MU I I~E AT -THE 4NEW YVARJETY STORE, JUST KIiOEIVED, À LARGE -STOCK O? GM3UM . WRITE ILU», Dric Store, Wfitby. l1ÂPER I[ANGINGS! .Ist ree.lvoul à frssl Msortmuut t i iowpvt- teins. zqsil'aler sîfgslfn ilt Lew I'eices. nOiDEeinq ,WiNDOW BLIND@, &O., &0., he.-,: JAME'S l.t GLÉRI% Druit, Whiitby? soav P. 0a, Ooungy of Lonnoz, Ont., Canada. I f e.,Couty of IHastings, lri uoetUntarlo, -Yub. %1î, 1849. r 11S lu te coi1' thet duint the wluter oi M.lOSIwat talon wiîh a weafînots of tIi. litkica, wheigradualiy durltig the 8prfng of 1867, extan.iedto My huoe., a bd on UP ta îMY lîlpo, scd 1 bosusso woelithat t eouid fnt walk, but wss oonfifud tu My ch*ir. For about two yoïra, whicstitis won kute.a wM omfng on nie, and afturwrardoa, 1 souglit modieul advico, e supoyngat differoitt tintas, thrce dotors. sîîdîuedielues ef difeorent kinda, pregorlbsd hy fritda, butoiofuvil!. Icooutiîue'to gt woru and wor.e, umîtil the Suninor of 1868, wlîon I was lnduceed ta try the. grcat Shoabson- cos lteiody hy rosdlic tis curqs ooeformoi, la s pamptilot. At t1li. tinie I lied begun ta fcouithe woukîîosn fit iny iiindo,,inlu act 1 wau atting ashnost lipiese. I hâve taken twa hlott t tlie Ilhesheuees tRencedy And two box i fo-jieand I1îun cntiroly reptore.l ta )t 'eilf. 1 îîevs oxpectod ta gt botter, but ,itiy trled 0iiJîedliha noa a sort )f forloru liolîo. Thifscoit# of unhuWié aîot a 'private mie, but htuown tgo61ilynei oglborA sud ili-onda ; snd ta isîîyeîîe allieedua a a, I fiavooîlyh#o misytry the 8loslouq cUuedy; 1 bonles-ft wii[cu ru von. MARY ÂNN DOUGIITY. &wora te o o fer u et Zado , oaa tV of! 11es inga, t$hie nintA dut' e! ŽPbraryl, It$00. - A.,Y;WOD, J.!'., &a. I hrobjyco.rtlty that I hâve kuowil Mra. Masry Aub Douglty for the lut fifloc y crs; ai, là a vîna etprbity sud truth â hve known ber butor., drîgsdmnebrfl ises 1 blfevo lier ortifioao@te liebutrac lit eirery particuear. 1 kuow tfiet whilf . 11 fer cas wos deohsrod iopcoes; sand I how tbut «Ile bai, s04000 fir raoer, alwas e ttribîtted lier aoory tW the sfuethuouccm 1témody. Whatovlr imay bu the peoulletr pro porties of this niodiol ,eue tiîlng fa certan. tat lisnber "5a0, f8 buA se.4 s li1ktihe perles mance .4anirale. A. F. WOOD, J. r. WVrdou of the ountyýjil-fAntfnge, rro'vfuce or lJutarlo, Domluloifof Canaida. 16 COMMERCIAL 1-OTEL9 OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - Proprietor. JOHN CARTER LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 10T5 OUi<Sool ONTARLO, YORLK & PFEL. w RESIDENC,-lot S, Sth con., Diarkbam.-Post Office-IutouvlIfe. qÂLES attouded on the iabortest notice, sui on reasouable terne. Terinis eau ho madec a tilai prutod at ttfî Chronieie office for hir Carter. 17 De F. BURKE, Faintly Grocerj, Wine & Spirit dealer, No. 29 ICEAEL'8 BLOC19 KINGQ ST.. EAST, OSIIAWA. GROOKERY & GLAt3SWARE- A à W ELL SELECTED STOCK FJRE»URTEAII, OF ALL. KINDS, SAs o0i5ce a»y bouse i caada. .e If sy 29th, 1807. 21 ]FUNDB ]FOX Un vestmne nt!1 T IIE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANit bave fendu for iuvestmncut, st thair usueil rattset iterost, oùitii. socurit>' etIwproved Roi Rtite. ,Loua nuade for llxed poniods, or nepayable b>' animaIinstsimonta. Yunter.asud fulliailorintlen ean bu lied by btetr, sddresacd ta the. Comniumloeru et ingston, or freai l. FAIRDANKI, Jr., Reai FtaLs & Qeneral Agent. TEACIIER PIANO-FORTE,&c ?aaws-Isstuet*sou nou, Si0; theen> et mukala oîp sulh .. xrai». ~~~e ore là osth 5Yomn fyilm l'est toguasnte. the hn.pla savsamet ofpuisp oedsr r tulfou Whftby, lirh1t, 1lm. 1> OF NEW H41VIC ROOM PAPERIQ MINDOW BLINDS SELLINO AS LG W AS. 6 rs. 'PERRROLL~ The choicest lot ever ýoffered in town Paper Cllars and (Jufis, the lateat styles and cheapest. 'Titre. boires of- Gent.' Coulrs, for 20 cents. eau suppiy any Book, MoIaine or Paper puqblihed. Shoot Musiealay8o haid. Ordure promptly fiiled. Fauey Goodse, snobh-as Writiug Doî4e, Work Boxes, .8atchein, Puise., Albumi, Bruishes, Combo, Spectacles, Jewelry,&. Sellool Booek&# 51*071, Bibles. Pooket Unives, Sciasor., L&. oz 5cts, Sheet Music, Perfumed'Voilet Ink, FANS, SECRETS 0F THIE GREAT CITY. LATEST NVLTE ALWAYS ON -HAND.1 Our Goods are chiefly iu Bitish'Mauicets which wo buy at low rates, and wiIl bo seld cheap for cash.-JXS]ORAD May' 26, 1809. Varicty Store, Whitby. 1 I .u~ ~C3KCEN O SEIAWA, begs to uunpounce that his stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GÇOODS, 18 fno* complete, consisting of FAIMCY DRY COQDS, WHIOI WILL BE POUND VERY 011010E AND CHEAP. IW- THE MILLINERY DEPARTMXËNT contains ail the fatest sotyles sud novoities iu Hais, Bonnet», Rbubons, Flovers, Shavi,, &c., "c iff- THE, TAILOLUNO DEPARTMENT contains the finest Scotch, En glisad sudCnadian Gouda, which rill b. made te order, in the iatest style, sud at 8he lowest price. Habordubery in groat variot>'. X3£ >W l goiflXX x MIADE TO ORDER AND READY.MADE. N. B -The subscriber inteuds retiring from business, and of- fers the-above Stock-in-trsde for sale, with a loueetf the promises for a term etf years. WILLIAM'DIOKIE. 40 Oosllaws, May' 19, 1869. - begiven for euh. H1ighest prie iiicsh paid for any qnantity of O»baw, June stbt 1869. CONSISTING 0F' FAINCf I)BHESSGOUlUS,9 BRILLIANTS, LUSTRES#, PRINTSI CO'lTONS, SILK MIXED TWEEDS. CANADA TWEEDS, ALAPACCAISp SIIIRT-INGS, HOSIEILY, TRIMMINGS. A. LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F REIADUYm»ADE CLOTIIING FÂILI GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SIIOES. 1HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR' Butter, Eggs, dried Bacon &o. Ojr Royal Oanadian BUis taken ut par. Wlhby, June th, 1869. M. H. COCHRANE. OFFICIAL ASSICNEE. z GENEIIAL AGENCY OFFICE! 11Eunerlgnd avng receîved the appointment of Officiai Assigne 'for'Nrth. %Ae Ontario, la prepared to give prompt attention to al natters iun rptyo Insolvcy. Iýr Promissory Notes and Âccounts specdily coliecteil and reuiittancos promptly made. mcKm£> w ro xc3'.i& NE PT RN "BERWICÇER On good farm seeurity at 8 Per cent intercat. Speciai attention will be given to tbe negociation of Loans, and borrowers can rely upon baving thoir applications atteîsded v O R T TI!.(BI. to promptly, and at uînail expense. 77 'qfY£r em- Also, Lands, both Improved and uni.uproved constantiy for sale. Insurances $ÀF.V O R ULA cffeetd in -tbe Ontario Farmers Mutuai Insurance Company. E. MAJOR, ~O (lelial Asdignee ana Valuator. OFFLCE.-Blgcfow's Bock, next door ta the Itoyel Cauadfian Bgik. P'ort Ferry, December 2, 1868. 435I T W.EEDS.H EO0LD STAND Just arrived a splendid stock of Spring and SUMMERL TWEEDS, &c., AT THE GENTLEMEN'8 TAILORING AND FUR-N1S[ING IIOUISE Gentlemen's- Furnisbing Goods of every description, embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &c., &c, IW NO FIT NO PAY!1 Brock st, Wbîtby, Msarch 24, 1860, ATEXÂANDER PRI NGLE, 12-1>' ESTA13ISHED 1867. TH1E MONTREÀL TEA COMPANY 6 BOSPIAL STREET, MONTREAL. T IIlE eeutluued Aucceoi et this Comn ay laà oul attributabie ta the qualfty sud purity ofttlioir jTees. Over à a ndred thouâaud boxes oet Teshbave beau sot ta difseront parts of the Do- umiuion, sud upwards of a thousand testiuonial& eau bc shovu, bsaring tcstimony ta the quaity sud puity et the Tes. A great .aving cou bu sffected b>' p:iueasing direct iout us, catties et ô sud i.,and upvsrds. Rvery peekegoe warrauted to give satinahion. Club togotfier sud tend fer four or fivo 51b. oattfcay, vih lvibu %ent carre u rou to- a*Dy Eailway Station lu the Domitiou. The moucy eau b. olleetod on dellvery. W~ Try eut freah greund "tum roastod (Joefe, lu 6 sud 101h. Tins aand upwards, the flavouir ef whielà ta roall' excellent. sud everyîapokiewarrated. liliba. Tes sud Cor lOlfis. Cogeo,sant Wogo £au awy etton, carniage frou. ilver nt par. BLACK TEÂ. EnW rku4Broken 1Lca4 stroug Tonea. e, SO.; Fi. Ffvoi e wesson do. Mr. o. MWsd65.; ay Pull Phraverd do.'I& - Souind Ooie,,g, 45r--, Bich Plsvoared du. SOc.; Vcy Yuc de. jj aon; - GItEUN TEA. TWMUaY. 5i». Se.; YOMagllyoeuO,*O65fa" 76e.; Flsc do. 1e.;Vo>'Fiane .; Baperfins sud Very lo 1,oe. ; No. 2, 2c. »; No.8,Uou.; lic. 4,Ibopet lb.- The MootrualTes Cmffly isNeisrcah, tom enuv-h lnery a yas nfe 1 preband dit lmsichoaT'Tcaro yeur boss. ieuavo uaduy p u. plcasâ ud fuojeu dbsthde Tes lu cvery muc pmoedamstag(ioyl m eil as bef¶ eoz. = d'on> veh omv.i Uirt st , _____F.DM . Tusra*nWoff8NmcaldApink wtiff-To dis Notra Tés comu- Tt wo soif ac 1 SpR ii ýmw-v woe vida bujeifaLîa sdgluDverfi f a sïue. lid lgemenai oTea ihat ve bae or- vmby fIastisfrcet asebuitbiacafMiavbecs varded torles brenatpa. iseDemfaion, sud ditla. yerun i bacs quv s. -towtrisbain- va aa gW tlesud y*qr busscssemldvcrcsslug bea. wacf wotisiiayspas une ila beakast tW. pisasseTour tcaa" w ifg gcnfusfcl îtiu a i e6094m« byurTss aahce. ail et o, rhal montc'Wb snf b0ba24uI tisas aamutWu Oent out 1boa io v9 s a mca 0 4 , L J h n t r o t , o i cwiaiu . g l Ve s r t m . C - NOTE TUisscMl'yfIl upuyr ar. Ym'VWr18*5U5Iab6 kt.,55lu The undcrsigned. iu returuing thanks for the liberal patronage bithenlo extended ta, the aid establishnient, for neani>' a pcniod of fort>' years, desires ta sa> that lie fas now on baud a largo assortinent of te most modern sud elegaut styles of And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to secure a continuance et publie patronage. Practical upbolsteriug. Furnture rf-stufled sud covered. Undertaking and Fmierals Fully Bupplled as heretofore, W~Some splendid specim eus of Picture Frames, and Gilding. 1?emember tlie Old Stand. Whitby, Marcit 91 1868. Stili x7rmmtb 10-1>'1 They Corne 66 3,20 2 4,tlxbnidge ............... 27 '21.-29 8..' " S Canaluinton ................l.. 1, tAthenle>'.............. ... .... ..1 .... 20i.. Z. Duan! Whitby, JADuar>' loth, 1869. <ipuex. GRiE&T (NLZAÂRING SALE, McMILLAN& cOsf* Straw Goods at 50 per -cent discount. 1- Ià non Dusters, at 2à per cent -discount. Kualine and Sumnier Drea Goods, 2W per cent discount. T. Ul. MeMiLLAN & Ce, Aldwell Ale im prime condi~- tion. Jol' Il,1869. ,,ILLAN &CO, GOLD & SILVEIL WAICIIES, Co 3roochez, Ear-Drops, blored and bright Gold Ringo, &o. Wedding Rings, spectacles, Fancy Goodo. 8-Day Lu 3-Ilour Cloeka iu great vaîicty. Rcpuiriug careflly attended to. JAMES JOHNSTON, Watehmaker Lu Jeweller, 1Whitby, 5th, 1869. Brook Street, Whitby.1 BUGCCI1ES9 WACONS,_ HlE undersigned- takes occasion to announce that h has joened a branch of his busines s at UXBRIDGE, where wilI befondBgis covered and open' aId other vebicies of bis own manufacture, got up in the latest and best style, sud always kept ou hand. As bu uses none but the beat materns! sud eumploya noue but the best workmen, the qualîty of bis work can bu al- ways reiied upoýn. W~Repairs executed with promptitude and despatch. A few second.hand open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale. Ev'erything in the wdy of carnage manufacture,.and repairs, sttended to st W bitby as moai. AIl work warrautc'l. 1Wbîtby, May' 18, 1869. SPRJNG SAMUEL WALKEY. 20-tL STOCK 0F BOOTS&-SHOES à ~MILLION AND &QATR MONEY TO LOAN fmue'liveatcd lu En Ush sceunitia,, Ioina- ,voat ti sine for hl i% t" as snAmjoinlug conties, on goad lard l>reporty, or iloben- tous. 1 stif I eantiuue tae-rcprceut thnee et the lar ut ouetery Inetits ona inthe Dominion, thisit" tl. mon.>' on the meust'-advautageona fl-" Aisuae large number of vel eaultlvatsd Farns', sud au>' quentit>' et WiJd Ltlfor sale cheap. For funiber patleulsrs, apply to Oili Aità lguce, lie. 'Broleer, Commis; clouer Noter>' 1'b!ic, "& . o OFhC-c eisd 4Floor, Memillano Bflock, Brook Street, Wlitby. Augueit 24t1î, 1868, 84 N. B.-Iia ae ,prepare.! te invcst lunadl b-kiidâ of I>el)iuturos. .raonobsks baught sud sold; aise a Isîge quanutity ot Silvor ton sale. JtAS. IIOLDEN, NEWLý'Y IMPORTED PA PER HANGJNGS. IIE nderilredbegs te iliform tie pub. -l ifiat heluspîurcljft.d during hiie: cent ste> iu F.nglanu4 salot of SPLNiui>.j PA PER il NG-GH Seleced caretuili>' bhiin,f vicli hubas on saie at VenyReduced Pnices. aud, Paper Ilaugau,;, executo.! lu s verk maulike and expedktioue manuer, nau ainsi DudasStreet, Whitby Wlîitby, A pril 8, 1888. 14-tf IBLTOEr'S KMAT, FRESII &CURED! T E SU IBER bega te intonm oustoni. urs snd the' publie tisat bis Shep taw col- stauiJy supplied with the bout Beef, Muttoii, Veal, j.amb, rPork &C., srupif y sd eerefully dressed sud joiflted ta suthiîetpers, snd fur srle ut thc loveat pries. Corned Beet, Pork and Cx Toniguc cured lu a superior inannor Çidveî7thixig iu tihe Victualting lino kept eoustsntly o09 band. W Itemember 8h. usv Sbop--botveqn tbe stores of bMeurs. lictali sud Lowc & Powell, ffiroek Street. -JAME£ý MANiN. WVhitby, March thb, IsU9. 10-17 Fire Insurance . 0 -ESTABI3iSkIED 1803.- çapital, £1,945,000, Sterling. Fuuds invosted in Csneda-81OC,OO0 INsUpIANCES agaluest 1o0a b> Fire effsotud on the, meut favourable tarus. Al laosses pald withont refoence te the Bourt mn Londou. BINTOUL ICOTflElS, Motitreal, Gloerai.. Agente fur Cinada. JOHN AGNBW, WBIT Agent fer lWliltby, Oshawa, .Bovmanvlle sud surroundix.g country.. THLE ALIONHOR(TEL Cerner Of Breck & Dandas Streets, -WHITBY. J. .0. MCPHERSON,, - Proprieter, to-Late 01 the Union Mâotel, Sacramento City, Califonnuim, Wbitby, Jeu. liit, 1860.21, JOUN IEOBINSON'9S Haire Dressing and Shaving - BROOK St., WBITBY. Sav rvsBum ov Jlosvasx... îyofUnotsnio. Ofl KOBEULT B "~RISTEU 4!r Solieitornnchai Office- ver Outuni aide. S. N B ABIRISTER-AT- ie u"euny. (0 Toronto. JAXk RIE BSoîietto in Ch IaPabllil, dea - Campbel, roek i. 8. Be F. aQLICITORt, Nol S baws, c'W. C. A P*Ttçr, SOUIc t[soenevd .a Whltby, Oct.7, 1 TORÉS, CuN1 TARIFES PUBLIC. OI§Uva; and! IL Tuwis Ball, lioovru J. E. FsAvMWI. t iL k IOBS, LALL) oery, and! nos. J. nus, Q. A. v. "DP ti r »ieZ, LN Wuiby, Jan .28. A TTORNEY-A * . i.tlsneery,iC< oü, Brock, C. W. A 'TTORNEY-A &o., Whxit'y Souib of 7Peut 0Of ~ctocHtANq IB suc or» sud 14 Hall PORT PFxauy-Or H . CociLnÂRz, L CoutL Crowu Att PortPenny, 26th LYMAN Ee B ARRITER AI cer , Cenveya Mmencest.--Opposi 1R. Jf .IRGEON TO B rn$ntrot,' W. H. LA T.oLU0ce-Towna - ICTOJ W .biYtaus -suntenitdiiig Ctin Ilote! ou Wliliu IMPIPLNY, COUN. 1 0 -