Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1869, p. 2

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ma or lb. Compay wooîd ppwa <o b. la * vsvy pvoperou suad -aUfamr>V ocdi- alon. ,ÂAemitig 40<ht inasîclal sute. bisOus -- a i iollsb#avitb*nthétiao 4isê allotta. ase . tu 4moeatia safelloi cashssud cash Thesgroaud vas ' .xenîvo,é4i du billi1.go, band to psy ait llsblli- plaît. firm sud regalairlsprosd. 'Al l t. uad <bt vitsoas maliag a c ouson <é Wo vas prooanoe4 excecdiagly vali prewîm itasot ta o':uydont, Mai ,howeyar, *osidrad the 'Thearslab. pamu. iole hale i> ime allowed-tco short, and espacially fi ibis coase ies lb . te'conupetî:ons did_,not Issasmat n otmm l 0 S,424,G2: ecasuadcMmeace ouil aoteah paîd. 'lc césh noies, $1,568,44, Aaîs us.i-li thosfierioop. ati (wicL do mot inlade tb. vla. of ,It viii Jus obsenvc4 thatt Ms. James osfe* <rasitr., d&o.,) tbere*arae. iÏllities Davidsoî, wvio asmo va suntioned last amau1 atog tt inroun - cmbeveek sa having done his von su val fi amou£Iî <. lu~ nmbe., 1,10 Io eontny match as b enti£le blm 't -0a latvlag balanse of essisa êvar labilities irat priza, wu a'dd h ieto u upwords off $40t. 'This is a dscidedty occaion àgainst al'oo.pctiiors. Anotiter oa£l.faetory axhîbi, aud apeaha veli for -brother, George, vho carried c ff ths finit ise prudent sud economîcai managemnt prisa luJ the boys I"s.lui the. conî£y oftedroosed1«nofmatch, vsa,ét siso, ill 11b.cssci, svarded lia disotrs ud ffiarsof latco - .trat 8priseonibis occasion. Both '#re sos c #Jmes I. »avldiou, cf los No. Dwlngtba year lbe diractors appiied tb 19 la <ha ih concession 'of 1'ic kanhugfisud1 liaseLUcdl Lgistaturte »àd obtiîad a 1 POO' vall degertrho vir abeéir laurels. .1.1 Act, coîfarng aopoî Lb. e-Opay Judges -MXen-Tho. Thompion, Aie£. sony addliooal, advitaîgsî , pcv.er, Wlkins, sud Arcbd. Bail. AmadgildIa th,ébarigit to accepî pre- Boys-John llJu.hby, John BElio,,aid mients Io cash fotelrme of en# yaar, or James Rovitt. more#, 00 excediag flvqj Ibis placug -liberà, judges sud apectahore vers an- Uail. cmpuy, visiarespect <o thea-povsrs teçtud ai a Weil sîppiied sippar, vielicJ sîjoysd, ou a par vîtia othar Muatutla-u for plsnty, varie<y and gcod cookimg, srugie.Compelas..Tifs Act vau ci. derved to ha cstlied a apleudid banquet, Wooad in Iboa moiti of Febrnary, &ans sud certalul, did the cemout -credit to iho wb.u [four zoâthaJ <hase haie beaun issed goodboatess and ber asitaits, on th eha cash sys.n 33 Policies, againht à.. - 29 Ploiias osatii. osma system for the Jietiîng et tbe On gartogedltcai Conuci oigbt moithe prsc<ediug, vou b.eiscompaiy Tutrtmeigo sîwy lcelI ladocly pov-er 10 Issus poliolas for oat Tea o etn ith ol eotdI 7.57. members of lias Medîcal Conneil of On- S Doig tha yar Jst losod, 465 policies- tario, conumenced on Wcdîeaday, lutsti Laave beaunls.ed 'on thea Preminm notae siadti.seso isedî Str syte., sigains, 251 on tha &&me syso n hessinsut.o o au.e lest y*pr, maelii 1 1 con'ieaîc.iid ayi i.ovyeetdmmevr laaviug 706 Policles ou tho Primioum otePrésent as vere alto neprefen£ativss of theO @"tom. 01O'the QC.h @eic, lolpoliclis Eciectie andd Homaopathic systema. Dr. bav@ beau lscd, &Sainesi24 il& yr- Clark.op!Uulph, wvas acted 'Priidit, 12 of " Ianimber have sxpirad, >sa oneànd Dr. Brouse, Vice.pnesanî. A#cries l h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~o aeiael..-laig18 Toa resocinions lntrodnced by Dîr.Agnewv' mnaber of policiîs onî oh', sytimi 854,y oou'rlng. properîy t, ho umoit otS752,. coîdeuiiatoryocfthielaeMdmiAtîd. 011 aéngiu t ehp otioy $881l-27. tii. introduction of ReleUt isd nom - The folowlug are, taimsos 'of the !&tg opaisus cothe.council wvesvotcid do.;, .leoted oflers of h opu for théauii- after mnch learnnd discussion, an ameîd. -sîiug >ear It-,.etebaigbt let"admsn 11J. B. Biekeli, Esoq., presideit ;- D, . .mttmrangbt"sceadrisn Dow, Esq., vice-presideut; Levi Pair- the standard of education, bîing subst itut- boais, jr., Esq.q secrtary - A. Richard- ed. Metuhens votod <heinseives $di a day,a @on, Eeq., troaspnen. sid, contras, <o viat vas cxpected, parted laO.-Ueisoe. R, suti aid Eg-i- uhli beet cf <rme viii isch other. 0 lot Boston'$..ê 1Board oj DlrýeCtT.-Jobn Willii, D. Suspenion orthtec sports et thc Town 0. Dow, J. B. Bio kîl, 0eo. McGiiiivray, lat aud Heiery liais., tovnship off Wbiby; ihi,. arm voiter appeprns tbhaveaa ltoti Sprowlsi, Ueo. Hichingbotaom, 'sud Johi'Parker, tovnship cf Picheini;' John moit enirvating effeet ipon the actons Who Sntithan4 Aîdrev Aunis,#EBut Whitby; carry on the negnian sports at the Tovu Pbillp Lpp,. Scot;- Joseph B. Uould, hall. LAit Monday ivcuing -only tise Tlxbridge; John Lcask, Bosch ; J"'i. muetot'ed, aid the nmner hing icmusf. Vruomaî, Broi; aid Aaron Choato, p si î ei iog <apê ilonbrary Director.-T. N. Gibbs, grammo, the sports vere adjourned for s Paq.9- M. P.; De. MOli, M.P.P. ; John fonigit, to <ho great vexation or&a large Hall Thouipsont Jéq., M.P.; Thos. Pax. aid expeclant audience it ofir tovîsmen' tou, Eeq., M.P.; Jýpeph- Oould, Esq., vio had asscnbled in force te erjoy the. John a Parry, E*q, Dr. Tu ker, Hon. A. A Bunba, JhaDyde, Eq., Gao fui. The diaappointmcnt vwu great, aid. Brabazon, 014.t Geo. Cirrie, Eiq., Ueo. in ordor ho appoeethao angry murmure s LYeso, Esq., T. P. White,, Esq., D. Roili. vhichamoi., Mr.1 Hopper, lhe tevi bai day, Esq..- N. Ciioste, Ev1., A.* Fareveil, keeper, voluuteoned an original aong. Ho Euq ad ..LasiEs..caiîed il- '-Tut Co-NseIL AWD TU£ Ccv,"P-IL Town, Couit. ach verie conciuding stiti- 'Phêta vauno busintess Iranaatd 'aI th methg of <ha eoccoil onu-llot Monday soru, for vaii off' à 'quorum, Hie WoîsblIp lookà theobéhir ai 20 -minutes psst esihîo'looi. 1Ou thé cailins off-the rou, i t oliowig oconoilors OUIysevr .ta t Lir aimies$s Meurs. oeeiio, PIup aad 'ivt.. 'Adjoounnedfor tvP BitEs ouvi cea Egaosr.-Mr. James Hloldan, O0110iai Assignése, àk., loft, by tiie Grand Trntis m c sda atcrnooi for Qaiea, (rom vhnsaeaho taies bis départ-. me by the- S. S. PeruW4*, for Engià. Mr.ni Bola'trip viii au<sed tgErancof Italy, k.P, aud viii b. pnoioagad fer hiraa "thaéa. -XItle cudetalea for dia prpose Sftorsputiag bis, blthsnaq filiig bealtia. wo trust <o hal his rtira lanetalbd geol b àlli ad vgor. "Ou0r Tevi Papa. are jciiy bricks for klcking -corne te ticise1Itllend hcur tIsentb-vi-tbe Concil aid thesa o.1 'Pie licis vina roeatid in chorus vitb uproariona applauia iy lhe crowd. Alter lusé, cells e rsmadie for &iu Tovn Cheni t0 gir. an exhibition of "$grcnîd sud lofty tnmbling." Thi ciief constabls, hoveven,? cowiug op ai- thetimo commaudad #"Poses in tie Qîoee n u..,aid béing sco'Udod lu bis efforts by <ha deputy.noave, a addon stop.vas put t te aentartainiout., Thi &moumoute ont<h. née nigit off meeting viit open viti an eitiri chauge off pro. gramme, aid depîties viii nol b. permit- tad tu, prfr. fan tha parie off tic regulan actos. Paig tdia:srroptillois rai ovni off-"lb. cov" « befote liai, lifa sis por- traits offthie' animal have beau erdered fer <b.' jporpose o'elocidatiag the proedgs 'bibs4t, tand- bot of a11 the Jarsîi.o the work of the rime.. lu, INorth bis eonotry sud 1~aeen, of Mr. Broyna bould nolt b. lilll pasad Portsa u. Zoav mssUlm m Tui Ron? PLAC.-Ti meber ofthé. Menhaîies' Insitate habayât m*111b. e monb, lthspro- pottioîg tb. rigiat men tu tii. risbt pluce m oficers for the ensalag y.ar. The Preui- dent, lit. Vice paidn,2ad. Vice praal. dèni ,aid the othor offleari cf <tha society, vith a feu exceptions, ara in machanicu and muter mscbamies.I- t vau for saca, £0 beîefit them and promote their intorsets,ý the. orgiaizatioa cf, Mechanica'Institutes, vws iîtended. 'Bylb., snd aider tbokr control thé proeaedings -of'tha body ehoald b. govermed. To> loug Lt as busa Sb# practlce <oaseleet tb. principal oflcoes roms -gentleen f aIsore aid pr ofasionai man, whoae deill avoostioanad parasite, ho. oat vali intutonloathareis. the geatle- mai tbhsmlies moy bava beucould have his raidarmpa£by vith maebanics.' Nothipg fa finihes rom our thouglits than to geai <o diaparaga the efforts of those gentlemen la ther connection vith the, Ifcchanics' laititutoq for a8i7o 0< h eW knov did ai immonsity -of-god in sarving the interests of tiie lrstitita, in office am wel a ont of Office. Stitu Shore vas the aomaly oftallinstitution désignaid for me- chanics, odliened and ontroliedt and, as out iiifbbours voqld eay, the."m$zachina Mniy by ouiiders. Of coue Mehanicu hbem,,sivaavaeo blemi or the. existonce if soba asta ofthinji. Tbi-' havoi i htiberto t00 indifforentand tao regiidlese ,f duels ovealsttuats, Sa n sni of thae, of tao uiod@st snd ra<iinag a disposition, al- loired tiiimselvaesfo bha lboved ont of the places tic7 should proporly oocnpy by cbeeky gentlemen possessing the gifs of the gab,.and with any amount soif safficiency mad assurance. And Whitby does nol stand clone ini ths respect, A similis spectacle is prý,cnted by Mechanios' Institutes ai oves lib country. It, le for tliâi. eason <bat w. are giad £0 End the mechinies and workin; mon of ont lova sitting thomselres rigit at lest and arriving et a knowiedge of their true position,.1Lit hem respect tbemaselvcs. Tiiîy vili tbon Sund hem- seives respected by tbos. vbo vould- pro- sumota 10 hetheir botters.Au excellent selection bas benu made fin ach mena Mlessrs. Harper, Blake and Ring, aid in ouit or the other oificors. Let the. fruit of tiacir exertions nov show thatt he con- fidpnee bestoed- upon theuthbu not bien ni&placod. A well dirîcted effort on ;her part conld not feU Wa s-enire a large occasion of mendiers a te Institute from suiongat the vworking'men of the town. Any failur n its respect wiii b. througit heoin ovn u egicct and vaut of induetry, DtuaoitviMàaàazu. o ORAnoulm. This is reallythelb.gan of the. ladies' monthliee. 1£. paittos and fashions are always (roui, full, sid oig,îIqnaid ils neadiug malter vanlic, aid full cf preolical iîterest. Its nov depanhnicit, 'Tie Ladies' Club,, ha. truck a rein, aid ha. bicorne intneîly pepular, viii.fia illustrations are moto numin ous and betton théa evan, '$3. 00 per ysar, viii a pnamium. Publi. "dîon Ofice, 838 Broadvay, Nev Yonk. Tornto aud Ntphsiug BaiIwar- ~IPction c' Dit-cotons. At the finst mieting of liaesaaioldens foc the appoininieni of Diroolors held ait Toronto on Tosday lesythie 20 inat. Thie fqloivig gentlemen wvere elsctod: George Laidiav, W. F. MoKetr, Win. Gooder- ha., jr, ïJosepi Gould, Robent Elliot, T.. C. Ciieholui; J. C. Fitci, Jamas hB.Smith., Joba Sbédden., - Mrt. Lelmia. efiasd ho set aid tondened bis rmilgiaitic. 'L A.T.GAL? KczMMEt.-Mr. 0s1, ex.mintar cOf Finance, bas beau kttlglted. lis bas bap made Kîlgiai Commander off the order of a&. ifibep sud St. George, Te tISASIAL r&TBtW Tofiauclal suh ov ss I jj~recoipts .for <ha ýyoar tuo h. 7,ff ; lthex pendi. .0 tira, $485,78 ; bualqe on band, $90,84j "»stsoi 18.9;i£hilisia5, $703.74 Theanaiuai r.pt4 shovs a ncressa of t 67 oumb.n., <aiD4lingg f U umbenshisps> ou lie proedîag yoar. ,The rnt from ,à thei -hall duning thIAor saoat.d to $227, 9 -bii a d:-crcsý cf $41 ouiltle yean be. fore. .Govremumet aid;t0 îbs Amoînt ofs $7.5. laut baeu nàived'àdarather suni, of $16.remaàius tu10 h. obtained ; a i l aider the lisntbety of, thi e &t o01luS sasc,~amttg ap qpna<O t 1b.f deoo ed ho tha sncbasaof lbo*kk cf theie l aiea therein mptionod,.tho govorument c appiropriï onw 1aie . aiggC committea b s4iaadditions of 1elIabie von. uapon maiafactures, agriculture, ion ticultare, siieup, thinolueand, decon5£ivs arts, histty a@d travelo, tuo liibrary. d Danlng the pasi yoan 122 volumes bave a basu added et sceat, of $234, sud sevorai a nav volumes hie boeinebouuid et a cuit t of about $20. ý?ie hibnany 'Duow conlains a 1400 voîuies. rue eiection'of a refresi' V ment rcom, Stt ha eusaendI of <b. ball, jeil proposed by the îeport-tha proceadi of, c the lest no-union ho ho devoteid tovards q tlie cost. f OXTA&ItIO (lVhgtby vs. LUN DSAY. C ÀMI beseen clerens of the. above cusw played u the lsd.sy ground. oS WeîIne.day last the 14eh sutt.. ln wtîsc he tIc 0aiome off .raay niclors, ne will bb. scen by the seoe. Good buwiisig sud creful aiisfllng on d ie. 1e ofl 111 wtli i5ioilly b. ptayed et Whilbvr. on y e&1. tnug frOy....... Iteaster, rua nt ........... 0e. Laig b.ces. 20 Mlitcheli, b. Oykes . n ...0c. ù bi . t' yksis.. 2 C flawke.c G P- b ka. b .inog ......O Dns5frd, b.Sykes.... 4 c. A..aiing b. J. .do 8 a lyn5uu. 1 a bLig..ib. ILa5à ....O Oconu. C. itemh. Sykes... aO uoek s...... t Sandersoiî. not at.......0b. Sys. KLiowlou, c. lista b. Bykes 0 b. Lt~ . .by. I.... 'Stde............4wides5........ Grjosid totli14 L'tnure5. iniI; csrr-J. DilC ONTARIO.o li:tInni. 4isiInnings. Colmto, b. Oracâ ........h.(lm e .......13 . ttarrifî. fot outi........... 2b. Gra ..........0 lslardhall. b. Grac....13 t,. l>s*lord. .....I liant, c Rtcusrr b. Grace I b. i b. I)utLçford 1 J1. Laine. b. urm-e ....10 flot (i . 35 %.Laing, 1. om:e .......~ A. lAing c. Ba.îdctsozi b. 01oce,....... ... ...O0 Armàtmoig. b. Sandieron ...r lrcle, b. omet. Sykes, -nuat...... Watoî, fi. Ut-aie .......a .yz ............3 Itye., ..... . Leg by............... *3 Lee ble .. t ti .................... 2 %sdco...... 3 TotaW 74 ,Grandt Total M5 lUipire-IW. M Cochne; scorer-R. P. Ferry. Scx.aSRsOsx.-This accide4l infliction,1, called by the French coup de 4oleil is sapa poied te eccan mono freqnetîil as the. conntry is eleared, bnt ench inýe.ed is noth the. ese. lutaie sanie menna niany sup a pose that crime is on *the. iucrae as tie a country becomes older, bit tu~ alto le a deception. Tha Inti'* i. bsth illusions uprittg frnt the iireued facilities for Nu n municaîlon, vhichi ii, <he gi+et shoshe-, i î eeî Rewedj for consnmpiiou, foiiow lu ti îlte vais of civilisation. d OALÂcOiSa ac.- ieymatçi cf tii national'gaine vasplayedion Tueiday afiereon, an tii Agrie.altan.1 grounde > adjoining lhe Tcvn a ll, týetwveneîti Yuus Otanios, of Wiftiir.aid tiie a "4Eanly Birds" ci Bovmenvibe. yocng, I] WhitbY Came off victorions ra î - evre sînngglialtboagi admittedly overmaleiede by their opponouts vie viewre maci. hbeavien aid eider playersi.(Bovianviho c contribuation& tfnrtIbosupport of vuicu cous---------u" gniy be chàîe y nig uphad feeliuigàsb4nd ti on theiascore &gaiut Caiiolie-neigib>ons. Jîoudý b. 6 Igislstare, oa thé idnagtago of t'be Protestanttu oejo0y can carry ou 1 fret aid proper enidovmeit, aid ho alked fsn leus oxpel san 'aci i jto aid axpediency ftint L@Sislattn cc giebee ehonid fin laft thie.. 'uor dus! spa, Sir laoudell P"s'ensnppoatod the Lordè' cars aid dmp meudmeut.theso grousuda Tho lameldmnt coîhinuiug, the tistar expenimeit vs gran i vas, eoected by àa vota of '315 teéOntarioosilet] 20, . of _, eLegislatioi *. Ms.. Dlihmneli iitimatod ibatjt vas net voit by a Lai necessany. for the Houe' te divide on a> oui> asby 4 of tha olbean a ienti, except ubsi 1teITho$* vho.1u t~us 68. pstp the::b diopblitioni cf a dual Legihs th snrplus faîdi.- auaavare,,-s Mn. Gladstone nidadthegoveroameul lad taxpaiuliut made a minutaenquqir> as.te lie suitable not prOvad ez destination cf the ueo.. arisiug (nom thes It certainty irplus. neahadt Do intenestet oier tien mosl complefi sol member cf lhe Honse or eoutnary tuviv. Ib. viii. cf tiieIrisha people. ,Eniery oie acknewledgcd tiat the monel vas the pro. perty of the Ir~ish aid cuilit tholis appliedCMUNC ta the bietefit cf' rlrd. The. plan vas OMNc open lae cleuit 'ubjectiots. To leavo thii quetion open v"uld ouly pave the vay for sturi eitbnrnasmeit. Him ppaéled to the ESUC flouse mot te put an obstacle in the vay cf the passage cf the bill. The country had At <ho re confidstd vith the fullest sincoriîy in tho offitue Granu 'overnamec's idesire te maike selatud an lest veik, due intccnai part of the. iiugdom aud hen con- ud lectici viLi Engiand closîr. Tie, amndment of the fRouie ofLÜkdo Grand Maul ras tin rejocted by 290 against 218. ' treal, neeliciý The. ililvli tis go bace te the HaoeJamnell cymOt of Lords vii tie amendinents rejectcd. GranDd SentOs Muci apprefienien-and not wihout Shorbrooio, 2 reasn-ia cxpressad at the. recuit cf <ha J.Brovn, 1 cosfliet. Rev. M. Mont Afiar further douate s conmmittes vas Treamunen, iH. appointed to drav np a report embodying istrar, Lient lis eaaeons for disagreement to thc amend. Grand Secrets metits pnopoîed by tic Honte of lords. tunaios ly 1 _@ýýGrand Mauter, A HesÂSB u OOvTs lis Wtn.-Isaî. London Dietri DELITY TUE ALI,EGED CAusz.-The vife of David Curtis, a mai nauied John Hunter, a gnocr, ne- DRict,.ne-ai 1dm i~ Banfonbua for saine reason WeliingtonD cmcd Watson ta ftint ofiier iinsbaad, aud J. K. Rerr, T e becama sa infatuated vita ber, tuat hi McCabo, Omti W. Bro. Il. V prended iier tg hesre Brantford. Sie înict ;,BR. W. accondingly did se corne moitie ago; bit Luvreice Diel re'uned' a foiw days ago. lins. Hunter miii, tSttava i took op hon nesideice at Mr. John l3rovn's'Gntnian,, 261 tavern, West Brantford. It soon came G. Robinson, Bnc. I. H. Sti t an insband's ears tuat saildreînnned, B. W.* -Bro.j and detînmiued tiat io vould maltaber District. Ti onfesi ber guili, io matie op Lis mimd ho led in the. evai banc an interview. Befors deung n i, hie eGrand-Les wantIo a fred aid bqnrovcd a revolver, on lIao2nd W tnmed viii tua vweapon, lbo pnoceeded te Ti trowm's taven, stepped itoe ie use, ind on eeeing ber, sald that lie vanuted .te We rcprodt bavea private interview witht ber. She respondenco o assenteidtbhie request and boti vent.up W bat enigr baire. Afiar a few second'e conversation be seccifromtI vith her, h. aeked hen te ackneviodge tuat Ferry famiy:- sh hîd liadtimpreper intercounse vihiloeoitionary, Watsoi, and beg bis. (lunter's) forgîr- Roint P;enny. oese, tlireateniog aIt ti &âme time te shoot liai LaIe 1upi bei if ah6 did net. Ellc deciined ho maire snd inW1188,, à te aclenoviedgewont, upon vhicii Minier 'ail$iesocf :evo bis revolver and fired tvo &hots, one ýoyniiit. ebta hail emtering taie chia, fracsuritig the in- two iundtèd s fonion maxîllary boue. Taie moment thointile Prncip' nert hauit as fired she îîtered a scrcam of God !ù his imd surcd ber bacir, open viich, he agalu Sabbath finit nred, ihbe second bhail entcrnug the bock would corne <c ind iodged fitie nigln lune. *The abois tittULie bli ind sc»reains cooti breugit <ho 'ininstes of n11055.> 1o0W£ te bouse tthlb. cene. Bonter tua i noflie o alier'qiaite coliy, and at once gave hi rlgen.ie self np. Medical aid va. ai once d b. prý eloapcnit alb di for aid Drs. Digby and Hetiwoord çaIl.. fine sn i li lu;i but the vonda are off snch a fatal oldes1t, Ro1tbe haracton ii ver> ltie hopes are, enter- Mibodist ui xinod of Mn. Hminýeejs reconeny. cicezcr, vas a Counc'li. anti Ie 1'rcas Excarson-New Oficers cIcied three Electe-JPiau of Next. Yar'Ps Jxcurw tment, aid, sei sien. vire lbe d-iït frieîd tW hWcw rés entenédO'poi of 1tnying in 1er the dntiaedid fcGnoîiVn& acould nobe 'dong jnsî, as ýielature v itia one charnier une bsving Lvo Chambers.' vw edrocats <ho ado'ptioa, off ýalune havaesDot$go fan m e ettnipied tb - show uelt i40 a. -undon trial ila Ontari 1 lia. îinenly àn (àeiifu ns'fan. bâas ccmpiubid its eject mi>lia scnomcalpoint off &.TION 0F TEE GRAIt') LODGE. moIN OF OPFIOEIti. gu1ar 8t(utal communication id Ledge, held at-Montrait fclloving officcns vene alecý Fer, AÀ. A. Stevenson, * Mci-- ed ; Deputy'-Grand Master, ur. St. Catharinto, re-éecctd; eWarden, Daniel 'Thomas, [ugersoli;GadChpan tgoiniry, Leunoxuile; Grnd Grogf, Siuco.; -Grand Rsg. col. ,Fairbankis , Ositave nry, T. B. Bfarris, Hamilton, re-eiected; District Meputy r, . W.- Bro. Jobhn0 S. Brook, et. reaelected ; R. W. Bru. Wilison District, reailected Tionia. Matieson, Huron, etei iR. W. Bro. 0. Klee:a, isirici;, R. W. Bro. J. G. ilion District ; R. Wý. 'Bru. rononto District;- R. W. Bro. nio Ditrict, ra-electe;R f.'Delaney, P. Ediard'Dis- 1Bro, T. J. Wilkinson, St. Bii . W. Bro. J. J. Gîni District ; RB. lire.M. itreal District ; Ber. lire. H. -Bedford,,District;, R. W.' saris, St. Francis Diîînict; Ilex andar ýWamuer, qsiebec esecificesrs diyinstal- îing.ý Tie îext meeting et ige-vili bhieid:in Toronto, fednesada> cf Jriy nazi. t Penny Famtty. uce tho following froni cor- Df C. 0. AMvocate. ration dote for a contry Muay the foilosving accoanit cfthe -At.or nean lthe close of tie y van with Great Britnun, r9 Lien,.&a loyal saubjecl of 11L., lied te Canada ratluer amas against Great Bnihain, oL<tled niar Bath, eightecn fKunigoton, vierei ho,. s a sicd, fromth Le Goernntn acires of land. -Being settitd Iras anddctInes cf Chrs- Once calusdtcworship famîli, d.4preacied cvery is suai iouste toheifew tLiit icaïr hitù, the ýcpunIr> aI ng comparativcly SWivlder- a the finst perminon ht mnltry to advocate and'defond .ty' ana equai nights. Bis otb spiritualasd Itewpp6rel, la I oven lie couintry. He b.d f ine çiaugitens, tie tinec Zt, DaIniel snd -.Pavi4' al I lastin;ýe;. liurth son, Eb- neimber of the Loeisiatilye' poinut iri'tb5oad, 'trieà s elciwitb proviâiOns and arma s u<o b. ia readi - Tii Erie nàos.' 'Tie autiorities her', bevever, at dLtSe taie hiut imomnent, detcrnniitig teobsWerve strict nenlrality in regard <o Spanisalit, Lors, dospacuecl avessi el t etain tie Mn. Gi p anîlnsbip,' whicb vas donc. Taie wue a paies Ca ansvated lie arrivat oh <hein vessai thaieaiiiden wltis gressi nxicly, until at lest hunger lows. Coinelled <hemn to laid on Gsirdinen'a Thc te"r il anhid t ,obtxin prois!ona. Liere îaiey Lb. finit in renined unillyesterday, when taie City Otier cars]1 merdaI sent a body of mnarines-' W dis- tie inchlr)n lcdge tic.. 124 ver. brought ho tie ibe UPSetti Nany yardaI Brooklyn ; but the leaders, 10 gel Ont, Cel#. ityso aid Canner Witt) about thinly vent te ti othenu, yct remain to boe ceptnned. 8e horrible sp ends tihe grait Cubai expodition toe b-end cf the great diogust olf Is, adîsarno Anchr taie fera0 en' saxpeditioti la uocrcîlyorganizing iiene, but'11W 'eighih greaton caution is cbserved litaniun <it aie!' tpar former case, the intention cf te Goen- Jammed bl mont. bcbg nov fully k'own.,,.. <hast WC col est assisti Pinrthon Pssnitcnhnne a( the lNltro411y- boungs liy canine Accident ln Waes.-A Dreed- tic mostt 'lut Sicit. . . m hei bard Io de 'Ph. exact epot vimeeieacident oc- oar eflorta curréd is viiena the- diversion of. s nev Io t5Xcrd road, lateiy nmae' by tii. Llanheris snd tebga Carnarvoo railva>, 'joinï tha old nrad, i'ng"'ame about 400 yarde beyond ihe centreo-o!fig iane' Cv. y.gic village, five miles and auasîf 'Phis confi (nom. Cannarron aid 300 yards' nom Point, heieseautt Rhyddalit, lbe bridge <bat epans tic narre. ,madc us ri river nniîiîg thcupr i e r laiesof vctme Iàanieris. Alliete ticth accident de- tempteda aaongthie rnfo (cm hein OCcap-acîon tolies p 1of bi Ovni-y-glo village, vben suddeily vithoutloetI a,,ny Wamiig, the qqarnymen in front of tie but unubit caris aid. lies. behind -board cia long wreck. « continuent explosion of. terrifie noise. colecedt Tis spat iing snroaundc'dhy higi moie aid iry, I tains on.tbne aides, t<Le ocho cf <ha fit-st of the car. explosion novêreboid -ovr i limes, Mas utaimcdov - omaeof <ho..tati viîessed 'tiiaccidntit ieîiuig w i.tfoniped udi(ani oea mocntain seenaie-d te ho liberate tbrov chq vi ii quici suclcemiou nain v he1sat - one!,"the1YLb.ValIey ,te the ether over the appi taie laes. 'Tii.tire laies, o.peeiaily the Ne3Ter an lover,. vere a& oncèe greiLl? sgitatcd. hair began Clouds cf dut, -atones, pontionsï of -the ue racfou 'caria aidthebe lls aronnd for tive rods ütr.l vere- eitier ihéovu tea groat Iteigit et- paon guni coul leugiiadinally citban fnte tii. morses euffersý ou oie aide cf -the rocks adjaceat. nioved cff A third off the cireumfenoîce of a viel sens -verO vas <brovu ftty- yardî high, and feU near ýnune otier s eetîagem's gardon, on tdi-ride cf a nocky W. next Portonscf feshaidpreecrvatl huli 300 yardsoff. tin o lehan iucceednd bouosf (titien inuiau on tiena of tie ainety oe, herses,) wvue eollected -indiscrimimaateiy, malter wa frein a radius cf fify yards aid placed< in tnirnd of'tl clotus. A foot, a chiai covoed v: itl r umcd by beaýandmauia'e eant, vere found,<o- sleeping,1 geltasahetn ig iht yards (nom ii espot. aid st Uem Tic Cvniy.gle nBiivay stati on,'ie nean- tan didc est building to lia icone ef the, accident, we ison an inn lately fiuisied, c'lose by, and se!eral suile, and (fenlnnaîeiy) unfniisied bouses s liitie fun hmndi. W' theon u as volmeAs 8 chapel, preicnt a iwiiiei fi, desolate sigit. The noofi îeareit due gens vers accident-are perforaîad by falliîg atons, îcase con aid viadoW' ramàesbaâve been hlovua- ic i W e a aid destroyed. 'Ph. massive adoocf lis Wb, vere Igoodsdi dpanteoût off the raflviy 'Station bouses, as ane siatteîd. , sa i idovs a&U &round, <le. byt viabin a radins of <vo miles, prisent marks hi te.o of <he explosion. ' Scores oL' mou vers np Imo.in thnowî devwa. Thog n nuta e hallied surgeon; are David Roberts, titnyfiveo, a native of acunoe of tl Denbigb, mat-id,' carter; Evan 'Joues, îMcoRek <ventytve, Tyddyu Llyvdyn, Crnoarnon, inb oulon uumarnfed, ion of a vidov panialiydepeu-. aid neepes dent on ber ion,, canrt iRobent Bobeýtip, incvcryîla tiveuly.six, qarrma ubo bad, only ne- tolerste no 1 is aof tie '-por ci [agratien, iviich vasceu tered cubera Ires libe redouble cm efforts tloi -We approacued tie car aanad atasin ta roi, bmt" il re eddini 'il.seat )roken titiber, sat Rer. Mi iSve York ity, perfectly, de <o exlrwcaloimself fi In cal. accents aid p <oies, be teld us to gel oe eut an opening in t' W. seanched aroundj ae frein a boise by Lhe r vas se blunt liai ve ce titi il. W. vonket ai( oe tic uifortnlunue gem tien., scuni l mb, w )roaci cf the -iuigry Ld nemner they 'came, Ur in to crisp- and bîu, aid1 Tien, vien vo, in lik id <he beatunbcarable, rchired, ccmpeIled ta lem tlemn ithiiisle ight toeir terrible fate [ffuntil aill as over. .-Ni ae titis buned te des] nsâ iwJured mnie or leus ttumned- cm attention' ionof cm bamgegbu il fi sav!ng eleven lunkà r ie iundned. Al due1 ras burnd np and abi the mail. Fine 'cars ve ' tic fire-two passeugt Lic baggngc, and maili îy clothes aid. othsn.pr ,ced juat as 1 stiçiThi [flot reccini -mach injui tncted lite cars as se0n i rai back along lie f (bgi ve aligluted (rom cn el after the' accident v ldcnpalcicd bath vsys min&g nid te obtiausa ced -bard aml i ghît putti ave tna aid ah- rove thei tmm o ,at tii.e 1 sul tie as Insolc vù . pasuig Sa Dame va fsoi e, 1

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