~hChaiesesrmpc.L-foe <r Radia. TI#f tria. of ioue, fon ah, muMrder of, UaeIge Wblata&er, eommenui04aiQubea o]fndMaity, me Bol ica.&Bd ud .is con Aoiédoc Tuiitiy. Tii.jury havingne tl1à ldalibercui r s&m# lime, e- I*WWW lum.court aame méé Usai 1h., 'e a gaie. Tb* Jsd8i Iluea«pon, Inqefahm abatabsoild- baloakat 'F 'Thi jury, u lin, atoiy go«, scemet au ati liMvill Oe h "0h «, sudez1h cetbr jarer. m <o lave "gei. creunti" umsdlea a vadse lele foomn &M tat tbeyai ha>vie ail agneet, anti gav * vertiat of Dot -aba.Tii eoat ver> propeily ted ts. freve riesalgo hatIuy gvunsanti 5h jary vais ioceiiUpi for th. ulgint. Net daY th asneertilot1 o! net galîs> vu netarnat. Of 1h. lat. mis or otharvia. o! 1h. ventilaWeguvec , lt itilmcsO!faIladi evit.neae ffoe-uti- for@e m orl, ve do net propoie to 0 Ooîvai the aek e! cntiaim. gaie, ho aes- la spoint 1tuvhibva desir te do attention. Tb@ brotl4r o! Whitts pablicil deaicnittas f Chalonai si .equittefi, ho, (th. brother,) voniti1 bloca vh.a ntiud lana haoal thim.ýCh Dur-e s'-0 bal. P aer bovis gbeau seqaSateti, vhaî la tCe h th. mut Iomaaene ionrovfai ragiti> 1 Har@ auy. uap@ beinuItâta to proeeu onethar mada:?1 Tine pnesotut tby ah.enremit er alia Irial,# anti tii bal public exampha la pro- elslming, sa tha verdieso! ofIae -jury bu vlstnaliy doua, 1h. jutice.o! 'mander lu vrnege for onlmeu Ibat the la W-cao pugsial le fagîit vith publia dangar. Ilala e!. feiasu aa bieldt lelavliei. 19la anoîhar tASusnph, eud la mo adtiaet, a ccou- tausponar> Weil-observaegorthe sdestrucive Pinoipli that l'o vreuga makeoun ight. Public opinion paruls publihe sfety visen Ih sudorsithé bîoody priîlailIlustration o! sach a menitrs-espriociple fa hua bain Iral i u sîil à a cdiii- Cuit matter tb daes-ib, what, conaetate iadoctlou. Whaurr may oooaîitaaa la, 'mander or outrage la not th. proper pon- filmant. If th. laveamcrinos sâcquati 10 ie panlaimaut that abonld be mitati out te mon Who uucoeaifnlly lunadi th.eiomae il. cirait for te.rilias of par"oe, Jet thons ba smaudad. Baiunuder ail circum. ulaucca litt ha lavsasd tl. lava cMoue bu lookadt o for nids-am. Dgan-unea or ras Faumw FanaLr.- "aY oo uraovn9piopia, sud iudeed my vltbln thi radina of a vida circleinla im inelrbborboodi vil!l lira vith regret the "»amoral of M; rei roman sud bis anlereil. log, sai val ai eatentasnlag,muical (acuill front Wbltby. Mr. Freemanlà "asd, ve lasinahlng Dandailh$ fttane pageao! abode. Ihii (Thorada» aà fwnemnosud aveulag the Freeman lsmily vili pisy ahîr muical taroeial Il- ihe people o! Whlsbi rom th. basiooy frouting Mn. Allo'@store. Tha Freaman family 'ana alwaya grea favorIses, and <hein delighîfnl mueai. iih. lougiugly, mi"ed ln lit oho.i no longer ruionuti li Whity,. - We envy Danda. ahe posesasion of âo pluminug a musicl attraction. Tise »eanaoun nk. Wuaranagla t 10notioe.by the repenti of the Panliassantary proceîdinga thât theu frai stop hie bei. takea tovard. proconlnj tle chanter o!f<h. n.v'*DomInion "Dank, Àmougut lis pétiiona lutroede the i 86*i nas uWstiaetiy sais; vea d thé B> ah. Hon. M.KionsIeu-OfJohn Wor- îhiagton, JamsiCrovsla!, Hon. JoIe Boas, Witar Sutharlan IMLe., 4a h e cdty ef Toronto# JamesaIlosa, o! <hs lova o! Whitlt, Joseph Geulti, et Uz bidr#eAarnaBoas, of Pune. .Albert, Hau. J.tiAM"in, o! PosI, anti John Cnswtord o! Toronto, pralins for su Act o! Incor- poration Son mesabllsblng as bask le.. tIs -clty,,a! Toronto,udar the corporanst uu of th. "Dominion Dinh." Th.ie namesar se s ammuanceo! the QI m. t ay bank vhic he h.mua Ie own 1h" any dentrol. Du. L~v.-Thi pnraihip betavain r.Cra hLav, .11.6 buaihahrto *zitédo bavli5 cinautiatteas.goutte- Puas (le il b. scia b hice ard fu othir, colaMU na> mmdtabla1ap lée rulenui permuaenly 84 Broaghm, for the praotio Of bbi proliecion. Dr. Lcv, dan.1 hie rilei aWhlaibai gainSetiboiok of tuorora tdtpatt, bb b l oaî. 5op maner sud ganlimaaIy besrlag up p ffslons. aic rapatallon ns c abhltl hyepl l aknvledgid on ail 4cda, m d ui.e us!Ofiepatienta ihile Wlea ioiéshor lelrao ,»45 jre1ds.@f th-Quabae h*açe osaI&M m80,00 thé deusid, ci"Sah bic carie lits vas 60 short, gave good promise-, he (Med <rom Ia 1u1. t ioofiil iai 'd Jeamogs üol-ai ma- Hi tom *ie borne 1 the. Rouas cathollo -Ce tery Qoshawaunon adailaut, -vlanr v#e iaterred facodlnglo the.lites e Catholie h Choal.! 1 - olMr vai oueof t1h. Ir wv Ue iean b Whibl be.e rfgW, là kt.-prôcu Numbera front Oabaw Joladih. afu procision outelde îLe Village, sud 1 tb. vllae tW th# cemet.ry. Theci haubng bian borneibWstîh..chreh by pall.boar.r, Roi. Father Sh.& déiuerc V07 impraai" iand. a pprop>riaýs.it sisable ateati mil car holuion.I elharoh building 'vu îhror8gaýI'ï at t rapsoity, snd embracad, perions of a&l nominations, Whbhd attendiâ thi (aue - Rquf.i<n pOMe BODY Pouui.-On Weda"dy lait perion aroeang #Ooe .4.ounlot NO.: Broken Front of. ceiudiacose i body of a'main lyug ià the corner ol fisoe naly a quarter of a mule (romI road. By'some strange à ppréhuion the diicol.ry cauig hlm @O=* trout £ n t hs inapt h ai ucl à cmena iltu Satane uuing, vlan ha netanuedth îe sai»ewv cuti, inding the body mtil thune, dinect' rae ali 'e theiai the dal "'Il th mn At ahe attention o omre o! ah. n.lghboi's tl ahi circumiasc. Mr. Robia'tRlohsndou immedistiMy rode te tileC~sna bouge, and uetfid him o! - he diacov.ny.' The body lad probably laiu thore siluMon- da7 os- Tneday of lait veek. No puson ia ahieaaighborhuod'ogâ à ieuu-h, suj ad the pnobabiiiîy i4 lIaI ah. poor !îiloirhd ce00e ftom s distance sud wu probably of anuued mind. He vu amccias.d 'lu body and bcd appss-entli beau lu bcd healtb. TIare vais luge biter ou one of bis huais, andi betono hhomati i doua to, die h. bcd takea oirt' h. bo4t appaieuîtly te procure caue. No vaspl likel> to conaclu, poion cool&i h. fosu on is peruon or nia im hlm, s haeevas-i no mark& of violence 10 ha sain ou the body. Hic pochais coulsiued ta wvitea. ldkerobief, cà tou cent piace, Ivo Canadian c'batis 'ads nomaitl piece of white pepa er vhiseemed 10 be a fragment of as envelopfeon vhiah led been vntten s-"oBsageg Mater, Imaby, G. W. RILRIL" ga 'oresaot« ton uirt, a gray CaénalIsa soth cea; broya tweedi vet, andt <o pair oft pasa- looni ; ahinonter uheph.rds.plald tweed, adt he faner cenuegs-ey twéeidBis lat wu à sots blacço».,and is abootilaei op ahe front. Deceaiedappiarad s. h. betolv i nsd 80 yes iotage, wu ô fi. S'in._ bigli, sud Whato ri.» I! h adt su, Mrinde th.y mic> punleregoognls hlm (nom tha description. Dr. TaWi haiti aulinqaiesi on Satun. day, cudt ticjurera, net neqiin; s poua. mortem ezamlaioo, relutneti se opn Tz*AO-A Roor coloretiam, natuetiGao. Clapussu, a i-cidant o! Pickaring, but i lite on Wedueodsy avenlut iîby vaîkin; on the railieati teuai bawean Dùfhmc' A. HarrMisentera ch.; un. ' Teom>,'1 old, hby'Peter ]Vandan,'tisib, 'ClanS, P. Bulil>, enira b.ma. '&ngaomMait 5 yra.'old,'îby 'Wait a Whili,' 'Calai Diarba.' P. Baender.., entais b. m. 'Kate Alies agei. by,'Sir Tan..,' dam Blcchloi L. Ecuo« ck, sb. un. 'Coqueti,' -n.oldb sirTatto,' A.Slb .g. 'B'iisegcrd,' yrô hy ,Rmqo$l,'dc., T. Downing, entero b..* 'adyMI orgs b> 'Sir Tation,' dam, 'Big iu. Niv &Nus.-As .111 bu aaaa by cdi tiSumeal la Ouir61iistveaiwoo, Mn. Bernard lu'i'opunatibuciiai lu Wilks sod'a biock viene haolai a v.ry scie Mtois of dry goodc cutimillînen>., TI 90o4otie rao! ah. hast qalil, anti ha. mkahîg additioua of ah. neveu masti.s s pattera daill. Ha advertiua eimelin 'bsher han tsu chespait. RnuewaaIrOxor;:os Mà Ios or Ceox.- Mr-. O'Selhivau, île.Mayor o! Cork, la ruiguid. Mr. Maguira, momber for Ci innonuetb Ie tact lu the IHostieo! Coom mns Tii. billintrouceti 1> <ha Attor ne,-Gus-l diaqualifling the Mayorfiom acing ais "M . ti u in conieqaune posaponut1-00 Taffuîiita,' repustautenin t te adrertiaimaut of Ms-. George Gurley apablitha as a nIatie vonkunin ai eol huowu se moui&o!of ui Ogsavasan ffhitbl raadaoru. Tus Ceumirop 11Rioix mues Ataitln >Ioock io-day, (Tiarada>,) aIthi lotva Mil. a w 'o 'la »Mard ofieel tTruste.m, The regulai- meeting efthîe Board tolk pflace on T1uaiday aveuils sa. -The foi. boviun sambera vere pi-ont . -Mr-, Dart- sall in tshîechair.) andi Messrs. Foi-iy, TItrait.-, Joncs, Ciegg, Pos-gussn, (libsoas, ait Bey. lMn. Maclenuan. Mr. Farguson usovet a resoiniion for »os sppohsîmeuî t c aCeuson Sciseol as- sistant teasci- for Ilcnry St. icheol. Mr. Penr n oalsscdssent, msueet ts tle ustter bc mloved te stand ovor for eue mentu. TIc voeo as a tie apon lie auontusenit, andthl original motion te- chatdceiia. Berv. Mi-, Macienanusenethtîthels ceusmitteaen sacheol managemsent h. aulienizedti t maie ltse nsaa arrange- mants for carrying <le résolutiloto bet- Mn. P"nr la auseudusnt, secret thal, thse matter lb. referred theCIaceumite. on achool msuagoauanl yul a viet-of report. log upon ils expenso liLto bc lueur- rat in cari ng tle reaeîntboa lto .ffecet The âmnmenu as alupen lise note- 4 103,. sndthîe original raselutien camiati. A msotion o! Mr. Coi;;te have the senarhes cf tIcmusicheteseher tilapansa vitin vas anleoegstined. Boart adjeurhed. -Oa'rCIAL Aprciwxt*m-.,Th. falov- In; appoinant@ are ;azsttad z-ient.. Col, Patriok Roberaien Ros, o! Bar Majaty's regueaiarusy, to e h.jutaut Geeal of Militia, oethîe Desmiiimone!f Canada, viii aise nank o! Colonel in île Militia, lu ths noou sudd ulesti etCol, Patrick Lioonarti Mactiengaîl, rasiguati. tbe Board of Directonu et Puniîentisrlcs, te, bch Wandon of <ha Penteutisry at Kingston, su île 'rous fo!m udaqctn- ehi Buq. raustid. Tisa Alcbona Question# Vnenand Froucinman's Bay stations. The ThseL»ondon à Mornng Itanda,.d dis- driver of traiginat train No. Il on u ang couuimsg thiî question, aud th. Speech of a orle peosied h.@onfrtastemansinstor Sommer revi... th. relative pe- c caiapereive 16.anfrtunt. sa ion of th. Uttitd Sittuisud Great Bilalu had et iâ,and ,ionWeistell vhiaaled suddnuierti that t1 ad udohroI dovu brakii, Mou i e la nhiqpover .t0 ragapep ta ids ad4siser n t.au Varu Chapmta of hic danser. Oeng lin aa, dont tg h. Put few y6ars,1 probably W sunothin train laviug ye moare than ovarbalsuce the depredationi ghoriy before pcau.d, hm, h. took no committed b, ahe , Msbà a on Auneriasu commerce. - The govarnusene of Great notUe. of ah.eilguali. e ' VueBangoff Brisain, in couieuhiug £0 aubsath. musuaic the trcok sud racoirfsJ aoa arvee jojoa- lutOrnati&4 lgrieractu oarbitratiou,4 rli about she bead. Thea train 'ai atoppet i ddMore aban coulti bctalrildemad,1 aud the poor man eonvoeid la au lassa- and to 71.14 funîbar woold heau neto of1 sibe ondtin t, he e. telo;raph «. oowardice aud irneparable degnadationj, ible cortdition 0 thi eho *aa- Bitâ tiOn (Pr 9nin. 09ib.beale ii i ulaa Cêu- On da aMar- Ias u.aoa a.hon ier h. arired lady snrivd at Paria _by the anorunug Hati ah, rain bain going &t Sa rqid mug train front i Baloiuaaoeidiug t procoeedt direpa 10 ler.rnotlr'iareidoqe ai.Ingan.t dfem..d oW dhem .-been, eoui&drâbly' aoir. 4 rigît train, tWvhicb a pua.nL maaglid- but ,c4 he-Amoumstof îpiad 7 @ gienvu va tsohed, ftasbed ithé onlya oniy~~~~~ 1hitS$8mii a00080i eni- meana of reacing bar destination, but a qaînce of the. *xpnîiia of- thi angine. hur basnuaiuaiqrgcna *h. prerffle fish dnivei, tae vn uîeaevvgal ning ibia to rnawaiuing At Paris. Thi trainp bis mip.bcoui , prooc.eId a li Mil.a, hovîver,b lia S" scalp. vlunwohwhauanaddition vu aide te tii. paaic.. vas rinm.ls.,d mcamachgaruon08boardbyherv-givng birl tafin@ 0 eriplet pai ubdjstd heaItlsY, hild. Motberan d infïaalare Pardi on s iran <rom'ah. tovaanhip CO oan. mnbuqetly. remiouëdte c holtBu. li .ly- o th . lsdi 0<u ah. beville ', lathcjg duae,imnprndent t10 show tbem to0 proWdetira' 89 bi 14 -a. .vu aive o! Vlrglici9 sud vu 014 aueugb S0 repinnberiadliug »PAU5SM7505 TgNM BEOYs NA?OLB<5N. (C a boue (er,his meater o -V t ated-la sompILMOian..viiia pplication iMade le by Ber. rIanpaurlchgeo tha uniaI tOesarl #ihfnson 81 Pariah'm R. C. Chsnncb,- Toronto, n Dr. Tacher bel4 âsu laquaton te Ubd. latte r <om 1h.EmaÃrer o! th. Peuch abu nazi Aayq at Port Un'sud antaverdict or be uldtroolhmdam# h ""U «a " '01 wu r e ,ThéPt"ob goaw s aToronsiatn lit «gW-i« d fiema, of th tran'veri.b"ua Om loak, Vitin a 'bnc t f h. iagaadnve ani rias0< h.trinPriaiesopuiri, 'i o ýons i t.:n v.,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ gatnia ytilato the Toro; s emporia u and as es s amlid'bl 17be IIA BB,~Chat. lu ýtbeèoro@,léonge o! the'Hanrad University bom p .1, a. r.. à raie fromtPatney W rtI Lwhuauga....(ot .hAt yiI !England, lie been acopted by lhe Ozfor4 gh partnqahayentil aiQuito ou ah. lOâ# , P.jveritY boa-ilab. 15 4binah e. "efoils i a Bilvior 04 gut'4>a à . iig uig<ta aei <tp ý9thý1144 lu 7fa' p%,n, ina ni. Mr. Young Ops o lioq4luf alites of the Wbole st s fuis.d, o suatinthu jrâaislncýil r aiaab lpntin; aà houl& h.ienln lu* tise4sure *ee hadopcd-# Wou1d ounti tlat ii. eil ost <satrii mduciti -Sim <Ico. x. beqm ~ veamunt cd the aaiijeol u&rcodrtnni ra future aï a' nh vesrues., bai 5 illumiseaît a& ortel [dg meatéf th ecle n ~ îr iîi wFia uoe ion bais, leaiins oîsfon boÃŽs sidac h.roeipte and paJamnts fouati te bcoWl 6, of Accoant, ho <an t hsa Cp sl tise Dominionlui yesr *er'$So 8, el and tise azxpenditune furlng the gané iuiplui durlugthe filn a eretCsr tien ol$862,94. But t ia& o a u a parent aurpîns& Tahe use must not fer il te hb, an alua!one,,Iar duTing gr- tirai .,yr- 1 otaaIelSisiion ý, tiseani y* mrrie , *1 ch voldýn orilary y haro gonu tea sveu ahefigures of 1861- v. ere net se chang.sabia abat ,ear. N et of tise services fWrthe preoding yuar c ne loto account the irat yeaî o ouclie teêé leu e reaa soue 09 th. servics, lapsnly sppeasinxte liat y.ar, id poatpond ii 1808-'00. The ns in ruits jadglug b'> tise9 -tan mouahu, vonîusot egc.e, Iti he liaveti net tail cho$t o«8,90,120fl, uni M. lu; s dcficieucy il:Customs, cf 1097, beow the estimati made fiftean !non ag.Thse ueren nue vu- estima ' t ,514,000, andtihis actuel Tres - oold probably bc $2,904,504,, abvis- déficit bolew the autirnate ef '$608,4 nThon in iciauieoua recelptslahele amates vire $2,10,000, sud the receli veold bo $2,710,000, alevins; au' cxe te thc-good ounfbat item e! 8216,003. 1 rosuIt oe! île.iroua items shssvcd tl O hile the frerénsa vu lait yean estimai r, st 815,114,OO0, -,hose ri revenua, as cal Slat.d by thse expérience of th. tpss moni voald bc $18,74,056, slsoving aL gr M tlls; off in recaipta of 81,869.144. Id Raferring nazi Ctheeopes-stions of '0 '69,Il.gnose roeeipts o! thse year vi 8125%,869,037. Dlidu.cl freu t alla îe los for the nadompîies of the det«,,'t2.124 381, lenrisg s caiuary reveauv $18,74 565(L Tii. groin .:pendilu-e f4r th. mi pcriod -vu $22,409,181. Fi-cm 1hs duel île rademptions of lis, public de sud inreaintsand ssupyrncnb efarai --smonuting Sunclile 8,a 50lcr as ordinsry expendtur. $18.470,62 *This louves a balance in laveroet tie yeti =ca pdiofo!$274.In Jo atting the figre li dsiredtosgamy ni opai ne b conceaîlcd nolbing, TIera had bceà i p.eslpeueucni o! pay-mnaa, but by -nid -l bioellé ngaeï,-sud tleeétltera ofthîe D patutout ho lad lensortiy à iscrtaing vînt would bc th. receipta anti oxpenti turcs for ahe carrent quarter, sud t' rresui vas saosutated. Indeeti, undeî eprovision efthîe Ordinainoo Act-Usera cool bo ne postpoueenet of any payascus arnicas aboy aakod île Ions. forn ae votai, an ah. old eules veuld-by tînt ff lapse aI ile end of the finanuial ynar.[lai lu; nov sdvontad te the aseenîaincd re suitsetflise irai yeaa etof 3nfodcmnîiei cnd tho autiiipatid, anti ait but auertaii cd, résultse!fah. proviens yo4r, fh. von: nov may a 1ev verds i thaisrecce toe a seins!i financial position. à 4 affected. b > te législation oftlastusession. Ie vrossi Orsi vrefes-te lissanuco Act o!flut se aies, and th.resalai e! its epersilon. Th nambar of offlces lienend m'ai 87. T% total n umbes-of o! seuities giron le polie bIdonby dpatng euh sud availabi bonds l e nao! île <lewrnhet $8,728,728, e!fvisiel $1,83055 wvui cash, aud aise rouinindas- $1,890.668 ii bonda, whieci cead bc envcrtad loto coos lu iisrao yoars inram tle pnssa ofethl Acet. Tue Snviugs Bank Actlsn4bacu ii opéraien ouly asyear, ey4 tiser. ireoaî noady ne leu tisan 218 oflieca inçersiior wtia 6,079 depesiiesa meunting in ailM $676,383; etfvisie $8384,000 vas a£54 pel cent., $284,000 at; 5 per cent., sud ahg remîainder bearng uo ne istcast ill. Asc iauly blie naenred le tise Législation ih référence te thisIntercelonial Lisais, ndei vhiel the Goyerumeut bomnowed iv( millions sterling-eue nmilliion sud anlI ou Insparial guarantée, sud abs reaindal on the aoleceredit o! the Province, Bati- matin; île revenu. fer the coeissg pen ho mid :-Tle Revenue, tlseralare, and une at s moderato estimala, voulti bc 1 14,565,000 &ainât an oxpenditara ol $14,819,000 leaving a vcr n aml, but, la belioved, s rery certain balance on the righi aida o! il.e accoant o! 8240,132. On motion of Mn. I?*ose, tise comiittee roue, neporteti pnogda, &and oblained banv Co ait aga is, a ftsntal viola aiiy jâdan Pà rll ins el;t e tot on a privas. A vote 0< 'ihakta Mi. Hauist <oî BIRR Ispidifes t ithe North Pole Iisa m nai, the nu of lis-4 , an t . seC airm n Ila a te m e r w vi S a i h o I nau fi de s t a l n i S a e a n o h flent ase=ia a y & y 1 8 6 9. oWD expia. ai sgoti90I qati0a" 4d l eoit h. proaating of a ery arueuonu a fa r m il > n o ne v la n u ath o r. - u n l g i, T isa Lo vn tio n m etsim'ga in auin se a p vi r ec 4 r e s c î l o i ù -us l a s ! i a p a s , b y t h e .S t . H a m i t o n i td l a, l _i o e i i Ch ar m c n , n ý w h.e v t e t Thoii STO*uia Ltoamata ibons sut auxioni 'rto mage nay w alunas." Aetirlty 'maria lunines. ahntah. village uatty. -Forlt.he céraion MaGy. Iizhridgc la. mails; o. tlasbridg. yslI"sset le ujr er.l iulalsimpect, <on susd ta paé, enWeacja anti 1île nuuj4bcr le irmne alayit been. Wlat vith l'a' da4y luianutisgrand evening, evary eue ccc, at Pesç la grattijeti. large l aie already, beau coliect- umitceo ars nul! preseout-, vsa* vîsli maniat saccee.- aconsiste cf macy of' the (ItIse place. ,igiereby ilt ah, iponoy, qgratibssted igeasly upent if' eeople, a day's sport, laitlIeus comae s-tise 24ais, sud they viii alion of School teachors anti rSelsollasecleni, vili ho the 2Oth sud e1 instan t, oirpoet a largo tcfu ;eut o! e Ceuni, o! Ontanie. ýOn on, 1 viii gir. yensa report mauur. ha,Ã"itvai ~ Isarsa.Cospau SutiiPrelac ~ unn uat s-b ou t m l ii ude c f peope, rosa ai l pu br o f the O ntatioe, s aIsaci a laj v e a bfore enis i cl im t s lt ain te'f m o Ne v iua"a. "the listas o!fri!t ms !1.ranudiiiso te ct sn ,40t, sud fïoà u"ascqwto viere s-ov o pea-0diloruin annmnce C)iompWlea,< »bl i ani a deaira P"- to tle pullie, liree, ant i meujose uqn r i 1 J1ourd o! Diracton. o! euhi-Company Tiasut0en o!, Of e pepe'iook ativantago'et' tin q t p01<en 0g1- i al-Cmiaiply is a ado r s -d o e a i h t h , .nO MMni y .c e j c a r e l c i p - & e n u n d f oo W l h i th it.M o r d zb y C . M .; T a y lo . s e a ca d l b y n a b us1 Whiy To;wnaha-p Catameli. MiéBîil, abat s;,a , ÉR. . Sani, ; aeeeg lOtIS BnÃ"okbias, - ' a. Vinia;g, C. R. Chativici, <hs meer his a ni a ns B b k n M ai & 4#, 1860. An ti sapoanr, e a com m te . lgo rep ero rtm hen a lin& -6, court ef Rerision mat accernt; o *hi'ro yi >of stiepting a neun if f arWg e reis; iat; le.notice. AU he . embers presant. o! ratsl" ouet svt h. question of ant, *ho sac ami Movati by John Wilii, uccondeti byJ. na.aacnrsssce fer paeil'by Hum thol- le s on551 ails Burroughs, hast île e ev be clainsuan e!Of re4 - cory kinti of E pro- lh. Ceai-ofB ro lais. areSon te Me;YM. 8 asiooaM, ed in h p U rare Reeetook aise chair. CaG'iti>ani 10 oed , M. ipns eioiibyMm»..X ' _l-of tisa tboea1 J. B. Bickali usea, aecondad lsy T. >ad s btMeam oseo Springer, .aunpîe'previsioi rof Flsher- <lai insuulaa ahaeeare ne ap- Tleunpsen, Clins, Daiialu en smoisi, baisind iber fors na&i peala m eaiola o!fltha Asser, sid aseconeed a eO .ountuie ta fouaitir er var ci irt reils le anti tise uaieare hameby fBnciy -tha quection-of neiiaùraca, lu coanection cdu!7 ee yng Wi- reriseti anti cenfirusetiby t116Court.- wvSsi,* unifontst .tariff of rvasa umisaI ilal day--anti >v- Cant.tcui.Cuid ailbet iasa ,774 Josephl]Burroughs mores, seconetib, The9111463&IundtilabIasihrý«l alla John Vilhis, lIat tle cous-I do 150w saoduto djis-i-li o'lo concrt waiule atat Jousiai»e dk-Cariatiandti hi court lP't. "Ia*n'tle ceunsittea 5PPo.lcd 't esamtifin 4p ,nue adjosrul, coniader aulleori lasiff o!rates vitis aà suna o! usons> mg a iOvte ahe qeaition O e i insuccatu, l.' id t oSn tuBreokiil, May Si-t, 1869. pontatiesufelloa: Su; heïr -eani tii- Ceancil met parasul 10taadjeumnuteul. Yean Committse isoommuati ual ltse Tise coumitie ipta Al lbh mernh.rs presani.'BLave in the Mutuai parus Inus-suce Comupasionschulti leadilu; nen of nua ci-. Minutes o! lut meeting moaitisud agnes te atiepi lIa folleving sosie of ratas,1 gqaanltth1 rIe appred, vil! h. adiauts bat TIe Laeneaendandi lid upon tle table raguau Vis acrsu. vaut toe joy i laed à lattes-fi-eus Meas.Camrnaon & Macdon- Isai Cha s iolîcîadtirellinga ......1 te Uxbridge on leu- ald, eoanty Solicitors, deannobalance .2ld "if afi .........Il net 10 tisappoi ahi due on sCouniy Ratas for 1868; aise the Std Bana, outliigc ant stables li 0 Tise oanine Os tition o! Thomas Arksey anti 74 elbois, viti i unifoni ath plcn f s "l. cnudidates for and Henry Hanausanti 9 otells, pniysng o te* pomissesofnote.izîl ld boraon I e8- for thsa mpain o! ile.rndcti .ieeu lois 2~2 o a.Pretnt e. ves ve ay eare sud 90, lu lie 8nd and 4i1 concessions ; -AND ON =B CAM OUI suB? 1 thlesliteaii til ns and lia pailion cf George Briton anti 8 'A payaient o! siz-tenths of vial the anotisar oecuio 4.- othars, .prnyin; Soi- CIe repais- oS hsgîvay rmunoewlda ntt.ofhew ay L4,. beau enloti 18 anti 14 1 hcon.; aud îepcshthoa olimni e. ! ie Ivo a'i me petitin o! Jo hn Bradley sd 7 ocher, M 19IXS AL I 0r D ITA NOKi je- praysn; tni tise slip e! land Iyisg beivixa Thot 8è fiai alali ha consideneti isola- YealenuJy (M ebt tle gravai! rond asti lot No. 25,' sud now tieu. ThaI udas 80 fait anti over 60, c bey isaueti, ors in puasien o! John Bracdley. le sodt te eratas &al!l e, on e,2d n r mlydi h ug ah, nid John Bradley ; aise s latter train aa ,i ls,2d ni3d upoe ui 2t Jhn adit inrefrene tabis capelu-ll lanti 11p reepectively; uoder o! J. A; Win. X ke s ille t y o g i. !,s0ua d o ver 4 0 f aust , 1, i a ns d 2. v s o rii a g v ose John Willis musea, sacontied bylHonr-y Thot your Commitee nacomnsuanithe te a: el ga ld Biekebl, tlhal tle Lave b. atorizc4 1t0 adoption c! îlhe aboya rases as abuis open faliy, 'usskiug a no grant bis eider on the Treasunrrin tarer vhîcî laeaffaca ra-inanrance wyul tetlanou s aimn langal and 4! ef Thoemas Stephsenson, for tieseaus o! ass enho nic )a. $12 50, for the lois o! sbacp tost'oyastiby RpausaPi. ZE atesi oad Soc ýet toge; aloonavoer ef Mathov Cravtort!a, BIH&D .ertgT, ai. Bcd ai i- Sor the aus o! $7 for siiseep destroyeti by Chairasan. vaîket np a pal le <legs, said sumta1h.piitout cf tisafandis Tise comunilena uenhforus tariS' e!frmous vises-a lis r a &et apura fortha purpose.-Cs-nied. - rates forcmaisdigà Ccrlbs.-n se hn id John WiiIis monos, secneudt by Josephis reor comaidta dis; t oeraopnin hai- . anti sketh i te, Bai-roughit, tînt tise Reero b.c ajiheizne irpnt"tn ntes pno l r nieiIts vw te giant is aider on the Ti-asurer iu prcicetf ayte mcatio eisuance vouiti sewet ilsp the wv e t laver o ! J as' , 1 Miathewson, for' ibe aonus tend gre aly te zI a xt nsion of M utu erl ad à o lis Th r- of $102 95, for is salaiy as Assesse, ant i lsurance, anti earustly reaosmeti l e o ad th a ezfurnîoisisi; io asseMei roUe fer tle &sme 10 tle favourabla ceaidaration et 511 îvisg anti are i ns,~~~ asr169-ani4 siedatMtan! Couspassies. Ths, aaeSunr-b. drives b, ses i- ie. Iicklacimayas, scoondoti ly T. thun e! opinion finshatîe buis ef on uns- a nope. lI Fishe~r, t1bttise Reevo iniseroby sutieriz- tonus tarif vwolti bo esdily ti.viiid, cuti sin adi ta grant lis order ou tIe Tressai-as-1s y avrer0oS dam s Coulte, for île ussio! $1 8. yulti uggoi a t is la hamadt. e &acbject idfor)srntil& 4nditoâRe lportls, 4aU-C4r- o! corr.cpondeoe vs iii a viuv 1a fuinno Uzbnitge, Ma, ZÃŽ, iaction. à s Os motion o!Jolun Willas, aeconded b, TRb114U M. SIMONS, i. Henry Bikel,. a By-lsv i s a ct, Çîirmnais. o tise Edior q -y susentin; By-lav No. 836, ft bsa appoint- Thoarepent vu a err bockmai te l ,es usent of certain township officen's. corniitie, in eider ta ginresnlimîe t<o al oa John Wills soen, secostat hy Henry rpr oehn oedgie ins Biekbc, tittisae Lais anti thismner b. eportanmehin;menadatisis in andi si-oblarby anîbsosizeat noptie il~ Moveti by Mn. Fairbanks, secondat by cutic uncerng I viii ils. Ontario Batik, for an amueat Mm. Sprlngartst "0huîe ePion!ibufis (Con, -ti au i11 se scca rsy for thi e s eiate reqaire-ens e n a iso, the n su ce o o e s al s tw - ai > u neihlinga in e!f 1 uis s ui ipality.-Carried, thirsduo!f ae euh value e! .15er buildings ceka sund îe fi 1- T. Fisher maunos, acconteti by lleniy on coulants las oppouedtias the initendatio! of ni-apal, naboab , Biekie, liai lise RLana is lereby asjthoiiz- Mutu4ai Inance esupansies. suob ae10 exclu, o ad to grant is orenti on lie Tressarer in Moneti b> Mn. Jaînson, secondcd b, hî tissai te des a .n laver of T, Milîs, for le sut o! $$7, fori n.M erepais-lu; bridge ou 7ah eon.-Jarnied. Duiiac niyo cto n tisee!tia cove, a s! Monei iy T. Fbisr, secndet by Joh nter of ofi'esing n libers! rovard. by t e nli Dotaphyci sn Willia, tînt tIse Ieeve gi-ast biis-dan on Metua! insuscs IJeompaniai, Son the c, c alia stticlo nthe Tremsuros- instarer of James P. Cocu- iet s scninela highly dai-aIle cestnai. ,a mise, for the &uni o! $1 12, fos- Siur fur i-- flant hs subjeet h. specialiy ratas-net1 enaare aarfaited if nisled by iiute AssntColdby, as indu-t nz eane tl, ovetei. a Proceedinga c ýr gent prin; ant i ase an ener on J. B. OuWtnisyls ovase -aoia ! o, lu hlel - Bickcll fon Btfty poants et fleur, for Mns. theutuelvas m sio mrnsositaca or lset oe Qbsemgr~ acconi ýr Wheeiei-, su indigent person.-Cniat. i Suoa nîe i. Tie onsîe, &a., $-.' Thus b John Willa mores, secosateti hy Joseph r iosi h hi.Tecmilefcpyn ok na 8 u noug s, tIa I il. Co neil do îîev ad- r m no dctiraporteil e- r fo loving resc in is e p y o vo , W joui-, a otstand djou ne ti nti! tise ltr i in lie u of the rep et cu nlîtteui ye trdal - T isa O bueavir i a Mentay fr5 Jain, tl>an te mcci aettthe Meveti by Mn. Tbempeon, saconâad by choice of lia sleg s Township hall 4t 10 p. ss.,.-(lrrlct snd Mr.- Graydoas, ta aiutiFle o! feus- o! li5s *Q4 igraintai acanseil adjeurned. - tîe "arf n--bs 4aauciiedProprietary musa enter-lita h 0Cesupanies, tonus tle buis of tbe Preasu3 ia s v Y wny accu!i i Tise Montsd iteu nia a -lu-10theon.Note 8,slern (os- a tbrre. yennainsus-anc.e les- <br . f iloni net manhooti unough il urs-Dominson e ains! CemConpaules dem; a ç general bunsi.lusatiqal tovnship Panlîsn aun t&top We foolish Jutes-clons- nem. This nmie ta apply t0a&Il niaIs ezeapi- faisan, ecioiag 1 il ailal >projet'. iary usamber O o! tettiprin4a advalhbngs 40d ftani pro- vih thaUnsss arui ,f t h e L g is a t r e b u e s t a t t h e a * s i l l i o s a p u n y , v e r i i n ; t h is a d ae pet spon la misât a eli h bo vuss oith'1h aii uaeaIib n i on l. eOuatTy bbasas l uni lins e Moveti by N.Gyelos, seendeti lMr. th snuasc ho ;eyuld nf t i &, ondentsi r. isoi.pueà , .atsasmai speo!furo I la Sanpcaingly strange le oobserveatîle aycop- g o! lie (>barser, <o tle o! tme ofleous townnship futile blelreringae!ofsoute a». Hi$ es-isiesi acumen lf le freus bis comumua aven, sot sceosid vitllbis idau us!I moles of syntax anti id aspeciall avaryslaing crt vus nmet.peennia-> Woak aftar yackis ria-d- viti nch 'literai, <s-as s! îe municipal Conuil is 'da-susgo sppaar aie ina for pnialin; raports,- lU hlvin;isii Reito Wb. la resu> daiheata lu 1h. esjions, Posising butl vi mnr andi wali;-pnsselocted, ;bis Pospo ition. Haspo fon lie peculian pradilea. as-y lsucbr#s$ono o! psa- officiels, PMisi nicipal g1this-elegaul affuies santinent, eipctly,' -&si g,- "lBi-ta of s fSesa lcktotle, IIVnOoseau Raur.-Th. rurs! pi aitioner vin0 cise t h. lad4 obmaot, Dued, cfaer ansptomi of hydrqphol la4 appeaniti, a fev deys iae, bas fa ahahe th. Hamito n yea vii thnsfi loving raceipt o!fhEs reunedy. The. mixa huc sgiqe uiaflarity t. tisa decaetion *ti cd up b> Lb, vitcheas wlo angagetifo de -Uttie doctoning for s Saoitlai genthemi narnetiMacbehli -"The films angu aCol , p l vaiz d ; lhe on à ada o f a de burnusi" thonnasumovati, raeSdt Pol der ; the Bing of dia pure eoppr;lt rote ef blood rool, 4niral anti povdsnu emattaisroot barkl a qasutit> iqual Wlt blond )root, alao penîverizeti ;-&U toW vell mbisd. Theidomefor saitnlt as hi à tecaponful in uSOlsacior honey ah. fait.e! sigit heurg. Imaediateby au île fiaet dose, take 'th. fiage of!hll pure copper-lsy iioal!. The patiant i rafrain <from fruili1, eily meai, botter, mg TEIOXPSON-141MQN.....Mthe. ru dence of t f-ri at<ser, on the 5 tuait., b, the Roi. J. B. Edutoudson,@À alaîed by th.eRItv. N. Clark., JO] Thotnpoa, ta Elizabethi Dow, iii danghter of Dantietl'Unioun$ bo Wes Whitby. DIEftr- KELLER.-At IdelaiftinÃer'a au. Wbitbl, on #ahe 7ah Sins.,Chle..1Mi Xeller, aidasion of Fraisis Kellexr, fa< Poalmuentae 6yu,3mnwj 4 dayi.,ae2eagSmibn Wlitby- Ksnketi. Whisby, May. 12g UI Ps11Whéat.....$0,90 gi. P,9 Spznug du.....- 80c 1. 860, Bariey.. g. .8115 1«31 Peu.......,, Y0eu ta leas. .,,s . ...é...... G5eti a6M aî. ...........4Tdato slt NEW ADYZRTI8EXUIT8, COURT 0F I1EYfSION p!LTBJ(N0Ila hes-eby guvets, lat tisa qurefMo.aeafor lme TOW N OF WHITBYI -Wil holà li s-t ittingilotie TOWIN HALL., S1irie<ssad Towion Thursday, l3th 9 Iay189 TIIOS. HUJSTON, Tovwn Cloks-Ofco, Town Cb.r P#pela, BrgenAcconcher,&e BOYA1rjTED 5 taunluL" ý4ppq y - gneul Whntbp, Ma&y 2h, 1869. , Warren, .oii .Webster, -Wu Wllis X. or- ~ i ï1 arnold raI.' foenu, Miss *Grail., Pst M4sa.iu, Ul 31e1ohtna, i et >fY 12. 559- JETERS'i] tou . lu at baud. Itboarc-WTi )or lif tiserai. the poil tho.vsnta h. ' imeial or Alua The Moey nt mavith ccboico au Ut-oib'eauVpi tur~ lra luheb Ialci,vbhicb la# cia1o, a duzn e ofainîbues Jotats bas mli znakea s ree 4raw (resu hil a-laies tire INu. Wan basir Râec ]- usselan eau à ia le op oyat Of Juatea.Inu a9 of il gsva s mi sjopmsbul TCvalua" Fz NTaa,1~5 ?. atm BeM TIIFE gnia loi62 iniceaslia tâec *Il r-c &OD" !n the.va Léspaare iflce t'ntibYutsso b. tIi-ove (roms go tis eaya (cl -plyfor (lin for anudsc Saut Wsk on dsuai * pud plate alluat 1ýoto, th is mac - IfIIETOEO riai ariez WiBroSN, to'd, oîlsM 'rOT baL c - LIAPiTAL P 1 i 1 - 'l 1 1 ,-- 1 1 bly 40) sfteiion, vîile a Alez. Armstrong, vho la ec cabincivana ntanalsactory leaulre, «Uzîniage village, ru a, sving cimealar saw, s-one 15 gane way. ant ainsI lis be.- andt itea-. veaond nea-by lweineincî- i conping vmthin thse six- eh et'ý svcrnsg uthe fémoral is issppene is dents tisa .i-ceiving thse toast be unr o! stains tu tic uppar a ollar umen tare nt wtrk, i0 tsent for île Pi-.-the c. Pi-s. came, dreiset asnd rondt. htooi ,25 atites boy hati s naret escapc, a tmack hius on tle body it cd hlm oali-ight. Tics. rery dangercua anti sheabti siciling mors durable daat NIPISSING. sy 8,189 of W*-- hr" 1 .1 montba aftop