Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1869, p. 1

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ON hop", coeniln, 'ART, Ab en t ETOs-AT- btcntresl, DVTIDA Ontario, G ORtnorIIO & A PO BRIISTER0, Attorneys, Soiltors o oharlgtroot,,toronto,C. $Ç. $oH. COCJIRAN Et L.I. p~OUNTYCltOWN tTOIIY FOB ON- Vtorio;,Barrite d &ttOrnoýat-I*w,80 ioi$r n ,(, a nooyK'oyi ui .& ~tueft-In BI lo'New saIldiDg, D)Vnàas GEORGE il# IÎAIITNgI.L, BRSTIIRîATTORK ýiJCUNVZYÀN, tory, and exan iiorxu Osncery for thecon»t- t'orontarlo. Ofllcp :ropk-t4Wiftby. RODERT J. WILSON* ARtRISTER à ATrOIINZY- AT LAW P olicitorin chnct¼.&P. Wliit)y, O.' ioe- Over outrtio o foipth #Ide. IM. JARVIOP BltltISTER.AT.-LAW AND> SOLICITO>R iDioltaiory. (Jhbambrs-J 9Torouto-8t.. JA DIEU J4E1TIIGORBON, J> oliiio l Chu'*yConveyauccr, No- plJu,wxo--Isxt door to dt S tôrý% of R. & J. Pampbci, iBrook $8L, Whitby, Out. W!iitb)y, Nov. 16, 1867. 4d Be De FAIRBANKS, SOLTCIT<)lLNOTABTY UW, *. *o Oshàawao ?. W. - C. A. JONES«, -plarriste r,. solicator lu Chanoery, At., t@r.ney, &c.9 &ce Ifnosremeved iii.0O500 to lot floor Oyer Vii, Whitby, Out.?7, 1868. 40 FARUEWELL &McGEE, JARIITSTEFi$, A'rT(IINBYS, St>LICI- j TUS CoVETlicztsAID lNu- (frroa tii. cionruortit of theo ot Offce, )wli.icand MPeeter', Biocit, opposit* UJI] owuluanviio. JSLAUDJJI, MULOCR & SMITH, Cerro, atd ,uoIvencyo, &C. àoiîisîgr.Janice Hlou!s iico, Wliltby, 11011. 1. n,9. o, W. LO. A. W. LÀUDNz. O. Y. mINriT. W. IH, DILLING8, poLiciToit, &c., £0. '(esps, xSinIM OiLm's IiLOtpK, Brook stri et. CRAILEs C. KELLERI, ÂTTORNEXÂAT *LWSOLICIlORIN 4~Brok, . . ,' . « AXER Git'EENWOOD, *,Wltby (.1. W. Oruz, Byron etreet, ou'h or Vot Oi9e0. 48 CtPSaiRArfE & COCURAN.E. JÀ ARRITERS ATTORNEY$, (3ONVEY- anouresaud ý1oarIom JPublie, d&o., dec, Vato Asp-Oeom- ppsieTown ~ ~ 3onaLL. B., IW.#~. (ooamAwE. Oc» nty Croira Attorney. !Ot1orry, 26th tDece;nber, 1865. s1 ý1r A'N gW0JJ8H, f B. b ARIUSTER AT LAW, Solicitor lu 0Chou- ofltJ poeryouvyauer,.osficVas 40 DR. HANGOK9 (moue xe"»AN>de& vCOz,'r.) pçJRGE0N,  c0ÇtcPCIuB, &c., 4.IURGEON TO THE COUNTY <IAOL, B9 yron Street, Wlstby. WýY. H. LAYV, -B A. M-.P-9 ýPhusilian, surgeon, Accoucber, &o. TIIOMAS HUSTON, T O'WNOCLF-XX«bTUEA13UBE11 WIITBY UILoe-Town Ral -Houri to Io'olock, - VICTORIA 1HOTI]Lo. the boat ofiitl,ep aituattd. opposite th& *enutreof lb. Towp.' ThegRa-ayt>esnibua lb. stages for Uxbrldge the door overytiuornlng, OBI r Crful Islotl htl M 1868. T MBR EXCB49T, Clapeuter, sud Li Joltte,oË@eenUî.W hitby, A ita.gquan. tltYoti4l kinde ofl umbe:ooustantly on hksud. hsud. - ku osasl Mr£ ermt ie ulealsni GEORGECOBMACK.. - Whltby,Feb. 5!),, 1062. i BrooklinDrug, Store. JOUREnaqW15, "XALER lu Drug8, Patent ýModlnes- IJ -patta,011309yé,Stairs, Cosqfectlon. If Wiesadlb. so tébestqnahlty grookliu,C0. W., liges25 CROC1F ER'S ROTEiJI (LATE PLATT'S,> NEL8CON STm T-ORONT09 NOBTII 0F KING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, Pa3opRiîavoua hom,-tat ho hae tke di abvepromises whwhl are lu eVéry resecot conoueîeitv uÏ confortabi>' ftted np ton tihe aecoiiodatlon1 cf gueses sd lte travelIng public. Tise>'willl1 bo totsnd lu constant porsousal atteudat.co, sud4 wili lcave nothln noeo ie art,îo givs smitiatactionp o aIT whâ nuay favor theun wiîb s YEOMAN GIBSOJW. COMSej$ýQX!MER CHÀAIZ IN81511ANCE,& GENERAL AGENT. Whitby, Jan., lôtis 1866. 2 REVERE HOUBE, B. PL4N , - - Propniotor. 4tages teaisdilfront Whitbl eall dail>'. Ever>' Attoentioni paid to guesti. (anoful uccd -tten- live ostions. 9 1868. -- 1868. Te LIVERPOOL AND LONDON INSIJIANCE COMP'INY. lUas boen fn existence tb!rty-two ycnni, aud durng that peniod has patd Losses cxcoeding1 lyse aud a haltl million poundo sterling. -The dimbu nut cf1tIti enormous sontl àoer a wide arcs, bas , vithout doubt, contni- buied te the. establiehutent .or fl4p luptitutlon, lu teé con4dcuce p[Pcax.uo(ôouOaîe, 1MER- 0 , Alrn, ltitoLlEi udbusiness mou geu- erali>', witoever iL le repncscuted.-i iu i rat yeu, 18 6, lte Fine fremioumsa aono sntounutd .... ..........£,7 lu ita lOtit year, 184l,...........4,8 S20Lt iyoar, 188b......22i7 " 80h yeun, 1,8ô..,.....E5,8 On, year Lter, 187-............ £8î81c5b Tii. lyr Reperve Fuîîd la now 84,721,404 The Life llesgeoFsnd la uow $9,282,468 Tise Coiuny laropncestod titronglîotU- tanlo estd4ucluc, b>' taîfluential Agents 1o whont appl cation for Isurance Mncia> e ad. G. F. 0. SMITH, RumnzXp yXxvA31, MoîzXàIM . L. FAIRBANKS, 4 ' AOE1<T, WliXTDT, ô=t xsvr ,xa Februr>'I7Llt, 1865.7 TE -ONTARIO FARMEUS' MUTLJAL -j INSURANCE COMP'Y." TrHIS Company' ls uow fuli>' organized, sud JL isproparcd 1t0 accept rutils Ou r Buildings, and thein contoiti, Countn>' School Ilouses, sud C3irchem. Tide wis§lrlg to lu- mure, sud thoreby support saIHome iusurance Ccempan>', have row u opýportuity oftilistg o, b>' applying elthuer At tle IHead office, or to ais>' 01 tholocalagcnts. Curraîe yul be fcuud SAa ow ao titose Of any rosposisible Mutual isi- slurauo Clpny lu Canlada. LFAIRBANKS, Jit., IHEAD OFFICE-Brock treînet, Wlitby. LIOTEL & 1'RZEMISES FOR SALE. TgATold establthod and vell kuowu Hfo. CENT]RAL HOUSE, EiPEON, Spiondjd rooni>' tabling, and drlvlng Pbhed, jtogtîter, with one or two acres et land attach- ed as ma>' ho deired, sud àafine youngboaÏr. 2ing ý«, Cr -od Tiereare twn ç'o vl î wib&ooil al ntt w 01ro ei à> kai*e noir 1and au f tiann ttakenlu exCharge. Wlstb7, match S8h, 1869. )EYN10 -AR90RONoeS HOTEL, ed lirat-elsss Rotai, aud soicits the patronage Of lié publie sud bis friends. The table sud bar» sçplied wiîh tlbi, aGood roo!u>' s¶.ab- tyxbnldge, Jan. 2, 1869. Il ONTARIO HOTEL Slos C. Dawes'.) WHITIBY,_ONTARIIO. A. -ALEXANDER - - Preprietor. eHE subsoniben desîres te reluru thanits to 1Ltethopubie for the. ver>' libersl patnon. oebestowod Vunbila 'wlils propriotor ct the Gobe bote), J3ooliu, and at the sute timo laites occasion tea nuoýce that ho bas looucd the. sbovýe vehilmuown hôtel. large additions have beeu réeti>'-madle to thte preniso secor- lng more commodlons accomnmodation sud encressing the nomber cf sloeplng noonis te netI>' oste o af iore than foruteni>'.- ÀA fret- clus Billiard Parlor willu turc. tables bas alse been sdded. Extensive additions te the Stabllug, SLeds. laivas Noxes, &a., bae aise IOen niade. Al onahling tlieunuloigned vo ofer t lbs Old Pnicuds and the public gesso- ral>' advsîntsges surpssscd b>' no Utber Isolci lu thse place. -Xo vil et ail limes be ihappy' t0 wsicosuo hia oid friends. Whltby, Dcc. 2, 1668. 48-1>' hyl t th tia Iot sncb a un for picturos AT CLARIK'1SGAIJLERY? It le becose lie ban. tho boat Gallery lu the. Conul>', and bassctore -patience w:th cilJren than au>' other ArtistlIluIbo Cont>, sud con do quit. unsgood ycrk goau>'oliter uman Ip ýhe Conne>y'. W Thot's whst's themttler, op dou't be backwand shoot eoutlutg forward. BILOCK BT., WI.UTBY. Whttkey, Kozv. 12, 185v. 4 0. N. VARS, ýýMpBACTTJCÂLDentI, Oshawa Dout.J Boomse, directl> oppo- site the Pop onc.En.auec lsucoestrept thirdioornorth ofthe Ontario Bank, i.- W- EXPRESS AGENT, dea., also Agent poidejil >nd StAndard lnurauce Coi. 17 C. H; SWEETAPPLE, VIETERINARY SURGIEON. Gratate o Ontario 'Vferinary,,Collèe and kite Amsstant to Prof. Smitha, of 2Toronto. P voy. BUCKLAA D, Irufessor of Agriculture, ( -, Toronto Pueor. îÏMIT1I, V. S., Principal of Cntario V. UColloe. Du. BtIVEi.L Toronto. ,, TItBUhiN - dé BOW EL, 6" P. S.~iSWEETAPPLE cuit ho onunlte6 Pî.ofenalouallyetai lus realdencc, Ilnookliu, at sU houri. -Brooilin, April 14, 1809. 15 HENRY GRIST9 PATENT SOLICITORU DRAIJGITSAIAN OTTAWA, CANADA, Tranesacta business witiî ltelPaietu Office, anîd otiier dopartmnts of the. Goveru- ment. Copyrights sud teo rogistatiton of trado Marks sund Dosigna procurcd. DMualags. Sp meu. ad elhir DSuemias eecu. serje goa of eitre netiou, pi-earef eun e-- cefyt of She Modlaof te Iaratwiand preUma- uacry Uerehesinatte Pâaetoi011Jecae- Grand Trunk Eailway HSotel AT WRITUY STfA'TI[ON. M.ONEIL bavlug purcbsscçltbe bote! W .O' preoises kuwu as (SteGrand Trunk hlotel, W itby station, begmWi tifornn lii -friandisud ttlfsUvîsJ]i1g ppWHOcthat he Im tou d np tieui. uan sd stables lu firet- plias style, ud b>' attention to the v ante et these who favor hlm wiib thelr patronsage truste to menit a.eortiuuar.cs iofÏim uitent. W pariles talcltg thse train.-and iemin bonties will have thieni elIlaken Caneo f ti tbeir roturu. Whltby, Sept., i68. 86 A T the commncemtent cf the seasonj for -Asceon sal"stitroughonltiiheConu ~, 1 beeü (o tuiru lignitefor thjÎliberal<jston- agaebereofor. bestowed' opou me, Sn t.sau- ucace tltI1 amun e a e pucoduct lse, LÇOW. MONBY, MONET. -The. underslgued lias îecclved lu*uotionso ~ Y t. invent siarge Oum of Monçy, - - R. J-Pniritile Jl, que Suin 1or 'b>' Yzariv - On Improrcd FPaims, or prodjiptive Town or 'f" Village Prepent>' ViPrst, dams motpgoo puroltàeed. Bat. cf Intaroit Sa per tenut. No Coni - psred t. AppI> 1 mii tuner nA 0 as k uI, J Tarte »Iouia th, bost qualît>'. W-Frltfatll kids luesson. Aise Lob- aleos, ardines, Cocos lifts, etingooaur, "e. . ]Uc1POUGALLP , Baker, Confeetonser, f;i., Brook et LOMBAEDSTREET£ ONABINO CROSS, £BIABLISR.ED JN 1782à GILLESPlE, MO0FF4T" Co., Agents for JAMES DAVIbtN, Manager. INSUJRANCE egaltst LOBS b'y PIEacr aL ffectad on the niostavonablo tanse sud lu London. YEOMAN GIBSON Apnil srd,15p0. agent, whiîLy IMPROVe D-'FA RM To Oeil, Heut, or jet ons Shares. FAUM te seli. rnut, oril on Sliarao.-Wat, F0l otaî 26, lit concession of Uxbidge 100 acres, 7 sa ce cured. Appi>' (if b>' letton, poat-p ald,) le s.e lLLERP WnîvTrP. C NOTICE.-AII parties are fonbld cuttlng on removing titmber ornwood of any kind wbat- eî'er, fron tite aboya lot, sund au>' person fonud doiug s4o, after tbis date, sre trospassers, sud wiil btc troaled as sncb, t. the fui! extaul et lteo Iuv. Wlullby, sept. 15, 1808. S. "1LLER. 87-If FOR SALT, Cultivated Farms, Improved Town Property, Wild lands, &o., "o 1I[IPROVED FARMSR. l'art cf Soutb- ,lt1,4tb concesson uMars, a'jiniug kthe VILLAGE OF BREOHIN, 80 Acres-4O Acres Cleared. Lot 11, lu 111h concession of -Mea, 2 acresl, known o* the. McNIqld PAJIf9aou 25 acres ecarod.abu Lot 12, lu 12th concession of NMr, 200a&ores, about 10 acres clearoti. North.3j Lot 14, 10th concesion of Nara, 100 asucs, 12 to là acre. cicared. Lot 11, Sth concession pf Sovth Orillia, kuownunasIl Sicamboat Poiut,'toui ±ke Cou- chiching, about ono mile front the V1J..LAGE 0F ORILLIA 84 acres, about l1-Pcres clcared, batlance of Lot beautifu 1 y wooded. Thtis, witbout ex- ceptin,,9 tise b est sltuatcd propert>' on Laite Couc,'hlchiîg. Tise tiew extending the whlp ditstance of lte Léaie, sud enibracing the INDIÀN VILLAGE lu R9amaj, thse Town of Orillies,& the Nerrowm of Lnke Slmcoe. TOWN PRO1'EITY IN THE TOWN 0F wHIBY, Six Lots on Byron street, direcily north of the rosidence of S. IL. Cochrane, Eiq.- For privatte resldciice, not oxcclled by au>' vacant properi>' lu tc a-t.. Several plots, frt two to stix lots, fccd, in te neigltt-orbood of the new Niomn Ca- tiiollo Chutais. TUE ACRES, foccd, known as the old Cricket Field. TWO ACRLES, feueed, West cf Cricket 1leld. 1 y< ACRE, fcuced, 7pit pf cricket field, 6 LOTS, feueed, wcst :of resideuce of Jas. I.Gernie, Esq. 1 AVRZ1<cced, outli of residence cf Jas. I13 ACRE, feuccd, ,sontb-west do., do. 1 3 ACRE, west of residenceoro J. Lynes. 5 LUTS, feuce,4, west Motliodist Churcit. 2 LOTS, senti residence J. J. Harpr. 10 LOTSvoict Perry.st., sootit of greo.e plithing mili.ý 8 LOTS. uorth Dun î"-street, oppogite resi. deuce or Thos. PeyenrIl, 10 ACRES, ou Brook itreet, Porth railwsy bridge. W-Albosever4I Village Lots, lu varJouâ*ý pars of the Town. The vaant I o louig Loyde Powell'., ~Brook airset, 6'fk front, 99 feet d6eq ep à The vacant lot south or KeMilklns Blok, 22 foot front-, 98 bat daep. t. alan. 5 lots -esst Brook, itreet, betwoeeu Boyal ROUaI ana mcmilau's Building, 2%fi. front, esc, 198 $tdesp t. slau.% 0fewde WILJ) LANDS* - - Uc moth )jle12 iu. IOOsore. .'Ml Pt Lot 10,.$rd j 100 April 26tb, Ifo69. Soitrd. btbv PdRT HITBY. R. SNOW, - ?ropTi*or. Tbo above wikkuebotel bas. bcon tho- rough vmoyted nd newiy furulshed by the ruîp~.roprletocd The ksbiing,i*dec., hae coeu put la un efiiont sten f repa, sud no-0 tlltig hum been loft undoneUmeth4 eqie 'Tho Table la suppliid wilheverytilng or the boit lunsson, sua none but tlte boit brando of Wlnes, Liquors sud (igaru kept at tlie. Br. 17 E . SNOW. 1800. T11P SUPERB i£W 1869. 9NORSEM AN"q NORT9 OHORE PORTS PV1OR0FI iOôCzeSTEII, And Will cctlue nialcing dm11>' tripe", lpaving i2o)bvu rg 9At . m.; Port ilope at "( a.tut. Ca Is aWlI.tbY, Osiîawa Datrlîu;tOn sud New- oastli Wcdncndjay morningi ; p Brighton, Thnrsdiy zeoriîns, -sud Uolboriteevor> mnorojug ozaept Woclucaday. Rtituruiug louven Port oi 1ochcîter daiiy at 9. p. u., excpt Satutd i Who el ale ieavon st 2 p. mi., direct for p~ort 1ilope. FOR Fnuau-Appiv ou board or t. C. Draper &Co., Wiitby - James O én>', <isbla» wn;, J.M iaDarfiugton;y. - eolsn Kewcst.l A. ochasicaid eo.iteudorson, Portý"e ilp6,. £io Cobonrt, J. Keeler, j bon Dans Butler, Brxgiton. Apnil 21 't.18<19. la IL 1 ON'S PHO OGRAPH GALLERY9 L" . .C. VUpaus's,) DU 48 £TRBT, WgJTB. Mdn. Wz4oxe yl bc eways prepared to tako Likeneises of ali kindi, PII(YIOGRAPIIS, AMBIIOT17PES &a .&ac.,lu a suponior mon- aor and with91f.-iliko saceuacy. Cabinet PléTUHf, lu ver3 lieat Iassepartouts, or plain or ea ved Oxford Fiantes. Hsnlng made arratîgenieaithtMn. Evi<of Tot outo b. ls prcpared itp î 0ppe ople of Wbltty. witi FI! ES of ali Iimd» at veryrapa rates l'ii)TUItES cLlargod 10 LIFEI SIZE, aud CULORD lit CIL. Special attention ~,znWCOPYING OLI) PORTRAITS. Mx. u-silno Mlavery @incesiful lu takiug CHIILD- REN'S POR1TRIT'S. - Wbitby, April 29th, 1869. 17 4BRITISI! AMERIC4N A» iuRANCE 1IMPANY (CtpitaI, $400,000. 'Il udeai he aving been appoiiited T cnt or helisbovo (Company, is naw prpqdtoInsure pnoperty agasiiio»Lu>6SBY on ;lione mont ftvorabietcrntn. -4ppl>( co, LEVI FAIRB ANKS, Jr-, 2-152nos. Agent WhlLby TPET1I EXTRACTE» 1 Y TEE USE CF NIfrROUS OXIDE LÂUGIIING GASI I O1 MO E N1EW 1.ýOCAL AN.iESTHETIC, DENTAL BOOMB, r)uNDA"S STREET, WHITBY, C. W. .ÉOOMs.Cve' Mh. IL. Cochrane,&sStore. Whitiny1 ?ane'26, 1867. 25 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BXOCK ST., WRITBY. j -0- 'PU, sub5cuihen begs to-auuounce tW bis J..fnieudsansd ýtIse public, Ilsh tou ne- sunted Poussson c f b sbo e ol sundifa- vorablylcpo-n holel, a-hiphi lenov ftt.d uj lua - lupeplr inimtîner', witilievon>'couveni- ence for Lb. noceptieut of gosp sud thIe ra- vellitg public. -.- Bot accommodation, asud snpârion w lîoiquons ud- cigans.- Geod stabllng a-itb .eléosedj'mrds, aud attentive OstiOnsaI- '~suh1oprmuies.chargea Noderate. J.,B. CAMPBELLt AU'CTiQ!NEEw p, ()I ý Odernsforsales left st tItis Ofceor a-I . Mn JohnuChristie, Manehboer, ib. prenipti>' sleuded tW. 1osc, Nov. 80, 1808. 48 *TX3TION BUSINESS ernismo appI>' t.- -JAMES K. GORDON, Bhb, Jarrlster, &ce,, Wbltby. 'A Ph>', Mg 11h19. -- b ad booueng - LEli PAI$,B de THERS. prctic. Of medeci T0 BILDEScitîea»bcfonc I moi Taprojriotor of tlîenaw Saw Mill on lot No. 16, 7t h coesaon Uxbrldge, la preparodi te fUruish bill Of ]PMN- AND OAK LUMBER., Re has on.aud a good nippl y of ail iA.s te suit parchasors ;'sud w»! b. soid oboup for cash. G. KESTEVEN, 0 0 ItcaP.O POST OFFICE, 8TANdi la the plac e W gt-great'bargalng lu GoIdIsfilver and, Oromode Ypes, 0, ocks ansd Jewel ry, of ail descniptions, alo, Stationro>' Blank Books sud Fancy-Goods lu1 great variet>', Daily- and We*1dy Papers, PERIo1)ICALS &ND MAGAZINES, TO 133BAD A r.T TU OSH9AWA-,VAIEY' HALL. Ifyon wouid buy o lease the oY, Oshsa, ay Az1,11809. J.i.IE IN, B.-Ail oreru for Booksi, Poýers, and Miaanes promptiy attoncd to. F. J. D. zohool 'cooke supplied at reduced Ttos.r Gald aud Oliver Plating doue to order. Plenao oeland cxam*no our Goodsansd prices buftors purchoaîng eltiowlire. y. J. DREW D I. M. IlI1LL A11Y, RESIDENCE, - - . Duta S., &'erZy opo" u Il ng7lfû C kurcà. 21. OTAL CA14ADIAN BANfr BILlES, Taken nt rur, for DRY G00099 At JOHN bKINNER'5, Cheap Cash Dry Goods Store. Whitby, May' 26, 1869. 21. D) ROLsS, LIENSE» AUCTIONEER, DIIALIEF of the. luth Division Court Address, BEÂVERTPN CITY ROTEL, Nos. 78, 80, aud 82, St. .Joseph Streetl, Tho subseriber has opsno4 the above iloiel foi, tbp cecopodatiou pithe travelling publie. tains 75 rornus, with good yard aud stsbling for W0 bornes. Tenu jmoderato. C. LARIN, Proprictor. -MES1. WAKIIi, ORGANIST ALL SAINTS' CHURCR4 Io propsrod te givo Md unie sud MSin g I asons to a iimitcd number of Pup lis. Appli=ction te ho made to tli, office of Joh n L. IWiti, Dun- dam street, Whitby. ' 12l. ]lOUSE AND LUT FOR SALE. A firit-oloxs flouse and Lot for sale cbeap lis tise VILLAGE OiF DUNBARTON, 40 N4 24, one-and-a haîf storcys isgh, suitable for a sMûre or prirato repidenco, and wilbin Ilve ,niinu tcs wsàlk of Frenohmaui's Bay Station, G. T. B1. For par4ipulars apply to WIM. DUNBAR, Doubarton P. O. Or to OWEN DOTE, §Irceuw,,ood P.O. April 2Sth, 1869. tf-lT OUN WOLFENDEN, àcENr pou TUE CELEBRÂTED .SCOTTIS]â GRANITE? WýOLfEN ,Dus-tWhitby. 17 ]ROYAL CANAJ)IAN BANEK BiLLS, TAKE.A T P1'AR Iu exobanlge for Stoves suïd Tunvare. - wu. BBYAN. Wlihhy, lga>'20, 1869.,- 91 fISOLUTION OIF CO.PARNERSBUJP. D t liNos la hereby given, thbt the co-psrtndte .t.ta beiitf.eitin .w5der the nàw 1,5 ,sma sO trs ýin-thel Venture. U ne nigfhi aIirvas relurnlng bometilirough a loBe)>', unfrei1opnted pa' of the cit>', at a late hour, froni a patient I had been w*th since nocu of liat day, snd whoni I',wss nov porsnitd te Icare by résso of s favourabi. change, I vas, auddeuly .stopped lusaclark gloomy>, out cf the vs>' spot, b>'* mn4- arel'dfned mon. 'You7ro a dbctor Il ho botb snuouuîced- sud iuirod lu lb. mme vorclo. IlTam.' 'I vaut you ho como vitbsme lien 1, b. saidî -na loue tliaI indicated lie malter *as leadysettled lu bis mmnd, howevor il mIg4t ho lu mine. ' I caunot to.uight-1, I answorod with a positiie empbiis. -I sm-al vearied out aud anrions tb gel home.' *Yes, yon doctor's arc always weàried ont he a poor.,mon want.s yen 1' asid tb. fello'w wi th a tbreateuiug growi; 'but onlyle .1mre snob's wife's poodle dog need lIookug,,Iosud you ed your va>' thon. at auy Iour 0fî 1h. day or nigit. WeII, I'm ne snob, thmuk beaven I andi Flôe gel mens>' ouugi b 'pay yonr fee. l'le lied baif a doeon doctors alroady,- sund noue ofthem vil! come-aud sel yen oe, 1 eau'I let yon, off.' 'But rcilly-' 'Sèe bore, doctor,'interutedheofeflew, producing a kiiife, sud fiasing the blade by a quick fionnish before my>' yes. 'Fiut s dospen.ate mi nsusd mugit b. pusbed *te, do a a-icked decd. Ever>'mnunsts a1 cer-_ tain value on bis oa-u hf. sud1 aleo on bis best and dearcal fnd. -, Yi kuow boa- irsci your ife's won.t you, sud Iknoa- bow muci suotier'sf. lae wortb to tue. And 'fora beaven, I sa-ea, if you attempt 10 go sud leave ni>'fnieud tp 41 ,~l u Ibis kuife imb yon o1I'fa I: 1yas an opcu space wero vo atood, about' isî as> 1etwpuive oblockts of usa- baildipg' Ibat vers nol jet tennted looked'np aud clown the dare saLseét bui Dot a soul was iu sight. 'Wiere.do yen a-tsbme te goI I iu- 'O, dowu boe. pieco,' ho said, jorking bis tbumi ever bip shoulder. 'Goe.ou, before ifs be late Il 'T for fieud a maie or fesmie I $hag oawpian.! - 1 breathee freer, for soilpohow 1 alasys orpericnced a degro. of sépurlt q"ppé; the opposite.- uer, even amonig tie most depravcd mdndabaudoued.- "ta th e mattor vithli er, sud boy long bas abp been i111 Iqneatioued.- 'Aboutt itrei or ,four .hours ego ah. gave birti b a àcitild ~ltie~dld"ut livo but a minute, and aite. thon sie's heon iing fils.' wastiel repl>', 'Was thome no physician a-ith ber wbeu the. cbild a-a hem ' I asked. 'No. 1 couldu'l get oute for Ile or moue>', an old - voutn, a neighbor, came in sud dia a-bat ai. could. Do you thiuk as boa- yen eau save ber, docte>r r iuquîred tie mnin l a husky toue. II cannot amy, of course, but 1 vili pfeip. la. te do the hast I can.' - 'O. do, do, and 'besypî v ili bleu yen for i Il'lbe rejoîned, Ia àloue ltaI express- ed a m ore deep sud earnest- feeling tluan 1 had auiposed a-as' lu bisnature. I bègan lo oeiuteresled ; the man migil. be botter tban I bad Ibougit, anme poor fellow, peniapa yhohad bëeen lu lb. foot- ball or ortuenesd bsdnot recivditis desertsi. 'l0 Ibis voman your vite ri kud!>' I bâl!cve b. heard me; ibut ag be did Dot musa-or, 1 ceucluded net te repeat the question. -* W. anon tuned nc meue sutali. mean, -cark, uarnow stroots, whcre noue but the poerer clisses liv.. W. now aalfred for- aainlusilenc-the uman, wbo liadiold of ut> arut, as if ihoa-are afraid I' mighl >give bim the alip hakiugl 'ougrapidolstde, sud causiugmo , enolUttl& exortion b keep stop with him. At lengli a-e turned jute a darit Pop* a-hcrc 1 could ueo uothiug but s few didn"y buildings on eitier aidle; sud I lbougbt il bis ebjeel vas to rob me, I1a-as complet. ly lu is poyer. At lie far' sud of tbis court hbesteppod olienéd a'door, sand led mooup agightofcreakingshafrs. Groplug oun1r a-a> fora-ard a fea- feet, h. tison open- ed tbe door jute the room of the patieunt. *Tho spartutont %as -g.tal - sud poorly fumished, a-ith a lam p standing eus li111) table net fan Ireuntho b.d. Au old voman whowuleomingeverhsufferer, look- I tuti <nu d esennetUi9iug < baud.'- ni 'TRat vas rceothet Ibm tahPh Watg.- ner.l - 'Good h.aveual1 you sinaze mil1 I cr104- -Y.îur ittsbaud ahbunglar l' 'Ro is not my> huaband, sobbed the poo -' wa-n.'s- ,No ?, '511 dovu, doctor, and lot tue tell you paiuful ster>' iu a fdWwords; sud It= yncan give ne good advicesandayutpatbY Iasl repeire -it vitit gratitude; sud il you acomu sund carl me froni yen, I shah find I vas mistlken ln supposini yoq ia4 1 seatld uyseif sud became ail alten- lion, 1I a-as remrcd in affluence,' alie vepsnodi 'sud for sorcuteon yeana p ieP.~4 sudj>0>'of foD4 parenl.' At seveen n fell u n with a nm ansme yen eiderth"e myseif, vIsoun 1believed tle epeTfOl- itselL K>' father kuea boe r sud wam- ed me agaluol him. le fiually forbade hlm lie bouse. W. vent asI snppb.e& bo tic ious. of a clergymen, and wov. ýmnanied, 'aput Leu sel off on a veddiug- tour -The Îmai Ian a-lcE>' ov ed prove4 tobe ao bIack-bearted-villisn, sud sooti robbod umo of ail un>'moue>' and joa-.Iw, sund thon deserted me lu s stnango cily. He mterwaadwrote me liaI th. mamip v as la asiun, sud t lieh decelirod me in. liaI monner iu orden to réveénge bituseif on myý faîher fer bisinus. À4 blarik folloa-od Ibis avakeuing froum a aniitsd glorieus dreani to a reslit$ Lieo hrrible-ior an>' àrdiuary mmnd 0 coutemýplate. I iad airain féve>'. I.ho- came insane. 1I returned to resort l pauper madieourse. 1get rpy iberty inI to*g?.* I arote iibue e*,toMy fi.hber lie viole terrible tmti, sud iînplôred bimit4 _rMcive'-back bis peor, vretcied, broken Lcantcd daughtcr. -1i aas a ragged medi- cantf in a atrango cil>', tand God only kuova vili -bat intense sud feanful euxm-- iety I a-aited lb. auma-er 10 Ibaât letter. 1- a-aited days-f a-aited monîba. Nous over came. I a-as cat off tbeý-sbaid- oued-ruined for this aorld sud for lie ucal. O, hie suffering sud degraldatietu I a-as compollcd tb enduire. At lest lWpïz Wagner aefered me bis proectton sud bis baud. I sccepted. W. wcreutarried. He declared he -loyed'mc, sud certainl>' lest- ýdme writh respect sud shoved affection. I kntea-nol lhenthat bchwuva souse- breaker, 'and vien I fourid out lI sale6 myself wa balboter I1a-as titan ho 1h11 1 sbould les,. hlm. Se I-bave lved with- him ever since, neani>' lwo yoan sund now bisàarrested-and I1sun again alone ilu (iý a-orld. Sncb -la'ut>' sadt isten>', docte>'. nov tell mcvislttecdol1"à e 'Write ain. b yonr parents,' I said, 'the>'muns>' notbave' received4ypftr 1elor. o r their nepjynia>' bave becun mscsrrie! 1 baye soniolimes bopcd so, sud 1 want bo aie lu delualon, il it bhonee, aie ssgenJly rejoiuod. 'If la-oyebgel naswaernuca liaI tbey kuea ni>'condition sudiusve omit me off forcyveril migbt craze Pàt poor brain agalu. Besidlos, 1 amt s lýon g- cr P&te obe forFiven sud roceived back amoug lte good. - L It is nover tb labo le repent,' T-replied. 'RUtemberhthe words cf Christ to th. me a-ho vould bave put t6 death lie gulllt veman for ber crime:. 'No halls a-ithouý,-' si n mno.let hlm tirât eut a atone, 'wJiudm alv ipslv i[y 1114kW. 1 :----

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