Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1869, p. 3

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sursnco roas the gomeumaet asa suas> voulds do notblng lns tbe malter tililbh ,UmImmet next sesilà. fr 0. M. Cartie os icline.! glvlng may e$hr assamnceon ailh ad befèe oglive. 1Er. Maekenzleo nid hé woald-agita uai tb. governassent aboutîIt vben lb. Mýonse front tnt. coausalttooo!uppîy. Amostnitîso lm = rstbis pabon.al sirlual ths e oas0et tige 0as s Ps1arlitalosst, JuAn 41,00 adae tise tolîeving mutai Au Act respectie ag PssooInvention. Aotuesmpeacblng Imnmigration snd lIsmigr'ant». clanstia Jointl «bock ComomssCe aAct r A« 0oaveltitho iuenosay or huving Docu Mente esurogiad nc nPasrib'lsusit. Aet veopeu-tlntc certain Ofloaseesco relative ta potrMMjouty'slillitatr> ansi Naval Stores. M trospectlssg tigo Depsvtincuent i 1 1 ns rAct rcmpee-tilsg Offoeco élreltltîg toCois. îActfor the btttur Vremearvnof etbie Police Act res;aectlasg (ruelty ta Aualasals, AloI rcpectiasg Vaîscrsatt M4t roiapeubilîse (Ml'auc siaot tiseIl'eranai. Act l' dor tise graduai uiruoraie, fa l ic s.s Igidiatie, lise bottbur Mlansagemensust of Isilisr Affain, andito uxtendusi lad rossioleis.mof ltai #91Vie., (.Isasp. 42. Ae toA ceatigri andasss«i-o affect ta e cerîiri Agsréent bubwocîa lisena'scrtsagigo t f(îIassiî uei. tIseUrat Wetern illaivy Conspan o. Actta lucter ftie Limita of th, etîs48ities or Jolitteo asi Bortisier fer Eieatn'l fl'srtu-es, Ac te place ail uCaai'ilsvesus is oan eqasal footinsg as regarda l'iotsige lis tise l'art os tqaebieeaussifôr otisor l.arpuaes. Acot ru'pectint Ililutssce, te cassens tise Ast os Vie.. Clsssp. 123, liag aus Act lsaeuspensliaasl s. Corporîationsaoft Pituls for and beiuw tise lier. b orsetf (i5eiîos. Acta-bbu insessîlti0cAtt uf isscorporation O es Woard c uidueft he o'u> ty irorunto>. Ae(-bo fîsîtiser mesaud tIse Chsarter ottlise Gare Att rea5s.ciig tisa intcraatioaa Bridge oAt tabuIllet rplimclo Cln DoaiaiîusiBaik. Atet 0Nsiîîillze £l Clilîstui; ' Ierk Act la iiciss,'iite theale isetiîudlait ead Euro- pal 'fut ai' 'uuso pay, -- Ad ts(i eliîîîrize 1ai) esllitionto tise Copitul et" c bof atheits îssiifla aik ut ceismmerce, ausit fus' ulîsur unp4hi 'ses tsig to tise aid Iiuiik. Act tsi sastiiiîmizt.îtitiailddiionstu Ile Capitasl Ms teuci cf Clite issls of Ns-sv raisasiec, asassfor oduiser israipgs ca eîasîsud vitis tise saisiBank. Act tu iirîssusCi îîhie cssii îlstock cf btse $s Llitm tiîs l)aîetssioiis lirssi«e Csisispsiy. - Act ta etliiil o Isiscre ut hreîcressca Sfiaures IIioii t is st wautoris !tsslwisy Cîstiayl 4 osusftt thsensiIsst rîilisr>'S ut ltieis , Act ta LViite Ctise Rce-r sussltise Tuonlo MIutuel l'iras iusiraice ossiia. Act ts Ii igirîriutzIsle D ihîilsîl u istsssl lIfe (IairsauAmmsis ra&uceCoiapsssiy, -r Act ta lticorjsvorsst tia l. 'l bonifas, Ontbarli, Att ta l cîcustitinArt pilsseii-yîe gi alsatssre oftlise lise IProvinsce or Ulîper Cusnais, aîsier tes0,ts ilqcl h rtAtAfei consisire siist Lite Aaaîs rîaaîec Cîusssîussssly. Act remp-csîng Jaîlust ttock Cussslussss'en las- eoporaîusîld fî,lefter. paitent. Acttluiet tish Iee i'ii iiiip et Donusetr frutrstislicCii sîy ut,%Istcsulin assd ta sttiiels il ta~ 1 tihe Uîsiily ut' Teorrebussasu, for ceeturai Actt rrs.PIs-tiig pissriiry. Att respînclig thie ILoccs is il Service- Act tu ilsîcoiî aujisss tise Caliùdliia arisse lus- airsaisce Casssîsy Aet as teclssg 5-i'5lrsl iuîljîsrlp a hopro osrty. Act r,-jaecîiaig luircia>' esi utiser 6di sîlisîr Act tu assiil ssi eîisiillaisalto Actoqrc-npcct iulgtise Mt. f.twrsct- 'rTow liat t'uaiipauiy. Ac ts i Issorlsortulin tise Moscisiisîs Batik ci lA-cIti issîssssflisc Acn tsi Iesrpraiteftise Vlslois Ilitilkt i ,iet(,l(asssst.. Act t ileifstl Oe Au ie5rsî-trlasis i llpru)Vc. muest aidsu îi saîsîC-lotiI t o' lios hîarbosar of Act r-iîîetiss<iw sovsy Aet iu r-iu-ie aiv,sai,t,î samtiiLeriititloi lu Csssiiaîis ra-i-sriaig îl floea st is-olly cossu silit- Att r-ascuisg<i isslisl-,siw, uessa tep~eal t ciri i eitutils5s aliaéi-ma-li iisssoussîl. <as ci alctii g irosainlîltireicru iiil tsels pldotlî.r ufii 4 i-,r-lii.tsi i)(*-issilasi liair. Ast rempeicairîis;g ca tu ie 1îadi lis tise Pro'- -y - r ftise usure ape-rilv 'Trial listcertin cmmof prossastsî -itIwsîFis surs l Aasi iAMI ueiualis l1ite isuvlites ut' utîaiIo assi Att for lte teus1mprry (lo%,erisunent ut lin-. îaerté.Lsandni ns Ctise Nsrlia.Woteris 'berrilory ssrliaaUnsiteal vilaf'usilîst. Act laissi tige Charter outlie qieboe Adt ta ameaiissCliIsteret tIse Ci ty fisail. Act ta slisentsi ti Ciurter tut ie Banit of To Act ta prdvlde niesnasfn-r lanpmsvi nir sarbors An itai isasaelA ut certains îîumîs ut tise Provisncesl or' lie Doienuion., Act ta aslmesal tise chsarter -tflite Ontario Biat. * Attmcaptti:sgtise Trialaad Paliuoua f Juvenulle otfessleri,. Act romesestiusg Ellsquiriis osîs l iaicligaitota 1ssto bSIipwrocekia sssif tisur sissterit. Acttrespeetissg Custugiuu» si J>as ftcting Att rpp-ating ftiseiluties ofJlssAlico et tise P'ence Qofst ewt siîisumIn atsintoa siiiia>' tQnieciot andîssailrra Act tsaîci ian Blsaascuarii <suilt teh' - tain op.u'ituîltslolior lutl'ist ut e curteislsist,* voulin. Act mrsiss tis lcle of tQùeess's Pritstes' lsuse tise Pulicllrmlusti aag. Aet teauncsîs tise Att respccllng tise isaspec-. lsofnciusslitansi ettIse greeter onafet>'0ef 1mfilleîsssszamCliients. Acttmspsetissgt tise prmnp t asdîsi ssmasser> ofssis t etls t-ilissia usiJsatice licertains Att r&cÊeilSgth iae stiof justiceR ofCtise --s.- tiiltsgresjctisely tige lOtis of J si ,l -ulie , stî tle th oauis t us, 51b70, ssd for etisur îiuru)osçon rastîlug t li c Visbue Services. .Afo"lcller ii ils YXcellieyi, thseG'.rsr (loc.sl %i-as iî-alw bu reaeu:ve 0'uc toliuwilu1s J1liaforthue sigsifcatiois of liar Majesly ia - lisure iscos:s --V An Act rescaîesslig tliz is ar>' oftise Gnv. A A-scAt for th ise tli f u ofisas Iloucu ste- Jung 1.-Tise trusteeao et bbc Moee T~ esimonial Found made a report to tbc - gesseval consuiîitee te-day. Tise total Y eceipîs vero $6, 409 02, ansitise paymrenta- $4,87,9» 91, leaiing on bansi $1.023 01. o~ f tlisissâ Il ils rcconsmended tisat £125 sterling b. givcîu te Mv. MeGee's aiter in 1 reland, viso, Inibi lifeime, veceiveil a a. isunul annutit om hlit, thse balance lo be pai 1 Mv&. Mcce.Tise trustees.bave rai p H tise rocogn ized edaimfoiof eeditors, la it > casas "lcouspouudioig il lOi8llntise - pouni. 'A debt remains-due to thse Mer- chants' Bank, Moônîroal, of-$i,932 aeciired on $2,00 stock hpid ln, 4,, MV0*s namoe. Tise cil> cf'Hamilton luumentioned iiitise 4 reportsisavlig givon uothtiîag. At lb. s. meeting et the ganeri colitnittoe, tise n- adoption ofthtIe report vas moveti by Mr. James Betty, M. P., andi carriosi uzani- Nus. S,'AWIon asvises tisat every pretty goil sboulsi bc tanght te fime a plîtol, ansd Aliowesi 10 carry one for del'eneo. luitei4 of sliootlng gîmuieca, le shoot mon. Twenty TlsonidDollarWorthof., Five pet cent dloired on Baalc l3111s selliasg Oitt 1Seiig 0fi 1at Great Clearlng Sale, nt Goods offered below Oost price; aI For one Month, at JToHN SINRS -JOIlq SEINKERt's, JOHN BKTNNEUa-S We intensi to clear out thé woe of ontBume. stock. va vil! ûif e nuise - nicutâ amn noyer beforo abe n llYb in tbis patcç?ýnga, 00 that et 494Y bave Inn&,ou iband cary n to casneotha I yu fot . oolit t vor uegoods. An opportunity sioa ls s Iresa Godi; 5 cnt irealQnos rdacsite 0 cnt, 0cet d eng.odaedaeasd MOURNNO Godi educ (rom10 U 15 cv cnt. iac~lks reducesi teo fft prim. Greast ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u reseiîaIa"cd.1 c et<i i wes osii.siiBrostielnthi, 2x y rdu gous aiînt'Jwcaifor10 crai, biaapsigs ai, vvuVdaeclsc Ills b,% haIo sandi Jgckets, bleui 1 A cîai ie$lîuw 0 iTse lete 20 au n0 celreaGrraIn Sha 1 redcd te $1.00 encli, Mun - t t andîlJscksita rc(uieiriglat dovai 10 ceaIPrim,. 81k Jùcketo anmi Essuqases rcdaed te cnueprice, (-lotis ,laeketsanaad Bilquara ros ad comit etpri.eVuir-ebein Jasokets and i Buqet vo- su'dtoe co't rire. 15 p'or cent oùi ail livilcery and (1 oves. PARASOLS in ail the new styles8, to b. s8l1d at 00 per cent bclow cost, to cdca' ont tise lut, 801) tw set frossi. 04r qroy ands WisttaCottons are roducod lu per cent, Liisen for limurent piîta., ut slsbesrd of priues. Tho Inhatsîîants of Whitby and (armero of Ontario, vil!1 have anopportunity of bsy- Ilng asew gOOda fotr ONE 41< MNTI, at'st nsully iow prices e.-. vo epttrelis tu 0411 qarly, asnda o in e as Iiraer uhosue of bal gains. DRY GOOIJS below cool for' 80 dayo, commecing FRIAYJuIyl 2nd, 1869. Higyhest prîce allowed *for PRODUCE, Wlîitby, Juno 22, 1869.,- 24. ýà1l9PFli, INuseCeLCneTEsî-A brutal mur der was ptrpetratesi in Cochester on lIse 7cb inat., tise particulars of vhich vo give below, as fer as- vo have learned tbem. rhe inurdcred unan vas an olsi negro, nausses Solonon 0' Banyssi, wso laid 10v al long9imu livesi in a nhanty far s'emoved frousu any sîeigisbotirs, ansi vho was te- portesi bu have cunsiderabie money laid by. %Vlcn ond he vas lying in bis ewn yard, quit. sisasi, vitîs a terrible gash in Isisi boas! viicis had becai infliitesi viti a ssaaibaxe. 'Tho appeuranceofet(ho body irsilcaf cd bîsat a sovée struggle bcd bsken place bh ain tise bouse ansi out of lb. H-e wasf"lri;t diascoveresi by a lad tiaînesi Sinsp- snon, vbo basi gone with Ili& futiser to do soîne vork for tise oldsimati. An inqalest as hiels I iefure IV. Cornw aIl, Esq., Coro- ner, on tihe 1Sth imt. '1'hcjury ricturtd a verdict tisat siccasesicaiase te bis i catb lsy violensse nt tIhe bands of touss. perî4on or personu unknovn. 'I*'rgttisisisEAris s DIO-The nient horrible trsgcsly letIshe day hb been fur. niaied lns rat; City, Ilso. A bouse servant atucussptc-d leo utrage bits cmsployers wife li tse absaurîce of evcryone cIte frein thse hosse~, anti istiaisie seexagie'rited by her ret4itsisce isit lie besut ber wecariy te ientîs. 1cr isusaisit lcaving tîse reom for a msomnit te çarocure a wsessîon. she managusi to reaci lser hlîsbands'gun ansi cock ic.The îin soon appeared ut the wiradov. but thse «un would net go off, and in tbceaneanîblue lie iresi thre ahots a' her, one uofvlsicb prodascesi a fatal veusîid.- l'ben he retiresi, sot ire te the bouse, andi killed imleit itis the reinaining iwo shets in bis pistaI. The poor vounan vIsonsiscisbad mzurdcred basi just tise strength left te crawl out et the deer, and prescrire ber bedy on tbc greensward fer tise recognition of ber hsbansi, insteasi of compelling a s earch for ber cisavred ro. mains aanong the ruina et lis bouse. Tise mordorer hissseit feli inaide lIse dwelling ansi was consuniedso e aras bis mortal hpart Io concersies, by tire. MAu Kimvn AND AcoTnËlt WorsNDE.- A sbeeting affray occurred eai Morîticcîlo, Whife ceusrty, liiissina, on tise evening o! tîse Iltb. wbicb rcsulted- in tise deatis ef 'Thomas Buvkhaller, by Jacoba Cagasi. Die ssffray originatesi in a law nuit, in visicb Casasi accosses i !irkiaaltc sof lsavitag sial treateail ilas, ans i 1ud forbisiden îisn ever again te enter lsin store. On tise cvening- in question. Burkhaltcr ascraidesi bbc stépo et Ct!asd'i§ store, usesi insssiig langasago toe bc r, ansi cxpressed a debersania- tien te enter theisetnablisment. This led te an altercation, îluring vbiehB urkbulter vas idsot anss insantly killetl by Jacob (tasasi, ansi one osf'sbi csmpuniens vas sîsot llsrossgis bie arun by Casad's son. Casasi ansi lisa rec tonas verearressbcd. MILsTî A OsSIV5AL Otiis-Tlie Gen- uval Mliraary Ordera for tbc reserve militia are publishesi 'lisu Iiutenant-Coloneis will transmit tis re >"peideice rciating te thesur roginutstal divisions Ibrusugi tise Brigade.Manjor. Comspauîy's uficers et tbe resserve militia arc reqîsirusi te bo resi- dsicofhef b company's diviaion te wlsich tlsey may be spîîieilsd In aslt'ases of vacaulcics, casssed by reaigsiabion,lhse leter of thue oficer bcnderitsg biis resignahion mugt tbe tralssmittcd Witl tise recon- mendabion lu f111 tie vacqincy. A blacrk girl in Chicago la sueing a whaite man for brcascb et promsise. S MÀix4iSD scems le bc lovctl equally vith Stokes ansi Sonter in Tenneasee. One furieus editor styles hlm 'that saivel- lin&, tallow-.teecd. long-nosed, blick-beart- cd bleusom ef loility.' A manin lsBesqîse, TexnW, visos non basi becai abot, by pure .ýaccident, by anoîber man, vent le clsurs.'iî vîcec lattei' vas engagusdin lushîaip, strode up le hlm, andsi sot betis the msan and bua 11111e girl acabusi by bis aide. SwsEsssx lias startesi a fensile medicci college. BIRTR. ENGLSH.-In Oshawa, ons the 15th inst., the vif.etofMr. Lymaîn Eeglish, Buurrisbov, ot a son. *7liIby lasrkacla. Whitby, Jane 23, 1869. Faîl Wbcat......$0,85 10 $0,92. Ap-n dAli... ..-86e e 85e NEW ADVERTISEMENTB4 cD W. A. LAW, Land Proker, Accountant, cogiVgrxNcca1 Couaussosceu, J4VSURANVcE 0&GrE2cVI'AL A GENT. 24t. S'rO)Ul'FLLE. OxTi, 0PF NEW YORK. Ttic un-1.icrai11nod isevisîg bhoti ncpninte s ole Agent* for tise aboya compas-, l'or tise OO1UNTY F ONTARI0, aire Prcpareil to otami sSaIt tb tise tratie nt 01 bit pur bi., wlioloaaale, isi $1 N5 retail. 0. DRAPER & 00. Wlsitby, Jane 9tis. 1869. giu-23. I C E. The Royal Canadian Bank! Éà neccsng of Pclcrststc i aoncd et tise dit. ferc tsl pricies or'tim ;ia i;, ft i cnsféensce witls. tac D;rctctî o ai.the , U yncnt pciaisaîof its affaira. la4 iercin lilleîiedfor 1<1< 1>/sY, tItis liit., aItlouw,, ut ftis e ud bhi2cc, in Toronto, fr thuarpu bofsii coifrence. il>'oraier T. WOODSIDE, Camslior, Torontbo, Janeo 15, 1840. 2in-24. m ONEY WANTED. ]ROYAL BIANK BILLS WILL DIE TAIIEN AT PAR, for bîrec e cl ,ccsrod bMurtgages, one ef cli lisasdred ilsolisirs, ansd two ofjour Iisa sisass dollars ealis. Apply parsonaisy to Wislt t y. Wlitby, Josse 15, 1861). 24-zus. i3 LN' ~ 1 ONEY I ýJONEY! - Thie nndermigncd loiarocci vcd ins;trtuctions te loyeit for privato.Cnsl)itili4to a large aitsn of CURIMENT RATES 0F INTEIIEST 1 1'incîsi rayn)Isblsiin one aui, or in.-taimnsts No eosaanisa.aonclssrgod. Apîl'lu JAMES LAMON. blain streot, Uubrisige. Ova'sz-C)vcr Aringîriîssg's îlot ci. Ihxhidgc, Jnne 7tis, 1860. 2M-23 j OTEL FOR SALE, AT BEAVEItLON. F'or Ssle, flint largue and cossimeon lÃ". ote! lcnuws s', The O" OAMERON HOUSE."p on tise coruner ùf $iancsie atîi<Osborne struieta, -two storlua; frowsaga on, Sintue struet, .52 tuot, and on sa Uaiicaitrc-et, 40 fet,-reasntly erectesi, anis itaeiel in isa centreofetftise tewn. 101%,sv tssiiillL, aliesi rousi and en. clocii yard. 'Tise fîumsaî la wui1 ited up andi in cosiplele xa'sslauas fofr iinisîediasto occupa don. Appi> lu J. CAV EUOs.'4, Besvertont or bu 1)ONAI) C'AIIEW)N, Albioni lotel, Toronto, Iiovevton, blîy 18, 1809. tf-B2> J AMES LAMOýN,- -SOLICuTONIN itCUA5îdE5tT, CONVEYANCER,# LAND AGENT &C. OJNZII TO LOAN I -Tise andernlghiesibus reolvo&d lntractins te tuve»t s largoesans et mua.'Re payable ta oeu as eor b>'Yeasry i>Isstuinuats, on lui- pirov'atl Pamai, prosautive Towa or Viliage moeprty. Mti fut aasest, 68pvr oat. 'WhbM> 4,1869. 2 (oths, imported expressly for i beir: trade. wiiby & Maucisester, Juner'23, 1869., Car 3c> cz1: EIAVING decidcd to give up the retail business, we have leased tise stor'e ansi sold balance uf stock rosxaiting eon hansi on tIse 201h nuget next. Great bai'gainu will-ho given, sus tjiiestuck inust be reduced, anidegoosis wiil be soîsi at wboiesaie prices and isuder, Tise gtook la lage ani ell seleetesi, and coasisus of $tapie & Fancy Dry CooI-S, GROCERlES, H1ARIDWARE, &Cm No humbugy in this annoancement, and no imposition ou t14e pub- lie~,sawo haiVo positively sold out, and great bargains will bc given for cash. Highest price in cash wN7C 0el?ý#ya, Jane StIs, 1869. - à paid for any quantity off J' TAKEN A T PAR, For Cheap Grey- and White Cottons, PrioLs, Muslins, Tissues, and cheiceSummur Goois Parasols, GlQves, Ilosiery, Skis'ts, Dress andi Mantle Tritmngg, &4- , andi a beautiful lot of Sommer S4awls1 ail re4ýd i'rie.. ()J'CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, SRELF HLAR.D- ware, Points Gils, Gluss, Putiii Nails, priue No. 1, Turnip Seed, wholeWae andi rotait, for sale by- Y. GIJiSON. Farmers Attention -to the large and selected stock of New IIARYESTING TOOLS. W OOL WOOL The bighest cash price >id for uy quantity of Good Olean Woolby YEOMAN GIBSQN. Whitby, Jane 2, 18601. Olel û.- 1 on Brook & Dasudassts. 1MPrcfeým; EHarnffl'ý,Iusect aie4 Yermin Destroyer, for sale by at par. Whitby, June 9îb, 1'869. ~I .COCHIRANE 23. NOTHING LIKE- DIR ECT IMPO>RTATrI-ONS.l And every description of SHOEMAKINrT made to order1 by HÂATCHI & BROTHER have received their third ship- ment of Hardware, directfs'oin the Manufactuires in Englansi. Having added lai'geiy te thIser:formner stock cf Hardware, feht it neeessas'y te enlarge tiseir pro. mises te- meut tise wants of sun inecasing traite. "'hoetaiiilien tlsey new have fer ptsrchasing li Briîth andi Ameriean mai'kets, tlsereby savisug thse wholesale profts in th!s& country, places îlîem aîneng their would be rivais in au enviable. position. Tisc au nowv supply country Merchnnts, ia seme linos> botter tisan theyrian do elsewlsere. Englisi Leok@, Huoko, IHinges, Butta, Enamaûlesi Wm'e, G.e pots, Bluckles, Moti,, Boitai, Paitt, Ojis, Glass, l'ulty, a tihonsausd and eue articles too nanserous to mention.Ilny terks, Imieg, Scythes, Snaths, tfos's, Crasiles, Childmen's Caebs, Ilay fork Pusîlies, ansi Rope to match. A stock of Engliâh luPanos, goosi value. A large stock ot bar Iî'oiî5 Rasps, Files and BIaok8mîth's Trimmings, Sîoves and Tinwaî'e aI howese rates. 500 kega eut Nails for ogIe, Pt' ReunenîbertlIse place. 24-Whtby, June -22, 1869. IIATCH & BROTHER, Importerb; of Ihardware, &c,. Ilaunailton & Coh. Bcg lu annoonc bluettheir stock cf 1TAPLE & FANCY GOODS la unsalhy I-rge, wclh assorteti, antd cx- cecdingly cbeap. We insvite specici attention te our ex- tensive stock of Diresa Geods, NEW MILLINERY, RATS, BONNE-TS, AND MANTI.ES, WhicIs We ofler for the mentis of June nt very loy prices. CLOTTIS AND TWVEEDS, A spltsnditl a.çsorihsunt-very cbccp. - >CLOTIHING DIA-DE TO OIIDEII, A gous i ft varmanhesi. Groceries, Wines, and Spirits. Th ise lilest pusice paid for Butter. Mùf CASH FOR 'NVOOL. WI itby, J une 2, 186P',. SOLD OUT! SOLO OUT --0e-- IJVINI UP BUSINENSS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Prunellas from one dollar, Children's Shoes in great variety; TERMS Wluitby, June iStIs, 1969. TITRNIP *wCASH. Till's Block, Broek-St. 24 TURNIP The subscribcr bas just received a large supply of pure and fresh, Turnip -Seeda, consisting of Bang,bolin's Tmproved Puipie Top Swedes. Skirving's Improved Purpie Top Swedes. Tiaing's Improved Pui'ple Top Swedes. - TELLON AEDEIENU WHITE GLOBE, -#&on RICHARD FRANCIS, No. 1, on thse Corner l3rock and Dundus Streets. WA.NTED!1 -AT- IOWES & JOWELL'ýs ]DOMINION WÂREROOMS' WJIIITEY. whitby, Juno 9, 1869, Roja o Canadian Buils WANTEI) IN EXCHANGEFO 1FAMILY GROCERIES, AT W. H. HANNAM'S. 0IDe Try tIat Splendid Java Coffee. W. H. HANNAM-, Opposite Royal Caniadian Bank, Wiby. OLD MNTO. 1 IWesm ,on lm Tihe Nortis liait ! ot Ne. 12, lan)o4 TOWNSHIP Of PICKERING, eOutiuinasr100 ames, There lxas £large quasa tity et *elatCoda,,and goad ardwood eit t.0 1A. Tise soli là gond ar.d veli vsteresl4 anti Mers 10%a acapital MIi ate on tle plqg nilmois; Apply te on tise romises. Dr-. ADAM FLELLAllTUN Q pW.Il. BILLINOS, 6ojiq»;or, Wbltby. I.W LOU£2 ANDfl FED STORE. FRANCIS BR:o'j.'H-ERa have opéaed btwiness ln tihe ps'emimuaIatelyf oc-uapiçd by W. J, Linton, on Duns, tre andaore now prepared to seliaI , WHQLESAIE and RETAILt FLOIJROATMPEA«L, 11<DIAN IIEÂAk Graham fleal, Crarntes Whueat, Split Peas, &c. 'ands ait l ids oi - Fees!, Bt Iewest Pies*.- AIl ordors pnnectualiy atteaded te,, mdpa- oels promptiy deliserusi. FRANCIS BRI4THEW. Whitby, May luth, 1869.- tf-26 MANUFACTUREI) AT THE Agrieultural Workz. LEFFELîS CELEHRATE1D Double TUR13INE WATER-WHEEL ?U'Z MOST ZSCOXOMCLAt L m xf)selxps let Ne". con. Brout1 ISEWheeis vo are'owavmaisflctarinig Lclseper than asy o l hpisthue coun- is-. aratin« tlsem tobu as Wel mide, sud te gi-cas poid satL4îaetionmsnus-an>'uuu- fluctured iniitIse Dominsion. Piarliis a.ilg furtiser tintormastion caq R talus ut b>'addreseiusg P'AXTON, TATE & CO, Meris 1,t 18 l.'ens--S. Port Pers>', Ont. wQVE WILL TAXCE-- RmOYAL O ANADJAN U4Nq) BJLLS -AT "AM,- lI exclisanoefor Ittepers, 3MoeopJ71 Fanntng Mti'o, &C., "&e.V; B1LOWN & cPATTEISON. Whitby, May' 22nc1. 1869~, Si. -YAL GANAflIAN BAItKi ALT, Siarcisoldensli tisBank wviseore iu !.arreer ou liseir uussflisîmetis are reqaestod Wo psy tise-marne nt the bandt office, or àiye its egesicies, WihIa 1hinty Dasys ivom ibis Date1 Q.tiscrwtao cateis ptoccsingswii bo hakeq eg:alaot ail defaulters as tise loaird mu>' doon îusot ads'issiýbte. It La4Isopes tisas ait will psy nui promptl>' in erder batâtitheBank tma>' vo- nainse ut aIs easriy sisy. B>' order et thse- Board. T. WOODSIps Toroqtc, Meay 29, î180-.,2 P 31X IMPLENMENTS, &Ç. Tise naideraigiuod hep ste »tute that heomO tinues tW uwasurgt-sturo e Root, i3eed &_ Manure Drille1 WAGONa- A-RD ALL aINDSa or PARMING IEKPLEITM: CELEBRATED CHURN9 Nobed a eueetfhe best asticeegof lbthe manafnaqred lu the côuir>, snd bis impit'- ed MT1A W CUTTERtS.,sosasi>' wrkedaa &0 adperler in oe>'- respec t. Rlavingprcuel eo! kf RICESON'8 Cem. lsreted 90p,71900 ENGI K t 11ah lai snaime tory, ho hbega te ais>'test lac la nov ousim oi> execate ail orders itt ishicli heossiy b. syL oveti cheser, ausivlla -il greater expoditle# nbisscthert. eud! te gneasnlee ve msLste tien te essatemurs In tis. quaity .fL muîrnhip santi natorbal -- §W' Ciii audio. the neW Colo.rIe FRagsta work 1 ratou hinee bauge, and <ashP~a;4s - AMES' 0AYTON. Wst>,ARG i 27G 609 - 1 Popllins, Lu@ ~, Er'npress -Cloth, and, Brownf an attoinp~ ubliset. lsfilenshi'Itltry oîf pw5flace, ion itspc. mre aus si t-. amîi q<irn !pouifis); Civ sus ut reve'nue sn andI New thi ti'recep-' iNfsu tieunili isu et tho the dîtys of houbhe pay. Mir. floweiI5 Oiset, vhiho dnion Wifo rshiesiteon. s nuucisau ut for tise suppiy. Stue G]av- c tri a ms#l ar'binng out motb sesion- theÃŽprnosoi. muse, isow. lie bil rima reterreil toi lruýsses tise !runsut to -siî!py wvus- 1 rnewhat, rt, Earl sd the day A1 the de- evornsmeail unaber -of l thîuin.~ ef delcnce r blscs cdr. s abouît te Sbc laken It or vere rvemaiment ursnce tisaI tas uto thse Wvooud not isii fusrtihor -tter uimbu fIn eppor-. îloni onbise 01h. austsssacr 1toi paniliussnt iriisg tiso ltig fop a cor.tiibon '<sac to ii ai s an tue, -if hon. -~; Q GRAND CLEARINGT SALE AT COSI!j Royal. Caniadian. Bank Bills -0 - i 1

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