Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1869, p. 4

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J .pri loih, 1869.- - -LEVI >FAIRBANKS, Jr., E iu!mm JElMI.' TEETE ~EraACEI>.AT TUE STORE 0OP- gâIwr WITOUT PAMi,-JO NITKOUSO SEAGIG OP- NO ,Ii LOCAL AN4?STHETIO, Cldràen's Blippers and Shoes of every description and latest AT sty~wok los Jo te ana. t> AU the latoot styles*ot Lde'sdQulpe! DZRITAIJ Booms, rC. N'SR D 133. R E E TWhitby~ pril 2bs, tee» TWlVeBlock4 Brock-St. [S A L S E 83 DUNDAS ST REEI 16l &ll=0 89 The undersigned in returning thanksfor the liberal. patronage, WHIfTBY, Ce W.ý-adeie ROUMS.-Ove' K, 11. Ceebnsns's Store.bitbento extendedta t theoeld establisbment, fer nearly a Feneetery ersdeie W say that ho lisenowon band a large asortment of',mo mdn nt lgn Whitby, JUDO 20t 1807. 2 COMERCALHOTL,1869._ NEW SIRING GOODS. 869. stylsof BO 1TtWHITIIY.Wt LP '" Y E r OOK I Ubolb r e nt., - . - - --ta big-& n dtrusts '- roper atteiition and m o erate riÉ eat a Secure a and tusehe *gstp ue . t e bas -cni uan y âeeý&rn& rtetuhbeig esufdac suaod possessilon ef t e abois vel sud l- y lenlunee iPels ktnewu otel, wvleblupwttd. l u a uprler manier, wth evr uem a coeefor 0 . reeeptien o etetasud ttii bs-- Wl!T T NEW CAS TERAII'N VTUABgno1aasLte&u velng publie. t~ti5ViP 5A WV~ g'Bet M aceodation, asu oanio ag*slii pcmn f itr rms n idn viuýea, liqnons sud cigare. God stdaI», Iudb "ol slni seieîac ieueFams u7Glig vitît' eoolosed yards, sud attentiveo otiens ai- u n m m a î .m u wsysou tbepromices. Charges IMeoeratO.*'UUMU LIIM* n.a n a l in Dlivhitbi. March 9.186IL JB*CAPBELLjJII IJIkU IiIIIL J,.. Ordon er s aisa loft at tus Ofilea on S E E D I wîhMn, John Chiste, manoboter, Wn b. K IN N ER P=opl attended te. O I N S N ER IeNh Nov. 80, 1888, *4 PAINTS, oiLS) &o., in returning- bis gratetl thanks to the inhabitants of Whitby - and surrounding country fer the very liberal patronage ho has reeeived dur- ENGLIBU11142 ND iED AID the paat montb, ini the sale of hiseI3ankrupt Stock of Dry Goodo, maltes the. aMos Oi I neuncement that ho hm conucluded te carry on business peninanently ini L in s eed O , Whftby, and hopes that with the ativantageous faiities ho possessos for buy. A tN J A DMES' ing cheap, mad by keepung a complote assortment of liJO$. GENUINE WHITE LEAD, FAW(Y AND]> 1TM>LE 3DRY GOOBps At JAM S tor. E, Wbtby.And abovo all-by SELING CEtEAF, b mnt a large sharo of the publie Drug Som i. p atronage ?APEI RA N IN S! 60 CASES openea ont ana ready for inspection. GREY COTTONS, iFIELS A very. bea vy inake, wide, from 10 15 le. petrd.WHIITE SHIRTING, N UD jatt roccielvolà fromli aaetmeut ef nov pt- ver beavy malte, wide, from 10 to 15c. per yard. Heavy Sheetings, extra tenus. Engllsb 'iipor Ilsgluge selling wide, from 30c. per yard. Tickings, Sheetings, Deuime, Gunghams, k &c, ~~~ ~ nt Loy Picos. at lowest prices. An immense stock of thefanins Hoyle's sud Astou's DORDtlERINGUJ, IVINDOWV ELINDS, Printe, froin 10 to 17c. pet yord. ALSO TH.i Y JA.MeSGER, N. B.-Tbese Gootis will b. found fhlly 15 p or cent cheaper than usual. Apnîl 7t¶ JAMES9 Drit, Wbltby A slendid lot of new Marsilles, for suite, from 25c. te 60c. per yard.C ro rie Druggist, W ialis Lînens, îood, troun 40 cenîts. Havy Dowlas Linon trou 15 cents. A fnll stock __________________________oe ail kinds o Towele anti T.wehungs rons 10 cents. A Uange lot, job, of Hacksback Towels at 121c., wortb 25. Our Lawn andi Linetu Hantikerebiefs are fully up te the DIU~mark forn ice anud quslity. Dres Goode in endiese vaiêty ef every kinti, obade anti1 De F.R UR K , deip, roin10 to 15.etryardi,vwichsarebeinc soltist:asbatiaover ceai nu FamîlIyrocer, Wlmo & Spirit entier to seil them off vith .sopitcb. Tweeds 4dCog 4in Scotch, Engliib, terman dealer, anti Canadiean makes, (nom Ibo. te $2 pet yard;1 thes» Goods peeti only bie seen to en- No. , EIHAELS O OK sure s speedy sale, as they are mucb iower than the usueljînlces. lfoiaery anti Glovea Witby, April 7th, 1869. ievery kind, quality snd style, Incuding the celebrated 1osophine, Duebeus anti Eu- CB KING ST., EAST, OSHAWA. r oe makea et Ki Gloves, FancyTimmings, Fing91e. anti Fancy Goode in overy .OC Ry& LABkl ndqulity sd style known te to Dry Goods tnade. CHEAP, CHRAP, (JUBAP A WELL SELXCTED STOCK M- JOHN SKINNER, WA9 PUES!! TEAS, Whitby, Apnil 'tb, 1869.14 «GARSSpring SGÂCR ,&o OF ALL 1INDS, tz As cou î naa ey bons, lu 'Canada. ,~ M aY 2tl, 1867. 21 esjumrenm"'0 N ew C oods FITR NITI boul~ ~ ~~pi Bllgli reningl l'ont Wblb.Frpetcîssapply to il. T.1b . A, IIcSON.-McMILLAN CO 'S llrooklin, Apil lth, 1869. 15tf - -' H Ewill Show on MONDAT, the 2th J FUNDO FOR W iust., flic following linos of nev goodiuz1 I-n estm nt!PRINTSj, 1- erTRU iT 1UEY COTToNS, . Will be found thE liETUS AND LOAN COMPANY WIIECTOw ellumade FIJRNITURE in T bave fundu for lnvostmout, at their nouai BREILIANTS, te furnîsb, an vo BUY FOI ratés et Iuîbrot, on the seonnty cf ImprovediFNYDESGOS the trado. A cati te inspe lical Estate. FNYDESGOB I40oas made for fixod poriodis, or r"pyable -AJbItofDliesuPntut by annual lnstaltnoots. M. c » fDlie n rnee Fîîrther sud fuill informnation eau bo had by haif vaine. letton, addranesd te the Commînlulers t A D E LSAdsm eyfn Kingston, or freinmD ELU ndsm eyfn IL. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Colobrated Aies, lu packages of 10, 15 sud 1ev. W. arc liosi Ritate Genorsi Agent. 80 gallons. Orzxo-Brook Streot, T. H. iMeNiLlLAN&Coi. Wbitby, Sept 15, 188. 86 roh 24, 1869. P " * 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL, UNDERTÂKINC OSHAWA. UPHOLSTERY c JAMES PItINGLE, - Prepnuete Our miptto wiU -SHIINGLES FOR SALE. --UNS TRlE UNDERSIGNED ha% ou baund,antiT I rIj u Whitby, Mardi 17, 1869. T ofers for maie ohesp fer cah auy qan-S T C > liE tlty.of Sevet i hngles arrnisoi's maeo. u3T L L T R O N prc'pwtorWhi4LpZw %Stbkoi. Whltby, 001. 28, 1868. do ]PROF. J.- FOUT, THE SUBSRIBER BEING ABOUT TO CLOSE UP THRE I ]Mvàs feOun f Crockery Glass & Eartheoware ne -otuoim ou pÏlane, 510; thsry Portion. of bis businesswill from ,this dateseU thesame in (fi IF5 Au expériencse ftamore tha<n 19 ye.ii anebles Profelsser lt te gouno the rapt u meto UH l u er i& tftr*.îyiA T CQ$T9 (NO HUMBUI) sdauenete!ppbpsot uiis isutinB!gan cube secure by an~ eaU l, as the sto*k je com- HOME plete iu every departmeut.I INSU1UNECOMPANY, m w n â m~n ýS SEEDS- Tm 12 MI C M m V I 1, on the Corner,. &CHOI1CE STOCK 0OP IMG A CHOICE COLLECTION 0F 'AXOUS BARLY ROSE ]POTÂTOES. s,Wines &Liquors .T REDUCED PRICES. Re FRANCIS# 14 18698 Oainîpaign Begun! AT THE 111E WAREIOOVS -0F- IN CALDWZLL'S BLOOK, ,e largest and most complete assortment of [the Oounty. Wo offerfgeat inducoments to parties ;Fboî$ R O&SI we can oeil cheuper thn any otherretail bouse lni et ow' stock is solicited. W. have aise ou baud a large aud vanied assortmoub ef SGILT COMNICES, which 'iM offer very maise Agents for LARARD &, KRIEGHOFF'S a in firet-elas style, at xuoderate charges. of %Ht kiuclo done with neatness and dispatch. be 8S1AL1L PIOFITS AND QUICK RE- JOHN TILL CO e. h NIEW CL ýmu tu3 'TKT1 GIR( NEW, N'iBKTIES1 )CE RIES, IA Os Awa pril 14th, 1869, JustCarrived, a spIendid- s'tockof Spring and SUMMER TWEEDS, > &et, AT T19E -AND FIJRNISHING-1HOTJSE Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of every' description, -emnbraçingý-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, , &, 0W NO FIT NO PAY 1 Brook st., Whitby, Mrci 24, 1869. £LEZAN1~ER ~1Nt~LE, 12-iy GOLD & SILYER WATCHES, Colored anç'hdg~iht Gold 'a-rpRings, t. lWe4dinig Rings, Fazioy goods. 8-Day& 30-Hlopr Clpco in.a Ta auetY. Repairip carefully attended to. JAMES JOHNSTON, W#tchma1pr e jeweller? 1Whitbys th, 1869. SPRING STOCK Bo na Fide Bootmaker to the, WIIITBY AND VICINITY, If Summen Boots yen vish te 41;y, Anti besitabe wbicb sbop te try, John Saundens pAn yonn vents supply- AliS$onts sud Sizea, Anti 50 be teile bic reasen wiyr, Bie Ativertisca. Ta let the public unticanti ]lis HomE-MADE JlooTs aanp pie by band, "Machine" seweti boots lookt fine anti grand, Whuyble bhoy are nov ; pzm 1NJEl8 vIN 51 13' betebrand Of Sondt anti True Wlti Leather goed anti Semasseur., Yonr tlerift anti coulent te ensure- At Sauntiers'$hop yeu n uprocure, - S1 BootsSrnadN lopinaWCqhP11e4pfe 4ndwel teyAt Moderato prie. Brook Street, Whitby.1 IN LATEIT STYLES. 0W Repamaig ueatly andprompily executeL. T hrsodoors ltEt f lgs'I iindaa Whitby &pil es, 88L 18 LOTHES WASING Olsagreeable Employment I r *H SHÂW'I IIhl'Evin eDnl s ForvbIohplfflobtiined letters pstip.$, and for wbiehhbWi tsb o 1eit the, attention ort'hi puiblie. Itis çjontnuotpd' ii sound ooiuon bense piuneipl doeïl Ip~rlç with emonud dispateh -i1 requin.. no extra appliaus te eomipoiewon, lacompaatively noiselesà in h.t oper.itiou on the elotli,., spesa% for itseif:by sotionis by wvbieh lb inuat stand or faul, he. D eeds no blowing tW keep it saosý when Mf anebed. Ilblbas ined applilhas wtoreven lb bas beau; iqtl' uk-is s li Ieanehlug poven; it a strue conipanlon of hodutr. - t >reunebut litti. noon. Wu.the hantendlng .purbuen viiido vell, beford .f1v~e %lýq oeud lu 'their orders &o 'j'i4 qf ti&L abo acshine, nd onae o tIeM irlil. seit promptly for that purpoe. gC.uaty and Township ERi&44ýà dlapesed of eullb.fl ternis.- JORN SHAW. WWb;rb, Jan. 1ISi, 0q1 ROYAL HOTEEL WMfTB. and the. public t1at the. business vii lu future b. 14àa by iia oesrpitr nd tiret, ma beratofro, notiniz wiU b.leftuandouo or. h ûà satlà$'aotory to Dee. 23, 1IBO8. Z3UTCHER'8 MMT, FRESI &CURE> B S UBOIIUb eitr utm iropetly and carofuIy dn.eaed sud joiuted to ,. er 'a18 nt theloweti (Jorned Beef, Pork and Qi ToDpeq qi'red lu s superior manor; sud evonytbing in the Vitualling liuo kept oanty-i band. g 1%ememb n i.no Shop-boe t ei stoesorht.sr.Ia±h. aud Lowes & PoWO14~ iBRIAL surance Co. Barrister, olic 1 1tourne lsa reuove4 haio CarAm i 29 oeuy. mmd r -. Lam. Obiùricz, l Iwblbby, la.25 ton, Brook, C. W. J~.. HAuxE] AT0ORNEY-A c Oanc.rýy, N4 te.$ Whitby V. Oup1J, cf l'eut OS cCIIÙRANq I3 4k11[STEE0s. Il1. Cocoal:-r, L peauty Crovu Att pAIMISTER A'I ciny, £;euve7a DR. i (reox it, $.U#GEtfN TO , H. LA Fli ian S GJ' Observe ,Jihn Sauniders, nearfly qppo- Agdaff site the; Royal Canaian 'ît* l3iopk teet, Wh#by. * Whitby, Marel 80, 1869e. 10-ly -MIp Cormi *OffCALASNEJ. - - c'------~,? w GENE ýRÂL 'AGE"'. I Cash paid for 5117 I . - I J J 16 0F BOOTS &SHOE'S- ZucuZMOMV2IDo Z . U&t NDE People Qf Iwbl Fire 1 ESTABL capitaL si P u le m-[

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