Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1869, p. 1

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mot: ElISON & S.4M750N B ArI1819118,Attornay.i So1io!torob 'je. 0NT cR, o W S ATTORNEY6FOR 91oIÉ.toru ~o No4,,r7 n » &0 No wu tltIl4n,baiidas ta ry, an d a0tr.ci ,, u prI uuClaary for th 400iw- ly ofu itar1o. Olico,33rook-amt..,Whitby., BARfIF?.TEUf ATWO1EIYý AT LAW Dflhi- OcOtro Ùg l it IB bAr ftSTl- lt-LWA~ OTI fil)lb!l roct.,- 94Dm nt W.Lilthy, Nov. là, 180t,'4 OLC01 NOTÂJtY PUBLIC, &o. *0. C. A# ZONES, DanJelter, soictor lu Chloery, A> Ii usrciiinved 3$ CAJocte Tt looîr ovortho OntAuî> J&NUT.- Wliltby, Out. 7, 1846. 4 AIUJT8A'JTORNEYS, SOUI- 'rui *AND ]NU okiiz. -Oti oor norlb of the o e 0100>c, Ombaiwn; nndm lcF orloclc,'oppit Ilwn hl, Bo.uuî,,vhlo LAU3I11,M.ULOCK & SMITHI, .&ttorneyil-nt.Iw, soiltersla charn. cryl, and Insoivency, &o. hu', ilouli, rook-6t, 110n.;. 1105, .,~j Y IIW A. W A»'i .T MTI W.&Jno ILLlIMGN, ~" (n.mm, MOJLLN'5I>ZCXBrook CHABLECS C. KErlimi, i.OINE T LAW, SOLICIOtON on, rok, U J. AMRGBE WOD A T'TOltNleY-ATV-LAW, SOLICITOR 1IN 11chamccry, Kufary 1'nblig, convejancer, -MOWhitby il. W,.- <Jun, B3yron afreof, hionuior lesOff Iice. 48 J AXES LAJION, A TTOJINEY-AV-LÂW, SOLICITOP.INJ Dunia Street. 10» Tbrce doors Wet cf theo l'out (0li00, 1 IODS, eC&CIUÂNE A COCHRLANE. à wo. ]B UfUBTEIIM SATITORNEYS, C0UVIYEý- malvo. aîîoort and otaries Pablip, &a., &o, Whltby BHl. 14-tf oPusni-Omon-Bigolow'e Biook. Il. Cou a um4 m, LL.,B., W.M1. Cogaaàio. -Ccunty Crown Attornoy. P'ort Perry, 26th tlaeumber, 1866. 51 0 IIWSE AT LAW, Soloitor lu Ob an- ac,Uôvyao &.e - Bmnoe$t,-oppoohte lb. Fout offe, (Ishawa. 40 .07 . DES. CABNON &A LAW, i1 klîîd OUC-DYION RO Connlttiu of Pmutuerah.lp f rauolf bargo. 0, A. 0.4)(8N, y. .,' W. 4I.L .A.9 X..MD'y. - Wlîitby, Jul>' 20, 1668., 20 DR, HANOCIÇ, mnaîv (inox xxoasUo e .xoo».> DY Jroll atipet, WhItby. 10 4N -V.fAM NOTAUX PUBJLIC.* W X LbAMfOTT, PhOPBIETO.(LAt. WYi. ioylJfOflrl.> 87 W 14- OYITN opto $¶$orm h D abianiofto(o.iut; 0Vlterlusnd ueblOI0on.wil 9m Street IeWtly oeupi.d by Jeweféot, and aiâbas htdflttadasudaurulh. ai luhilrstst via, vllmrwlli ande.yeo ullouco. Wiucu, Liquôirstttd OciïàATI ô the w inte.-Os)et l atu JOHN Là. -WÀTIKI'$t Oinc.-.Ovir JAS. YRNES' ModOlEflg prock 8treut, wIi1îby' Mr AU1 ork v6at4 & >, Famuil.s aettandsd ut prtykit'ôsidencet lisieiudlutgIhesm 8w -.~~Casvh.'oer, su. p Z teîewyi ataae GOGE CGORAK. i O J l miLGr on S. olîgthAearoqa» forAHa<ncp liràn140ltsm, Wllb. ab, 102 8 Brooki'0., u, g stire. DE ,%îino;g . ttnt edIlue c4roii>' f Cau Jin,, Stufs.Ceoati-en 'rekil0,C W, 108 2 CIROCIFER'S M OTEl, (L4TE f~T', NELSON ST. TORONTO# NORTIL O>' RiNG isT. BASSETT & KEEDULI, . Puopitnrrois. hml e s hyby akntlsao preinipes Wie Am)inovor>' respect eezuveiuîesmIV alla cotufortably e n o, upfor theoacuemnnsuditin et guaamm suanthetsatravoiiugpnbile. T'flic ll bcun ul iu constantL pceitoiîuul attauduuc, and *111 lesve Dothinus udosîcon thlimpatA riai ceau. sa COMMISSION JMifROZ4NI INSUJIAICE, h GENERL4L AGEZuT. W liftby, Jasn., MLOI 6. 2 *REVERE HOUze B3. PLAN£, -- - - Propnotor. attention paldti et as. <,refal sud attesn- tive estieru, 9 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON INSIJRAN CE COJIP'NY. ois b n l xitancofliiytwo yomrs, and during iliaf penlnd lias paid Lasse* axceeiing -ie andi a halt MillI)on' pountis mfonhng. T'he dlsbnsome-nt oet bisounorsoons 612M ovor avide arue, tua; vlhonudoubt, ouhrl. but4d te (ths ostabilmumim ! îse.fttin In the coenldonpc o[Ptne.,tc Curreiieîmoa, bMxn pmnu, Hecsimumuelr, ard bounessmn en u- erail>', wvIer or Ilà;ercimcnud. In t. fi.st )lst,$l126, tbme Fmu'e 1ranis alono annod ta. ..................12t,97e Iu ils 101h yam.r, 18106............. 47,7Vi3 " oil 'ar, 1866« ...........l,8 On6 yoarta,167. ... Tue Fine Resqerve Ynud fi; nov $4,727,464 The ,Lite hhtsoetoFond I. nov $9,282,468 Tise (om any In repremeut cdtibrougimoutU- lurie And <4os lie, b>' lui neuti.uAgont#§, te vlîom appi Cation for Inonrane papy ho made- A.qENT, WuînaY, Ã"LD Braîsti rnaslC. :Fabrnaî'y 27tL, 1808. --7, THE MUTUALi INSTJRANCE COMP'Y.. m r, mdtbroby mappe.'t B Ilnoe iiorauice Com-pan>', J1uiMve Dow AD opportenity oetdeJugr $0, b>' sppli I ciieottlw Ifie lcad eoffieor te su0' etii floAagents. Ourrate,.vIi lis fonnd sa Iows tiloc. rOf 1117respooslble Mactulu- suraeo Company la *ciada. L. FAIRBANÇKS, Ji., --- B iiTAiil. HIEAD OFICP.-TIo Cid Baglutq Chico HOTEL &PIRIIE FOR- SALE. TRAT citi estublibail anti oli kueva HO- CENTMAL, HOUSE, EPSONo Splendid ýroorn>'.stabilng, su&dritirnu h4, f;Ot*boî, vli QeorIv acsot flandtino. logprilusil.Tie re *tvo ré1 à itfgo lm i ni xejn vgAi>. e aii 'vhlvl bu so1.etaI abanglu, adlaesla -ee hnu.bthe Doufnine for su uctilà buinesauti. Poôrtorint, tir., al>'(11h>' usftri'prs-pàhd) te, -WILLIAM BCLTOIC, Ootobex. i9 .fuaii Cý, t LuI batls-u ,cmrwri, tga IL. Daid !Rosser ,oaWt i.u'&Yl& ., Vae.Jt'eOuis p oss.;G.Li P . r ob, R 1< ru .,q. 4 Z W. E oig a. IL em .P. VJap W . haIç Pr. WE Villa,,hm Gcotgl', Aii, Scor..Uuvrnmetnî Trustais sio ' MO s â revînelai ompr-ose auyiO y 17 13-n, s.,l.et lev iCesAsUiauBsgbssrn.4r Chatriea Fox $uDm&. Bokm-m-Dllk& kAixaodr; Poisatsierl. DoeraewClmriesRoicuiEnq. OFFIGES-44 Front Stteet, Toronto. Thes.PrevliufauuDiremuru aithsa Tom ntuadffspll mbi&EJtvayon~îan dins iliat fuibor pwgress vih 148 O men aimesm la Canda iicabeor expods r 1 ipso ýa pootdl asualasi ver îng orauit mblr 0owuiuas rcfl&ie al. 80111 ons theilire fi et Mx wclé te.Klegdcaus cf Nervay and Bwedo, la ii. loheoe, eeia an.! New Zealoaid âme inlaladia, and lion e » s .lvayâ vura capable et umma ig a nuelle cf abota sauesors amillion suds alWof tous et goodi persson, aioeccryung paisloeagaet a spcm5 ai iwenty4vos tu tbfrty iles anlioutr, end wmcc lin es. svpuss iuLg silo usauc minlscILeding stop. , u es o. n xeed uvoisîy smies un heu s f li c 8etoai braffe oftie Nontiein Ritulway (vislel i bsa lait lluostrtionnorme Irafflo Io ho oh- theo b ii Toreotoaend! NipWbslgBailay) dhd nos exced x5-000 ase. isd 140,OOpaoscnocm - have therefora rcsolved Io cousmroci tie omaotis aod Iipis. mlig Jfailayneu 8.ilree foot imis po, i heb.meuti cowauicul send cfienu uiaiincr coe..siriet vile a totai Mot et 015.000 pet mite. TIlcDlircmeri. (aie aIseonocuacii. Pylerfs report on d;ia F«iiuing lailway, 1wu le gsauge, lis Mermon. eiusirc, We, t.e frcigmt and massingur limffe of vishhi tl 1proxhuiiao leeCgC1ely ',Ã" tisa Dr IsebouOMhems Bi'îa.asi, meuh, lis. exception cDrille tomber tramle, iargeiy exuceeds 1itcarrieuloucisuthe .ai amu Vert 0iacr c.vis h e onus snd Port iManlcy lhvuy.' Wrh P nev ta e jîmet vpportiluiemoitor fthse rias inclluda0mecapiaiiieud h i talwmy uctoMp» niah Coùsila, flwa rwmessr.lrd le tub1;-e tinocilpieu ainsi, te lie besiefiidiuy Ibo ccnarecm ftisrle Salva,tfg oao.tWidepf tMis OW c mmiof Ib. Reilway, usa.. '$Ucg p.r m& ebxj wujf bons or gPltTbmst propsortion cf dule.t hâa.,k'odybren votoul for ile main lhume, cx- ceptiag legsolissas $w80,<e vol ixiaile, ladcicares lwsrmsp ais pler cent;, payale mn tweity yuars' suco- rîshes whicb are usscxceptioabhe aun. ii seîlcroat ertîsupar. 0f tisa rcfina'g vo-Ilimls ofîthe caphlual 15saure. po. slov in offTr liea40.00> le h bu nlurisoulha Vintk Ifrmia l arger.mIon iis te &smsçi,.pÂel. bonid# wii ho eueoc mer lise balanc.etofabusi $.u0c per mite. Tisu, local capital t0ie he xten rcf ois: -tmbot. oofim tsiivulay vii b. uccrlxy tebottders oft.e bondaisbtis Coaupuiiy. This iaemirbcauiag àempil viii is10 Mlo pa r Mile. The Pinectoradoent sataecxtepd the lino bey- end OqbeSm, tinards k. NhPln, pîlep.u n slizod b, lIc <Iorcmsant ofilois Prcinec le i or sooney suflcienite Vgarnmas theoComny oLrm tisa Issu eany pruic caila len bcivesied in these. tiens tablhe e yoad Coicsk. ioclu lca, Ibse Colis ny f<ouaiuseeui tahes lieu inien ain.oc o.fir cosapiaeli, Ibsoraoi. ing secdIou lffhsmnodia.aly rcire a;l fropi mise 6G9oenmtt10 the cuist necoury megécura thé cou- etrpsneu io'jla inae tu oimisè rminas ai Lake Nipp.alo-; lisue nsoriis, la l$ho pmopmiemor. cf thecamu section îic uiractlcaily uimmitedlimiter îmffie aswvol si; mbc gemulal hosaes of un immense ncv tcrrisory 01 ivonmi ioneend square noes. The termsinus ortefilm seI ctlin eipg iaesmpd onjiso Gulf Hiver, villi ncm t e ailllis lrhbss'arles. ami îolmis Dorni Riror. en*ore. for ibis -Uailwey a limiterend lupibor rfià e rtiu mco Ceeeis dotaion a cf ppiy ln aitt b imbier aoan mnrfiomonts on (iwy nd wviseh i i aonuiiimy oqoal or ex- th 1mi2iceftisa Noriers t Iailwey of Ceiiada un 1816,auamnied ouly te abou i,: fmfitBvuf55) million feet and tis quare simbier urusui onesaitlotcu six iuiiuueâ l ubeosan.! cale <cci. IN 1801. aipLoa rslocf ihuJNcrtis- or Biwsy c ansmhui amotinaulIon................ ..12.00:0e Ilirongis......... .............. 25,00 " 'a.aamiera,...................i O 10.618 U Local icelipe........... 0 fliiogi #............ ;.... 8,432 $410,M1 lunoliiig expenaca ........1a1.f cent hogezpenglesoa oa ifu 168 Do on Thmeu'gb Tuoic . ... .403 Loeum orolo3S oqualImo Si pct centn a c0Mo.ui5,u0001par mii. <r i2& on 18"4 ..Tji.................. 18,700loo, l'municS .....0.c ...8,844 '< aa.UPCero ............... 10,4 L ocoa ipis ............. $4 MM88 iroagli.............4,à94 P-"7,288 itùnùig opoz s 2pur cent Xtces of usruntgs oi'er nn Doeun Ilnaglaintaillo... 7'l"4 Locial carulmîgs aoqoîl-fo 15 2 à par cent on a <est et 815,000 a mile. 0r28 -0pruieu1,0ir Mlle. .oel nt TroghTrahie 194,588tenus Pasages ............ . 188,65 T-LMo 1g«i'<...........$ 9078880,07 guemgai efortàha pravmooy bote, triade Tho muet mtoderatào .fitliaecf theo gros r- v-uitat t m ri lctrai ulmrbar, luiuber cor- g,5::e o;r nnnfr11 r ;h plaoce lo uont a a vuraguof algbt o7 ton 3'.are, vIlen tise trathoiletqî-nec- uaoiarlly lntraa e àîiiucl lrgor arnonut. of ,>T ha tra ia te r osse this rayonna vili bu do- rlyud freins thofollowloa stom0i, aVd lunabout' Flué or uwu obr, tsr Ibuic 1Iî yuht m, 80,00 ntoef2.ie$ pr lsýCoiro900,00nsag tSup bua »4,000 GAnurAf good'p Ur,00 et, -atan avcràgeof$ 0 pa.....8 00 ru.....nd, ............1,000 ntCerdwoodi 500Q od ts 0pe 'cord' ...87,500 Piaeegru,1,00........10Q,000 * $140,000! Micvîung 60 por oeuf. for rnniig xpanoss theb nottearun ngaaQpnt4e $fl78,d0--eqnal Io a dividoud of 141 pur on oue ast ,eof*10,000 *por mli, th sti u1ceomt f0thue o- Paul of 9 o 00par udju the divldondtroin auctnot'emin weulcX Uc21 pur cnt. 'The oProviaienaiDiroctora invsu.t (lîsir own mans.en thoir faitla uheicoorractcmoff hae estimafu. The terminus. 'et Cooou on the unll River, vili cenuctiesalslway wifb a vasf srtbol nlà alvigatiàn, upon Wlîlch afou- Inm nowiadu,ud.whlck with omparativuiy luuxpunrlvo iwteovomante alrtad1ypart>' un- dur"ek.ub>' flicGevommoot, W!i1ffivo thçso oboaaeeM ete tise Raslway, andl wiill ford ai 4mont nuxhaubu supphIsof etpiste and liart! Weod. 137 the 4pt t o orpcratlen, the, Compunyvit upuaiahy bosdtat carry eordvôod, and tei asf- ford evM or'ucesmary taullty fer se doiing ut tie ?uUticd rate of S cent. pur eord lpur mile foi, 2,f Wood, fer ail distanée. under 60 smites, aud 21cent. per cord par nulc fer ail di.tnm.'s cicr 0 mllcarate vlîiubelin cou fennd te bu maflal*sctry, by-4ia' fee of ipilepdrliee n tflice Gôvernnunt Jlilways hilNew Brun» vicie. This condition vii unhanco the <est oftfuel te th. ensopny ; buf the lucrîmsed truille and 1 roperiy cosaqost, upon the trsde IL i§ 1 fuly elleed i more titan compummateo for 9trioecxtra cauit etfuel. C 9 The inmerons azoopistien of gentleman vu'. boiaepreuictcd and berne the prellminary ex- tpensu nofblu sotarprise, sund Who déiire In sec iL c.urried ont ln geod failli on sound, cenmer- cint priuîice, ore rulmdc, iho er 4»mpmtimeir Influeunc q ual te the batik, te havp titis ratil. way coîifrolledl by tent eutmpeu4efa capi ta1- loteot offis chty and tIhe eonntry on the route of the rihvlay. wvbe in airetukiocek luiL ; te> 1coumvert tbehn evu uecurities qsd pafsdy ouLL ceufiactorit, and nef te sprrcuder control of ftle railvay te eeutructoru or bond-heoldors; bt' c the coutracetit lu a munier ealculufed te anre the bcahfiset cempetitlon - lnethur word., ta lhave. vaine for, the meocy Irem the turitsg oe' fh loi t od te the laylig ef the last rail. 9 Thoecennr>' on tb. rentaetfttse fir4 section eft Cie ruilvu>' laesuerally lovai,, ahougs un two townships Ifl se on or rollsug, yeL the Cpi boing losm, i l ahs.exceptonsi, ansd Luore e lilos n ridges; fthe suparflciul ex- taminüuuaieuldand tie Au±iblity cf Lhc>'ruge 1attsnrou a mniîmnum 0f euttingg And flimgs- vbl i isber for bridge. and ties, ndsudbobr fr building. and feouae, ean b had AI tue basf cemt pesiblo »1 Qù.A4&,. lier bridges -iZexp aud good baUuaftiîg. Rail. tevweilï 4o Ibo. te the yard, aud te be .aloceu ef the est qualif>'. Arrangements are ini prepru.s vhich vii sune- cure tefthe (Company Ineorighf ef vay, fimrough thocOit týand rl f drd for a f'ew sihea; on ef 0ciy, ouailt1î-na ofthbo Grand Trnnk, b>' menus et a tiid rail ; and the dimpeeimioiî ef flhe preprietors, and other aîrenuistacm, aleng the lina orue ofeveurable tîxat the wholo right etfva, viii bu obtaîned for au umoot mot axcaedsog $20,000, iltation grounde sud deekage viii bc lad in t1ils cit>' auther troc, or fer a uomiual rouf. Iln tue desiiru et f lie rovisionel Ilirecters tc have tîseir Cliot Elginoar appoinfud, vith the coucurreuce, and subject ve the appreoval n1 the <Jompauy's Conuihing Eiginiis, bir CJharles k ex & slies, Who vil! hc field rospun- sible fer thé iexcllence et the Works, cenornv et cosroçî on, and the unces baieetofi ie sysfee nu rrow gaugu raiivuyg, etfvhiel iLuy have large experuce eimawhuaro, aud vîuhi fihe initiation of wvdis in fi, country the>' ai o lineurably tdeutilied. Oit tlîasepremimes fthe Provisienal Directer, appeal fer steak snbscriptimus te flic citizen. oua Tlornto, te fixe nîninici paliOcs ,and fp the busi- ness men and prepriatgrs ef ]anxd slong ftic rente ofe ta ilwmuy, and te capitalmitecica- whoe, bellcviug that the meat cautions and rudent inve.nra vii limA the stock ofthLe J!erenteand lilpising liailvay werfhy oft tîxir fteution. Tbho utock books will lie ejîusied ai the Ceip - paoy's offies, b'rput trect, on tl 2111April, at 10 e'cieck, a. .; meanvlxtleformietofap pieatien for si a.au hadheu nuapplication t .ram(th e erefary and tront tLe rauves au(! elorhs cf the saveral. municipalifies oii tah roule cf the lEsilva), and treim Mestirs. Ilaikio hAlexander, Toronte, and Peilait & Osier. CASEY S. WOIOD, E,.,., indsmmay. JOSEPH GOIJLD Eaux xbrid.' ALEXALIîDEK '?IA$EEq., ÇQnabac. A mamboroet lb.firm cf irGLarles Foxh Sou yul bu oro shirtly, and immcdiately on his arrivai, eporaîen ii b oxuînunced. Torouto, .&prll 14, 1869. 1nî-15 ~ Heideue yeyJas. Bymo's Drag Stre, Wbyb. aor only a'krr a~' Boiter te veavaîtbe Weh of lite A bright antudaoiuug And te do Goul's iill'vilLand>' boar, Anthlin.i aie a - rand v'lind. *T4àn te siusp tholdli1aeo ulinte îuxrcadp - 0'Otoiomleuâ eudr A nnblâme beavit lietaUgled( oda, nti iLanti griono-sidondos,. t -fat A Miuabie ClistiilauNllsî. On uee ft Ilungudaritnnrov utairYs vbenu ho Lime voîn boards bond aud groin ucadertii. tout.sud ,,lia coiv.bs dling lt lcdapvls vspmi recin. I vasa vretcbed garret.. The viodî sbook, ifs four bar, aisvose broieéu piseter rci"eali le oli rel brcks PThe fornituru, if it, oniti'bu eiulso c9ositeti otan olti datable,, vhieb, afooti by, a ilru.plice, vbrs e wovpieces of veood vues sfsrng'gilng tfotbrov scme bea- t ou thc cold, damp efinosphone. Onfa, , ellthes side-vus au nId vonisu boi; wbicl ba tol servo for a obair, andti sog fthe ai-de of fthe brokovaîl lsy a boardl, en vhiel Was some atrav coe witli an'cli ruggerd ubast. On Ihbaidlla' a tim, emaciafeti figue. The ilickeriughtlt ffbnrning Wend sboveil flicface te bu lIai t s a- man. Il vas eviilent flua tîl eturea loti buon flue, but lb.>' vure nov vustoil vitb the merlesa baud of povar>' anti disuse, ' Yen lai botter eut the moruolelu rcai thut is on the obuli, Chaiie, ' bforq >'on go eut flue cou morning. ' Tbcie vous vune spoken b>' the preatrate voman v'itb a voice 80 voak that fboy vero b lady audible te ber son, te vIeux fîty evo lc wu salI:glil-bairnil boy, about feu yaurs etfug,-Obut pavent>' and vent bai snarkod bisc oaufonauce vitb a mach older expression.' &*o, m'ofer, 1 a lm'neftver>' bnngry tbis morcing ; I viii toast it and steep if in the vater Yve put in tbe kettlo, andl Yen muet <r>'andti t i-you knov yen took no supper last nigbî."l Il Wr. viiidivide il thon, Charlie,"> e;clainil îLte mothur, 'Il tbiak yen bai botter takthase shirts back tbus moiuing; ibe>' bave lain thenu mors thon a vuek uov sud I lave been too iii te tooçl thon" Ilshe aideti. Yes, motlan; but >vonu l ae ttIe botter tbis morniog ibeugu, don't yen ?",sii, cbario, a tour gatlucriug in bic eye a.b lookeil ou li.snefber's van face. àYlee, duar, I feel a liIs casier; but I dîon'$ think L shalovor ho vaillagain,"y obe enserai ber bey, vho Wlied ulilue. tore tlue finc 1u toast the romains et fluir lust maul, undide cthcteant a t mura tniekiog dewn bis fhin rorîcvfsl face. 66 I shah sean sali My littia steak et cigar iighte, mother, uni then J shahlu e ule to loy yen sometbing botter thon Mei cruel ot breai. "Il o nt Ibis Christ mus day, my son 7"1 "éOl, yces 1 lad fongotteu thiat, moîber ; yen so ai daya arc alike tL e Oinuoui preeut cirnosfaucei.> "iAh, h thiuk I shah nover oeebutter duys oguin, Cluarlie," noémunkai the vomnan. SIc lad beau se wnapt in 1cr ovu fleoglit. e net to ons heu b oy's lest vende.làIf mec *couli oui>' discoclur vhorc m>'brother liresml asho continuai, dé Oh, if haoenly knuv our presset circumstancos, lu vonit net hu long in prnviding for us lu oui great uxtremit>'. I wiel it more fer yonî sake. Charlie ; I couitidic happy if 1 knev yot venud luecaned for. 'Cheer np, moîluer, if maIes yeu veorse te grievo ip flul vu>'. You yul got bot- ter, anti I shail soon bu big cnungli te vork for yon, anti yon ven'f netite sow tIen."- With a sigh tbe disconuolatu motlur tarneti bcr face to, tba vall han lipu inning !n'uilons prayon for ber boy. 'Nov, thon, motber, bore is a nice picce cf toast for yen, anti the vater le quite vain. Yen vii licostreongor tar this, e 0ca 10i C -rIf- baiuga.se. hi pnlthehimbl>' d eededthel., uiokety 1 &tair,-s ani iueê eout ipto the f&e.Iy ier-é 'Lt e u,'li oliloqulseti; ýI bhave, I oeien lioxeaWheAti sai. lioso s bali8 I bUn>'pot4un ]uf dozcupud wh9PlI bave si6d bm~ulbeable..to syaà;4eseL. Thgh etuo-uas#c ii -butiw,'boi-sppieohld psascgç, aCter pa isegr il vM u ny JO ho ivo a eareesi puh, or a.c.ldabale of tbe Iea&', ïeu'v. got? -Heuring a 'voe M 'tIifsbh ea goriy ranu ujute a gelutliian, vue bk- MOd I1 witb a cipgar bét w eo.n biis fîný iYus air; cnIý;â1i'penny, a box.' m ba.thnthon; tb.y i e source out inth.eCountriy, 1Tlusro"s s1 on t> yon-nuvur mimd e 'obquge,' C aîf lc a & lufî t andi g abuo u lb.th pavemenh wifh hbo'bosa luis opun baud. '9 - vas somefime befozo buhocoisid-colct his a.uîu bi'bo~s soatreil "~Mîiîwllàbae oaometbing noïr,' ho * luought, as ho husted udl an 'pm"shop, and'proturedan orange and soutesoit 1 bisicàit. 4'5h, viii bo lule b o Ioý bis ýboUte,';tbsu whaî sue b'aàl jbis in1otsing, à *d tUts p.unywenthof bread i,1viiimo me.- I amn youug, aud stroagur Iban F If wau Jute in thie fturooî andgrow- 1 og coldar 0efor boavy .0ev c',lônda 1 ang lé 1h. air. 1 Dut Charîbo di4u' a el b.buigot the frosI now, bic bappioes va. 50great; aud b. ian murnily hoeaards, ougur te pro- sent lb. dsint>' ho bicsv e vStaiving mother.' "As méther say-'jThuru la a;ý n uSeuu band that guids.,W, htus orb claunbnred up tfeuencout1à boards ef the stair. Hie epenedth le deor. guufly, noct e difourb bar if $he v>cere ulcop. Tharu vus no noise and ha appraeudi the bed yulh a higlit stop.e lit a émal piucuetfcandio, fer il vas begioniag le grew dark. Me broagbî tb. ora'nge ilict baud tf0tflic bdside, te greet bis mother villu. 'Motho,' hu whitpurud. H. thouglut she lookoti strauga--uot as mho used teý do whoneu as ensnip. i'hure i. yerur Cluriatmnu supper, mether,' hu seil iu a Ionien toue. Thon. wu n respouto, fthe oyulide id Dont movel, andth te face vas vbitcr uhun ber. Churlie fuît a stag four crecping ovar bim. fag 'Motlier 1 mothar Il ho gaspud, se - ho fuît ber band te bu chulloil with a oeld. Ilke fluet of death. 'Motber Il' lhe amoit eluriekuti, bis tbmn face groving palel, sud bis heurt ulmoat freeziog, vifluuin i., His flrst impulsaeva. te rfnua un-e ue cf the noighboriog 40,1010 for assistance. go nuseil Ihrengli thi e orva>, bustheb nise ofiilandi dobibor>'lwbieh <.11 zpen his Gais quioki>' dicpelled snob Ihouglits, and dovu mb t. edaik uotîset b. rabed , net koowiug whero bu vas go- iug, net feeling tlie iuuuse cold'or avare of the. fast faliig unev. A vague idoa of meeting vitb beip of anme kiud-ueme-wberc-tbrobbed in bis uiiud, vIicbvas se racked aud sbaken. If. rau thiongli the nuuâow aliayç,- now emptied of DUIltheir fravel 11k. one iu s dnum±m. HRis strengîli, howvvr, soon gave va>' undar sncb exfraondiuary oxertien. I vau tno muaI forone vho bail becu se weakcued vith veut. Ro fuît bis limbe grew wuaker, a strancre sensation vas tekt. iug bold ef huru, bis brain vu i0 a vhiri, ho ixiacti Lis oumbeil baud ecudeavoring to cleîor ava>' the film that vas gathering over hise ae-e-lenuobeilandi (cil bucusi- bIc. .,,a.s--Siu wn Thc nigît -of tle fventy-fitth ef De- ,ý pîcasoru sud sa' cembur vus a cali eue. Decomenlr t.cnet a lunian it aiways a bleat, olueurlasmeufî, bol thia tîsu if Wv' bai night wvusno, tutu, andtihîe close licai>'salves.' flakes otfsne se for'biten fIat CVMCryo. 'Nue deot1Ilt vho coulti boust of a homo, vas, if 'pesai- haii' remarIe blu vithin deors, <or tie strOet venucm 1Pt>'fbu is mitherlea anti suent, suie for flic ragiàg. et lb.storux vwonitijuist bu e or thie puaing roîllet a car iago1, Or- cen-7antibingl : .v oyan c ee to f an me k i at. , A n o th er îh i ag ' u l a ti i must lave aidedincianont voaihor luniteepd uoi,;bill vu ihug tlie streets on d oninenpîy_-it vas uti Mu. Theap Cîricîmas nigîf-ite timu vheu ihusilie waiI nDA0lih. ai! are eacI gathared minoeïr*eirho, fo- 1valips -hea gufîing for a tino flue outaitie venrd, sud "Pir refu ilrovniag fthe eterin, tih ilsmoiu1onas batson ye irbini ~ ~ I eyiinlanis. vl. tîu, anry n ttubiolht, tD gong. ' ' ' aïds'ý the>sota somne frme nîl ejôymuata o ofteC1ûit. $MY mcousý iaswfiresidu, andtfi iditiçà te-PIg14tfor iflu e avole rbs log Its va>'810ng 1h. ilasertei shreetôa, Ti ' ëjTle Èlii dn lighl ef thle strpesjlums*,astbe.>'vre use vender.' sa paseet a Isteritais, shovethe individustlW ulymt i le' bu velI rvui i'agalo*t the vscier tprg un Ap stern. lt vas a genîlimnu appagenlly proeion., batvueeu font>' antfi tny'ive yu'asrm etage. ,'Hosihmo tion iio4ca L..lr. a. ,5 f.- nô.5 Oati mti ls va>' lto e ;cdei " Vioâl 'l saiuited ih*bar'k~kfroua bi ak. ing stickr. Otepiu v ereiwmudiately ,aiudibe, Anud Mis. Thlo"àuapaeti' e ae -io rhr a ahl me. t ter' 'Ba "k :'Who*o îlere v? '9)Ponbtippi I. Fov-ueîysakopen the tiOor-içk', quick 1 Thpro's.hifeor Mrs. tÉosnpàoïn riè'tgniziog thé vefoe off bar idsbant iintanti>' drev baci tb. boit,à pari 99rand sfretobghissegulîfi llnrdop ou anoll' evoied sora, quiuklY ý 5 Nhilte ýleea o'th clil la fle àast.bads_ f !tg,' prtetorq, vbulee exosemoe fuiijrfLeiteior,'of fbo-'meuaio and ilils ccnpAna. _Hirei. vuas Scoïch lady antiQevoîl cuateti le mul is berne e stherf'aianti lovIPSg o ne. Tha>' lad bin an ristinov*fn>'l Aveoty un, nti, Io" aiing nolilin liutowed .thir caru nti attentin pn tb.' pooi ef thle uglubonioei, ant I!vers leveil uani ruspecteil by ait, wbo kuevîbhe-. . Tlionpon's moîlier bailcornie frinot. laut:ýi penil lier luït tys in lber ilunaglu. toi'. bomu, andti Iesertîrelivut iogulbor, lu bappiaum o ni uitJ in a pratt>' villa lu flue suburbu et the Matropeolis. The renn i vlicb vas broiglitse b uiricil. 1>' latore ibo'raaduî'is notice vas jà el as cotutortable a; ns u' roin coulil bu. It vas carpetedti vfthîe boiethIat London- conli asi fori. ,Tbe'tastiuy parpareti vulis voe docked viîli ceeu>' piet.urcs tb. lundi. vork o e Icgnatast paintera, anti 'baung vif bAcih tapeatr'. On-tle nighsi h lbo.'iutioilaced ouiý rusilors to e s omtortç, a , table vaswu>*i fuadinesa folr Mr., Thompson's uiritsi, ludon yulh oranges, 9fia,_grq»opansd uvery, kin4 of delice>'y, A lianison"o gratu' vas uhioiug brighliid nado uninflaeof eta large varrgi.fire, anti Mary-for suuh vas tlue name b>' phiCit Ur..Thouapson, kaowl"his vife-4a be ssuhu>dacorating lie vallu sud picîure trains. viflb ir.îes f lihmo, alloi] in teposiiôo fa 5h57 ig fg suit lbefaupy 'etfmrois..r&svo -itber aguti niother, vio ocupiot a veU cu Mon. ead clair lusins'co rner at; lie ftimide. !e oqi Çtory., The -tenden sud Mis. Thomp'n ui'k> airel efleot. The- roulera- agîtthe uifufl'ead t om.eo khhlov into, iit< ,Tihe blooti illy undar the earnest cheR. os, anji flieluloiliaewface sese eagcnhy vStcle4 as île' vitl a-lielier lue,_ etipga brahng lu upoa nigil ibis, bGoorge,' Mrs. enkati as-they.maltieva leo rtek of a liuîl.0ncfnuugnt, 'leiuafoublei' l lOp, àt theo danger vu1 put. ilt. asc stranga Cbricfmmas shal Iok ebaek vith more itlefactien lu baing rues- 'eing tronu îhe javs of duaLl Spunl t ilueujeyingonr- te liduels Émne amuicas Bd Mn.. 'Crawfoïd; 'au' i f anti destitots, tlink il our dtin t>' etek cure o' hum ,mcli às te casu ire abaIl nef, Mary, dean rspti un; "but ve abali' bhave le 'sites, nibe ri i 'il wA. jusitProvidlence c eS D'iclil,' Geontiu, 'Çiawfo d, agea. At thIs 'os vpns adItalracfeI 4o- b>' ainoieneunt oethe i et deadt, cbeblti risi,ý st startloti and iiuiut b ic aide. - oaIj dreamaiisu, iary, an, id Mes. Ciîravterti rzi- To confinue nursing et Mi.0 vnonglit the des fines soon broul the poor littio fg varneti gradual iung et haband, puti paielip'S ,v beame hingot i 'Jt's bucu aià Our ChisInas; Thempeon rea reaI, antf0pai ienving ibair pri but satieuti u outliiy I Wa i sawMurïaay, or 'iueaa £ ev bourg-,anud .bis ;slterorjvuitbaie ýbeun niabpreti-vwith the deuil. - Tfie as"iins brothur quickly' precuroil aitidj éutd,' ' - pn bis, *ister in wai" llaukets, roaceilbis 'Ovu mamnbu'in sfaf>. Unileth.eaiectioate ptreatmient slo receivai ut the. bauds of ull,.'sbe gin. d u a l y ,' r e oo i e e d 'h oe r u n u , n i C i r i * T lat 'O bristinu sn ig il bas passed- vu ' but It. sonu Ibast viii neyer la forgrof feu. ThehomeoetMr. Tompoana nvall fiN erir l ok , upon Chalie as bic ova sou. EBach 'saceeiig Christtu day "P peausto e ie c appiur, for man> bave passuti inouthon, The>' are Dow i! prepaing toe clebnte noilir on. h fa truiythc moest:maorablad&Y in Ibat home, fo i a i aninersmtnj et heu es-cap.e frin poveni>' anti death. Nev flie vlle even lok bigîter and èerytuiug aronut mèeu camtortuble, anti tle Chriutmas -table of 1868 promises ta bcvnma.re tunmpfing. thon beàore. Thé frog iluhéale'bhlait til ltaet-r taia thé sine et un ex,vaws a pigux"ycon- paneti mmli one of, bisetie jui cagbt ceai Indian Camp Sping, Tan.- The latter is dlecibut t le tlneefeet four in heighf, vicn u ha asiitimoe posture, veigbs 93 pounis aàd MlIii 'nOe meing et makig a ep of ten fouet I Ils oyua ara Iveantia a li inclus inu tiiaieten, audi ifs ganal uppean.' suc doisbiticpaanti repulsive la lb. ex. hu.me. it iras fouat i -a large cave, and il ctaapter, sTenûesiee fariner, inluntis q ê iiii lte' thé publie. TleliititI aiugter etf J. C. Haekettî,of Minet, MNe., evnË aLeUgioru' len fef bas beun pufteO l 1 e@eau ho baniéeil van>' radil>'. Becenti'tho utle, girl pt ber pet 1a' theiap oet ber motar, wîerenpoq idi>' imntdiutai>' svulowci a goýLtipin lIaI bail lucane untastneil froxM isIlÃŽ.'." dinea.. T he.pin' vawS a n md Joug, a , Ibiril ouf ou inch vide, aud veiglïtiihrcu.fôurtbs et an ounce. To savu tha plnund LIe lite et thé- pet,- Mr. H. col epen île urop of tlieu, bo, xtracte th îe pin, mii then olocti up thflue ennil.-Tho ben nucovci rapidi>', audtin a yod reluuratitoe or daI> et laying ugga. K hors, thfernuxuti Linday' mate lis esape' tront st,- Thfonu lmilou Fruin>', but vus r u-.captur eil after a race et Itv i n. miles., The jeilor vas absent ut ti, tine. IL is a singinaract ýtIat Mr. Lanier, vho vas lcteti b>' Bformger s oulti ava ciiesen. o, bldbic fiat thre rmoeigs in' nofenionaly' streughelda-f Toryian. TU le gaMburg Puahtentiary dicipline t. miautaied ti u flcyounger fem ale tepa t-. munI by ilrcaaiug op oi'uudors ilathe eoeaumeof nid vonen, antihanishing tlui teîeaeiyarjartj£ botati frein Hamilltoa jaR Islall, mate is vo> te Ciftoc boased et bic cploitt and vas 'ru-captaicil anti brougut haut. TI< juoles of île tulegiapli acreas tbq plains areu nid te bc a sonuce ot deéigî-ti> the buffalbs, hiol usnu licouas Escratching poas. ' " J On Wednsday 'sterüooe--à 1ev iq Hamiiton, jail alucappîe ttesemeoffanoflues- isn'salawith a buck ,av, , ""Naugity'boyi -lu' Manclestor,NH. fflp fmued$1 f« piuayjpg marbias 4hDilu3'? -Whicbio-the'pianetýs bas le Mostt sus.. Mai>'- raiciag j WliiiD>',Jan. 2 roek ut. 88 JE Douta. a, il Cil.trTiza il.

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