lerelloveil 'of uuaeces# y i penseau mdpermutetaetorelava t'te ir homes as soons possible., luI:e Nvw I"Tin LoU ,Âmms the Ag!içaltarai implements *xhibited,'ai th. Seed pair of the, Agrulitaaral Society" of Wbitby sud But Witbyaeod in Lb.. 1coimes lut ek, M. Jas. Waiker's nov inventiom of tb. "Twia Plong," wu asprt bmpm tbe most promiueally notiosable. *IL, is arraaged withb lwe sharos, Iwo cuiters and tue meld-bomrds on thbe asi 1 a to tara o ofarvowa at once, mnd amy aidsb that may b. required. It -s specimlly adapteti for.spring work ubere the .bronni bas boeom ied lanthe fali, andi alo for sumimer falowi âg ;-and by ltf ie eof il, farmters cau do one balt more uîthte b umm. mmber of tommes. Not a farLnor wbe ezamnmd il, (and there ucre -mmny,) but expresseti biaimeif bigbly' piemiet witbý it, and aIl ibougbi ual it wau jaîsit th pleagb that Camada iambe, and ihat àle isdem- timeti tosupersede, teo (great exitilt, aIl cîher ploaghs mcwinl use. 4 patent bas- boom appiieti for. Mnr. Waikor aisoe azibited bis Domimiom Pieagh, viti. a whbel etatced tb uhela. aide efth ie lauti aideof the plengb vite a pecaliar bub, lu wbicli dlis cannes enter. By thbo se of this ubeel, wbiob oaa be at. îmobod le aul plougi, a grest mim lai dranght, as weiI ms Ils bsiag a mniisitate for the caamale plaie, le effoototi. This aise attracieti a grant, dei of attention, &» sole plates are se 11be te amr ont, sud la tbis alomo m gremi smaving viliibe affect- ed. Mmm8. WÂ-rxm' CosOmnT, on Fridmy ovea- ;ng lui, vas mot, vo regreLtet bava wa amy, attentat by suah sa rovdet boomsa the excellence cf the perfermamea demerv- et, The Meciennics' Hall,. boever, con- laineti a very apprecimii. audience, amd lion vice remaeavsy missetia musical trest on tii. occasion tbey vomiti regret met bavimg isard. The Hillary, Fmeily ave doaidedl a musicasl (ami>' lic o ulti net fa!i, eliber aseparateiy or togetber, te ttalamasie-loîiagsaodionce anywiere; Ali acqiih ceielvemveal lun L sieerai parts tic, sindentaka upea aven>' occasion. On the lssI eccamieor vever, yul, thb.sngf. lag e01 Mns. Grassicis, MisseHilmlry, miss Nennie Hillary,, andtihe Dectqo, vas ahi timi ocaît bc admireti ant i iev c'anaol icop cxpnossiag env oua preféee t'on lia popalan favorite, Ui. Wmtkis, cf vhose deligilful singing va coalti civer Itear tee mach. Of coarse tiis la mot In- tentoti te b. sait iaiiauby, andti varan msuaet that It vilI be taken in the spirit in uhicis it la unlîtea. Bat a Wbiîby audi- ence,- at ait evcmtm, oau nover oair bMr&. -Wmtbris tee frequont>.'.Sheic. l alvys ciarmimg anti tiligbîful., VEOaCoaIRsesSROime.-As viii bs seen by aliveriisemiont,ibe mev výelocipede RÇbeç4 vilI bu opescet nt tbe dru!l siati, io-dayg, (Tidsy.) Fuscmachines are aireai>' in voeatineus, andMr- Edwaurd Donown,; viceba b il the bruefit cf a large expenience la their management, it'ili heoen basnci te gis-c instruction. Lange facilities bave beau.provito t om coanu. facture cte vuilocipedea by Mn. M. O'Dono. vn at bis extensive carniage facîony, se hat tera can nov be tneonot tiosme 4z. ài weir. Tieneveu7cof lb. exicibi- -tiomi l Ybltb, and tie performanei inch mn atvsntageouaiy spacious - builinag ai ÃŽhe. - romy drill shati aiccalliattraci a large arowd, especiail1, takiag juto accont te mmii charge for entram. OSzrceease"s Ttiliiic.-Plr. Prnaglo la. la rec9ipteof bis siock-a supePior o-e- if Tw eeda o., fr gsntlomen'&-- spriag .Ad saann4-r garecenta. 'E!#ry , gentleman of tunte la tins .sacaucotait.,is$,owea vishýes aifmtr by caillaet Priai@'& we* coompsiis labis'L,to-isaI dtaklng lay). TiereWli, l suierai matisemdE 'rizes. Fi.aguli comma sti thle' -ae- eridmy, jf lÂ11Sevis-iii 'b. habll laîh 11A.:M@.iand 4,p i.;t lhbis ~~$cssîo e p4,a pa1 nte çr.-'- - f Bay$ onqrgs for, saIa -prima enad bartl, Peu al ubeai. ([sesadvj] 4110reodsended mas atoueISC mmd igil Loalour ly iki' <table, - Lo %o, orll 28.-The strlke oif coL- ton operalives, whicb, comwonced atTros, ton,, iu uproading t <o ther,,pârt%, ilthe country. - Ini tla-igoW iLh ;bÉeesgn oral, and geversl millW havepârilally au£. _pended ooains(ra t h ands.-, In tLe.leusecf Commons tbig évening, the Cemmittee -on the mail anrvice to thei United Statessubmniiîed a reprt refusin1 to sanction ,contracti ma&o ýy :the Gv ernment witIt tho Conard s nd Inmun steaniship linos for conveyizîg mailste New YorkL on tbçq present terms. MÂrm:.-A procession of 200 women marchod through the streets yosterday te, tbe bail ofte Certes, and presented a petition mgainst milîtary conscription.« 31un»n, non uroAe-evrlpas- songera; on the ship, James Fustor, Jr., mode ailidnvits yesterday, in whlch tboy charge the carpontcr with the murdor of twe passengers, and the boatswain with the murder of a scamuan. Tbey aise alloge, Ibat other olffcers- of the sbip.were im- plieatcd In thicte inurdero. The finti neate of the abhip died in Brooklyn on Sunday. Tuii xuRtncToc ixCua3à.-The lNas- saie HeralZ reports tho capture oe th Ie American brig Malry Lowell, at Rtagged Island, by the Spnlmh nam-of-war An- damagis., The brlg at tho Limne of her capture ivas in Lb. possession 'of the British custom officers on the ohaegée that ohe'was cairing arias and supplias ta tho insurgents in Cuba. The Britit-b wnr steamer Cheril, has saitcZ <nom Naseau for Rogged Island te Investigate tb. affair. The home governmcnt la foulladised cf thbonduct cf thi OuwuesnLir of Lbe AndaIusia. Tho Peruvian monitors romailf at Rag- goti Island. I)uring , evoyage enae of the rais broko loa.e, rau loto the steamer Havans, andi ssnk. Savon of Lte crow of Lb. Havane trere drowmeed.' ,llavarza, bMarcb 28rd.-Adviéos (rom Santiago de ICuba n te . th imt., ne- present that lihe insurgonts arc ilaysfinfi tbeir force on tho soutb aide of Lbe llant. The inhabitants ln that quarter demanti more tveeps; fort their protection;' Tisolnvnajournals Are ail sulent iii regard te the înoveieentîy of LheGovern- mont troops and tb. insurgent Jorcts. The Lotte Storma lu Çubo -Tico French coan>' papera mentioai sois. rai actiteuts, more or leu fatal, wvica bsie oceat during tie latt now iterm. On îe rend le Torrsboame, Ivo MeOn faticer anti son, vers traveling togetier lu a mielgIt, uben tic>' lait the rond, and the ionseati mteigi vene buriet in the mmcv. Tii. yonmg man Inicidte go te lie asureat houa. for sasisauce, but -vas ercome b>' ute storm anti ceult moi rsnch it.- Ha vis fouad desti mext merning, andtihte faticer umu tIlse duscoveret nean lthe elg inleà astoet'f insemsibiliîy viii boti bis ibantis frezon. the attention cf the meighuboura Lad hea iraun tice &pot hy the motions cf thé. bersi, of wvibioitha>'couldoth ee sbeat enly can t'fthe mmcv. On lie Baupeni Rond, moan Quehea, a servant mmm Mn. Mal, gartienen, vaut ouitet' Lis boume te got le tmable, but tha &torni ragot! viii t'ary tint h ices nmeit sacoiboeuianti (ail doua in a stae cf exhauiea. le vas fouant mmeat frezen le deati. A Cralcus Fîsexca LivSUIT. -À s'inga. ian suit t'en a judicial soparatian bu beeri tnieti ai Manseillos. A menciami cf liai cil>', nantet Regis, mannisti man>' yeans bache ant iedbatason, vie tieti sItl> mftev. The fatber vas <antidt'ofbuhltrea, but Heavea deniati te bis vifs amy- cîhen pestenit>'; h loie d anintrigue vitb the femme-de - chambre, andti!l by ber a dtigiten andti to sons; tisir patormit>' vas atinibutet e an iaduvitial conmecîtid viti the firm, andtihte misîneas always treelet tiem i siligreat britiuemi, quit. awsa ibat lie>' veuin renll lia tebil- linon of ber busbanti. TIto tanguier ne. ceivet a liboral etiacation, mnd vms gn3w. ing np vian ber molber dieti, The mer- chamt btil in lie mamtime mate an im- mense fortune; andi, boing actions te proeont ben te the worîti, revenledti he se- cret cf bon bint la bist'., ifetWhoWu icepl>' hart ai ths tisclosune, anti loft ber Itesnaionce, mabnaquonîl>' brngiag the promeal moction. ÀA vondtîbus ntuv ieen givan la ber t'asor, viti au alewance frin tie huaoanti f .3O,OOfn. a yemn. M. Regis la sa'it tp pousese mn ammun! imoome cf 2P000,000'v. Wbhatevcn ina>'bc ho e tinancisi condition cf tho Dantinion Goeanument untier Con- fedenatlon, -cortaitily ihat cf the varions Provinccs is exceoding>' faveurable. Tic 'lreasunen cf Ontario shoveti-a largo sur- plus on the, nigbt sidae; the Quebea hem.- sorer ati.he saine favorable exitit, anti vo not haie News Brunuwick fol. lowing suiL. Acaonding La lbe retumas final, submittet he .Logisîsture, the ne- ceipta fer lthe jtst fiscal yean sera $820,- 58, and the'eÏlpenditure $658,58 1-show-, iag a balance' te Lb. crot f-tise Gos-sm-, ment cf $168,056. If (lie Provinicecuit alays p repent mueb asaaenai48astbim lier people vifl bave no ressor-t t coria- plain. - iTle2ih Regiment iill go -ho, Jarnica ladaiot'Nefsagctas. provioualy me- '-A bôok-këepev cf iamilteu basis bon s fineti$20 for eqàlcogating toe iS msaoe 1 atois salary. î -Pienlice'imaya huaI man vas lCeo' chiot 1 eonsioerationa at b.cate.-W an A French . Cpnmadimm Jot dCaledo iia s cvisda Smgo, td se emlornbyinont, anti ýc bis vite immediat.ly ' ç»l ier ttrent. à RAcrcîo QU5lt.-Im 8àligr bol»a thé.4 sét animal to ýPUeîa pOî g 94 'Parties, for; the itm pp-ouisa amaîri nmrn sumia te be plaldti cutet'ufuni st pr for <bait p sirpase . mi. N icis,$155 Widow of the lite Sam-4è Fisher, $10.50j John Willis moved, sconddti by Jos. Borronghs that ile rerve -graat. bis. ord.î on tli. t-reàiurer, ii favor cf tho foiomin'g persans, J. -8.l. iekelifer fleur 'fuaibef Ann CeldIt> andi Mary Simanons, indigent persons, $ô; Jus. Outie, $17; J, Sleiev- s urvoying lots No. 19 ati, 20, 4tlî con., $48; L. O. Thoffis, for, pr.pmninig dooda, $ 11'. 0, fer thoe omybue o alr *gislerig lhesanie. The rceve presenteti andi remsd lha repert cf tho Inspector et Licenses. r On nmotion cf Joseph Burrugba sec, by John Wvilis, a 'by-lmw was, passel, ap-_ pointing Edward Olyen Inapço-tor cf licen- ses, and IR. Matheuson collecter. John lVillis gave notiace leat ho wili mi the next meeting cf Lbe counoil, bring ia s by-iaw rto appoint ovensers of highw aya, pountikeepers, &C, John Wilbis moveti-secondeti by Joseph Burroughs, lth Lbth reeve b. autborizod te grant bis ordoar odibeii reiasorer in laver cf John Fitzpatnick, t'on lh. sum'of $9, for lboss of ahep destroyeti by doga, la b. paiti out: oh the fand sot, spart for thast porpose. Johne Willis moyodi secondeti by T'. Fisher, that tce reeve grant bis ordor ci) tb. treasterer ln favor of-the folioving parties, for shoop desinoyeti by doge, te be paiti outLoflthe, fond a p popriated for -hàit purposa. viz. Noble Stephenson, $8, Alox. tiiaolm, $2860,, anti eut of tbe genenai fonda eof the towasbip, Edwaard OGvrn, saiary as ingpecter cf license t20. -Timnothy> Fialier moved, socondot by . Wiiiis, thast the reeve grant bis entier on tbis treesonen In fa7or cf Join Nici, $5, to tueeoxponded b>' hlm in faoer of Jacobe Topp, aise in favor cf Joseph Burroughs. $5, Co be expen >ded by hlm in laver et' C. Slatan, aise tht, suocf $5 to T. Fisher, te b. expantir-t by hlm in favor of Mrs. Wbîeceo, ail inedigent pensons. On motion cf J. Burrouglîs, ocendeti by J. WViilis, a by-lar. was paîseti te levy andi coilect frnm the propriotors of iota No. 19 anti 20, 4tb con., fifty-one dollars, te ticfray cxpcnses of a survoy onder the stabuLe. Mn. Willis tnovoti, socondeti by Mr. Fishier, thit the. specini cominittee mp- pointoti te sel! tituber on road tillowanccs -bc heoby atithonizedti t soli atone ati cier mateniala Aise. *J. Bonomîghî e oved, secondeti by Mn. Fishecr, n b7-baw wans passeti, amemding, by.la w No. 290. Jeohn Willis moveti, sacondqd by T. Fitileer, Cdegt tisereave grant bis orden on the treaurinl favor cf R. T. Harrison, for iha aune cf $17.20, for bie services as netornirîg ocuver, &c. Couneil atijoonneti, ta meoL fInal Monda>' ta April, at 10 o'clock, a.m. East Whltby Ccuicl Procoedlngm. Coluimbus, Msrch S, 1869. Tite Coiencil met Lhels day. licîibeni ail piressiiî. Tite Reeue iti toé ciai Minutes of former mýetixîg rend mtîd con- Mn. Au-nia neponlti receiving bte muni eof $5 00 (nom in . Teins anti Mn. Amuis, as retet' rond albowance beivoon iots 14 andr 15 inIi lt eau.,for Lb. year 18619, and paidth le saine ovon te the. troamuran. Aind Mn. Lieke paiti the atooet $3 010 te ibe traauner, niti-mat for the year-18119, cf ail titat part of Lice rond ablouvanco batween lots 14 and 1lianLthe Sth con., lying appo- sue bis landi cm sad lot 15. Thie Ceuncii piaîcti a by-lnw ta ragulate the liccusirg ttien, ati Le repon! a pari cf by-law Ne. 107. On mottion of Mm.. Amuis, meconden b>' %In, Luke, the Reeve gnantd bis entier on the. 'rensurean ftas-or et' Mn. ILBrynus, fer $61) 00, amouni et bis cenîrmot for cedar tiatuben îlellvered. - ite sua of $10 wac erdvre-i le tee paitiMrlin.C.W. Smlith for bis maltop cf Jdar Dale, as soon a con - tihleu te b>' a Previncial' Lanti Survayor. Mm.. Lieke introtince-tias yblai viich was posacib>'. île council, appcinling os-eurs càf flhaayipount icepesns îd fonce virwmenm for the pnesenut)-car. Tie iedutars prvs-eti their repart vhuich waa adoîuc, and theo Clarkordorati te publish an abatraçt tilsein uthé O-shâw~a Vindi- oator.. i hé o elowing accuunts n'en. presemled amd ondenct lbo paiti, viz: et' Wm. 'Thoin- as, t'on, lumben, codar posls,&c., for Moore'm 1-11l1, $5400:. cf Mr. J. Sinitb, $2.110 paiti Le pour; t n.J0. Guy', relief et'paonr, $8,00- cf T. Cooper, roeot'fet' J. Provami, $1.00; et' Messrs. Dieknon anti Stewart, $2,50, for flour furmisietaubH. Jotuca anti J. Prevs-mt; et Mn. Siuitb f or $22,2b, relief of certain indigent, pensons.'. The Cooncl thon adjoiinned te Monday tboeStb et' April, te fdccl at 10 c'clock. 1tLOFEMENT vIn à a niom.-Tbo batosi Paris joannale 'annonao theiealoepenst frnm Ras - eCologno, cf Lie Prima. Louis cf Dominion vitIla Youngag s!"ion bolet, iss4, A. H. Mis A. E *, la ne' 1100 Of New Oremma, ibat uhs <miyreicovati le. gaape Y f epperàamgo. -Priaet Mn. lismel, explaîola'g bis :rauae coe 1p -iag-ad ukla'g ber band' la mmrrlmg.,; ublcb) Iet. aa nL ra4a1 4àtýbea:oI4-ganîle-: mu buas nmlti, lith a tlpgr8sip"'ci owclpl' Nefôo thadstaiccaiateçNew ode ja bc mannfed la tise limdm>fliberty and green- bscisa. Itus iacoyl probebletbat the Young folhe, aceompanied by Mme, Hameli qp' jil soon arriva la N3w ýùrk,' '- vhare thie wetdj.qg lis le bho elebraie4.iaryprlvail, apd> fifti-avsuu. yl: b. spateti -lic. qoi, of vi>yeϧim the umrvap- of a Pince and apréend@$ $9-l1he MPaulab Crova, b belng th -rte rof l)R4. epji'p mail agrp§tfoa Win rltheFlfth '- - Os atvstf th ettke 0041d V'ioV, î6,i iattitude oi tLe preseat cpèlervmi.s on tihia question ibis sWW04. D'e qacieti cavèmr'* worba On- Ireianti, ubere thb. Autheoishowosttheb.Eatablisbed Chareb- U prooas dimnfectien madail moiaities la thit eounfry, aâd enasadti tsepeaams te I1 -bain a' verba condition tItan ti lhoaves à,cf kh WordsadaIs~th nItîv eD11- tiinmaliY Pvoeting agninitla. TItaspeaker, hbia' etraîten eî d lho Position cf tLeChieraIt la Enlmnd.Engiad's hberties, Le saiti, 'were lnet aiýsarediti be iL. obahs, bu»osb7 thiarigràs namd mmoneriî.Nations paver ,ferges their, roliricis griovmno.s mati! 1h.eause la remQeovo,.The obti policy, pu* prsueti by Englanti randerat i Ieimai more j ultra Montacus tIta any conury fa Europe, Caî boaiigimwas rot Onil as malter Ofla<mos, _bat cf piîrioîiâm,- for wbich ibe Irisb were v.ady te suifer, gr die, if moeet be. Smo.e t'h. tTniop disîarbaoes hayebeon, continu ied, Pvolestamtisme was the cmly line kbat wua destroyiPg eyovyîiing ltaI wuasgooti md no6ble la Irelanti, resuliin laelb. bso- lais disnppearantecf paee mmdloyalt,. The'Ij. haepn vIte Wad migraÃŽedta lethe United States ad Antralia vers uaîcbing auxiomalyitba ramit cf Ibis great question. Tiie eatire Fenian .projeot wuas ladd kapt &Ilv" by the symepaîhy cf Americans, mmdcv Lb. ides that Eagiamd mever diti jasîlcae oIrelant. Tbsre wve no mmore bitter (os to Englamil la the Unitedi Sta'lom than the Irishman. Tb@ Home vu s 11w makodtit do justice tue Irelati, mot for fear of foreign entemeles, bat for Lin make cf imierai pe. mmd tranquility. Ho ea-1 templat.d lbh voimatary systent pnevmi;ing in Scotlamd, mmd, amicipatdthe hast r. sabîs t teoerily for Irelanti if tbis bill beame laï. Mn. Bright conclutiet by saying Ibai ibis mmanse îult bave the. approval of the. Supreme Beiag, for it vas fndeti on prnmiples of Justice mmd mercy -tbo mtribales cf Hia glénions neiga. AR±î.OàAoumo:a'r9S.-Lcndon. àMrch 20. -About tue o'ciock ibis meormimg, a Paiazu sleeping car in the. express train gaias Wesi on tb. Great Western Railvay ram eff lb. Inacis ear Beacbillo, sud vas prîcîpitateti doua an embaihmeai 12 t'est bigh, ueaking cae complet. revelution in is desent. There wsere about 30 persane ln the car, 14 of ubom are more or leas iajared. The fellowing le the lust -,James Laurent, Chaîbam, tireniha brobren sud hoati badly omauieti. mot expectedt te rvu ver; Dr. Clennea, of Chicago, bad!y brciaod iMna. O. A. Wlitteueore, Denver City, Nevada. thocider dialocateti; Mn, and Mn,. IHicisien, Pontiac, Micht, braiseti sud eua iDavidi Hatcb, Aibunyt N. -Y., badly bieed; Mrn&. Checke, Cbicagu, ageti 73, ba'dly shaken mmd bruiseti. Sevoral outhaem ert siigItlly injarei. Tiie soand -et ver. conveîo-edate .Tecumseh I omme,i Londont tis moruing, asud are receivitig tho best medical attention. The accident s oausedl by a brekea smi!. Tu -Fis e-e-g t roL- ins-- e The fellowing better, daiet Zamzibar, 124tb Noermier, freai Mn. Kirk, acting 1political agenIte oMn. Gommse, Suenetar>' n Govennaneut, -vu un Snînrday 1m ai îet t athe disposaet'oflite press (sayés tie uom by (Gazetteet' Jais. 30) Si,-For tice Information cfis Exel. beno>' lie Govennor in Conneil I have lie lacuor le report tint 1I vu waiîsd cm yas. ierdny by Aidoolla bin Omar, cousin lu Sultan Aideell -a cf Joienn, tie bearer af a letton from bls Higenema, l iiive bold tiai Meesa, the. leader eft' tiesaJo. bannat mon wub e teneDr. Livingstone near Lakre Ny.an, satdvice eturmeti to Zanzibar, hearng the' faise tl.et'f bis murden, bali boon impritiomedinl irons at Jobauma foac igit monLis, and wva nov sont ta Zanzibar anti placet in my bands. fer further paiaimemi' or lbbemmîlon. In repi>' - inlforneti King Abdioolla's agent liat ie iligaem bcsd, iy lbe piunisbiteni inflicteti ou Mooma, anilcipatedtah. visi cf b:er Mlajeomyi .Goeonnentaamd liaI ,nov il vomd be an>': t>'to btL île fres, mi - s oas banimieti frou s mnative ilundi I as- uredthte King'& eavoy tissât em Majenî>"s Gos-smnmeat vouiti voceive viii mouci sau- isfaction Lie assanceitonf Inientuhip sitoun by tItis nt-licosa viageaset se mach grief and auxiel'tinUougIt bis covantil> fligit and base lias. Acoortimgly I bave the bomor te laiform ycu tliaihe lia pisee Meosa bas boom sita liberty, but caution -Dariaç Ibe debat. upea colonisation, thai alonÉ sic, soali abers eti 'theLouer et. :Lmîveboe iare li a &Pmee cf 120- mlua ývlit an> bybled o<f oÏcýia tk iherer ne other mouse et îiatrcoura. -th : aiwtr omuication d1riog tu#iqpw are com- 'fer aoy'colonusîio roa rLerehy 1_ p tiptqpaonarof tluý Kimg'-blgbvsY, lil is lauerrupted ît. e'for-120 mmepsun -hb bIsak &bore of.Gasps. - - -Ã"p 14u$-P4, qf Portlsud'â estate nlag 9 Iap1 -asa niyoand d'cad lu a-ý rabbis hôl ~ ~ ~ lej an$ ipJ i a4nil d el(vrs demis, and oconition 'hÈaie*abat rafinqaisi Ioascitom ber fatlipr made oer $40,0O00 lu ber owa ritt. Sbe lts rt - d oéff lu, pansait cf Bragg imemediaîely on ebimimgssaion cf tbe Morley, and P ji s ei i l . a i b i t yi , s a Y o r I v o m e s .e 1r lirparents hava e ceta pprisil -t'fe vb er .sb e utstu a ti are on th e vay bub nr, se Mr. Bragg is, meconepaoi by 'amothen b, poihobed individesi, ube igibeath. Dme et' A. 3ergeal. firua, Boston. Thcs detectlve reproents bim tub. mnac compliecf Brnagg la gomeïlvilanalad ise ltLb preésantseIteme te get, possession cf tie yoaag g omenma,$40,000. Thé, paira- B uýte woîl sappliod.l vitb mens, md iii. ecase ex v cites moes than -ordmmary ýfttoresi. m Mnr. Brag~g andiia friand Sargent, omn' tLe elber bonàd, ioduare tien thîecae il a idi conspirae cm lis:e part oc" pantleàý,lanîLe States, vbo Ihave omaployati the tietectîire to gel Bragg moron e iria anmen el or fou I; i t M is,. T îlto u uà m u 'aon is plealsaresgtur -un bancutil, ampomsibiiîy, ani imcitieatally came acroas olid acqlaiat. iu anos la Iis City, &0.- lot Thtecase Wva ppointed te lbé Investigat eti befora the Police Magistrat., ai 4 Th o'cloek tItis nfiermoon. J. E. Staui, Esq., bol bas bs.au agagei as oemasel for, Bnagg. by tis understood that thon. k;li tile pneba. Wg bilit>' sbat ho viii ha commuiteufer extra.,ha, tba, for lthe reaseir liai lie sbieget mn( fongerY vuOommitteti in a meaunrana a yull go olear cf lis tresîy.- Se Mn. Bnagg In1 yull probabby samoeti lu bis entarpniso, if W4 repente aoncenaimg bim are correct, and bin Miss Tilton vili nltimeatiejy Ytee' feik the clty of asweet repentance, as muamy a foui-.lua ish Young veman haî donc befors. Pei Tuea laisir uJos AD Tue Quiass.- cril An Irish jutige, vie vas net ver>'roan.le> ahle for bis ebegance or cennîosy, altieugi r mn- able anti observant mmm, vas siiiing u_ tie jutige, eofAssise, in a teva inthe mot cof Fei Irelati, on a Tery btot day la Jnly, ubea taue tb. ceuni-vas inseffennbly clos. andti stly,l ofi It bappelle t at s Qmakr.(amman of mome pro position la the placeé) beidoccaion te be wé ia court, ubsîbar as a jitnosa er a jury- au m vs annel ay, bat, libretLie Quaker for, ai Livereool, be, ou pniancipis, v.fnseitie10 si lake off bis bat. Theis vas lis asuial cas- res tcm nt tie assizest, and te asccommeetate O bis corscienceê, a policeman on tipitaff umed ors, f.) take off hie bal forbim, anti he tien net remmiainaucovered fi t'e e emnintiden cf o ilee lime h. bati te romain la court. Jutige 1me P-, Itevover, was*moi a man te counten- seul anc. thia mati cf mnonge, anti accordioe , Iy, vian on te ecasion in qùestien a bles paliceman was about le removo Lthe broai.u. brim e froua th s co asaie io ani cap u i t et' ie s followen et' William Penn, b. preveuet amit hinr anti maidi, ND, bave bis bat on bine if'ho lires îo voar itl .' *Tbiavwas, in ro-1'.i nlity a menioni amnoyance and dicappon. 011nu mteut le the Quaker, wo vas moët anious11L.111 te i. relieieti fromsthe veigit cf ils lienvy ilu l beavon bat. Aften 50ifl hours, tie jutige $2i tarneti round eti te Quaker, doun viose faîce the prampination une poiening m i , ktite pliera cf 'suffocation andisrut ,mimery, and tins adtiresad lmin -641 ay. îîd; yen air, viii ithe hat, do yoa breakfast la Car ycun bat ? Do yen dine in ybur bail? Do not yen ieepin your bat?" ati thon-stiddti, chai in a tome ' coatempi, tA most aisurd' Ltie castome ind Noir À Bâte A.A.no vol formen cfag ecutuai lit'. assuanace bas- been proponeicirt amng the persona emiplayed iun the bemirc- tan isig estasment cf New Yonik. i my -andi joia innespoutillocf ItoaltItor ago, anti the dear abîacnipiea la le be a ,dollar. When a chic intaber dues tie wiole et tie momey -la It W bandi is le go te bis famuly, anti amev Pl subsaiptien eof A dollar is te b. miate, retrt to gol ibr1-e manner teie elis et' the -'- lecoaneti. The. inequaiity et' tie benefli heur frnt the ft'athai the host hivees vouitiho chiai taxeli te immune Ilefeebie and in'i;~avnt m give the pln s charitableo'rather ibman a i 'conomical, cIaracter, bau IbaL cm.s nit roulti, cf cearme, voelievei msaeY: cassof Itim ae.mponar>' disîreas * - bave lui ýetPoni-Cr'edît; Mnr. Davidi Allon, bno.lf. bonof Mrn. Them.s Allen o pginear ou sîbe G-W. Railrcad,-îwu lnstanîiy kllel,"by e t being ruan ovértbya' iout Go'A.>Mmmao,, cfwhtiskyerenown , -im cin p o i r a n ng o t hW l i ti s "; : a nAé f i 'ý ie L termay vas tolil ha wusno& vanted,. sud osbanti anti vif, "à-, itstresa iok tie atera bontr ain for Fa41e ol.- 71ica Heraltt - ýAt tina uguatiîon bail in Waabington$ r;ý,jerme. Onéeiy vas fouai l iting ou a Lp iookimg ." disci al-es Marina- âmeid i4h. aIns et'fthe Cavthage Uciel. .'Whst isthe' mitter, min ?' -iaqairei a sympathie i nn b ave loat my batinaIbias urieti roome ef Jiota.' "iNul youv oid .'witeî bai-?"1 Yom, my old wite bat, anti ilah my evercoat. , It l islmeentable tbt the. ebel. did'not ai Imti Iowavndt-barn ih to fba.' Tiea owed Ibeir upite, by nos oing se. It 1a an infernal siak-iole cf iquiîy, depanding fer -ils miseraule ox- 'once on the goverumeaut. Tac MàitQuis or BUTIsrN TE Pdw.. le 'Iablit,2ays.-Lord:Buis ad ithe. -cuoer le ha adauited toprivat, audience aite Pope on thee Dui instant, On Â.4 - 7enstial.haéne@ietitic. sbat (nom tice and ot' bis lihse la inbe Ssx.ine Ciaperi id on u t'ofllcvimg day v'M pormittedi by, special faoer, le, bear ihe Popa'a Mas iii. priante ermtery of' the Vaticsn,011_ hici occasion' tb. Sovereigm Pouniif gave ni thb: samema of confirmation muai a btol7 eucbaist, Lord Biais hsîingý .ds au effernag et' £1,200 Le' i.Peter'& mnc. Ftcnd,'Pius .1X. présenieîd hlm 'viti ali!qnnýry et' great vaine, vbli.h i dlade- 'bd Wla-a11etefrei Rom. asIla tnLby 'ai gifi.- Tac CifAzes AcAINSme'Da. F uNvrox-4-Im a ciarge of' rape. prefenreti agimat D. a0wicir, ut'Kiagýiton-r, lie grand jury re.; -asti: ne bill. 'Tii.testimea>of et'scerail lb. lefding mombaar cf' iiimedial at ôo w btabat lbhe'girl Wilson vas a4 ejec cf hyâteania,_ and ti ia la as tberé. re;in' lie nintreo f lie'case, uaL aie, ,njld' bavoeadt Lai îthe masaitbail alhy been commuiti o, ponlier pneran. 1,y oze medicai gentleîatà beli a dii.. - nut opinion, iia vilci, bousier, ha via t astaineti. «This vil! hea a wrnimg teo iag inediomi practieneens notr' w - exa;n-. an>' girll iefutune exasptinlathe pro- àce et' smeîbher-G!b.-- Fin ATSATS T ZIIY.-î.Onber- s, Marai. 20.,-A' fine breke cmi thia a. abouîtitre. o'cieek in a barn hacin the. Sépe os tables, anti occapieti s hirn> atble b1'y* Mv. H. Garden; sûp. oetil te h te sork et'uamincendiary. iv Loaes, vere oied1togethr- viii a aber cf buggehrsbffalonobéa, da quantt>' et' la, anti nais. The Jeas '4etui ýý $300at 4,000; Insireti for !OYÀCANDIA< BÂag.-A ichiercus onrday, thîtthLie rvnalovanet d wititdratanits saccouetrot the RoyaL1_ îadian l3anke Tite Globe mayasLicere ia Lrulh wittven' ine ltit ruiner. Ne in-a litasbiien m»Wdoin the' relations et' 3th e B a k Lo vartia the G eve ntent, Jpublic leIUcaid côntinue, as- usuai. te [sit thoir collections nt ice several 3nies. cf Lzink. - tnother nurtionous outrage bas becri nimitted, lac lrnd. 'The station mina- ai ic iiêýlingmr station h iaen msot, iB not CXîuincîad te survive. 'The mur-. tafi or deibrmal' ponneibut-0ri e toite penpetna' or lis-een. obtaiipl. rat fouteit ltraor lietiboom -atIova Dn tho- Pmtl;, sothat ihe fe otaiepa et' tb. reain-amsauiutmigh. tel! mie taie. en eo Jeters antimen.of sceiece wilt. tr viii regret of îtenjedt' ofLadj Mur- son. Si. vas a very gueti naturalit; 1 lais veny vel! enevu Liat ber Itushauti, L'Lolleniuk, vas linst _pensuaded b, bar lence ant i er aooupliemeaia te davote self ,to tins. scieriti~E: mta4ies'. ie s raiset i m 10 bis presenr Itigi place. fo Wtormaiti- tials té purmel Gai- 1wr.. lie is eut '.titb a challenge, oier-' ,-t fighitGallagher- for -lrom $500- te ,00 a' sie ;,Lthe fi glit -te take place in nada, six month-ator tbe fiât deposit rais i luCatiadla. -- uisotladd ot sewving 'boots amd" lcm te oepper %vire, imstead et'fthe -cominm cadi mi ,beea palenlei Le advantaze! An ohsbimale tcld-'; pas his dmujb&te. -ch aveut himiar'r.y>igE for bis ialusbi seu' umia rocoivs-caas rat ra'rmtdon -f FItsE WIT-Ai-ly s I r e ST) Omd 0,11 the avyilig -Brook Sire manh 24 A dtodm p.irom T Wietb, 31 MILI Warratised .&pply- Wiiby, M STI T Ill e l'ecamniec vilierevar' t iuod Pari: tlîey canna etinthete th Mamîîtact ail, b>' t;,m A thea3Mni 'Prompt ite lVhutby, NDO' - Potical! seventa dal tie foreoc or ibl; 1is huI t ue ad u.~t B e- - Bae î sbC FREP U'i0but .Spnlng Wh Province eI Couàty il' No0ticeu l the fonniion $10 unçleraiJ jýàd Court J Daut I tmrig, theis byC. Whitby, 4ùothe lurel 1-i Il - 1- 1- - :1

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