Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1869, p. 4

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ce., w 'q IÎLNBXVWU1 VÂWLLAUUZJ.lpiti Wtimi LOCAL ANAESTHETI09, Chldren'o'S1i perà andl Shoes of ýev ery description and Iatest ' AT styl ntt a ~ Uti a e tIs of Ladies' and Gentlemen'i ~V, . CA~LD w~k ma4j>order.. DEUT&L BOOMS, S T A BELT8LIlHED. 1833.J DUNDAS ST RE EZÇo hitby, April 21st, 1869. ,, .Bok 6~i né~ge n~trigtak o h iea ar~ BOM,WIT,, M . 1 . Soe hithertao xtended te theolad establishuienti for xie#rly a periad of forty years, desires W. E.Ooahrna's tor,.,>.01 te Bay t70hat ho bas now o a sïlarg.asrtniont OC tho mast modern and lgt COMMERCIAL fHOTEL 18o ~.NJ0W S1ING'GOO'DS. 89 ' ubOber bege A:nneunoe a sAna tnp ant 7RIE iu - .ibo d by proper attenllon ad moderate xrices tp securea m. al $son ôfodto bo, W u all, f> O A9', 5 £cantinuancé of -publio patronage. Vractical uphalewing. Furbituro restiaoda ud otl$ ,wlueohfi' now I8tt.d upli lu mîporOr annrwith oveiy Colvofli etesfor teroception of guets ad t'ho ra- A TENW CS NDRAIN ADPZRL upidas horetofore, ATJpuEblSie.TRNG4IDFUER Suple ~iBoat macMmodation, andsumi 5ti1 MSmplndsecenofPtre' W 'I5,l id elgarîq. Uood stâali.'ugspen id ecm w1Ll, enclosed yards, and attoituvo Otiers ai- J. rleal.ucn wayi on thoproises. ChreBedr~, 111member the 01<1 Stand. E9. M. CALDWEILU.,*M U Ç ~ ~ E U II AMB~,P .- i it i~ ~ J 1 1~ Whitby, March 9t 18,68à .l 3fr. John Christie, MsuNel tr P.l 00" H N S I N PAINTSI,_'QLst, &C, In returning. his gi1ttûkýohihbitants ýof Whitby ____and surroufltbrg country for the"výory Ilberal patt-onaàgeho bas roeived dur- INOLIOË 1BILECD'AND> RAW the past montb, in the sala 'of 'is ' Bankrupt Stock of DrT Goode, makas the %yBaT z M I ý1XO m 17M s ~ I Iannonecment that ho ba concluded to carry on business permanentiy in Linseca and 1bp, thatwiýh -the advîu;taSeou2-failîth: ho possasses for buy. Y.ES ~A No. 1, on the, Cor ner,, GENUINE-WHITE LEAD9 ~ ~ N iifOB AtJÂLISTl~ ORRE' Md N slÊY ASLN - SEAP ta DRY G608f î A CHOICE STOCK 0F - rgSoeWIb.Patronba. iIN -M. PÂPER HA N t N G S!'éo CXSEs opanod out and ready for inspection. GREY COTTONS, 0"98AD S RD N SE D Ivory heavy mak,, wde, frorn 19 ta -ci. per yard. -,WHITE SHIRTING,INLDGACIOECLECON0 J utrclelafrlbassortmuet ai:mw pst- 'very hoavy moka, wide, from 10 tô 156. par yard; 'H1eàvy Sheetings, extra I.LDN XGC OLcINO teu.Enalisk-1apor llsuuglngs elug wida, from 30c. per yard. Tiokinga, Shoetiuugs, Denime, Gzinghams, &c.9 &ç., 3 J E . et Low 1rlees, I at lwest pricas. Au immensa stock af t' WmUstIyl'san Ato' JIODE &NG c.9 -&CeLIDS Prints, lrom 10 ta 17c. per yard. ALSO THE FÂMOUS EARLY ROSE POTATOES. JAMS.i, C. I, - N. B.-Thosa Gooa wil bo lound fhlly 15 par cent ebeapar thon usual. JAmgs 1, GRNEXE, A splendid lot of new Marseilles, -for suito, from 25a. to bo p a rd Dru ut 1 Irish Linons,good, from 40 cents. goa,>' Dowls#êUnen <rani 15 cents. A1ul stock L f<A ___________________a al kinds a Towels and Towoluefrom 10 cents. & largo lot, job, afipIlckabackisW i e L qu r Towels at 121o., worth 25c. OurL.a*ln sud Linon lhndkercblofs are fully up tethe -A EUE RCS * B ark for1price sn u 15e. Dresa Goodin endiesa vatiety af evory kind, shae andAuEUE RCS F. iiGrcrtWno*s or «te l o bm o00 ulti> 2pateb. ýTweeds and, Clotho, in Sootch, ICaglusb, orman dernieo, ai Caadian makes, rau 150. ta if, P« yard-; lb... Gaodà pua ioui>' bm seen ta on-R#F A CS -o2#U M er]3 R sure s poody sale, mu Iheo re unucb louer than tb. usuel priais. Holser>' apd Giaves Whltby, April itb, 1869. 1 NO. 2, mCRA.19 3 0 in ever>' kind, q iyand style, lncluding tWu ceiobratod Jasephino, Duchees and Roi- _______________________________ KIN ST, AST OSAWé:, Drps aoiKd éleaes. Fan yTrimnminge, Fringe, snd Fana>' Goods in evory KINGBT. EAT, OHAW. iind, ualitvasd style known ta the Dry Goode traie. OHEBAF, COHAP, <JHEAP A WE LLECTED STOOR * JORN SINR FRESE TEAS, Whitby, April 7th, 1809. 14 «KGARS, Sp'ring Oampnaigin Begun! WAs 0? ALL K1NDS, A W'bAscas aru y hos a Canada. .eJA£THEé MIay 29tli, 1867. 2 W en/ gummev, 'eaautoi'0New 6ôd s FR I1JE À EO X Jiaul Shluu¶leIIfroua . ILarrlons llgle F R I U E W R R ON I ]jtNo. 7, 9t1> con. I1 -0F-5 an lFentory, (roui Slusrsrd' M ill, sudbo ' l'ont Whltly. For perticulars apply tae McMIyjÀjjCjO . LJ-OF- R. T. HIARRISON. 1rooklluu, Apnîl loti,, 1889.,5t R ,will show on MONT>AY, the 29th J H IL M I PEINTS, OLDWELL'S BLOCK, * v e stm e n t GREY COTTONS,, WiIl bc found tho largcst and Most complote assortmnent of hZll TRUST AND LOÀN COUPANT WHITE-COTTON@, well-uiade FUIINITURE in the Count>'; W. affer grcat indiuccnieuts bo parties about .11. fnsfo nemnen, Iuinaa RILLIANTS, te furuuigh, as uc BUY FOR CASH wcca eilehaper thon an>olurrtlbasn tmOInteresonmthe > Pt F CY . p aur varieti assamtniou an Lospu bmd. lor ixcllod *b, Or zepayablo A J Lotaf DoaIs>, sudPrlutuoa byoannueldiestand utu.twet anirsd foll! ioomiation eau b. hb!ly hl iu letttru,itadelta tbo Comniluioners i * vAue intotn, or from ,AL.DW ELL'S And some very fine GILT CORMICES, -whftthweoervy l. FAIRÉANKSo Jr-., Colebruaod Ales, lu packeas ai 10, 15 sud lu earWiaAgnsfrCAAD& R loffeS Ra ta.d erlAgt.80 galions. lw aaeas gnsfrLRR UEIOJ, Whltby, BSept 15, 18.T. B.50ILN&Co,£ T imm ______2_,f:_làATf IT SP InII TiGSb COMMERCIAýL MOTEL, UNDERTÂKING in llrst-class style, at moderate charge&. OSHAWA. UPHIOLS 1TERY of ail kinde done withnzeatness aUa dispatoli.> JAME PRIGLE,~ Foprtor.* . -0ui motto will be SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RE- (NO HMBUyl Ms. >sUj .qA4- i.E UG J LPS HOME àp'f eu'rA-A' i w1y %x r _ X1NSURaiNCI COMPANY, Omi L 010 m M AVEII, COINf. FitESE <U ~ E 5 I abdle oïvooa ~~~M Â4waqs, on- hgnd.$gIpoit n pib etilfisMo ;Pr l sdeîdingIo8My tmoto. try' U& ~ ~ IMM p~~~s aid ray niiiyof goodPFirkhi &ttriý4' 'I H~I~or Ezon soot., opposite obelin Hous.. ,~~*~** J W' ACNJW> -' -- t tut " t~~' t NEW NECICTIESI o. &i GROC]IES, 1LFAýRD.Wi 0osawa, April l4îbp,1869. Jutarived. aspleond SU-MMER TWEEJ AND FtJRNIýî Gentlemen9s Furni description, embradîng-Shirts, I~NO FIT NO ?AY!1 Brook et,, Whitby, Msrcb 24, 1869. [id stock ot' Sprig aind DSM &. AT -THE SIIING ,HOUSE ishing Goods'of every iCollars, Soo, Braces, &o., &o, - LIEXÂNDER PIRINGLE,, 12-ly GOL &SILVEIL WAICIIES, 0( Brooches, Zar-Drops,. olored and bright Gold RiÎngs, &o., Wedding Rings,# spectacles, Faucy Goodz. S-Day & 30-Ilour Clooks in'grcat vaîiety. Repirlng careauhy attended te. JAMES JOHNSTON, Watobmaker &Jeweller, Whitby, ôth, 1869. SPRING Brook Street, Whitby.1 STOCK 0F BOOTS &SHýOEýS- Bona Fide Bootmaker to the People of 'WHITBY AND VICINITY, P If Suumnir Boots yau wish la bu>', And bositata whiih sbop ta try, john 8asppders con your usuts auppi>'-. AUl orts sud Sîsos, And so ho tells tho reason why, Hoe Atvortisas. Té lectbe pýubliîc understanti IIHa W x Lr BOOTB are maie ýby baud, 06Macbiel ewcd bootà look fine sud grand, Wbile thcy are new; -But S8auiWus'Owîr ai! boom Ilhobrand 01 Sounti anti True. Wlth Leather gooti anti Seauns socure, Tour tbrifl andi conifart te ensure- At 0sundera' $hop you eau procure, Boots Strang sud Nico, A&ndi woUlb.>' Iook anti muah enudure, -At Moderato pria.. - Z!Observe John Saunders, 'nearly site -the Royal- Canadian Bank, Brook Street,Wbby Wbitby. Mardi 50,180, oppo. 16-1>' Tu propart IN LATZST STYI W' ephiriug neatly a executeti. W' Tht.. dôoorýut of 1ai atreet,,Wbltby. Wltby Aprl se89 1961. il CLGTHE81WABHrGý NO L010 MA Oisagreeable Employmeuit .1 HE SUBSCIBERb aving raceutlf mate sanie valuablo improvemeute lu - the art or wluiug eouibined ina nmachines calleti .SUffAW'S IJIPEOVED For which ho bas abtaluod lattera patent, andi for whloh ho-beggato uoIiuuit tho attention of tbe publie. it je aongtrueted on saund ioOo seuuoe principldo, doen> lu. work ululu m ansd dimpatelu; it requires nuo extra uppllsauce. 10 complote ites work, lu eomparatl vély uolelus i iiu operation on tbe clot>îc.e, speaks for ituieli b>' motions by wii it inut sand -or faI!, hounc iïeeda nublowiug tW keep it afloat when tkilly lnuueed. It bas- guiuuet appilaUfe ulerTever it bs heen; notblng ecpea re - seachig wrxiit g at're ompanion of ilidâtr; îrequ ras but litI e roon. lu IL. hanse; Wit la vutlug luin ts appearance; Il li asiiing favor with --te lasa b.ing lb. Inteudlug purecurs illdo'well, befor. pihslgeluewbero, ta seuil in fluer orders tai'e r ra fl.abova machine, aul.!one af tbout vili humaent pronuptl>' for thaut porpose. jW' Ceuni> and ToWahp Rilais dimppe4 of on libers! temgu. JOHN SHAW!. Whitby, Jan. 1,21h, 1880. 715=4no ROYAL B OTEL, M ndorsigneti havlng purnbau. the inu, li the Royal ffotel, bg oIfr i red and the public ithelb busineas l lu future bo carniedoù b>' hlm asisolo proprlslor, sud tlitpas heretofore, pothin ufil b.left nndonq tua gueas ifue Rayai. THOMAS -WÂI.KEN Dec. 23, 1868. 5 Pli ER'8MT, FR-ESII & CIRED<-e T ESUB8lCRIBEU bolta Inforun custoni- -Ters sud the -.publie t st bisbop la eau' BeelMuttOn, YeaILamb., I'oykx& proar>' and parefuil>' dreusetiand johuued 10 isuit houuekeçpors, and forrleut tue. Iowas$ prie«. - .-1 Comned Boet, Pork and Ox - Tongue oured In a supmnlor Mnoe; sud eveuytblln iu lhe Vlctuuilhlg lIme ept contituh$y o4 banud., * SW' NemOmber the npUWSbp-betwen the starr" of Masura. Ii4tahsud Lowes dzpaoin, Brook $troot. 'Wlutby,-.Msrch bIh, 1859,~ *lOl Fire Insu 1rance Co. .- or! LONDON. ESTABLISMED. 1808, calpita1l £499000p, teling,- Ppuj;dsinuvesteiniCiaa-îeoo Cor sl ed greSi appth in0 ient of 1Y AT * ,~. I SOLICITOR, 1 lOshawa, C. 1 13arrfater, s. toi FSremoved k A=LBIO BM¶ Wlulfby, Oct., - AREqp O)l"u-One -sun Ball, Bo7 Altomueyoiat- cerya Aà. W. L&UD. 'Yl J A TTC -o, are .A TTONNEY Dundas Street th. Faut Ofllee. 4c sucera sàd, Painz aALcali POonly Croun At PortFeerry, Ltl cJory, Couvey 0pînicasî,-oppo DR. ("M lu ByronStr.e, W. H.. LA Whitble Mméh lot, lUS. IFFICIA&L ASSIONREE

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