Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1869, p. 3

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T'a tUote4 Iwo Wiitby, Mor*b est,,I1le.,.là- WANeD- SSTUONG ACTIVZ4LAD, of, (air 00~ ldon, on an Apprentigo t0se Fintlng màleas. Enqfâire at tise '60oi i lai.pjer. - aXie At- Do»uble TURBINE WATER WIEEL. ,E WU m COMZAL WEUI.noV s1ir i ou Sala as.' 7rnIBox Wheels ve sr@ Dov manufu.turlug .Lcsper tison ADJ otisar *hop ln the coun- S edwe yl give a guarani4o with eacoi M41wbiisutiug tie. te oLesuWe il made, end ta Ma good smtlesfoin mi amy matn- fatu lu thse Dominion. Parties deiriug fatis.r intonfatlon ean ob- tain it by addreaiugn PAXTON, TATE à CO., J'ery-St., Port Porry, Ont. Üajeis 81.1, le". 18 TFL'E SPIIING TiERM ofis, Institsation wiii gommnee On Monday, Aprfi 5th, 1869. G. IL. MIEL Clisuintîsu Board of Troutep,. p UDLIC NOTICI& la b.reby gîrveu that lu purguance of thse pro- Violons of t4e 1L A*W REPORX ACT 0IF 1868, ail seoonta aSs4doieusndsa W b. pissierreti agaSist tise COOUNTY 0F ONTARlO for the currant year, thée opprcvissg snd audit lisg wserssot, betoforc boeuossed tisthe r. terrOessslon», must b. desilverssd to th ise lrk ut t tise Poue, ou or beicre tihe it Day of .&PRIL Next, ccthse finilday of tihe sittlug tof tise Court of Oyer sud Toruiner and genieral Quoi Doliv. dry for thse snld Co'cty. Dateti 29t1s doy of Marcis, 1809. 13y order oftie Ciuirman. i. J. MACDONEL1L, eàClark ut the Pl's. ofutOtario. $10 13ANE BILL ]POUNDI ON the Street$ lu Witby, on Sstursisy touit. Tise ownir cm lave it by cellitig hs iis Offic, proviug proporty and pay ing ex- pens.s. J? .RB POU MALS, OR TO -RENT. FOY ObsiàOr t roui, a firt-clasa JFrm, com- jsriaing 100 ActeMOrN or lissa, Eut liait cf eot e. 5, la £lo âth CONCESSION 0F SCOTT, About Po &ores Weil clessredr sud tre, trous Ptnmps. Tihe t eortise Lesit qisssity, sud ho. ieîil nototifor lias ie wlsa4t #ruîueîssgî)ro qert1çs.. There aire goisti houa., traine giusrn ]Jrvis; liOuns,,good weliofter, asopluiid Lrobard &a., on tise preusls,.Tise lantslnl 406 a1sgssmeo cutii io. tuat4sd about three lnle. (rom tise smportut Yilsog.et( x- .&ppiy tW P. iB. WitIWElýP, Wjiby P. 0. INSOL#VENT &CTOT 0- 1864 la tbe Mtter ot JAMES P. BUTLERL sud TXIIOMAS ALIISUN, ladilluly; sud au ,oo-p*rtuerm ot Uta ranetoi ts RUT- LEUL & Co., tormeriy of thse Village ot Obwa, lnsoivmt.. .9HECaiIEITOU fIbc Jao »onts ore "4ted te ane4 s (Jiu eMMcfrtise un- earsigued lu the Town of Witlay, Couty"Of 00ti, OU TUMODAY, 1ut% day e 411I'L, 10f,aL Io'eioock lln thetynoon for tie ex. ficilIlon l J4Ijsevvsu ad for thse order- loig c th.#s&tire 4thee Ktat. g.eraily. And thse "d niuoiveuîp *re hersby saummtoue t 4tiood "id us.$.ng, audtW biugwith tisea Papukt1 Wes au Docunsenle la tiseir eoàfflioiî, bolkeg Wthé E.tate. JAX Es HOLDEN, Off" iel mu. ved t aI Wis 81,4srJ arpis, 1049, l2,U,18 Boed 3Bel , eed Peau, and Tb. ubs.rbli,.r basonu d sud for sale et F RENOH MAN'S BAY: W boa.umof prigue Seed4a0. 1(0 > - d 1 " 1 uidn vna NO0 'd"é BCore) ophinsWea. _ ma-A7;,18l. W. W1I1TKM5P~, Piok.ripg lfaatscur. Hâve Uats and Cape..,. In. a short, time ie iIIbe able ta'ad*ise, youof the arrivai -of ou atire 8Spring. Importations, whioh will 1e very large aind co1ùp1ete, 1anT'as ,each »:depîr~tment ila always large -qid well -aseartcd,' custoulers -ose, no timneinmsigp- gri~e ataustabuialiment. LOWES kPOWELL. Whitby; March SOth, .186K.1 1IE undersigned takes tMs appôrtunity of thankiDg T h ulcfr thevery generous support awarded K ahlm in the paýt, and begs ta inform them that ie lias, opened a'. New Boot'aýnd., Shoe S-tore, IN NO. 39 TILL'S B!LOOK, WHITBY, Opposite the Commercial lotel, Brook Street, where lie will keep on hand and make to order every descriptionof«lBoots and Soes. g2W' Please call and examine the stock. w h 8z Tili'. Wira r 'Othe17, 180 9. JOSEPH MACHINE WORKS. ESTABELtiuts1851. * Joseph hlall Mlanufacerng Company PROPRIETORS, OSHAWA. ONTARIO. Iseffél's Celabrated Amerîcan Double Turbine Water Wiseiî,p fiémi encuf pet and meo.omical lWeter l'kul l& W0 aie thse cnly msufnnactssrera wlsu ean fur- niah tise gessssioe Leii'ei Wiîeei" lus C#aus,sw wili becsacon by tise folluwlng certificate, $SvflmsoumîLP, 01110, »GO. 25h, 1968, W.ulaite plesauise lu iiufortsiusjg tise pubhi oru Causssdis, <b-t wu e s'old cand fursiutsietiMr. Y. %'. GLexe f ,Itl'slssws, Os.tariu Il'tterni porgneraé, IDrawlsisa, Usin¶esîas Ï ail eUjr sseeegsury igàiorsti4stlus, te )uiljd u»r selei'r#to4 I)uuilo'utriiso 1ater Ml Isel, lsss'estcd by JAu sLkVYzL sud kssowus as tige Il flel furisials tise siiiiie feuil îiies f'.r uiiststru te pîo ether parttes lu Cirnda. Witisuut tise cpli, aiacfflstuuy ispilti ear Wlieeis,, assd ve utivise partie#slu Canada te purcisoOunr fuseliltica are usslaauseti, cuti e fecl sure tuait Is liel el thost wllf give sotha- acticu. W. etero ec anser.d filmas W<tie subleof Cossadla wltIs outiras confdeonce foot. 0 gaurso ise yu lissusur, a WlseeJl uaIlH respcecta equel We Our uwn. (dlgui,ï) JAIMEs LEYFXL & Co. WARILANTY, Our wbeclgses awarranUdtetouorW teo) enl sstist.setiun, ifproperiy pt ,md tafen cane of-sudti tsounif tsey- o, icnt penforinte tise eitre satisfaction cf tise purelaiatter t rssnuiug thson 60 daou, <bey nasy returu lise uhe tino, and wu wiii pay îrelght, boWh ways, fond atit alpaytnntb made to ts tiriee, Thia gasaran" ical! use tril a d. bores) W. Wo ciiiospeelsl attautien WOur arupenior Oeslng of*ai l hids for atliý lsa u iiele, tnadalightandadaptedto ii bigla apeeiaI whicls tise wiseeis rmn;We caution pureisas- ors aust oinaulg isavy sliatting sund geang- su r P#a luDjsehure ail Jliuds et $*wu On~ur Mill e ry I atng $m Englis aandi Boloers, Eng lias sd Âmeticusl GansMadettpç t pl-eligCirenlar sav-BLjî, Vrlghtas4Pol listing MI&DI» baw Eig,uetnio, M hafttîn, Pailles ant iohngorts, ego, . 4fqsigMblgl lbschiuels anti Joint- eMi Lotiesor 81ltIng uMacinea,ENire Gaiud- aus, Woolon imtulcr, Wauulsugon Houd- Pniutlug Preissae, Uurdeu's Puwer-L'resm Tay Ioni ' yderl'rasa,'auti Bidies laretoéUt Pump.* tstalcgne. utoiulasg full, luntormnatlcn foi- Addnerifsa 6 7, W, (ILEN, sremi~lenI, fi-l J p a n la u ,4 PSTHONER1Y STORE In 'rolde itial1he DmIIy Newapers 0ani a 4 ltivsa lsî' .sttpuliton fts tdiac ever9tIglutncy sn 26rey stre eU lho = ,OUdo Ile promis@es. Evoryt bing thse best and sold ut lowest prioca. LEWIS ALLIN. Brnaok Street, Whitbys Muisl24, 101. ,12 ]PRESMEYWETOUR HMALTEf DOMINION BITTERS! Tp Il18 eiebrated Tonlis la îapidly pgsing b j.worliulwidle colebrity, boisig used snd recomusesded b y the imont omisint IPleimusin wlieraver thny bave bei,,is Itroduc-d. As a Blood l'urifls, and a regunistor of tihe ?ppetita. "I,"ise ssot b. equsiled. Oise tria i w hauib- stasatesto tisse limportanit 1a-t. Msnutacturcd sud soid, Wbuiosoie and Re. tsil, hy STE1sY & ISFUft«LLý Wbitby. gW» Ail ordo"ra it nt Mr. gimitli's (iste Si.urrili'o) Weittern flotel, Dundau Street, or at tise Msnnfcory, Eut M4 intimer, will receive psompt attantion. Wisitby, Mareh 24, 1869. 12 m ILCU COW FORU ALJe5 NEWLY OAL VEDI Warrauted gooti fur Dairy purpose.. .4pplyIy snuecisitely lu 's, ROWLAND, Pou t W hitby. Wrhitby, blarch 24thi, 1559. 12 * 3ut3UAurnuas e us. eite the r,, is~ud~. I groi~d~ 4, Wltis Les tirir'É 0O*d uats re Your thrift ana consfort te ounstnre. A& sundera'$hiop yon can Procure.- Boots 8troug'mud Niceê 4ud veltise7iloei'and uif u-dà*e-, Observe,- John Satündtùs, nearly po Rayai-Canadian Bank, Br6éýSt# t I~ty ir uîswy, esoren w, aeoiu. STILL U-iy THI3W COlITE I THE -SUBSO;RIBER BEING ABOUT TO COSE UP, THE (Jrockery, Gas atljenware -Portion of his busineàs, will frc>m tiis. date shé,sle ame AT 'COST, '(NO 'ýHUMBlUC.> Bargaipa cgu be secured by an earlyoeil, as the stock is com- plote in every ýdep*rtýment. PillÉ umoiuumxuu--1,R 1 niail profits and upriglit Al.says on band. Sin degling ia my motio. Try us. Cash paid fgr Any quantity of goud> Firkf'n Butts., Whitby, Mfarcb 81, 1869. Corner Byron sud Dundai. Street», opposite Eoqbsop Iffouse. - E -:o . S. Just arrived a splendid stock SUMMER.t TWEIEDS, &o.,i of Spring and GENTLE1flEN'S TAILORING AND FINISIIING [10118E Gent]èmcn's Furnishing Goods of cvery description, embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C, gW YO FIT NO PA.Y! Brock et., Wbîtby, Mardi 24, 1869. INSOLVENT ACT 0P 1864 « dm AND AbIENDMENT9 TIIJIItETO. - 1VFRANCIS* Ni; B.ý-SalitPl&atàç gnd Waerlime où lhan Wltbye March 24tbp, 16. et w 3 -pd -AT-c~ I MeMI- AT- Sow on MONDAT, thse 201h W lus tise llowlng lines cf Dow gouda 19prEY qO1TTO$s, WRItE -COTTONUo, IIRILLIANT8, FANCY DREIS 000151. sor A .Jcb ULof Deleines s0d Prini&sta ALDWEILLIS Coiebreted Aie., lu packages of 10, 15 aud Te . l. ILLAÇ k Co# Itarcis ", 1849. Sping Oampaign Begu! AT THE FTIINIIIRE WÂ HERO OMS JOHN TILL *C 00. IN CALDWELL'8 I3LOCK, Will~ ~ ~ b befuidte lr t and most complete assortment o velîtuade FURNITURE l ine ossnty. w. cilergreat inducesnents tW partie. about te funnissb, as WC BUY FOR CASH we cpn.aell cheaper chan any other retail bouge iu tstrd.Acal! Wo inspeot our stock la moli cites). W. have aiso on baud a large and yaried aesortmnent of And some veljy fine GILT CORNICES, which we offer very Kani h b=taiss la-co - Boeitl Matpiewton e, Lb, a~ pr p. i i carfaliv drised sud join4e4tr, sait houekeépers, and for scie nt the lcY*Sjj- corna !BeetPork and!- Ox Tonguelg cureti lu àsupror nmner; ad everytisin ln the, Viotneling lino kept constatly o. baud. l tinmemb.r tishe WSbcp--betveeu lte ére e me.R.Hatch and4 Loes A.Foweli 'il,. loy, Weare aIse Agente for LARARD & KRIEGHOFF'S ~0PATENT SPII*IO BEBSI conly of 01tario, I - IEREBYGI VEN. 1 0 7 rr : 1 1 t h a t tise - c u nt o f Asize, Ns.., Lina, Oye-k end Temtner and Ganeri Quoi Delivesy,'vll b. boidenluasd for th. Couty nitriso, ini the Ce'srt Rutue, lu <ho Town ofciWhitby, Tsday, April 13th4188% At tise. hur ofUt 1 clucl ppon, out vieAicsi coroners, Jusqtisn ut thse peaeu d Aliothert cunceruccl, vil tae notice, auk goveru theni- elves cordigiy. NEL13ON G. EYNOLDS. - 5heiffC.O. Per &. IL Tuanlinien. ob ISha ifa 11 ., W hiif y, - J o b , l l i s go8 0 9 . 7 - A M W TIN AH P- TNorder W meuet thse inureafnsingdosnand il h. Irt ti e sss a d -by tise b u ld ing ot tise sirnad and thiseupurtiug. ut valocîpede, tse u'ubscuhen bas opessed s tove andTiq bhop, une duor sents ut'Till & samo'a Fusný QUCKR. turcs ,Tovirtise bAe. s-j'y b.Isod, suda 11mousser ut TinLtmit1s vork dunceon tis e sineat uos,.e. S1dIron, coppcr, ]Braus"Cetu u Liueun ags5 Woel l'ickinga, lonne. Hais andi ail nMs111 utoftruck totken lu excisarge. WisitbY, Mssreh 8tis, 1869. IfeENBYNt1C TMIOTEJL RIEEpERS. A. RARE AN E Pjssjg pbusi tp retire from bniueaaq,, tfie uss deretgssed buga to uffer Ou tssvuapble 4ermi, bis gandti wll ut tiseufoyrAL IluvT£ Tii sis gond opouing for glZsI Perouss deirocig ot me Iculuf 9 irt-enog uIica, tise "tei bl e. lfg verY beosstifssiiy sItuiet eus Lake »(;ou i cisiqg anti vitilsîn amse ta o t tise and stsbliug oae5,led,sund as ittire ueuimse,.s cars bo do0eIlis ie usnuser s'easuts. AI-o, for saei lliard Teble,, ssnul i ssew szc-m 4 pocliets. Apply pgozolly, tir if isy letton (pont-.nàidj y B ofl x 6, O rliiias P . . BBOE npv"TOULS &.FIN.DING9. A complet. a«sortasents pf'the bhIratfmisseorshoc Teosqona ~ ~lsesud lsiia i ik Sioe pegs,l" Suce ua ldai1oi 'Tae,lcl aw ï 'o, mf')as . f i e .- , W WPPESALRAND RETAILi RYAN -asOLIVEigt 12-iy 114 Yýoxaz$ Mrssu. Ta o. Auserivan Oh niTs~~aadPie tiagg fross Engfslot iA ranyon, tcsNce- les,'apo kcjw1ic eat1qulisty was mslowemt l2-1~' YAN k LIVEIr, T0, >MAOHIM-N 18T 8 Uuîveasilqiare, U.W . -qu!II<a cmsng aPers SMaisil- videra, Cuit. hFllessnd Teela, -M eu 0ien 8be - & kOLIVER# 124T114Y.sge Et., Toios. TQ9 ABINET MAPCERÇ JOhN TtLL &cO. Our motta ivill ALEXA.NDER PEINGLE, WisitbY, March 17,1809u. Pro4 sson et Outatio, In the 1County court of Couusty oetatrlu, , )'tIe coasty eof Vutisrso. 70 Wif. In thsE mtto'o/JZJC4LP PeÀ~,7ja n k;- Notice la iseîeby givenuit en thse twcnty- iwessthisdy o Mt Mr ia, ant ton ci thée dock lu thg foressousi, or ii»soon a* eonuusol eau ba isesrd, tise ssudera.sgted wiil sspslY te tise J adge ef tiisçlonorable CoUrt for a it àîsargoaunder th isessid slet, Dattes) a Cssnusssgou luthe Countr cf Ou- taste, tisslo ts dsyodIfruls, A. D.. 1869. by C. C. Keller, he attousey ad Iies. Whltby, Mercis 25, 1809. tf. 1PROF. J. POST, TEACIIER PIANO-FORTE, &P, TusK.-,.uatr o n ospiano, $10, tieory ci mulsîcacoospoitioss, dre., eXtra, $5. Si Au expcrleuseeeoft ore thoan 12 yesrs essstlea l'rofes.aour Il'esto buasrsrttise orapiti ad veroemesst of paspils piaci enier hi.t tsition, Wisltby, March lot, 1869, -l X. HILLAIT, MESu 0Wz or ImmoytAX.CoLLEazON Ci50131, iLicotilat. cr the DUBLIN l,,TING-UÇ IHOSPITAL. ' Ebidea«oeir Jas.. Brme's Drog $for@# Wiltby, ions RODINSON'S Hair Dreuing and Shaving SALOON, ZXOOK ST., WRiTIY. $or SOM oi p wz cy sgmor V« uz, Wlsltby, Jan. 22, 968. I~~~~& oISJSEBR u i p and 000 1417 rg yaovated thse above pla estabhisu- ifia'-s IMOte, Md solimeth ie patrcnage cf the. puble and lâ friands, Tho t«skJ, pnd, bai soU1eD wishth# beet' Good rocnsy mab-t 1 mi Ilt Ue be SMALL PROFITS AND WJIEJE WILL DE FOIJND A SPLIID ASSOUTMENT 0F FAMILY CROCERIES! 6 Cases J7resh L~EMONS & OlIANG ES jrist receiired. W. H. HANNAX. Orie tior seuth of Express Office. EMSTABISHED, 1867. i'IE MONTIREAL TEA COMP'ANY.- 0 HO-SPITAL STRIEET,,-' IONTREAL. T HE contluued Rlsue or cftliisCo a u niy sttribuiebie te tise qualii ty sud pari ptheir Tou, ve àtindedtistas u em or TL ay ýâ,twfféent igèrent parwth is Do- an prt :ofit e é. & greeL ;ssvii g ou h ;e e4 67 opýolu* drct IlbP U04"s t à isoi for four or fiebib. cetties, wiiswiii ise sent carrlssge trae.tO o ay lwAy statIon lu th, Dominion. Tise îno eauconb. oloetel0ou douives7. RW' Tri our freis grounsittem rsatydC i ffte, lu a d 101h. Tisanopwartlî, these avossr of wiehIo oëly ecellnt.aitl aeryaclize îir4ntcL,201b»a. Tes asn4 àber lO1is,,Cbfe,.ut DLACK TEA. En lb rakftaBrokren Les, sisro,,gTes. Meu., 150c,; ine Fiavmied N.w &mssndo 5 0. ssdo& M .; = ý2 FllPlroed 4o. 15e., buns l ng, 45e,; itiejaYisroased du,. 80e.; Very Fue 'o,5.;japn GREEN T* Twankay.5M. 55, Me.; Yems< tlyae,. go.80, 65 sud7&-,; F»sedo, 12e.'Vey Fine Sm.; Dperce.sad Viss ChgsMae fi;Fine . gresspwu .; ilts upeurfisedo,.01. COFPEMO 1-e,1,5004.; rO.,29 l! Io,8, 200-; NO- 4, 150,.per lb. Thse Manutrei Tag Com>usi t Alntremi, 1ton __ ci ealsrtoia prhgt h Xhess otTesrmo beau,..1Ibava e ha e " s Neaurmi Teasuumy bas given gnoe t a(aesîtodsudantihei v.nr 0( ilsi very « fnfl<. fnyssuse but*me, I hurebeous d"fukiTour tu ihve een quo. treo troms besel- bumwtwwold dwazGK e *fie MdboW dduso S@.dJowesDTe% a, Migomaea Mcsn.aJ, .IpnL 1580-ro tb.Mreai Tem Cous- I !b large anmnt fhnWated iv. have oWy noirselive.endoes IloafraiTm. CsssBpy. ue 0 esae.Ota 'Giîçueu...1ls ss t Esiai Ueaitsf ndYoesgHyes1saullas o ost eire. greatassistlm MW@ »M b, d Cfeturdre 7srAS.. Mincis 24tb, 1869, GREÂT CLEÂRINGSAE isi or~ FEBRJA'RI TILL TRE 1ST OF ILARCH WB ýOFFER THE REMAINDER OF oUlt Winter Stock of- Dry. Goods M îIIin e ry ,_ Adda Carer' AND READY-MADPE'C'LO'THiNR CLOTIIaING MADE TO. OIR il' >FAMILY GROCERIES, aolum £ TW' hehi$hest price Mad ;pr O1oypr $" . d, a ) n ffhitby, feb. lit, 1869. HAMILITONk >ANTORI"t apluiluta te whicl% rgo'ilevstrl M, Agent, Wlitb, ts pou fSud Il, ÎAT1Il"' for eornshuusious et, enit, bruinap, or ttssbut 'i, Agost, Whitby, Iois, Osst., guneral ooupl d by tise !r rruuaug Ila fpni, 109 ad Wstu.> 3r 1 Xisa hui IimasMara 011, kdwtsrd se i Patrck a, blat. self, jr. .Yss, ,sass,'J,. 11s.- lies, NILeIs Lonisa Mss. Nîry PIwss rd Dsrttell. xi Tises, curoe J Irill. u, ianlssei us,0 Johns ea, Misa C. T. W5, Il. Bt Mu. ii.A n, George. L Yr. John s!Miare e cIuue Faan(e J. UNDERTAKING linfirst-class slyle, ut maderate charges& UPHOLSTERY of ail kinds 4one -with neatness and dispatoL. is-ly 18699 1 -86 9 CO. GREAT U SIB A-T JOIIN TILL

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