Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1869, p. 3

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sl lmilijBe. *e" For a 0ata,..~. rasSI iter; aatd Poloei tg-' 90 peuetîy -u4mllIg, dupparucu t o tern a n heur. If Mr. Smihshouid live a tbocund yeanî, it lu net likei7 bë'd. cvîr ses anoîher bour coetaing se ni**7 minutes-for tbe fair sud fats.e oe -t'laasu't put lu an appeau'- suce" let and ah. la Dot very liukeiy cir to de se. uidp o Oî"aasiy apén Iboemnd of rtco.eu R ding 8mith dýwns the truhla'; by degrees ho ereslized thie citent to vwhieii b ad cenk dupe4 ; ud, on 1borrowed mcney, hre jctuud 10 the besoi, ot his numereis poil dinojnuoiste famiuiy# a. ssdder u a Iri'ser minuUpeniis politence, sud the tableaux conse .quosit penriatlng lis pton pat home, lot 1 iii. aiin al, geuti>'. Look ont tur Hlm., Whcu a man aslam credit becsuse be'sa i Chritia,'le lo ont for blai. Tbe lait - çefsuter' h Me. Fraunk Ballard, vhe bast fo e sboeen srautiug, bowling, arem. log, roarlng, politiesi Clristain. H. get vlaat politîcai position lac lald laccause lac beloned odthie Yonng Mca'e Christian MsseeiatleD. 'Hc vas pt ferward lu busi- Pcss' ferthie saine teson. Bi& redit, position, naie neud reputatien, hnged on the. single tact, ti a had a leng liaie the. sed of liii signature, takop insecoi blai dozen or mere eftihe meut, pions iettcm of the Chitian slphsbc<. He rou bis face, andbu nov ton lb4' reocwitîla vengeance -sud a mutrai. Don't trouton ho talla tepresc-vith peliticiasticking out lw *ver>' sculcuçe. Dan't-triw-t'min vhlan resch ýmerlity-viti sciiiulauese dis- fl'guing cvery 1fusmsat. Above ail thingo, flon't- put the lard-esrued aiàgu of parç men sud vpipen lotothp uwa-.Cb§d cnaîedy of mmsbrs oet he Iupug 4.' a Chrisian Associatjon, vlan talk ppeiltica euth a ýtvsnj# Whe sing. eaOins eitil a suivel, ad rel tireir elcs vial a viola. >Moraliy Ie a god- thii06;teiparauca e ia gdd bng-in peint of (sot :iiy are ýes- son tiel attibutes et a imanuyun aure. Bt [If anybeody attempîs te buiiidup a party, or -a business, or-aofnevapu'Peri 0or a char- scter by priqfcsuing morality and tompfr- suc, iry bwingii ovu moral bora asud bca&1ng.isi. cvi tempebrate drom-!Jcuîiy turc hlm ont uipea thé cold, eoid groand, sud bld I. go te LIs ovu pi"ac-N.Y. PA il7 etMunci a i , leaded bl Mns. Freine, 'the revivailaidy, ieiieiti, viit.di ithesaluons ef thst OI>'fer tii. pumpese of holding prokter meetings.*Bcin$ unabie te eff.ct sau entranca ah a certain >Mark: Walllsg'a, tlacy ongsuizcd on 140e sidevalla, vbcrcnpop iii. îngaIianý pro. eritor,,proceeded'te puwp ester onthein througb a gardoe, engin.- Mr. A. McLed, of Halifax, abipped fer Liv'erpool,' per mail steamer LIna, on tuc lIlda instant, s bar et gailup ti4p vaine ci $5,100, Ibo. produis et minci u hi s pro- vince, Nb# Bank 2etltoptrpal, aise aiip- ped s bsret gold 1tiithevaipcet $.30 fur New York# by the. mai steamer C4 gleuy' Clty Tiïnte las-' a description et a machine Dow ln eperAtien luInbal cii>', ehicbir fidetPcd te vorl a srevoîntien In oudepargment of ureshanicai iadsr>- Ftamtileya nov aearagn . ÉÉ, hicoi.. quarter of the veigit, sud ocanplins eue- fuir~tr ofthie apace requined for &nu ardi- pamy ton-berme engin., viii give tl1p saine power, vith 26 per cent leis.fiel. hTie prjeet et cuttlng a canaithirough cho Tthius et Coïtthauagain couic ou the ttopig ah ins. À g lance at tiremap' tue Madiernanean soWraiboWimnpornt puola canal vauld be for thie tradé 'of s» parls of, France, ltaîy, and Austria1 vltp 8>' MrnA, 1ContantInopIe, aend- hie Biack Sco. -T ~ orta et both ondcl f thc canal weuld nut requin. mn1>'varygicastexpen- dture, 'aud t 0canaitmaudaould b. e ct open ah a very Iltj coal.Is length wu'Ild bce titce ples a4 be~uartens. Ttui work u ulJ coul ne Mere'iha s dcc -o oSiren-lade ta drive lb. Othonan usyy put of the Mditrru!nean ; fer wibich thp Preeks are raising aubcrptibut..' Tippe Sahib, Van Amburgh'a'big-e- yhant,wlrile geing IntoSt. Catbarinos on Lirursiday 'mamniug, r.ftscd hocross sa canal brid t nar li piilot 'M.syu. S Nerris and Nceionï; sud'is'"m 'serasIt prefcrcnce. ILia lepbuitii' experience was udubtiily unlavorable tecosirue. titins of Governuient contractora. Paticce.-Notig toucires ps tlgnpe like s garden, Ton ina>'go tound sud watch tire qpeing bud (roui dey hp dal P .ut Il takes its ttvn tidle, andjou cannel urge Il on testor thItilwilL. Wons how more liaste lu dressing ptircru than- -tieuiaelveo.;.Sud,- prcè* cly, beause il Ip lire saine iviti theu bdtese iheir heart-tiey cart i e. Ilathose et, pthcrà botteriban'1Itbpr ow.. Lava bubas ioukuovu' 10evowever sà layer' et ascaundemeti which wva bcd oe li. Tire no.coedncîivfty of thue asies s"vod Itie.. Ïhf'IlPa mitiuuited rons ihe eç 'lu a' uy"Ir la e Bu* to thpt wiich veuld be pro- ctced -by hli'ccoubution cf a layer ef 'coJLIseyeulqu prnIles tI thiplinesa. In th. White Pin. Diatrit, aliinony la kuowa as 'cbiorid." piy yersp si divorces sàviola.- 4Itos asid thiander lb. 'uev glatie extractinc . aleohol <om aar.hae's.s 'ta lý b obbers, juder 'lb of Good Wood for Sal, aearokln ]rtorme, 4&o,, appiy, (if by iletted pre.Z poids,) ýu '1'4iOU. LU iDE w AXTD. A eenly gecd -servant, girl te do sr1 fiou.eWerk. Apjély Io MUsCHESTEREDRAPER, Wiitbyo Juiy 918~69. 0 iELIVFEPOOL ik LOINDO>N GLOBE T séru of gl4hsuit.çc aeu eCon lt. INVF.RTIDYUND$ 817.~.SI,06,036 Itai DAILY INCUltE eso.e.ia... 420,000 Itoa L FE P0LW1E5 oua asure Protection for thi pure. Ite FIlEIN OT.LCsS, isnsd -,et Cuuuîuv R4anu, alfard ample proteoction ýctb. tercbAnt and itouoider. Alil(ir cdaims PXoxnt Pàm, and the lut- moAt lIbpraIIVy hown 1lu the ajuâtineut cf * Cla~ge montrent Cir4gt for Domiionc. L.7ABflA414Jz' Aezt4r, Whiltby, Jîîiy ISth, 1869., 80. QA N T ED.- A Streng 1î4 as an qprgotice tteIi ak_ smith buiness. Appiy perronaly-ta -CHIABLESELtUOTT, ToIrnilneWhitby ~Pickoring p UBLIC NOTICE. Tbo Concl of the Tewnsbip of Rameafater due noticée i iven, lite4tpe.pirs satqy-iaw or j,îve*tiiîg lu tih. firm v elsi, Theumpmon îidllum, snw Miil 0'"67 - ibt psrt ertihe tia eoîî. line ot salil townshi'p, iying and boing sitnitted btwoen Lake@o St. Johanîî d Cctuch Iilg. lu lien of aoubr rbaid site te, b.e pon, ed auj tmode psble b y$nid Itro.,,ofthte xmre wîdtiîoÏwong iilrpinllewance, aud aIt'uî1r mId9 tiîelr tràm rmod, sfid tlànao betwoenn lots 18 and 19, front voiioopiIoui, te le Couolhpiîli'g, a-pianoretwiicb la uow lu tii. Townîship Cirk's olIco. p.-BalIRZN, '?.erk. 1NlII1TBY BXA'NCH BIBLE' DEPOSlTORV li The. Otteultien oethle public la pvite& te tt ne sand veili aeectcd atkoef BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, vith sud vitiient tue pasima lu mtre. uevW t b. ?annd ant the Depeslitary ofthte WiuitbY Branci Bible Society. The stopk hu~e ocoW- lectd bZ the Depesitatry, wliî gréfi' pare, APl viii bco toud ta ombruer.volume. lu yrÏiopa DM4 oairtory-t Js . eréDrng items, Wlitby, jaiy Llt, 1889.29. W I.L 8 0 N 'd PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY9 ("ATu ..0 ABMUI#,) DUffDAS STREET ,WRJ7B. New Plates for Cabinets! A NEW STOCK 0F FRANES, AND» OTIIER NOVELTIE@o bin i. rLsow viii lbe aiway% prepared to-take Likenesseaet ofalilkindaio, rfl<VOIAI'iiB, AMBIIoTVYI'ES, &o. &,lnix a uperier unon- dier, and witia Ilie fike 'accuiacy. Cabinet Il'lCIIie R , lunt'eu'neat losie artout., er plailn orcîrved Oxford Framea. Jlsin gad e arrangements vit a.Mn. ue, ort QIuante be l6a p eareci tUrnply the peopleof t lt'y ait he FAM - 15 utailikludaat ver' r îueuibje ates FIOTUIES inlar e te LÉ s i Et, sud COiLORED 11, 016. S cAlot uie g iveîî ta COFYINU OL> PofrTUAT À WILM('N ih VëmY 9îîucoesîtilu t'aking CIIILD- RIN'S POItTliAITS. W hitby, J uiy2glt, 1869. 29. OPTJOI0ANS &OCULISTOI MONTREAL, ave, vith a Vlev -te meet thae umad de- mand for their ceIebrt"ed PFOT3gP SPCO4CjES, GT ,ÇERRIE, Druggint, eço,, Thor bayo tokon ogre to give ail need(ui lu- atruodt oua., su have confidence lu tic abîlît>' eh tisir agent te omuet thie requirements ef ait custemers. Au eppartunîit>'wiillieotins for; <leà 1ý profit?., u i l. Spectacles -fYêequiIed Js ay st'for theu gSueugthhenane sd Pre.oernug Qualht>'. or , "t10e niiml e tastlaUn, but b tu cn+~ trarv. (roui-thiepecoliar caiutrueiaott vdnis e ft tuecapItal mStec; or tie l'Ã"i$-Wliutby. sid, Port Ferry RBiuiiv - Cmpany, v uentlng ho Ten -Thjousun Dolrs ný ýt h@ !4ayor oetbtItmsui Tone llby, or ot:iar persaien iutii¶aj.. l.ed b>' i, hnnui, dlue la >ikemcbp- Taîlioriudqd, dtrected, -te subacnite foir sud take ou boit Iforthe " mid Ceoer to et tue Town of W hitby Twe Il undred' illiarea ct the msud Capit1 Stock 0os atone- Kaad. 2. Tot k &arsl ho Itzwt'u1 tr the Mayor or cî.her pera.on autlioriiWd b>' çIp CquuIciitao rains.by va>' et bn foui au>' permets er perions, 'hedy -or baies -comorte,Whoe ntay bp. illiug te adrauée tlat. apen tire emdit 'of thieDebouturesa iproiuafter meutiouoil a muni or moins e of abidv not .exomccglug m e wvho,, the tmroetToi 'Thousunc Dollaa, eul tw cause the saine te b' paid îmb tie bantdai efthe Treusurer 01 the aid Corporation, for tile purpose and w1vitI tcejeet aboa e plte. - p.Tirt It shall b. lavîý1tot,'u th e vsd Mayer, 'o ther perlo'î athtorieid b>' tti o'poueil, tédcanstluthé rqulsite nuinhun of' Ilben- hurete4 be mode for anch smuetofnoney aias myb.' requiredl, nuDfluis titan Omo ilundred Doliairt caoi, 'anrd iiae tÉe @*Ild ,,Debeutro mllie hÃ"seafrd vitîr tir e sua oe theo ..iè oroiîî&iud si ' u04by thie Couisacauî,tersigued b>' the 1Trou- muur oe o Crporaioan afre§taid. 4. Thnt thie'uid -ileeutiireasrallbc utado payable l iyii ty ycar» ut thé* f p rthercat freinthe day lîercaater raton tluîîcd t'or titis By-lav te taie of jAt h tseuaBnk atita 1Ersila or'Aguel fic il Wii W thy 'tn ia rli h ave-, Cetrîons attaced for e pamentç r Intoreat. At sud aller elhe rate orMs411,r fent. pr sàuuig f fromt thedate tireet, ihle tercet miait b. mode payable busl-yosuiyý pu the 1ratduîy PrJnlv sud Jannan>' lu "o escuidtvefy ct&r, eItie mid Brandi or 'Ageue 1 oice otthe Outario Bauk at dé Tlint for Uie-pnîpese aoferming aàaiukiug fonîd for thie payment ort tirsai! Debun t rm,ýuttthepsytuuntOtthoeiteroit attte rite aforoiad, te becoun, due tioes on,, an eqiielopeeuil rate et Une Miii auJ faut, Sttl- int cf a Milinlutire dollar, gsaui*l,'addîtIii, te* ail othor rutat, bo raisud; levied niid coîieuted ilu ppuyear u pou.al thioraleubie proporty lu tir, uid Muuicsaaity', cdurilig the centinrane etf tia> aIdDo ouumei, or an>' oh thein. 7., Tiiat fer Ot u uposo ofttîkiug tire votes et tbe. ssld Municipal Eioctona i r.hale By.aw a roll miuait be opeueds uccording ta liv, lu tue North ýWarJ, t tue locharlCs' luati- tutu, ou tho bfit&dY of Alignâtiext et 'Ireu of the- dock flitt o treaaauu, auJ L. il, Sciuoheli, là Lunch>' named taoc t as légn t4llpcrr,uand taie the vote», lu thte saidWmr. J th CetreWard, at the TownUal on liobtb ay f AugnaRt iex at Ton ut thotuoit uho for"uoou, eau G. Y. gStiiirlt prebY nuaied to et us Be.- turniuig <ltc'er, ta tarie tuavole* lu tuie oald Ceî'a ord lu the South WWard, ait Jns. C'umrontsflegme, velot et RiaIt- moud airoct virere thoeat tutllill"i Eloctiaut vas 101d' on the Itit dsy et Ait- guet iext, at Ton of the ciock lu thei fore noou, sud T. W. Clcgg, le irurebY arued ho att as Iltnrt'iing uficer te take the veto, lu the moud Southt WarJ 8. Thn iraisueBY-Ioailiti tekse affect sud corne luite epoietiou o4ý Tutoduy, lie tautit day et auguaet, A. :p. 186.' Taie notice, tîrah the aboya la a true cep>' et s' proposeil Bylav, wviohil ii be talien luto coni,'cratioia b>' lie Conncil of the Caper- atillui oftthe Toc: ot Whitby, aftkr onà nantir troi tihe flt't publiciftieu lu the, 'WIitby Cu,îrOI41ucuanduJWlitby Gàrmaz, tiredle of vlaiciuirt Publication Ianoracia ofttheatbovo ncwmpapoe rvas Taunada>' tite aigbth day et Ju;y,-eue thetsmud lght iuuîired erid sixy..nltit, mad tiat thi. vutusofe e ti.elciora of tic smid Inuil cîprili>', v Ilbu takon thorecon, on Thura- di>' tic flIth dr y ! Auguai nuxt. ut Ten et lire dock lu the foneueen, lia tséINorth lI'ard, ah the Mochsaioa' Hall, for vblch, L. il. Schofiild In lteturtlng Officer; lu the Conitre Ward11ntthflac Tavîr Hall -for viahc, (+. Y. SMtt i la Rt ur'ran UOdplj -ln he South Wurd , et Joamas (tawé emçul honse, vws t fliouistroot, and viere tlita &t Muniaipmi lbation Was ireid for vItubi, T. W.* Citgg la Boturulng Otioýr. T Iu. USTON, - Wlitbyp jnly 6th,180P..- ~ 7aph1onab1. XilliDeory. DOMINON WAREROOMS, Dress & Kautie Ma9ring.' DOgINION WAREROOX39, =trDY - MADE CLOTHING9 Grey &,White Cottons, I 'noy Shirtings, Prints, Trimmitaga,&O FfeshGocreYut,&. just roeëived.' LO0WES &POWELL. THE UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INEORM T~E '1HÂT HE RAS JUS? 'RECE[VED 8011E SPLENDID Engis-adl, a nadan, OUK -'S INS& JnsLthe thing for this weather.- TERMS CASH. Whitby, Juil 201h, 1869. C&ST4I~E 1OX# REDUCTION IN THE PIOE 0 F Family Groceries frvsh, Chealer than pver Ai R', FRANCIS'S, No. l, 0$ THE CORNEZ. Bcst Brandi6q, Rurn, Gio,î Olcd Rye, anid MÂLT WHLSjÇE1 POR &SHIERRfr WINES, A splondid qrtiolp in t'Inret, good 4nd c-heap, 4t No. lei't TIEE CORNEU. tu. Butter, r4 Great :ggs, aid Faci#iers' Produce, Ion.~N ZS cI i* a1 Beg to annouxqoel in consequence of !m .haviDg qtarte4 for theaBRI rISH 'Mari- Fàtoqirthý l é tote j Wp HAMILTON & Cou Whitby$ 3aiy ;4 !869. WILKlNSON1S B lLOC]ý, BROOK STRUI C--heaperth'an the CI azar~iting cf the Ibest'qualities cf SUIIMER GOODS, sud slinat very re-Mrc doed lroce', >rqany «czhe below Cona. Ceansd examine for yourself. ig4oe- puie alqjyed for BIJ'TEU aud jS.hre ¶Ighitby, Jul>' 6, 1869. v 1 1,9m TO'OLi HATCH & BRO., hav e, on 1 sale, Scythes, Snaiths, Cradi es,, Barley Ferlas, Ffaày ?orkÏpý,Seaping Ho!>ke, pnd a splendid-stock of Rakes, &e. CROQUET, a few sésa ao&,Broa. -Olothes Wringers fromn $5.50 te ôPQ FactOFf sund FeruaBelle, broad miens wltIsteeltop.. HIATOIT & BRO., have received froinBnglaud a,'sa"ofetEnaa»elod Pr>. pervng kttle9' nd, slwowï-sfroua tbe best Enàllsh makera. BU ~ DIXIG H DARyLeeke, Buits, inges, and everthing required Pa toi~ Oils, 01a&, Puitty, Varnigla, ko& -:1 -, MACIIINEOILS, -wo kiep a splendid 841010 aiiyap ns ubaud, bsviqg .014 nearl>' ihiFty barroe.s durinïg tire [ut ve seouons, ve eu n eguirantetiqulWy, .iïd, if Det as guianost, w. FUI refun4 the iqeney. Black 011 aise for ale, by the.gailou aud barrel. Hatobir 4Brothes f or Ohildneu's (Jabs. - Patent loek-seamEavetroughs, Iaviuig sccured the County Rigbt at gyoat expepse, we liro prepured tg prt it up in arr> part ef tie Cauuity, being far iuperior'tteoead kifid. .De- rtot'failto'ae sampie befare erdering your lneughs ciehere.- Ail kinds ofjebbig -in. tire Tin lin. dono prampti>'. tiiternprimpa imported direct freintire manufacturer, a large stock fh pavy anç she f fiardtyare. Stoves sud Tiuware always. on baud ai ~HATCH aiep~TEI SWitby, July 14, 180q. DOMINION TELEJOBAPI1IINSTITUT£#. TORONTO, 04T. - Establiahed for tîe ipecial pin'pose of gual~Ving Vouug emonand d slot or oiduat lors eoiT egrapla LinQ. Titis Institution altlreegh, estabuishrcd but a shtort lime iOK, huis aiready t.ecomr a perma- ncot Iiititttldu' "-Th'aî role Domirniou la nav about boiug travereed by a compleo net vank et nov Telegrapirî hues, ichWir viii fr speolui iuiusmeutm tn yeuog men aird. wvein taou- gogo lu hue plocanat, easy sud lucrative bus!- nasa of Teiegra'phy. Tbltops ý f wiras are nov ht.ing couam ructed, hud ndiredn ofo flk-eu '«111 haoeoed. Tic Insîltute basa&ealrd uppliod a nurubor of offices vitIt Operatona, vbpin average time lu learnin g va% about thbree mentis. apd gr ' iiniK saetlatactiolt., En«eiletourng ixets andwomeu desirouot gpttlng rtoaprmauxceat business Tel.gapiry ~ffra uxdceent vabliroareAneAqalic4 by u>' othqr busuuteusi. Au>' rson i einan>' abilt>'acou rt tus lushituto U'ecomo scaimpehont Operuter., For tau partienimrp,. ddne*sa JOHN- ALLEN, Js.t, P oAHE, Tarante, June 29, 1869. 90-tf. ROYÂL CANADIAN B4NR IC 31 Ts>gu at rin, foatRY'G 00,ý 4t> f qt "fN i NiR<'s, Cbeap Cash Dry Qooda Store., AUCTION BUSINESS isoe7 SIrnportmref Eugligh k morican Ifardviam~ Ç UA~LES GEIFFITH, legs t te omieisnumerR.fýepaf~ieansd eusm. tomersa t hole ias rettnued te wjiil*y, 'au4 thut lhe iateuds raumiug bis eld buoairiea. flua p1bpe et buintucsla nov te beo fonud 0piàe site tho POST QFFIO:pr nemitea Mr. Terguaoin aioilabp. ALL SEUaim tu-TUBi L.OcksmltluGunsnulth, Umbreeli end Parasol Lmendlg ltne; Slarpenlng' wili ai horetofere, bc preperi>' sud earetuiiy stteuded td. -, CHABLES GIIFFITH, P4nudau lit., ppp'siié piU office. Whitby, Jubé '29, 1809. 9e6-tf. FAIING IMPLEMENTS,&c The. nudemigned bots te itato. tbit li con- tinues th nb.iutaoture ROCt, Seed & Manigg PrFilis, As WELL As WAGONS, 4» ML.KINDI Or th som tue p remises aerowore oSeupi in tfii. Teyn of Wliltby. * C. A. JOi ES, ' JUil WaoJl ies. D JA T0LETI aec - 'l0uDdor»igned viii u n i!beral tarins, fer a torit. yfein, tlieir'- , -4 STE4AIELEV-ÂTOR ~ ~,~ ~ Wbuiiy.Cps. WbIitby, July SLiai, 189. i-. MUNZT FOUND. Fennd, betweeu Wliitbv snd tii. Tow ne o PlchtArnk, KingAton resa, s inalitaura cf nimey. Tii.ôwucr eau it a ethe arne by calling at Loecit' Brewn's itoie, WiiIt)p$' u4 payiugir tuas advertisemeut. 'Wlitby, Jnly 21, 1809. 29. JNSOLVEN T ACT 0F 1864-AND AttEND- Notice la hemeby gîven, tuit under and by virtue of tbe pawer veoted lun'-ue, u' Aéssgniii oe habeve î'smed Ineliit, arid uniler thé 'rovisions et the aald Act I,"thee nndehizncdr Prii1 offefor sale by pii¶lAuctien, at My ~pc~lu the Townef Whltby, Consity et On- n;çrnedaty. the 2nd day cf Novemniter, Ré.D. ppp, ut t hoeur ef Twoeock - la 'Iii stouo i] the e»tit, i gattIhlIte~i of thue aiunivert.u Ibe'o, jproperti, viz: 'hwd'ésniai l PARC£ tveîity*se townsip eo laid outupo lotuniber veatýéf :ux Tira ila c freine b"lL bouse., PARCE OGE L1 are 1,, uèe uuaapesu D'a - 14tiug man' caavt cesser>'. W-agn My WHPO. 1 Qoglrma Jl sin 1 .2y. Whithy, Jpýy ;e , lýl 1. Fý 1 ic

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