Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1869, p. 3

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per7wMO Uiooo fb1 ce ont per poc eo iiotô*,h - jO1 ging dpiaged grain obalit, Inpu ost1_ rogultd by thé COollectOW o 4 voPPO. 2.lia.The. drlog, 8#11 b don goder he@ perol isipctioll o44' ýew. î pf exclu dotsilid (Pi shat _f orp . 814, Tii.1 uroUif'! bç grain or Orlingbkilo,- *oilpsy teth fe cofrtor or IcJiâReto~. pue lth ciinm asuhalbe aoffihte 1.$p1 the e.qoansc jcared -iat'ie nU.,Oy -îr_ lo amtgod7grlaIn. 4L-1%Wi ll- ,Ü>e4k0f dolYOf o ii. fcr 10 IXOljf"iio lf sumd nartail wbohiifitii damagid grain la lJy uqtb Oz inlaCoacil , -1a pr- 4od tlia crilde brimotouo, beretofor# -çhargeable m ion uaonoaiOîato4d tcla si. ,uiatlag tril of canal toila, wlds ith@ raiols gd for the sisth 'he, sthall b. placedat!iIo luth cloua thhroof,ad made piageoble wt ithe jole off sha t due Anolid lady who recccîtly viaitt.d Onida, wis ukelu On b#r rOtumIf ltho canal paseda tbrough that villa go. Sho paused awhile, rail answcrod, el pguasnot-I jdidn'îuso lt-and if il diii, It muât haro gone îhrougb ln the ntght, when I Waou lccp.1" .An old bâchelor sayi -Lovera, Mek aries, get along well Quough, t111 *ngag- John and âane were noi aiarried, afler Ail ; for thouglà John, wooOd, Joue wooed The bachelor has tu look out for number ~fone;thi. arîied niai for nunliber two. BRYAN-At Whkiby, pu tho jet l. ~Ioary, oldest 0411viYing sonif )Er., Jacob Ivya, aged 7 yoaro, 6 montbgS'aad 10 Whitbly MarkoLn. Wblsby, Jody 1', 1809. FAlit Wiet......*,90 to $100. Bpulng do........904 Io 930, .000 fo.. u.... 1916 toll1.300 Bot...........scta. Poati.. ...... .. m.*7a* Dte......... 14 eta. .......... .... 03 CIO. for chain R1s.hd, àtd ono.thurd off for ugwani.d, Jlaok and couts. NE W ADVERTISEMEPITS. r011 À NEW 1Rs n E 1101?OY r a > Court ROUISe, Town cf Whitby.' gTF.IDEBi, occompanlied witit dpralgu. will i. r.eêvod At tii. Coulity Clrk'. offce, huaurt Bouse,- WIîtbY, ai, to Maturdey, lblOtli day of.;July noe., norî front aiuyPonauor perisnnwlliîîg orcet A 140Ow ecit, nfront out he court Itou.., At A 00%t lot tb czvcd *850,parfoot, Ilnclad. lîî Irn orkai pauîtbg ii ucordeav o wità tii.repît e tu c italte u iCouti rup- Il. J. MACDQNELT., Cont Cenk'a office, t Co. Clerlc. WIlbJulie 2tt. 2. 4 EOH]ANIC3'- INSTITU TE, z l or t ii. 1r app tat o n tci it.e Ieport D,14 th e . iotiOn Orfitlers fdr thimi niug yeaf, will 110d ' tleti.MOOIhaNDIe' hall, (,il Jrrday Pva:hî,1 Ifloit telut., lit 8 'oiock. A juil ut. tgnuuise la roqutad., WIlitbjy, jtîîiy 7, 1O'i9. 27. (F-f i Bimift91ùm,Liln. De14 tu Dorn thO hlluîblti&.ut Wlitby auad 0 v'ldlity,tiaî l10 lai caîuicýed buoiiie,.sas. EfCrtO, GoId and EIIvcî Flateri Corinopen to Ail. 7'0ouotrance foe. ýAl$ . r ust be ou the ground and enter- hidrulé", PfIn. t lm 0f otru lil bc. .. nado known ut tetm OoXMITUZî.-goâo. Llddle, Artîjar Jolanebon, W iâby, J uly Sro,18027 XBO8LVYNT A1 op184 Befwe~U~e Jlme.,S7j.iý gtd .M v*w mArdJb Qampbell, IZinifi,' e., Y-L .Torre4em;ngewh4»e&-nttià.u,ànc, for tkmpazment of/inter. a et'on. WI2E~ tbeo.auctio und oomplottou off bis Port Whitby und Fort Perr i tu. WaY Willl greotiY aoo hie tperai in- torets and PranperltY Of the Towni off Uhltby, sud II.là epellwi.gbalin heCor- ontluoftthe Towu' 0fr WJitby uiWuld udlb.. ail tu thé e'aad work by' $*lag dceinmnabt hé .Coqunoliof-thieo = ,omion eft thoTown of W Iilby, adrinoblo taotalke gud aubscrlta. for Two buudred Bhar.s off thé capital stock orfts, %h! crt - bitb' aid i>rt Ferry Eailway Comanmy amonat- ligboaToi touaand Dollura, u.nd' to la... DUbenturea ta thueomout lasî Ifoimieua And wlierag t.carrg' labo ergot le ,ld 0 jeet.. It viii ho uliéeaary for thoed tile Oulu orteàteîiuoau Dollars, ln insu- gler hriuferîîutioted. And wbooralc Il u iqulrq théOuam ofAllén tiîousaîîd olle Juedred Dolaire tabu ieileod Auflnally by apéell rate for the. payaiený ut tie ale! cap or d.bt, ane! aI.. lor thi lubtproat t iutitionAmiasheoelaftei montliood.' ,And v terces the anount aîOrth iole iuteablel ~up.îy u ibesala. Mulcip-ll1, lires- peceive or @Ili, futaie taîcriaââaiofItoesame, aud rrempectvaîro of onluCOMo t# ho de 0rm ý hetc temorar>' tnvef gtoîi f hue siniiuîgfndlier lnu iotr auloned, or Auy art ,tlsrof, amàrdipn tota o élest rev*elogm moentTOI oftlÏe aald Mmi-: cipait ,Wug or hé fur1alé hhausauje! oIighiiuudrd nuoIaiJahylic, W&4sa ix litindred aind! ort>' tlres ,tlaoaund aud- And whormus theeolbig dnbt:pfftlIi 'sold, Iiigitipolitygaunouit* ta Il esaio r lty tua tliontat#d une htidige!maiîl nlaby.lx doilaoîs tor principal iuouey, anil ta thi sainu ut'TJie tiionnllîud oî oneînidrt-d sud bhilîty <oarm faouuly foiitrea ioc aud thugtttuerd 1lug oluteoït tleroop uew lu alirir. And viierena tor payMqg b lurq Anderofot.- luqç ait oqugl1 arl yi alkîn a for 0ho paytîu.nt oh t 00 galda ui» otffLon daen..,A dollars auJ litterest, usa Lorelnafbî e ; i- tiosied, It will reqatro ai *4ia1 aunal qpeciitf rat. otr(ee1111litsud fotirflfth fi' o! a Mliilu in te ollijaa ,l 4Iia t i rates ta bbe le! lu eociyeOT 1. B. lb Eiated, sud lb ta borohi>. Enttpd by thé Conoeilor tihe Corporation 6fthuoTowu Whiiîb, under lhe atitorlty oflflic Muni- cplî'aCorporation act#, and '".e il AW&y Act" luirelation tilinto, attheid al!Car poral n of thieTown oa!W1iul, -do asie! oaliailubteriteo, oantItake "Tva Humun rie! $iiireol" pi the. Capital, Stock off lii. Ilort 'Wiiitbysude! Part Plair>' Eaillray- Coîipiuiy, amoantMlg ta Ten Thîaaaoud Dullerm, And liait thje Mayor ofté'.sala! TIownî of Wliby; or otlier poison aut&W, izod by th:g, Couoîil, lie aid ho ia hereli>' efthiorlzed anJd ireeted, ta sabacribe for muidii bake ou ehIi'if of thii. mid-Corporation, ouitma Town of Whîieby 'TWO Ilq1drOd irhiaroi ut $iîe sale! Capita Stock aste'Aoro- sale!. 2. That It 'ahal be lawtnî for tie ]MaYOr Or' oiîber persan oatiIà"rized by'tigeuo Coml aql TV'lue be' WOy of! bau iioui ausy persan or peosu , body or bedied. corporebe, Who îîay bcwiling to adaeie lb.heuII uon the crédit of, tii Debenunres berelioter moutloîîed, a outil or enais otfunoer not cxceeaiugglitit'ie wiolc, theOsuaiof Toui Thîoumaana Dollars, un J ta case thés'ant to bu paie! lut. ttié liane! o! thi,,Tregearir ai9ltié soie!corporation, for tIi parpao ud with the oauîjctb abore reolted. 3. I!iat t ilsijal hoc lawfi for thé.,pal& Mayor, or otiier Pormosi autlîorized by théo Coqueoli, ti>cauii tho racuîcîtatîügnnher_'0f IL.ei . tmien te ho maoefor Kg sueca»Offmono>' eay bc horcqalred, net lesu tua»Ue illandred Dollar, eci, snd that;ibeh. ale Debeituras shalbuseaiod with lieés*MI of theie da Corporation, asud signad b>' tic Mlayor, or itiir persoîî authorîzeal by -tho Colîîîcl, anal couuteri.1gued hy th.efe- urer oft hie Corporat!du aforecate!. i. Thait the *ald Debentures saolib. oý"de payable in Twenhy ycarte ah thé furthoieot t'rom bloc day iereahter icutionedfor tuai -By-law to tek, tifet ahéi. (ntdo latik lit its Braiîiî or Ageuîey oaloic.let u&hitby, and eshahhbave Coiîpoîîaattacoe!'for tho payuî.ut of luccereit. 5. Thiat thée sald e!Dbaîturcs ihîal beur lut'ores& ut andal ater the rate of Six p'er"oent. per' anuumn, frai» bhe dat. therceof, vlsboh I1'- torout ciî4181b lho do payable ll-yearly ouhtifrot dey of July and Janipylita eaclî and cvery ycîar, ah thé gale'a tuc& or' Ageley otte ico thelieQtaulo Daak ICK 6. Thot for thp puipose ef foifflg a 4nlag' land fto e pYienh orf tllo"aslt'qbo tarest, and for th.e Paymetao tbo - tuleisa nh the rate aftarccaud la beaomo digo tiers- on, au equol speeiad rabte tone Miil and !ouî4fitli parti cf a ýI1l it'be dollar, bliall, lu saddition ta nal otiier ratea,' b. .rauicd, levlcd mue!oohlciut-in4u oh-yeSrý upon ail the, rgteabie propoit>' ta thé nld >Inuloipllty, dunusig tho contluuance- of theisald Douenuaes,a oIn>' oi"thi, 7.Tiîlfor the unr pose ottakiug the v otaes of thie sail.Mnulcpal Jlectpr» bè thlpkla ïatol shah lbe oioued, eecordlng ta 'laiw,loü tho N ort h 'a r ,it t Iolw eault'J m W- itoto, on tht ie St a f. A M t 1 a leronuet at he îk atreet. 16>8. MOODY. 27. ES Dnuco liai am, prepacI. cm ndsls TOWN O4COUNTY9, 4T ~489MPLlA. S"Arroau 01)04for sales qou w pai4 eltilir aSt h. îuxot~Ofce é'at fiba Olioe, Bjock atTeet, Whît>' L. EBIKr, Avoroxxm. Wliîty, JilyOlpq.27. JAMES LAMON, OmmoOer,&rmtrong'n lIe, Main Bt., Uxbridge, Jane tbi, 1869. tf-OS D MINION TFLEGEAP I NSTITUT!. TOBON'TO, ONT. .Eitablisked for th.-e il purpose of «uci4ying Younig mon anJ tomen for TtuInstJiutlon altlgogh oatbllahod batsa short bîia eago, han, alvaa'ly le oma a 'perîuo-ý Déat Itiatlu. The wliole Dotiuiin la 11w about being travermed by a comnploe net work off nicva Talegraph linon, wblch willoffer npeciei. ladaucemeîîts 'to yonag mn aasud, wmea toa eu- go iabteasy and lamitlrbuaoi- ètlîapn*naub Thodosdo .91 wtrca aie now bclug oo,înract.iJ, sud; bandroda 0f o1gecs Wli ho apoppo, Tie inîtitiît. has aîroady nappled nuibe otoffices wtth Opeu'abors, ýWlo"aevrmé e life luIn qayna won about tir. iéftha nud reglrhggooainetiafiton. Energtto yungapeu pvIpweuoeirous of, puts tîlfo apa n nt býeC n Telefrapliy cffealducemeabi Sabtch are unaquid ed hy' ail other Ib'uilsîîia. Any poison of terdluiry ablllty Con stthim Inatete obecome aompatent 0(perutor. For Icli partloular', addr.aa JOh1N 'ALLEN, Jý., J. MoACL1tEN, Torontutp ho 09. 20-tf. 'sapoit y Bbacrptiin d',Acivo tiaemensu eslas b obtaed ta ov48 the cont cf Publics- WTL.KiNsoýS BLOCK, BROOK STREET. WHITBY. Oheëapoçr than.,tIh.e Ohoapost, Caitng ol the best qaii.o8MMEII GOODS, ààlnË inat very re. ducd ri.. mnyOfthem b19w c 4t C exIaieninc for youraelf. JOHEN BERNÂAgý, Highes% price allo wed for BUTTER 'ud EGQS. -whitby, July 8, 1809, 21.' Wines prtadLIc uors., Iýest Maderia and Port Wines, at $4, BeetMcTcnze'MSheris, 14. Superior Claret, (Ju1icti!s) very chemp.. Best'Brandies, bottled and on draught Fine Syr'plà & Ginger Wines, DAVISB DON ALES, IIN 10 04LLON XEGS. Pine, old malt andRye Whiskeys. C08ndBlickWell's, Sauces atd u~smmdi Pickle$ TCIIUP. WORCESTE RSAUCE, GdRKI'Noe,&o II-OUSE KEEPELIS GROCERI E s, 4NCLUDING FI'tESII LEMONS, AND OTIIER FRUIT. Whitby, Jnqp 29tb, 1869. DUz.PàsS MUET. SOCETI'of FRIENUSN. R. J.CXPBJELL invite the attention of The Friends tO their STOCK 0F plain Drab Shawlýs, F'oplins, Lusters, Empress Ulosth, ýand Brown 11 1 ohn, S ported expressly for h"".,trae R, & J.C4 EPILL qWhitpy s &xupocaâer, Ju 13,1869>Lh.. milX a-d 1- J HÂATOHI Wa'C!iOTKI<Q UADE PO»a- A good fit warraafed. goooépWinesi n, piitw -The. bigbest pric. pai4 forBùtte* CW~ASH FOR W«OOL, HAMILTON ~CO, WbfLtty, JUDO t,1869, THIRTY D-AY58 SA CHEAP Tweuty Thou oand Dolar, worth otDç qoods to be iold, ai JOHN SKINNERIS# Five per cent dlowed, on Bank ii e.Gcat bai-gaIns fpr ~,a Seutag Oi1 selliug Off 1 ai GreatcaLCcaling Sale, '-ai Goods'oft'ered below Cost'price, At, frone oManth, ai JOHN' SKINNER'8, JOHN SKINNER % JOHN SKINNERIS, JOH~N SKINYRPW8j- Ire lutpnd toécaesoui the vbole opfour SummneStock, w. wihl oler snob lnduc.- ncPpj s uerîbefora have ba ieno n sct iii parItet Canada, me lithsw.'nayhar. fun&aon baie 10 putcaes'>'alLGooda, vu camimence Oar' ear>lu t.eSeon , 0se Iba Il will tb. lo lotto te o i hmod. ieto"int la nov El4Mw n-l'bud vi haaevuo.Al good du odïe! la sun.. Lare udqe thos l aI Dene coa 15 acoulDresm G0"Iraucdtl a10 etaibeut re. goodo rédg'&1 to 15 conte;. 80 nt dries goads redaced te 25 cunts; 50 cuut dres do ruduCod 1080 cents. NOURNlNepdaf4rtluzd fiom lOte'15perdent. -"I cSl ksroducdte01p e. Gueat redactlons lu iveod, lé perceont osAUg hTl!.ed , lousti .q 4 ouotW 2I Mi& gppd utont Tveo *ll5& éconta;tlîiuul..cuJardctul Ofll IJiki, blsowk t'et spel Jiokets ýuôaed rlghl'd*wovitacoat price.. 811k Jacke'a. "osu a eadeé!te dad ta c'o15 per cent ot ali lwoer> nd! 0hoy,. e 'RSL la aUlb. ahe ew styles, lobe sohd et.0 par cent bélow coat, ta cleoo' ont thi lot, 800 tuelect tramâ. Ourr caune! Whitle Cattan. are reduoe! iI pèr cent, Linon for IeyupoiAh Unhicard off pleb. The. iniibit»nto off Whitby andi (armera of Ontaio, yUjl haye'q.p aUpporf4y off buyr jng nov goada fer UNXoi TffNI, ah unualJy loy prices, wvo advlic Puroeaaera' tg, call e I and! Po iave a larcor oh"oof baiuini.ai, DRY 0001)8 iîcw costl-for 80 day., eoxumencing FRIDAY, July '2nd, Hlighest price allowed fer PRODUJC& Wbitbyf,Juue 229 186?. 1869. Wmesv 24. W-AN TrED . PO~PiONWÂEROOX$'P ~Vhllby,-JuaePj150~ IU%'MslaotJans Uxhridéo. K. . sl, aL -E -N O ,'--- - mm1.s Sà' Ts>pn pp Per, for lDRy' %OODt, At JOI!N 5EINKER',-@ -100 TONS> SORbA? IRON& Whkiby, April 28, 1889. J MONET TO LOAN 1 T;h, ctdoleifadbua roed Inrci 1,1!0. '18,1 'lThe .c i ' - , 17 1 & BROTHER !Jiýeýý,

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