Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1869, p. 2

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41eo. Iu.le k gonsr - J'. LPblp.' ct Oo,-Johu Agàew ONLY $1 50 CENTS A TZAR WhJtbï, Tiursday, April 5t 1869. wlîh a cargo of wheat. 6,000 bustiais. lTse sehoner Il Bermuda" arriveti nt tht port lesterday from Osw'tgoo, vlîh a cargo «f pluti.,, eonsiqjuekt* 0,C.Draper & Co. The s ~ BormodW' lunov taking on a cargo of lambar, fer K. J. Doulion, onslgneti to Cavog. The steamer 1"Norumgu' tocWa ha buport yesterday moruhngo ai à ollaIock. This fdue steamer I. adiertisei to lotie iis port ever>' Wednesday moru- Inmg daring th# sesson, direct for Roches- WBI»ET &.POR aRI R P~OAîsu. oÀp. a-The Whitby anti Fort Ferry grava! tead Lu, ve are infenmeti, passcti loto thte lande cf 1Mr. Chester Draper, o! Ibis tovo. The aock-geiîe, ut Brookuin, bas bentalion off, vs ans gladti 10 nov, b>' mev pop riaor, anti the toils on tbe roati andein tLe nev manageme unt are tîc b. con- elderabi>' roedt. The.) read bus<alen laieogooi bauds. Mn. Draper'. auîerprize Itlef vonîtbi h t ufficieni guaraoîao of ihat.,1Mr. Drapcr'a luitiresîs ane nov se lntimatll>'counecteti yuL those cf tLe tovu anti 0001>' it âtise reail cntenbis managemant Most net qol>' prove uaiifsc.. tory le the public, bot ativantageons 1 tLe GOns E Lurk& c'. Toacir9O NCU- 63aus.-By referrîng 10 car advertisiag eolumnu, lh vili h eotot at r,, Geo. LImlua k Bou, c-f îLe Toronto Murqeries, ofe: to the public à large stock of frait ati ornemental treou, fioereing sbrube, roseavergraens, grape vines, kc.9,&ai. l'h. Moeuns. Leslie have talion a lange iambe: cf fmsS prises ai ail the exhibitions vbere the>. avab soya Leir productions, anti vs cm yuL confidence rocommnent <Loir fruit, mres, k0, os îLe>'osali noîbing bal vhat Is alia anti grovin;. th# iargiui sud -mOiinîaeuîsing -î0 boîL Yoeung entiolti nov travelling, viii Le ex, bilîtt t1h. Mocbenics' Hall, Wltb>, nsxt'veab. The paintiagu consist of vievu Pl the Lakecu f Killarue>', îLe Clyt,, Theussutfi aandu cf tLe Si. Lawrence, gcoU.bhSenen>' tabeit <nom tuCotar, Saturtia>' igLât ;0 Fisb vives e! Navhaven, ]3ruceai Banneebbaru, togaîber wuL the vworiti enovueil Panorama cf tLe Missis. Ippi aund Ohio rivera. Alue IBunyan'& Fil- gri. Pro;nîuu, Arthun'u Ton Nights in a art, Gao. Leslie àk Bou'e of the Torouto Nurcresadiertis. Ibis veek tieacels-. brated Tomates,. No Liîchon gardon is ciompet@ vithout îLe.. Otr, No. 1. OrNuEZCcuîug.-Y. Gise For.-Intendiang:prhsrviiinia "Il establshment a veil seecîci sud van>' <oIxMoo !sasouable gootis, for ladias ant goauiaeu. Tha tirema geetieara m11orler bell lu qunlit>' anticolor ; ttr. eclothu, tweedis anti ouduimeres, cannai Le itemed. lu the grocar>' tepanimnent 01ar1Y article àfis rubandi chesp. liluilders to esn(. fnisbot -is viîailu, Lbinges, gIses pâj inicls, ke., ai loy priceu, SCBOOL Boàuu.-Titceevu no quorum 0< de Board ou InTestia> aventog. Presa, ai. vartuelig <cbainmns, )anti Messrs. Pen. r>', Irgmboo, Thvaite, Joues, anti MoLen. 'nu. Abset.-Mesrm. Draper, Tbev, Diboo, Cgi en, and Tucker, DenAwa,-..MXr. We. Dicbey'e estal.. blishimeait. Oshava, is veoisioiet i vtl trs. oodu, ailliner>', Doveru,fIsalhens, anti ribons. lBis aloîbs are boat anti ,Leap, baie'anti cape- fagbioalse. Pan- 9lesvisiin; Cmthaavoaltido veli te ment le00 weli inova ibrouglieut the acunty i le bartil>'neceur>' 11. eili Ieteuui of o cr readens tb ltoir advenrtlsô mit uosbev *olums. Ev.:>' dapsrt-- àsot ilcomplet. vil sasuonabia goode. reIgtuîs 5Cauàrsa"Tle 11Wrsi rulsr1 ometing of this ch ipt i. be bl t bi cTImstis>'>mis; , aibali-paul se«$P 6îl ofMay »Y£Aïe a eruame sa41 SpingAssises. fle fprie; Asissfor thé eeomly for 16,opbuastieaithe (Court couset Whlîby, osTquedzy, Si&. ordsbip Mr. Justice.A. Wilson,, prasidng.., is&ordp opgeet the cours wlth a brlearessO, comment- Iagi irk iioplluentarày terme uîpý îbh -quie t u goot ortfer prevraillng vithta th& cOllai>, as dseloseti by tbt llgtane of iha uslendarb The grand panel- baulag- buea callei over, the olioig. gentlemen vere swora onis he Gran>d Jury 1Jas. MeCrelghî. fore.,. .Wm. Cousu, LE Chur'chull, Jas. K. Vernone Tboe Totit, Fred. Warren, Ira. G. Crosby, Jas. Davson, C. H. Dauison, jus. Holman, W. Dmubar, Jr., Wm. major, .aij, Ira. B. Carpenter, Jas. Anderson, Robért. Bî aîb, R. Suow, Ira. Obspman, J". Aipinail, H. T. Johoston. Jesse.' Wells, sr., Jas. Rutiti>. Jeti. Young, The crimine .l u bafreNié Le court vas Inconitierable. Soute of the cases ou tLe civil dochel, of vhicb ve give a r- port Ba ne eciceteti s om.e interesi. RooN PPEiSa aaWIsDOV BLID.- Mi.- James Borlanid huson àIsôtianti cori for sala, cbesp <or ca.h, s largastock of, EngluL anud Aieria room paper. la- tanding purchaiers viii unie mes>'b>' ealling ai bis nev variet>' store, one dontr Museau. Lowas àk POWLL, Dominion Warerooms, adver4ise this veis collons ibrea to fine cents cheapar than tbliir noigLbors. Expenienceti bande lava charge cf their aillino e nti mantie de- parîmonla, vhicb is voîl uetctiet. - Thair taileîiog deparimeut is inder tLe snperitc ton dance of Mn. Millm, vito alva's cois garinenta Le fit tu a chare. SUncsDsDAvtI or Ma. Tzeitae Dàvis, ci' TeUIiTo. -WitL tLe Leader vo tioepe 1>' dopIons the atiden deatb of an esteemeil andi vidai>' boovocitizen of lie Dominion, W. <ol auuuredt 4at the namorons frlentis ouf Mr. Thomas Davis, tLe vahibkoova anti highlI> esteemneti brever, Who he been dola3 an active business in Toronto, for man>' ycars, yull learu yuLh deep -regret o! bis sutiden death, vhieh occorrneti esîorday aftcrnon. Thea deceascil gentleman bail9 been in bis nnas[ gocti eaitîh t1H!about1 four 0'clock yeuterda>' mernîug, vbon ho vas seizeti irfth an atiact cf apoploz>'. Metilcal aid being calledja o haralilat, and titane ver. gooti hopes of Li& racovar>', but heijat a sobiequent attaci..ani diati1 about, two o'cloek. 'Mr. Davis wva a comparatuvel>' yenng man, anti vus oeeof the aost generou ns anbini aated ef mon,g being @ver readti>10contnibuta libonal>' tovwartithe upportof public eud, privaW t cbarities anti dasironsaa il limes tb pro. m t"objects of a ,moens public character. C Bi@s0e mdiudemis. ciii Le deepl>' deploneti,j nôt oeil'bpliis estimable <ami!>', but b>'à a large cidal of citizans.t Blaazgu.-We diret the attention o! oar--aatiars 10 the ativertiismsuî of Mn. Pltilp, vho offensbaneu, &o., cLaap fog one montb, air. Phip'a vers is finsi. -- ..1 V e .uu os aaaws une stitueu 55105a7îororr ma. erow, boe. Ou motion of Mr. BRay,th sinio Ms.Bazuso'. durrtiemot l cîanof Mfr. Snov, us ocniller for tLs SoutL a.ea laiiA .. .. .vtsemnt- n ote- Ward, via accepitid. came of tta!: charitable contributions. Me halvtho. aldj, iookin'8 ai the ibola matl tIbat tho ean0100,1 vsentiti ton 8orne soit ef report as tote istribution et the, tovna:charlity; anti, aIs. ihat,ii hit opinion, saeernmiti.ecomposati'03f nuembers fromnse yacrd voalti h. ih* beut jutiges, as le lie distribution, Wlth Iea ov expariano., le sait, hefontta the tovn'a chat>' ha ibenmidappiied, asti that parties .vho hati mone> las banis Lad been obtalinng carlt>' aid (rom iLe tovn. Be la not one vend 10 sM agaïlait leavin; the disetribution la the Mayon's lande, ho vu s impiy ezpneuing hie individuael opinion u 10 tLemanner cf its disposai, , Mfr, Carneron quit. conearreti in the ru- marks of Mr. Draper;t hoe ashleeali, cf bis -eva benvietige tbare vere parties la bis-ova yard vbo obtaînoti aid <roms the beva Who ti t nerquire il, for in- stance if orders Lad been gien b>' ceriain înentbre of thL. lova coancil, anti ha hat given orders Linteif vhich vere nos com- plieti vitb, zu-and théeparties in vbose <ave: thée ordan Laa beas gireea-vers actnaily knovn to have ntonay la tLe banb ai the dine. He vas la favor of aitiig an>' vorb> chanit>, anti vu on!>' peais- ing of facto 1hât came 10 hie ova pereonsl observation. The Mayor visheil 10 intrade na opinion cf bis ova ou tLé cacuil. ne vas, la fsoi, for personai i aaunu, son>' thal tLe motion shoulti b. introduonet & IL '-Ho hli no objection io- il, hovever. Mr. Broya recoliocteti rbaî ia former years the differeuco that exisieti oniside boîvenparties ilistribntiug tLe tco's cootribat*ou for charitable purposes crea. ted tiifficaliic. These ho visbeti to avoiti if possible. He bad i inseif taken a dit- feont metheti front cîber Mayors, andi turing bis eva mayorâ!ty vhat Le bati expentiet voulil, he Lopeti, compare lai-i orab>' yuL that cf former years, For Lio-self Le nover besitate t tepot bis baund in bis pociset in cese of ttoie repro- sootatil to him. Bot bo bail frequentl>' i been deceiet lu tLe propor disposition of 1 the chant>' ho beatoaotid. He had no ob-. joctlon to tbe repott atail, au it uiooti but in his opinion tLe mayor vu the i proper part>' tu app>' the <antis. h lu committeo of the vboie îLe Mayor 1 eËpaiuetibis ovo position; for hiniesei he bat turing the paut portion cf the à rear of bis mayoislty paiti ont betveco $40 anti $50 ; tîLe . ers continuai tirava i îpon the Mayor on accen of bis repre. tentative capsty>, but ho certain>' voli 1 ho reliev'etif if h era anderstooti that a i commnitîee, Lad charge of mattro. 1 After soins furîber tiesoltor>' remarbu t and expîasatiens fromlthe May'or as to c îov persuns passing transientl>' îbrough s the tova shoniti be prevideti for, ke., andti balt tLe burtien »of the axpensa vas thus otiet >'otaide parties, <rom tI41erenî p thtes !ie council, iba resioinution f 'eport 'wu adoptati lcaving tLe distuiba- ( tIon of tLe fond witL the Mayor. t, Mr. Ry brought lu tLe repent o! the cemmittao on hianses, racommeatiiug il- ceose for the Baron Ions. , 10Mn. Snev; anti on action tLe report vus adopted. %;Uàuàuuouvtu Bgag te aSiOation OI those vbo viuh obehointintrousi>'ecnploy.. cd. FIREAT au 190oe1-.t.-Bnookiu, Apns'l 10. -lumes vone discovencti-.big acruin; ai 7;80 O'ClOcb issin; front tbesteeam-plauing miii anti La. Live acter>' hore belonglug to 1fr. Nolson Thomas. The fountir>' con.. taincil &bout ouaeibcusuti ho. bivos fin. hibetdintii course o! construction ; aiso a quanîli>' cf pfaiDed hamber anti machiner>', a110 o! hicb vus' 8cotîsamet;-i bs., abouti tbres- thouantifive hiundrcti dollars.,iu- sareti for81000. The Dominion ta Peauc, The Newovrko 2Tme. elieves iLt Il sses indicatiaons tbat tLe Dominion meains 'aPaueo." W, ibiukbàlIathbre js no tianbi about it. The poople compriing tha"Ilnév naaiousàliy"Ildo mot visL to basagorato iheir politicai hein; b>' f;iging. The>' ara peaceaLl>' diposi tovantisthe Sentit- anti us Auorne>'Gensna1 J. S. Mac' donald once ramanketi in Lis dryva>', ve ,are ou tarai o!fait>' viîb the Nontb. Tine, thero bau beau sorne 1.1k about "fortifies. ieons,"I anti ail tlat kinti ef Ibis;$,batilh liat princuple vere o La eziondoti 10 tLé Ncnîh-West, vhich io abont 10 <alil mb ont Lande, ihere voultiho Ler :more 10 do Ibm ve coold take cane of. The vith. draval of iLs Biih treopa li another in- dicatIon that île Dominion moas'Fisc.. At «0u ilme Iheir presene stiesnted 10 h. necusean', liesmlié pninciple o! as- ao11mmodaîon bas h.aa adapieti y h>'li Faglieb anMd Unitedi Bs"esGoerninanis la prleencS e 1bail pvaotite ailbayonut9 lirus tobre Io neoseetifo:rthir iiservie« à ,bore., TLbivhbdraval laàapeaeeai soil anime1lere.asuuna.ee es tItlàleon lie prino pie o! the respet to matui rl;h to ael;hlvorly offieesanti courli>' îlsi uffiru are t. preeset. Tlseevh. propoel à» eibar courseof action are emme. to1 b utabsel.,tbe4h - iuly -- F"tng ofg whriotin aitiloyaity COeUr or Eretor. On motion o! Mn. Draper, a nesolutien passeti anthonizin; the Court cf Beuision for tLe preseut year 10 consisi cf tLe moyen, the Mayor, anti cf Messrs. Brovo, Tîvaite anti Pbilp. MAJca vaLLICE'S Cexxurîoaîîor. The communication cf Major Wallace vus on motion o! Mn. Draper, sacuedt b>' Mn. Cameron, refcrncd t1 tLe standing commiltes on streats anti improemenîs. MeaSeMogr,'TO TUE 5Czoois. Cu motion o! Mn. Brovn, sacoodet b>' Mn. BRay, tbe stm of 81,000 as placeti 10 tLe credut cf île Scboci Boardi, Mn. Cochnana, chairman o! the Frinîla; cemmiîtee, Lrougbî in bis report, vbicb vas adobtati, The report nacommentieti payoeenb o! au accoai o! Mr. J.ilA. Camp.- ball e! $7,76, balance <or 1868;j anti that tLe prntin; requincdt 10 e dono <or tLe corporation le plecetistathîe tspesai o! ihe pilotin; commuitea.. M.MMla,(chairman>, .brcnght op cc île Taeport of! is committe. The neport bt racornthespayrnenî o! $150 te 1Mr. w, Be4ginalti tanoît, <or enclouing the bel!lBI tovar ; anti aiso $15 10 )Er. Durvereil, for- -b piasiaria; anti vhitevasbing a&$î%te Tovn The report set fortth balah conuequceac of îh. aosr-eomüpllnese!f Mr. Bannes tb yw complots iLs contraittLe limber o e! tl i <rame huat beau couultiaabiydsm»gad, bat se lIbai Mn, baroolid baisadertaken tlie-vork o ai tan dollars leu tbauMn. Barnoe" <î Dorln; th. tissoti ]En. Pbilp. enquir. ~ sa vIeIl., the spechficais votseîleaM ine laM.lred s a n W. Bannie'"i tenderw. -lit, lcMlialtà riplistie, anti More vegi to h. don@.; l it <solîhe.wvane C vrlttea apW4loatbon fions Mr. Berna C Mr, Plhip-Wer. i te' nmtet crta tubagis about, tii. urod tp le tatou lato a-'l tona 1 Wu J;,po o be .alu t &ihiti a bo«eitacetioe'pu on b> e a~ 1u mesméiDUGOla m n Osup of the remarkae of . W, l3rot r Aabe D. D. G. X?, and thoeoi #ý#é v a rsae 1i The toasreth o i s anu ld¶im1 kew vould h. rece v tlie vith euflpieti a higb and hoorable, îposiin l6iut7Tawtàajabtil g6filleti that positi 'lth hV ta lbâsW andi orudtu t ihOaf 0 vas saitd dtbat ail tL. bretbr u vouitnos on!>' joistyuL hlm l i riuisàsg bis beatbai lb;inithe pray. er that Mos ialcabla h.lité ibilong h. spareti-, to prete ýoer 'th. de.stinies of )Kaour>'ina tle Oniario Distiet. The gentleman vise Dame he, vus about te gire Lad-don. more ia the position h. nov heidjti, u i ail bis pretieossorsfor the canse of lMonry, la faci, bis efforts Mnst bo graîifylug te bimslf, crovned si îLe> vare yuL snob &socas, andi ln tLe many afidances iat bis beruices vers apprecia. tati.H.gobogged to give the nasa. of F,. W. Bro. MjC&be, D. D. G-.i4)niarig9 District. (Chutra.) -rbs toast vas raceivei yl ih great- eut enlhnsium. Bro. Deofordvus callet ouf for aj song, vhich he galove yu mach popalar1 affect. 1» t R. W. Bro MeCabe raupondui. Hoe »anid it vu a veil kov uaying i.4t 6"oui of tbe abondance of the hearitbthe monîh c speakesb," but on the préent occ>ion h. 1sd ometifiScultin lavoncbing fâr the sac caurie>'of tLe saying. The com p intae1 vhlch had, be«en epreascd -by liai chair-f tuant tbe strongstatantents atter iregard- ing bis effortienlaIbmcause, vers caicniated M 10 produce a pleasieg feeling latheb. eari, 9 Bat Le lacket hat sprint of)spir.it vbich E coniti du>' meet th. sentiments expreuet. à Ha cordial>' ibanket h. Cbairntaforîe - acknovledgrnenî Matie fer the feebie efforts i Le batilacconiplisheti. AH, knew ver>' veli I the mediam tbrongb vhich the W. M. (thb.I Obairman) vieved tbese. The 4raterDal C feeling vuastsrong in 3Maaonryý and cf P conise it inipoiet a, dégreecof partiality ti on tLe mmnd. <No, no.) Ha Bço. MtC.) il with ail bis coneionsness of dcfct' in theoSt performance Of bis duties, cil&, ai logs g -Présumne to a ]$ycaini 1a 0Duetinig, zoal c in the cause. <Cbeers.) Ho vas cer. tc tail> enîboiasfie a au te spread ant id prosperit>' of tLe priocipies cf the-*muonie I Inshitution. Bail bis hoalth perniuteti, Le a obonîti bave likedta te rfer atfgreatar ru leugth te mone cf tite ebaracteristcï aIibthe Order; but in ibe dircnmstances it- vwoltiPl nt bu dutifai te himseif. Thora is, ho Pl aid, that initeé lnstitution ta causa zeal. bi And tLe Ontario District bail increasse in anthrasi. The I3ratbren andiofcr on parcd favorablyvyuL ay n thîLeProvince. He fait*graiflati in being peredtîte o join vj b.e Chairman anti Peterboro' Breibren la 90 volconaing sa man>' fromt a distinaoe; anti di before sittisg dovu h. couiti net amia cordial aciunowietigmeni of the, pluable AI assistance renderet inlathali.ate »ons by in Lae tvo Breibren from Toronto. (beers.) Po Bru. Stevens, of Toronto, in a <uv hap- VO py voîts proposetil"The: Peterborougb Of Bretbro," vbich vas respedi t> Wb>'the 80 CLairmaa anti b>'Bros. Easîvood'Dennis. on no anti Smith. Bro. Eastwood "id tbat at that lat. an bour h. diti nos intenta tattempt La make tw aspeech, feeling tbat It voulti be,'aàn acu 1 of etakindness; L-honiti dcontent -->bimmaîf in en Lqbalf of the Peterborough Brethran ta wiLh tbauking thLn: for the bcaity ianner tbg ta vbicb lb.>' LadreceivadtiheL.toast just ati Jranit. Many ihongbî thai tbe -Joliy Good Fellov' part of the buoinos4 vuia luA1 principial attraction. For bis pars bg Mositda, onfeu LeLad not nmach synipab>'viîb ta 1at aspect o! tbe order. lie looketi l àigber, anti va satiafiedti Iat an Ortier CO àt smade a commet. platfOrin on wbicb Ru ion of diverse ideas, cout la duff'ereot lai nultis, conld ineet, vau gooti. Tbey vbo 10 net together tbos gel scme cf ilîéir sharp 00 -@mars koockod off, anti ver. maile te fit bui pe that by life and"Ptihp Ly*MaYprn~A te tbe fair princiîpies, cf îbaf,"ri.i, Prou diffarentaéectidoàï-bf ýbo ~un rtord 6lear"as ithe vhea*î lopis heali,golU ýhough tha top isn ot asUh aasl'ait son. The rects have not hea "easid:Ont, sto b>' :th. <roI4Si anti s u on laav lève r sdusBOd, ut us ne: t il, Iha t îefrost mia i h. savera en6i ougt.lstait. Wjëmaos* -- 'o add liai @ ountlary ezi»ges mpeak tbe ÏT iavorabi>'of tii. prcspek of0à due. et N but trop thronbont the w le.POlD.0.mini Sggida. è G11ana ang~aa nca to.bpehconsurla. M "DaltsAprit IL14Nvi fr028 tLe <routlier Otates tit a baud of Carliste, 60Ã" sone , ittusàkdtekat 1 w -vWof lé. de tTkglinjLP>renae7bat, virerepnised yLabeavy,!ose, ai ed to the monta taias, -Lositog, APri I 1-The Pope'. jubile. vas oulabratéti ai Rome vyuL greal spîan. do:. TbePeemuidms. At Stî, Per'. a Tb e - limas lsang la préence of the cardinalo, foreiga ambasuaors, notabili- tios. front att paris tof Europe sa nti nlm- mense congregaion# la inL.he vaning théï City'vslioimai Qtunso,,April, l.-The sternbip Siberia, front Nev York bae arrlveti. Ferra, Aprfi 12."-The elections ilu Hongar>' antiCros" bohire resoliti largel>' la <avor of 1h. Icab-party, vhlcl vii lavay Smajorit>' o! cnshbndred ÇmeuLers lu the Louo, April 12.-Lteui advicee from, Rie Janicro satme that the allies, voeréi- paring té sent ian expcdition o! 12,000 mca <rosa Ascenso nto tîle ntarior of Paraguay' in aoarcb etf Président Lopez. Iuexou, April 12.-A meeting athîe conservative membars of panliameut vas belti to nigit. Ove: tvohbadreti membart attentiet. Mr. Disareli vu present anti stade a speech, binvbicbh.hoindicateil tLe [alua polio' thîe"part>'opn the Irish Cbnrcb question, and annouacei the ameoti- mntie wc oulti Le proposet b>' the opposition ta ihebili nov pending ln tLe Elonse cf Commous. Thou eamnendient» are in effeci iba: grains madeotte Irish 'Charge &inch the reformation are ta remain ntact, tbat globe lande ho retaineti b>' beir pnésent boîtiers vithout purchase ant tat the union cf tLe Irlish Curcb andtihîe Charch cf Engianti cease lu 1872. Im- tentant modifications of th"s financial soc- tions of tLe biii are aise propoueti, ioclutiing Lhe establishment of a capilallauti sum to Lhe support of the clergy, lusteat of thse granting cf annuities, anthe application of a large portion of thm cburoh revenes ta tbo support cf public vorshhp anti oefra>' tLe expenàes cf the management cf te cbureb. Final>', au effort lu te Le madeo ta bave ail Le clauses 10 tLe bllI rferring to ihs Maynooth grant andtiheb [eginni Dooui rikeS oni. Mr.Disraei's Ian vas favorab>' receiveti andth ie iroceedinga of the Ministry vh-ro market! )Y muob entbuaium. Tue 'ArABAVA' Cx.aî.-A propesitien 111l hé madie tu Lave lthe îreaîy fer the tluometOif lb. Alaaacl aims 10 b. licusseil hn open session. E-POZOtEgirJOHNsSOr. - Nashville Lpril 12.-Ex-Preidant Johnson is Stil cNashville. Be Lau abauticoti bis pro. >sed trip te Europe, anti proposes gotic. ,oîe bimself la LobaI! cf tLe distruochiseti ýthe South. Be viii speab in ail tLe tutiten Satc.s. Ha basves for Memphis in Wetiucstay. A Sessrz.- The Herai4's mpecial givem n accoant O! an oxcitia; interviev le. reen denator BosasuntiPresitieaî Grant D-il lu regard to Kansas appoiatmonîa, ivLicb Senator Roe totti the Prasitieni 'go te bell' anti the Presitient ortierati oe Sentor ont of tho roomiLtus tarain- ting tLe interviev. FoREIGIF ArreINUrvur. -Wsbingtocn, ,pil 13. - The Presitient nominateti to. ay Thos. H.. Nolson, cf Iniana, Minister Mexico; C. F. BielLe, tut Texas, Min- ýer te Costa Rica; Heur>' S. Sanferd, of unnecticat, Minister te Spain B orace âblee, of Wisconsin, Minisi.: to Sviîzer. id ; W. A. Pile, cf Missoutri, Mioluter )Brazil ; Freeman B. Mcrsa, of Maino, onui Generai at, London; T. B. Van- noen, of Nev Jersey, Consul Generai ai loreuce ; G. W. Wurtz, cf Pesns>'lvauia, ecreta>' cf Legation ai Florence; J. eretiith Reeti, jr., c!fMev York, Consul enoral ai Paris; W. P. Webster o! ,astacbuuetta, Consul Genenal ai Frank. trtoo-Mâinl. The folieving 10 Lbe Cou- àe ;-David M. Armnstrong, o! Nov Yorb Reme: George F. Allen, o! Intianau Motocco; Charles J. Clark, ouf Nov orb, ai Bordeaux; W. A. O. Dan, o! v York, Consul Gonaral for tLe BritisL ortb Amenican Provinces ai Menîncal; euer P. Clapp, cf Nev York, ai Buenos nrem; James Haggerty, ouf NewvYrk, at tsgov ; Chanles E. Kerry, o! NewvYork, Aapmuvall. Warnroior, April 1.-The Scuate, Lr Meate; rejectie . .fbcbA1dma ireat>' tout onauiaongly, lonn>eevoila;ia aaffirmative. Dniy ivonominations vore confirmeti ils>', naiel> :-J. L Molle>', Minuster Englaüd ndi stJohn Ja>', Miaister 10 Nâr loir, Apnil 13.-TL.Bank o! tb. stof Nev Yods, bu ti-Iclii ' vasMyes- la>' swvlei ont tuf $26;001> a forgati Icheck on Ja>', Ceebe à Ce., six Faarcisco, April 12. -Ai né broie Ad lieKentucek Mina, on lie 700 foot t, haut ausi.;in t vasfooaneau -toe,ýlosslte is pinah, i ntier t10 uthtur liefias. If is uppeomdtilait fine lseutili bornin; lainlsheYalov Jack. line, es tl ie m-eaaanti ipor <rein lie _ euar muahb oUez lien <rom île ciov .o u" vy .vuutuavala SUS pnvratlons o! trintert hicL vre r>' lsevers, cps- clali>'ilatlié esmiara pautof their demis.. ThU OanadjfanNws says it Iso ones- ear>' to s>'boy cordisîl>' va concar bibah <oregoing anti vestae pisasa t 10 âL hi to reperithat inquiries nov dai>' bain à ,mail., la regard to Canada are a bondreti <olti vhat lie>'haire avr beau bofore. ibere viii certainî>' h. a largàe ticationis Totâ dite oU!of the itbyCkrni. Ms f uggeet iisjyen papertea Le- stevards of the Wblîby Race, îLhe Massil>'of sot ilovicgn; eretaean- ier at' he otet; aven on paying -double astianc. EBow vilitLe public knov vbat botu are gela;, if, tfiar the ca"eare printeti, otLers are allovedtia1 enteri viii entiraI>' upoîl al spacuasion. -coe, ke. It ie understoo t hat Sir Henry HuAvelocti, VC ., viii .ucceed Lient. Colonel W Filding as Assistent Adjotant General in Dublin nazi July. Lient Colonel Robersion flou il! short- 17 procea t taise up a staff appoiaîment in Canada. MAÉRIED. PARKER-SHIAW.-00 tbe 8th joui., ai Ail Saint&' cbnrcb, by the Be,'. J. D. Cayley, Mr. John A. Parker, tp Mies Magaret Ann Shaw, both of Whiîby. DIED. DAVIS.-In Toronto on the l3îh instant, of apôplexr, lMr. Thomas Devis, Brewer, aged 66 years. CH&TTERSON. - On Tuesday, GîL muit., at ber reuidenco, Broken- Front concession, Minerva, the beloveti vif. of Mr. Wm. Chattersoni ageti 40 years. COOMLY.-At the reidence of ber son Thomnas, Labo Shore, Pickering, Mis. Margaret, relici of tbe laie John Gormly, ageti 73 years. lVhitby Miarket*. Whitby, April 14, 1869. Fal Weî Spring do.. .. Barloy .......... Peau........... Oa7... ........... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORANGEPIEID Early Dwarf TOM ATO. T IIE Frlieti at avoreti Tometo wo Seed 25 Cents per P'ackage. 5 Fladi. ages for 0i, free by Mail. OEU. LEULIlt & SO.N, Tonoxro NvaM.axzs, 15-21n Leslie P. 0., ont. I Lîereby warn any porffln or persons mfot t., trystiny Wifle, Msrgalct Dannham, ne I witt flot be accountablo for any dents. ah. iay con - tract aft<,r thia date. THIOMAS G. DUNIIAM. Broughsm, April 14, 1869< st. WHITI3Y LACROSSE CLLTB Wlitby Gyrnaetic ClubJ A MEETINff of the Mmbem of theabove TIIIJSDAY EVENING, At 8-80 o'clock. T. FUMS, B. U: JAMIESON, sSey. W. L. O Presidant W. G. 0. In bancer.. PURBUAIIT te -au -order of tbe Court oM0 Cbsncery niade in the malter obte catatz, ott Lsohlixudumpbell, sud -in a canse McBàiw vs.' Horoaw te ereditors of Lachlin (JaipbLaI;, Ila: or îLe township of Thorati,in the-(.'.onnty,-i ot Ontario, who died in or ubont the montii o!ý November, 1868; tire on or bc.(ors the Viret Day of ay 1-moi t»snt bypx ,peattC .Lli.o b $0,90 to $0,95. soc te 85c, $1,15 to $1.30, 70css te T3ctu. 65cts 47cito e ts. sud man>' other grsai pintinge viii Le exiti- IN WHLITBY, NEIT wEK parts or the al, 15 ct&.; chil!rs, 1 ioe., F or fartber parte uarsmeadescrWptue pro- Aprîi4lh 1,6.Bd Tl'ETORCONTO AND NIFISSINGfo1 RAILWAY QUAT nt t Total Lengtla toakie tipfflug, &bout &Tl irinsv Sories cX TORiO"Tc n003005K 85 UMS With a Brancdi et 18 Mle, freinte Main Linae tg the rowvu-or Liai.ay. TOTAL CAPITAL, $39SS0M»,00. CAPITAL POU TuLE FIiST SECTOx Mi 'The cou -id dis'Ton BONYUSES alreedîjVoted byj Juniipal-. iWeu for th# First &Ctioa of tioe Main Lino, $sg99, - As Follews -Cit>' of Toronto, $150,000; Scarboro', $16,000 - Markbnmù, 30,000; tlxbridge, $50,000; Scot, $10,000. Brock, $50,000 1 Eldon, $44,000; Bex-ý le>', $1.5,000; Luxton, Digby anti Long. ford , $25,000, Somerville, $15,000. BONU.35ES yeu lo be obsiusnd, lncinuling titose -fo the Liandsay biauch, $16s,tio. tirot issue 0o(stock lin10 ietu&hre, t400,st. TUicat wlicb viii tac lesued Boude (àr $476:0e1t Upon $120.000 of rnicita Gueruaaiee <Oua ts Gov. emea 'it'ara.wilbc apputed Çor. èseqdaWei$ assism nw e itn the co tsir ejio a of îe JR ail bytroug it ,ud ito CnowtLtis 1=6ulteet tuf 80litue- Pamtzuv-on Cravord, Eq.. SL P. VieE.l'srtnzx:-J. E. Smith, SN'.,COiU= ofo Custoaas. DIitETORB. Hlon. hl. C. Camerait.Provhiekat Seretuy ;Han. Davi Hceon, Smaur; W.V. .mehia.lmet!q, Cap. T aylor , W m . onde nlom , ion., "PEq. , 5. e - liad,erq., Ir«,àPýres BankhuiCmewre- G.1laid. Lëq. Thoââ ilsoL Es, Mn Gordon,4 Et .. A. AI. Oniti, Eaq., T. C. Ehiuboli, Esq. D.' ie neaa. Eà,Etam MoFids; Mdward W -e!e, V, E Rae llkehurth ; o hn LU n s. isq. S eieiW o ti W . El lin i. Eq ...A d . F , . lJ M ce sf. A.P . ock biurm% 1~. Pa . ... > C. F ich,llUq., Ja. F& BOi- E sU . Dri. Wright! Ilor.,'uuAI5ai, dumr-Uevannncnî Trustse; ru, I C sComron. ProvincW iaSctciay-4ronpanyis Traaie~ e - ury Bretteur, eiq., DopaI>' Ieeve cf Caasd-io tnaCC aumeroa, Provlicial 5ocreisq. &Ulitor-Jobn Leys, Eq. Cosauuing Engiaetu-sit Charles Fox &sons. .an-ltsnk of Toronto. Brol.ç.-giJiise & MeAicsder; Pellan Osier. &eretars-Charics Robeuoa, Buaq. OFFICES-40 Front Sireet, Toronto. Thc Provisioni Directr-oci0te Toronto aaildffpii. !ln& Ruiiwy Coinupay fndiaag "litasfnier pragrei tn i le taidi ,au t( iro nd G ou g e R ulay . in C ana dta,, lcbie ortexçedtori iso '"yro éed localtraffic, sbd-biaalag tecoiae oguizaî cilite sute. cesatai workiiîg lors nnaber of yeurs cof ltalwuye bition thetree(teeusix 6steli inte Kangduans of Norva>' andi Sweden. lai 111e celoauies of Queeausland and New Zeaanti. sud alto in Indaanti hat these llaîwayi vers capale o o(uinnaeuang a aiffiecof aboout a millaon, ors milliton atd a italfot tome 0<goodu pier simoun,and cf csrrying paisengers ut a upecti et iweiaty-Src laelitiri> mites aut tour, and i eag ldam lte ameag epcee f tuenger animtasinehainagutap.. pages,ai auata. donui, texceedtw rent>' miles iu, bosur, aitdiabat lihe tintal srall ffico itNonlteun Ileaia (vtctofera a tlur iltation cflte imfe go th-I i a l , e d b c t i e T o r o at u . a r d N l p t a e ta a ç e l s v y l d t d n o : exeecti1 5,0uOO I ons, and i14OMW 0paguengers. tuve therdefore resolved iao coniroct lte Toronto uidIîPti- ing )Lilway n te t#ree (rcci six aug, <lute niai cntonaieal ant i Iceal aamer « onisul t-it a] total cast 01 $15.000 lier Mile- The Oirecîtr& ave ato notd CpI. Tyir'i report on the Fcitniag fluIaY, Iwon etedguge, inttat..- etitatire, IVaict te reigial andi puiecuger truStie'e w h ic ii p p r o lia a t e s e « io ly o0tab a t i:'r t e N o rh e mu Riltra,, atati, vîit 0te exception craube itmtr rafie, targ cy ex e as t al carrie ti o n t tc L nd usu- and P ort H ope, oreailtetLonoun sud Poin ilUnuIlYifilvay. ,Ivita ni ier ioait uaJiortuonnenl of lihe rids incldoew lucopiai inveseta, -Rub-rrcaer 'einl ta tie teneficd thlie conitruction oftitc =i «.i(M ,oe q(ebj a.ueboat" or gat.TauPoorine te oe uiaey te1Y Oeufor te al us cpigles, tn*000 e bueiiindebeaitres iua sgcix pr ceI. paabe aitiy yars *Mcae- ornearpar; 1O fi b ét o "re n in ,t g i u r o f th e a p fi g h u cas - ednov goa oSer bite 400,00 tago benteti itocks. Ifitor a Iurger anomtlataant no subit'e tonds viii tu ed frte'.lumceor atout $6,Me per ailie. Titus, local capital tuablit exte ab aout tvo-itirds of tsesRIaiva, viii tc seetanlo, e hoderu of ttc tonds cfttisCoanpany. Ttc lnlcrettbeuing câpitlWwlll as te *10,0Wtipar 1Thé Ohrecloas do net propoe.in exstttete ue,' ond Coitocotat, 0làvui-LIs.N"pimla - nlmeu sidized yI b'11 o i'smnattofrtiu rviuc lli a ormine,' ugai10 wgaiâte isComti f,' 0c theihsuofanrp'rïtiuts ecapitlu ci anstelan1 er- 1 Il ermiiteoas.the Caan...rad .....EMt&es 1 l'or 5h- section sv viii cctauily mneuse te,%a mch lureraoun Thue maite o rmaie iis reyvnae iii Lede- rivedt Iroim the folioving itentaasti la about tbm proportionscetforth: Pin. or savu laniber, for tlimt i iglai yeurs, 80,O!.0,Oooft. ai $2 pon 1.000*............seo Sqa 'tiîe6250,O00......0,0 Cureals, 900,000 osiela, ut "; er~hs4~o Gnrlgoodu,.18,00 tonu, -ai su av r g t o 0per ton ........... 1, W 0 ordrod2,00craaSI8 r 10,00 Alovîog 66 perceai. for runlning oxpeoses a diind ofo 14 peCent. on ue of $5M o Pr Mle; anud ounthbm»cnal caui lutet Ça- ant,' o! $i) O0per mile lte dividanf Jcus s n t carninga wenld Lc 21 per cent.- Tier Prpvîsâionul Direcuors inveet lteirin unen onibeir faili n tue correctnum fcf igse Tluo tarmians ai Coboconlk, on t it.GIl River vIii ona e is Eilway vithit avaut $ÏrecL or Iulatd uviatuenu na viiet aes inoxpeasive !ipovemeuniatiotngray dentakaun b>' lb. Govennaanî, vi pie, Iou Lentaseaccuhe RutEsia>, sud vilii dordi- W'ood. B> ste Act ofinoorportilon,the Comayl>'e apeciauy boutai taecarr cortivooti, antg t ai- fond mveny uaccssary faciity oteaonettîhe spacfletiratetf3cents, pur coul per mile for £ay wooti -for aU. distances catis: 50 mil«s. mn. 21-2 cents per cord pen milt for sIl <ilutans ovor 50 mlcua ri e h bau beeroudnd t -e 1ai u u t r , 4 Y b u test o f se m aI sx lpe r en c s on the GourernattRi*y nNffBus vick. 1 u i tiwysi ovBas ýTis coutiuins viibnhne tsé anst of fuel te tlseCompus>; abutae increasoti truffie sud prosperityeLouftqa en$ apon te trade ih lu fail>' Lelieveti viiimorsetan oenponute for tce extra cist ol fuel Thu uttcrons »auscuon tut gentlemen vite have protuoti andi boras the pralintinur'. cx- penses eft tiis suterpnîse, un.! vio desire laee ut oant in agoi falihon sount comun-- osai pnindëples, c,.' resolet, in e farnas tteir infiluence »t eqinal te, tbm .ssk, te bave tbie ril- yay coitrolldb> tac mostrespeauwccapital 1~1ibto is li ant d coutry on lte routs O!tbe ulwa'. Who mn>'taise oe nil t te coul£trei emown mcrltlu.aanti paf cusl tbg conitracterasudant itosrrender control eofte railîva>' gocometremor Lonti-holdena;- -roiet tsé coutusota Lu a muuner calcgeutdta o e lte beaithiesi ompetiloa ,in odiér vorda, te bave value -for the minya.>m ltse tuningof the irai sud te tbo laysng cf lte lest rail- Thm couny oulte routa o! the irâeîsection of thae ratura>' lu geucrullevai, ulthougb in ivo tovnabi.litsm broken or rosing, jetlith &Cil beiag 141»i U ihese exepiost, andti lon. Lding- simoâi ne. bridgea ; the iauperfdlal ex.- suinsition buAntiMils-talxihlit> 'ofthe &age entures a minimum no! lengs sudnti llge- vbiie ituber forbnbidges andti eu, sud Jamion for buildings and ' 1incesà scou bc bad t taioa RIve>' lheceoidontl thel il lrtin»t- noce vlI b.ubrdinatd to the constructio ea fiNtclasa prtanét va', Ohe bcït of im- br bridgea. dep and gooti b&1lisia. Rails -iWeiç1l4&Ibo. te theyunL, adoLe.ecoa cure te Tie Vacant l't Bhoeksbrcer, x £5lefraus, 1 5 loti-, ussi lctul saithI faeb, 198 teet d WIL The subaerib cui the vitolei aLboi',properci 'OU long tenuA ,&Pr,,], leu. TuRra len =st-retly-rein î al com for bores. ', - 20 Sets listduding Pl -thm iCt. Whitby, AprIi INSUR2 O F Mi C.APITAL, 2 W= ILdL 51 Vlury inderat Prompt sud l Lou and dini ne charge for The followsup s*avantages offer perfect securi Moderato raie Lbeinamoaget t Ezsmption of zienshp. Cisintioled Literail iiv Poddeiure o! manntantional ni Né cuarga fom msdieal face Tables sud -otiter inforuisti lion lu IOZOEGZ u . in-lB rtin o iuaeo<sàpplicslia Plslazoni,of1th.' Coual>'of Onti of the esm plu gale Court o! t timon of Beu.juz Townshaip cf P nid Cslhermnar Datai thlub51 X. J. WIL60x. -S-, Il , emow ý

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