Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1869, p. 2

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JNOW Flow ana u t 41 iv nor 11W sitessmd pritvllgeo for amis-J. IL, Tremouth. Obsop Bhemrlg Matc-C.. Ai Soey. of Bouth-Ontauio,. Y.O iusolency noice 09 James Butler-Iamm - Hl#oidai,*1. Asigoes - - James Uolden .ffi.1.1 AssIOe. Osbaw#Ymrlely Hall -y. J. Urewi. Dissolution of1'autmsrsbp of 4JMmiaowe Nfotice to parties lodebted tb James Boy. gaIfJre-Wbitby Race. Pire Works ior Que.'s Birtis Day-James lire Works, Pire Work,-l McDongsfL. Fancy Dry goods-Waa. Dcie.. Muiliaery mmd Talorng k,-Wm. DieU.., S(ock.ia.tràde sud Lua.-for "WinW. Dickie. Firs Woris sud Fire Crackoo4 &As-W. 11 amamsa ONLY 8150 CENTS A TZAR tYhiLby, Thursdy, My 20,t W69 The BenkimgScheme. Mrt. ROUIS ru 7atlons referred 10 in other colmmanomne op for dWanaion Oh Fridmy. It la genérally agr.ed amonget Dauberoansd others in ibis J'roveleou 1hs as ihe ace.. now atands 14sadoption vouid b. mont dismtroue bto te best in. t ere of Ontario. On thoe grouea, and on th. remonatrances of thé. Bombera of Ontalo nov as Ottawa, ilt sa awted shas the acheme viii b. greatly.odilied, or per. lispewitbdravm mîltogther ibis ouion, mmd In the meantime the Bankt eharUt e *rcncwed for àa shirt toru. The latter conu wouid cortainly bc the mout accept- able. Untit the usuter conesup lu oe. mite ohape belote L liuse cm Friday luttle cois be said. Theo Approacblng Midai Couacîl * Election. W. percelve la île Obhaa YddiaWo of tLe 5sb imt., an editorial on tb. com-. log lmedicai concil election, w imite place onsîteesecond Tamaday in Jane. The FindkaWormakes the follovleg &aos ment : "6W. b.lleve îLot Dr. 11.0111 vil! offer bimaif me à candidtefor rseetiom. W. e hbonrd of no opposition, or tbat tLrelie b. ha my. Ih ta notbing but pro. per Ibat Dr. licOili, vbo fathsred the bihla 1n he Hoase,,cboald bave a mat [a the Conncil, w ocelst in vorking iil" There le very gond resot -thers sboald b. n& opposition la thse part of amy edaeated, respectable sid eomcentlous momb.r of the inediosi profoasion. The Bilivus carrled olainaltihe vishesof the Most vorîhy and @einat of îLot profs.- ion, and its pasig ha soud great diaaatiafactioa amomgaî ibo. mot inter. ested ia the malter amd butî qualiled to fors a judgmuaî upon ILa. I provides th&&theb prcsent concil abl oliuat by- bava, undair the enrriag"tof < vic h îe electlon vUl bueooadacted. - The proesa occupicis of seaIe la thse eCncil kev Veil boy le arrange the malter g a b secure their owD re-ciection, and thue bave everyling their ova vay. h contemdedtâ isa y pruoo% ra vi bof bmlvee w b. Homoptbleor Eclecis., mvce se bomi'aeîe appella- tions, wprodes a e.ra#"eu thel llll.mbe, ellmlg to héa dlee sésrdà vbile bow meî lly <11ev ev.ellm (afv s.Ue k. bem, lb. egllae e siplesOf<tream m adepeby us hon" plsmiemis. 3. boa. à go", l e lmi. tsooL bidb soewhds.i .motw me rylb mmsWvo bavetlsat.eul, o4Paiboi- 09cal mrg" bom l ksvdgs, s«4 vis. p.. guctb.eculdenc te lteSmoltr theb.eda.mtd le. 5l*5i10tW-amedleê seug basdm. prefa@Wm, bayeu i epus & uaeleu is$ ;emmuastion, tw pe.veuMW)lnyJ, v pi m»e (ton etsrimg op". ub. -'sle of ";sde. quas ii. étl a. f yere, b. sudfa no cPWO, bWupgioe t lass [ - Umm b. babi, vo 1 la v*i -nela ersv . apure ILs higLee mtlili has' «.1vlreesabeli base n "iMatmesiLe.front bas-lae&e, edot"âlvoe ollpplngs suàb",ek v»1.A edmslea ef tily omethlrd vii b.mode bbay e spea e li drty veel. Âd anact ebayer do tvautttoesbdisyfeecee asm pile, if tbtey ousb.lp Ik. Buyea vearu tol, vIli S. mach mmrtelar -te presunt seon than teh" habeau, bors- tolere la .zamlslaa mpiee,md, lucr- fore bme ebaln yont odispm ore ab Jlo. ebiye aaîioosi brlg4 mgio leOM bo -muaL wu@ egw OalvU elaand vool, viiiet -once eemmand a readly saemd-blgbceî prioe,, lb.#sovasis md, barreil smd cttel bsec.. iii eualy fnd makett Md it venu b. more pro- fitablo fer the famer to keep vool se damaged w b. v orkel aetb.... amongat the eleveret inventions of the del, amd iLe ail elever end rWIalueful inveitione, le a mma simple econtrivmmee. Tt la aeend tooaîoor, posty orsumlpart efth WL al vitS o eosulmom srev Wbeu requitel toS. a"i a bondisfe eletla vicis attacha aîtrap ofleaibor boaàspirul spring; tisIs places Use boot jsek on tLe liber rsdy formuel after usas k epriugs hackvarfit ils en accord amd ottaches ui ifatvla. uagalost the ber, paIs, 4. No paîîlng aval is reqirel; me bautieg afler tLe boot-jaob; occe piacel il se- mains permamcuîiy fi, ojui tb. simple oching of à atrap l 1 aIl is la neeery vheu roqnited for ose. A patent for tL. invention aubea ebîinal by lir. J. W. Jacoba, cf Port Perry, vsbas-leaidthe rigbt for tise Domiailot bis ousin, lMt. C. D. Jacoba. The eontrivance la oau of bise beet of tise bisd ever itodacei, and one uhstaIcnuol failte cone into gcaeral use vserever il ha mode known. To Loisi keopera t il l Le invaluable. APont Ornona. RaqsuasuD.-Betee postal lailitiai thon ai preant eziet are riqaitel at tLe "Fait Valey" suttlem.ul, vbich la aitutai oves- 6ye Mile rom Atheriey ond about the»mniedistanceefront tLe eancat P. O. Tho establishment of a P. 0. uinUsa&&iooaiiy voul b.o ascos of grogi coaveaièeseami adiamiage tw îLe sttoualing flonrisisietIlmeni, sas vell ai00 acousiderable portion oetdbise stters of Rau, viso lad egteas he Ld"loneb Bond."9 The localiiy la quesetion la in- cloe prezimily t téio ieMnaitroui, mg4 ihetefore veail La vcry convelet, as la aossetel te Sy ever ixiy or more et the in-. habitants oet bot s andmiRama, A nmerously signai! petition la about te b. îrausmitted t. tLe Department prayiug for bhe deirsi Seen, vieS, va, trust, vill rneet vlt pruper attention. -44-- Elbia, coincd in îLe eemnty gol e o pet- son cf unsoand minI, vwu feonu deadinl is bel od Soturdey mernlmg, the 1515 luat. Decesauel vuin o veakly oemacat- adl siste, bat ibea ten- bis breakfast îLot iuetiug m saual. . Be la o leaeier breakfast, aui on exariniag bis cebi about 8 ololocit tLose.is cbsrg Looua i hm a serpse.. Eus la de.cribel as a laborer, 59 yemra Mae. Be vue committei to gsol »n tho Iih o etarib lW.. Hatric ani Brereton Bntigj. Ps., sai vusthon 18 aàey vY eekly elsie.- Dr- Carson beli au bimslffedereslideLbpretsuio ipro agvead de t M .doml *Ay. Jas Fsevo i' u Bea.4ue' tim aedirm.sdt1ethe MW osr Mi d etmr Mf Menu. y;"lsBtisn', dv laSi aLO, eEn"An Saogae,« desrul plag dvIIlg md fut fou 'I. motss masix jest nov fortbe s MOMMas Mdé Use lsbubls of eth. ealsly au Veil lasiha se este"d every aela skbelr peverb.îbmst end Tbere le tomufor* fmusry-lm <*êrasebrs s et mauna- -sn-,d seld i <a*l go do aprofitable buck, Cardlng sud fellieg mlii, tad faeteieefor lb. Manufactura.of1-elotsé are ais requlred Mmd vosié Prove "a vainobi lmvetment. luT e asePover aSlwde for usat porpossas vwellues fir amgist milly led. por a eav Miile Do rQe &eSrAb loeomla wfi h. efoud. -The espply of~ vratlsl, ma vi bave eîat.d e ad..U aitM aaslosesléhsabusPPW by îLe Lobs for M kdésib. amber of.yearo As vol lu aiea 'y anM de.rtseuroI e"Ye solmne4, raecbomee le ofre Of, a Eue, b.tei building, rseemtiy ereeted, for sale. It lsacsaesu oboiîqamet vitbi and o»e véi vorli, the attembtios ci pur. îles decirous of emgagimg 1in11huebsion viththe but prosect& of doing a e mousymm&ingtade. Tb*. popWltosi ef Beaveton le nov about 0 o.tissamé sodie. la thie article ve aaou reelvee 0< ofue remsrks ve printed sia tLe Croufcfof îLe 16ib of Jul, 18579, vblemsu a gyimg vieil Ita Bmvrrtm. Tbi ey arelly appicable st ",i date, mithougis lb. peesa14 ebore for tb. Beaverbos of "y-au mach, brightcr "<batley wvesforlihe -compara- lively unkoa Om lage ofîvelv yeus mgo. "éThe imameevaUr pover at Enter.- ton la ezîsasivsemoagk tw b. applied wo Mny porpose, amd nmty povrfate drive almcetmmsolaMuntof macbimery. 1 hae cea no more favorable loeclty - for mammfmsing porpocem of eria ié idl My part of thse Upper Province tbpi I bave b... wo. Beaierton bas other ad- vsutages-plendid limestone qnarriee, capable of eappl>lug building mataria! lq 1aso exl.nt-md other facilities for build- jing porpoe, not poaaeaed hy sverp place in Upper Comuda. Fort Beaverton isaa eaf. and pleaaantly aitutcd borbomr wvise. gréâtalmarage room coald -b.e eill and cbeapiy conatructed. Tb@ land &long lb. laite shoie, orti s daouih of the Beaver river, la veeyisad feril. *C'0 ' Tb# eces.ry, land and vior, euvronmdisg Beaverbon, la entpeaimgiy b.mntifnl, and 1fev Iocalilicesould be pitched apon mote godacive 10 b.alsh. Ai thatislanoces- m"r to nwas Beaverton a îhriving and important lovai a second "frout," i4eqaick and easy communicationm yuL lb. bigisvay ofthe Grond Trank." e9elu C9 DwrnouLrr Bvrvuu Catraoa iyNcum iir Osx&vL-No utile commotionba bee oad in Oshava by th. iockimg of tb. doors of St. Georgce's Cbnrcb by tLe Churcis Wardena blosn gnday, to th.e e- clueioa, of tise Venerabli Ârchdem Fui. ler, and 2e. ir. r Boit the novly appoint. ad incombent. Tise laie incombent, R*e Mrt. Worrall, h vwUuid oppeor, bavipg mmder Li.self very obnozionsi b a large portion of tLe Oongregatiou, bis removal vaa soaght for. The BlsLop complied yuLh the remouatrances laid efore isimi; Mr. Worral vas removed sud Bey. lMt Bolt, of 8carborougb, vuas ppoled ia Lis place. This interférence cf His Lordebip vwu tm sistcdl by another portion of the oongrsga- lion friendly telMr. Worralmsud ausougal tisetise CLarois Tardas vWho "ci e L rlght of posession la the cbnrcb. Tis legee fer" leby Mr. LJ. C.melinile xNtl yPabli Mmd 1ltowd 48emto Qdill Tiseesmiii priviiegas191Ui ho dipoe.4 ef lic lnt.dlng t1. sl insMotle p«Sm. tien 1 11s 1 ý ýl . Tàixàm Le, eLip 7« ts.-Nr. Qeorge Bollard o* -for ,s"Ap b.ý à evsova*leqmib n iebared ill fb. w cM"4l ui eo of tremuc«mt Sue usaWi, î-1hs <oa aaaml*sp b.OÀIgmLsis o <b. o P) f isletrlue.r eI'»lee no, os bana &elmilrevé . fsek . 1 but qnlity ofboodr e s b mes b bii.mÉnmeen, M. , i ntends ratirlsg rom business, Md oms hueetoc of aidtepumvime- lfoa Ateriwe tes»» rumlinefou*a15os 90Adra Tb.bnalemie ls ahllahedboelig been aseaflycieê -on b, X Mr. cllefor tspvardofMtu e. and admtie png le an escellent o».. "Mayor <terrie bce lun e eanad prodae. motsion r#qcetkýg tels ielg of place. e birihday. Therese. seb. Athtie gimes medasporko-« lb. fair greun dddrill e td mlbiliseralmi ias vib.owasd- ded. Tbeeela" o eb.ac1"drie bad ,me tisa rond. À tenion as anoosms to tsespos.in teee »nug as IL. eas. ies Hs&IL* Thiaviiil Ub.in ddtion <o doe attraction Met e mm an&- aesmbiing I "m orWA elamamni-]erlimmi. grmt-pasmgera b, the Dada aud' Orootil-rried beron Wedne.dy Moralg isgta .Th.Y mm .eqeed #à tis Eoila Station b, lKr. Ray, tova cous- cuflot, and Ledam£l ihir vante&sppliiadin posum.of lesîumtoirc f r t. Don- midaon gob EigratAgent as Tosouto. On Tbasdy morning, .01mu. o vus ibeïr voridly gouda, vers 4,oejd by lemato the in dato% Omîingios, a fev Who aeezred a..ploym.ml hi tbe lovis &Md n.gbb.vbood rmains-g. Ail oz- prc.th.aeve. vel ple.ed, mil ibams. foi for Use bled trealmcent eutended to tbem. 19a. JouI C. MeMULLe et Orillos,1 continues £0octa as local agent for the CÊaOh:oLr. Mr. momlen!e crd, ri Âccountamt, Notvay, ConteyaÏoer, e, ii b. fennd in otisar cotem" lThon te- qsirng .MIoMullena wurvcoM may rely opon hi, impiiltIy, and vitS îde cer"asity. ef Laving amyl asinueatnrested to dLi ohargo ass.mded wto mfadorill. HOvaTErns.-Â G.rmaamasasd George, employed aItlKr. Donotn'icâarge tas- .try, and vS. boovaied e <.Robsois Souas, doe n Moud nl »Offaiim vush bim Ivo vaoeiansu verceal sud a emdli su. ef money b.loigmg b other bomedmiaSaithe bo& )I. O f îLe vatches belouged 10 lir. Bobsoa'e vu. Tb. eonstabie are after hi.. Mrs.wcuor.y C488 cr Dapvis.-Â yoaug mau amed B. Nllirô,of Kings ton, wus drovned in Toronto iay on W.d. oueday ceniug 1lat, by the p.etting of a oeil beat. Tvo yonng mon, atsd Josephs Allen and Wasbiagton Wilson vers vitis im at the ime, sud Lsd a arow escape, John Parmeter, implicabcd la tLe marder ef Patricit Wlalon at Imverary luat viatere vire ounTaesday icotuimg arresîod et Mangstou by detectlve licÂnley mnd police. mon goyle mmd Benuett, and lodg..d in th coanty goaL. Ex.cnzuw Juncu Dasrmwvaswaora la luti veei t tOttavaa Pnsident et the Conrt of Errer sud Appeai cf On"ai. Oenîvî VÀÂSwv HÂLL-Âtîeprion in reqmeeted tw tle adv.rlamms ot Me. Dtv, k~~~~~~~~~ otclms.T.talt al avî Mjr. Roy, delajj, aarl 16 vaa ls.sablo. la 14estinsaso, te eîsdslnan(1.'ui, brlulg flis ro etrt attisatI lssportane. lulise Maurlatid dHo j. (UtBo,) ailnot ben lavitid to attendsa otsary tiing eoft b, cpm. hn*e i huit not boee oulted lâ the pro.ý Parution of the report, andI ils contenta vère Wsa me now te ilasésetegsnul otiet anember et, tlàr n ie:rcaueisîsmîo f pls. eta .a huit t.ka M, sa'.1p10o oeira eastats eaits i ilt b. eXpea.ed tlii.year onBrak md DandA aI14reets Mr Ey. B e TplY va '1"lesai'. tb ruîbTÀ1t f i t a te o"le bilaskellr thtdyte ieett h.eo0iarsmbers e b comniilte. t iii. Town bâtilnitliait putai >- eleck * Jr. Ray promisoilta do sa, bai did fol otteisd. Thoe-reporti poke for Itlel" lie lq- oro*# versoumodeato1 tise sniouistai dy requit- adla ithei pieas iudL;catedjua on aconparisli vils tis. appropriations cf- fotsnr ya l voli e fonil tisai bat ofibis yesar or Brock "et c as maieh lmesa isn leretofers. Thse appropriation for Brook astrec in a1'7 lie fennil ta aie$11200. Un asyomplnilc f tise chlirmsnaiiviing tousssiiim untl the liai day. Wby not ho said, sai ttiseothîr mesabers of tiseansanl- tts &aMWvdays or for tlstinsattrsàfev veekc beote, te ao am i ih kju sud, nem'viai vus neecary ta Le dons ou thse aireetu I Tii tu e thé. ls coarise pairinai by Capt. g1e whe hosa eva chairman ; bui tit. Phîlp appear- mil te tao. lb. viole malter butea-bis ovu Mr. Draper capisineil tisailit. Pblliebd lu- ,ielsmidy to ai nite Tovn alal ilf-P&ut 6o'look, ta stlaon thepiot; ha ssied 51.1<Ib.hLaduitemulMr. a, maild1Ur ccenosay ud a ligbtlyssus xoiblslu aantici- pton es. raa z. oteras golng ovet lieceelie hobeltivedi t &Hi il losevlisecon- ihibeat,01iisey etnl. sud ne ene botterti it . Ily Iuef. Bisoexporeo uvas t ioSair- aie a e om esba te do tise bolk oethtie vont aé s aceactai rate. lie regred lir. Bay'e abacace frein tle Datlug et thse cemritt.ee, anud truasd tisr, venld he neofeelingsin tise ,iU«Astea evetibing bas! beasadon. vwits tise biintention. liMr. b'lilp sto iisrthrrepliedilt loereunarit 0f lit. laY. denybn; sa.y bssentiossal vaust et o0urleeY tovardsasi ni merting i&it Mr. PMrapev tsoofur us golfe ovel' the tr vais vioncerned, neoima aWliitby kucv tiîeir c ditien beot ilsonli. Easy. Mr- RAY wxd tise t report bc alloved te sandai Brooek maADaodu sttesta lied Sbean eanninoil andl estiiataa sasie. Mrt. >Ililiaas as la aver of continir dova tisa appropriations on Brock strsetan usde5ro.i log tise amn o: ethaeatard1iwlisal, ve oi5 poverialied,ise %alad, Ltma in cesalarge ua Agprepriaten te tisai airait. v oalil isske tise amenai $250) fer sioe, $3,50 for ilse aide valk.fre.n llaltdmnbly, and 4M3 on tiese ie- vait te the 'vitcta odge. Snisaqseastly ho moed t i eaahstitutt 7&) (as <lq $1051apptsi priatien ou Brook itsrant, bai utoil sloesona tise vole. Mfr. Tisysiteaiocaaîsd thse ncaaasity efthtie sldowalk te tlisc Bay; hi* oaby wouder vwa tiss: thes people uthora did vîtiiost it 50 1Ionie. Urt.Cuistana couidisetundarataeisil liev 10 eOuld b.e requireil for aroainsa. vsM. sý&eU oitiaad Sisal thoera vers eu Mr. Bovw<114 nos; ant Ilsé report laid aaide. as it might ethbsstieea.of' retarins î e n- eeuury improveaieat goiag on. ist. Tlsvmtte mote s osansl»i»s s r p®rt <çogtoss sud aak leuve ta ait*plus. tomsber dnr.ag wlaehicr. a.atd tst ho teok irAalie yaated for ise orth yard, ?4r. Drapor expbdinol itotbe dalles ololasirmon et commies. 1r. Blow eomplain&l thai vwhite Mr. ltay-iooekail ho vante. tise Centre aud Senths varda mihsltieruM. Easy expreptiod surprise ant1fr. Bloev'm "Ioolluli remnarI.." lir. Thvisite aid ltisaitM. tvho lisadiplsnty et #ara fiaie on isbasnde, woaid be tise rgli Ma las tlipirigîi pflasis e elisirmian oethtie atteesta ass im proveinntit eonumittee, andl net Mr. b'ilip; andthie lMaya, sweing tise rantites vay li whiletise dlacamision vas geiag on reoasmeadsd tis it bc astoppeil asasd il i- mste riss, Tiio voe ova* tisen takaon vian thoero alppereil fer ri.fhbaiWie'sotion euby 3--Mitîrà. Tlswaite,ltssy soit Cocharane. lir»t. othsainladnidition ta tise appropriation on bandas %tract, aioved go add $200 <or lavei- lins $tarr'aa bibi. I11.»tast atonie ou tise vote. Àmotion of M r. ltey, seconail by Mr.t, le hMaet, t ad*$0 te tise approptrsiai. e t tii. Nantih Word <or lise asider-groanil drain askeil for b yMrt. harper adlio$r, alise gitishe go- 5.7 aitrom ea issotsas»ou and axpliatsus;as. lsd aise a resotation mood sîsd secoadoi b y the sanie ceancilmen, ta ,ssae tise Noth vsstd appropriation <soin $Wuo te $100. Mrt. Cochîrane cemplsslnfisboethte ipanssier la viai îproprissîiesafor th ise!frth vad wsra axpaud ai ot yaat. Ile sconl ne:, ho a uul.ee vise.tise mosuey vînt te. Tià Ti. bt tise Mlayor tea itet iih xpissiatiolisa. ise s Propraisofetbit yearn, bce mid, l1uneiisg te deitia tise pressent year and woveodtsgged la te havesa flingeaibls n; tise gratis being thsi t-31 79 leàsistissa tise apopritipitvwataxpeud- cd. Mrs. 131ev vaulei tise appropriation ta tise $oath yard eancrent-ad tromn S50 te$200, sud qrged lie alauita.roucby. Evtutuiiy tise te- report wvaa. bptoil las commiiie S sd naîurtted vsiseaas.pidmine Osn asiis<our adoption lMr. Ray sudnir i. Cocehras.. mode intlfeà"asatmptas te ret s ait an ier sspvardu 0ofive iesous peut lai raii; dewdscnion lie siaiter wv arongisi t a alos. Mî.Auafsfdremlt bsva amsufloMsseys adsl ""ha oier tomno al &W m log" Lmesut la lbi.Bsaver #ro ManImem Mr. Oliver. sio tis, lm'. cam he. e proprety of redodfng tise <overisor Gan, ae1'ealary fr" m£10,000 scerling t. s".00o, per ana'm, came mupon Wed- neday!. Bir John A. Macdlonald moveil in ansanimeat tisaS ater tiese ttongd- sire of- ler; Mm>eety' Geverument, ex-J pvesacd lunthse DaiteoftBaci.gham'a des- pýatois, tisai bise remit sélary ofthtle Gev- ernor-Gcnenal shoulil b. mainfaied, faisW' inapéient w malte Day ltcmt:ii atise 7 oli, L% 1tise Britishi là hAmes Atd ef 12, 7vuithrespect t te .amenait Tse'debae iereon eontinued ap to six, o'Iclecit rccesa. On Tisarsday. ltse matter vas furtiser d'Waoaed, r. Mackcnzie, movlng an amenduseat te tisfe c ht no, emon.! aboutit b. poid except by tise aathority cf tise Dcmiia B ouse .,f Couinons. Tise rcaliitioaof tise Prcmierr" lme. lincinsie eaid,' iimply affraseilthse inexpeaiency cOf distssrhing Usýe arrangcement mode by -tise -Act of 'ÜÎion, and hase(Mr. liacitezie),vas4 Dot prepared te affiruS bbai vs alsonlilb. content simpl ith *.,au Imperial encaai1 ment ln veting svay 1tise money of tise4 Dominion. Several membara chanactcr. izel bbc amenilmeni et thisnsnbar for Lambiton, e merely an ingenious sud spa- cloua mode ai gitting il et a vote on -tise main question. Mrt. Mackenzia'a amen&d ment carricd. thorareng ouly ene dissent- ment-Kr. Smiths.1 On Tisuraday, Hon. lUr. Hove vas la-c trodaced isy Sir John A. Macdonâad u Sir 00o. -.K<Cartier, anéilboit bis niai.( Mri. lMakenzie rose to meve tise Rougec labo Cemmittce on tise Intéeoonial Rail-i vsy rente, but on tise rcprcaeniatiin cf1 tise Premier sud the Hou. 1Mr. Tupper, agrccd te posipene considcration of tisei nabjee util tise papes s rilating tiseretoi shoall be in tise banda cf tise mambersa.t Tise débatsvas accotlingly ied 1cr'Mon-1 day. A motion oftMr.it. ilmol for paparst r.lsting to tisube paofe a site for the1 Propoe e al~ and Dumb Aaylum stI Hamilton vis carried vithoat dcbabe. Mr. - Conneirsa motion for tise correspondenca relatiag tte ssbsidiea fer New Bruns-1 yick railwyss as asue agreail te. t On Friday Vion. Mr. Rosa brougisi levai lise rcaolutions relative te banking and curoncy. Friday naît vas sippointesl forf tise considetation efthtie reaolutierss, Alterà thse despatcli et tontina business, Mr. Rose1 mevel tisa liuse into Commttiet ofSsp-t piy. H,.Mrt Donion movad an amend-t aient for an addresatoe-saGevernor- Ganeral, setting forth tise dasistabiity et s raneval of Rcciprocity vustiseh United s Staierî. Alter a briat diasuion tise de- Lit, vas ponipenedilt 11Taaegdar.t lfonday, May ifthi.-Tse Houseite-t samed tise adjoarneil débats on tise pro-c poselmotion etf1Ur. UIfokezie,tIsaStitese Speaker do mev leste tise'chair fer biset Houas to go iuito Cemmutîco te cosidort tise folleviug resotioni lat--That, in tise contaation cf tles. Intercolonial Railrosd, itlaieof tise highstà importaoe for commercial and economti-à cal relations te have tise sisortest andr ciscapeat lino selacicd, visicl.i.nl additioni te tise main object, viii afford acSu to tisa SeouI nearest port on tise Boy of Fundy. 2nd-Tisst tise Bay, Chaleur routa, se-1 lecicd by tise Gotorumant la net oee visich is viib. basaifor commnercial inter- cala of tisa Dominion, or bcst secure tise settlemeul et remoud portions et provinca 1 ltesig i siistIsho iad ilviipusa; andi tisaI wite il gites the saiilest comnier-i ciai alvantage, it vill entai tishe largesti osipenditare in construction, sud aitr-, varda iu maintenance aud vorking ex-1 * gi-Tist, laviev etftisa seriona affecti on tise finances cf tisa Dominion, sud tiset permanent aud continuons los b tisa commerce of tise couatry, cousaquseut ou thse adoption cf o long sud e«pensive route1 le tise ses, iis desirable net te procecdt vuthsy aawotka on tise portions of tiese lino common te tise Central or Soutiseru roctes o iv ets dptionofthtisa rqut,%hviicis u givive achese dte tise sea by1 tise sisertestat udcheapest liue vithosîtr interferiug vilS tise distance te I1lifaxt as tise ultimate terminus.f Mr. Mfackenzie mo a long sud tcliinge speech, sud vas followel by 1fr. Bolton,v vis e soondel lise motion, lin. Cartwrightc epposel tise resoîssiloas.t 1fr. Yoang, la able speech, supportail tise reselsationoi, sud in no meassrel taninsà 4enouaced tise poliey and% extravagance et tise goverument. Ire cencluded wils tiset ataiemeat tisaifor Lis part, viatevarr *k. ~ ~ t o«"nw f laath* i5.LtisaI bauksvcuidbe*maIelesaltesaderiistesgL- out tise DominsicMi Thiswoaldsffctualy - prvttieccree of a paliesiOr -tian (Speahul oraspoudeuea efthlIe ChistoIolc4 Tie constant ciy sedi' py some of lise Proincial Prs-es, isai "Iis countrIslaon tise e ocf baaktruptey,"lbas a very dem ralziag teney. I1118 cal- csalalc evaen public --confidence iu Our institution sd desbrcy.eus- credil, sud tisereby produace tise very Iiig ,tiey préendul te desire to prevent , Il dscovers a lacit et judgment, or a vaut c f isonesty, lu tise. vo indulge lu sucsh delefu! pro- dictions-. iPc avert sucS 'o -ca!assity sa lhey pridii, .con miter Lebccotémpllishei by vrters oet litIstaaip, and tiesa acoer the publie kuov li thebotter il rilI bas for aIl concaruel. Are private diansters preventeil b yproeiaiming ticm tea vworl?1wisat business man is viii go bsin lis.,toagisbsete ts, iStisIlia s baultrupt sudunuable le meet isis liobili- tdes ?"-None, excopt au arrant' kisave, viseis LouaI, uay datatusined tesisave. is ce-aitons eut cf liseir jasat due, sud le 11i isis owu pocktets aItiheir, expeusa; or soe hairbmained fellow vise is nIas-mal at bis ovu shadov andl raisas dust, wiih tisa expeclation. ef aacaping detection amI tise tumiusit tisai exsuis. As it is vilS individuals in lhiai privI.t cap*ity, so'it la vith individuais viso wol monlil sud fashion, or atidaipite moulî andI tashicu public iopinion.' -To tisase, selt-ailvancmastl ltse euly geel lehvein viev, and te aitain tisaI eil =vr tsr considération must bc suS- scrvient. Boldnss cf -'ass-ion vitis7 the is laeviulence cf trâth, sud smuenrity on- their part, sud belicviag. cr prelendiuig te believe in 'tit doctrins,7 they grov bolIer sud bolIer as Iheir asserticns heome morea and moreà recklems, unlil at lutt îisy as sert vitisousslsruple, sud fiveat vilisoat remets., wbabever a vitialed taulee oade» pravasil hert mas! uggesî. Publie opinion moulleilasud fasiionel (and principles advanced) by suais vritcrs are fanity, if net miscisieveiis, ansi shoisld bc oareally sud vigllantly osnvsssed, bas- fore receivilsg tise oe or adoptiug tise otiser. lu every country lisere ara mounvIse bh4ve stroug willsanduIdepravel uindus, visich tisevdduncs snd exert in tisa chaiu- ual, tisat best àguits tliausselves, tisaI tends meit toe sit ovu personsi alvantage. Aud tisey alvays find numerous folioern viso blindiy endors. avery priutcipba tisay aIsance, anul creulato lise poison lisus tooted wius aun lacrity astd detetui2asiion tisaI can scarcaiy bc ciseeked, .neyas- lok- ing ai, net aeven dremuniug et, tise cusa- quonces tisai aanansefs-ossuch aIa n- politic spid suiçidai coursp, Becase cas- tain newspaper alitera bave saii! "no and so,"1 biay ainsi, forsootis, disseminate. bisa scandai, and rapeat tise lie te tise utmogi ef tis kili sund sbility. Wbatever ap- pears la tisa colusasieof biatfavôrite nawspapar, tlise.abject folioeats, vitisout isésitation or investigation, accept as - us-f flexible trutis, and lieu put fortb very effort te giva it universal diffusion. SucSi vniters as tise, vise are alvaya iicot ariug -evil, anI notiig but evil, alieuld trcaiel vilS lise groatest possible diltrust and caution. Tise-matisviso loeka upon, anud calis every ibody eciao4d"rogue" sud a cisopI," muai bp deeply iuptural vus Ihese vice bipseli, sclie ovoul not se readily discover liseaiwi otîsars. Tise eroaker ia, vitisout doubt a pest te society, sud wvis s great a, croakir ai tiso ssthal flud altith everqtii areudisim, snd nias motiing but evil, icuibral cvii on eveey sile, sud lu cery- tiing 1 And tise minon is cnb.ild nmeisig la tb. tulnre but destruction sud' utier tain 41oitiug aus, unleis s mno ciincal plan viioli Le inserts, is alopted tw &vert it, la beypnl lubitiona vwortisless leak- der, sud oeeinu bom lutIle .confilenc sseoul bc reposed Ta clames- about eut ceantry's Seing, banit ithe b.ishiet ignorance sud impudence aembimi& That oas- ccuptry us mol e' presperons as ve voil 1lik. $Ç tebe il fr-ae enougb;- Sut tisati tlo tise are of buuktnptcy, et aveu voerg!ng tovards bamkrsptcy, lsaa viWd umiitigoielsglasnder;- And i- arery' bouest Mou sioul topali IL as once,-apcl Let asie ,ruaa nemsit on, fvu. iae v" - ruc Briton - and loyal iCanalisa "6gasul yull tise parenttnci,"and ne danger 5ev.1 e-rer great, anliso disautor boever I.-j minent, can deslroy as, or niai. us forgeS car allegionce te our Soyereign àad Queen Victoria. Recolleat, ire are Btls- ons, sud lite tuiler, amd are protectecl by tise l-ia constitutions, and -our country yul ssafcy -outxide eviry sterum *p* - itbstamd- every timpeat British1 hoesty nd Bi itish phssak are bSaîvailii cqf strenglh lu every circustame ofet ifeý sud on tuise wvcrely 101e01 ttise macsiss- ations o ut aine mes bots vitsin and sviiioat.our istrdera,' sud te Vtouglf d"sosfit tiscir liasts, liovever numeruçý au iovyçyr powerfai. ýuxlridg, lMay 16, 1869, gaisa mnd Mara. (. Çeu o"i#pOn<Zen« of t4 . Onie&.ý Pavot onr rosIers ia tisseadtIof oui: couniy bave tisarametest ides efthie rpui progressive strides tise aiove tovuabip are makiag, lutise marais cprog-c.= T~ soil et Mora, »ail pnactiaiagrlcqlisas admit, -lavai-y excellent; snd y i.vll able fer farimîg'-purpasce, frianaud. duçive. Dakurnag tise pust yeaks 1é important isapr ovemnents bave beau muls iu Atisenley-sud Ramaa: -W. af&De&more particalarly to tie enterprise et Mi, Kennedy, .IE4q., in buildings ara tom grist ,mfil, fulsag sud carding mli, am4-ý sswmiii; ail tise umscisine!yof eue lising prepelleil by alceâs. Tise atone vas, va isndenstand, procuirel ai- ueutd friand Mr. Jas. ,MePberson7a limealone quarriep, in Rama, Mr-. Kennedy Lau, ia tisecrac- lieus of tise. nuls, supplied a lsgfl waut ln tise loenlity, and biu confits-cila great public benefit on tise tevualip ri-. f errel te. Messrs. Tiseapsen 1k- MiUlr,, formerly et Peterboroughs, have baill an immnsse sssw mtut on Lake St. John, snd clesa eut a large track of visai vas imat year a, dense vwillëernes, betveen lmiteg St, John -nul Couèsicsing. Thcy have constructeil a tanoa roinoms. lake t thse otiser se as te enable biseinte ship biseir lamber vitsout liffculty te' Belle Evani Tisey bave -nov eonisand, ple4 on eltser-aille f-tse tracit, a large aou of icissonci l lmber of tise flucai descrip- tion, intended.forexportation 1t te Uni. ted Stalca. 'The extensive 'lsmbermgJ operationu eft Iis Bri muai. ibave bain uof inastimo 'ble' obanaft toeiase tovnsbipe, Tise large outlay (aeas-ly $80.00)in buld. inga,'sud tise 'immense sus i clu ash s-e quiral te- successiulby prosectite, ti business - have- most materilly'ceon* tributed te tise prspiy cf botS thuse tovussipoan d aoynltise tovusbip ef Rama. ,Net-nany ysars age Mr. McPhiet, son's liouge vas, te use an Amsnucaulsmi at "thse jumping off place"; nov lie is iii tise uidat of a greving and floarising satilemeat; la-tact, tise uscia e visai aI sto vary disbsut'day, may Se o lively lova la alresdylorming 'in Usai localuyt Already a pou -office bias Loin cstabisid About a amile uortl c! tise Post- cffice, 4 sauu raiiwuy or rallier a tramway- libu been co'nstructal, te facilitoa tiste coavsy- suce et sair legs, square imsber, etc., out of laite Si. John inte laite Couabicii ai Ibis point boeuses are sptingisg up viser. tisheevare foi-meriy cnly vigvas4 sud sasuias, sud tisa bush. etofbusiness- anisates tisa scena. Tisa tnLmvsy la worked- by siem-a sd lasasuaged ike dlock-vo-h. Clapt, Dulinaga le Use super- inîcudeni or everaie-. Ihis eovmad Sy llessrs. Thsespson, Smuith k&(Co., of To- rente; ic la situatol ai tse point auggcst- eand on described in Ibijournal sosue tbtee year siace, on lise occasiwofet flyiug visuit en tise Ceiuty Concil excur- sion.' Tise gainsaCanal a is e maxI private undertakiug wortisy cf notice in tiis lacs- lity! Tis s as excavabed at maoat of over $12,000 for tsa- folleving lumbering is, (Whoe yere Largeiy interetited la filimg soea aiserlerastI apeedier reute for expe- diting Ihoir leg1tisu leretofore existait,) Mesurs. 'ThumpÈon k Ilillar, Sage & o, apd ,lipmpson, Smiths &Co., Te iqe m cisanical portien ('t thse vork van Perforai cd uudertse able sud ,-efficient sasperin- 1 tendcnciet itMr-Aloi MeDoialdLT4b canal l"oet tisre-foartbs et1-a mile i- lengL, sud tise deptisciethUe cuttiugs are' fron '9 te3 fiel Ibrougsa s mmd- kwi sud fiais. Il commences .t th.el",w ac. short angle QPplisp IIa4c4 river.? s -isorç distaucé <rom Mi.'J. M.L isenqqib's aaa mill, and entera !~ ~Ipeçl Raa sova.40 benis4p4 pp' t vruenda ul invitod to ai I ~ FallWho Speing dc Batrly.. r y .Pe..... Byek.... -NEW A b pi etétJlil ïad Wshesm 't«mlvi, lii oftie late fin WI.iby, >May -AblPerse Jsoaae mien, i id reqireil Tire Wc:. For thse Cieap ai- Wbftby, licy fALY 1 .&t rang.m as Ksng.ton. q -Wlitby, May FI1R E m 'Wlitby, May QUEEN' v'lahs, lMay I A fimsi dlvi. iubjeet teobji ý%ùU, lm. Datea ul*LiS Tis lotisdo la tu moatta andl ienta uni ssnlersipme4A te fnrssih me &bey hledrifm Qrppp

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