Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1869, p. 1

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iÀAçPVl - ARIT ,Ateorneys, $olicitors. &e.t B Ul!ICZ,-W'estorii Agur4iiço Biullbugi çp l4chtrou t'Toronto, C. W, O*NTY fllON - J. A.SAiE'U8ON,. S. or in . C JI r N JtI, ll Î. &. - Ù4In aillgeiow's Bcwuullldlpig, Dnîds atret,Whît.bv.si (UEOIIGiI là. DARTNELIL, y>AUBJOTEt,KATtOUiNZy , CO74VEYAN J)cer, Deputy liegistrar, Moiter £atiaordi garyoa, su nniiruLiaîofor tt . oan- s yo! sîarl *OileeBroek-it, Wbiltby. JKOBERT . W1LS9 W ARI&IST£eIAT.-LAW AND SOLTGITi>R ili (Jianooy. , o to 4t.. fjoroiito. i2 ~JAES JREI J CO ltdor e ti. touof R. &J. WIiIYr Nv. I, 187.id CO ,IIT( J'IIJAtS OoLlC1TQIC , W. Y?»LG Etc. Eta. C. Ao. ojpgtM parrlstei, soilitor tu ChauccrT, Atm )Iareioved l'Ii.o fice to lst fluor oyar the, WhiîCIy, fit. 7, legs. 40 FAEEWELL & Jc~E ijTOUtS (t MYNCI il)M No- ora'uoîe -Oua io cr morli offlIic l'Mt Ofilce, %?Iabuuw; nil MSlcIsettr's Illoci&, U1'POaito Towuili, lowiiuvilie. la -0f a $il ay Omnibus elia etthlee Ieland the, 4agen for Uzbridgo sand Bosveopubve oGEORGEROBBON. -GEORGE CORMACK. LUN DR IEIWR AT, CorpeNte n F UN-EXAU fai asppl ed sud stt.udcd 5P'A Ilearoeto liii. ontihbralternis. Whtby,PVob. Sth, 1882. 8 )EALJILin DrilPatetLoilrines ory. dre foican sd Liqnorsofthbe bstqugkllty Hforag 4 Caillre dfnesAlwo y. onand lirooklie, 0.W.,ISOp 2b OQMMERCIAI,. 1-OTEL., T frîceda sed tihe rubliet Clît lie liein r.- suind poamensloti oftP e aboya Veil dlàf-. vvrably iiuown botelq wiiich là; nov Itted up ln aupcrior maquer, viti #Vary convent- anee for tiie refcptioe or guesadth et. tre- t'elinirpulice. SW- uent sceoodâ,tion, sud suparior wln, liquors sud cigare. Good stabîliog, with citcbomed yard%, and attentive Ostiero ai- wsys on tie l .r§eoa. Chnrgçs Maderte.. S. m. CALDWELL. YEOMAN GIB8ONÇ.- COMMJISSION 4iLe OHÀMf INlI iWEt GENEEJCL AGENT. WityJuu., lotit 1866. - 2 LABR IUoJ( 511, REVERE HOUSE, - IIAIIiITEII. NACBuITN5 ta.w ~ttreî.sfls, ellsCir leÇbu.B.PLANK, - - - - Puoppuibi. eeysUd Iusolvesucy, E&C. Siges tus eusd trou> Wbiti cii Euh>'l. Ever>' Orvse.-hleliii s'cBocle lroe.8%., aftlitiousu id te guosta. (-retul cdaln ys.~rlc.TUE A W D".', G.T f:ï.Ii f NTARIO FARMERSU W.IH, viILLimas,MU UA ~ abLdiiOC, UTU Ad ja rie, aMtMLLI'sIx.o, Brook . Wisancbys28102 TTUKNEY AT LAW, S$UICI'lO 11 'sjîînry, iotaluvanocr, &c.,l-'nsng eo hsîie W-. Utry Pulic Ini oft' "î t 4Oiftie. 4s' etCiIiANE& COC JitiAN4E# »fAltltlT'.119, A'l'TOiNViYbl ,CUN VEY- .> scer. aid Notssrieâ *00cdr. Eo Panix A.tuv-,rs- poieTown p icesîsLt.. l., 1 W. M. fJo'uzsi<i. P'ortl'trry, unctisU.c'risîir, 1805. 6.1 - LYSIAmENG LIMII,9L L. Il,* 41CJLISTEIL AT LAW, Sulitor lu Chau- ce ry, Cou v y aiiCc y , &.,1 &C. iiiOsltuposlsjthalVont lîlco, ('licvu. DR-. HANOOCK, (rOiteMOtàîLt To&îîureT.) M.IJGEONt ACCOUCIIEUR, E&C., R. J.* GUMN, M1. ~ IUIGEON TU I TE COUNTY SIAUL, BlyronuStreet, Wbitby. W 14Hè LAW, B. 'A., M. D.9 I'hiyiein, tiurge'ont Accocher, A&c. OWN CLUUUEI1WJITBY w ILLIAU t3SCOIT, 'oJLE I .at Win. I$oyitoll's.> '27 W. SOY14TON Ilogo te infutoelu- b abitsnteafutiue'ty o! Victerîaaid arroeudin uituttiatlsct lie Less opeued Cthe ci on ni ha treet iutely oecupied bi ,Io wttand ssi lia ils lhed it ilod aîîdtdurcliui- lnos. W Ines, Llsîuus'and Cigare or the Wàdsagtetve etigi aiy aatn Ue"dd@y1Yeb.14,1 84. WELLINGTON liOTEjL, MAIRKHAM. >., WILSON,Jr.i- Proprietor. T ruS SUBSOIDEZ bm ogan inoutice te bia .Lfriandsanud tbf publie goieMlb, haho pus openeuf th. sb2vo nov hotel liu tiiylbbae o!Ashbbsru for thé. sceemodatlou of tiuetua- vîl'?puîlie oua. s làneir. sud fui. $Ùabls moit toroagli n-s cu fral muer. 1oé ide ery iveuieue bosnd, Pr 0.0E ItAblinglied attentive Ostluunl a.KInL bpu,4, 1ff9 N. Jr.. Premlotor. I INSUIIANCE COMP'Y. "I'~ Umpayimuwfllyorg:izdqsud Iluu2sesaf "P(iurcee. 'lîoi&e visliliîg e. lu- sure, sud tisarcby su:pport a Iloie iu:srtnce Gumîituyhiav roWau oportunjty o! ioing se, by îppiyiu atitL e I a ed cIice, or tu ssisy~ ~ ~ M itieisjgOef uir rsces will be fcuusd a.. .wutz-Ise, t nrois,',uu.>ible ItutusilI- murituce otusitiy i l isîdu. :P. FAIRBANKS, JPt., DIRAP OFFIG-Brock Street, Wlliu. IIOTEL & IPREMISES FOR 0ALE, T IIAT clesabllulied sud veil kuoWu I.o CENTRAL HO'USE, EPEOM, Spîeudid ioe:ny stabbieg, aneddrivinir Pied, teoiretisci, titI uce or ttc acres ei land nttuselî edun îuusy tbc.ired, sud c fluas' yeue beer- lîtg orcîusrd. Tuer.e arc tto telle wi&li goti puurupigansd excellent 'ca.er. gîr Tico viole will bc aold at a barraie, sul. el l or c'tise beit cluseeca iefie Domnioni forai ous eive businses%euss. Wtil bu exelsitugeti fer terniprcperty. i For ternis, &a., Apj'iy (ii ty letter, pro ad te, WILLIAM BC t.TON, £nsen, Octobe 42 CGeo. Ayers. FIRST-PRIZE IIORSE.-S.UII, DVNIJAS STREET. Wlithby, li9, 181. 24-ly TIiO1OLP, ONT. A.LOCK, __Proprietor. T tiIfsisrilser, lbiv.g eascU Ibis vclnov l inui. Io .dem',s n uî. <u.ssitirg th. patronagstof o3" Omusuii, la sud (rom s1 Trains, ItemctneetiOi 917 ORGANIS? ÂLL SBMNTS, CHUP.CJI, Ispep do giveMutscand Siugiiîg e sons b. niade toe tlfic o orsuLn. . sstlei Deu dus treci, W lltby. 21. D ISSSILUTIOlp 0F C-A NRlI tuoixIshrb glucu, tfiatheiuoCo-pirtcl . suliiP heretoot exltîa;g usider tue nome sud am et JAMES how & GSI.,ise Forvalrders sud Wsrelsouae mon, ailPeut W)itby, bas lieu dieablved, by tise deuf h or two o! lie pibf sud Cat flic susnivuxUmg uter Mer. Jhne of lIse laCe ru. - 1 J. Ml. LAWIIER, ou belii!Ezacutora latoJohn Wash, WM. LAING, ou bebial! Exeector* laCe Jane. Bo.. JOHiN WAT1IUN. WLltiyj May lStb, 156. NOTICE. Air l'crsons Iudebf'.d taO ïl. late Dim et beos" mon, st tPortwf Wltu, art uuctifid thet oviag fi, thi coiuion Or Co mlntuerolal un -JOHN WATSON,. hfsjWafy liihi#$y, 89 20 milaueontss oStIiflt bip. - ý W Cd iron, Cpr'. Buia, (Otoneansd Lleen Rau eiPatIng f, orbe Relusud Witby, mareii$th, 1860. #-Aý10 ed'rotd"iRme, ud Ilota hépatrong of tii, publie sud ls Mronide. Thibi alsd bu iieid wth h@ b*boit, God roeiuy stsb- ONTARLO HOTEL. WHITBY,_ONeoLAxO. A. JCLEXANDER - Proprieto. T Il Jnb.sei'«iber destares 80 reorturhanks 10 tu the publie for ithe tory liboral patron asirebemofd j ~ ~ ssIni WIle v reyrlef or ctCtie fakes o0oin to saneouî that lihlasbeî e the. above weli keowu botel. large additions louve beau recentil MA& tdee ii.enîlse seur- lotv~r m om uiodioue sufnitm>otlen ta enreusing th li nmber et siecplîig roonos to neeary ont. ioilf morci thin forp>erly. A:Urot- cam BI;llarl>ror tritli t roc t"les bas aio bien added. Extensive addition* té tii, stabllog, Miodoi. loua.IBoe, Eta., baveaAise licou mide. -leabliig the, uudensIgned te effer t3 bis Old Fieetl# spd the, publie genie- rilby advistages 0' hcdb>n yler buiol il) thle plu«o. de wli tm'i Mesb s.y$ weleome lois old flouens. WLithy, Dao.. 2, 1858. -l Query! Wl, is I tat l>sela sncb.à rir, e rples AT CLÂIRK'S GALLERY T It laes uselie bas h, boit Çslkoy lis the <2ouenty, sud baismore eîus ~ fI liJ. thue aey otiier Ai tiât lu thé. Couîty, sud ea10 do quite as good veulese Sany etherinsu nheb tw Tbaf'ss wiut's ti', mattar, su den't hoe bekward about coniiig foryward. BIIOCK Me.,WUITEY. Wbltby, Foy. 12, 1867. 4 CI N. VARS, 19p ACTJCALDtist, Oshawa dm P Deur.. Booms, diieetlyeppo', lsneoestrept thid iqoin oît oftbe Onlsilo SEXP1tE8U AGEUT, &0., aliqpAgent C. X. BWEETAPPLE, VEEUNAnRYSURGEON. Z- LI Gi-adte Of Ontaro Vderinary Colle and late ..listant to Prof. SOU4A ofToronto. P ur. BUCKLAlI>, Pruescor o«,Agriculture, -, -Toronto Puer. SITII, V.OI., Principal o! Ontario V. ('oloire. pa. Iiif>VE.L, Toroeto. 'à HOWELL, 16 P. S.-biE. OSEETArPLE gar b- "eauitcl Frdlofeass eesit bis reuldene, rookiea t Brgokin. Apili 14, 1889. 15 HENRY GRISTi PATENT 'vo-LICITOR DRAIJGIIUTS.MAN OTTAWA, CANqADA, Traussace t buaeasa itis tbesPatent Office, sud otluer deportmeeta et the Govere- ment, Cepyrigluts sud thi e ~Tcie of trade Marks anîd D"pns procure&. àDrwisS.Se 1,ntf&pano ee .offlu nmaU Ua w"r~ oeSa.PUUf Iauatiôs, pejau'eslras ofp1qitA M' keoeuiouad dim- -âcry ,«ardues nM dmJ'am$0f9« rare- Match, 18u?. Grand, Trunk ]RailwaY 1194 AT $WIUTB]y ITATION. W .n preémfiseakiuovsu the rtuE TrniIotel WhbY station, bag e, uo li*e fiansi sudthue tralinUog puhIletiat be bus .&W0 op tii.bogie omd stable. ln trat- <01ciss hlt, aud 1,7 aflail@e le0,e'vald#acit thdevi. tarp' h m' tub hr patmig or 1'srtwi ôtaleiuig lb.'tram, b"d 'Uïýlu bouses viii bave heiwS 11 $ak" moer !t Whitbyo pt, 4 105, w z W1LL TA&KB - A6y£fIs APA W BZ AIM BULL Wbithy,1M57 2"9,10 NeIw Bak.r AND ..II19 unde umdl toriuthO L publie thàt blie contantîy prepijed. té îII witbu grotepitude a'il orders lu tii, Bakéiy sud con egft luqpy 1 . 'Fruit, Spone' u aIl oiier Mal sCa o, Tarte snd Baiie i tho but qulit. - FruYitocuîl klr.da insaison. Aio Lob-ý alois, Sardines, CNo es Ginger Boer, Ec saber, Conteetioner, &o., Brook ah GILLESPIE, MOPFATT &tCo., Agents for JAMES DAVISMCN, Manger, INOURANCE sgsunst LOUS by PIRE arc efoued on tlue mo*tfsvorale ternis sud LOSSES PAID vitheut reference te thse 1crd la Locdpue . 1Apui Iuydl8df. IMPROVED FARM 'Teoel., gent, or let on sarrs. or AR ieili,rout, or lot on sare-Woolt, - .flt26,uIst. cc ossateof Uxbridge 100 acres. 70acere$ CLi crel. Apply Qtfby letter, post.-psld,) to W. Pur P. 0 NOTICE.-Ail partie; ara 'forbld ontting or removiîig tbleber or wooul $fsny luiwbat- evr, from thc above lot, aed ar.y'pe'aon louaid doie g o, utter tus» date, are trespss;eu, and viii b e trccted as sncel, te the f&Wt 'xteut .1 the 1s". 81 FULLER, BOOT e JACK. (PATENqTED,> The Greatest Ievidnf o bAge. Pattaed by j. W. .l'cpb's. DomfinloeEigbCa sceured by ID. C. JACO»11. D.ROS LIOENSED AUCTIONEER, DAJLIFF ofthe SixUe Division Court 21 O siH AW A OFFICE STAND.1 The usîdersIgmIn i ecel7ed lsleoa* te levesl s lsrge sun of ItouQ,' ne-payable lii oue Somw or ýy Yaarly 'OnIuproved-Farne, or joodnee Tovn Ou Village Irepaty.'- Iri. es ,C»mortgae.pourbiee.' Mr laeftareoa 8peî toult,' No Cern. [April 26ti,1 W..BILLINOS, Seheitr, tc. Wllt1 PORiT WHITBY. Thei.avoaewel.keownhoeba been tho-' roiiglly reovattçd csud Do frisseb ti bcen pu ln un efficient sate of repslusnld ne. tliliegbuon eeieftundone omettise-equre- mments i cKgubs. 'the Table la snppiied with evortlln1 fb hotie scaon, and noce but fthe best bienda of Wliic, Liquora and Cigera kept nt thelii., 1k. R. NON. 1860. THE SUPERD NEW 18e9. 9' NORSEMAN" NORTE SHORE PORTS PORIT 0F ROCHRESTER, And trili co.ntiniue msbing dalby fripa lesvingý Cobourg et 8ia.in.; Port Hope et M( s. ni. Galba a Wlitby, Osiseva, Darliugtoe asud New- Piutie Wedeasy mnoier%;' ntBrigliton, Thunsday wr amnssu <oboruoe tyory mnortioiîg cxatt îedleeday, 1{turung enve. Port cf ohepter dily at 9.. ie. exoeptaedays, wbene ie bves ah 2 P. un., diret fr l'on Hope. . lue FRPIGnr-Applv oen bcnrd. or te C. Draper & CO., VWiithy; James . C. y,O(>sa wiu; J. iitctolati, Pari ugtoe ; F. N ioholson, NwabuA.Coelrane a.ud G0o0,HelAeraon, Part hlope; C. Eiliott, Cobourg- . Meler, Colborne issLt1st.,Bi-tn Aprl21241,' ~1 D M M. IIILLARY, RESPENE, - - - Dvwpfs 6T., A'arly cPPWU*I U nIkCurk. 21. ASSURANCE ICOM PANY Capita, $400,000. IF 1E nderaigsed hsviug boeen sppOlted Aitent forpolic siiove Gompany, la uiv proparcu to . luiue poeryagniat. 1L0168 BY PIRE, un fho monifaoabeterme. Apply t£', 2-12mrn. Agent Wlitby TEET EXTRACTED gar WITMOUT PAIN, .. 1W TuE 9USE OP NITROUS 019DE LAUGIIING GAS, .I 1(3IITIIE XEW la fieplac e t tgrest bargains bu GoId, Sfiver and Orolde Wfatches, LC LÂ 2SHTC -I-AT 8ttoeroy Bliuk IBeoks and Fuecy Goodu lu grout vaiety, Daily and 'Weekly Papers, PERZIODICALS &ND MAGAZINES, To ]srlise AT TUB OSHAWA VARIEY HALL. -if yen vouid bey te. plcae flue eya liqsu suad <Gall t YICEI'Y ALL. y. J. DUEW. O81ahsva, le1, 1887. IN, 1.-AIl oruera fer llooI:A, râper», sed laaziiea promptiy cttideite. V.FI'J. D. creoobleeka auppliedi ut roduced rate.. GoId und ibver Platitug donc te order. Plonge cu sud examine cuir (lodea nd prieca betore purelsasîg clacVisore, F. J. ]DREW. &,rPCITlY JIOTEL, INo#. YO, 00, sud 82, st. Joseph eShoot, pi.apbcrberlia oenei tf boveibiel Ita amicosdatoes are oethe hast iIt cou- tals 75 romin, villa good Yard sudestsbuieg for do liorses.-Tersmoderato. G.LIIPuoprietor. IfÀAeIL FOR SALE. 1M nAOIWB OF GOD LAMD, viw ' cmofotble bouse sudacmmiodion', ouf- buildlug, boing oate Uts 21 #sud 92 1lu the btb concession o!'flue hovebup 'er Wbutby. Ter e rpia. Apply te YeukvMlleP, 0, Yo*vlIf, Ju. 29,1889. 26-q w ANT BD. $ÇB1AJ? IRON Dà~TAL 1100Mi, D1JNDAS STREET,' WIilTB Y, C. W. RoUmiIS-ov mM. IL. Cohraue,$ stoe. Wbitny, joe.26, 1867. 25 W Il 1 TBY Bp.A: CH B IBLE DEPOSITORY1 'isite ntubne !tlie publieis ievited te the ow au, et]l selcted stock of BIBLES aiid TESTAMT, titi cil ithuit the psslms 1le matre, nov teO h eidet t Depe.îtuury of the Whitby Bruziebi Bible 5,4c4y. Tisa tock bu beon tae- ectcd by the. Depestury, viii' grcateare, sud wili b. funtîd e t ibract, volumes len varions stylas eof bulldir.a, plaie'sud o.mèntail. Dcpe.story-At J as. Il. pQerias Drug store, Dui I.Str#%4.! Wbitby, MûY $1 al, 1809, 29. J. B*. CAM PBEL. ADth S, - "'Y"BRI, '.0 premp ,y ttedsd e Bech Nv,801869, 49 AUCT1ONBUS~INESS TiCMA8 MYiziRS. Lr ICENSEiI UTOERfrteCut Xo!f00W1 .desrea tO lin e' ief~l ciel tiio publué tahuo le ready - luorotofpuato recive ord«rý for a'iof tstc, tainiupl6 montst., teDd ta il.r e.s of t flua Cauewoize vili he o eyttebded te. Dsys'et 1e apeis >Mad fernsma&se kaiv o 'etion nt lte. Cuueuzozsoffice, or si Bbapl'qotI beo obooks 'tk etre soketesufi l s ltby, i TO LQAN - sua mus - The. iudoreoeusd bus roM.ed lmtmuetlm c lciil Ive linvots lare n o morO>'. lipyabloe d Anida lù ù $a or y mly[nstalmeta, on lue- sains v Vovesl nus; productive Tovn our ilIse alont nsd ro y0 *wor sIteragp. f piu cent. bta is 0. JOHN SOIME, Tevuais .0.~ ~ S6 lm. Sreyr B, f4j. . - U3# 41 Weetr bu urnyr te uO ls nce A SreieOFeeyon 'vI - eivsys h&' 1tble Our And rtsgÂsyoii eeuntrý' noiéyouy iOmoe' A. biootleg bisa, but aligie yet, au for ber love ' of yen ; e 1,r01. . meagait>, 1 Whciuill b.- iippy as of olE, Dneune!f 0 Sf1le the 4crs o!. oui luerts, sere Do- Sweeth 'lsfjoy vilIliligerthoner, sweet th tn l Jn t th; y lin bonltye nd 'u'ynraoIk , atr ýturt. A. Eesmucee e Donybroele Pafr., ' Stop in,genflcuen, b he rTeat bohol,'ý exclaiued Mr. Ournigan. ' Wisp tlic prctty skies off thie cloti, ant la>'elau rug for fébe'Onom*r5.' Most coromoul-ý yusi> ti lsteciogeeman, Wvoeboitnover bteu yet se t'ortunstt se to kil'& man,t adunittes upsi4on dedci'loney ýPart, sud- gaie me1pr.codeny. BI' hoidien n>'ry double, I in ni>' pormy o"abensati a1 torn saol,'vhbleb bng oier lhe dolirsua>l at' MunI>"s den, sud' foninotiane npretend-1 ing draper>' l e ioutrance'; sud, making4 w vs4oWn tise. 'vaffti slp., lpsecie m> wounid aria frein aedeutàilii- nions, 1 teok the llank ecuftietb.board.-A Tie nemainder»O! lic compan>' duekedti ted fèlleveti tie example,util Musrtl'1 voice froni vitioue aunoneocdti le tahle's1 fui' b>' exciaiing aflor reckouiug bis, custeeas tise>' pussedti s mutten sud pralies for -fourteon. gLi >'eaolf, BidE>' Douovat T1% psfuiplion of tvo o e! e cmpa>1 lavre '-iioh omitted aniE tissA, toi' nt uf tusato s pu thiE l;r;,it rÇop tab o - touto be on Neyer voe Iv itinerasi t wrts vu itbàmce» ill- assortatisse.mblage; a,ti fIeoreti tes b ,boat, national wvenEs, tlirersv aI presaul lis s lecalif>' thero lb. receptiou e! parsocal eues wva smuci pore pro- hable cîcut. Tiuexteruat'sppearanoe tufeusEdfroni iaI o! theo romaundor o!flii. compan>'; for, le Booti,flue>' ver. hve aligit, spudy-iaiuc4, simple loeleicg got-- Ilemen, as evar nulle a'delutàaI Pnny- brook. Tie>' infections ne douil vwers charitablc; t'eu nelitor blcckliom non au9p1lin ernameuledti hurigit bauds- vleeilcaseti umbrellas plainl>' inlimateti liaI lie>' vere mec o! pue as vel asU political reformera. A sligil incident lu pntpiing Mçmty's pavilion, migh'l4i benlooketi uspon b>' one of t'tese pilosophers «-esbie;- cininous. lIn paasiug tiseNous Crecus, trio presided over tieculleur>' depeuf- meut o! Mu. Curigae'a regtaurant, oeeOe tic college uen taveurethe lad>' iti a pokie eft is sick. Amsli lei ui',r Miuo Donoran, ce luuuing rQn4te repel cggresaioui, froni tic peculiar position in wicstise Saxon visiter caruleti bis u- brella, unhuppl> conaidera i hm the of- feuder, snd rescutethfe ssult b>' a full gtoccado ot lier flesi foui Eugaget inl admiring tie poifuail ef St Patrick.,great vas fie suif.emcm'sasteulsimenl aI fluding tise mntnproteceetiportion o! bis peraee rer>' puinfuill assaileti. Remonstrance vas eot penmitteti: fou. lu s fiue burst o! classie eloqiseuce Misa Douera'» conaîgneti uimto b notier anti s vaumer WWîd, anti titi a flounish o$f tuotri(et ntldîcatetiun lneantion on bier paritéb renew, hostilities. Tise pilosopher titi nbt abide, tic issue, but jampet i mtiste booti for protection ; anti, lb jutige b> 'l~e uneasinss is coun-, tenance betrayeti,si e fookbis place at tise festive board, sîtioogi s poke froni a blacktioin us>' lufliel a touud pn tie iconu, stili, tor leaving s lasting impres- sion, ticere7à notiing lîke a sb féror, aiIci ail. The apoleeina viere discussati- s couple cf jugi cf bot; puiehu, fabujoalet b>' Munt>' tit s kili anti cue,queede4'lhà metton; a fidicl eul eti qui au inierteti kcg, vas. playing a pleauaut jig lu fi. iprtieendtio! tie pavillon, aud sundu>' devoeof etTrp. sicere vcre sefir-ely aItoik.- Au un- usuai calin bang cver Donnybrooi; tic godtiesa pti ucrd aipca10dbbaive'letI hi fair for iü i. ng'-;,noecl attcjng efqd- gels a 1peoun-et liathéi.beys b~gene 1te ton-k; ne -iiucene' ciserration e!f:'trie tiare say Paaisgare 'noa e! i'5p85- tien.' Sepaisheti cul>'b>'the draper>'o!- blauket'or countopsfe inl hb i ajacent bocilis , we ast dosados te lieldadies anti gentlmen'.1ietarored boh tit i tuciu cempsuy lpnd.,se coi,ia enone thé. rival csaisi1uceé_tst bcksp- pertcd bci nE rom le ndênhehon etoif l heesus. you ceutilbar. essh>' aàseenineti - tii. p 1o enat e! lbi to viitraeelhoida. 4pllpvre-i sidedo'lb eJoft baud Pa!îth_ , to e an agreable oi'ao Ago wipWrlljpg- *0ý anisues.qf pirue 'tJleoon the i.ugit ilvaquit. rMdelt$bgt, 'love viili bê'ié bhan - bast v ïOaç bid isbas Çubov kingl' lseforolie gmoastebet-thats, if Mu. Bob.. Enaon is sbIe 'te resch It-doe l oue.à Elsrry PenoeubysaIn:' Nevervwas pledge, giron mo e ers y rodeeuied. At lb.eiouflybn r.JpI kipa wa otn M.ýbiusown emaIes,4 the &seý--dofo! tellttar gentleman hbai reacbed ' tl sftcticg Part o! th, balliti, Îbere. thse Lady!, Jeffjr>ýS. bad ipitraisente' I tepiie.o!$Sxon cr«uul$y, inucbsj Oliver Cuomvell,_1 Antd i tiEobreacb ilelber battelmeuit. Foussaee¶V ifor me hbaî1 b4 4 lçn k i"pstin;sand, rising (rou the. bod, tepped 'sleng the.boot ntil [-reciet lb.kceg on-'vbich lb. fiddler asâ med.- I turneti nyce c eulesly' n M. Ponsonby, andti oseti m quijet- ly remore a fc.rk, rou the; table, and ne- suolicedby, ho remainider of!$he ompn jerk ilttrou$b lbe bianket wiiseparat. cd the mn o! Bidbarâe fronthtie mac o! nin ltehe t pailon I bolieothora *lns u'cmne part topl6yte4 muical 'transition ; and, Iuercu *as tuier. s more umretiode,, Isan that itbi vbleb tb. qaîcuo! oui' ucat door ncighbour te. ezobsegeti fou seyeit of a ,gony. 'Qis 1 bîcaetiAne.ny P. he boufad, 'PIn faill> <ectud, sud. spiegicg fuoni thse, toýin pj; vie i lie batiUfe ne iect. edl assaiited, s crash oeterockery»'an- nouece ht, ho b. bd jumpoti'.upon thec table.. ScàîcéIîy bcd thc prongs Ibéen in- seyltdinto lic nother portion of tb. poison of tii.'vocaliat unfil-Mu. Ponsonby - bcd huovu blusel!fIBat npon lb. Iloor. The be4 o! Muý. Robinson i iicivas'thuovu haïke ln s jIne*'tfitude'o! re'ose, diti not qscaipè lbnotieoftbohefqe n,9 pisnhropisf folr lhe faveur lb. bcdr.- eived, ho kuured lia compliment on fisc skul e! ths saoew Asuailant - titi s gti vii liaI tsuesnt- Mi'.Robinson -te huie Do«lec s asçof! ist t.Dire wu th. t0ipr th: th-iueed, as fron t fer payilion, tie compan? lsuned out sud emmceil a general .uwee.On. miha eus coll0ee mac gri ppedte tilble-celoti as ie sallied into ection, sud theasppurtenan- me ieucoëf bocamne lustautl>' s hesp etf unie- thte gentleman witi tise p-alet. eti oye stuk tva>' eue o!fie supporters oe!.spolaeine'pol,-rdilua vin aftempt te pueserve he equili'btium e!flb, vessei, ever vici ae presideti titi se uee eredit, Miss Donovan reccived a ceusideu- able portibn of! ils contenta. ' IJepping qpn bue foot, Bidy hqwed's marked auîiptby te soald'ng vatar; sid a11, Tyr" suou Trojan, triose pausons came vilheu reucis, vesfavonuret ittià toucb'of lier trident, sud liaI, too, vithout lhe sligitautprtiality. Froid pmall causas sprie; . eat eveces. Ercery tact, tien, lie cri ie guerre'vas beard, poureti out if$ qulota of billigeients ; sud, tIbrougi lie ujngenuity of Mne. Ponsonby, sud lb. judi- 'cious application oh, a dinncu-fork, ln flic minutes. atter, one hunducd couple et ifs visitera vere ie fuîl occupation, upon tie green of Donnybrook. -, Ai for me, .j wafcbed the batlîest a, distance; al, a; t'he lido of rontlict robleti tou lbepiuce vicie istilitiesbaàd broken eut, I dotermincd'te retire unscatieti front tise sat ettai. On pasiug Muntys es- -tabisimeul I perceivet thse untorteista reitaurateur lameenting over fthe demofti'sw, of iuaproperty, wfsielo ias 1onovan, vas bopping about ou âne foot, - ollactieg tic tew fragments cf thse mutton, 'cf which. the' greater portion'isd becu engaged in fie rot. 1 ateppet i mticthepavillon. Secretary, .t'ckina vas binding a handkcrcbierou'sd' bis patron's lcad, sud 1 innocently inquir. cd the extent b u4iicih'is cranium Iati becu damageti, and viihier he coulti in- foru me wtrithfe deupe buE produecth fe balîle, wvich vas stili ra;ing oÜt of dâOrs. A mclauchioly siskc 'tf fie lieuE nnouneti the ignorance ef tic phulsetbu'opiSst s tic causes wbiei bcd reedëed hlm hors de conibat i but Murly Cunuigan tac more commuîtiçâtivc. 'AriIcaptain,,jevel-the dcvii, fiatl kuots .cicr'thing-Lord pardoitin'us r mnentionut' -bis-ùsane t-only _eau toit thuit 'f'ic"e tic>'Mcre, a fasble a amb tuis miniuta,4,ibd'i neit uiothing. but bioody muiden Whstivcr begtti oku u, aintlIfcily ruiiaf4d? Juge,#.mqgs, sud bottues, ill in ii sUle-etsou the -floor -Biddy beppýin' on pue legý likesa msgpie; sud pot hie a 6répi ainacng ont et'a. aide -o! mutton. - :114. fh Wis vievcurk, 1'hiigbt i'upon ye, Teby DrbisolLI f M don't bavre y@ . 0h. Coé o nsceesot Monda>' mo or, i asanit sund bahtry ouBirddu Donoraliandti doaruçtio-n pe cau l hlow-onb 'tuiejereuiati-, exélumàal'see-tuen , 'Oh ]VtherAul bagi, ici' CU,P16iu sjauuusug.tzruslted u iii)coite g p mpu and citiics vbo ieataufly, andti tt. out lsng lime b>' iu tnquiry, feok part Fnticara' Te a Supplication fron t hi Buadburc reformer tit I wouîd savo:bis lie, -viliiI>'ssanted. - ick- Dooln' pilotedité s 6 ix'boue-setter"' snd'vban' tic plcuiei e b.arnig*u asbut coni- ueencieg, lre sIpiEly abandonc4 the scauo o! love and'soig 'Do yen purpose lsking s spolecine ut Li ot-mrerw? I1 enrôsorly.iiq. quirid cfr. Robiuson. The. piilosâpher looketi utsc for ý moment, , "' - - 'Î', IWheu -1- commit muicide, Aln,tbasolemu. y'replieti, 'I vilI jump me'the'crste'oi VIesnvius; iny-deah.,i ii moroe lai, and nt nfelgbebrer !Buât You* baye, got meraby s bfrd!o-eye glinipse ('Iri " &'tif. 'haro go(Cs iiknowlýdge of naion, si esrictcr sud babits as 1 vaut t baie; sud sionîti I hout of ie surgeon's-banids to-morret , ifarnool,' if yon icquire 51 tie office o! ber Msjesty' - ,ailpackoh, aupng the- erlicsl bprtbo seureti for Liverpool', n iild- neebooketi for- $Omeo!ftic -Connecticut spiriluulists Pbytiagoeaedectuiee-thattbcaoulaeftte depanftd seekbomes le oticu mort-il iodies;that the. coul of s man mu> at his, desIWi tai.? Poas esai-on .ofa burd, ou a qucd- ru po , rafi ' ter specica of animal ceraion.ô! Idsep o t-ehe belle! hheyi helltistory:'A.lady-iioginNew york, bil engagedtite:omaruiet 1sYoung, gentlcman cf,-bigi .charActer anti social standiug-bcenggmeta happy one- ime pusstion-canda lnhe nuptial c'cu- mon>' vcrc pieparfE -tc>' hati ugreed 1o speed tlie ci Éogeter-tbe ,-appointi heur aurivei, butbh- came nef. >$adly tisspoiuted, aie -sougln ber couci, bul net te slecp. Soon, ho*vîc, fie myster>' o! ber'lupsul lo*ver's absece wasremoveti ln lb. aéin<oment hbst. she would cuveir sec hlm ugain allie. Bis bodï bÂt ben teuud aI auan arly boum u inte umomie; near lie lake lu Central Park. After-ard, she, leî mpn tt a Young man, visiteti "ic pa- l lic eun ol, aid while thsee one o!fiheflock'o etstan s wus acM, np- pireaching oieeof ttmuatlc $Mnte tieïes luey Were, came diuectly fo thiethe i lady anti lsying its bo n lier lrip, eatîct, as del>'te er t4s ift eli. couid, mnifest;- ing the greçAtest dtii'bt of harle;fouinEuan olti frinicui'Ticsequclis 4 ui 'cL'ly olà. Wlic1 'lady ucturncd -te her bouc, couvicce ifluai, bis opirit bdm 1hui icfreo ii stan,, andi titi a11 lie sait m'imurief; Tof li utruahing upc-onber umi, ase clit iee~tup aud atili refuses 'te sec cee. fisc one b visotase is egegs;cdand wio Wbaret i ttiber tuis cfrange adventurc. - ti l r h ay s - bis tc c 1g ilv es ail thc niilk tit la vainteinlui'£fainily of eight puisons. sud from vilci iras niade ttc 'budicti anti ixty poueds ..cf butter -lesi yeur, gives fhe' foilovieg as is tceatînen. Hie sayà; tilt'qu Ecairet e gaI alarge yiclti of lici uilk,-i eycur cow, fhrc tnssaday, Atfr ;;hily aru, cligst>' ualted, lu trbici ban, bas beers stirreti at lie rate e! mue quarttlo tvo gallons ef vwalcu. You -iii lend,_if you have,-net tuietià-.d'ai>'ypractW, liat your cour_ viii gins hsrnfy'fve per cent ,more, li-' niediatcly, nuder tie effçctoe, if. and sic vill become se altaéchod te tiediet"us te refuse, to drink cîcar- vater,cos ver>' hirafy ; but Ibhis mecas aiec'vii ldtink'al- nioàt an>' lime, sa-ak for more.' The amouel t' fti drink unecoasary lisn o r- dinar>' pul fuît caci finie, naernicg ceeu anti night.. Four mutned pouctis otbnlt-' tci' are otten u;btainedtfren gobel stock, anti instauces are menfioncti viere the. yield la of tee aI isigier figure.' W an spriiultoy iiasôutuiiin peint o! Spain, 'tdnà!ipg'out m inote Straits- of Gibraltar, stan'ds a foituesa calieti nov, ui in the limes üetbie Mor bdomlsuionuTar:' ifs -Il vasthe:custom. oethe ico ot wslcb merchaul abipa gobng into or com- ing eut of the ,iitilsnd Saand eissue fromu ir atîegiolidte ci>'duty, eccordupgbL 'x flg eti etor' ill mosunt;e., --This dut>' 'vual eledï* freintise place tiierc il va leuieti' $ra ; eneOur- Wond, iu -s cavsty il vilcih'tiers Linrsuer 1éd'ý « utre l' a ici dovnuponust i - "I Baskets, Wate sterlisng tii' Jetclry replat orde 'u Works, bliyi@ b>' bin. JolieJ NWiti>', JO TE£)MAlq glu, soiR, 1 Agept 'Wý4by 1 wbýtbý, sept 15, 1868. sur 1 1 ý POST

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