Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1869, p. 3

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Aue, Motbodht boralroud, Dilis i4¶175 Vrendesud scguslnnoae rorum>tfiiy: ruvi1e. t. Otton&. Whitky mazloeta.- Whbyi'sy 19, 180. Bping do, . ..... 800 <o 85., Bslyoo o, . 11. t.$I1O,, ... ..........t.Pi NEW ADVRTISMMs. NOTWZ lm bereby giron, <a I oo-putnoî. sbip beretofore eliatwnuder4li<1iw usnsd Pfinaot JAMIS 111w t Cu, on Forwarders osud Worebouseeu, aetlPort Whitbl, basa Won dlasolved, b y dis djithof twoof 1h. pust uera, sud tht th* anrylving ptrtuoir Mr Joiai *Wston, vi log101à p and asjuasiIe Iuiuws ï. I.L WWDES, on bebaîf âtrscuorJte John Wolala. on abblf Exéosliste Jam1es Bowe. JUOHN WATOU1li. Lltby, May 11h, 1869. AUl Formons indÏbtM <o th.e stu grinos iiaMIS iLQWVK tCU.,'Forwarder.asd Wowe- 0»M S l' ort Wblthy, are notifiedthst, t ' 00aééolation 0f0-urun.l.a tiM,,&lst.eUeat of mil o4tiatawJugdel4p, la ulr Wiltby, 151h lMay, log9. 201 u EQi OAN cAN»J4zs, Iire Works, & Eire Crackers, For tho QUEEX'S DIRTIIDA!, - Chca~at.- W. il. UANNAlfla, WIITBY RACES! Arragsnuts a hàleeunideviLa the ToeratEetum TIoket.. ta psrtiog atteufllu 4h. WIIITIJY RACEs, <sena su polmflê ufer Kinobtn, n te Ztsud Loaudoc, on the TROS. HUSTON, toprptery, O. T. C. wliitby, May. 1the isqo. 20 F IBE wO0RK 8 y" TUE QUL -Air- BOB! ARD'S Variety Store, > DUNDAM4S-rREET. Whifby, May 19, 1869. 20 1ERlUE W0R KSa QUEEN'8 BIRTHDAYI1 OR9ANGES & FREasHi FRUIT, 1vItIougatl's Bakery& Conftotonery STORE, -Breck Street,, 'Wbltbyt Muy 19, 1869. 20 IN8C)LVZ4T .APT CF 1864i, AND ANENVOEENTS TIXERETO. 1, tait matter of JAMES P. iUTLEI4 . te (70., Ilent*. A irat dlvldoud shoot lita beeu preparud, pubjeet 10 objetl.lu, until thie Teelfth day et' -JAMES 11(LOB$, - hi TIl 1h day of May, 1869. 21u-20 -- IbOLVI$T,&CT UP 1804. r tè ite motter <of il.4 ALLA CE, an MI£ Creditors 0f t<lIuolreuî mat uutlfld, <hut lho las s d6iuu sslguuueut 0ofbla ntauto pnd fitotsaundoer the above Act, te me, thes andersiaied Assionse, aud hey are roqnired <c iunlauh me vitRilu two ml outuai <btis date, vth liaeulsu, apecif)-lug<he sourîty ;tîýhia'ulats1ansd Lb, raine cf, t,- mcd, I f mo matu tl at, the WhOI& attoated un- Arosilaw' ILt<he oveabs, luauppocrt of suoh orbe third Sauma lpSern ac puder t4p apspleo f the count>. AgHeuiturài SOCIETY Or OU T If ONTA$JO, WFi l'e 80clhe oeity's Gl.oyda, WI ,wh l»qt4foloviug Primnvil he svard.d, ylé - Mîla on eind a Io ruIt 'elar- Cuit. 20 - 0. KESTEyEN, - - -.~~.-UtleP.O. eral Soulsoua 0L eagadCnnyC'r ln sied for tte o Uouuntyof OiItstio, viii k 1inrid et tie cu iorHu&e1 iu tie TQvo! QIWhUby-, Oui TÙern ,ý th,3Ju:g 186 r4 tieboa .r of Twolro0 o'cloêk pôon, "or vlali and 011 othere coucornod' i ii te. tWaeaa NELSON G. RtEYNOLDS8, Per E. IZ. to2<mapw. sberi4 C, O. SlieriflI' ffliceWhitbl, - iay 12, ïe. - 20 FOR 5IWÀU. For sale a comfortablo frange idwellng con- ltueig, and î.luutocl witla potts und chier vegetables suitatile for ibailly une. To bc aold Apply b OTTO FELITZ, -ou thao premu4s Or nt tLp o90ce of tii,.pffjisi iitby, Mauy le, 1889. 20 j1 TEL F!L W ALE, AT BEÂVËRÏfWN. lrsalet tiat Largo <uJ oommoious HOSti kiaowu i w i,> Tho "CAbERO UUSE1. On the corner of Slmcoe and 0sîgrnî atreot*, -two tonies; frontage oie Sitnucosi root, 52 tat, snd ou Uaboene ,trcot, 40fect,-réoently orectod, and viîua1 lnu ahcontreot fthie towu. Iioîy stailing, l agrenasud eue- losed yard, Tjao lonae -l pjAtte4 up ,and lu comnplète riueas lor I' Modiste ocups- t'ont 4pplitoe -KEOK '! veron o r tePONAD OAMEON, 41bigik Hp4*llToronto. Boavartn, May 19, 1869. .f2 IN MTIE!OLD POST OFFIGE'"STAND, la the place te geL groat'bargaiina ln GodSlivei nd Oroldo ýWatches, ClochmansdJewelry, of' ait demçiiptions, aiso, »t'lno lîank flooku anid FnyGn.lu great variety, Daily ,and Weekly Papers,- PERIODlCALS 4ND MAGAZINES, T0 e x IU M W'p OSH1AWA VARIEY HIALL. If yeu would buy tLu ploeliashe ye Dée uansd eau at VAUIliY 1hLl. Osauwa, May 18, 1862. 'B. P.-Alilordors foi' Booka., Fapera., sud Magaziauca promptiy attcaadcd te. 'F. J. D. M1111 oltokusurippilîL at realucd rate.. «'aId id SibvrnPiatinig doue <c order. leoa<ca.uH aud exaitnue our «od4ansd pricca bof oro lurohàsug clsewhero., F. J. DEtW. NSOLVENiTA(!£' OF 180$, AND ABIEND31ENTS THElUETO@ In te matter of LA WRENVOE i7BA- MER, an Iaao;p#nt.1 1 » THEl Creitors of thei aîolvoiat are- uolflod te muet at tie office of thec ude~rsigucd lu lue Town of Wlitby, out Tuesy, thotlrai of Jaco, 1869, a Cthelanur oa 'wôo olook, 2'. M., for thlieli blic eximluaatloîaof the 7Iualvut, sud for tRie ordurig of tlie oshatcgenarally. .IAMES H OLDEN, Datod ut Whithy, Villà 2LlaDafy o!fMAiY, 1869," I 102. FOR SALE. AjIT oLA 5wl4D flAN» DOUBLE CARRIA;ý'E ri41l he sold eopo raefr a good lH6rs., eau b ho sen I M 'ouri' Cr Shop, lu the Town of WbiLby. JOUX B.M. LWZLLCOL-. WhlLhy, April 251h, 1869. f1 iTWO $10AI'SFO04. patent -Do1i g WDp er Mip,~ and AmreiM M4 "LiaUatedstatei portion on ai &i'mmr.seea.-. U. 0 For furth.î purtjýlAJrA pply (f~4e, Istd) t, r ulcLZ& f. t kttc . IDY, Brriae4 "M~~.cyLeN, ,ACcUNTNTn TA.I<Y. Nîr.; BýS0lattntoni, rila0011f ao se4nu4luî no Fri naori îLe ol attentP.,J'1)i o Pja d <o colto sudr7Pt a.op~und ZA nao.zi0;4t"1 enato Hu. JISic te ou Sntr à Hof. Dr..ý & C orbeti muid Laînî'u, rstheoi- th or et <1, rssiitimur B ercouhm ba4i , *-indy, sud £k'*i *, hl tby. u g e h 11ionn.otri gonInuthe.oUnt CourS .1 tenut'IisMis dsiy of MtaraistA.ofD.u1arQ. lia C. C. uztteRa leAttokrmn. ad tm- 74tbec lawhrb o h at25 n 1.6Totv- Pluti ofrOtaior, a t Couca uRr , Doat ofaOt arino, lthe onty of Oaio <51<. liItri ayo lueL .D 8 WbyMrcla 25, 1889. nthet 1011 ount> eof ay sîo, <h. tonutof t Lo. tlao foreuoon, or aism=on ai.counssl con bis )leurd, theo uidrigued will up<ýly le the J ag0 of bhi iHIonorable Court for à ia.bargo under tia. muid ace. Dau e t îîionigbon ip tbo Çonnýv cf On- taîlo, tii lofia dey oeÏirola, 4. 1)., 180Q. b ;C.Keuller, lisattorapy c4a4raUo. Wliby, Marcas25, 1889. ti.. MIERCIIA.NT -T A L -0311, CLOTUER AND DRtAPER, GENTLE31ENIS «AlIMENTS imade up lu tlae bc..t tylo aud lutei<t faslaou. A tlue î<ock of Clotlîs troin which <o niako -Qsliawa, May 12, 1869. 19. BOAItI>AND UGIG Tiaree or four Geneatpuoa r Ldies ean u 1 ceoin- modsied wiah lboard anS lo<jiiag lu a privaie fkanly, by appl)lng <oJAO 3YN Broek sreei. JOHN WOLFRNDEN, CEL-EILRAT i' YSCOýTJfli -GRANITEP fo r lu aa, 2b. luce i >o y lo npoeo pre . made. io ne cro.iMat ,lurltivO,,> eSnsb tar 4ýuas . " 1eII ?nel àîîta b 8iuwcrt. is.lto thin(erisî t uo ise, PlÏghàsowittw py ioney te patreuize uu, 3fur ~hssyweuget tbe uuost *v your mnd h-W ivoe s ery large stock, aaaiibave ýàld eaw s=etira abuyiug goods snitatle ta<oour, wsuta. lànnta agxi nizs, Liain -for IL.r ?A$ aua4,. Btie lu ie Datif", Brcwn [euian», Moles Coriuroyi., Tckns Cart sud the voi a we.ft A-niFOW r«iilteaLlo 14 ,es na JoO KINIiIIS. -Mou.>. brd sarnt*slîuld 11 ilb Iiouekepu'sHotelkeepersý, spd-al wh o vihel; e enm hudgo té lb. 0- t, 'ibooonsol SffA.WA, begs to announce that e115 toCk f S ING ANI) 'J SUMMER UOrCODS,isnwcm ltco itng f WBIOH WILL BE FOUND VEftY 011010 AND CHIEAP. gW' THE MILLINERY DEPAIftMENT Contains al the itat btyle. and noveities u in-Bat, Bonnets, Ribbols, .Fldoera, Shatuls, "e, &C. 1W' THE TAILORINO DEPARLMbIZNT-, contains the finest Scotch, Einglisiansd sudian Gooda, whichwiil IýP m&mýd> o dr, izn îLe latel style, and at the loveetpri~e.Hrasei' ugaat vqrety. MADE TO ORDER AND» REAIJY MADE. N. B -The subscriber inteinds erémnlà 1?om business, ga of- ifor t'40 aboy vo l0c1e-t-:rso fr M c~vlL asoo Upromifis e or a terJ ?~Y"a. -.- WILLIAM DIOKIE. Ooshawa, MAY. 19, 1869. 40 CA -U i r7UHE untlersigned takes occasion -t announce that ho has« 1Jopened a brandi of hie business ~ UXB1UDGE, where will ho found Buggies, eovered and open, aud other ve iceles of his own manufacture, gtU iu the laLest mnd hest style, sud always kepl on h lid.,, As bcuecs noue but lias beait unaterial anud employa noue bpt the bogt workmcun the qualiby of lais *ork eau ho aal- wuys relicd ppon. ggRepairs executed with prompsîtnde and despatch., A few secon-d-band open and.cove cd buggcies at the Whitby establishment for sale. i t Everythiiqg in the way of carriagl manufacture 4p4 repaire, atteuded to at Vib hiby as nena1. AUl work tarrintei. Whitby, Miay 18, 1899.- SAULWALKEY. FOLGROOCERIES, GAIDEN Qis1~-£ e, GO TO'i*-, - ~ SOUIIH-or< EXP1Ui<S hY SNOTED CHEAP HOUSE. Whibby, ApilI 2th, 1869. - 1 -DIRECT L~om HA TC H&'r il AY ýactuer IREBA 'tho ir impori H1E! itbyl May 1W1 12 INZ EGTO INIM&TI TUA? OUR 6PYing-etOCk. uî11w comnP lete pnigone pf the laigest sndbetsote tciasbs «Ver Offered. ua tekM f DRESSg G00DB la unnualiUY largo, vel selected, and decidedîy chesp. WIC gpMeally'liiite attention tte tLs openiug cf Our- KILINEth Rtk'S)aiW R On S, 4 chie. selection cf usu Miiunefy Goodo, sfit sockfO ldsEugiisb, Scotch snd WhitbMySi sq Rio& Je CAMPBELLý BEG( TO ANNOeOBC THIAT THIEIIL SPRING & STJMMERý STOCK, Is now competbeing tie larTget tey ae had the pl i rp ooff eri e ng cpli the latesi noyel4jglu Drese oodu, Parasol,Goe C<ipte urtins, ehawiluBLaok Euibrojdere4, Tisne, and Plain Drab. TuIETR MIL1LINERiY Is now open with a'select -stock of Trirnmed Bonnets and Ztés Mautles, Fiowere, Écathers, &o. Clothes ad l2Fweéa, Gents Bracce, Cll0 Shirts, Tics, Hats, and an imamenseistock ôf Mens' and Boqys' t;roceries, Crockery. Glassware, Gardon and.Turnip Seeds, groV4- b>' esea. Lwso & on.,ol diubrgh Setluud. Sait, Plaster, &é.- bWANTE112000jMnoe Farmeis' PaokedButter, for th EBgia re- W h i k y e a P u h ae& an , ".- - - - - - - - - - - THE ]LAND, PLANIS or THZ EVERTONETEIO "oeLindsay & Deverton - RAILWAY 1Iave beesadeposited arequiirod by Statute -April 21tb, 1869. 4sl MlUSE ARD LOT ]FOR..SALE. A flrat-clus s an sd Lot frae ..ebal tIae VILLAGE <OP DINBARTONC 4 2 opo-uud-t a If store" s bigla, suitae Ib fr a sjt*4 or privâte ropideco." und villu lIve Mr. tea raJofpre pla au'agauy St4tivu, 0 F or particulamraoplyto 1 ,WM. DUNBARI, Dunharton P.-O0 Or te OWEN DOYLE, Grcenwood P.O. April 281h, -1869, - - <017 The a tee- date tl).~ <at hé con- &cd XaauetpDeZ- ~oo, Sed&Maur0 uila, 4liU ALL la" Sor FAREUNG IMPLEMENIS. CELESRA-TED OHURN1 Noted as one of the* best articles of th.ekid * nsuîufaeturod lu <lac ebuaatry, sud bis htupre,- cd STIIA W CUTrElB8.so ouufly vorkod,pd no auperlor in avezy respect. bYvimr&>Pred ofê of 15RICESONIS cela- brt O' A)Ie ENGINq« ut hps manu"ue tort,,b ldbegsotaayJlaatlieola lion' nablod te ilxýoe li ordéra. vtha 'wlai ho . uay b. fat-- Siasu hitberto uand <o'auarat eeovr gatigie. icia 0 btbiro Ji) he quality cf the vork- g~Cali and scethe ucw Calorie aSn e COtD.WirOI1 <tTsITJBEIL Talion lu exehaugo, and Cash Prie. alloyod. Wlaity, Ajril 27, 1869. Î17 JBOY.WÂNTED.i Wanted, a Mnaart boy, vho la acuatomei le vork inua girden, sud make iiiazlé iejàeraJli - - EOBERT.MoWISHI, - Wb$lbiy. WbiLbp, Masy 121h, 1869. 9 MJANUPACTUJRED AT THE Agiicu1tural Works. ILIC"BL' tCELEURA.TE0 Y-G. will:show li a-few -days'a are- and complete stock of - - - WEW SPRInG t ~4NT~D. ~ I. ~-. ~ :rLso~isî ~,<'Il 4,

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