Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1869, p. 1

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StIematin"51 ONTAXIO BAUX K. F. LOCKJJAuTt. n £1$BTZUIANI) &TTouz;zr&,&T- pLsw SoJloisoruo to thi Bank et )Contre*), d, thedoportiiiof the. Cot"tougarlo, &oal., 0~*., Wiltby, . W twȣOD)' ololi éongoo.ouatlty. Ap- Atterqi, Slieltr, h VTCK-ftMJ ,STAC BlUilg 00 ne COCJ1JINE, e. z. 53 oo T Y CHOW N ASTOUPi T747UJZON tort, irrister and Mor 00n.4wS ltor lu chancery, Noory Ilasblil &a,- Bio 4.l uwlsillllg, bnds. AUItESTEIL, A'!TO1lE£y',CUNVEYAN- de cr, pt IWOai bâe xroi pory, sd ea OrifUZlCliencory for theCoun- ayofontarlo. OffieBrook-at., Whtby. 190BEILT J. WlLSON.- pARILISTER à ATfOILNJY AT LAW efio- tirer Outio U lk, on th's North P IISTEIt AI-LAW AND) SOLICITO)E jýr l c, &oryC. aabr-9Tru#S 'Ozct-ext door tote iStore of B. & J. O>upbeil, Brock Dt., Whitby, oit, W!lthy, 14.1,1867.,4 'OWTliNOTABY'PUBLIC, &o.&h.. Onitawit, a .W. Datrlster, Soilctor lua Chaucery, Atm terneyf &Co, &C. Irop remoecd"isba Offie ho lot fioor over thle OMutAi:o BuXx. Wlistb'y, Out. 7, 1868. FAEEWFELL k& >1cGE5g, JDABirSTEU$ KrTCli14l.r8, b(,I1CI- TOUS Am)) NU- Çubwailabiel'oiutl.Blucst, çq.pihsi J. E. FMLWZLLIR. IcMai. OLAUVkiI, iwcK Abuil, 4etornelcantM.liw, Eellcit<ars inlCha. terroand lasolvency, &c. adjng Kr. JamsuilllJeauu (ilIco, w bitby, Usslarie. »O0N. J. W. u Q. 0, w. AI. W. LAUtIt. 0. y. rM711. W. 1.IILNS jar icsi bB, »gu., >00k trst. CHRILEs C. KELLER, A TT08fEY- AT LAW, SU)LICJoEitlt A TTUXNZY-AT-LW. 8SULICITOE19 li Ohancery, Notary'uble, osene, hto., W fltIky i. W. orrwt, iByronu tresi, #outilo Opt 0190. 40 ýc"uIltAnE & COCHRIANE, B AIlISTEIUS ATTORLNElYS, CONVET-, Mson d liotres 1Publie,&dCcI, &C, pltfon À Lzssr-Uvuuos-Opposite Town Four Pzaay-Ojlsegi-Bigclowto% Block. 0 H. Cucns4*z, LEI. B., 1 W. M.,osjs~ Cossnhy crowu Attornsey. LYJIAIq ENG L1811, L L. ».. BAIIILISTER AT LAW, Bolilitor lauCha- ~40 DR. HANCOCK(, <INoit 5IOL.SWD & loiiOiti.) 1UYEGEON TO TUE UUUNTY ClAti bByron $tract, Wlti>y.ï W. l. 'LAW, B. A., M. D, iOfie-Tova 1*Ma IlMurs lite l4'elock. - VICTOKIA XWTÃŽPCL. W l*yahea'îl.) 27 K BJE SYITUN* boge ho '»forpn t a lu- haàbit'ste ise omty o! VIcie asas MUotel on WllJsam itroept lstàly oeess bal bY Jewett,tasd so lithbasb.d ltt.d îndIlarodoh- »dlitrstotyls,vlultoo iny» fid a onve- gionsu, Wlnoas, Lquorjsnd clo of th laAnattentiv. oejil, .wsy luin Aten WELLINGTON I OTI, Tu tise alie nevly Il thoireut b. o gesmt 1 gubohi, Mitsre 01 ThU t o th: def .1 of the Town, 940a tor Ilbrldg e a rtovn las,. rovryaornasBoEard ipeprdit. GECORez ReEgox; aZORGE OORNACKr. iner G's t hit Y. aren. 1 iid fuabroatutyoslsd VUN E RTATC sppIe dtenG. WA 90iese te bise onibaralteruss. WhislbyFei. th, 10OE2 CEMC. BrookljnDrus Store. Dl BALE l in Braga, Pant MeJIREnps .L. i Pats, Oflhm yes tats, coànte. Sr wdiea sud Llquorso!gthe besiqnslty fo dol rpes.as.- Uere* CatteuJfcfnepaagys oma rekin, C. W., îsp 25 OROOIRF R'S -ROTEJ,' i (LATE PLATF's,) NELSOîN ST. TORONTO, li>BT# or KINO ST. BA SSETT & KeEBLE, - Pose hEporeors Ts e ch!ly Annest ioe ht hîbya taken tise'a"v yl1* wia;cla are alis ovni>'respectot eiav sud~ o'sasfotatbly fItted np sou tIhe seoopamùodatiou et guna'. sud tisetraveling pabll - TIse>'viii b. 1oaud lu constanit persousi a<hoýndatuee, sud 'iil leavi nohhiasg sndosso on tlisit par,te rive osatlsnctjou ho al vho usa> tarrhsom itusa 'YEOMAN GIBBON. INSIANCE, h GENEBA&L AGElT. Wlsltby, Jan., loit 1866. 2 REVERE HOUSE, ___auiCRiiTa, C. 'W. B. PLANS, -- -- Ponlr étageasthosssd !front Whitbyl ailii. Evir>' attte-sitoss paid te gueîts. teflai sd atien- tive eaticrd. TRE LWVERPOUL-AND LONDON INSIJRANCE COMII'N Y. lise been ln a )tonmethsrty-to year,Msd dnriug thit ppnpd 4 bot païd L9sup ec.edlng file and n toiémillion Poufad# àstrisrg, The, dlsburomaut c4 tiilaenorasous anus oor a vide arcs, Ias% vthont dote, soutri- Isuted t héi.etabiismnu t isis Institution, lu the cosldeua eofPi'.o CmsozAmmseue, z c5à7 loTiriOeioLvzusu d butinas» mon gen- ersli>', whoever ft10; ar(pretentid. lu Ié first ycss, 1881, theo 7fîrp prmpslupsalope amoanteal ho .... , ......71 lua is11,thyei, 1M4<............4?,7v8 " 2hhyesr, l18M........ 222,279 ' oti r, 6......£789,502 Tise Fare Rosarie Fassdla npv 472,6 The Lite Reserve Funsalnl nov $9,282,M0 Thocoisasoy isrepreaaeated ubrou$lient Un- taro And queeb' isllagentssai Igeat, ,th whoea pplication for Ianurano nMay>De a.de. -0. y. C. 6MITIL, E. FAIEBANICit, Jia Aescsa, W MIsîvs, Ã"»Rosn n Pebruus-y l7th, 1808, 1 TIUE ONTARIO FARMIERg' MUJTUAL INSURANCE COMP'Y j1IoS cempsss>v la uow fou>'organlzsd sud r is repaeciho aiept riaki ounkNrs; lnUildlcgoamiud er contenta, Country 0S1beol lieuses, atid Chsrces. Tîsosewlsblug te lu- isuro, and thereby ocippert a lIeue Isisasuo Comnpansy, Ibaieo ow ait opporhauiity ef dollar (so, by apîlying eitfiuîr ht 0 isened oLle.,,or te sel ft U oca aenta. Qarritesa yl be (coud as levase thsose ol ay responslble Mntuil las- sîrauce Company Ilis eiada. L.FAIBANESJt ., HTEAD OFFICE-Brook trs.t, Witby, JIOT$'L & IEMISES FOR SALE. CEtR OYSEteE S9plendid roosu>' abiing, sud drivlugrWosal !!Zetier, ith ne orte acres atiandstt.51s - smasy'bu Jokired, sud aàIâ» en bias- Ing Orjshod. Thoirae ie lls'$Wttsgn pin) à. lbareceltninor Tis oe ol viis b . anesidhesDomio tersal active bapluess masa WIliIbé esuhangcîd for latin prepr yormrts, *0.;,appîy (lsiy 1éMuer pe-p Oeteb. 4. Co. Ayers. GEZNERAL BLACU 'IB, AND BU*"ASST11EET. Whl.by 1 , -188 1 28-Il -THROULD, ()NT. 4, JJOÇ, _Proprietoro k.ry Bru», Cooi sm l siam» ar g ARXs~ozres OTEL, E.. ] IRXIBID GE,, ANNStuTEio.NG, 9 Proprftas' Il E Ss qemitpzjt * itei ndmdoa pletel>' veuevateal the mbeve e c ossablia-i lu*-sit-Ilo Bte], andAl oliibe h Épmiruge o! the publie ud îlefrlensd.Titalsd bar upWied vIUs the best, odroi'aii tlxbrlige, Inn, 2§1,8m, ONTARLo ,fl-Yl"Lt WHITBy,_ONTVARIO. gbeStoved niiIu binaphaile proprister et lb. GlÃŽ obe] caIrooklin, ud as théitissee tise. oeesaleu le sunoance fias liebas leaseal the. aberaulkuevisbotil. -Large alditieus biave beau recontly magie to tise preaim e smn- ,Dg More censsudlas s inudaiona*nd eaceasisg tIse aumbor et sleeping reM onst D=srly Oa,1l8aItmoe.than foraerî . A liraS- caaBililard Parlerçvtth tIre, hables isaalao ui se; laExtensive Alalhîleuste the Staliu, Seda bue Bores,hO., baveelso beau mie. Ail enîabing the und naudte effer t,3 bis Olal Frieudia and thae Publie gesse- !xllàdtiitflýssiài*opdby u oiier iseel in , pl«.Zeivi1 itî1î tiùac.b.lhappy te v"elrb lis od. frionala. Query! why la 1h thet tiiesa is incisa rua for pictaros AT*1 CLARK'S 0(h.LJgJRY 1 1h la benne, heolba lb boit Gallery lu the, Cbatt> sud hb more patience with ohsilirea thon auy etiser Artist la tb. Coqssty, sud eau dle quite s. g0od work ase any tiser mnsu lu the am Tiag'.what's tthe watts?, ae don,& b. bsekvsrd sbout conulug fervard. 139OCK ST.,WIIITBX. Wbltby, Nov. 12, 1887. a '0. N. VARS, lmccossiet thirdloornorth 4!»laeOntario W EXPRESS AGENT, &o., sue .Agent cudatand tandard Inssarasos es. il Gaute off Ontarit' Y-<nary ,,fllege 6,14 ae.4 ânUo1ro. ith, Pied. BUCKEAND; profeer o!Agriculture, -- T«outo Paow. SMITH, V. S., Principal o! Ontosie V. 44 EUWJCLE, 4 P. 5.M.SWEETAPI'LE eau b.e onsaltel I'r0>fomloeully ah bis re#nSluc, Erfekîjl At il lueurs. Breokliti,April 14,10. 15 PATE~NT SOLICITOR AND DRAJJGHTSMAN OTT&WA, CA&NADA, Traupieta msevi hit jiton& OMuc, jsud otiier depi9tmeate oftise Golemu- mt.Copyiohts and thie regl.trson ef traie Marks and Besigue preenred rï*as De(sotàm. Md of .' oeî,s oa nrgteme uimUsSel fIiloii, repzrufai n - 1tfth rm five 'on, oi.eagdm- Grmnd TrunikRaly t AT AWHIToJJY SATION. rT .O'liZL bd 1vlssg purebaaed tse betu and prend.. Irisvu asthse anùd unkllt, ,Wbitysato , tt b.* hie anesd mdtUe travoulIn vi$g an oa tsp, tise boni ugMd £=sla irafit li stl,<u b>' attention tote sàaté01 tIsais vise jvohlm vlth tberprosg trist 10sw sa t eoaffl of .1 flash uuten W partwo taklag tlso tnaluanald a - hore.rlll erf ltOU "mars o1-91 pent KoeontPoe WN & PA&TTEEON. 4M21 au liv irmpitua mornera t i Jicler Md l~in rait spenge, and ail eoth.rhIndi q7Cakef Tarts sud Biscuitael the basqualitl 8wFruit 0o! c i&l ndil sen. nAli lob' Moers, Sar4iaee, Como, Nais, Osuger Beer, . Baker, Coatechluara e, Brist a 'Whsltly, Jul> 6,187.28 FillE -AS$JRAN CIE CO)., RBIABLIBED IN 1782j amtplP1, MPFPAT h& Ce., geaie for Canada. - AEDAlbN, xupger. IN8IIEANCE atgainat LOMSb>' PIE re Jofetdon tIse nloetitvm'mble houais sud, J.618 ABvtbontreeresse. o tise lLzra YEOMAN GIBson April Sd86. -Agent, WbtÏ4 IMPROVED FARM To Bell, puteor lot 1o Salre. F osl],rent, or Je n Sarei.Wae, 1oo aces, 'acrùes c&.arela. Appt>' (iftby leihor, posi-pala,> te 0.-FIYLLEN, Wurs'syP. O NOTICE.-AII Partesare (oribal euthug or reaieviag tituber or veoil et su> kiad vIsa- aver, frointhec above lot, sud my> peruen !onnd doiug no, itter tLiI date, are tresposansd vili b. treateal m snob, ho the fnil eteat et Wbisuby, Sept 15, 1868. 87-t! FOR SALE. Cultivatci Prarme,IMuproved Town Pzoperty. WiMd Zan&#, & O. iliBOViED FNS râ# of sontis4<, 14t 10, 4Us enoosson Mar%, adjeiflgtIshe VILLAGE 0F BRECHIN, 00Ae-1- erpp plpar4. Li»t11, lu Ilus eooceion et Mars, 2no more, kasoyu astise «'MeNEIL PARIE, abeni 25 mores'eliiredal. - lot 12, lln 1i coupm;aon of Mars,*leme, about 10 acres eloareil. North- <Lot 14, ] i Otli oone 0slon Este 100 sces, 12Wt 15 me.l elaired. Lotil s1, Stis osion ef soutb Orillia, kuoes ml "teambeat Peint," onon e- eicliug, about one aillé f"en Us VILLAGE 0F ORILLIA 84 acres, -about 15 ocres clearoa, lilaceof~ Lot boantifull>' voodeaL.This, viticat ex- eptir a es th taatod Pr pryon lahe Coeo tshing. Theise e e-uligfia. vile disanceo e Useke, anud eabrselag tii. INDIAN VILLAGE, la Ramaj, tise Towu oi Oria, h f Je Nais-ove OS Lake Slamoe. TO WN PROJ>RTY IN THE TOWN 07 WHITY, Six Loisn gIyren ahr'et, dirmel>'north or tise resI4acae oi 8. IL Caclarnae, Loq. For paivate reLaleucea, oot exocilea bg mn>' imomit ps'perty lu cvsîj. s«Oyer plots, frgm sss tho six Iote, foasceal loi the .3neigbilorbood oL thie DewRomansaCoz tioeChurci. TERE ACRES, feuceal, kuevu astheO oS Crleket 5Ie»ld- TWU CE, ecal CeiCeketll. U ACRE, lonceal, wo dck ret eÏ d, 6LOT, fanaid sal t rot realdence Of Jas. IL berrle, Y?4.- 1 ACRE, pne, uui-aido., de. i ACRE, voite!OresldauO!J. Lysa. 5 LOTS, feeal, vot ebodisi ClinreIs 2 LOT, saib residéleeeJ. J. fBmlr. 10 LOTS ii at>'mssnt few' s OTaortliDan"asslrPt, opposite rasl. or Aloa eera VIllage Lo, lia pa000" part» o! tIse Town, Tue icia Brook su Tus udsasgs on liai ieeed inetraodens to ICIVai£lileSaofMns, DRe-payablt la onse Si o« b>'Ysa Ona Impr.vod Tsrisagr pro"erdnlve TvoVOr cila.g r fof .r preft,' m W. a. BILLinge, psl28tb,1 I. SNOW, proprietor. Tii. ab«oewfl-kiu.wn bel lm sbcm ltIs- proprietfa. Tt. St bln , o., bnpot la unffimonl. stts ef e rl ir.sdn- .tblug b»s bea u i e tomstleqfn b~ut cignlie. 0 Ti T -l ssfd wfbtJe Ytbsofth.W ol m WieLeusud (!gars Iepate ,Br. 12' ~ B B. 14W. 1800, THEBtJPZow 1,NEW 1869. "NORSEM AN" useCoxuxuMai mss rm u go-s NORTH SHORE PORTS À-su PUE.?or EOCHESzrzT, Anid ii S'utiasue mskisg dafi> trips, lesvilsg Cobear at 8 a. mi.; port Hepe ah 9:3(ma.M a aWlsitby, Oshaas, Bsrhiusgtoa sud Nov- esishe Wedneaodsy meraingama Brighton, Thunl>mornînga, aul Coîborue avery asouiîig eceapt Weduesdiay. Eetunsg basves Port et kochesier dalyat 9. . u. oecp ialr4', vhonuie leevest5 2 p. u., dirm2i for Vertai!e,- FOR Fiezae-Appiy ou hourd. or ho C. Drapr & Co, Wliitb-y- Jaumes0. <Guy, C<ias- v.; J. MeLlaU&, Darfingtoa;,F. hNicholson, Na(vcmale; A. Cochrane sasdo. I{enaaeru, Poan Rops.C. Ellott, Cobourg, J. Nelc, Coîlborai WaesshBsitr, lgt. April 9iat41849. I ËHO«OQRAPH QLLI 1(Lars J. c. anas.',> Ms.W~ox viii b. alws7 ansrdWtske of *Il kinds, OGAIS mE, & a; §a a l £supeorons- der Msad4rhl llike aeuy, Cabinet FWE inr«j cstatl> tot, or ae re gaterVas mg.eyofToi ble vît Uo!Ta et'le,,d, et ver rat" PIMTUeSltrgsd W ILr B IZE, sud CUMOED in OIE.specis attention given to COPYIZjÇg OLP PORTRAITS.,Mie. wgaxap s ver>' auceoe.dlin llnCJI- RmNs POI&TxArTS.' Wbltby, Aprul ptb, S. EEITISH ANEBICAR ASSURANCE COMPAN1jrY Capital, $40,000. T nde ied bal omp t 2-11tupp. Agept Wblty TEETII EXTEATEP ID WITHOUT PAIN,.. B Tto ViE U0 NITEOUS OXIDE LAUGHING QUI, 0E TUE NEW 4L-AlAN9STHETICY. DENTAL BOUxt§, DUNDAS SiRE E Tl wmIrIDyl, C. W. EOUMS.O ve'M.1H. Jeclrie'sStore. wlsssyens 28, 1867. 25 .L MMER lL ot tà L, »ý BROît S,o Te W ovit iY.- la s iperler u 0 or, vltb eovery ,ré.uyeuS- onWo for 11a r !copiota o! guata ssal tIse tra- velIng pablie. ' WUI!Da e-caalyard., suid *sttosatave j!wl' vwax# on tisa prue. 'Chartesi Nederate. E . l. N.CALDWEL. WifhbrJa4 , - Lts e s ao aéthemais> le owtoo, blo>%by Woev1 Farsvsli, Englmd-I regret tIseé, Butit tes" Ia teé. t 1e Toits hippy blduen dair, ohall Oclipue ii>'f4mè,<> Englana 1Taghtsad fwam'd ilike b>' ti; MW0e igh abrmnmpre Ifightier lu lier vIrgia vigoair, Ars be Jut eualty. SaIymemor' oa e ede On b~ (iâ,vbreea v~aer,;- eesmlIcsete pra, Tst the aln>'n<>bhPpyi lit tee Iîr Idoa>' quel;, Ttthon in710-thl? fsa!l progswqs AU tii>'misr> a l-» Queentionsn', isîret ol, Godevlhtse, Ysêne, -sh AN IRIRH LOVE STORY. 'Woli, yen mue, I vis teliing Yeuna It- about 1h' ah. rcanmed,' visu on yn keal for Euageneý, sud 1bad te ps-oantisim, te your isotior. Bût, mure- enough is, va Engoe, anal no eue elsei tisai agved ni>' *life, tisat aigisi I vutellinsg yedo! iof n isen fatiser <ied. I tonaiin coldalnsud s tiff lu tise b.d wvI camse home ; sud I isadnotlsingia thieibonzemeyeif-uemeat, nor bresad, nos- potiioem, uer a haportis; me I just mat dovu ou tise iedsido nr ~sPý9 ~boforgire e'#Iqaeliu1a ne voqld tae me, hon; for I vasi beiploi and orrov!Ùansd veak anal dovubeari- ed vus buger. sud tison 1 began -te ci>'; anal I tisouglit o! motiseriow Éaise Isma aleal, anal boy fichervas dead, anal nueuoe o burybm. And,' dibaks I1 ïfI1aie, tee, tise cabin viii niake sa dcent- little grave over ns aIl, anal uapoee wyul kne an>'- tising about ilî,r so I Vi oeying on, thisnkiug of ail hse e tiinp aud veuder. ing boy iit came about vlysa 1 obede f1oetstep Aitishe déer, anal guoeud sai once it vis Engeae'i. Seola. nover amaI avos-a te meomifir, buts.oest -islmalf-dovsa beide sue, Andal ftr saJliee etiayn àWh" is ih.Mary demr Il 1lae ., sys 1 mollies-l<laied, sud nov ftir fa dosal; Usure his abefore you. isd I sm tant to <lie tee, fer ['sas buarbete4! su a e =*!no te «VT.Y't tiis,'sa E aou, and laé pufleoalmueogantlos ont o lapeckt-'I gioasel je Pue o look for me t i rte da yu d ion'I cme' hec, afrein tise vor6anal metiserS-ave me My spprJM a ptJi fiu py pooket U was é t vsi'iungi>' myoel4, si ae"off vithit to you.go est hMary durs; for I conil not est 1h if a bskettful ef b-aid, vas befpre me WelI 1 kuev tise poor boy had sshluedisimel( te oriveItho me; but I vis Wail nigis gene, me I juat gave hlms a ihg looks, and sa 1-'Eu g euedemi, Ilcnovw l oi ists; but l'Il ctîit fer aIl that for yous aké, amd for fuir ral die before yonr face'1 Anal me 1 aid, anduep', Mary,aMy$ lie, çPAme ihome villa me, 'id mother'viii taise cire et yen for ii bit;- sud lu tihe moraing l'Il come ont mysoît anal but, fatiser for you.' Analme ho aid, tise great boy asIeha, sby'slaeoboise, before y'our houer nov. And al edng tihe r i b.ees!M, »Appt atbloto it st as lie vas-fo0r v J e c Ll- -wiere voulal ve get oee"btY«ar j'Snd visen tise groat <la>'coma, anse thoy'il botis tie togetisor as volt as If tisa>'Wore in a coffin o! geii. Agauaise began te veeP -,but livas ef short continusuce tis time. Anal nov, ven't yen put Eugeuae's namne ln tisebook? and ve'hi go live thorc aspin, fer iezaiard teokeep hlisa ag, £jla iis Aivayaprais ing me to go vuS lins te tise priést. Anal vo las%-o put a novewmt oetbâhalcs pen tise liltle cabin, and may bléGoal voll bogood te ns, sud tise bees voulal tive, anal the hsaisgyeyor ast> neyer coine on ns *gain. 'Wei, XMy1Ihave iseard all yen ic.d te sa>, sald 1 voalalglai>' de auyh4'isugil ns> paveoserve yen and Bnue, éibut- I caunot lieas- Use thonugsi tsi' Iausamm iatini dovu for l1,s on ibismiser-, 'fam. anilg iiveuold lie farbet- ttotry yens-fortune la ,Amerl o gaer, anago entýiW etise tissioi- a teeTm odv edy serodivea sih isadl suidah 'm les th e Iscaveus VIl coesback ; 1 vitic Il kinow 1 yl, sald this vl bcWtise iat p-st-hated, a had dvied s-f«ourgoo. Th barenthse eo& lot Onth e mutains ide la no place for thse s"0 thaeliMesof youansd me te aetie. -IT go £30, toj an I& frue M Amer*wes M404 As.fi couse baèI ormy ovu dlin', sud tae but tise be%1leugitfs me For Ged'asake,snmuter', aliebeix let-unbe quick ;lor[IdWà7ntrtest or tink: portion, o! leàving. Mary, or, sua>' b., couidu't go ia costali but at AIL, but lu Ma7;tbriwev b. msabout2Lsgo' e upcm oegel and.- atherly - "rogureas eofsMy'présence, York au icoblieana ireptllk isilal. & er patron-,Thsae di izlng m ava U tter»'ygene, -sud mise md- force te dresaedisu v o f braffecion.- h_'_ssougis 'Enue,' id aIlk'1meveli I saeed China. net teaisfosyurlovefyoujuere t houos. 1> me, th' anal miles'ae>. Y. have provoal iLtoc aile raiti ofhoa for Meî te doub i ilfora t uepf âtnow.,ave>', a 0o, anal Goal b. wilh$is ;-but, md jeuobstacle coeebacla viti iehoyemr, vietiseryebu tise mdva ricis or viehrye bc poor; ifriceh, ye will bevecemnse mi!peor, yevuilthen b.l deubi>' veicom to you nvu rliwc' ry. ' Nover forget tisai 11%ank yens ionor mué t a >'our Iind-a,- £couve n Is;li nyerfor %ut ltb muer a iipitéed1 -orld or t about tl In a fcv <ayengueappeard eallieeIrevia me cimalin a uev alcms!otaîsuit tbrev lia 1 "a ii- bis passage moue>' sisala Hevwas1 conpl.ofpouucnds overtiatb he, msighibevithisaIll ab;e ogo7fsptise coustai nd mailook for -uhora,à -He t*sai" me ila mouly openva>', asud-tïe Ito1 =6 atmti ver no uèbbis real tcc aied U tw u s u wes mulu t Pâie ai [vas thessaipgged, siad tiiengi (S doctor's tiseugit of C~y4 , j"«e, st 1 eor abouti17 b" su Mhauty ofusiuglspoc intu- Ji5Ise q= b«but oise dsysMe megla utalaMl mes agals ma1 vuasaaisutise nme@sM&andl grounal; s&sW4,comiliugptomevith a A -Stumibl pl~pflOCObes ,ugvid pl-su4, Iseoiidbe 1 misovod me às ltter (oI iu.It vas lolIStI not long, uer wviaimonti ls vonlal caîl iiiSfl g vryiuteremig; bntiseM ber l a va fO'cm.P idIul enplqyasentvwitiaagooal sud kinal isaproas hm-tia h bil aS-dy sOesve e S«n dees ibis =puto0is orninm,saldhe'boued, tevwait; 0-revor, onte come'bock anal lainsud 5ugg lais prize, mcd crrhi$ mningMay 1of se shou tes fh iomne b.va en tisnpeparag.vusbisa Thiisvaýbout slxorseeu monda tor baokoal b. leit; anal ase lad remaied >o tmep Pihmst5 lu lber sovn littie pimoe,' ý olJIil, left bier î iq "montimes vus ber Molles, eves- the muO sauice.tisai bei About fire mouIbsaller theIs.li inter- visem hla wiw avlking aloue' slolsgibeses- Bovei be ai Koumare, visen I vas a gam va>' iig te mi llaal by tise issuasoeO psniis bossai>;, teGodet but ibis tima aise vas ucoompanieal by a si AishOl yrouug pais. 8b. Jookeol grave, thsugi vas conm bappy, as b.veallvIolugy by bisside, -làotion. msailie patrouizlug wy b4altogetier ia Toront departial <painbeu. 1l,1cd nreul t lginl tise yonag mun.Ho vashall and Wstro-,g, Pidzai bis beard vas massive, anal roqbed mimit 'as bcoMt te bis cisot; bis lmace va saolome, but te attend su-bus-ut andtihsr boston;,Qud is veall de visolo îpporsase vusana little liko ber' camse, bui lever Bcugene s h vas posible fer 1ht. it; Baud Ils. -Tison it. I> tood hil as, tisepair ipprosceal Me, soonudrol lookk.g intesati>'frein et e tise phier. it"Mnl Mayaa mts nu cime quihé ci uasp té Tise fadai me,ý and, as ueithu s-oftiesu sddremaed me, vise bu. IWuthse firsttipmlg. d erui 'Boy la ibis, Maryf nsid 1T, 'a ô nalvoutise bau la ibis D8U "staccapas<esyenYn-y sureiy do net meuatos>' t t -yen ber ho bis li5iot ~ gWMmd takesa np if suotiser tilt bertur innl ' Gf Masv mse à îarl afiw -1(Dons-tise - to the use oftise hine, eveu viorei Af Hrtias Seelisidol. - - Le f aeduchiou andal aundeumess ueiist klud isu st'béea boaljbt iu fiais oit.Th scounidrel vise aitb isdedis one-Joseph Ste" mheal Jev, who nme tms ag laistestinithe tovu o-etsit. Ji the tins. oflais arriva tse-e, the~ moveumtspraug up, and Joeepli biiaof iilu wte vu aIllbis amigisi 1firat a eonireit, anil belaf;-' blew;ed Igft ofthie geV' ho begen t couvert sud ohscaved laa deldeal1cap~- a" e;xponder; - Uat hoe vasde- lalKuin Niia-Wiei and tb4 xauniy e! Bruce. Joseph teois up ieseewith sa doter at the laite' ud it mebhappeaed tUsaineer Lb. residouce, an innoen yaug j6 7yceof agelired, whoat , « 'ily> ' a is g s-; l ob u t ,sor estoiyes pnh«-ti biagbled vasin me va>' no belenge te tise Prumbyteriau de- Iieu, sud cesalalnet Smmate tbq eil f Wais mm mmwwo tJs'probaim iltion does ntDolt uappa-, ,-sI tp soniba e osua very 1[tigprid ;but Josephs tisuglat d7ufferenUtj jtet thUe innocent girl, Usai Lldaie tv er fahlser'aboume mad gof a. ý '194dopist is asuggesiion vag la> su ais>' pions arguments, andl ,lut prevaiiod,, sud tse poor girl fatlier'aboumesalvoent sae>' vu sudel. lie repseseuted to bée ris gelasg tehta-e to iseI, oeiu ho bave ber vits s ces-tain I geaileqpso.[istmsalof preeeal itisell.- bowevor, leeps took, iSi ois, visera tesetayed togitsss b, and ntisitishe villainouasse mammamteal. b>' tisepooe's-e:- ,Tsy e>ft Gedericla a - ca ite lut Tisutsday anal ssyoal tti s hotel anm, ib .!aUesLQs Steres vent ont for tise-ps rpooot Md, gf peoceeding toilahe college testom.bsuai Usere, vhid5 etala bim il Sains-day. Saturs-d> it breglt ne Jompb saleag ila My,' pasied, ncd so id Monday. vas seon tisai tise oatmptiblo el bcd decoupal, lueving lais Poo~ n a 'shue bordirlng oun<eedo . scosue te tise cet(iso.Cpt. Prince, siacl>' reuoveal die bs-ekonis..t- s-e frountUse hohel, sand placoal Soi aaa t Rsriant aor- McPse-sou ý 1 l

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