Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1869, p. 1

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K- F- Z.OCKZART9 ÀlbettelLu -, GNEROI fi Miw£ua.. BepLOIe ÇAq>OMSL, TEE no] p Lir oll04rtoBs4 et lMenîiré, b0 w f i IL. u. osssae4. 0. 13. 4à~spaL.qH iý orilbe garmony tolon upo 5ooi sqe ube1 a s Toronto$,Iuly 209181. se sH.COCHE AXE; L.eB tarte, Hrrtetrsud MWrney-At-Le1S tmp, ~ IteriuchIaepr7. Ngtary Pwbli A.- àTÇItoreioiWBi tlv. ifwnoBi4ni, bond" BOort Deputyï', a »itriet" r 4trordl $ery, and exeni onu Cllpce r hCOppn- PARRIBTER AT rORNt AT LAW I sils ôt4ottothe Stré of ,~ WhMthy, Nov. là, 1867. 4 s. OIICITOR NOTABY ULC»do*. Irs romoved bli MOfie to littfoo over the le artBàq W Iby OTEIU7, 1848. , 93 fi. and.J4k cÇE OrwWu î-One dm or oth'. the lPost colie Q»sw*ud Ulceer ' p Blocu, oppoelt Ton iBowvnisnvillo. J. E.F.aazz~&.P. egoGx <cr7, and huaiovency, ký.. Outro n . gmIloldonis uSàc,'wibp noir. J. amtIe,.9, .Pl.op .w.LAVIffEi. W. l, Dlt4 &C', Street. op UoCk,,iLEC.KL EI, A' 0TRK ATLAW SOLICTOR lu li o riout #c; 4c4anli A TTUItNEY-A.T-LA&W. SOLICITOR 1IN Ohnlery, 04N o., &'uUao. vyuc Dcndas Street. qr Throe doori West of tIi. l'est 0£110e. 1 I3 RISTE1#8 ATTORNEYS ONVEY- enodni and il otaries Punb]i, p &a, . Painiez ALui-9%fqppripppite Town R . Cocuiàux, LL. B.,I W. M. COcsnÀuz. Pcunty Crown Attorney. P.ort Perry, 26th Decmber, 1866. 81 e:irizAN .ENQLISH, L IL 13.. o, conveyanceî, &CI, *o.. etMcoobit,-oppooito thePott Oscie, tiihawa. 40 DR. HANOOÇjK, (MM IZEOLA» ct dt :cowr.) AURCEON, ACCOUCHEUR" &c., R. J GUN, M. D. LILTGEON TO TeI1 COUNTY QÂOL Bron Street, Wtaftby. ý W. H. LAW,- B. A.9- M. D.o 41ecte4 THONABIMHSTON7 loiw TOWN CLERZ à.TUEAOUBfl -WIITBY ondon TOlIoe--Towl H*-let*I o ocloek. 14 TILIAM uCOTT PBORITOE.(LAte BOYNqTON'I BROTEL; TITi, BoYNfGNbogte îu form thelu, leter ~ V hbititiof theolwnty ofVitoteiand sureu4u ontiesthstbetuLesoeud the luloion lite Wllam stt toy oouid e ___ 4ewet,&Ud Ùho hsteu itdidi"ii bein~~a îse~ Uadiy.liq~,8o4. PMI AU or lutQ. ~ While dàrk bilowvirol à Iiom0ioa eofIlsreSOOsft a* Roundryo«4d tii;eusb lité, li eeaeeealea 1 xs;, Reeiiog &fer a et whes e lfureiLAe. ".o thp stgstfr. xbnidge sud Behvortoa I ie the deer evirynrninlg. Ioard$41perdar. QECORGE OR aE TuMBEA KEBOCHANT, Orpetr n .Lt'Jour# mSig,.'a lergequsu. iofelludàofiuineemonbtiyenhsud. Whiehy, vo,. àth, 1862. 4 Týo4"À afet w e, niab'n 8 prepered te giv. Musie sud iSlnglig ls *fpna, 4 euiIwtqd patber ef pqul. A p p l nc tt" e e d e t th e ) O ff e !J o h n *L1 tits't- l Deptiat,- <Over , jagme n 3e tioaMdboiîi, Pteck St. Whflhy-. (LATE PLATrT',> )IOW4TI! 01. ING ST. the 0164 t i tau9lip a ll u I .neai home, t they ahc re ili , T Uejitp relie Cmssels e OdPoryrpt poevcluienlv #sud cemfrtaly ttodup ur ie acommodation of goee*i and the traveling publie. -' isey lii be lounui lui constant peneonal attendauce, emd iril bave nothlng undon. ou thoit patto grive satintacîlgo Wa&U wlso May lor theun miti a -TNti~A~vz,* ENEALAGENsT. W hiby, Jau., lets 1866. 2 .tgatonfoP hitby etll dailY. Every emttýoapaid toghiest&. Lareful &ad &ee- iseoslee 9 THE LIVERPOOL LUD LNDON dýw.2:P GCIFZ3 INSIJIAN CE CQ)'Ž{YÇ as. heen lu existence thurtý0y-two e qsud duning that Period bu aied ILoes xcoeding five ad a hait millon peundi sterling,. r The diibnnicment ut ttgseuormouasuai over s widoegrcg a%without doàbt, ooutri- bnted te the establishmout of tMils lastitutton, lu tihe confiaonce o<pumaLo Coupounous, iris- CHANTs, ilOUiSEOuiuil, sud buîsiness mon gen- ersily, whoreover it ln roprcsouîed.* In 15. firet yeui, 1880, the lire Premigppi alono smounrd ., -£9,970 Ina sloth >ian,146 * £47,708 dé 2Otlîyoar, 1856.......... £222279 66 8th year, 1866.......... £789'882 uie yeur Iter, 1867............. £818,05b The l'ire Eoservp Fuud la noir, 84,727,464 The Lite Re.orývo Puad la noiv 89,282,468 Tii. Coîapany 6 represoîited throngbout Un- tanlo aud 4u.blco, by indunatial Agent», te whom appliction for Ilunrance may be made. G. y. C. ëMITHE, Busu ue nienr, 9 moltuu. L. PAIRBANJ l Ania, WUIsznr, lm Exoisiuî Ornai. ]February l7th, 1868. **7 THE ONTARIO FAUMJIIIg' M[UTUAli INSUIWANC.E -COMP'Y rrHISCompany ta nov f0117 erýgsntz6d sud .le prepared te rcep nak o it<~fui4~!g~, T th*onteu±,<Con i e,bli Ou M M' huche .bcewisfi# th in- an> os teo s4sgent.Orrtswli iiifrac aiosheetaopull Mu tl surauce Company l a . * .- RHAT eid otabliehed and well knowu Ho- CENTRAL HOUSE, P9[ Splendd ioeny îtabliug, and drivug 0,hed,. tepb.r, wth end i ttwo aces oisnd et4Wis asf b dlred, asud ~Dou hqer lo z i.PThêne are tiro 'w -a9 pompeon sues olnt waee 7 airThe whole wl bohoee14eM a bndlr lot su ctiy heie 0 a~,do~~ WýLLLI4JKXLT X ~e~-c1. rÃŽMww= inoteres uid anomma tlao Mie siiqbober h.bu a e~ov ud i STOY~ES &TI WA1E nisy b. bsd, ad 9il! amenetoMXnamlb wort done ou tue liertet ot!ee. fu Qld iiiCop, Brai, cttod amd ai « aia turo rck 'teulexchuge. JOIIN BEYAN. Wlbltblo Maréb SM, 1889. 1 ipropitor. 'E I1JOIMfles ii ittod OP snd ctom .,Ll tlyreuovatod Mie Li 0 b l bIiia- eSa-li e L, s001o107lt , - t' oÇtheýll hd h'ffod.'hitbiq sud bArelp edWith the bet Oood rooy stab- STEE &; FUARMSTROG. DOI1NION BITTERS! TrM18 eelebritod Toula le uspiliy gsiing o. .L worl -wide celebnlty, b9iob eed sud roel~ptepded b ctioet minenùt Phyil&ilùe whMever th4y 1bive; eeti Intiodaed. Asas -Blood'Fnnitr aud asrequistor of th@ sffetite1 they àÎuuoew ~Pâulied. Ou@ triai w eab. "aOtat ird pnd soid, Wboleaale sud Be& tail, by Srzgx 4 Mfuunz., Wbitb1r. g ý~i or doi left sMr. Smilthe late Sparlila W eern otel1 Diludai Strect, or et the Manufasctry, Euot Wiud gr, wilii retel. Whbitby7,March 24, 1869. 12 O~TAQ 1OTELI (late C. Dawa'e.) WHITI3Y,_ONTrARIO. £L ALEXANDER - -Proprbctor. T liE sabscoribor deoirca te returu thanki te . te the publieo for tlhe ver> liborsi patron aie baopsidu im Wbale that ie lia. ied tie abve *@IlI known hôtel, Large additions have hein receuti> made to the proujmse our- lug more ccumoiui aecommodation sud .noroeing the number et sleeping roonis to uearly one hait more then formerly. A first- caaBliiard Fuilr wltli thretebles basalsîo b.O*Sded. ,1enèev -additiong te the stoî f6eda li eLrie, 4*o., ave ase bien m9,de. Ail euabling the t ofaer te hl* Old Fnloudn sud $#t»lie driudt rollaisvue ul ae b n her o1e ln o lâ« 3awi ntan masbehappy te welponie hie old ftleuda. WLitby, Dec. 2, 1858. 48-ly ~QLer)y AT 'LAIRKS"GALLE.RY? It i.. bicauehe bai the beit Gallory iu the Connty, sud hà. more patience with chijron than any otiier Artiit lin th County, sud cea do quite a% goud wprk n»sany othon man lu tho Counis>. W- TinVt' what's th'e mutter, so don't bc backward about comuug forwsrd, . BIIOCK ST., WgIITBY. Whlithy, 50v'12, 1867., 45 0- *C No VARS, P RACTJCALDcutist, Oshawa DontI Bomsdrctlono lcetiqtthird Joorn orth of the Ontario Bsaak. W-. EXPUE.3S AGENT, &o., &IBO Agent ccideut sud Standard antance Coi. 1? C. R-- BWEETÂPPLEl VESTEINiAIIy SURGEON, Graduate of Ontario Vteriaary Qollee and lats zAnitant ta Prof. Smitln, pf Toronto. Pma. BUCKLAI4J>, Pruleeeof 0 AnlIture, Puai. SMITH, V. S., Principal of Outario V. Du. BOVELL, Toronto. P.13 mph WEEAPPI.E= nosa bnptni ]Profmlsouhot h re8sic, 'é aIl Isours. DRA'UGJITSMAN; Trinmacts baetueewbllstheilatu oq4 sud ýea c~u4ptiueats oetbMie overn- met Cpylbeuthrslsda<rd Marksansd Deaiguapieeuned DygtgSedSe.s$rmm utses as~C nesumgqrlm. boigp huabUm m4lp*M" "ud1. A. bOK __bpitùo of sud <from uti u am eimo *0 aBoge. Di "Tabke od L*7ery. opg» D eAipme Booms or MercmniieAg A -DURHAM PULL C4LF Il .111Ã". DRYDEN, Mch1,1869. 8u~ At Port WM1,, at pTeqseut opoupiod byý'tii. WbIbi, ath 81, 1809. la AUCTION t 488ES THOMAS MYi5]RS, Isu il]MAUOI;Igg.Ufor the Couaty recoive.=nin for sale of stock, farta Implo monte, &o., and thataill orders left at tho DA 5o ql ppont1and termie made whty uutgt,1801. f8 New Pake!y ITHE uniiî:drueT=nlyInforma thé L pbli su %neustanîprepareil tu 11i1 with prompitado aul orloni lu tue llskerv end CofOnîctlonarlîe.Froit, $Ponge, sud ail other kinde et Cake,, Tarits aud -Blecéuite e tMe'Ipest quallty. W- YFât ef s=llkpde Iu ses en.As o b. Ser nuDs, Nuls, Gioger Bor, &e. J. IcDOpGALL, Baker, Coufectiener, Lc., Brook et *WIiiby, july 1e, 1867. ' 2 FIRE A8SURNEC. LOMBAR1D STIÉET & CRAIING 01088, GILLIOPIE, MOFFATI! L Ce., Agents for -. m nAuE t to. Maager. rNtUIAT~ta lut Logg byTE r IMPROVED FARM To Sali. Buoret Ion Shares. ---- AlSM te soUl, reint, orlot on Shsrcs-Weit, F hait lot 90, ;pit coaceusion of' Uxbridge - 100 acres, 7(1 aieu sr Apply (if by j0tter, po»S-psi4,) te * S FTLLER., NOTICE.-AII parties are tonid eottlng or removing timber or Wood of auj ktnd mliat- ever, froun the above lot, sud eny person tonal doing no, aftor tiîiî date, are trcipaîner and wil be trcstcd ausuoih, te *thâ i fi t xtnof the lew.-- &.FULLER. Whitby. Sept. 15, 1868. 87-tf LI VE.R Y T IIE UN'DEESIGNED DESIRES TO IN- fobos hiendaend patrons tbet hi buaspgin renniel buainuas the o1.I I&to!M astsýt. ouilseril sud 0.ua Reving encrcsanlthé numbe,- sud1 rvesteoyaueos An&l'v@hicles oh the1 pmsris1 bohe hy eoiag à spcui1 jto of publiePoià $0 PP4e I~ CK~GESJIV ]RATE. N. B.-Ceovered Conveysuees for iis'uiiiee und ladies. Prompt 1tedpe ih~tr ie ail ýordes.. N. ]RAT. l'toprzetor. W h l t b y , A p r i l 9 ,, 1 8 5 5 - ' ÀihJTJ~ - MSiN MI lé If K. te t, 4 m4 oq, about if ecres 1cleed bbne gitoneac lebTe so et.udngtIePr b diteuc.of thé LIMe, and eusbnselng Uic INflIAN VILLAGE Zn uRai tbTowum s Qir iil*t, tIio-Isrrows ot-Zdb 8 irnee.- Six Lo9 qu yron stniet, -diljuot lqRr pdrva. ssd.ueee, >uosexoelJi b> sun !,i'm4 prep.nty lu teiru.; lni the. ueighborbood o!the uew Roma m thliooChsnoh. Cnloketnoin ai-Po.ol TWO ACIESfeae, ytof £'n I.tl 1~ARfeune4 44t 0nio4!çe a R.Gernie, E.q. Ai f.uoèd, eeuth of riuideoe eté;m 1 U< ACRE, foajcd, Sentb-weot do., de. le 4CRE, ireet ef teuidoueiof J. Lynie. - 'ATfnce!, wist Mthodist Chnrch. 2 LOTS, sonth îestdeace . 3 . lEanprr. Io Lonu Weet Frr-t outh of qrcwp' e LOTS, north Dundu street, opposite reel, deo4 <'Chog. lIerc¶l 10 4MIE, op Brock itreit, rorth raway bridge., gW AlqPPOsYOMrSl 7lllsge o, lunlou pte of the Town. Z.UIES BE>SS Ti. »a~ t o ajoing Lewes *atPowell'. %Br16 ettit, * feot front, 98 foot d6ip te ThîpvâOnt Lot.eph ef MeMlI 'e lek, 22 feet ,rtt,98 eo ruep. téoeuaP ., z j t~eit Brâck strous,; teffl Mote àn Mcilin'iBuldint, 4<f t.rmit~ RcaiS, 198 teet dcap te.à lame, 20 <set ide. WIL» LANDS. Mars, Senths3 18, î2tixceu. 100 sre 6i di 4 lSth " IÇPp gemis, Ft. Lot , $rd "180 di id Lot 13 ~4th "200 di The subicniber liviodelermined to aie pot the irbole of bie RealPEstai. bnsines., the abovi propettiaetc tb iaeu ou ,long pbfdmlo pr, TIse 014 Docterlq 5loi. A TilsiBIge UCmmN. Pora e ir es Iswehe grave, yar twllight wingo ber' usy- rom bheuvenrtc ' M irapi ,tonplcs.of tedesdtlu er seîl ù ni Ptqiosecdgravas, mgingînmi inoue thsefacidfthe bcantiftul hernbe tsi forevet ubmgud yet nover tée. béir difb iIo Is aeet te irander. uplta 3shaddse l of i telunihereasity 1spd-imuoe:upon te hely:memerbee e! tisedeparteil. ~,The stars burueil ith a lustre' pecuhiar ta antosun klies; a clear muld attpspebr y kueÏ i isy, sud! louaid Mysoîf; afer s 1015. rp4 no mi tise old fasIsioned h6"ri *groeud ofll" envillage. Iu-as a appy mnan; I bail recoiveil - nidiploma tIs day - 1iras rcalI sud profcsienaplly ai alovely, rrl u l rund1stot ow t4but masuraute l ive, I noirbeiboi aOoimyatenicussageme s a'86 ous Thegate wof eppn, tise irai'gt iin the srengiîght, the ssadoielanillir fiom he trees sud frescocil Mie suooti grve! with quaint traccry ;tise buils anc fluera gronped in daiS masses upon the ,gently carved momenas-I knew Me, irers budesud flouiru, for Mior fragrance ho trayed thom-seemed whispering ln their 1lat lanag e tIste bMAutiful deuil halow el vouth loaidd'ô 'uyuboiling- even ting inausinutclied île type.l ~m idesior orienallfeue, ; Ibiiseveini félmei't 1lîke a p Mt;ynImagination iras ne erlilî -yestiieglit se fert0les Mlton's il May Ibeugisere mot ais sblimie. 1 saunteieil carelessl>' along thsesaie irbere îabaulhoru badge lmmnadi île Sun 5tendrila together, dî4aggMyi> cne etter me ,uusng in a e ,'lpo. Sudln- Iptuscd; Jidge'LI biui lt I irect!ln~fbre mc - hl 111e alvrfeuntaas bubblngoup sundbresking Itooite globules that glisteneil hleï hoar freeL Mare lhoed b aIsuge msudisoary ibm, a*ndchlosed mi> eyes as thse wihdpua tisink tisaI st un e ot heseed heur et My existence, le, minghing uitS thàt Plapin4yo meloil,, carne a bright genthe ta'e, vit1 span'klifiSg 27?"and ciseeka juat crMn»ioneodgh t reeiblc tire pale rose lesaesSuu.hMe.pureetonou. 1 bo 1ie Ilove! that ireet Ma> Kendall; love 1-;Weulil I couli -thinket ofrne -word that would express even more thon, adora- tion:- fergcttiag Goil, 1 idolized bhir. and egotiet tisat'I mes, faucieil tha l' n- speken p"ssion irai- ;tri*" 'l'y I ill not liïigér ,in thoïie <su momtents I ires pouring my very seuil ute tise heànt that I foadly tancied, as youtb mb! saunme- limes, iras in a kînil of spirituel prescuce cicr beside nMe. 'My rev-iio ;tas broken by tise approach et a stranger, and a light siivery laugit uhut eut thse music of the finle, for it mas se lîko May'e, sa rlaging, joy4us. Pro-' seatly., le cfine mauly terni drownr- ot, I necogniued Mie teaturcuet oasneho bail been ni, ceilege mate tirey. ces ago; 1 mould bave gpraag formerd te meetiin; hie Darmesu rcmbling on m'y lips, uhea e agit arestçb iyattention tisat csJp spy bbdia uiiî iery ith cisatter mith a, suilden freezing <car. Tise tire bail corne almoit heside me, and Ibero stopped, charmed mith the littie sylvan spot; tite lady held ier bat by tis trngs; oesatm iras passeil coafidirigly titrougis that of hier companion, andl shen she turne! ber radj. ant =ace#round towra re 0who tus ponmeibythe -,#1 i 1in l tise ful flood et rÇlig'btMsy endall. I denot ike, aèven-at this dy, te rei tise feelings that shdok n run ê7uben I heerd theni urmant sucli rofetton- derness to.ecd otitcr in suWdued"sud happy topes; a desdiy faintqleus came, kniovlçdge, that tbcy irere hbetrethei, anil irien tIsaI paased away, s Sléîero reveuge 1sent the blood boiling lhreutgh my îeiins once I ioulil haie:leepeil upen. bita1 auJ dernaudilmy -May,, my love, . idnt i ito ie irouhi Sesàgu-ïsét, andil woî a irdil bl*. '~t tln by whist tight coulil1 Il ermine ? truc aho bail béeu mont kinil tô me, -.,ut ,nevel' pýore tIsa maiden iniodeety miglit wePý-bçseeut lier1 ce 'nduct. !oi noý ~Igve e floc Mie' r age ts-tugged est--uny hest-1 atr$ne' ii ei tboeght il-iris>' aeh ail talked of Vr«drcl;,oh 1foititÏat 1 ias, 'April,189 J. RAM FERR, Whitbr. WIL91ON HO USe, A. WILON, .L-Poptr of Atnium rn the. soomodation ofUtEétra. uiglnp'bi, The no new i. nid Lui. -li ost tilorcu h l'Md co1àfortale manner. gid ýrcouve lance at tihe steve t l God tabling seddattentive Ostles lu atnar 4. WILSON, Jr., ?reprletor. List oft uaciled Lrtterp remataleg la the Whgby F O ot pl S ay 19090Q Adams, Ienrv Austin, IN.. Geo. Dostworti, Mas. 8. lieaicsni, Thon. Bail, John Cok, Jdia Ctink, Duiel Clar-ke, Site Mary Crpilhton, Wni. Carr, Abr*alna Day, A. ia. Dnnkley, Wai. Elli,, Franchi Fler, sai, Frcench, Mrs. Silvia Frauci, AIex Ga:y, ienry' Grant, Cliins.; (ailegar, Michael mone, Mis IL L Ilncry, John Reit, W M., lfgibtaJohn Randy, Oe. - ficart, Mye. Jae Ilaynard. Misn E. jaqes, 0. - Kcoguh, IGpe. 1 I.idin, vid 1 Lvengoo4 W Munso9N. Unohgslt l roný, ýW. M. 00. - - su, David 'on, J. (1) B. LUaMr lot gay_ '-i., -4na, Wni. Brion, Miss A. Brown, B. L. Bovorman, IV. D. (2) Bouc, Mm. Blhck, W, J. Cloadonau, Henry Chaerlnain. T. W. Connor, Denis Campbell, A. 'W. Duisa, Michael Fergu M aro of Friser, Simnien Olae«ow, J. A. Galligar, A. Gatignie Lowie. Gr.dy, kay Minid, Jas. Beait, B. 11,14e ,J L. Laidlsw, R. t.eire,,ce, Wmn. Wm. TlIon«. tionMiss.J lie ie 1 Rdhl'i. John Nseyi Joisp Iliomr, aC.j Ito, T . Pacrd, . i. Jchapd lath murmrw nsellof ýtW gem-ligbted And boe'àtiilào eebird wll plame behr 1 whitewvin Oi , ble bore, foretii. oveniO¶ la Peary, *And the biloyssro te ce o léto rey,, Andbowqddmu 0 maie es salowe;SîYa And s hlie treu$ to tIiebymueiUiewavoe- Loet the Droezs aveis igh sud twlilgb$ a Aisthey mouilly romnioter the Manieor'. grave. ierebead;imeosa ýfd hlm troua thoew salmate body, that lieuirould lold élusie te bis bosom, 'keoin8 the wirite 'clseekm,' even tise golden locks tat lad dai nipsdý iucircleil ove- lier ebeuldoiw - .And wlienll 1i that bouse o! mou-uwu% Irs it not strange tse calmues thatl <lI sehtlbug dowu over luy.: pirit! Couil Ibis tlioughti . la uits, fatest tiracqy, swelP tbrongh my lindst sncb a ie- un ÏW,&tstas the ýoud rio' ~u ouhy, norue but dcath'can dlaim beqr noir il fiar,.bdneeapplicil ber tercb, te weuld iend thome catblug irords wult- foi n it ptucuport* sof rMy Ieart; TIse ucît day Tirent 9ver th be peserit eit Ise lueer rvb sffces à n ati1hlI1feit tbat serreful bappineisk PerFreorick iraiaI nie TaboLMie stuni *If i rTisere ucre & ailbr yoang Com»paniene, le' sronWid, -village, malinsirise.silteéry ryoiç?' us*ered, sud trtmeiuleuntil teass ~ sd sbs hokil ouatiseir, musse, suüd- a one mouraful, herl-rcang irall seundeil il thiougistIse rooni. U r Tii. pstor arose ap4 bogasbi prayer; t navet isoard I a more afleitienate petitton, i hou gcn$ly te spoe of ber yIoutb, hier à beaut, sud4gens; te'crqntue r utider wbicb Co&l, ire!pleascd toal! hier e -luit as it ere stazd!nç o te s Id of hippy lite, sud iokng irougi-tise M oecored futur.m- i S tmyp'c Ps ýtstsneer pc te, iye ttUof eI fancieil thq fuetures grcv ir i-un-I a thought my slght ffiei, and I haut doser teMthe erpse, T dreir bacS, wiped my r ey os. looked spgin - oiof et irc miaI r- tisrilhsent a ildsLock thu ougb myframe i sud emote u' ybra*nas iiilfret1I real- 'e! 1 1 <cl e mosl over tise celiR;-Ilsere ýt wed M ,pilaure on tisqlssmno!iluse that e came not off *ben Yeppliad niy handl; J rmo.Cure upon the insie. iMy kneestem- bled, my bert beet agsinst ni, aide lilI e ni, bedy susyeil liSe a pendulusun; all! my- t sorenil, mss geue,,lbe veice o! ttc pastot > r bi#îlpîl iini, esr ; eapi mment wus heur, and yet h knew irn t w gt h s; Thse confiectcame igain-it mai ýautel, à airfuli; If I kept un, silence à , suas da a tof&rd4ofa th idas m inî a# -anoths 1 iIf 1 spoke, sse us s e g :tisé mwileet n, rival. .I1date not tlimk.of ni 31 0 'tiens noi-I could, nol hâvi een ni- sefWnibat horrible tomplstio>n besiet me~, aud wb<p ér~ to e e-thlédaiS, grave daim ber, if 1 migbî u n l 01that 3 givea. i 'Lhc perspiration ircll eut fretevr >porc, but tis aegots, un pasci; Ijcoul 1 have Ibrottîld.1h.&pastor thal Îédoiilneti * éaset 1 fcaredfortMteé'es i»te is 1 poor hushani, shiuld he knou lse thl . lue euddeaîy; tb rh ws'W9à ingg rm us' heuibondl afy ftagerais ; I sok lie - sa >en lest 'Amen t' oh, hem' I tiankeil- Goilfor - ltaI sounil; I stîli cbuag te lise coffan; I w as meele, meak as a chili. Il iras thse customi for thp cbief rnoqrn- crs teo be called final, tisaI't: fb' might be -eparcil thshocle et aceing lise duar.,one borne ont betone thoir 070e. TIse po-or hbiani ltollercd ont supparlcd on escis- * ide-; do yeunaol think rny feelings mustJ have beea siagnlar, as hie passed me ?-q ne;I ltb. sebbing Uiotber.7Nou'waasuMy time ;e 'fiais, neigiheoura,' h gaspeil,> 'cal! ibe sexton; tae.off lise coffa lid. deiay net a momentase is net .dead.' 1I ratiser alînickei titan seil tise laistwrnie. 0 1 suci cisange ua ee ver tisatj«. sernhly; min, smooei-a croird .'e rusiting np lte cofftn 4 1 piesseil ltOb, bacS; lte itnd.of ttc underlaker tient- bled; aud as screw after sceu el! rattliug- , ou the floor, ni>' eart beat- quicker with-b hope ad fear. - - 'lisbld is tisrow'p id, In 1PYi arni wpthé l'afr .réalue biie Voiset'ph; asI returneil a moment,' 1 sau'bcrt-olylf aister standing ast!f riveteil 1.e l oot; in ber chsecke-ghaslhy. bercye -sariasg I frighttnllyý.I- seizeil bertbtisea,bt mIs strro lé book hircdely sa,- t .ing, vUli youen IseIp iaisena prbape rosl y die,; quick1 00ore dlcu of barerav coîi 6 s musDt not se 1tfieni-mue t kno Seiro!tiei1"- -- 1iV.,itb irbild, unnatural burstefleugi- I, 1cr, thse girl aronticil ierself'from lier n! stupdr , tisen assüdenl,, a flood et teasal canîutô *iiiirqéf ct;ali ias rigIsI noir; site ollomeilme inte tise next chamber, mmdautailtIs mitesatin ribisous frounj tise 4pliceto s, sud nulooseil 1h. linena band on te . "t Iy, the, lime lylng umi;aee noVugs er ucfeC pleasant sluimr- - Audueir the terrible excitenient over,-oc 1 bresthed fteely ; and yet anter imper. é tint task weas tP.p e ' hd;s!, ,au soin ne vrai againu; ,Ihave l>ebec CM -very onhave I net r,:' ; Predori ch khssed -ber pure browiil ln repi>, suld Mien bi4ubis face in the'piloôw, te wpep ilencei ;andthon 1Ileft - tliem,; re DÏg, shbâter man ; and-happie'e sud eettér ahvebeên over -Since. * Msy-andherbhobaud stilivoUi-a fend -beautifql pair, even nom', I arn- an old beoboelor.. Air officer wiho w aerrlug lIuTndia giveq the fOIiowgicàOut f a ÊiàWtïfedy .hio)sh êseuded: &'Théeee as mo#,t ttereeilg. -'At tihe apper e«d there. were asLow Burepean offcon~, hui 4oq scis aide voe . rralg e.- tbrp r(azpv; ?(ýdak #po7 eted ouairli e ~i~ is faonrite peei. tiou -ameug th. natives. li'teint - ê ligbteauopby a nomber of flaiug teoab, whbek throiw theirred ight uponMie swarhy lacis ef about neveu or eigbt huudred gi- gsntie,-up. coit,' ±epuye. Theiyb-ol. centre of!$he tent irisChaSrý for thse evela- tien"( the naatellgirle auSiingjie> je tbesewhvoire geniýýl y ouag, aud tele- raby l 1o ei~broe evora pop- gie Of iý four or e. Ail tieo! out party beld eaofotbrby the ha nd, and keçt dauc. baciuasnd-forward miths et'of reg --, lar motion adsiin ua peculiar ca- dence. , The o og ias au Invocation loi 'be ug 'nthoswho happeotfd te b. op- pot -tet tbti pe, sud pvery uowq 4 tiseg theyw*ould seperate te peint witÉuseir .baidete ti4cs wiseý vere desigued in Mie ýwitiiWch thir dresseà wereco-veredibwhli loua erablclittle bellejiaglied ouMieir artm sud aukies. When4 oenternd. the subadar nijri.usdietly cerne t e siwthlin*g ussed.breavassal, froua Ihicis hho priah- tii. nael.wo.H 'thenponns me lute his baud sud rubbed ni>"facesd wh4q. ions vitMiit. Thiathe, iycal! auoiutiag. -He then prceueted nie wii two pacheta of pcs,.vrsppeo pl vo ceîqIs A s e as h o re ldg , A p»rty 'Of utBa girls campe up, s4aresing a song i4 My piÏWeenid bless iikme mddeuly sepa raipedi,àeA «Csh ue ireci er aquiu tity. et erimeen pouder. la tniinute q clotbes erl se rof a brilliant red; sud wise~'oe q habetsuiàlod, Mie pew ,det iteckle -peint.,,Every eq eai set,. ted tna ti same t iue, sud, s preît>ty f ire munt bdve ppeared; the suin -se chife fnof' the festival. Dnnng theàIhice or <qqr days thlis lemts, sitevery na- tiv ua %~p ~~eiliamoâre odes, of "bi' red powdsr'(ýalte pkqr)ý on hie body or soiuai hhe h. indooori.fonn4 ceyered wiîb k8very -morig I dld Botesly long et, thre temasia but wua glad iliat I b aile it bowevor, thse cusoci I bilon iras $poil' - ed$, t b spowderl fer that 1Imaiasd te brui Sbbythe anoiaîiug, wbich bas lert inait 80 o mrful s scient that itlà flot.wearabl.' 'Tac m L Ooy rof.-Tbis uppollatioéa hbu beeu giveu te New Biberia anIo hle et I*cbo bick are for- tbe mont part ceai- poseil of aud, ico, sud elephaut's teeth. At cicry teuspet the ses caosi&shore nov- quâutities of manmothe' tuAIe, and the ubhabitants of Siberla Carry on a profitable dunug the someriuuuuiÏproblc fiabirmen' b.irqués direct their course ioWearda thie "laile of boues ;"f and, duritig thse wmter lag aaaatse netoute, ail the Cený voysdait by degui, returniog cbarged suIs tbe, taeks of tse nianioth, weighiag mach lrom one bundred l sud fitty te tiro bundredi ua The fossil iîory Mina drava fronthse <rossa numîSin imported inte CbiàusndEurpe, w.re it is emploMo rq'r tir!e puprposes se ondinar>'Ivor>', "hbeli ieuriohedb! -tire'elephaçt sud ,ippopetaniofe!Africsand Asii. The se !sIe of bouee"1'ha. servod a aquirir îo! this valuable niaterisil or'oxpont te china for fi" ouudrédý yeanw, sud il hbasboeei exported th Europe for a .iI o uluesreutlsadhlihd.js - 1 ?BT.ý :--a iM.~! - - - 4 - -- -.-- -s- t '-<- f~ frV~-flye - I ~g<, y, ~- - 0400001~ OrP0cue. hi. )tuecn lts, el &Powell, IÀANN. terfingi u8,tý0.

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