ONTAMII AM qKIe WRITISY 3EâJ1- 1 1Albion hi K. IF. LOCRR3ARTO, MÂxAxm- C-iAMIEROII Ik TmLL BARBTERS AND' A'I*oxrNET8AT- UD anidthedorporatiofl ottb$Coun1y"f Ontario$ eG larieo, 4*o. &q., Wiai 0W 'i W-ionoJ tolin apon poild aturty. Ap hu p8 1..ie insoflthe £rm;, Court flonsa, n. 5oau1I~iaaad, reobéa à RITERISorn hsAMSONy 0 Asraceqllois é Toronito, Jul>'20,1841. £ *. M. l.COVUJL&N43t.id L.a- OOUSTYORIOW» ATTORNEZY FOg ON-. târo, flrrister and Âtormey-at-LaV, Mo litior (lOhauaery, Noaiy Publie &- GEORGE a.. »ARTNRELZL, ]B 421K ITBRATTOILNxY-, COBqVzy"- ,oer, Deputy loltrar, Mastor Extraordi- tay, and examinerin Ohanory for thooua. oy ofUntarlo. Of4a. Brook-tt., Whltby. ROIUNIitr j.WMLON. Àl$IItl$T£19 OA ATromiqEy AT LAW sollotersnOhaua.r ~. Wlitby, O.w 9,06- over Otl. onlte Borth, Il ABRI8TZB.AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR In liChouqry. Vaae.l9Torouto-t.. «Oruo. 9.12M olitrlu Ciaanoryt Couvoyanoor, Nqo- 4m ubli. Ëoxt door tW the store or a. & J. Canipitl, irück Bfi., Whllby, out. *WlbNov. lé, 1867. '46 SOLICITOU KOTABY PUBILIC, te. &o. îs <I.A. JONES, paraosolicitor lu Chaseicer'.AIm Io Ior>tey, 009,&CO. ru lias iéremd bis 001« oe lot lIor-over lie ~~ OarmAaa toiiu7z, 1860, 4 FAREWELL 4e NcGEE, P)ARRISTER8 ATTORNEYS, 801i.1 'AR ToiEs cokvEyANqCEiS, Alp' O- TABES VBLIC1.% OMOiaa-One dpoorpomth aof thé l'ost-Offlco, Oshawa; nd Olteriî, llocg, - oppoaito Town Mall, Bovuaîvillpa Attcmneoa-Mlaaiw, soticîtoma i Chant. éemryf aud Iusolteeay, &o. Outario. Box., 10 m, Q. O W0.9t00 A. W. LAUDES. ..saT. W. IH, BILIL1NGst Mr(igs4IdolwAV.,a BV.,Bfp Whithy,Jan.28, 1802. CILARLEs C. KEJJ.EEzit, î ouBroc , . . r,.&c, 0uý J. MABIER 'GRBJEiNWOO"? ATTO-NEY-T-LAW, IIOI4C1TOB lM Ohanétar>', Notsa'y Public, Convéyauen, dbé., WlaiLby il. W. Cinuas, Bfyrona streat, 0 O otht of-l'ont Office, 48 J MES LAItON, A TTOIlNEYATLAW, SOLICITOP.IN1 Dunà asi Streot. EN' Tianga doors West o! the Fost Cilic. 16 OC.nIANE & COCIIRANE. B ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, CON VEY- s> ucerasuadA iotà rlés Pmblio, &o., &a, Peyti sAani-hrx poieTown Poat l'sua,-Orics-Bigolov'is Block. HIl. Cuocataax, LL. B., 1 W. M. CeaunAis. iceunI>' Caowu Attonno>'. Port Pory, 201h ijecotnher, 1805. 51 LYIMA1X ENULI,16 X L , .- T>ARIIISTEB AT LAW, Sollitor lu Vha- slauooé$t.-opposito thé PosL Cfcé,ombsava. - - . 40 DitS. CAESON k &LAW? * O7Yo;-lyaOitnT5ET,- Consultation of Patneaaip ftréa ef change. Whitby, Jul>' 20, 1668. 29 DR- HANCOK, (inox ziULAi» h TOitUTO.> OURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, a.,, I UBGEOI< TO TRE ~CUNTY 0404 SByron Street, W1ltby.4 THOMAS HUOTON, TOWNOLER1iéI~tEAS1»<EILWIIITBY TOuino-Tovi114-isllouý-0tao Lock. VIÇTOJRIA HOTI'F.. w Waa. Boyntonts.) 27 J»OrHTON'a JIOTEL, MKI. 00YN ON 'Vgs te- nfdiap lhe lu- VV labltsat#Of the. Coluty otoritaitudn laho es.d h 4 Utt ud sa bcasb.1,l814. édsd ria Woutilby.y W- Ail vork vurunWe. YsmlmOttn&& teedt risenft WZLLINGTgN 1WOTEj, J. BUKHTTMM 0 400 or uîbigeand ya ii ttndane, GEORGE.OEAK t lyfufkl~e of~~Zonsesy o8 hand. *L UNELful: liedd allonGteîà notatuZd.jui c onotalxti> Broklba Drug Store. "5CUu nD , V"iS, -L-F élas,0117j.6aten Meien, or . &o. ENWinensudn Liquoiof the boit quallty fo;riilaprp.. fforaeo lMMdsauor onlsand llrooklln, C. W., 186P - ~ 2 (Orpanù$ 4U Sait.'CUrs4, U.) 18propaared tW giveu Bacand lging les- sutoa as linaited aa8mher0f pupila. Aiqllusion anîmde at thoe0Dace of John L. fatkis, surgon Dantist, over Janus BYraa'A Modicai Mial, Brook St. Wbatby. CROCE EER'S JIOTEL, (LAT£ PLATT'8,) NELSON $T- TO)RONTO, I NORTHI OF RING ST. 1$ASSETT st F*EBLE,, -PzâopmzTou. rlE proprltoro respecîfnîîy an noannéeste .5,oir frlioa4, ata diînalce, s all as Meear home, iant they have takon the aibovc prenaiços vhiacîa ara in avory respect conveniîontiv auu oonfortabiY fittod up sur tiao accommoadaation eb uanaad the traveling -publieo. Tue7yul. bO round la constant porisonaal sttopdgnco, and yull bava aohig uaono on tLiu parl,îo grive satiataclou l al lao Masy tavor thoan villaa YEOMAN IO. COMZdIsSJO~y ER cH4V INSURANCg, h GENEEAL AGENT. Wlitby, Jan., lth otio16. 2 13, PLANK, -- Proprietor. SStag8 e s'iaad romaiWhitîyciii dally. Evel atteinti a0gisestu. Carefnl sud sten- tive osîlors. 9 1868. 1868. TIuE LIVERPOOL MN LONDON INSURÂNCE COII'NYO Ilia beau ln existence tblrty-two years, and duriaag tuai pcriod lau paad Louas embeding -lite anad a hall mllion poundo sterfling# The disbursceîaî tof tlas ooriou a mi av*t a wldo arot, lian, wltlaouî doun b) contai- hutod to thecostablislmenîî o! Ibis Institution, iu the eutfldcao! i nVLaoCom'OBÂ'noxo, Mza- CHiANTS, 1IloUSE11ioLa>EXan sd buoinelis Mpai gîj- orally, viacrover It la ropresoutod, In it #t rot y a:, 1830, theiir Paremléapwaalonse ainountéd W.......... ....,970 In ILs 1t Laycar, 1848...... ..£7,7o8 "200Li yaar, 1856..... .....£2,7 "84t1iyear, 16660. ... 789,882 Oue peair hluer, 1887, ............ 88,81 Tho rirea a aFund ie npw $4,727,464 Tyholf le.r^0Fu ad la now $9,282,469 The Coan>au ln. r.preieaited througiaoulOUn- tarno au 0u ba, by inuntntial Agente, te vlaom aph là tia for Iziaurauce nia>' bé made. G. F. C. SMITH, Exxauc zcuEiîxuz, MONa£Im. AGENT, W UIr, ôLp 7xo,r yonieF, Febrpiarr l7th, 1868. 7 TUE ONTARIO FARME11W MUTUAIL INSURANCE COMP'Y. tlMIIS Company' le pow fuily organsized, and .4. la prepured te aco pî4 rlakonFaru Buildings, sud tiair conteg'ts, Couutry Sohool Baisses, sud (iburgiien. Thom. wliairg Wti- aure, aud théroby support a HomIn surance Company. bâve rw no su o>runit fty lâiIu Ooo.Ayoe ElAot BIT, AN 186f J!Ilola Mf %ee nla Ntclmbrbyt 711tbalon lb.é- întyI m4ecuunlngt mnein tué Connel>'of -Oit. 16lfuslth Cay cf ]MArci, A. 1.1299. - TEOMni PIAN -RNBTRONoeB OTEL (ZPael eoate00 P y@ nk's u],o) -a rt- R4 otel, mmd sclWUe t ,alrng cf lias-public anA lis ftIendi ; ýThe table sud barsumlfle4wilh Ulbu beslt Goodr-oosyah PIESIWz OUR HAT DOMi1NION $TRS 71iIT8oelbrsed olà h. mpid'lv nlng 1a ..L*rid.lde-celebt'iby, beingue c r.eouéndd by lbheaceeminentPaaliu vhéTevor thé>' ave@tae*si ntrodpeéad. As a Biocd Pailaa, anA a negnlator cf' thé apponite, th> <mnet h.é qualled. on. trial viii sgh- stautiston Ibis Importaint <sot. Mannfscluned easotâ, wholessie saAPBe. tell, b>' gr hSftBE& ,Whithy. B'Ail orders le#I 1 Mr. SunIll'a<Oto Spuriiil's) Western OIé, TannAMS, treet, or at the Maculaetery, lEtsI V dsor, wviiirevsive prompt attantion. - Wiiitby, Martal 24, 1869, 1 ONTARIO BOTEL A. ALEXANDER - - Proprietor. rTIIE spbucrihér dasires ta retgmn Ihanka ho Lto the pubio for thé vpmy libéral patron ag etwdtapon m huvile proprietor eft tap Glb ol roo kllnt and st tb. saneté ime ta4es ocu essci0saouc itait hbuaslessed the aboya veil kuovu holel. Large siditioua havéeheemi m.eéntly made to lh. preuiff aisuso uug Inorp opimodioti soceniaodatuon sud enc.aslig hie aunmher of sleeping reotos ta nearly ou, haif moeé han formnly. A liat- olapp Bihliard Parler villatIre, tables h»s slso been saded. Ete&Lo ddtien 10 oh Stabliug, ftaieds l0c6.. rus, &., bave aise bien made. Ail enalUng thé naiderignid w ofrto bis Old Friendu. sd lb.publiéIe ee- rIail dvintages anrpusaed b>' no0othêr liotel lat lutoaie. devlintl tIM0 ehappl te velooelais old tiends. Whithy, véu. 2, 168. 48-1> Query! Wby jeIitIhat tbieo.la snob a u for pictumea AT CLAIRK'S GALIERYtoi? It le beesuase foboa the besalleary'u in th Coant>, sud bas ierarepationce wîtb elil.fréu Iban au>' other Artist lunlia, Couty,apd eau do quit. ais good vork &o an>' otho a nu ln thé Couait>r, STint'. vlaat's lte niatter, no Aon't ho baciavrd abolit eouîlaag <tam-ard. SJROCK 6T.n WJIITBY. Whithy, Nov. 12, 1861. 45 Q.N. VAR89 B ACTICÂLDentist, Osha 4MPDautsilRooana, diectiyoppo- ". L site hbeouotCfi.-Eni;rà uce on lmoeftrapt thlirdlooenrth ofth Ontario Bank. W EXPRESS AGENT, hé., aise Agent cpIdanh anA S3tandard lasanauo Cta.. 17 R-. HSWEEITAePLE9 VETJ9194Y STROEON, G7raduate of Ontario Yeterinu0yCollge anad uato Assitant to Prof. .mitý', of Toronto. Puor. BUCKLAND, Professeof ptgrlclturoi * Toronto Pwr uji MIT, V. 0., P4iptj of Uptarie V. Dia' BOI4LL Toronto. 6TROBLBOhN, 6" i. 5.-MBi. BETMPE-an 46osil AppoanlY, orIfpy I.té(Otpi 'y. J. Ie N INSLVNTACT 0or186 pro" "0 <ntro, aila.CutyOurt of County of Ontario, the ounty'o! Outarlo. -là & mMeo Bic ZD PBÀRc'A, an-k-_ -Notice à .bheleby given liant on the twenty- mventit doy of Mà y aexl,, st ton of the c1ock Ia S4a fore0nor&%oq 5 08m 0081161 l hé ýhr Un«* "'ê« wll 1 o-;hJudgç le. '&u tty. Daced At, Cangtou nlthéia.Coanty of On- tallo, tbis 101h day of karoii, A. D. 1589. by 0.'C. Relier, hi, attoraioy ai H". AIJOTION BU1-Ness THOM.&$ MYijiRS, recelve ordors for salé,of stock, farta Impie nient., &0., sud that ail orders ieft at the Cawmow Lëfflo. wlil bW dauiy sîlnded te. k ay- o M- pp1 el snd ternimande vono i lion at thés Cmoiscieonce, Owhare books wlth .ntrea Wblîby, Angust 26th, 2868. 1<44 New Bak-ery AND T 11fnlEesigncd rempotfulj Informaigthé flpublic that he 1. conatanîly prepared ta wit1 ilapronipitudo ail order. inlb, kiiry a pd Confectionar lino. Fruit, apoaago, end Ilsiother kinds of7Cake, Tarts anj Biscuits c1 the boit quality. 9W' Fruit of ail kir.ds In saun. Aio ob stars, garçincs, Cocon Nntopa, inger Beer, &o. il. IcDOUGALLO, Baker, Confectioaaer, &o., Brock et Whitb7, July 16, 1867. 98 PIRE ASSURANCE cool LOMDA#DSTIEBET & C1TApNQ C"O8, ILL$Pj, MPAThCo., Agentp for Canada. JAMES DAVISu.N, Manager. NOUgNCEagnnstLoge by yJEE arc efetdo heo moîlavorahIe ternis aa I.088E8 PAID witthoaaîrforeu.. Le the I4ord in Londcai, - Api rasi10. f SV5lANI'i uui'u Agope, Wlalh6>1 IMPROVED FARM To Bell, Dent, or lat ors Shuares FARM t i' rotJior lot cn Shaisc-Wosî, 01f ot28, lut concession cf Uxbrldgo.- 100 acres, 70 acres cirareal. 4ppiy (it by letton, postpsid,) te B. FULILER, WJnTsyP. C NOTJCE.-Ali parties are fonbld cuttlng or neMovitai lnl>pn cm vod of su>' kind vital evér, froan hé aboyé ]P;, s an uypprson fonnd deitag no, alfter tain daté, aisu trespassers, anA yull bc tro*ld ais suoh, Pto u<il exteut of the Iav. S. >'pLEB. Wiitby, sept. 15, 1888, 87-tf LIV(ER-Y!B rrEUNDERSIGNEI> MIRES2X8 O IN- <J orna bis fMende itapA roua Itbat hé buaagin rosuuie. business allia. o<d IWIT3Y LIVERT STABLES lat.!>' o=aplédb>' Mesura. Couhbard and Ammstrong. ecéaéifhauhesd qua istofthospd anda lsc added toSQ&dlan- prov d l.- oyaupeasud, vebicies cn thé pme, ,b hope. l b>' belng ià a pOsýtJùDuta mnccl lb. vanta of oustomera ho menit sa&haro cf publie patronage. W- CllARGES MODERATE. . N. B.-Ceoed Conveyauem for <s'illes ud ladies" Proiptl attendauca, sa hretofe, Wbil, pril 81 ,1-t TOWN OR CdÃœIKT Y, v dimlleor the lie, ianA embiaclag Ia INDIAN 'ýVI LLAGE, la Ranis, ltéeTown cf mil ln, lte NAU,Wsol L Eke8A e T9OWNX -0P ERTY Six Lt. o B>'eta lrnétIre inon, o! For pr 'tlrsduent vracat proprt>'llu tCw Be l'O a <rm ntaeailot.,:feuecd lunb nogh ombo t he U1V Rma a TRMBE ACRES, <enëedu, ktovajl 5thé cIA Cricket Plaid. *TWD à Al,#BE,eSdtae,seot-ickmlat. 134CRE,- feucel, val cf Cricket ûelAý, 6 LOTS, fenced, veaf esidonce, of jus. B. Génie, à q.:, 1 X 4ACRE, fgoqd, à acai-vasl do., *do. 1 X< ACRE, veat cf realieuorcfJ. Lynea. 5 L'JTS,' fencd, vest MoAist Chumea.. 2 LOTS, souti aeidebuaoé,J. .Harpr. 10 LOTS, vaul Péryt., sonth of Qncs 8 LOTS uotb Dundossa"t, oppoite rasi- dence o: lues. Devenlil. 10 ACEI, on Brook sîsel,- orli sia>'a bridgé. MrAlic séverai VlllSpLtlvaoa pai cf the Town. 14,'avre The. ycaul Lot adjoin1pg ÃLoes&hPqoel Theo vaant Lobtnout el <ilAe ho t 22 foet front, 98 <ect deep. 1 a lana. ô L-ose cash Brook sttcel, hbvéwen Etoyal Rote! sud ieLMilit.ule Puilding, 243< Ir081, caiul, 198 14adedep ta a laine, 20t<ecîvide. WvILD LANDS. iugra, South 3j 19, 12th cou. 100 acre. Rama, T'L. Lot le, $rd i 180 fi et Lot 16, MLh 200 46 Tii. subsonlber havlug datcruintad to clos. ountLtte viola o! liâ Real Entai,, bualums, lbe above propertlea aro offerad t4, loy ggureu,ond on long ternis of paymeneg Api>' te 1Apnil, 18m. J. A)!PE br, WlaiIhv.1 Landi Laind! rEStalasuaber offers thé foiioving Unstof Tlands, adaueh h. vilI, soU aI a 0- FA, 1 AVALUATION,.-P S. X, No. 1, a2n4 concession of Beach, 70 sema olsmed. E.B < . 19, ) thé $rd concession of Eesob a soeselared. No. 20. lu thLb 11 oneesson o1 Darlluglcn, 00 scias oloarud. No. 1, lu O8h cu., Xma, à &omes eiear.d. N. E. Mi No 97, lu 2ud coucauioon Wbltbý, 1000 4arcosn Somearville-00 aecs lu Béxiey. 2W0 aes @it Laxtau-400 acres li Béliont. Appi>' piousl>', cria>'lloter, post.pald, to R. E. PERRIY, Watrzv. Jranir> tbl, 1868. Cbà occry Sale. In ro. CAMPBEI4L. MecIAIN vm; HO LD EM. I> URbhUANI to au èrder lu the Court of PChancer mdean eé isaboya Mater sud Ca use, thera clii e sold viLla the approbation pf Geergé Hin>'Dartuoll, L nire M aster cf 4fIis Court st Whitby, on ro2a ,tue l7th day of Xfay, A. D. 1869, AI 2 o'cbock la thé sfternoon, st theo ofie cf thé ssii! Mutisiet ahithy,bhy Levi Fairbanks, jr., 'Auctiaucor, lu oue psroi. The8à ouîh.lalf of Lot No. 2, lu the lat cou. of the Townahip cf Tlapab, pooutauing 100 acres, ancréoi léess. Thora aré about sevcul>4fi)vo acres o!esred sud a frains.liotn as.sd 1 nuponha prmo- aisas,an tuhli.prgorty>' la sboul;miles frein Béavmrton,hhe tiilnis cf IbmLiaudan Betverttau Ralva>', ana sevin mile frouatlaop Villageof cfauplington. 4, 1 Tie salA lot viii ho soid Objcl. taao1mort- gagé tierecu, date4 22nod Mkreia, 160, sud ana4ia b>' L#liu Cam .pheli ta Johin <athr séoo 'n t uslo! on. thbusad dollar ap intres atvpe 1bcnt f-yeriy, oun le a of C0oa sud Apil né-euh>Yeuadr, i mertgmga&(abill ha. benu, ied ta seathelias a lanA. A alo sabjéelt tas inggé l)eeon, dated 10 o! April, 1887, lai (avor cf-James Hoiden oY $504, aaa.l v ta<o lest iousAdate, vibintreeiaM 12 pet' ceuL - éariy; Inloeestbei lua aroar frou ltl 0 br 1887. The purehU o , uhave thc opo ou caig tlia. salAtIment nioned Moor *oiClevn thease OPena,a char upoth ulbgr M rdme. - - Tbé upbsOrv$lberordto ap~ tomaà opobmilfluthé propcrtiai cftotidollaris for à v r>' _aieluan m ddlasof bs teu s mcntd ie 're I ndarham c! yilali üuao t h# aer ùldà d' ëral tho«ti nte ulera 0ea o3e cdktopsýai" l vibu Uné " andlng -i of Ibo sld, CenÃt ýh6 f Pîtiiýmlj1r ap> q..ol -Aa thsa-to édisclomýe oulraffaira iÇeuis,- -AI$iaogt he hast lima. Icbslls gba Thé i"era qlacg alv evetolo1 ol à tare. Nomoar por»o vstoh lads and leu" ea m4 W!',pIpés la oui ipoutÃŽhahil veusnthenlb Wl' notiaun ho mimd, sund vi' anapla ime bu l >ý- spar, .- -, - Totn'aà Ià aîlon Lis tlme is thaultbore. .'%ood eleuioioaou ath gb - tu, 40 ,"Wà 'ro quit. ilt your sarvous, a Alsr nA vre l Whtîetio'ns youaliko ask; wsv en odyo AnA gdu a ra snwers; >,sol duvu lm! "Do' thbnk wo. hébusy-wl' bou or vil eont. 1Byno maues, mun, nothuan n6ot0, 0 lait sutr, - ý : ý . -Tis haaymaskun l IIa. sud 'yon vnn'l dg «n wunugt -Br Vtéopiqn 9 ro tal#ç8u al tho day lo'n." w W Ienlu Londion, man>'.!- matesaend you, And hlitA need to Zammerzet lions. for toc goo And quaetion tiaeu Just Whou tiaey'd go$ Most 1to writé, Tbey're oaiial clvii»souts, théeuson for AIha>' arvnst Whou tiaey orne quostionvon à T5UB $TRT#* In one cf tiie fiéest aud 'Mout produae. tive J.arming districts in New England residgd,, soeéyeas ince, a family nauaed Senferd, couaiaîing o! Benjamin Sauford, a wealta>'foriner, bis vif,bis widowed anotier, and bis daugiater Millie. tTncie Bon Sanford, tas bhovia fuiiârly cailed by bis neighboms, vwu penbape tiae béat known individusl for miles around thée district. Hévuias halo besrîy, bluff man, ofauilddle âge,,iwhwia lways hsd a kinA &mile, and plenant word for evérybody, and wis cousequenti, extremeiy popular witia allassues. Thé farna hich ho vorkéd vith no mach aucues bai beeu ownéd by bis father befome hi., anushé vu lbe ouly ébild ho jaa4,stithé old ma's Aéaîb, coing mt possession anA eontisaed £0 écary'op is ,e stablishment vitb éaunmore suceSa liasa bid sîîendé4 the efforts of bis progealtor. Benjamin Ssnford.wu a fortsuate man lu more rà peetu thban one. se not ouly boustei l. f eaiit î&ad uuou£ Iporaîlv farin luhebdistrict, but bhébalamA s i Ibongial, lia.meut obarmiaig daugiaier anA lb. kiaideit olA mother that éter mode s home happy and comifortable. Bat It le vith Miltle Banford, thée sngh- ter, that cor story bau prlacipelly to do, sud wu shall sherefor. attempt a. brie! description of ber. 8Gb. vu a pianp, roay.ciaeeked, merry is, a&bout eigbteen yeurs cf age, brigbt.eyed, goldea.haired, as agile as a fawa n sea beaaitifal usmaa <air>'. AnAdv1aat le tam bottertha i!thb rost, sia. vu as good as.sbe vws beautifal Gb. was liko ber father lai ny 'respecta, but in uotbing. Aid abe resesabie hum more than in ber native goodaies of hearl. If a noigiabor vws sipk Millié vas the irsI 10 attend sud tho liai to les,. the uick bcd, and a tale of distrouwvasuareé 10 inA in Millie an atténtivP anA villiug -'isenér. GiShwo vaisamiitering ange! to. bigh sud low, anA witie she wu beloved by ever>' ou. vbo knev ber, mia. vaslittlo leu than idolized by ber fstber, motiier anA good olA grandqiother. The reader vii1 net vonder, sfter vit vae have utated, thast Millia haut admirers in abonidance amoug tias opposite aux. Thero vas scarcél>' a yoaath' in the neigbbonbood vbo vopld tot 'freel>' bayé risked bis lufe for hem, sud yet, vhile she tmeated thonm ail in the kindest' manner posaible, she gave.non. of them tia. ligbt.V est euooîaragemept %c appmcoaber usI a loyer. .If lb. reabir supposes fron Ibis <set, bowoever, that Millie vas Insensible t10-lbe tendeér passion, b. or se@iWi éje ggioas 1>' mimbaken. Il vuas as taral (oîrsoca sil 10 love us il vwu for 'ber t10 breathe, sud Io-te sbe Aid vithýan iatenpily of pué.. sion kui*own o î tures amordent snd imspulsive us ber OVn.3-0 Thé Mmtof beroiewuas sJou corne lité years ier -senior, naued ÂAn.. log anai anrougir an-nz'e mîiht Runesavor illa- the-46aightér. -lis parasats, toc, aux- - 4ýo as the>' ahvays were te-' gratif>' Suur son, hassAAd t-ur efforts tob, 4:nd the eider LemIf, haut monghtfréquent inter-._ vie*8 vwiîtT ncle Ben lu hope cf lesdiiag liaI old gentlemau léaonse Btaolphe Thé>'--ouldasccomplieh nuehhlng vibh, lia ol mn, ovver. Ein»vriable, $mosq, sud hé votalut noif hé coula -cou- trol ierslcin;ia mr ainer, <frtimior., tbough poc-or, vas a wortbl, industiions Yoang fellov, vbom be held In- thé- giesteul estecmp, aniobe vhotaold, h. prond, to.cal! s son7lu lav.- At lsat il vs'etpunotaneithat Amýbrs. Garner and iha afrd eeengagea ta, b. m2amneut, suda haoalt u uediatlî Rudola ,Leslie - osîleut -aI the <armera boume, sud 4deiPsu4d#n ,iaterviewv.vith The' Young girl vas not mach.a lihlu tu, griot ibis interilevPhie hiaho mk'ev, eouid not proveothérvia. thani disagre.- able;09athI! sethougial it tbs-qtickest va>' te, goetnid o! ieshie'a importuaitiee. ,AnA saoh a.proceeded t0thlb. atie liug room lu v!aich bo vwu vaiting to, ecéive ber, sud desired t1 0 ugr 4bt ié wnted q ber. go oqmmeuéed .by beseeébing ber t10 neconsidér ber. determination t1 mmm>' Am. bros. Garner, anA te, lend a favortable car to hlmsuit. He begged, plesdcd, aud naveut b>' tarom vién b. fonud tual lîbugla MuA, respectful, and evIdeutiy loqchudb>' lai dimîreso hé vas immnovsble, ho urose 10 AeparIty iat a scovl black us nidight upon bis fesaes, sud a frigittul otati upon bis Hipe, to lbe effoot thai if the mar. riage Aid tako place, tb. bappinoss of thé ircddeut couple aboulad hé.cf short dam- BOb théeupsnripgp 414t4e Pluie pot- Viîhéîtanding bu thrent. A joyons anfir vas tbe veAding part>' .-he-bride vas radianîl>' lovel>', lie bridegroora vas proud o! bis peérleos mae, tbe lold, folko as happy aM o14;folksevor vere pa4er. imilme pfroalmstanoeu, thé- ghettogensmshly, more gatiselh4 viti the irbole afV.ir. 'lai short, tiapré vas but one opinion prevaleul, sud iaI vwu Ibat lu al- respects, th. meut brilliaut -veddiug liat haut ever'laken place lu thal locahil>. WehI, lie yoqng People started, ou thhir, veddipg trip, auoïaIetithe expirationai of a fortuigial rotumned te thé parental- m&iusion .1o &pend a short eason vitîbthie 014 (a- Lbum-, beforés tarting lu lite on- heu evai secount. It was at thesclose of the IbîmA' As>' afiér their arrivai, that a misenable hock- lu; objecl siopped at the Souford mausion" auA piconasi>'begged for aonaething 10 est and s place 10 led;. for the u g o vâa au cIAsundecrepit mau, haut neami>' double vilà a age,- long gra>bain, vihicb baug disbctchled, anA ankempî about bis face. His voice va. tremaloas froin veak. nous, aud hie condition moat piliable. ,-Ho-, atated bhatbb bail. travélpd fer, sud lad net broken bis fait for tvent>'.foar heurs; bat that if ha coulA oui>' obtain a eant>' nies! sud a nigbt'm lodgiaig, hé vould be able le çgotinue is joumne> on tie ,mor-' nov refreabédm'ad strengthaaied. 0 courseail pr'ennt vers bonohéib>' tie appeal, anA thé h egeor wuas at once condncteut to the kitchon, vbore a mnb- stanti 1 reputl vas pincea beforé bilés Havita;> matisfw i.4 bo uger hé expresmbd , a desire to retire) sud vas atonce ïboiru 10, iu atle bedreoui,ba aservant 'Thoaevass t'oua vie objected te tthe ýpresenoeof the hcggma nlb.- bouse, spd ual< vas -thé huge Nevfoun4lmd Aog-an espécial pet 'of Millie'>. -ge showed bis Alstpprobatieua b>' emning angril>' aI lb. elmalagér; n6n coula héhé e ot;edo. or coosièed lul ilene, tilt thé heggar haut retl'red, te resti. 4A Sot eveu n stvas he eutimhy patlmfied,- <rie a. slaieAbimaelf, as thie teétf Milhie, sa) - T,@teA bis dis- pheasame lu ou oceasional gittir,,u b, (nom- huas 10 limé hochai towamdÃŽtheie deor> tbmoegh-trhicb lbobjeet cf bF dis c"sulpa, Wi Mdendoa- dà siùS tcaa1the cýomualma»r>'of police hha in investigaionf vas mügot sud tic fulil e4eà tfth le-1nuudq vwas- broagh-lilhl/ Bà nes'waà tli uusblé, to,, bear mp apinot lbe, weigbi- o! thé dîMtesýansd hanged - hlmmeh,the -Téacoused, lin ie dfoce, ~pvolcmé4 tll4t Iiihaut onl>' lorroweil- pnouy -fromý lias fini 0< vbic hi as iea parluci'. Tbq jury - olurned a verdict' of!Il ot Gulit>" on - ésch of bis indictmant, snd -Allo ov. in conseq e, acquitte&. A Ngblwatcla. D aiig ounaey cn te0nst Pleins of NevGrana4'in South Aménica, lthe write, vau 'ovaitaitep hy uight b>' an unépected- suad' earl> ' sovormi, aud hy sitigi <aven Al uit 0' o ea aplace ou lie Sauta Fe rond, vbilà a vas thon unocupicd b>'li- habitants fon- m;su>'a mile.1hsd cal>' q uingle censpanion, Who Aid bis& utmomt te bostonthé hiers. atghed teour vaggon, fô protect me froua thé storuan sd t ké.p up My>' opés sud courage. 8mb vo hbd 1101 gone.,mucb fqrtber, heforo b. ehcppéd- -the horse b>'thé aide cf a largé lîee, sudl maoesevérsineffclutal attanîpta to AnA the rond, vhioh ve Most havee1.ofte$Omo tipise b: ore, and tccoulA a0t distiuguisi a. lb.snà reed thé entine Surface cf thé groa4 witk oôn. unifor. shoot of vhjte. My eOmemip, hgan vrappimg nié lu al lrinaining cîctias sud skias- hé coulA inA, so liaI I migil not peias but hie Jabor ,cf bludaicas vwuaddéniy bnbrý9t t an- éd b>W' thé rean'i sd' anertiai; 0<11w lionse, vhîob seemeut pic, Aiiigr>'saruméd. On lookinaanndve 0. vwhite. plein. 'Olimb tu. tmee, quick I. eriéut my com,- rade.'Up, c enare lest!' AnA seizing .mie- b>' lboulder, be iaannjed nme froua teb. ehiole toî he foot cf the, o. lre p.bicb héosuisted me te cliaabi ma tien speé4ily'folhove4 aften me. 1Thé herse, uaeanwbilé a, bai stetpte4 te lee.; -but lie 'dsrk -olject,' viofi vq nothinglea. îioau s b.;é gainai>'-bea, kucolasuttheé'Po«t'ani mal - dovu vwillaone blow o! is psy, sud1fben proceeded tq devour hiMlol.a e ost avaoos ,anunér. The monmtern's horrible naunchingsansd, grovhigs stmuck terrea anA siokuesa 10 an> ver> SOi.Iutrbeard auytbing no terrible sud marrov.freezitug befor, or ince. After lh as gorgeA hiameif upon tie fliak of oui poor bers., he camé sud cr-oucb.d iaiter lb. tree, as if vaiting- for ns te corns dovai anA serre him a à a des- sert. Thére ths e rrnAbruté la>' hbrongia tbýog bcmohurs o! the nigiaht ii e west abivarlu; in the Ire. ,han!>'lu-the,-moruiug sailm-ge part>' cf traders ver. -soeauapproschiug; aud lbQ béai hécming avare o!f- heirçroximiby, ýarome-suA gasedaI hupmp'améuet, sud thon rau off at; a péed vblch -acon took bimabc>'ond ,the rcudi of bars. Wete hastil>' descended sud,-roeived such at. tenlion a5 the-bive"meortcoyIA bctev; buit i vsmanyf smentihéefore 1 réoot- ëer<om the. evil effeetm of lhardisma4 uighb.vaLol on lb. Plain cf bTev GrnaMda 418 réeceait 1Név Uampshire wedding lic groomigbod onebundmd and thirty tiree, pnd lie bridé four buâdred pounds. Sie vu lite bigger sieel l, te tt hait b>' otdes. - -IL la saidt! bcest the 3 thlodimb Mluia.s- ai of, tiis eonntry 'a million doilans yemr ta-réinova frm.parisi tepanish. - A-matin uFraii-s trimag.hohire--the i4-aud a, sbot te ruale baie the oP14 A. Sept. 15,1298. d prou] îg'a, Dm ,ne oumpataton UloI racu, lu appearance; I lea as bail; 1 do veIl, ha iIn luIbir crd telino, sud on an hlint parpes hup Righhs. JOHN BEIAU --d OTEI fsamt WALKI edsandfoltad go id Ox Tongua ýand evénythimpc Pt consita31i> cl iao0p-helvéeu bis 1 oweil hPowell, lES MANBN. Due O, Sterling. d&-$l06#M00 & b>' Tire offaod tt'ati,. Ai l lsse sBoart iu Lonadon. blontreai, Gemers tçsW, Waaayy9 HÃOTEL,