Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1869, p. 2

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lAugé Bprlag Arrvai tDominion Ware Cmb f.; Ylrbi Boe-do. [diet fé,ettere-y. Keller, P. M.' Bu os eI Oil-Wm.'Bvyea. 4rimsîr ' oeohrated toîeýoa...d NaupBP@ale. of Wstèbse 'cadi-lune 'plate. War.' AIGflON UALES,. O; Weilueidy, Aprîl 14, U6~9, os lot Nfo. 1,gla thse 2ad ton. of Picbalu, YFaia steel, &o., vithoat remenrve,, île propera> ot Mr. Wns., Taylr.-Thos. à0ossu- 'On Priday, Âprl Wfi nlot iNo ,ý12, 'BroenFront# Pickering, Varus St"c, ho., the prepeit7 of 1r. JeremlibFild, Tho@. Noa.sîoer *NLY si150 CENT" YA Whitby, Thuroday, Apdil 1, 1869. Apri lFoule' Bay. The Virai o f April- or April foo10 day (Io-dsy>-bas giren frue to many drollIncio. dents. Orne of tb.e «pianotions of the entom la se foUnwm z-la the mlddio *ge@ mcoes froca biblical history vers oftan repm.ssnîed by vol of divermion, iîbosî any:feeling of lmprop rioîy. T he mens in tbe lite of Jetant, 'bero he ia sent froui Pi late- toHvrod, and bsck &gain fromn Hsrod to Pilate, was re preentedl in April, end may bave içivec occasion to the ces- tom of qend in g on friîlems errandi and other tricke praoîimed at ibis moaon. The phrase of idendia; a mia front Pilate tu H.rod," Io common in Gerraasy, 10 sig- sify seoding a&bout unneceuarily. Tbo reason of ehooing the firmi of April for tbe exbibition ocibis berne vas, no doubt, tIbsi the feagi of Ramier frequoumly falls Ia Ibhi. wantb, snd thbo@ete hsonected with Mbesperiod of thee hf. cfJans vonidi- ncînCraily alfOrd ubjects for tb. apectaclea oftihe season, The tricka of the firet of9 April may, bo*ever. hoe the romains of1 smrn Roman custoni, derlied froua the1 Béat and spread over Europe, liii. en many0 other custome hy boeeconquerors. lu Frauce, the uulucky party wbo may beo fooled ià callodl un poisson or.polmo, ,tmisohief) d'Avril- luaSolaad he le eallsd a gouk, wbieh lu thé e Sottih dia. Ibel signifies aà@iakoo. Que of île boit me ouevedo 'piuo bolé,,,im, ýcO@obe1 vis induêsd *0 acoompan>'gomth te Ma- 'à Fa~ lothian itom ,on, ~~Meî a viev - f 'Obwaelnga element, of the ameonet.,Ustead of gettlng païdihe suus.Of hi& bill, bovr, Sumith: mcd Ssavage onslanght -ou lii, eiug sand braisia; hies *badi>',, 8wità wu 1Mine- diatel>' srroïeIdnd brOagt-befo ré Lb. poil". court, vliéaw 1adîieson avors that Cbocbr.omm.ueedtheamssit, sud Sulis vuaoneunl toagd Ecusaor usWaseL.-Liihî veok for tb. f irsinluWhitby, ve lad, *île Mev lnvton-th. ýVoloepede-ou th. alel.NnMbersvwero ait:acged t10 Vil. nm the pwordranc. Biée thon tbe beluea of teibo vînt.baie boee- board on oui sidiwathss dcl>, sud fi may ho iad, ivishoat *xaggeratlon, i h t i D ow poUmM U iores of velocipedoues.MeEr,-. Danovas, (Who SI l ontinues to give lnstraeîiOn ln vldlag and managiog Sb. machine, at the.Drill shaed)ust h. as 900d a ne hr sho iàlan bdepi porformer tu havie broaghî 0 Mas novcesi ou se soo4.1 Mu.. M. 0O'Douovaa 0ooaiqaee thse manuftaclare et vehoehâpedom on- thé lmpreved pattern, sud t11w..oet his mal. are prenoanoed the beu. NOVA 0oenA.-At au obscur@ place oalled Wesaî River, la the, ceni>ty fPicton, Nova Scotil, a meoeting vas roenti>' bold fer th le tcon et a Couccillor ot a Rc. puaiLogevu tioe esernfl blod îoob occasionu, euaà a esolulion la favor -of aaaaxaliou - the final ever paseod viti lb. heaudaries oetthe Britishs Provinces fine the Tories of <ho Lover Province.atmpî. e4 lhah mode et i iidaîla; lie 'Devenu- mntuland siovin;ig huur dieboyati>'. Thora la uosbing nov in relationtlethie pouding éection conteste in Nova Scella. Iî is prat>'gaa.naily admutcd thai Mn. Hove vihl h bc eîed, MR. W. W. COW£LL, vhos, resideuce in Whibiî>'for soue years pasi, (lu tho eunplcymnof Xt M. Y. Gibson,> suwd9 vboio amiable gîuîlernly niancera, Do 0 les thbsubis roaese m tecorne forvard1 and amBitlu carrying oeovni>' prais.. vorîb>' social ebjoot gaiaed iim go man>' I finonda, la, vo regret te bave tu, note, about remeviag -froua this leva. Mr. CoeIel! lao p bis fturo reaidoncu hla Guelph, ve underaîand, wvti o s ate Lavec entire conîrol cf a braaoh et a largo es- f tul<,ks r.aordéd, of tfisdi>' iethase ofIkb..-71&blshbmebt, Viîb machpécuan>'adean- claie,, vie, bob; as Manseihles vibiont cernent le bluself. H. la te ha enter. mcoyej, and desirous et gela; te0 Parla, îsined Ibis <Wodnesda>') eveuing at a eem- fili.d aoue phiats vishbrbick-dasî or asies plimensan>' supper b b>'iiiman>'aduircia lsballed-tbeu as containîn; poison for tise sud tiends- Mn. Ceveil vil! carry yuLh royal fauil>' et Frsuce, and pal them b in:te goed vishos for bhlm preapenit>' et vioeehoeknsv lie>' vould Is dseovoned. ail vie ibave kuovu hlm lun Whisby, viser. Tb@ bait tool, and hovas cenîeyed as' à over ise gees. trsitor te th. capital, viere the dîscever>' Ta Woozu TmErvE.-Tbe folloin; of tise joat occsiouod universel mi. caution etsu ODio ediior uays>'so as s The nains, April, hi ojiier froua apertre vwarain; tote boved hievos vise pnovh le open, bacaumge, as i iilime, the oesîti around our ovn neighbariod .*nighte: appeari le be openin-; sud propane; ta '<Fon the Iaformation ofthîe gentleman enilch us vltbt iti gifla ; or, accerding 10 vbo gleans ta;gots in oui veod shed, aften Varro, rtr Aphrodite, beoause Apnil la nig'ht, vs state tLat ve bave contnactod tan aepciclly ooeueraîed tae iii goddess. a large bad etexc.liens bicher>' vood, 'The fiait deivatien appears tLs but, for vbilcbve paopose t te aîc occaienably ammed viti c miotsguu ioaed'wyuL brokan .Apnlblle Irulthe b. prizu;and apening etfgias and ginileis. As a procautionar>' <ho leur, luvilci the iarlh lm neurishedod use, ve saggesîte lishe indaviduah b>' alternams, zai and mnhue. afenessid tbat b. vear a akithet in the @sc et his breeches opon future occasions vies Probablo Transiar of tie Hudson Day b.ouns>'doeernit prudonît>' propen te vimis -Terri tory. our preuisea 1 and lias'wvod 'tabou troua oui yard ho carefuil'ezamiued betore IL It appesau by calte dempaîces tau ala oud, s severai sticks have boon propar. idorilaudin; bas beon arrlved li haîveen @à vlth a eornpounid wvib, vian.placed gui d«bogates sud the Hudsos Bay Cou- upon tlfie, vil! gel, up su omnîbquabe la pan>' toi tbe Iransfer le Csaada et -IbomahosCuelsitozds>'shd' extensive termlîeuy ever vbicbli te Cern- Tgj us tos zasss.S George pany' (iobil> or wnongly> daims jeriîdio. E. Carier la expacled la Otaa ou liais. lien. The conoidnation inua.'fon tie day, and thebone. !M. MDougal on Satan. MlUv.n1n ib Disisi> saten J 115 ut ,0. M 1'appeaj to e ho goerali 'aocepted as the aucue ais eb.paid. Commenta; oa tl alebat the Trouneo'letgrapl Sgoma on to roussit. 'Thea dvaace uade.b>' on delegates i n gsindg tovarda a setîle- ment ofthîe Hudeon. Bs>' questIon, viti suppb>' HElaEscollaicy Sir Jehu Yong, vfîb a» agnooe etxi5visn haosalies bis début bultr the Dominion Paiiamna uozî mouîh -s tluI vilci viliimabe bis opuclsif t Ilsbould ceniain lithoi ode co of oncouamon 'intarest. Théoepeing 4t *0 ' "" " vo t heis c nsequent cir- of etBgiltlahCeumbia viii a viov cf ln"ei'uiboulto tie Union; sud tbe vurinal scooptance of( t hîit'nations hy Nevtenndlsnd, -are ail.ion; musoal cardo, mcd May' coualorbascce ibe dinconteas la NovaScolie, aveu if lias diseontent oheuld brin; about Mr. Houe@u defoat, nusepA£L.-...W.hav" mach pleasera fa manouîbi hzi i e f.arrivai ah home, et Ei. Jausi. Campbeoll, leva Couaeilîou, àf4 a pleoiserî sud proftable trip le Eu. rope, viore hobk» boas3410mokisanosive puroisuas for bie firua. NglrYOPJIDLAN.-Jir. lbLe sud. cîher delogistu onNovftoiasdaudans ep.ed )alu Ottawa lu tLe ceàrotf àdaelvo5o $0,e rosirguounegtoîlsîloos ffor-théadmis. Pieu<u $ hadf 4 "uieto &euDomtiio dal. - XItappeaira IbaiIba>'lOtti Englsnd in - Io dilfeies siesea, fa eider";if tsu' dissuier sisould oceur, tisé Dominion vonhd mes io.. bosh aI once. ANNirtAL avievor Tos TaADB AYD Ceitulsacs or loitoxio.-Tbie usefot vol- nuze bas heen reoed fro. thé publiabers, Meaer( 'Robertson and Cool. 1h le re- plat. wiuis information ou the o bjesi of viabcihtriams. 7h. eil la got op by Mr. J. M. Treut, commercil ditor of the dail>' Talpala Ga"? rBàxaJKRi PT LE p orelos ArD SILVISaWer«UseANDI>PLATE» WtmuZ.- Mn. U. Fairbanks, jr.,actuoneer, la scîing oit b>' cetien, ou tb. promiss eppasité Alesander'. heteg, a arge sud - aiiactive &te et gold sud, silver vaohu suad- ilactro pbated Vaire. Sale, condagues four days, commescla; le.day (Woddads. Teuapllngargslne are effemed. SAla op Cao , y,' bc.-Mr. Loren Broyn belng abouttho chose op Ibis branci, of his buieiuee, ila ov offein;gréai br- gaa». 1he bout Of freois rooef.etLur9 and feed on hmnd as essi.t Doîsazon WAassama.....ouro.,Love kPovellim ethéb.recoipief'thl. estm lutslm.aît f .1, a prin! sO9 ..U* .usauaae the eh$*ir'Pret ,, Dit>', ZR oôn-T,- s ah ered tribotnWd e r.e Tulr lu thoesccompcnying -cow-muniestiog oui Bovd. aormepondeut, Dcubi bas vonod uerclitte, car anquai approial sud ondormaîon. Mauot iof, & Alargoesudinteremîla; meeting vas bold ai Daubantes, on liii ovonin; etf WJ.d>,tho 24ih Marci, Ver azan> yascTompersuce organlaclion ba s - isted thera, Latin; ehloinR iiiev the pro. seivatlcu cf lb.e>'oang trous the wscei @conrge -ot Inebrlet>.T'. 1wmmebera 'Of the Society', sau olaimprovo lie minda se voîlise the menaIs of. Ibemeoliesud their n.ighbora, have been la the bsbit et secanin;, trou lime l» time, ,leobarea -b>' qulisdparties, ou a Vanltet msjscug isa-istr>', Science, Literature, -&p. 'Aue t'Oeo e hms tb. ucciel>' bein go mach indebted, la ibis rempe estas ta -Dr. Tucer. Ris msua aec tures have in- variahl>' heaunlaget, altendod and, higbiy appreciaied, on 16. ' ichl>' deçenved. This yeart se niacl, tho Deéýtor kad ceusent-ý ad ta favor the soclet>' vith sa leetaureor the 'reoitation of soma e"1 pions. Il vu esotvod te take adiaulae o! the Doc. torts popuatg> sud tboneby sobsonvo some charitablo object outside tho cincleof etb sociol>', tuli>' mared that sach benovolent gaiito uld net only ho foriven bat have the condisi ,approbatibn et the gldu large-hearted locînrr. It se bappeaed thai ayoung ai lhlb.nehghborhoodnot hleasod viîh vorld's geai mafficeont for an eil day, latol>' mal vîti au aeeidauî,visilo choppia; in the voods, that u.ccssitated tLe amputation of oneofe bis tool. le aid a litîlo tis unfonsanate young man_,c sai suaivas neqaired of escis iudiiidnai ubat entered lie meeting on Wedaesday aeonia;. The sumo Ihusolleeîed ametnI. id 10 $22, vici, vith tbe @anatiou oft"e meeting,ers forvarded te B. Banting Bsq., Daffin'i Cresh, fer tise benefit efthe part>' refonred te sbevo. Tho@ the amm bty vas doabl>' tavoîed, aajoying "ltho loaur>' cf doing good," vbhile sippin; piseurse sud profit froua sveet magic andi admirable recilahion. lbe cLair vas oc- oupiod b>' John Parler, Eeq., sud s choir of yong ladies sud gentlemen froni Dut- fn'& Cie sud nelghboibood, led b>' Jouatban Rolme, Emq., ou th. harmonium, road.ned la capital style a gpont îarieîy et musical pioes. Dr. Tucker dolîgbied tie adience b>' recitationsand readinga troua inthera ot bigh noie hn the ariîîecîacy eof taient and gouines. H. leno more ropeater, lbk man>', et vocables hoavil>' freighted witb thoaghî and teeliag. His inlerpro. d sutons, by toue, look aad gcmture, et tb. 'ariens passages given voe full and effec- tiye, provia; heyond ait controevons>'a eo poussées appeciativo power lunen ornuuu degroe. Ever>' one tiet basO oeard the Doctor lecture, on vie bas rend lis srticles lilite litera>' peniodicala et b.e day, kovaIhat as a vigercu and lcid thinker and se a gentleman of Ligbty ailtivaîod tester ho eccilpies a' fonemsis tace. bal loy, it la belicved, vers avare" 1alh is isnomachamaster o-et li arinic uw r. Had ho lin emîlier lite donued the tu Il bia" and taken a place on thîe 81 àboirda"l ho miglit ore this havo served lisît oaseofthlb.lgitimate boire te L tenu and MaCteady. Batit is voil that ir i did net. setlain hat cas, Luulapua îî ad hacbed a disciple th4t dges bint tho te igiesi bonor, and hnndreds in Ontanio cf T oc vaiuod ervices et thal disciple lu their 0f izînese. Whilby Township Vnel Special ileeting.' Council met puranant to summons issued by instructions of the Reeve. AU the monîbers prescut cxoopl Mri. Bickell, Rnis in the chair. SOn motion of Joseph Borronghs, econd od byu1r. Wilhi*s, a By.law vas passed grantinglaiera licensea unto Goo. Met- calf, ashburn; Mi. Elizabeth A. Vic- kory, and James Powell, Brooblin. coin Willis moves, moconded by T. Fisher, that the accounts of tîzia munici- pality for the year 1868, sa reportedl by tho auditcrs, hohereby finaît>' auclitedond ellcwod.-.Uarried. John WilIim moves, seconded by T. Fisher, thelb Ree b. authorizod 10 granI bis order on tho Tree.surer ln favor ci A. G. Alexander and George Hepburne, fr the snm of ten dollars eacb, for their erivicesau audilors cf tho accounIs for tb. ycar l8G.-Carried, and tVouncil adjourn. Pr. Hope, LiNcs4y & B&AàVjuox KR. -The, contract for th.e «tension cf the Port Hope, Lindsay' & Beaverton Rsiiway Ec averton, vas awarded tb day 10 Mes- ers. Noble aMd.Mcntosh, contractera The otract specifoes that tbe road, muaI b. Inipbcd lu Demmsber oeil. Tas MIoGus Munnza Rîvzàan,-Thè 'ttau'a cil>' renard for the conviction of ào murderers of lb. late lon. Thomas YArcy fMee bau no benudistributed, nit the <Ytwen believes Ikat eschz of th. )011"00iwuopeciat dut>' A femytinglit >ut viii refoivàg $100, and aiaift th fftance viii probabi>'ho warded &Q oetecîlvo UNeil and Sergeapî Davis, ITbo natter, yul, il la supposed, copppbelore he City onncll saItla next.mooîlr* À Berkshire proacher receniy 'aMd- ',& doatb all mina ani deformities of man. tind yul bo sîrpped, from theai and huM.' I vith unquenchable Olue;«nd aeominil 0T9f wli b vore 11111, la; ~pepn F fi c p 01 cbi 0011080, lit ~' m 1, t Ïo o *ma fl a a indieio% pus îi salitaetorl 9 , to one,eilaim tsai omis:,n..$ac ad wbmon, e or u-. a " , ol porforp 'brais ]&aos smeài['uiî I mcml .mphatUoil7ogbjoàeto a ý g1 ia their teen., vthnooto soluae dion tha a pretîy face or c Weuy foi Place tbomieevoù sa iiauI ýViti mao wd ome of i4bc*l44à th. trm:h fores 11, - bat %lita deparisas are filhed wlth feu esi-rcvded, I > sa>', yul those v~serve the aolrzme ln' né otber va>' îhbu o emîcirsas itpu lie offielala Wuthb. d ,harge ofth.ir-dutit I coul4ÃŽfpnimisihe m236âosf1111ores Scores 6f vwomen 'vhomible hoa ydopai mela havj îtriod îo gel *rid of lin 1mon t su serabeing allen>' vorible#s, y avbee nable ta do taowin g ahou ieinolucs-..1 conld farniah ibe oan of scores of Vomoen *bo do not'pefotfm hour's vork per dieiln for the govomon Dlot l i r-imsp bocanselb v uavillinig, but bedaumthey di omol ai the work-shere being sotac >' ngaq la tb. marel'ahoi.' u Ibetho, bce' of Il: Oomptrcll@r cf tbe Cerreno>', for inalane4 one.third Dot the fo.. mployed vonld t sufficienî4o Po~i~ the labor. ThisI no speonltîz on ni>'part. I hno wvheri of 1 affirm. '-in the Post Ofice'àepaultme*Dthlbl proides for fifty>'femal*e orba,' and desli are aavanged for that nomber; ïStexý-Poa -master "Gemeral Esudail -appoiaied -ân« haudred sud £y@. _Dnring the lvo veel immodiatlet>' rîor ta bis exil ho appoint* <t> to mateeclorkai sud for vbat fvesa of tie omplo>'ed had uotbing ta do- naey, Dot ovin a tst la the offic. I cal concoiveofotno earîbi>' object Randaîl hat ini appointing theas vomonnt als it va ta embarras hii auccessor. 4 10 conclusion I liold "Ia 4omeavh( Ore «OmPoe«t taperforua -tbew minslaboi &0 mon mbould receive the "me compensa lion aud ho &abject tg the sainS conditions, fer.vicitiug vbick h tby souid ho dis " Ever>' vornn employed &ca d be sub 'eoled to the sème examinaltions, men, and peraonaF 614ànîy or' laxiiy;ot morals >ught.,not to-.,8a w mèd 'n. l toc ofien the case. The examining board hbould lie women. ln ordor Io prevent corruption in aIl bureaus whe v omen are ernplo>'od, 41~0a1 .4.hw agml uditors. I have an instance iu mn, mind vhere eue maliciona vornan cletk caused tho removal of soins dve or six Iaithful mon, simpl>' bocauso th.y refuý i edto leni mos.>' ta ber bad (T>, c vortbleo blackguard, vbo nover pald bis dotas. i1 am happy ta siate îbaî ibe audiior vbc made the"e reniovals baujust rouiAod*'ad gon. a e eWest. "Congres& or the Proaideni onght ta alord nisman protection, if tbey allov ni ta occupy offices. Ws ongbî nol ho be' ineuited by baving the paramnoars sud mistresses of niembers cf Cougrema forcedl 3pon os, and ho obhiged ta tolerate tbeir icieîy. day by day. Let Mr. Bontveil lean ont the rnf raff sud polution et bis lepantnzeai. Let hlm appoint moral sud ampoient voazený then lei na ho paid wcordîng taor monits. Sncb is the imnemu prayer ot ever>' honemî voman. FRON BAD rO Wessz. -Letton fron the City ef Mexico, troun varionis sounco,davn a Fob. 28tb, cencur la ieprosenting lie wuntrn i labout as vrecsed aecondition. is il, ever vas in or before lie dois oft ho Empiro." Anrci>' promuis alioos evon>'- 'ber., vieno Ilîcie are ne géecrnimeat 'conpa stationod, vus hihghway_. robbery, id cîher outrages, vithout nuïbér. Offi. elt atlcaznta ahowv hat la bo'ditrlcît rexice (cit>') alono, during tic pust volvo month», no fowyrtien 24,930 crian. nais, cf vanicus grades, voie in prison,- bat la te se>', somoîbîn; azoar, on ovor n par cent of Lie cotiro population t bis simple tact affordg a sfearfisi pictume lie existin; condition cf sociel>'. Wbst l e become cf sueb e country, sociait>', tlitically, or an>' other vay,-vbe cen ell. A La vivat arim Wwks.-Th, fmei etfIndia, mayg tise Kang of Burmsb ta 50 vives and 90 cldreni. As a aump- eous banquet prcparcd fon thoem sgiisry' nd is companion, tlierýi voe Mère tisan I kînda cf aveetmoals, includin; 6ifnied lbkets." lies. had been pieepared for oe Queens. Locusa are a dei>' la Con. %l Africa, but M. loft us in tihedark a the ciamacter of fnied cricketsi as a weetmeat. lhe establishment; et lbe dirsion la contolsdl>"anexpe"nmne.We 1th fnom the king thsua It Sioyuu t. aptain S aden '8 e p oring Part '. Pol t.f ii bl auc ci clii the nil onI fait CRI SALE 0Or VALITAN]LU STOCL,-Mr. -Snell, of Ci Jingscousy, bas &gain made a noted sale cf <ianadian stock for foreign parts. IThe Peel Banner says he rocently aold to Dr. L. E. Brown, of Eminence, Ky., a aayearling old onram15 nfor 50 aayearling otdm onr $2am fo d50 to Mr. John Oatlaway, cf the saine plce a young Berkshire mev for $10, and tour. R. H. 0. Bush, -of Winchnster, ]KY., a B3erkshire Boar for $100, Dust ixz:si r&zs-That vas a smart girl who consoled horseli vitb hthtouxht that the ame wind whîph disturbed érin- olino blew dus Inlto thé e yen of wlckod young mo1 n who wore stinding on the cor. ner tooebseris the Ooe. Boy xSscin sTeaeîvo,0-Oii bcd Fnl. dey>'neue Wiaton, a negnp jua cranved faim Tonowvasdrivin; tiro dai t047i>, vils a brotber daka>,'iben on Agmue sireet, tbo bope flan; îuov balleatai Ieai, Wlnton dçmw s novoleer fi s spocbet auj qtrngo *.bo>' lu 16efoot vithin su icheS e.asl ea, adctdi> rapidi>', but vwuparti e il suad -armeid Th. cmaevu betore fep qJ Court Io- da>', sud vasadjeurned lib * po -im bW ?#4 vç p4se4l ns nt jt .an t; le be iks ed Io r là. -r h nso *4004 oflied, on bor b>'lber parents onoondition thatsc. would vlila- quisti bis aoqualoîancee;'ggt babr taiu- ily is la great grief on saoont et bar 0,n0- duel.- This isvlm thé lcia-japrs ro- -poiltcýf ber, aitd 6 great deal -ot aanistby. bie been aroasdia hor behaf, specuali>' as lt Ua eonid.red'tisai Bragg sud fi coad- jalor npacaod Sargent have *nloved laïc lbagne tu, mwiadle ber of ber money. mise Ti!tou, ovvrdnis hai .6 sgoS040,-, 000 front ber fatber, or aeuo a oius. 5h. ey s bt, being the oui>' daghe@rin s famlycf fatber isud maiher and foar boys, mbe did the vont etfithe bouse, and vould bave.ik large 01aim '"the .14 maiz" for "hiedgirs"vagsif that vu tu, b. tak bio fie, accouas. An Ottemptis- > d te induco hor la relara <o ber home,' sand Biekett produced an order trous ber fAther la îteu*d-'but soedenie. ils. genaiimo- ane eft lat-omder, suid îbiuhs it c forger>' contrivedb>' Briokoît., $he agira_#,Ibai mbe camo té, Hamiton b>' herseif,- sud w!aaîm people 10 understawl thal abs la ber ovu aistresas, and acta le ail hensoîf. Sbe dou'î mach approhat. lopatby-thinks thias thon iv'o haie thi t ommodil>' o10 »pare bad » botter take h o elswbre. 'A& plan veà laid b>' a Boston detective,' nawed'Ruater, 10 carry ber off hodil>' on Tusda>' nigbî, but abse and Sargent, gel- lin; wiud of bis intention, secroil>' left for other quartera of tbe city, and emoaped., - This ltule embroglio promises ta hecomo moro inioremting smdli.i Too, Gond Io le Trao. 1 tc de et Re es 811 hitte-and, nçb.rons' ooatop anse,& ho erad nl içrb asoli e' Europeh aM limes b »ehir'oô4iapmp,;as lu ths caseva Pelar Ifrns, lh. Prino's; Highsland or' b i se h .Invebtéd An ngonlops d:1. tion of bis klled attire to tboIcitde& mololy % inadmiration ef Mr, Diaraeli'a s trtsw go vindicate the race et Isrcml, an lu ipproval of hic vie*&and opinioncs.o the subjesi ;P"sud tlb. testatrix 'expreiss .4 vwsh ihal Mn. D sraeli houhda b an fR. Mapiot>" permission te o tie hename ud araeof the tamilies of Leursfani Mondas do Cossa-te lien of- or preceden loe s suansd.arm et DimnmeIl.T h, imu&te Il oudeo fitbunoble bouse a Bairiaga i John Sbuite, Emsq., a be risser, te vhous Mn.>Wihdaaneof Becket ius Bershbire, althoagb tac relative sud bu a mUigisaceinaubiesîbed bis eos talo, deelain; that -theenou;'reamon ho bai for ushing Mr. Shute lais hein vus, th&a ha consildered buils. ýmoat-ots>'of ai Jio kaav et adeption, atter the marner, o: Ltb. Roman., s mode o etetlo; propéntj et vhblchohealvsyï approvel.-Sir B, Barko'i Vicissitudes of Families, Revimel Edition. As ii ess xmraçs.-Tse Londou ps- pari reter îo, tb. arrivaIe,1 af àoung lady o] Irishs paranlage vhouo stature fuil>' entitea ber le rnk amongît lthe ictest, of bai spocies.MiW Ana Svan-or snchl tho 'name eftIbis luit London Wonder- tbough ou>' 20, yeara et agi, bas resched the aztrsordiniy boigbt et eighît est -and orne inch. Seaed, aoqbe ventops a aitber ovu ses, sud standing, l'b. taîhest cf mates appeare dwsnfed b>' ber side , Ber 1igure is admirabty proportioned 10 hor s hehgbt. Her faeu la oval ;théee'. laquick- aad intelligent' tho, non miraigbl sud Roman, sud tbe chiaeof vbicb thero h. a profuse expansion eesî* b, Weil tlnad. Ber lene of voice la raier loiv and Tgentie,viii 8oueviat et the American Ivwan;. lier bain, vhicb vas dr.eeedlun. tb. modern (ashion, lat lighi breen, snd in front, 1,11 an tvo tîck: cri, on'-her nolk.. Thon wbo bave men thee otof otO9Bniea, tho Irish kiant, la tb. Colle;.etorSurgeons, and that ot lb. Irish ek.1' in tho Museu, wiît not lb. aurpriaod eai h. product et a gigantic tomis c f 9jrni&uoii. Muswum &T GuiuNvIL9. .-Hawkesbury, larcb 27.-On Fnida>' moraia; a old man named James Neagle vas tond dead in a stable noar Ritchiel'. Holel. Prom marks fonnd on - tbo bod>' il vasquiloe eident thal bere had heen font play'.  coroners aquos vas beld, and a post mcrtemet-' aminaîlon vas made on Ibe body b>' Dr. Rbebots. The verdict returned vas ibat te decaaed had corne o is deati b>' lov, at tie ibandsoet me person or eoinsnnoov. We undersîaand iai s san amed Patrick Cala Lu es on anremîed in suspicion. Neagle vas upwarda of 80 Cari of age. ------- NÀuisov E"CAP£ or A, LeIcN-îÂsss.-An kvoniurens Englisi lieu lamer lea s ur- 'uv escape et bis liiteeu' otier day ar the noens on tho Boulevards, lu -Paris. In îting bis badA mbthLion's monîb, tbo aOmpteur-neckosicd vitieul bis host, fer oi animali immediatel>' ctosed bis pondar. ws jae, sud veuid bse soon turned bis aster into a veritable beadleu cln but -r, the timel>' intervention et an assistant r4 b, diring a gon, frigiced ths ani. m3ot and made hlm release tbe o hofthe îaaptur, The tee ienturesorno lamer ut o09 vittià a tleethar aka. A trial vhicb discioesafihul81te feialt>'i in lic Io va cf Montauban tusiaken place oefeooLte- Court cf usîzes of bise Tra--ut-Garenne. Tho rimenersa cigit ha nusuber .and ail ftomates, ore chargcd yul, procuring abersen- ae, narned Delpech, or Ltce gresa, as ah. now called by> thi peoople, vwas likeviso wnsed cf murderna; ine infants, vbuch ad been conflcled te lier eiticî te place Lia t aura. or to otbcrwine- disposeoret, iê e sbâtd!ulowned in à a su cfater id het baried thl ien ba celiar With se exception, aIl lhe priseneis* ceuafssedl abquncomw'bcbaighî evoensîdbail î i net bienseo1 n il1me, sud for the me. - woalary alarna it croea mongýthose in- altondance ou tho rlince-'andPI- ce-enda.".- Gratitude moyean1the heart of t hocou- respendeol, and.ho re m- "lTuer. ha, vo are fold, às1pastyv.bwie pretonda thatEgyp la oin; bck instead. et advancing - but il nceds a ver>' speciai; knovîecgeo f'bbe country>'e bm-an ophu.ý hon on ChatWpit. t 1is quit.eévident tie hn t1i- mode of tmestin; anilurisvs- fo6r, isuai Pacha bis nothin; btairn ouhonotcivitia ed and- polisbcdns liens ia Europe lit aI ia>'o ecaitcion -ndeed,1 1 don't ?rctend il la-et the con- ditionoof the people hovoies; but, SaI&Il eienls, il;preveata rude *criticisam on Ibe part, of Englishimen, and it abould com- mand the gratitude ho tuis instance eft te nation vhhcb la honoîod han1the person cf, fls Prince.,h It I-ellfor man>' rossons thel the"Priîîce saould corneë bore. aI n ano Cgo ing . tewnielepitics or ta indulgo la an>' envioaisrsmarks respecting 1h. influ- ence o oui gall ant allios, but 1 s.>' liaI il .s-uitoaa well te lt il b. seen liat Great Britain takeés semoe interosl isiEgypt, and, 'althougi lbe Princ's iasit is purol'f, par- nod~al, il vill do goed inzuan>'vaya." Thé Royal Paît> ' retoiicd eveyX atten- lion. Who would net like to travel in lhc fellovin; style?-. "1Wherevcr vo move a lineof eton vîth blazing btaoonm et finowood andi coals la mron frames hetd sioft on long potes, liglît up bbc bank till ilI bave relîred fer the nighl. The landacupo Is ever changiag, ttzough bhcre la a certain monoton>' iiv the outtinea eftIhe scenery-rich green fielda bounacd b>' lbe pale sandslono ridgos of the Dowrt meuntains, vhich mark the hauts cf lbe cultivatod tend, baked mud buts and humblo domos and cupelas,J clumpa cof date palm tracs, >OProfpset o- men shrouded ln dark bhîno cleaka vith vater jars ett1he river aide. koofetn and files cf soletun camols 1on th3e bank, streaka of witd geese and ducks aeroslie ean aky, and the ever tniting fellah wilh 0057 a 'vaialltb on bis brown body, working et tie water lutsa nsing con- i tribjution iresa tho pliant>' '1#ing Nile te i tho lia> eanth above, whici sucka lhem t in te tftrov cul ail thb ounteous nichnss of le vving crps. These on land, and9 an the ahining river iascIf 'huge laleen1 silcd bouts ladon vitb angar cane, chop- ped strav, aliango boxes and bundies, ceopa cfDwls anti gobblhng lurkeys -stru- ting on lie top ef the coopa, fellahs and negrees wvue.vork ethle cars vhen th. iind la perverse, 10 lie rytima of a Wiid momusicai chant. Wien thea steamers are moored lhe Prince goneral>' f pa a iit on board lis Duko's veasotl or goea eut witb bis gun hato the fields, buit i labo dark te de much b>' thal lime. itter dinner s kind of unceremoniena avec ià4 ielilintho aloon et the Royatl stcamor, and stîsîna ef music float out il ovci tia sileal fields. At dawo the flo- b illà is on ils vs>' soutbvurds butor. th1w cares et the day have summonei thc Part>' a to arise and onje>' the freabonassot the mor- nn. The groat excitement la munnung aground and getting off egein -the next Il a, perias, the Prnimce gela; off te shoot Dr to flsh--but liera is a peranentoo, neyer ailing pleasure la the conscionanesa of aN being alive ha sncb a climate, Pyramida nc ad ruina defle before us like a panorama ci )n which we -gaze witi a dreamy blisstul P Wanquilit>',and il la almoal Icoomuci 'rouble ti be calteonOta1rend Muzrray, )r fix the point on a map. Nit admirari an bo beat understood lIn Egypl, viceeO0 ;er. is more te vcnder at thman in an>' u and et 1hie carti." fa Tho leed reached Luxor on tho 1111h vi ?ebruarn>. -<'About midda>' the Prince and in ?rnucoas tarted for tise rûins olttbe Tom- Aes et Karnak, magna coiantë cakmri, id a ver>' prctty procession itvau-lhe g nincess, on a mhlk white sus, caparismned mcrd velvet and gold, and the Prince on et z animal ef tbe marne khnd, oftdarker bue;' ha ntact, tho donke>'in haeb.favorite liere, as, MA e hors. ia general ' fldgoby, beadba- iu;, mucz acigiha, and glven ta Vpund ' id ,);,y tumblin, vhich in a bot sua 0 id on broiling isanda la net conducive te 9' omfont Inlaconotion. And then the omo grandeur cf thb. mmcd Temple 1ia twould ho beyond tise pover of &DY>o nird. vici 1 cao muater te doscribe if tlb voiee necded, Ilieso majestic romains,-a rh ch for'tho greater part of the day veoie led by a teeuzing crev*. Witb the on. ceateal perseverance lbe Pnincesb vnlkod 1 -orM lb. bu;. -i slcos, cxploreèd Vreeses Doube Ti CONNE&J-ÂsW y, on Saturday, March 27ï of brain fer I, e S. J., only daugizier of Mir. . L. Coasor, aged 2 f ears 4 moi3îha sud-14i days. - WI4by,- Apdli 1, 1869. Y~lIWboa ... $0,90to $0 95. Baly . ..... 81,15e.. $1.30t. Pes_ Ucs o ii. ecs. Oals .....,.4est Oa Pork. ...,$7J to S!, NEW ADVERTISEMT. S PECIAL -NOTICIC. Tho. rmatlcstarri, liîadaobe,- neuralgisa,-m4 unterm Ila -panTmodylin nqussitiably ithe moat agreeablo sand efficaionis ranzedy known to modenuscieuge.. k -trelievea aIl pain ii. stantaneouptly, sudd rdeduoi infiamution wkIh rapiiity-c-rcating a JiEailti ct ot .1u dis. oucd origans, nuutralizing al-polionona-febut and making àn rupid an'd radical cure of moine, of tho mont distreaajng onaplainta tg vhich inankind arc mubjeet. Bl4ggs'_ leemtr la scld by, J. 11.,QEItlilgE Agcnt Wliitby. Get t-text it-i'pead of il a vi mdii i L '"(- RIGGS' "IU .ivi la a mac auud certain remedy- for coirn,bunious _ringmffle froâ;ý& e nta, bmrmea, soctiin, heilig oitinnt.SoId byi J. IL GERMIE, Agett, Whitby. C. H. Wmannî& G., Haiitn, Ont, gneral agouti; for thié Brtimii po,gf essons.8 S TORE. DWELING& PRENUIES At Port Wlsitb9, Lt preet oeonpiad, by thes uuderalgud, - Whitby, Maroli 81. 1869. Liat of Unlaimed etters remalnug lu Amnaîl, Jolhn Anderson, Miss Adamt@, Heonry - Bovorman, W. D Body Geo. Brown, j9brmsu 2] 'B.ZleaW. BryanJelun - Boul, liem. B. M... Mtils Barber, Misa PC Brou-n. Hiranu lie, John Elack, Jolin Caempbell, Lue>' Caw pholI, TMin Clitiaxi, T. 0. -, -Clell, Edvari Copeland, ]Barry '(Toaguùrop atuec C~arnag>', Jas. f2) CoiFins, Mbat. Croie, Andrev Camzpbell, jr. Je Chambers Th-utma Crcsnan,;. Mr COtnig, iU%. 0. Camnithes a, Mis Creissan, Mr%. J. 'A. C.Ig g M n Mri £ Clesrvatm1 E. B. Craveord, .ioâîii Crawfumd, iW. Donguil,J. hl. 1,Dow, D. 8. Dulby, Wn. D ' Io le Edvardl Da-rtaebh, Itrsam eetfG. à. iurtueil. Dunslop, Migs Liuce. asma A. Dnnlop 'Edwar da , ii.. iz i EllordJan e & Eliut, URoat Eu-ring, Tuca, cane J. Flinît, W. Furnatd, E. B. Feston, IL. E, Frenich, dana PrFie, irâ. Femmythe, Jas. le,1. ~ 2] (Zr.iliam Geo. Gnîzig, -Cltarlas, - range, Brou. nAsveaà; Miss L. J. came Jas. Griffin. Jutmu4 "Stojir Grabsaî, Misa ElIzabeth loorialo, W. H. (idnJohn! iijuck, LHrIvel, MIss C. . lual. U . . lyauinati, -Domati>' ilanusuan, W. IL. (2) Huggiuis, Alteet hloma-J, Mm». Etail>ly-obemon, a. B. llertop, banuel Bluikie, I. J. Uibbotrd, Misa lieafl ood, lient Ilolti>', Win. [2], IllillJO n initie, Mr* Lathen Jolinmon, huass "0i. Jobaiton. kMa séJ.A, Jo>lanton, Jo#i Janie, Miobasi -Jolitsian,GOcorgo Xc>', David Keftir, Witn. Kiateesair, John KatLabâo, Wrn; Kisnffntau, 6. 1JEU1 Mr. Thiomas lAv>er ledston., George Logan, Miss Jane C. - arge,ê Jr., johni Lloy;d, -Wm.l Me M 1»lsA cEMrma EsEllsu Moore, Wm. Moore,Jantaa Masirer, Lonadal, Morle>', J. Ç Munis>, G. (cars t n.f fr,). Q- megmutb, PuîrlçkI.Momuvw, Miuss sa Morhon; Miatear>' - Mor' Misa 1(mis Michael Mima Margret Marila.1saAna Moore. lilima Mari, (ocre J. L.Smith,)- 'Morras, bMuS Moia, John- Unvls, Myron - odouinoîl, Mia. .- 0'Lsaryi Arthur - O'soal-mwrgret O'Coauor,wTi9h arr 1laueIm>' ?troieu, A, J. V., (9) UYConno, -Mim a ae Powell, Mass M. L, Pailler, Joha A. - Irel>, John - Pardon, Mistx4- s- Raeamer Mibs C. - Emrner, John itoal *"ad ankîl i. .J iMari& rd lk us t!7 aud ve andlta give 1 Par" sde. tain il by a& eft til Qn itbM la bereby ïzgh -LAWI COUN' for tise carre- Ing viiereot, ter Sessionr, 13th Do belng ti. Sns etOryer sud 1 cry f<or thee Dated 29ti By o, $10 B.8 n)N tho Si loupe. FA"RE &àh CON About 90 se Pauni. Tii the boit-noted £ir dd. tir.. miles fi tari4ge1 i -- - 1 If la doguaioally afflrrned la a pnoeorb, vici, dempile oe tdu auîîy riyue, im very -.phesant toe . ar'et cbildbood , btt S "AIl werk and ne play Miike Jack a dull boy ;" là but tise terrible eoumequeuces' ihat vould -cuesue, if tbe converse oft iis propositioa wt oe truc, bave neyer been embodied lnaa s pepular miu. Dr. Watts, indeed, bas îiavomn a luttle ligie en the- subjecowien d 'hLcescus ILat h "Mataaî Sndis soe nmiscliot still, il Fer 1db. banda te do."P R is dictum, Loweyer, is orrect, ouI>' under certain limnitations. Ihore Ileach a tIblu, if vo believe Sir Jantes Macintosh, a la vise and uterl ni> lsivit>'." 1Tic dphrase vas' applied b>'iLu te îLhe Route of Gommeus, and il us>' ho spplied iy us te tbe Dominion Parliameut, in preference le accousi; Il t oflangu*or and iaziness. Under au>' circanmacm, vent of occupa. lion,-accrding te tLe Loadon Froc Pross,-bas ratier a beneficial effecl upoa r sadian membens. lis>'apparenîl>' 1mecrele durna; Ieir vacation an abucrual 9amount of aluost cbivamirous scoapuosi>'. " IThe tact ia," vwritcs tip Froc Pres, " iLbatase hittlo Laie tLe members et tic Dominion Parlismont le do liatmI ncf c lhorn féel aalaanmed tedrame (udr pay I' Diogenes bas beerd ueo>'-jokes in hlm lime, bsut neyer gbt hiko ILia. Ifsa greup et tbose conacienioum politiciaus could ho pbotogrspbcd lu the mos et receivia; Iboir psy, it vouhd b. a veluablo contribution te ail, and foru a unique study ofthe mod. cml, ef buman nature. But, untoitunatel>', il would lie impossible le get lies. Par- isueutar>' peragens loether, for ticaue roumen tbat tbe bistorian ofireîlund omit-i ted te describe is oaes. Net 10 putc too fine a point upou kt, i"lien. are ne inaes in Irelaad." -- . - a-- -- A SOLDIzERS TRIKE5 DcvN IimsS SnzBOR Orvaogt.-A sceao suci as bas seldoun, if ever Leoe, laken place lu milliar>' lits, vas vitneased lu Toroato en Saturda>' hat et a garnison court martial asoubted s tie Old F.,rt Barnack. Privai. Michael Moren, oethe 29tls nogimneni vasbrougis a bafoue tie coutun, pretilded ever by Captaini Gene, R.A., vien Le imuedietel>' kaooked duvu Sergeant F. Pearman of Lis ovo negimesat, tbo principal vitress agahoat hlm on tLe cbarges et drunkoaneas, Ibreaten- h0ga; d au nsubordination upen vbich hobe vast îe h.tried. Prison., vas handcufcd Ï at once sud tabou bacb undenseort lev the guard neom. Afler a shiort intervali he vas again brougit up, sud tiseevideace board againat Lim, lLougL theo vîtacues vhiie givin; Ibcir lealirnon>' vere traquent. b>' int-erupîcd b>' tLe smae. eansd0 imprecaîlona et tb. prisonor. A report t vihi et courso be made oetbauextra aseos et violence sud lamuhordiation-the,.iratIlh et viehbyhe ioarticles cf var enîsils the Il paniabuneni t ofduith. It in savid that a Mornea-la an o1d and hardeued ruffian, t o wtiom bis rcgimenî veuld >'eara ago, baieb beau vel nid. 0s Ho 1 resa s PACîrzo. -gaastis4ev«S York ExjWëss a-Iu one of- Goorgo M.' n Dailuc e btera et 1851Ï vb)be Minlater at, Lendea, ho aistièipated a grecis futaie- for tl is ceuni>', vhea lb. Pacifie Railreoad 19 ahoald b. finlabed, .1 île ond oet "Ibir>' yet,. ,Jane 19,1809, vhlliel a Rigtoad completai[ trous Bangor, Mcinaet té USan e Francisco>, aud a veek yul talé a Criaveller from Nev York Rarbortle__Sian FraaihSçop e Ba>.-Could vs do tisai nov ' vo ehould ni un Oéi.ifôaui la aiiaL h baf uf i W vernal Spîlu;. W o cuni37 Statue sud, T 9 Tortorlas te-day. 'What- viiH b. our i grévib 'inStsteop Terrh?Ã"ufes suad Poopla l in he oeglo 140 Who 0"atell? Fana>' Fera havi»;ataie 'tbat "mon oft -t hbo pres4 ei~~y Ait ver; fait," P!uctlq re, of Ple, tî bel 79 9 lsyp to caohhe ta SUoÂAR USEI.-A ',Uniaina pmer bas )e ettoving î "A mother and ber ohild ore accidonîl>' gronnd up la Bog&gs', sugar ns iii lad vWeek. NVc regret lie acci. en a thoqualit>' et auge! fnmnisied; aI da place bac boen ver>' geod." RAsa> oi ex smaociAàv.-Of tho 60,- )Q porsons holding office under the (Ion- il thenaeaîo lu.., tiers-arc 4i e bb eglbaan'400 DPçpots t ypogiaphic'al ailtako of a 'V' for an "-de a paper sa>' -"'A -loceqiotive a over* ccov mnd ont il fno ecshve." TÈÈE.çAnulo BY.LAtw, granling $ 10,- )0Oo e T oronto and Nipissiag Rsitvay T133 - Pauscu OARLs;-Tbree-ttousand les ofth1e French cable.ý are ready 000 bave ticen stoved on.board t e Frest Eastern' auth be balance viii Le aiplct.d lun1May.' ,SIX OONE0 I» 1Y-ÀHL<.iiOsN 0* e mza.-A jury of is; hites and sex Sols vuaiammonoa agst.Fiaul te h>' sagie. T6. whlîes voienanîimons for quittal; the blachs nmMoùo ~toÃŽtr ky, Dîta Hàr.-ay les alllng iu Ottawa $20 a ton. As hlàh U 19 a tp bisu ça oIdewt*Rtorf - , -

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