Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1869, p. 2

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o£:lMtismtiasfas(u rotm tissEsi,.W. M'. Pustos,>iaJteIýpupsbilsld ln Engfaud, lbis bad ise effetofvo.uîllng tbe feelings of som tù( tise Csssa people, Tblecom.l Mulgalon sd ho eafoets udtir tili rmari @trer.giy btissu.,adage isas, "cewjsarbîoui odI .' IrPeuibén bas Wqu oom. ça rinag, eori.her eoelrstteg, tisexesrual appàrences oft tislevs isucies et Caiada and ioftise béUnited Statet. Ile jires a se is.tatint verdict lai tuer ,0( tise iuuseStates la tise ululer or nban aisd suberbia eraaeîeasgaton; sud, bogh h su' h ralierallig-O&a L ts a ow- litige b. JuicsetfbIs oniisns, jet ve thnshîbat «eIeny-unprejusdio@4i troelrl the Statos muas couost thit laà til, attes' a(t Sute@ani nesitueis, vs are Sebisiitise *6Da ag tisai Oas' ountryls la ceci- panisoc onat o g e ompote lsu ibie maiter suS oui eilder anti weathler rival;omt hs' Ig se ean:titancti b ti'astltsproe,tisaivo bSt-faloirv ae os a EglibsintIncts, ant imaie -tise ,rlw:4wOM ilth'i3iiLlW- à -~Ptô Pender.9 A. Barri&, entera eh. m. 'Tooyjt, 7 yro o1, b> 'Peter Psnder,' dmuo, by *'O-lrf., Ott., P. BoiliIyenteu& b. M' 'Artingloà Maidý' 5 yVs, old, by 'Watt a Whiloy't.U Duroc.' P1. Heoderop, entera b. m. i'Lt. Mlei. aged. old, b, '8fr Tatoo,' -; A. Hseook,,entera b, :n,, 'Ooqu,' . .oldè > '8frTattùol, A. '.14,, b. g.s.' o 6 l4 r&a.old T.ý ir Down ll damr , .'Ld ora * (ou:y trag-W. bellev. tisai lis lis, Porion ofliKr, aîr ~uisr~11 ha (ocod a vans>' seeciio w tehie lite Jaitor, Mr. J. 8, Sprovl. Tise ofkis çeles of grestruait udresposiib!lity, a»ndti e. quiroi f<rasaits tenant qilities cf firmoesi and isumniiy. Tise., wvuare cOnviisced, are passeaaedby Mn.' Coaliard, and, va heintil>' eongratitobi a pon bisappoint.. ment, bileving, as wedo, tisaitise Siseriff cotdl Dot bave <oued a fi sr mn Tu.m Twux Paow.-Mbr, Walker, Aéis- latorior of our doiciles mo re Comioniabla DUM, î. CIOSeine scapitals1sork note iv% $bissau oaigisbori te tise SatS of as, if vo do faitla(iprcdssciag s. :prou> an ex. tersa i ple.. Tise tact is, se are Se ilams - lu isi" mater. Traveilera troua larope are stîncle viih the baroeeesanti bilekues cf ens' tons ssd villages. la a country o e eaminentl>' a Sylvan cisiractan as enro, ftie platm.ing etfsisade trees lu Our &&roas$ous; te keesp Pace.witb«ibe gcovîis ot oas Our ies, tosmia anti, villages. Ous' comperatavo peverî>' nooti nef pravent tis, fthie expeace wouit Se but ligisi î1anti, If toas' carl> uetiers iset evineetia litule tistoi i bis ýpAnlicalas' mais>'o-onr-saiall Leemma migisi 'nov bave breuchiag el ms anti gracutul anuplea te lrebecStishe veytarec froua the glacetftiesaosmamer son. Nec la externe! hoauInlcompatibleo vus la- emnaI confrt; a camisderable portion of tise lattCr dsspeucins'fiatise vies tugileste Se iobimuaséfront îLe inierios cf tise tiveli. ive~ Muais of tise ornamentalemi of ovaos andi villages lu tise UnitdSuites bas bees tise toiult is te ce.eporstive onterprise cf tise Imsisbitants, lntiepessdenî cof municipal or police rogslatioae. loi 1853, fer es- ample, a lady of Stockbnidge, Mim., (Mfra. ocedricis,) vas tise ftounter oetsuaassocia. icalu tisait eligisifulvillage, shicis Sas anhiquentl> ba in>ul uitaors. Tise sh>eoof uho association vu "640lImprave 804cdu Orneeaitise streetesuadtipublic geusdfib>' plaatlng asti cniivatiag trcsa; oleîuing. ts'misig anti s'paigtis e site. v.ilesand toiag sucis eS Siceas abail tenti t ebaitify and Iluprave oachs treets *nti sgrcode,5 Tise moebip et tise - ahselaac vis obtainitib>'ami agreement tc pi>' one'tila*' a > for'tes r.yeara, or' b> plsviaig adst, prefectlng ont treo noter th ise ti f tis ecctive eusm- maitce. Tise sympathie, cf iaobiavens bols anti gonfle girls ocre enlisto i late laitise caise b>' atimtin- suo aiserion4 yearo of aia e o mmbecsisip ou comndition tisai #bey é p at Saty'flve cents a yaar foi thr.. >eir,3 or pertermotien au aieent ameuicf sons. -One-et' ibe meut importantt-pruvisions la hi at'ialen via, tisaipart et tise e. sative oomusituee sisoulti ho ladies ; ant i a we bave, i u ow loa uls fusIl>' qalifiet ir aIl veules cf benevlence, pislibrapy as t it so n e t Mmter enJosgIt et public spîiiaati enterpelsA isuoagsfistth #fsiLveseagoeprompt shoqS te unite vifS $WIW<arer portion'ethtie oemsaafs>'la tise miabsSni of aois an associationlions.? Wtlis milatiibtetily uando lunaoed eftosmesncb aaoclution<We vint more tnse# pluued ; va suai bettersuastieees orns na mithes treety; se vans i aeater mud more-tuniSie miterlulfer sideslis las tiseUnite t u aeven lo finie eheaure pliagm. on, yedn uaeisit iesils 00a0 sinue.e ut Ibord burnaitibrickes @utedge apsiet, ntonaula plefaslug patios, teiho hrolo ijst su arsov atone vent. Tb isadageér et bs'oitnlimbe, tisa. perps. ual deeomposltou of tis mtelland ast tise pnojacting aaie 8o0dtotirtao ladles' &mme, rnde, section rtirw a tisgrac loe i llilsallofet tisetentria cea- sur>. QeetId au slfectal ovawment bc aeeluaLiais attss er'we ota iw aa arieS tovas't, suteoni>lae i lustresse.1, coin- fort, but otbervls.. hobese aciiL hcsr *P u evup0 1owihie sotis Aa dsiieti bas.ptjWte tiats>Usît Fine#u, ÷TÏo ridens 0 fet s,,Ira Ca,. pïmiir,2Ptkéing, astetuli> deairoyet Claresot e nti Witta(ires, itisb iie eiy lsaatetdtwin pîow. ge coùld 'have soit a large 01ambar Set ho ties n,a uutictnet, ai presçutit h aites ail bis-"@ un lliior. doer for tise Dominion Piov. Mr. Gerrie adveriseu à large stock of Eagliaisend 4uaerloaroansp>per, tua. pocietd irect fs'om'tise niufuctories, qu. lit>' go a., patterncell ou issc, andi prie.. 1ev. Town Censiosi. Munaa>1ev8.1 3rti May', '59. A meeting of thé Tain Cassaîil vas heit tisis eveming, tise mayas' ia tise chsair', mouahces pneacur, ictaà, Brown, Camp- tsCammenen, Cochrane, Draper, Meo- Milieu, Philp, Ray, t-hv*iîo. On motien ef Mr. Draper, seccutieti S> Mr. Tisvaiî.,, an acceant et P. Clark, amoannung to $60, fer cervioesiae Re- tnriusg Offier, ai upeclal election la tise Seils Wanci, vus ricerredti tee pait. Mr. Tiswaite, aeconsleti S>'Mc. Camp, bell, movedt iaitise commutte. amu toisa proFort, Se rcqeqseot procure a salit cint nember ef traes ta plamti Ave cuva inste tise agricaisoucul grcusi. Tise mo- tion vas les on tise felloving diviaies,, Yes, Messres, (3mpbail,' CochrnnoTh. sie, 3. Na>'., Dots., Brawn, Cameron, Draper, MoMillan, Pbilp, Ray,. Ou motion, Lise cosuuiito on lessa ps'oponîy vers intruetet Iote-baieosie grecs piaset on tlie eai t sesi cf tise agnicoulimira groundis, une ccv in tiseilu aide mut on. an tise caîtie cf tise fone. Alae tw a$certain viai theis lois sis of et tisa gronsi, ovaîtib>' Meors. IBrowni asti Leavina, cea Se hungisufor ; asdîtot isve a stiitabbe train çunstutc aceunt Lthe drilsiseti Couseili adjoamiset toc twv oles, Court orf' <incerf. neroati vie dtsÂxcazLÉr m.o llAOc. SECOND DAY. Wedmeday, Apnil 28, 18019. Laing =s Lting.-Decree matie fer partition o! vainasble propes't> in tise vil- lige et 0ousisa. L. Eagiis, furplain)- titi'. J. R. Farewell for istant deflenlaints. P'ernoîi vs amne.-Mr. Pi.ske,.toi tise plaintitfi, antiMn. Mess' for tise def'esain,, consenrt t a seuliement on tise butis at tise asuveraS esithtavn andt taiten off thse ilas, eut a trusit eedt eueiltito carr>'ontS-tse tenus cf tise compremise. agreoti on. Cae. x,. onp.-Me. Strng oagthes plaisati>', uae.to te asCgrihe heacingosa tise gronadti Ïih absence efthtie teteai- uani Long, aàmaterimi vitacas for tise plain.' titi. Tb@ bill-vas filedtotaidse a conveyence as voiti ondes' thseStatut& cf i8b Elizabetis, anti ondes' theise lent *et. Mr. Blakte anti Mn. Farewell, for tietendant Smuîb, tise gnssi..of Long, agabasi visoishe billvus P. C. opposedi tise notion. M&is Loiip, grautedthlie application, on tise erms tisat la Ise event~ of the plainie suceuing -tisetieteaiaut' souli hava tise enope' eofthSe eeming soa-- sonï. Mn. Bake asE ('os,' tise coat tie h tiay1' sulbs ere rafasat, Ssi, fÏ ha cost# ia tise Cami. con" Wt v. MIaU.-Th«e plaisiiffaeeitp te sisarge Ibo MnfAotaniag Cespusi> ut Oisasa, lnoenponattl i& laBadcodter tise Oompa.le'A.st 1862laIisft #ie'lia. hUlit>' ou a s»os'gagc toc puroSaso'mono>', eseeisi b MrZ Ma$bonl..mageg Direeore. Tb# Comps> reputilate. tis trusisooi, on tho grocuatsi isi-M iali's conuS ses fultra v*çs sitndisaitisa>' ti!iivowedth ie purelsaa se socs 'lutisa>' Secamo avare oftit. T N Gbbs, M1?P, vas MWletas a 'rîtiseesb>' Mr., Stoui for tise platif . M',Lduk, <or'Î6 ts. paltiff, objeetdte bis *videaice, osnLthon gîcqti Lbat'lis, 8 ' à wobe4laIntue Oompir #cdttisutise 'prfolilo<t té ef deises t uaku int ure*olM iî"âi c 1,n 2 yr. old rsngbt flly, lot, John 'Stery, vin, Bf*t @pan carrl1o b orsex, lot, Wnu _Wiiaon;- 2nd, Dan1. Lamn. Beot alugleisoa. fin bernois, lotE Richards; 2' iJohn M. IRua;$rd, W. Bout tutu generai purpose havies, lot, 1. S. Thompecis; Lad,,David Tiplady. Boit ti. drlught horioi, lot, Jai. ILtohen. Aged, durham bull, lst, John Dryden 2nd, 8, B. P. Campbell; 3rd, Aloi. Ne- Kelizie. Jsged devons bull, lot, Hlerbert Spen. cer, 2 yr. aid durhanm bull, lit, <Wm. Jefry, 2lad, Win. Korr. 2 y.'aid gade bull, lot,1 Wm. Young, 1 yr. aid durham bull, lot, J. S. Thomp. son ; 2nd, John MeGilver>'. 1 yr. aid devon bull, lot, Herbert Spencer, 1 yr. old grade btill, lit, llervo>' Wil- verd ; Lnd, John Rateliffo. Dratiglst herses anti Bullat, Ja.<(ra-, -hna.,Jas. srnitb, Chas. Piikey; General Purpesse Ilios, Citas. Saxtea, lThomas Downing, Josepis Wixsen. Pickering Agrecultua lsolety. Tisa Spring Show ofthtie Agrieultarai Soclos>' et the Tovnship et Pickeinag, came cOF, et Ciarensoni on Wetinesiua> April 28, alto, Tise fuir vas veil attentioti anti tise stock sevmu efthtie usuel saperior qualit>'. atils'.bores, satitle or carnl.ugo, lit, 'John If. Raser, Makias; 2nd, Ira B. Carreater. Rutile iorse, gonecel parpono, lot, W. iPowell. Ensine herse, draaghitlisnd 2nt J. Tisemnion. Ratine herse, Caneian tinangii, lst, Goo. Midtliton * 2nd, Thos. Pugb. 2 yr. citi anfico colt, sadtile ce carnage, lit, Ueo. Palmer;, 20t, Unlais Young. 4 jr. olti colt, gen, par., lai, J. V. Spears; 20a, Cea. Hiclingboîîou. ,2 -yr. oldtiosire c6du, dns.aght, lot, D, S. MoParlaise; 2nti, Jas. 1, Davitisen. Ball calveti betene Jamn. 1868, liteý Johns M. Bell, 2cst, Jas. Wisn. BaIl caîveti lue Jasa. 1868, lt, John. aiea anti Birreil ;2adt, Jas. Wbitaeu ; 3i, Aie:. Watdiel. 2 bas. cloein eeti, lit, Jas. Wiston; 2nd, David W-Ilinaue. 2 hoas tisais>' tact, lot, Jas. Whitaoas, t'L0W5150 MATCII._ 'Moen, firut otage, ope n te tise Province et Osna it, Uen. Marqais; 2nd, Geo. Morgan; 3cd, las, Foreai ; 4th, John DuriSh>; Suis, John Marquis. Moa,secondt clae, open uo tise tovis. sip, li, John Covie; 2sd, John Patter' son-, Bcd, Tisas. Pille.>'; 4à h, R. Cevio. 1Boys, lot, RoSi. Match ; 2ad, J. Ceaie, Ocd, Daviti Pillea>; 4th, WS. Bonite. Tise jutlges on Plonghing vèeo John Taylor, Scoat; Wm. Millikon, Idartisans Jas. Mi, Pickering. Jatiges' ons bons, ILeatard MenuIsa, stoufi'vilbo,3. M. Paterson, loosingten; Ueo. Tiosemisi, Scott. Judgos on rauîas ait soecte, ero Ueo. Pîsytun, Pine i Ociarti sGea. Mimne, Pickering, sti C. Wilsoin, Pickerng. Tise Beach sud Scugeg, Agricuiturmi Su' cieS>' beld their Sprlng Séev ai Prince Albert, on Tuesda>' 27tn imac. PUIIZE LIST. Dreaglît stelliims, lot, Wnî. Ilatxca. Youas« Griey Wallac'e', iaiJus. Pileu, Yqusig Cosiut; Zlr<I. WriîâaoI~tt, ikcrry CosueL. (Oenirtaieltrpiae $ttiîlittu,, lost, Rt Dohsets, Tonus, Revouge a 2uti, .ohîs tnkl, Blac~k Ac la veuOtd, P. tiiisps'ot'à Yotig Exhsibiilon. tiatitie or Cetrniasto Steilia ,loi, E. Miljor, a year oid Qt( Ianr. Stailion, lot, T. Pagli, Ys.aiatg Sir Wsn. Welleoo. '% year .tld Dres1>ilit Staillien, A. Leassk. sprisi ïiauglît' cassa hoirsts, Wa, J. Moriat; 21j4, T. dissul. $;,a,î «on. Puri. Ilorsem, 1'4t, J. Recumle;,t211i, Il. rieitiskiin. 1404141.1o liuntia, Ti, (1. W. Jolies, M.».; Laid, siliarlu DrIiasu< hrse, lot, J. W. Umsihrey, 2ui, 1). (San.pbell. l>essit lMues, i. 11, Frankclin ;2sît, Wm, Tiscmapt.iit; Sei, A. (G. liassmevilie. levttstetsi p broteineî., 1t, IL. Dolen 2ist, .J. Losrk; 8cd, J. Uls'oy. A,A4B tilt, lai,1P. lWord; Lopi, Wm. 2-ye cla Bull,- loti, as. M1t; led, ii, IWil.'us. Yeeriltîg Buil. lai, J. mosheay ;2ntiJobn ; 'rc, Wîu. lictts', r. iscisow-ist, Wus.m» lat id. snc, Wm. lictI. Iat <oz, teer, Gev ofilier, lai, J. ëLeue- liue ado. Wagon,. veei le, 1lot, G. U, white ; oSd, MODOmic & Ileurd. eisuglo ltsgg-y, Ju, Elnano>'. Guserg ai' p isellow, tI'xicn & TaLe. 1 l<n' ' ovt., 1=0:1a& Tite ; ani, J.14 Itlou lifrrovi, Wa, 0. Groecuiel ; end, W. Johin, Ilcard, Grain Driil, lIs 7YW. Gîca lie, utJ'. l. Latiar, Lad, . .pan- 1*scUcMus. Sitlsut i'eiôudàt ihant, X. lsurtij Mincis itrvc*ter ptixcon k 'fate Vcieeqslsis Maee,lot, jasIte.on, t OnDssh louse, Cltie id lMPiouvess, "-John 8lliWhl5b' -E J liuet, luker- 9i0sàa Aa e, o$aetl t, epis. - l;th drut> nn'il'&la'ble tf im o nses ,es$tim iL»t. IMUC. ýr;TgU W. Tise vote for Ù9809-T4 riavetn il W.I 18cs9iO 70 69 GarivorsriSorSs!' Ofe..........*e.ess ae. Pi> eni....... iO,?90 eI 1W sertrent f .state ur ~J~. $etattey e S e. . 5,20 si Meeatnée IM20ae us Audt . . e 10,2& (44. Cufoasa ' .. fà aff 19.0" Pubhlie WorIrm......6,l e275f Pet ot us1e....... .5',4J1J 49.,77 Aqdosltre.......11,5') 10,810 MarIne andti »lieries... %12W0 11l;630 * oie.......... ....4.400 e' , * Lgisailu.......4i3,362 a481,ôà8 *Geoloqieal surveya andi obsrveorli . 9,700' 89,150 Arts, ,agricaultsre andil, 1 oatist.,.. .......,4.100 2 fW1 IMuigration.& quatine 515:,270 5<4,57 *petyiona...........ust 62~ 0,1M Pniile Works &a Bid... 0,489,885 2,538,00 The fouiolut ae a'adtea;ntier titis IseatS Itîterciolonil l sillway.........2,4s0,00 lIssiix. iVitomla Wiudsor U. U , Eoropoà?a if i îortil as 'Là Mt- 8,0 reati, N B....................215 Tasiise Cannai.................. ' 4.000 t3usfisvl ali al.II.... ...... ...... 27I004 Wellandi raDI ..... ..... ..... ..,004oo Cliassblv Canal, h uo* for io(kketos38,590 Rideau 'Canal, Louisos icrhbr41 ekce> et'., and wçnka rcqîtired fsin ores" Mater spi>'. ..........101,000 St. Peter* Canal, <;peolri oI7W. S. D0,000 Mlacellitnecaî Cent1 orkA, charge- ible te cocfirîto.,..I........ 1523O4 Harbor cf URotais, tprovotiests eand Breuk-watersî, civeau................ 0,000 Dre4ges, and lcewî, psiroliaofsssqse raoe ................. 220.000 Rolsu id bridet& goienaliy ......... 6,000 L'ilriiai'ut sud 13or.lkartnsit ih- ilixs,.. tttasvn, revoe.......9300 li<i'ltuu -eu .... ........5,0 Two y amr' lntetr..t onlseiaef latîci ut .cstîa.............1050 Qliarasîsac stations, italiffix.......1001) 1 PubslIic Btiliipi titîetalIy..... .20,Cssj Renta reteins, ijsî,îlrttne aud Ii»rsai- tare trpuhil li",iîdîue' .....5A.000 Pi:,ioiniiiiq, i.a, lcatiiig ':.. 32,59s< 5ltosiud boms. Ssreand itt'ee nfos i........ Arbilationu andi ard>î... ..10,000 Miscilsseoss e5tsrso i t lerwimn provide'i for'.-............... 1.0ml Winiîir ant i Asiapil, Ilîîiiiwsy. N S 28e,04 We>soris Exssî,Il, .)n0.LA. 19., N B ce,Ot) Cia*eris dit,.................. m50<ý ireiletn Brasiiitei iway do...102,.0<1 Woclstooek Draveil R.siiçv.y. ...0,0 T',........... .......... . Ocsuniss.Rivar.Ste<iî sud l'aicket Service. V,52,041 tw002',10" Tito new apprsTniation issssler tibt.bond lcons- mlïiiiq or $39,M51 tu te iasiin l1 betwutai ii'îisfix and 1is unit A pri.itisuisry iseptii<a u steë "kpis te day. bMesises. lack and l ic-witi, <ria.Ose alid %tIr. Stsrnss. tra i i0ttr',i;l, tc lishe Iaikissg Coisisuittee duosis ot lmcet tili sext Friiiay. îlots. bMe. l<î,ssîi iptod 1tlie Esîrflili peuîtico S-daoy, of I.rigIi'eolgt.iuwsîparts ie aur-liiaiarv ea;tiiates foro se xt vear'm mev eùc. lie villii iae te milie bit; fitiîné'ui statesit, ltovoever, lie- fore ho asîkia avote ttc îssîy sîev îervaest. Ife histgletil foiscstter asu tisi. i, Fe sitaîiec stoiteisnt ortnte ,.iiles tisoi erk-i lis Liteu du- pasimeissî, lie avowed, wax isloni cihiereport of te Civil Service sissiis but iot as ett,1ccp>' of the repur ts in utih ads ci sauambens. <Goves'usaetit bave saut 7L't ieard e wor.i <cees tht. Celesitti <llce vithoisrensce ttie tres- fer cf tise NesLh-wept Territury. IfAv.-The question et Grants toasu- pe rier educetion lias net >'eL been peopei'ly settled b>'tise LeisslaLure of Oaiario. Usstil tho public 'se aatisfled vitbtlso'atility uf Upper Canada Cullege la out etîuce-- tionnl eysteut, tise fonrmse questen viii romain oisen. Thte [lots. Johnsuimdfitid M..Dunsld lamasnet becî su stuceexstaî viil etlucatielaa questions, as ilho gruet soi4is- onces licaicdy bas been ini esailiôtating tlae numorioni chrorsic complaisai etci te Liings, Liver auJ circuleter>' organs. Fer sale b>' aIl Druggiats. BmacscsAprii 3). -Mn. OtL,'tan- ner>' aas destroecd b>' tire lesit niglit. Tise los aiisinta to abiouît $2,00.In( - sured foi $1,500. Cause of tire aikauvu. Buwssmaivns.s.z, Apnil 80.-A iro broko cuL titis msnuning abouit ton u'coc'k islte brick block occss pied by te Royal Cana- dien Bank, lMcCuliougit & Ceo., dry goc;dis. and Josepis Jettery>, tailor. il> exetio::î uf tise fine coaspan>' snd citizenii, tisa fine aras consstsad LtIste part o! tIse building wbene iL vas tfiat diseuverod. Tise liin- cipal suiftnes'Id lys v.Jcery, wlso lias lest aIl the fsriture lu tise Liird stor>'. iTo building ilu bath>' titseed, McColliugh & C's gouetis veu suagitlyi>'ljimrsitbyi resuoval.1 Chathsam, April 80.-Tise Great, Wcs. ten Ruaila> lreigbt bouse, elt tîsi 'Place. vasi totaîl>' teitnoyed b> tis'e car>' thait fues'nlng. alto six ecasloadeti vitis 'pro. duce, tagetisen vith je large quauiüty et froiglit utoreti lu tise arolsouse andtih ie piattoria. Loso nnuot lie correcty,',cuti- 1 isfcd et lJretient ; suppoeoilta-Su iont anti Ms'.GCao,'Stringer are tise principaàl icierî. Tse lire brigade vas on hant, anad b>' tIe greau.eit exertion- savei Lte station bouse, vood s&ietis, and ti ais buildingi. À mats neanesBurna, adJu- charged esic>'ceaIoftise Gecat %Vios"st vaS seen runinin; ave>' vison tbe fineï Seote e ut, ansd ha vas arnesit siaonus* piciesu. f Respacting tise abeve, vo have recoived fisc tollwissg frnm the bMussaagiug DinecLos' if the. Great Westernsz- lIlJ a, Apdil 80,.-2omno ibsurd ru-' anar isaving Iben>circulaled aboutisthea ut Chatise, 1 voulti S. glat Iif >'ov 'osi siafe thesi'oliovisg tacte'iu yccr;repos'tfte nmorrcov :-Thse (suit value cf Lise (neigis; oniuaied viiinut xce 9,000, 'soit ath tliq îbuildings' anthie ftsiltwi 4 î.mv.ilY'tneâurot' bj'.lm ÇoacinY,,'Tbé building 1f a g4an4 one, W e a mat yet isceteineti ' tuaue lfti4di,6 .ndiss thtie réioluti o SeiiL tbaa the. Propsitnion sfoi~L,s"t euéent 7. 'tWe AJabam.a claie h bosaÇet 41 had boen suppose&' but a ohort 'tinso ai 44 Chat these a iueà wou1d have 'aio>rset thpueL.basim' agrevd sîpotn 1 otween tCI lînplerial £vçvrrnent esd the Meoi tnabassador, but the. sonate bad rejectc u tiat argument ifnd tbrdws the queitii b tck I ts cM poAition. .Wtbcut ýontei ï t-a disesâsî,of Lise.9s0h~ ou ui4l'iewtafk tChat (lb. ditefiltiegs Out 27 Z1191,011, boy grcw wera brouglsL verycio0 16te us, Livinsr 1on"i ' 1 a&p'ric ' Union,'v lse er' 'detioité dutioîs 'to p.ý .form, nd ho belieyvd te paporolufr 'rhi 1 ich had'mved wosisd'proie a<atwê bc 00._O tuily ptrforimod é.rry oliaton warc ss (ho Wshington gomernnt, It was tri otitat nsîscb sympstity hadl been exprotutc tuward,î Lthe South., but wi th respect- bol >15 ttis country and toi England, It Wou] r* be found on exanifoing ise , (acts, ihk 59 material aid (rom: botta .hàd'gon'e (o îàti » Norths ralir tihan t1cte Southt. Durlo the sumiller of 18<2, when a change d co gorernment bssd talion place ln Canad inforusation, vas repeived that a raid va Sdegigned upen Johnso's siadmc e5gave bits bons.- rissais opposite, Wh* voi t0'ICou lu puWer, Ltse lullest credit for _b as )0ing acied promupt>' and effectuai>' t prE vent if. Thon came te Si., Albasn- rat lin that ocasdogî &ailfthe macéhiner>' of tli lav 'au put lu motion-ailtishe force a )othe command ifthIe governmt w as calle into requisition-in order tChat justic ans5bt bu, donc ; and wheu iL appuaresi Lita ibrough à a lure cf Jusotice in the Unite )0States parties .nfféred, the legisilaturo lia unaninensl>' voted a sum of mconoy to in domnif, tlset. luîmedi:ttcly tteroeatt Lte govorninont of Cangda placoed a lare- icadditionai force on te '(routier--a fora W net as ail required for Cannâti, but soiel bocause ofthtisa r in Lte United States ienc the nailtia exponsies of Vie coutitr had been largel>' and un-rudgingly sve led front te saie cause,. Thesteexpense haït aI f.en iasctrred on aiccoutit of tis Lrou'l lu intle Ljniteil Statuai, and Ise-pet pic oftLIAS. cous.îry iîad mset tiscn withu 0complaiiiç '2freuglsout thse wbole c: Chsat Cinto Canada had <laiteilsuill dut>, 'I'les'cwas netti, ta oft ,ite ITuite Srafts xeilt ths yîpath4y wÏisths oit of a piortion of te prs'ustaind a portion ci tihe public. Esrery aci, of th c governuior had bren of thse must fricndly charmcer Yet, Isecausqe of thei sysnpatiy thitu expres <ted ti-y liehd fon'nd Asw'ricisns disîpued t, ovezinvuk tihe fair and friend>' acta t ith country et largo, Tise> accused Cansdi tif actsof wlîieh aile blsadnut Iseen gsiity and ceuwitiurev tiose reLagiouscif riçnd 1>' colsnercial ifiturcouî'su wilicls (or tel years îcfori, lied exiisted t3 inututil-ailvan La;u. 'lie uontent tIse wêr was over Catnda faund titat ant organization liai beau furuscd, exteîîding over nicarly tIL wlsole of tise United States, fer drilling etrssiiing <andsi rganizing aàsniiittry foret for tise sole oliject of tuakiug war upor titis countîry. Tiso organization, vas no discountenaiicoslb>'Lte Amorican govern tusent as Southeru raidc-ri lsad bocu dis- cdunteilanced hy Canada. (flore, bore.)- Tiuis organization had beu drillesi b>'offi cers cf Ltse United Status arsay, aud eriûeý freintLthe anucuais of the Union., Nov, witbout saying liew far tho govorhoeent 0, tihe United Stites mnigitt bc iteld respon- sitle for titis state of affaira, h. would say titat ho wisied. by Ctse îproduction oftiost Isalcns. Le alsow flic people ufthtie Unitai Staietetnaelvas wbat lîad been tihe Col)- duet of Canada,, sud compare iL witb Choir oçvn. Tititorganization Laed bectrallowcJ Lu isseacle Carsadiau ternitor>', and iL wao only (tue te thseinertiel and petriotie spiril o ut e cople titat thesle ton did net inakc tho westeri poninsula a strene of bWod- isbcd and tido1oiistien. (flore, haro.) It vaS net sîntil throo days ator thse invedlons liei] croseed inito ur Lerritory Cthat the Unsited Staetient thecir soldions te recoîve teom back agaiis, cioeeted and dciiven (rom iour shores. Xow, if te Unitedi States had a claius asg4iasst (Çanada for Lise demages dune b>' tIse Alsaama, liow uue more svesLte claim ut Canada for te expenses imsposod sipon il; by tIse evrents lie iad jusL review- cd. lie regretted mucait tioe nate et tise United States lied duclines IoLeceufirmn Lte agrecement entered mb b>'y tlàe'r amn- bassador, andi sincoe ttee maiis weuld, lie trstedl, agii become flic sulbject, of pouce, foi neguciatign, iL would bo vise that WC sslîî,sld hob preiîared ta psît forward, on bu. 'liait oft tiis country, a itatement of uur -li*s,'hics. ldccrtainly receive Elad a mnigus, ta sitIdraw <rosa ýtitis continent; thitL uc dorAitedv)ritiuior. suif or toeocoloîýisiçu, ant ittail recent rofloesins bad beeis som.y i> iLltLie. Ob- îct,ï,1 -e ttn tuprovinces up fO(om ei tir cs or allowing tia te ýflîra n ovne alliances, eue gfrIAsairbeiyod Lia t ties werotheo canvictions. [of isetblii, e~wp the U'nitotil Syate <egav4iiig Bigind ryelicy on .his continent buobgais.o mest firnily b2ed t t ithisa piicuiar the LJ'ntd States. vere visoily aidçntireiy Ililkhoi"P dti ha c.....n I unielusdeslrct ré' imi efrindy Whji vitit tisent,'but aigu frons a foui!detergsin a- ion tit, visitac cssajlicsstIi sigiat ans is té nftoa Liesb~rwen tise lusiwo4 $SteSesand EtsÈnsid. ttsese,. Lave ~dtrouble b>' apy (assi' eOrours. (hcs, le, nis.motion vaswuearnied. 1d Caseof Hydiopphobli are isappil>' o ut rar7 e euréoce, emati ls, 'weli h thisii setiecae as tise terrible nature' of tse me 19 ldr to'tchis'toatrilee, terrorirli: Lbi Ï1,4î,f at w1habie bad au>'ooiui of e tise hsati ilectei,"antiLb.gane asti - iii oes ag0, vo ceperiedti tat a dog vu <~iat bean tiuaediun Pendis.' Pevîe l( e ti setuteion ottise.animal, a-,mai e« niameti RobentW>'tit ada;tteoptea te se at curetise brute vusÉa ce'rti, an ti ie s, J e~go'h vake o ie is ingei d &et"iis biti. oWyatiaits en - viici s ebmutliibs Omioo,ouIateizet i b na meditilém ta, autites' ailime, li ttempt ed g o dismisa tie erfisidreati et Hydr'o- ýYpkobie trosi'bis mmd; tise veuti iseeleî g, oup aicel>', lbat asilitishe un.l'orianate mas 'y va$ net treed trou appréhenssions regardý I. ing bis #ilety'ilecounsequence et expenoi. 'i enciug sevece seting painâ shicis ex- f temideti (constise fluger te tise shouli 'blade. Tb!i& sensation gradisail increases cqand 'ils. peer mais vas Irepi in la berrid itate cf amiud as te visai migbt ho the il !timeuo, couseqaoncea, caiitiasgata la eveniug liti shla at iabout hait pat nimi 'f 'cicsck, hae as'sed bi&saon te bng bim a tdrnrk ot vater, visen ho foundti tisihi couti o oc ni , anti tisai tisesigisi0o it createti e fearful terrer un hi& min& 0 Wy4itt tien valketi op te De. McMason'a eflice sud explaineti bis staSe, vben the Dr. atiministereti a draaght of medicine visich ie b.maîîîed te gulp clvwn bis ibruai ivus tise groivest, dîlhlcilty. Hoaler. vends vetwomte, andtihie syaaptcms ta. pîil> developedth iemselvcu, - violets' a aoym folloving ini close succession, visicis veoisvever, leept considerably lai check turing Lise eerly pari t fSibiath sl Sh tise atiminisvoring of cislocefoca b>' Dr. t [ove. Douing tise daythe b. nfoctenato man isd atbcSeclouai>' vaciseti, anti vil'soam- tien tise infuen.oe of tise paroxysme bis s trnggie oa ee ralyi>toli.-the united ,,offoerutsvo wpoverfoul amen Seing insaffi- t oieminte obol ii.s. Suange ta a&>'ho te.- teineti bis senses te tise ver> lait, asti en. treaie t ta ho migisi ho bled to testS, or tiostroyeti insaomo va>' or ouber te pet bits out et miser>'. Dis. McMaisoss Hoveg Waliror, Hamilton, anti OrSon, vere ln iatteadatice ad imitiieverltiinlatheis q power te aloviato bis sssfferings, but as the Ldal vore on',Ibo, piaxysma caistinassotat incroas.inatrequets. >ant i iits' Is thse oeing, &(ter consultation, Isoe mdi. cal men decideti teaebject Wyatt tetise influesnce of a vabpor baths, anti for ibis par. pose Se va firnl>' ouait .ritiae*ab toas chair, La visicis procestishe pon man kstrongl>' ohjectcti, he being previossal>' ce. o traineti tram commiîsing violence b> tise vatoistul cane oft tis in attendance, vush ont an, resort isaving Sien liad ta fiston- luge. Alter Seing bsouni, and subjecteci fafise vaper bath ho atrnggled severely la soe ioStise paroxyse, hba't itins net5C- ceoti et sa>'time isnisreaking tise banda tisat is itihm. - Gratiaàl>', hasever, he Sec.ue vea nirfocs iur ezisassian anti ai about hiait pat >ainei, vas apparent tisai hoecouilnetlilvo (or an>' lenglSthco LIeu, A toma ec o ust 24 Snnlà te tise lirai a>'upteis ppescoti, isediqti, op- parnu>'yiisoat a itrag gle. Thie sinlr. legs zpelomieeti turing tise SabbatSb b' peas'.Wyet-are s4lite havoean cftis moiintenuse anti barrid acisacter, anti bs soresm' veto tnaly hein rentitg._ Wyatt vasa Iiocinmmaantihietai neý ltse6o senservice ia -ibée ara>. a eue *b vjit auti fmilte mepra iseoartonad qatitin doîtb is iis vicis ha vas ovortake,.ý -DUndas Bantner. latell beau tig op aeti&b a,thoe ouoiy id y e e e t nsf vise ptao-na 'mn iit Muàame qu' mon.- 1Monopele insytbiisg la isat, anui particelariy selis Toelournpi bnslinss. But tIbo day. of mencpclin ip Lirespect, are isumbored ; amud ils. iii nos 0.otsp a shoot of jubilation 'Stseols an eveat 1 Nosy, taa long, bave thse people gumiitted toe iposition ; bat no#2tb* cis1s5 if brico"n, and Lise sisecices are fellissgo00, sumd vbo vilI net aid la bnrying thon: fcr- ever? .ý,Wbei'i! not aid in .aing Toi.- irrapS>'as se sas as> tcber esîtorprise Let cOur contry' Se iasaeripgred, vits Tale aMpslinos,,md tie4 bqaofi1s. tqo Lise cens misîltT-will bé itienieuebl>' groat. Witb Ra4ilceadi sud 'Telégrapb": linos covoring onar eouotry.like a netvors,we must proe, gress un ail mateciat'prosperity" and omr- merciai grfattiesi, ainditait. Oarplace amoag tise progreaSive ianations of tise Te be stili is to be retragade-to retro0 grade is to ink ie oaster inaignificence and conteanpt, aud, tisonise oopposeésoucis caterprises an persuaal 5arcntIa, or (nfom1 avarice, are enemies etof s' comaaea connutry. ad deserve to e be setiop te scarn andi réprobation of aiH houoat andi petrieomen. 'Usbridgo village is deîiined to Secom. oue efthtie foremosti mImd villages lu -ibis Province, if net latise Dominion.- Witb a oine agnricitara country' snns'eandiug, it, vu s mBaImait. enlimiseti vafer power, wish lis eaîerpniaiuj intelligent antid ats' business mou, what is thon te, provent iii mttaisiog to tise tank 1 have auigaed iii1 Blueass.r a'aaac, iasse ls xevfliao. Noumbers o e.o f busintessmoud capital, are ehing homes isene, dete'ssised tn isas'. un cour conîtautl>' incnoasing prs-,s. ponit>. as' suifer lu -Our adversii, ahoalti lu unftensately befal eni oùu joanne>'. A large numben of civelling boases are Seing ba ilt, eîlsena contracieti fer, and icbe rs projeeteti. Tiehe aner and tiese Bw cf tise mntigwaa are iseàrd ia evea'y qarter cf mets te iiieift liin ' ceesta yen tale. au puissts b etriethsor teap bofere hlmp ins toa fisb i la ai tifficali as you 'Llink, tous' ciildé Wto - ae ta a bsisetotse tisai e shah r . e onr over n a on. ieassrea. a.laver. 1 as ld vema, but yon cmýsitU do,,@ you' lite ; aveortifrom'yc 'ut -theers timo vili net fiait otitselTOecte; visai bave Yen te play the soffening vinsse Tie tour cf a lovitsg girl, saysauncidi ris liiceaàdetrep a os e e; bust thai tise ciseek.ofs wite la atrop of,, poo ber hbaan. Te>' te uppouar ciseertol.i contentoti, anti yens' issband viii ho anti shemi Ycnhave madie ban happy viii Secam. so; bot ini appeacance, ln 'noaliti.'.£hise ulili reqîtiret ilas no groat. Noiihg flatte:. a man 'ge m as tise iappiaiesa ai bis wvitf e h.l wi preut or biesseif as use acacce et if. »eOn as yom n aecheerfîsl, yen viii be ll anti sien, anti avec>' scesaeat viii af you ai ppom'usais>'.g tol il au agree. vord. Yuir education, visioh givea an asmusu aivatag, viigroel> ad Yen; anti Ycnr soasîbiliy viii become~ isobleut,>gift tissu nature bas boatoveti YOa, vhis hovs itzcfitntsafi'îct.on assitinit>, an>ti lmmpi on <even>' action s0(0, kisd'anti te nder cisaciee, ir.suOaàà wasitisaf itacif la secret repiainug." aerman-Gasng Tasbles. mn' wham on 'n te- watt sâe; th osr ofe imro mumS géeî us 1 nThe ' h mn> Se interessing ta tison sanguin. tisever cfinsp.evmon goe on T e prions Whso are aldictodti teseelabora- farminsra re aise Stus>'proparicg foc a don- inc ognosssinb"iii ie Si. barvoat. hope ta attain vaitis eau>' and napidi>' ab NIPIS[NG. tise expense of" some' Germosn gambîiag' s Txbrislgo, Ma e 11, 18019. bouse, ta e an'ise amnast gained by tise establishsments isnIse course e Iboselt T'rraua<r o'V:.szvxms.A tumbr egisi years. Âocortiing te saute calculs- of volanteorg on Monda>' lait vere broegist tien viiasbave boot sesnt as b, s"a orrfs. beote tise magistrates lsibis ovew, for pondons, Ih. uverag e viusaiasg "ef us, r negloiug te' attend drill. Tise trial vas Beadon, Wiosbadoen, Hnsmbrg, and Nap.. a ratiser an instractive ene, &une. il Scoaisi iojîihave anetoi smo. 1860 Lea a-à se ligiutishe dnîioo of bath ofllcorandti O ui grand total of 17,000,000 fint. à i Elgisu mn on Misionet Ofiltaeii md P ibis sin Homburg, visere -play gouon ail r vîtes vore arrangeti on tise charge Of tise'yeas' rouaid, excepming Santisys aM~ i retasing, orneglecting te attend dnia!u anti(e days (giving a total cf about 3,,600 inspection, anti four dout et isai nambon pli>' heurs por av nim), la cedited vit ib ie ri escapeti puiusment frosint se ving bien, targeat sabe,.Thse single saco iat roulotte . pnoperiy warased, Tisree vote iutiedOe gives tise batitise cortaiaty in the long edollars sud coots, sud tise cuptais viîisdrv -raaet viaming once ln 37 coups hait the '. tise casu against co, visa proved ta- baie nsoney duva. >Tise if ratait et rouge et a beon is îotos tise vening is question. Wo noir tolls stil! more agalisut ise ployern. ýi hopeaise thait tise loes nwif nat hobelit At Bans.visere ivo apousuant efuil refait on tise oticoma, by ssoviag Lthons tisatif ar~e in voguel,tise adivaniage cf tise biais- tise lav coquines theo men, teattend, is aiseus ort cuerse oule.'eagds i lays dowa tise manner ini viicis tisey_ are loaace to tise passession cf capitalitîia- taelho verneti. Is coasitiering ibis subjeet, itel> ecoasti&Lta a(f an>' igle play'- vo are api ti rai f0 sympathise vus tis e a'andti tsepower (f limisimsg tishes mal« imon; bout visesawe olsinntise matten, loweti te b. stakod- teamau mount visicis aud coissidor &isa, over one millier& dollans preolados tise pooribiliay of playiug ce tise v as apont oa,the usilitia force ait yer, it donbling sysiem nsiiown as a martin~gale, la isoardut>' as toz 1payer# àantias loy4l isbe tise otvintage of tisehaiks aven ise layer 1jecti, te se tbtisevocoeiva valu for cu al >'bo aatedl ai 4 par conL. This, b>' a mone.>. IL misai h plain te ever> ms in siperauetore tbu&e sua leads a tes 1thet ais armne& force aose aof no service, utinig concisieca Lisat42,000,000 v iîlsoqt'4rill asai 4laipliae ý asti tla ise (nnco, aor $17,000,000 sterling, are yenrly evidient intention ut <tsae enott tisai tskdu emi oua f 'viicis s$au tise men are te ho regetlari' tilbet, b"esac 650e,000 beotes ile >certain pro> of tise building of drill ods andth ie appoint, Meggro, Blanc , Banazet sud (Co. ment et dciii instr'atoro. lisshort t$ise paset ivprtiesfor fort>'. thousamid Twon!ty perins baeoloft 'Nepîstnee o mets being roui>' ttt Lie led, sud if' Calitornsai'dthe White PlegZola regicni tbatinnmber moanot, beooaied by tise vitili thse lait <ew diys, vanteorai>ttm, v. muest have reecrOnf7 Tise last >p>joner cf i4se rolîsiona. ite tise taft.Larrfe Gazd1o, var hutiseti agslt,ri. eli te.' è'i,4a bfa>' Day vas ene of Lise drearlot, coitiest, 111,' ~ t,- Wlsvmrieft, o àt g neaal dist.grele A lady il Dtroit lias ebtaineti a diforeg 0a v hv asifra t a ut. The eseberisusbad ugeti atikirai lungu. s'eue vas froquesît ýanti ieavir; tise .colti age ta lbo?, andsi otpeillie hr Se black ra onmiucâtarrhý-begettu rglvlng bs St peer' humanit>' dyspepsie, 4n5 young' ducis tise blues., Thsi lads andi lasses cf A genilemen in Guelphis ilsosMt this fiisit>' bSggcd àto b. excssedtiran tlsirty paisof-4soupespariso portisg ogesus a-ayusg,;or ceetitng mu' e Iofthetuextorminste the'isasscts. lMaj-dny cuitoma cf wiicbpesabave in -The acce te 'shiciconte, bY ýtelegrapb Sy-gene das sboots vont Le sing. Thse or destnçions b>'tise foo009d#la,Nw YdvI ~1qall'ssisst hve oot etustl dioqqit, StaSe iare rlghtuul." Chevniîes' viii stetfor EBurope lu his -A Car On th e ng 16>44-Rahoati, con. beuloon fronl Ne WYork la J'cly, Passes. 'Siniing liftoosa piietigem rai t Lbte trick geai tates ai $flO eueS. ,W buIipaySea on the 28rd, eîglst pe isoaa 'rae klIOl&4 jana'ney it. In tise tovns4$p8 or, Meno R i eluas 'Méounta <rofm Lb. Ponnoylvaia nt -u -ton eç are a;IUii lwaanssboia' , rgioa uS&ai Lb.heOPeratign> 4pe pay4ug eno ontire groanti. btter tisn over, before. ' WhaufsMcleaàote~isO~,~ Hettni34 st ba esîîtv.îî.,.-it aiio.Leilie,$5$O neyer oeortaken; but eoisi iýwe fl PticnSt îts Ptfbý ' .asily'ca4tcisclL m2O0.P$jbginast May Ssb lst. TItrpr or fu' G b>oPial e a om Wlîasles, Mss' f. A pure breti Tici or ii i No'rtli Wornd,fa lise 2nql i 14utof loîieu iékkeri Wext qart&-* t For fcric., anti ?.pn 10S169. rvollisg public. pisishîd au a mce 311sImner. Gucite. W Ce <icshos'c cita f~Go.-iJ $tai clRED 11 Tl 1E a'ifliaenihe et tise lia«idtice Dunsadt"Imstra, 5 ýTuesday fi 'rB fed diit . iTEIes. etietr 2lamenit 6S sati !No rtervu., Wiaitby, IMuS5

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