Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1869, p. 2

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ONlT 1 60 ENYTO A TEaI 1t os evcaafserbes" l elag asIe ounlise subjeit oel.Immigration. Mv.i Wbité, cf tise Hualion Sypecatbué "oe»nsul84 a Coamissioner te Barope b>' Ibo Ontauio d(ievraaenî.Hen. Mv. Curling, bu bua matern leg cireasudforfesoua. talilet sMd " 8aorlmg onessry information broadeses. Ané vo Lestri fiaistheGOoruor Qfor4ýai, oj aeo, «jrecolved a cable dssPateh fiens tise Colonial Becrtary lu- feMlng bis tisaI hl.IperlalGovsrnment bai ceasotel ta perait comae o (ta trans- ports te b. maolai. envoylssg *migrants frei tise aboiesof tb. blotber eonutry ta gaNs, This le.ail tbis&b oul b.. Tho>' a@ tsmaeofthLb.practIWasop. ils. aisol long bofer.hbave boom îshom. Tbr. bu alt isonbeasb(lishal laEngisul an lsgenîy, by *m'is. Cr& ad loyssfor de ppe ofprouriaig soldlseias. log velisble information.* Wlîh ail Ibe appliaes ai volS vo may fsinly erjseet &s large encrasse ta Oar Immigrant population durleg thé caing somer. Warlens, leeve@, Mayors sud othérs te vise. air. eniave outisa mhjeeaoî beaue adosmel, #boul ov uinseiu l ow $ Il lu shahr pcvr,, not only (Ia anpplylag thse Intr.. stion osilal for, bat Ilis tding empoyaient TuesL.yfor p7,esis.sn. By, lod itis lember'loi Mv.,Betem. Tb# sebr. laiieu.d os Kopdajr sd 80maii ns..svua~ isuter. Tbere l lar ige quaicf inOt ber sad Aingls svitlagshipat on tise vhs, Tb$ e vatr of thedabe vu aevwer kbeyte des. m, rap$dly as wvhhln b. past eek. ,1%ise 4 alin t b. bsr b" rs isen full, 12 lashus, the deplh boing nov 9 tet Iobos, mdsel OiOs. smUdes 155b Ik fM,-. l& spovio. Mr. Jrohn Spiovi., for 10 55557 yaars Govereesofethte Counsty Goal, lIed quit# sulleal>' eand zpoetedly on Meula> lut. Mr. Spiovia vas- la tiseut.et lius. 109 hiimufaeléril inthé uolg, andImai. bag prepurations t.aoenvy prlaouore ta thse KingatnponItlaary. Alilet aMo "-s S ovi oeo tisat b. va i ces visSa lliaaneu oasrpreal,à% 1w, - esw7r dso6 netepWu F but, te UMm.S'a 00,qul iu>' t yLbg wvontise matesrvitis bis, repilol "mc"ta; ib.bal Irel ou b.l.g of bistroma,. Ob@ vsu I eda tb. dîne, ësu oiag tbho wb. u&bout falliag jampolop anal aSauit is lu> ber anmss.13e vus perocilos. Melleal attenlsas- vuimsed"iat yprocurel. aIrt. Gnou andmal Tea, iII suttat oeliea shil ooll do bot pont ohn obsSpiovi. uoèver ralliaI. lie espirol sbertilbeo..i tva o'cîcck, canrossadol by -bis sorcwiag vi u 'an &talatu.n 49@I. I.,.,.ag co. hotoreisand. for thé lîfforeut clams01et im- o eti --rpw h rpueo migrntson toirarriai.blood rvel las thé brain. Mu. Bpîovle aieat VeiociipeaRaa. vas53yeasaof agi. H. vasthelis rat -1gucier aincesthe onoction o et is coni>' 1gruasa voiocipeais tan hetiros oiel-knaova builisiug, haviag cdeepied thé pcSt for Troeo perfcumers I. aaaneed. Thé enan>' fitteon yesrs, sud ho bal- the repn. atobis sfer the a"Dominion itaes"1- isicaof baving alvoym lisoaigedLeis distais. oroato Le Ottava, Tisa vbiclas latin vus coneelsations £dality. Ho vu eterbed ûu tise opalag lu>' cf Palisment, on.et the fi rstiif net the Gi Whitby man aud voe in splendid ronnig esi. At lateai vise secare tise permanent setablisismoni aa.n, I....1i e .lad la -1. - uu b& ato u e CrlW I006W, prepoîssu by one of Liso ablatsi ud mois expeienoes prchsser, làs the Dominioni,sud vitS a Ikige part>' cn boardisafin; sa atrokerst, (nsIa eokor,) vas 18,120 yard& absal. Tise Telegrap7s, hevoeo, vu msking ex. sllent ime, -being more ligbuly loaded. Il, bai aisltiste alvantageeof àa geCiookcon board, ta, provide coanfonts for tise riahrm, adusi4t la oiliug tho machine. Thé tbirI esli-aaltise- Lelr,(on accomut et former qviotoîism vison l iel te leal tromtb. eat ti bthe.viuule; pool)- vu &along vol bobindaisd fahag Il esy. -loa tbq Even<nga, Iluridar vas mskiag boster apea u luiigissoing bis mu- Ohine by easiag.avsy a large piliseoftouet papoua ta litîle boys. Baokeism es 0- citel, aud bots ruas iigis. TisaGlobe' frioads-of'sr a tu 1 tisai is oppenente viii not be able Lu clos. op tise preseat gap il liu maIe lu tbe race. Nova cla ION. Mr. HOWE ELEOTIEO. Thie.la tefigeuce ftue. Nova Sootia Gmst Mr. lHave buaslou electel hy s large bi Richsmond tise anti-cindilîte, Mu. - Levisconle, vas olocted over tise Unien candidat, Mu. Heny. Mnt. SwuiàÀvvL Voteriaary Surgeon, to uhosa cardlula ther colmu a vobog te, direct attentîin, casnoSt ailita prove a valcabie asudlesirable aff'siciion te this locali>'. Mr. Bveetappis Is a graduasecf tb. Toronto Vote inan> Colae, bas bai a large puactical oxporlencealn hie piotesiion And contes beeiigisl> rocommendol. We bavrs i lattera assdi totimoniala le ham troms Ur. lSsitis, cf Toronto, and osier »Iuslnsiu lisLe prussiansd notbing coeud bs more bighiy ceaspiiaotary. Hit permanent noialnce, I& viii be soeup , ili hbe et -Brooltîle. Ton Laia,? c riu a îîsbal greeti> retardaI rming ojserioomsentai. Tis (las hast %yèsu asosefteo odi g la tis iccalit> vas cougihdel. Tise vet staLe ef the grecand Jumnov prevents eucaeely su>'- tiisng beiug doe. Doinug lhe pmsê-fev isyo vo barsebalver>' boavy, bat st tise -mas.. lime, geni Vers ebovers, se Ihat tisa fîose sua>'b. ea ideraI as ecsplately oocf. thé rocnd. Plcsgbîag bualuesdy ta ss o atout bosu comeaccen d a fev dry &7veatiser viii pet -tise lad la gooeo cues tes. cutîatloa. Wit.n Ducam.- Wiile avaislng tisesm. ril et thé mr. Nerienan on Weloala> moreiag, ve observaI nnmbera cf vîif docks vithis easy resciofet1h. triggor. Il vonl appoarmasif te is inlstnoiv.l>' neau that IbeoBesson fur bagging tises bât lbusd q upe ts.mortai em4mitlb. apeulsass. Thée tingent oarsyisgvooî tb., provisions o hpofS M t luv la ikeil'to lmananabsnuneotvmu fovi et thé »»R48vtor il$ mgua ]sePasses- gowuh s ourtmp una voeus Mriai. -4meq i lssm ml DqW# <b,# vebeau dlaebargod b>' t4 Coutirbheo thefOwksP ,Sos& bofortb. J%7#, flore bois#qno ,vW des a a" thon. 'ý-" of a a nauspaper lu the feus-or ubat vas thon hacvuau WhitbY Ililage, aky tveai>'yoats age. Rafernig te cd ilmeala oui possaslon vs iaI Lie anaenaceeaî-Tu. nm gsr Rzrous, <SitpU&iSJMIeery Baturdap momine 1at tse oce, in Wlitby, Tiltage. Terma-Ten uilingo per assssm, 'if pal4 ûi 3 ssesshos; tioue five Zs andei rfa' pence ati e cdocf ttc eau. Ait ieuuaadduugedto îtii q,&e -mit & ýpala. A liberaldi dsoastalowed te puou becom<ng ageit.for Mt Reporter. J. B$PRO WL P, Ppul cou. la lb. namberof et b. .1 Wiisby Re- porter of t1l2îi t fJaty, 1851, wvo Sud Mr. Bprevle's vleîîotory, vhon tise papor became thé, prqperîy et Meusr. Peu> sud Doruai, (<Lb. latter since aIcse ono te his long ecuant,) b>' vbcm IL vas elaîgol, and tha tille ebanged ho te fthe moes 5gb. soualing coecf tise Ontario Reporter. Mr. Bprevhe vas veîy vilel>' knova; fou monu living la a counnt>'Leva bai a more lb extensive ontoide acqnaintanoe, and h. vus 0genorailly veil esteemed by alviso knew him. The deceaaed gentlemian was lwice matried, but ho leaves no anrviuing iue. 3The romaine voie interred in Lheb. baal gronnd of St. John's Charch to.day <Wed. nosday,) and voe accompanied to the >grave by a large fanerai cortege. DSuoBEtti's MonHrLy.-Tbis Maga- * aine bas the great merit of kseping op vith the imes every yaar, and simosi avery namber la au improvomeat on lb. laut, Its varied depaîtments farnish ex. acily vhat evory lady needa throagboat the country, and Ifs immense circuastion and groat sacsi shov tisaI Liey knev it. Th. promiuent fealares of Patteras, tb. "dies' Oilub," tsi Moule, -etc, are aaoh oft dens vorth more than tbe priesd cf tb. booh, linlb.erosivaine that tboy9 reprssent 10 b. ubsriber. Tarms $3.001 par year, vitb a promis.. Addrass W. J. Domorasî, 838 Broadway.1 TUE graina fruohts aura raIng a vast destruction of proporty in varions plues, At Brantford#,theb b.int dbcd haova for yerbas ra u,.d. Beords- .1-osas baie boeisaarrWad avapon thé Grand 9i10r sMd Il&s ribatlarles. The Beaver rroi, hou au ovierlovs LI Isktise vate tthes soots la Clarksbarg la ltbres. fout dasp. Dnee laompletely jhéod. od, sud lb. vaLez vu rlalag rapdly 9aIthe rateao etivo ilues au hbor, On far vo boare hoard of uothlag 'ory saions Ije "bés aalgbborbcod boeond ths e Ur.s"tio faà fer otreras. Dut&wse u sws..lu ufvea wéestbo and lb. bal amateo(theb.rosIs boire easd o osvwhse e a t.ssa"mlinl hui 00u OukM * m Bstub.#riunggtraIe owo.â, Ome usebsata bav ay" bail nsuh eOekn, ud th tis* M à"eub r »Wv o»ieeg Pueaousbions o sp aid a revil of 91 Ide prouis eiel. 4 ScearBOisp....Tbuo vilibe àa apo P"iOf telebol Bond tGIS <Tbu&.. d "Mi.» ain,~ s una ssse 0 >% Paabsnnflt cf Lb. ei andti,. al, btse t enatamet f vianadl qual lava .Youreortita luoes irection mme nov, sera tbisu ever, ilikely toa b. cal mb eaction, lnsucb as tise tarais tpon v4Jblcbraaî aseelonQr0 ollere o theis r 'Dmineonviii à. Usolfor jour la- ea0'ni'lnce tbiseDatte ofBoeking- hébain end-Thon despstcis of tiss $i 40uaflulat >air, etating tisa iteGr4ee prepaael teintai lOto u.gO(lsttiOuailst liseJluduo's Bay Company', astaotise itertas on.wbicb tbey vousl bc viiliag te imurrosider, iurigis andii aius luln b. Noith-West Territcry, Lord Monck seut bossa te Englaîidivo membsho f tb. Puiy'Cotsneil as- a -dputalion to vatch tho course efthtie procoodlngsand attend ta thse luterosis cf Osuada. TLhe Cesiternce la Leuden, sud Lb.eco- raepoeusce 'on these ubjents bave been bressgbîit oa doita lssue b> tise prepo- sale visîci, aftera all revlov cf the cir- eobaes, Blr Granville mado on tise part oer lMjoLym Goverunont for tise ceuaideraeie of tise people oh Canad-and cf tis. Madsau'mBar 0018> I have receivoil tleta higoc flih c Iludsea'à Bey tCompsny-. baï atter some deliberation, docldod upon scceptitig tise tarni&e laid clown ebi thS eafry ci Stats fer tise Coionies. 1 have dlrected tisi (ho reporî t of th mission, &Aali tise papars ccnnaetad (isertsvlîh, shah b. dnly laid before Par- iient, aud 1 commeul lisea ta jour serions censideration, lin vioveof t1fs/gr*at; Imuportance of tis c nu lms.ta ins l (ho hop*îtsIbtis long vaxed question aay bc closca vitisout turts.r dola7. 1 vu mach giatified by cesusunnications frnm (ho Uoverson or Newfouudiaud, ex - pressing tise desire toi adinistion into tise Union vîsicis prevasils amongmitishe inisabi- fauta of tisai colcny, sand especially by bis dcspatch cf lise 0tis Marcis mat, oarnlg copiesof liascinîions visicis bave boots psssd by tise (ouîscil sud Asacmbly, sud viscet torts tise conditions lise> con- aider it desinable Le aivauce. These documenta &hallhoctssrnisbod at oncefo tonlie Information et Paîlisment, sud 1 hope lisat before the close efthe Session 1 sa>'be lu a position te subsait ltse dostule cf a proviàional arrangement foi your consideratiou. -It l cii hoseiiiible piomure ta me, se ,well uaaacnbjece oclfgral congratalauion, Il ah soino car'l>'day tise fine -cofon> f Nto'voundiand, anrsvallod as lise nursery' of hardy sesmen, sud iuoxisîushable in ifs lwaaitbl etFisisenies becomes part cf lise Dominion. lu accordance vils tiese uggestion of Sur Mejesty'm (toverumeut, au enunesi iL- *A5mpl bu been ide e ailay tb. diaccu- teut unissppily ezsstiug lu Nova Scotia. T'he pipera counected viithis aubjeet wiii ho sabanittad for yossr favorable con- sideration. la conutszauc. cf tisa course commonc- Id laitsession, Bis viii ho presenta e t 055 fer lise assimilation of the Criminel wv eisting lu lb. soveral Pnovinces. No grester boon eau bc cenferred ou a coun- îy (han a veli deliuod code cf culminai law cf gonersi applicatsiouanan y ascer- Ameug dies measurea, Buis viii bo ereseuted ho you tor tise establishsment ef iirnisand ameuded lea recpecting Par- iametîary Electiona, Baukiuptcy sud Iu- i sovoucy, and Pstents ci invention sud iscuver>'. Géniklme& of tiseHanse of Oomnm,- -Tise estimatas for tise expenitune o e't' mîng financiai ),car vriii bo aubsitted, eto Fou. They have been fusused vits every 3ouemy compatible viti tise efilcieucy of 1se Public Service. I have aise desirod r àit tise filancial accounts of lise past-yean ;ali ho laid belon. yen. t 7onoras£e Gentlemn of 1h. Sensete, and r Gentlemen of thse House of Oommoiss, f Tise charters ef several Banks are drsv. P ng (o a cloeansd tise impoutant subjecta o Bauking sud Currency vii ho brougist rider your notice.o In cousideriug tisese questions, visic soeu lepîy affect, net enly tise importanî lu- à' -rosts of Commerce, but these mu7 trans- 0 eious et utce, 1 fuel assuued (bat yen viii P ndeavor to adopt sncbi principles as, in beh application, mssy ensure tho greateat 'w esasuie cf safty (tiste public, vitseut îutaiiing lise tecilities roquisite fer tise scuragemeul sud extension et Trade. w 1 have enuusonsted a vsîiety eft(opios, JI ILt Lie> are cf monsent sud pneu for deci- P' !u - ithin(ho lmits.. .. eSessin.- I (la Monay, litle hayond rounine bisi. ,, vu lrsnne nth ie Boue. Boas Ri g"or aine polluions ver. pîesenîO4 tli mong iCh vswu e <rosMontreal pis> '. 9for tise repeai cf thee luscirene> cy »t d ome for aita the. Ottava ahip caasL aIU MEr. Mackenzie objected ta tise reception P' Uh. latter on thse £round thatîItînvolvelno 0 ezpeuditora of public asone>'. os Tha efs » aid tisat altbou;b lthe ps-ae 10,1giata& Oalght flvotir.the . adillreefr publie ooyet'a se r- l i itboit vi= ~Of eth. eim. BkJolla L Macoenald ald tbot vben Bi r.a0prnel, os boisait f a bu-sail trPrise, b"dappie o ebl b.olia o risaiý bin) tom MrUv.T14, te geL à peU. ul 0 h.saa lun 8aovdeneeiîbtisaherail.., 0pio.mUentPtition agtI9 oev 1",vvoeh. oae..snàd itbe j4 Tb@.Alabama laim e vr* -duca@att diaLuris te. long-tise olisus of tue or prjsdieÈ ef anotbor dus, i oea huim -te keep ibis quulfýewaia o iboS.gret poliieas yosieusJilr# mp. ùlieu tio hail rame5 wigî.bu îapidiy usdi eieokod sud espollIby tisa great Bbosbenos îmdy. Foraie by by7 this lae . bsi udva mastlsy Iwo agree vitb li s bnigbit color suad its toya bave ýthé eharacf bolug dfreat front ovaryLblog ela, vile thé cLorias sud- sketches artexeceptlonaliy good, combla- log thébe ni vitistheho amasing l.a &ro!. mukarh csceaseaassaneer. Terme *.5 pur sen., vusa promis..Addreu W J. emorest, 838 Broadway. ROA suCnirs.-Tbe ffoers ef thé Kolotona Chaptar viii bu dly imtai. 1.4 on Saturdsy mezt, st ibres o'oloek in the afteroon. A nomba, of disticnashé amssoa rom aà distance are expaobod ta be ln astendance. Thoro vil&Iisb ba àspe. oi moetng for busins the s.. evoung ut hlf.pus mWyen P.' M. -.4.- YDG»àrc Li er ,v.- meeting of tise acabus et Lb. abovo club. viii b. Scdlau'the rooma of the Gynsutie clubs, os; this (Thensday) .v.cng. Mombens ot bots clubs are reqseteil te attend. Tai Zeesarusiosi bus ceme Il Vory'a gpont pancrama-liso Zogîsphicen lu au- aonced te be oxhibitel aItLise Mechanica' hall lbis(Titrsday) sud Fnsday*Sveiaing. (tuaA TSACITlosOut Boniaad'a var*ety score. Rolli cf recm pape: at 5 cents;j sud ail the latest uovelîies on baud. [BSeo Salauds>,pi llotis, 1869. Mombens aIl prescut, reeve in tb. chail Minutes rend saii epprevedl. Petitions presentci;- Chas. Miller au stis, praying torniuone>' olt mssîrove certain rosi, hylr. Mickey;- Wini. ]H itichassri s orsi etiens, fuirnenecy on lis rosis, Mi. llsigist; of Joisn Piil!ips su subers, foi nid Le lira.Johno., by is reeve; et Patrick Laîken, sud etisers, £ D. MIisie, and etisers, fer moue>' ou tb rosis, by lise neevo; Edmuard Venden, enu otisers, praying fon aid las Uchi. Middleten by Mr. Miller; Joseph R Mouîgomory and otiers, fer aonsy on tise ronds, b Mn. Greeni.- O motionocf MMi1111r, Lise treasure, s'as ordoesite psy John Gimbiet theSsun of $3,50 fer a lasab kiiied b>' doge, also ta pay Wm.-Taylor tis us of $9, for vooc *msnisbei b Ma4rgaret Scott, On motion et Mn. MilIeu, lise follovine sermons veri voIci tho smafet$2 eaob,fei services renierai as neluniug efficers, tes ho preserit, vis r Jas. Uiton, David tii chri, Edvand Jackson, (tee. Gilchrisý nd J-. Bell. Mn. Green movea (but RobI. Middleter eceive lise susa et 60-cents Per veek, and that W. sud J. Spiuk ho commissioers Ln expeni (ho saine, as hst M. Jaerne receive tSe sum et 75 cents per veck sud bat Jas. Irving be cornmiauîener te ex. peni Lis sîre, uni repent le (bis council it ita first meeting un June next. Mr. Miller, meves tisaL 550 ho expeuied 3n tise vestern tevulino Ibis present yean nier lise direction oethlie reeve, elike imeurt Ssviug been uppropîieted by tise erpensfien of Markukia on condition tisaI Pickerng expeni lisat susa. O5n motion et Mn. (Green, tise treasurer as ordaredito paliector Boîton tise ;sa cf 5,60,beoisavîng pai tise saie l la>' Kiug ani John Banke>', fou wouk on restea tovuline, in 1868, siso (o pay te Foa Miller Lise sua ef $2.70, he having iii tieseame bo Sylvossur Boyc, fou *dur tisaber ton colvort ou sude rosi be. veu lots 2C) sud 27, iu tise tUs cou. Ceuncil eijeunned until tise Sts de>' et 4ay, and tisattise ecil Sodtise tint essien of tho court et xrevision on that l>', sudtusitishe cierk givo the neceasar>' otice. Du. Livxxos iSAPi.-Laon,Apsil l.-ACenss1tm vhieb go te pMive iSa@ Lot>' Of Ber. Di. Livingstoeo, ese..é ataie African travaiier, respecon ,gyuhoio kte snob ancertaiuty bus pravailfo ire. eatiy, bavo jus$ been reesîvel lIbtis i>'. Il lu repeifelte.day Ibat Mi. LUr- igstcae left Zoazibai Cssrn, Africa, lun aaar lest for Engîsul, Ha vesldgo erhil ta Caire, Egypt The Arasd Mur>'Gasetfe soya tisaI Lhcugh tise naher cf Whaiona tobc easçbl bm oa teecolonies remsaias oraginali>' proposel b>' Mr. Cailvehi, me changea bave heen ade lu tise an. &ngcaento. ise 47tb, visicis la ntillel relief betors tise lat Batlion Rie igie, vîi retura (rosa Barbalcea, tse îies romuiniug in Canada. Tise pisoas se47tUsnt BarýbAdoas viii h. tlken b )e 8iI fuosaCaa a sd ýsa cf t4~ lb lu Jasasica b>' tie 2915 frer isusnie ilon., The. flOUsasd the SSri bbae evieusly 1011 off tesr flsiifsx,visbicb vii vw ho garrisonsi bylve uigimant fuoi saie. Tb@ botisvould esnrst SI$y. Ty in tise liamilayabisestioînof tisi suISh, saldltse Onte#laJe nIe ppInt4i aviagftop ttb.Cape ta <.14 home tisa OIn 04slay «rens, a it'lmvllle ortiord ceunqI> l isedf idnaebâ« id SilWedi"u ves com â bout 2o -00inea ayatedon lb.egcrch is î b. Iagi blot lvien M1psC4ls!&sadden1y ý0er04, andl duew '#jisfel and"fiued 'epahe a" ast ccowo, feTIlegelf irm bal pvavle u ed ip XekS~afor tino billa againat -i - yTho6 . oinc sud Robert Johisseifor ai#demeno; Bi<slaiconoy. apon.s pronssory acte anus ap unsoltas Montroal, sud.deenania ererla' ux. bridge. Tt meeosas th&a, nomse Ive yeszj mInce, déendasnt openol a'mtcro in Usi- bridge village, sud eisployed one. Covar sa maiesman snd manager fI« bita Ain agonieët piainift -smdl te Cevaews Ib pretesided ta ho atig for Ruidy lIn7et iptrebaeè, a laýrge ,quanllty cf gééo-Ands Covan made sud gave for'lise. a promis. soiry nota to vbicb ho siguel Rnldy'à name. Deodant eljected te paymoni apon tise ground Iba thlie acte vas noves 'smade b y isansd tisai Covan "vu iu uo vay bis aulîorizel agent te purcisase, After alengtiy examinalicn cf vltusses, stiesses cfeunsol and charge cf Jasîge, the Jury rendersd a verdict ioribeodefend- sut. ui, Wilson for detendat-Uî. Patteraca sud Mr. Gorden for piaiuuiflh. PZayfair , Robon-Actlon cf detinue for recoer'>ot a quantit> cf wyod cul by defond;iut for plaintiff, sud viictih isebi îefusod to delivor apon grounul (bat mre part of tiso agreement betveon thea as to tise essting bal not been Aulillled. Ver- dlct for plaisft.ith Ioave ta defendt to apply Le hav e verdict onLered for bisa, encorne legal objections takea la lise action. Mr. Robertson sud Mr. Pallormon for pItft Mr. Wilson and W. 0l. Biiiings 1cr defI. THERD DAY. Thse (.ueen c. R.oae-PrIsongr, un el- ionly 'roman, vas indictod for laîcon>', fie. aiy-gavyer, ber motbor, wvise n- as ilutise neigberood et Buceklin. Tise cincurnstauces etftisa case voie very peculiar sud excitci censiderabie interest Presecutrix Io a veny ageddi nlifrm vo- man, sud il seeoms tise prisoner Sas heen fer sme time paut residing vith uni bîv- iug charge oetlier. Tise>' oas lienl>' occupants et tis e ling lu vbichtise>' resudea. Gise nigist in Mearcis lest, tise pioswcstrix stated sise vas awakenei by s noise like tise cieaking of an epening doon sud turuirîg over lu -ber lied, saw heu deugister stansding neer tise foot and b>' s clien, in vnicis miss bnci sme $800 put ave>', seurel ini a mmiiil box. Sise et once catil eut tle 1mev v isaer laugstor vas doing, sîsl îeceivod a rsply thastshe venuacc sseow ber- visereupon ber issugiter.pat eue baudoer o m ents a if te silence Sen sud put the elbor on lier biesat. Presecutrix tison geL oue cf beu fct (rom unIon tise clotises, sud pusising hon dangisten awa> escsiped frein tioe nom sud nusbedf(nmtise bouse te e neigisbou's namei 8111e, a fev yards dis- tant, vhom aise siarmel. Ho ut once came over sud fcndlise priseiser crying ou tise bedin ber ovu ucca, vits a peîs- ceai sud ber aîgist lieuon, uni coin- plaluing oftbeiug &truck duntie iebon'b %usebody as aise vus opoîsiug tise dooer cf Sier rees ta go ta liatof iber motsor.w vie o abs baranmaklug sm oaeuise, Tise mottser bael net astishat liamail!rise vas IunLiseSonne, bal seme tsvo or tisroe isoura aftei, mail ah. believel it le oe Doer, lunLise mesutimo lis. choi, vhich bail hoon locceci, vas ound Le Se eplit oen, s if by an axe, aud thse box containing lise mono>' rernoved lheretrein, aud s pane et glass vas neticei lu bave been removasi (rosa tise baduccm win<lev sud large trscks ns oetasmin, (e sud f rosa lise viio ev enoticed lu tSe snev. At tise place visera Liseotuecks case upon tise rosi leeiing pasi Lise bsouse, lise box vas founi bressan open aud ils contante removod. Ostise next- la>' alter tise rer>'tise prosecut-ix four lie first lime accused prisouer efthlie rob. j 'sur>. Mr. Wilson dateniai, sud urgei ba te jury tisat <rosa (Se ciucumstances 1 iseveithal thas prosecutrix (nom Sonr age sud iufirmity, labored union anme i hallucination et mini, andtiat heïuegs. oer'u presence un ber bei recta as atatci, t ras mercI>' imagination. TIse jury aftor 1 ashort absence returnei a verdict-elf net ;uiity. - T& aQueen vs. .Ajdrews. -Tse iten - i lent is a phyàsician, forusenl>' residing in 3faripesa, ani tise indsc(rnent vus ton su g Lttemrpt le procure a5sertion, Il vas ah. s legod tbat a person namei Ocroir, rcsidiisg i at Port Peri>', bai obtainei bis protes sM sioual services in tsis vise for eue Occilia t Luis Buntin, vise lives vitS lier fatiser aI s Ciat 'place. Tise details ofthLie malter s havsug ail beon seme (iane since raportei t i tise.cehumus on tbu trial et Gerov, t pou tise saine charge, vo do iset repent i them. Several medical men vere exasa- sold aud eften sidresses fuesa Mn. Hector 1 Cameron, on behaît cf Use pnisonan, and t te cn.'sn counsel Lo tise jury, tison ne-. t mle aud acqnittsi lise prizoîson, 77we Qu4en c. Thomas and Robert f Ao/satn.-Delendants voie pnosecuted f sr ssisting oue Ceia;an nInsoivenl a mercissul, viselustt aIt ubscondei mcm nr rxbndge, ioaving a multitude cf credilers 1 so dophere bis houe, lu cencealing bis ;odas Irem bis cueilera.Tise presoecution esanîfel iu s conviction, cf bols parties. .1 J onsel for detenisuts, Mr. lHectorOa-0 ron sud Mn. Wilson. FOURTR DAY.I lia r- >eief an et. Royai Conaadian Bank.- Action brongisî te iccovr a cemmisulcu to eb icplaintif!olaidte Se enlitîi tor proeuring cabecnibmrsfor isuaes cf lis. capital Rtock et doeodants. Verdiict- for plaintif *9147. Mr. Hector Cameron sud 1 Mr. Wilson, for plainti, Mr. Harrislon foir doiendants. Re1psoldi cu, Tcol.-Actionb>' tiset plintiff as iseriff, againsl anneties cf Wiliism TsYle, frsaorly biîffi l bIcof- fice, tise alier beiug in Use isatur. of su ansotied iccat foru mioe pamyablo te tise chovuf on >varlous picceussos, là 'Ta>' ior'a bauds, sas hsiif, van, b>'consent eof portion, nreeual r. Daduinol, loi r bi- Froatubback sol W. Stepien- i Laaany-slz uaeniu «Ci n centy gaQohai 11, T, Jcisnâton-two yacks la aounty Sobut loisncton--omsvaolts lano- 9 va, lbe rosi as- Dow travellel betiveau lois 16sud 11, libtheonth pait' cf ilse 5th eon. A by.lav vas theainrodmced ail ps .4 by tise ooail, te rogalaitisah perfor- anao of stbe lb, on motion Of Igr. Annis, Ueocaded by Xi. Lisail of e t sion for ibis *mniipaity vas ordèred toisi bal Oni Menday, Sud dai of IMay, et 2 oloek p., On moLien cf Mi. LIok, aeonded by Mu. gBmlth, tise olerk vas instraoted to gsi 200'sat«o lebor achedales pninia-d fer Lb. ane cf this corporation. Acoats pmentid sud orderod 'te S. paid, vizn: Mi. 851er, for disgra. sudre- poiL, $5, cf ilb. aMmosr fer additiossa labo, lunîtheusesseatroll, $3 ; Provica. oiai Inanrane o. cpany. $1.541 for 1 yeair inoarance o csthe drill shed;fi Mi. ,Smiuh, relief et J. Barri $0; 'E.M. Nal.7, $4,ý for 1 oeil et voodtnaisbed ta John Ta,. i0i; relief et H. Jon, $1. The reeva grantel his orders ou the tressaerzfor tihe The concl adjoun uleMoaday, 3,1 day, o01a maltt10 c'clok,a. TheIrshChr- Bll Londou, Apil 16, 3a.IL U.-ln tbe liens.et ornsmous to-nigist, lu accondauce vits notice puevions>' given, Mu. Olnd. sbono movel ibat liseflous, go imb cern- rnitte onuthoe1Bill for tiseistahliib- ment et tise lIsJisCurcs.ý M. Neviegata, (Jonservative aosaber fou Nortis Wariikshsir, movol asan asaoadmont tisaItise fleuse go inte 0Cour mlttec on tise Bihl six mentis fuc tise preoet day. 'Ibis motion vas oquivaiesîf te au indefinite postponemeost. A ivel>' debia teiovoed, duriug which M. R. S. Aytoun, memben forniKmkoldy, cieated s sensation b>' declarin- lis o'.- jectiona te tisat clause lu (ho Biih visich proviind for the support et Mayuooth Coliege. Mr. Ayteuu fIa Liberai uni votad i uth the mssjority on Lise division on liards 23s-d, visen tise Bill passel ta iLs second ucading. His icclaration vas tollowed by a aceecf groat excistemeut lu the flouse, Tise opposition cbecned repeatul>', sud couister cicergsud otisu riterruptioins oame tres tise Ministerial bencises. Wheu Mn. A5ytouu euded bis icuisutise con- fusion subsided, sud tise debate vas cou- Liuued. Mest oethie speeches vere maie by tise miner mnembens of tise Opposition. At tise eud oet isis discussion, wisicb lest ed six heurs, Mn. (Gladstone rose sud said, dise cane 1veuid b. given hy lthe Uoveunment tathe terssfethie provision maie for tise May- noots Collego. lieas e(libuted inucs oi tise oppostiosita e ise ll1 (,tiste peiner of tise dieugy lui Irelaud. Tisai power lied heen buiilt up by tise cli policy cft Eig- landi. M bilatoly boras pantial>' ne- versed, sud vasuenowabout te ho finaliy sud cesaplotol>' abardoued. Hie concluded b>' declang lisat, tho succeas sf Ibtis Bill vas not s question et party, but et jus- tice. Mur. Disraeli fol!nvel. îHe alisupproved et a divisie, on Ilr. Nowrdsgato'i motion for postpotiŽmeiit, sud said lie vas auxS ions ba go liste Cemmitta. en tho Bill. Tiseflomuse thon divided on tise ori Iu-il motion te go imb Committee on tho luiss Cisurcs Bih, wiis the tolloving ieesul( - For tise motion, 855 ; egeinst, 229 isma- jouit>', 126. London, April 17.-Tse debato iu tise leuse et Cosasious on tlie Isis Cisurcs Bill vas nesume1 lest nigbt. M. Disrae- il meved te omit tise f;)Iioviug clause trous tise Bill1 on uni alter thse lut day of Jan- uaii>, 1871 :-.The saii union creatai by Acot ef Pasileament be(veen tise Circis et Engiani ani Ireland shah ho disselvei, sud tise ssid Ciurcs of Irolani heneafier î-eteried te as said Ckaoi shahi cesse le be establisisc b>' 1ev. Mn. Disreli suppoulcil bis proposition in s speechs et considouable iengtb, cons- teuding tisatishe above clause destreyed the supremacy efthLie Cron, sud plsced the Chuncs et a disisdvantage. Sir Robent P. Cellier ani Sir Rondel Palmer spokie lu opposition ta tise ameni-- ment. Mn. Gladstone aise maie a speech against lise ameudmeut He Inaversci the stutemeni maie byr- Mr'. Disiaeli ; ha iseugisî, notvîltbstsding (bis ciause, tise supremacy efthtie Crevu weuii continuo ta exiat, but su au altened tersa. If (bi ameninesît voeesuccesful, il venu as- eolutel>' destro>' (ho Bill. Tise union ot the Cburcises-vould continue; but lisat unien aalnet hoeuefoneid by Parusa- mnutar> bnd!. Mn. Disraeli repliei. lie simittol tisai bis intentionwv a leais a imental 51ev at the Bill1; but if tise metion vono accoptei, the Govorumeut conli stili continue their liseniuvsaont policy. Atlnts ie loues ivide. O u M . Da m to , a alleve r-For, 221 ; againsi, 344; Gov- erumenl sajenit7, 128. Tise res it vas receivei vilS tremenions ciseors by lise Liber4ls. NovzL. itad yÀitABaAda or Piornis !aaaAL.-I kn acu«Mcsein visieb a Most ligibie lamel vas prononnsied y ber rieuls as anfit tf0 ary a cortain ycaag ivine, beoseformtis, oshé w s vithent apenny."IlHo vu voatc-aindel encugs, tfiar baviug piopassd ta ber in fen-m", ta c ive vay ta tboii remeusînances,*asoi cis was tioag.spinded eoogb Lo -brnlug au esicasit glasufor'4 bsancb of premiso."9 !hé damages vero hl ast ve thonssul ouaIsj, sud sbo giaed.-tise. la (ail, Tise iprmonsidoeedan; vise espednotiig ut9 riiee roum îýformer aiseniWo, arien .vad J c ina Ile â5 rt5bi 5f eUU ww wbla thea «éu .eeitiatieto -bp par seh !o nr, Dam " n u w i h v u on ithot rem n AzIit ié TI abhoor vese ioo"aA]w vu d 'hy one màn ia the alaW"&' ~ uv self viie sMtproe-t40- e çIaWp _1* 500 tou, Captais Fslê r qubri b onging to ers John Bibis! A Co,, ol WValsr areet, Uverpool,,ronà Triete M*arCb 6, viik aneral cargo. It Appsa 9tisa ho strck on a sanes rock about lire mils. off Cape Pinbtswe, sud 'voaa leva in ton îsinutes-vind sortsa$4t moerate. Thé steamer l ile ".hal Waya, sud the vatr porel la isy tisa fcuntb aM4i Ms, whiohvore Abat theson. on board acrev of hiirty niaey tsai M6 bave perisole, bees S3 paeargems- th.estardfascAstluxWba a - bis passge <roW Corfu, end twe listrosa Britisb sabjoota sauit baemby tise euni, Oue, of ubea vu s esipenter nasa- Que. Wilkinson; b.leagiagt. Bull, thse aiir -a soaman beionging te HavwieS. Te asmes cf thon se ae Pbrioh 'Urqu, hart, master; John, Houar, cl4ef ocUber ; John-Harria, second ofileer: oger Bqrry, third cffleer ; John, Sullivan, Andlrov Smuith" w0t. Mao.à, Pstoick eltsn WM.O'NdaI, so amen Gsora» Um*sry, Patrick, Langhliu sud Charles SognisW biremen; sud Thommo Wsl«IassýIeyoy. April 19.-Bone persons unkunova at.pros.' ont, foîced open tbe celiar door of Aulison'a store, spparently -vus a ac'.k'c. b, pattitig it againsttheb.dccv and-restinif the other end âainui tb. £teps, wbich cassd, tb. mron stapies on thse inside ta -bond and tho bar rurning crosa the omci sippd: ouit when tbey bad free scéans ta the cel-C lai, and frein thon.. te tithe store cfý J. W. Ailison, owner ai the block. Tisey- abh- stiacted twessty two dollars, in ailver, thon camne back toLise collai again snud p l Allison & Allizon's drug store, where'lb.>' took about $180 in isilver, anddussccoeded ini raking off wicthe hotd>.- HEÂvy DEPvÂLoÂTsor.-Tho telegraph front 11ev-York unniouncoss itelnse exciternent vas created ai tb. prodis..eo., chango Satuîday aflerncon, - by the dis- coveiy ct a defaicaion, amouuting CO more (han $200.000. Uo efaulter la Mi. Peck, of tise firm of Parker, Peak.&b Cc., ovuera cf an iron eievator, at the foot of Degra atroot, lrcooklyn. Pour or 11ve furms, ding busiiness on the, Produco kExchange, plsced iu tise bauds cf dlie O(In t ditlTeîent limes, boginning vith st tali, pioduco, amcn(ing ini the aggro. gate as foiiovs, - -Corn, 113,654 bushela; ot$, 70,454 buâsaissd r>'., 7,501ý bush. Tisis, il se a1leged, Peck disposed cf-et markot ratas yoerday. Peck -ceald net be found, aud an ezasuination cf lthe books îoveaied tise tact cf an immnse defalca&- Mion. Altsougs tise most diligent- esarcs bas been made, ne trsce of ilivehreabouts can be found. 1; ia rupposed tisaat Peck bs fled Co Europe It la alaoosmced thaLbsidesmnakiugaway wiiisaarly200.. 000 bushels cf gritUargo suas cf mouoy have been raisd lpy means of fats. vere- house receipt. bMr. Parker la danger- ousiy 111-at bis residence, and cen give ne Tise grand jury aitishe count>' cf Porth Assizes, suggestei Lise propniet>' cf aso iegisletive enactmant being pusse1, biving for is objecl lise isuppressien et tise ircu. lation cf eivertiouseuts, printel -on ou- guevedinuthe style sud imaitation cf tse -baukaslc piper currenuy of tise ceunr>', a jndging frosa one cesewvieami cre Se- fore tbem, il venu net1ie very- difficuit for evil dispesed poisons in asome efthtie rural sectionsuoethe contry' te paes off tse mail elvertiseents as cuircut aeuey. TEtRuiBLE FiRu ns Sou-rn Arîc*-ýD- vAsTvàvrooxeo 400 MiLus oir Cosrcar.- Tise nva s forntlise Csp.eof Gooi Hope la almest confuned te accouais et a terrifce fire, causud b>'tse long continue« hboul an4 dueugisi, vbicis salIdte bave de-- vasisted a tract et ceunIr>' 400 miles long, and varying in breellis frons là te 100 miles. Tise tire broke diou liste 9tb c -f Februan', vison tise beat (isrougisoai Us. colon>' vasmono intense lisan-even pre- vieusl>' Içuev. In afs toirhursbaundroe et pounis vonts etprepeit>' vus lesLie>- ai, lise Ennopean colonista end natives aliks sufflang, sud lu tise mijorit>' of cases the sufferers iosing ailise>' pommess- ail. Sororal g5ersonas erea aiseburned 'te deitS, tise cosugllies in aàaisjenily ofcases occnnning bte enatives sud- to lb. vivea, uni uhidron et tise ceoulis. Tise .aivel bad o a e abolte lu tise rivera, ,vaier ,dams'anl vol luches, visere misyet tise. voes adl>'-corchel. Tise ciit>' Sas caissed great "tsrosc. A Sheffieli paper tells a chrangeeos> nespctiug, a litualisi enrate in* a m£ii town tiinion or foanteen asiles fromsehef. field, 'Tise caulela said behave resole to simahatotisedeslb bssitandixesnrrfe- tien cf the Bavioni. sud ondoiel a cofl Le b. rnade for bita b>' Gool Pilla, pressing bis. intentlion to, enteatsissbei from tisai day until Bistér Sanda>'.- The cofin u esmaie cf plain boul, vitb hanii ot nope, adsud vsentltt-tiecumté?g lodg- luge, sud placel lu bis siqdy, butî beforo tise day cfeto sn urv tise Vicor boeud cf lb. affeir, ani Ghe coffin vu lestroyed b>'ibis eiders, uusis -th Ue grief et tise cua ai,- -Tise,(Iapfain, a tass.sLssip of 42J2 tepna, lesigned b>' -Captain Coin, hanuIbeen- 9«te ic. rmMâsis. latil's yard. sI giukeabead.,on Sateuda>'. Phe. Osphsin wIll carr>' six gaina-fouer Z-tpn gaie ji bu thé upper dock, uudlui prouelolb>' detensivp araeqr in'- aveu> mllets' st lois troiw erk of 1001y9 bus bep thtlslvvoruS. -Mr. Tweed returmel sSmAftervarfa, Mai vi a l eibsthet a cAppoarl ta b. sncb: -D ornag île Jwo ges cf lie v erk M . -Darant, lise Vice Presilour t .5 s remit ,iformel M. Teed; ila ajocuisi me., [hat ho vas inuanag thé at o suList thse ffliessof thé Comany tS.aaeiffeu ouli Dot opois sud !iss ho (Mu. Twevdyocgis toe o eR revarial for istrouble visais thé seslafically epene. T e t h i s T u a i l r a p l i a d t i s a I b i s a deubt ha vonl, as st ing eead b. mi- slag fromt thé e e ai te union adcll fficers adairemovred i. - Mr. Durant repliel ltalie a'ddnoS cam boy ay et se bockse or paperu ocal bave beau resoevea, s ivto iigiseu depnîy miieh ia I Wkept veteis Oser theseao, du.> sud nigbç fr &*venai day. Oua of mise depniy sherM sexpreascthie opinion #tthe se at. cor u ebrokosi open- afier meven heure vonk vis isaedge ham,. mora, buti tbe Isilder of tse mate, uho vss pissent, mail tt i veu r4quin fonr laya *eeaaauî vezk se scejSpish teset, sud *vin hés ho lied morions loubtu - of tisir uncese Thé lept' iberifs vwer. .1111et voiS Pouding vils medges sud <isesvisn, tisis o-dition vont ta presa u4ts bes vu vatebel by acurionscrawl., A oung Nev Hayon atiemn zeoty anaverol a matrimonial advertisemeoaî lV a New Yorkepaper, -insortol , by yumg sud vssiihy vide«. A corze spendenee ensced;: thé sImula genleaman vent on te .0.1 the ivortimor,aMd fomnd ber te h.oa rare sud reliait boaaiy, and vory veskby, but entrely' insane. A eoassant vatesW liaIt alps oeroîher te proveut jus ao b affu ra, si tish e nîl cib . hiu m liaued, and retruel alorribl>' "poinetd A lady alvenuisesbeotlu au lova papr as an "attoinyouat.aw.10Wy_ net as> bar muid?7 Il is more euphonone tara, sud' on@- la familier as. A paper poubled as Otasava, Iowv, ta"e as-a 'lcurions faut" 31the tie insu- sue Companies baveneyver pail 15e lsur- muce onJ. Wilkes Boohm life, sud, ai- thoagli hlm motisar is jet livig uhoe las nover maIe, nul applioosfor 1.e-aeney. A WO Usn wpaper ciarga au aspirant for office tewtho h "I irly i@hWl lomg. Oi11muids ae deribel bysau Ameim paper as'-e emgbers rom vhics apaiksbave It la siagular bow pions nov clethea usa. people. For s vbolo monili atter the MissesFlirt gel nov mautllamsa>'@voe of the Irmsit wui vamsariag." Yenhbave mîmiakèt the gonder, Madia,sa&i a gen- tlema;Il iis ba, moli-train."# Ti eGerasu Piano "naora . NoYrk" numbos 1000 porsons. BIRTRE. BML-At WsIîh7, on thse ltis e, tb. vire of John V. HE, of. e a son, mMilmER -At Wbigbr, n Tburgday, lSîb ast., the vife 0 Mr. xKuutm«oscf HOWELL.-Ou Monday mnn.tis vife 01 IL Reveil, dasc', dEVERELL Wisitby, on thé dangbser cf Mn. Datcd thc 21àt du, Zogra, NEW p, Laitescf i -Tlsoumu ligaiet iigrsmandi TEN NIGLITS IEAI IThulldy, 22nd Deom open st 7; paru-of ike hall, 15 Fon Inntleu partie -A grand Mlatine cadren vii bs>0adn ý'8S9, THE Si "NORK, UScoxaaszu a N ORTH SI P'ORT 0F And vil! ccutinue m Céor t8a. m VigàIsaWit, Oas, angle Wedne»day -Thnrsday osa msnug excep I W1 Eetaung lbaves J 9. p. sm, exeept Satui 2p P.n., direct for -le Foi PaMUu-Âj1 Draper & (;0, WhIi wa; J. 3MeLellain, ID NKswcsssrl; A. cchi Part Hlope; C. ES!i Colborce; Winanad 1Apil 25a!t, 1969. COURT OF REv 0OT THE COURT TO WNSIMI iVili b. heM àaI-T Bsatud"~, th, Ria, Apnii lit.isi lw. coerloi sprn. MI~T .dJVP Trees, -& Mi )RYBRID»1 à» 901 [i -i

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