4 îs 4-3 rj&o;bm bue Io*. 4 a Trysrl .tie Colt .4 a$ 66 Il illy ...4 a 28 One yar old ente* Cot...4 83 ïé C6 4,a 2 K.rs0cot otiB.1..00 .. 4 s In" " 66 ......4 3 2 pdarg..cr.Lpupom Hor.oe 4 a 2 4 3 2 tbasYod ,a.b.culom 4 8 2 Tbreym.çold, eiîirè Colt. 4, 3 2 64- 6 FIlly ....4 32 Two yeÙ old coîire-Col&.. 4 3 2 "1> llJMy, . 4 3 2 One.yèar oldcneCola.... 4-3 2 6or 0lo Mil ....4 3 2 p - * Dmgbs HrmSfl..... 4 3 2 Ciam. L-Catti. THIOROUJGH B1IED. Two y ca old Bull....4 3 2 IrrDnBail * ...4- 3 2 Bull dit 4382 MieCow, glving .11k or lao.a..#.oo.a.....4 3 2 Two year oic! Reiter......4 3 2 Yearling Rliier ....4 3 2 uot ae#*#..43 PETON ...##........ 48 2 Two -ycr old Bull ... ...... 4 8 2 Yearling Bull......4382 Milcb Çow, giving .11k or inclf.........4 3 2 Two year old Reciter ....4 3 2 Y0arling lRester....... a 2 Reciter Liait.............o#4 3 2 Two ycar oldlml....4 3 2 Yearling Bull *......43 2 Kilcb Cow, giving milk or lu Two.. .... 0.......... . 4 82 T ear old Reiter . 4 3 2 Yarnl citer........4 3 2 licitr Cali........... 4 3 2 GUADE. Xilèh Cow, giving .11k or inenu!................ 4 3 2 Two yoar old Rieiter . 4 3 2 Yearlug Boeiter.....4 3 2 Reitrl .................. 4 3 2 Twe y car oic! Bull ........ 4 3 2 Yearling Bull ............. 4 32 .uloà o4 32 MUlcb Cow, giving milk or In Cali...........a44 3 2 'Two year old Heifer...4 3 2 Yenalig licier....... Hlier Ciai............... 4 3 2 Bout llord, te inolude Bull, sud et lct 4 females... 4 3 2 Best Bull-any agaeor lbrecd 4 IJAT OÂTMLE * Fat Ox or Bte....4 3 2 Fat Oow or liier......... 4 3 2 * ~womuIx CATZTLM Toke working Oxca . 4 3 2 'ia.. I.-Shoep. ilicUeRm Bliosling'Rani........3 Rami Lamb....... Twvo E-vos.............. . T-vwo Sbaring lises.... 3 Tare Ewe Laumbo .... ..... 3 Ram...................... 3 obearhung Rm.....3 Jiamamb... ........3 Tire SbcarliugE-o . Tire lie Lamb.......... 3 OUÇTIDOWY. RaM...........a *0*# 0.....3 ebhearling Ram............. 3 Ram Lamb......... Two Nwes.........3 Tiro Sbearing ls . Two Eire Lamà b..... RU am......... Tuo 9ire....... rTwoEFtWoLstb...... Rani..... ...3 Ram L..............aa3* a , TirPIS Cwei . lm ,.,09, .3 pow Pi <4186o'.....a 21 21 21 21 21 21 2ad............;a 00 2n!.., .......-I......3400 Mr.2 . 00 .* 12 00 Bestasmple stliton Cea. 2 00 liezt 1irkiu, of mot louthat 40 Ibo butter 'la sippwg or- der........400 2od........... 00 3d...........2 00 lPair 131«k iBpanlsb..... 500c 6dDorking, white....... of1 Soc 66 do colored,.f#1 500 61 lamburg........ ......1 -boa "Ccci Cohina. ... 0 "Any.cthorvriety . 1 600 "Tarkeys, co1cred ... . 1 §Oc 44 do white 000000098001 500 66 wild Turkeys... .....01 50. "ïGe#se .il do . 1 500 "Ducks...........fée 5001 Figeons, boiu octio..*1 50c Gaine. ol.. *.. 0 -Best W of l'onltry.ino30pea- owned by'exhibitor. dit, tinot from aIl othor, du- tries....... 2 1 Cia.. IL-YarmIml.n. Resper, nyýk1nd....à .»6*4,42 Mowing Machine ,........ 4 2 TbresbongMabu.... Wsggon, (two..borse tes.) 4 S do two.borse, spring, arkt........4 3a TwesoCsrle 4 3 -2> Onehborse do.....4 3 29 TWO'borse leigh..ý ..... 4 j- Oneherse4.de ......... 4 $ 21 Iron i'lough......4 82 Plough, sny ether kind .... 4' 8 21 Turni f Drill......... 4 3 2 do do iron...'.4 a2' Two.horeCultivator.... 4 3 32 Two-horse Roller 9.4 2 Gangt Plouwh...... 3 2 Grain Dril-#.........4 8 2 Straw Cutter, for. hors. power.......4 3 2 Corn Shellor .............. 3 2 1 One-horse CulIùvator....3 2 1 Straw Cutter, workcd b>' band.......3 2 1 florscle......3 2 1 Fanuing Mi.. ...3 2 1 Satof Drainin Tools,.. 3 2 1 Cider Miil ani Pre ......3 2 1 Chepse Pre.....21 500 Waahing Machine......2 1 50o Turuip gSilcor....... 2- 1 boa Cburn.............2 150o Grain Crusher.......2 1 50o Hla!dSe» Iiay Forkî,. 2 1 50e HlfaIfdozen nanuro Forks 2 1 50e Half.dozcn steel Rocs..,.. S 1 .50e Half-dozcn Bcytbca. ..2 1 Soc Pair âine Bos....Z1 Il coars. Boots.... 2 1 Assortmcnt boots and Shoemaker's work. . 2 1 Bit cf tarn Marnes,......83 2 1 of s 6ingle '...3 2 1 saddle ............3 2 1 Sido Saddlo .. ............ 3 2 1 Pair heavy hors. Collars .,. 3 2 1 ClMes X-Horticultural De- partment. 12 Table Apples, suumoer, naned............. ..*1i50e 12 cooking Appei, stumnir, 2 cinsters Grapes, whit, ' grown under.glass.... 75oe SQ. ZclustcriGrapest blackI ce under glass'... 75.50.1 Gmf w e, ate .' A~??~A Ùz~75à b50.1 amWo u OYe bybaudo 10 yards home.made by baud Cotton warp .. ... 0.....1.00 1 10, yà rd,v7-iati"wl- *80 Dmad., au wool.oj. ..&1.50 I 10 yards Flannel. factory , nade, Cotton wrp... 1450 1 Iyards aldFue>. M1 a1a0 Odt Cort.... 1.50 1 tory made......1050 1 Pair lioraeBmkets .... 1.0 1i Ceverlet, heAvy.....1.50 ,I do 1gb.....150_1 Sheph!erd'.Pl.....1*50_1' pair Wole Boknçs.. o SO 6#" -Bocks. .75e 50. " Bocks . 7b50o0 Q 'Wooln mitta . 750 50 Plain Woolea YarD......... 75. SOc 1lbs Flazluaits natural smats $3 *2 bibslazdroed........3_- 2 5l Padrssd, by husid 3 2, Mecc Fuc ax thrpmd...750 500 "wintèrTfWecds... 1.50 1 'ogStmmordo.,.1.50w1 CIa,( IL-adte'»part- IadyasDrcss.....4. L.150 81 Cbild's Dreas..........101 Genctlmark, Shit.....150 Ladyk'Con ne.....1.50 1 Plen wrk uli......1.50 1 Kni 13. Coer. .1.0 robc or oninrkm e1.- 1 811k 'dunep .....150 E wcyN Wtirgste.. 1.50 1 Faney iting.....1.50 1 Enmbeldrycmualacraoe1.50 'l Brnboidryo 81k.....1.50 1. Guipure oidr ouWorted..1.50 1 Crotohe Work.....1.50 1 OrmeBtaNe Work...1,50 1 S *m~ernork..idn.......1.50 1 GemaHase Work... 1.50 1 wuxpure Wor.. ... 1.50 1 Chenilork........1.50 1 flaramnl ecdo e.1-50 1 Speciuiie !Jiaig 1.50 1 SpolencfQR' tng 1.50 1 Spocirne o! epWork .... 1.50 1 HoWaris t........ ..-1 150 1 Waxhe flowers............1.50 1 ZPier IPowers........ .1.50 1 flatir or............ 1.50 1 'WaxyMelle........ a 1.60 1 Waresu¶ ......1.50 1 wole g1,50 1 Fanolaaeroroton..1.50 1 Fpeathor Po ae..........1,50 1 Hi aiellry... 1......1.0$2 Water Lûllint...........502 WaxSh... ..........502 Penofi -ra h.......... 1.50 1 Caon R ig............ 1.50 1 EnibrodCryon Coteng... 1,50 1 Pear Pinting. ........... 1502 Wraer ColorPanig......1.0,2 p Ou..ýa,ý n :.... ........ 1.0Z Mdo llishedla i ater .5 1 Orenalrawing.........50 O1 Craymno Dinga.......1.50 i OitrnepmelPnashp.,1.50 1 ôr,.xi4 ,..,ý1.50 .1 ONt i 56 CENT$ A TZAZ Whltby Thur day, hg st Os 1869 Es lsa ylav taluplauth Tb# PONin~l 80b00 Ve. U&lsadop«e t ue'l4 W. udve e ssfisai .f Lb. Esîlssy, an 4 «ii true sd s» .Im isai .tib. 0o" 4ýWbitby Lto ge <orsard full asud ms..ivusvote l avwo' Of 0b. las. If, b Iy . obaesu i uise voteshaoulA- iwk..oded, Wblîy, xvsaicOr lesus. gwsulosssls hutbme la lued gturdeu of as]ulsymrtlb, sduAru tese, -vs u tsLdssud buimeos ut off ns« -aryli", beeemu fse ital>' lat- Iliant sl laevotieg for tbe bylawlut L bueire- »mb.ed, *th* b. hlu uter of Its feu)i puusguuMd of du stoc% .obacrlptlou stili r.malmn *lu bbuds eofLb. tosu <Comuu il -Thé Comeit, sud througb h mubdo rsmpyoae git .111 .1control of Lb. vbole muetsu. W.e v ain Lbe Dot teosilos tisemubveu Lebu misted by AlterleA reforts isur eg t one aid ci Lisu ch Inr dividiuel Aller- escss1 elîber loside c i&Wisi ,thuebesid Of diretesbae ati4 te deosistis te prilsepl etakse, and shooldtA meb lovai frsa mment Lo4pril i la marrie; thse pesasud boa; siattteA prOiset. Nov i. t tic im fermsen teo tiucolore,1 anA ««J >' RaI> umfa' 1tins frifid, e( propaeu viiishow bis ;:0u ecber b'vol- bgfor lb. b>'lss, sud ,veliug for it se To lta.e ppenets 044 uBlIsa>',vise Dot satided oit u pis lgtiit î ppoition le due pioeut, rataiS e#va possible sd lu. possible _ae »buiuIsateuscllo f Lb. direotora ouglut te bco a fident anassr. Tise Diretes binA te du oisa>'Compaony Daet te au inLi$9, 000 oti $0 00 tc UNTIL TRE RÂILWÂT 18 COMPLOT. BD to Po. Peryud aldite t tala tise debentures cf lb.heva f r thse *9,000 AT 1 a«. The eclipe. Thes. ular eclipse aonoued te tale PlISu on Saturas> neit id avshenlu; mueis attention-moto especiail> on seconaL cf lb. nuald BLe o f tis e sther, sbhiei i. stiboted tc the foïilcoaasog celestisl Wonder. Whetber rigbd' or srogiy st tributable le premonitorý symptoms of tise eclîpos ue, aeIm;i. c4rýn tisaI lisme. lecrological pbeaomenw ef tise presens sommer le sometiin; uâpreodents. À Clicagopiper ss18 ; -411 &Ion.g lise patis. vs>' cf tieseeile tise alunîr>' buaslatel>' beesa visited b>' timniblq ituader gplea, tornades, fallas; met4rs, and esnîla- quaes.i Tise là test eitisqua' *eur.i Stau a esmi>' boni, on Mouday î.rn'ng. Jt ex- tended ower .5eosi asble portion O- îoatiseru llib i t i sm t t is tra peint cf tise eartiui iîb- vs men tise place sb.re tise-eclipasVii j th Iis coas rTise eaatiquske wu t1 itli<slling meteernsemoet sbieb: ipicded vils s terrifie report, resemblia; e simoultaneous iseborge cf a batter>' cf largesîguaoi. Therpoi vasbasi £1là e~Itit>' or fort>' miles spart. MATO£ jvpuuWuîvgi YpjIr. Mn.ý'XMayer Qeriio, 'iluordace s ib d ud usi n a nd au 1u' "",see itb a roqulelîlos presenlt' te im, foýr tisa 'ta te siell - Tb* modo e bcbg ceu sf.atA dieeti om<iib dnif dings be.ls, Lb. machIn bui .acusiill ail Lb. pster potpei sa ilghter drueglt Tbes are Lb. eaime fer bit lameol, Techulial i. tulle of 'cesltbetn veri ezplsiasd teos,ý asily, no doulat se b.u auttru byLb piseiwo eb"à l, bai shlelu stbi.nt the ose of dinu, ecndseie> seý latellîgiblu tte .gea.ral readr. Eut in note of drsbt, ac fl.a -'sof prie*# and simplicil>'of omution, are-Lise grest recommeudtions cf tb. Domi"Nion es. -PmSIEtEp SysevÀcLr.-Tbou ut- log S*rst es sartiol. lu speitales or a7e Iglase, for ulduer og or short isgbt .111 bu glâA tu lusn, tbatthe weil-irs grosimMa aLaiusM orris & Ce., Ocuis§te ad Opticiens, <Msooufasui.r) of Mb celebraucd perfecwc spectacles sud e,. gîsues, bal@ appouuted *v ou tveusu, mi, jslmsil. Garie, droggSU4t,îbcr sole agent for lb. sale cf the perfeitud pec- taclessud se s#.lauM ntlhs is.. . Oas grest adrotae#lb. glusnebaie ever &Dy ailiers liamuse, lu ibït tise>'prescrve s veh as mulst the sight. -For fortdur loer-)ý "on u e r ioui reeders te Ihuir a4..,- vertiecmcnt inansueeolusu. dlreed te tb. sonoosent of à course o et come b> Roi. John lParker, cf Toron-. te, <Sssdenborga,) te b. Aelierd Ia Pirber bas Lbe .rspowaion of beii s eloquent lecturcî and presobr; Masuae.-Âîlenîion i. direclte tiste sdvertisuent cf 1fr. Loren Bics.. HO bas for sale a long viised for article cf otilit>' cf most ingenions eoustrouion, for drauiog molasussud syrnp <consthse bau- rul inl a ired quantity and pourn lit lo an>' d.sription cf vcssel witisoul lbe pousibility of sastc or lesks;u, snd <rue froua conucL itlhsoyl ainA e1dirt, lice. ment of Mr. O'Donovaa lu sopplied vitis à large sud comploeastock, aud Asil>' ad- ditions arc being addod et tise biet mata. sud qoalît>'.Sellin; ebesp te uitisbard limes. FuauivYauCE~ouor Buiuums.- W.e direct attentio c te . dvertisement cf Mr. Samo la otbur colmua. Mr. sau. bai Dos eontrot of tise entire busi- ness as latel>' carried on b>' Meura. John Till & Ce.,a saibufornitore for .ver>'- body, vanranteai cf the buit make sud mnufsetureà , sud -a4 prieus l suit the imes. Cricket IMatch. À maici sau vkyed home eos Thuridal laiS, li> 2Db.L .etwe ah. Cobourg aud tVhlthy eSub.which rcsuite luathe doen atheutiesieris>' Cour vicots. De. lov se gir tise score. - ONTARIO CUB ues uuimip 2usd [muingu. 1. R. KaWln, h. Pager.ou.... 0 b. atero .... 2 A Armrong. Ib. " .. ua . 0.ReYnolds&rua u .t.u W.baà Wb it raso.i. 0~.~ W. L§eo .Iins b. 6 iscsOb. ".... w. uSeonh as5son0..ib. i6ayu.e....c J. hio Pterut.........5- ..Da .......b 0 T. Liawruaint .... .. .oe. Pattoeuuusb. - cesa...... r5 Wiss ,,.. . SBe...*....5 T'"ia 48 Tupi 60se GrandSTo-W-P liti InInp. udùImngi. J.5aWarv-b iiss: InoitL.........a w. Ãauu b.w., b. iykeu O0 net oi........e EL I.aate, b,,Pyke» . 6bA.ta144 . JL igin,,ini . Db... ......'11 W. Faumer, rusont ....510 bBrSesa. ie...1 .. ,s..er2uruae.tc...,e...... Eeiî g.i;ïj 2C& Neialnnb. iBytese. a W.LFo. b A. leg..- 52' 1 A; BuMha.j'r., uat. ai. eyies, b., xalg.. 0 a T4 isuu4fi t b. le own Hall lut If Dot qt sft o Ãimbl. aeil uiag#q'aasv vas ozpst"d. Ticsve u $1.vom d woupletsly, Tragodi la (au v a 5usd r tut.d e0odi. lot no o..b. fuight- ig oued etbhetrak ezprfflieq, Is vusgail i. Lb.plsy., EUS a.ancpetsli suddmn VAs the triasitilea ýthe di. lasgh18r. a loving" tte .ragiemou.,ibat Sb# oens. fig addru of tb. uag-maagor fsiui, Iý Udumbtennà flriPthb. andin... Fac.M fui Isnw*ntatloà n"; sver sry "c gsW> fi nuavailgly u»bd bis ncigbbor wbat s 1L1ail mou-Lo me parpou-slvs abowildnr- change. ýýTha depoty-r.v. fsirl urn.d à & pele At tb. lest intimain of Lb. pi...inay4 wbJcb b.ovwu cxpocied tae ali Promicnt éa Mud in bot buste burried Ott' Lb. bond.t to tea. <Seé report.) d"MM ka " s" hop., <50Hopper sol&b. b.uA im cogitat. on doending e the uin,) "01,.e me Lb. drink tha" .bcsbaL do.. uoL inebastut and qi sctb.. bso-'h <(au tb. mcdie." h But tb. dcpsy-r"v.diA noLsreSsue. Sou. bad iL L tbue oocotion.wvu sot saSfcient. Il' strong. te r bis ilmpi seres ;. cubes salA bu.lied overdosed hiaseif siis bis favorite beverags, baving noglee thetb hcnstopatîiieprlncipl. f of inkaiesimsl dose. B ut bla. îb t mal s>, b. sas net foidcoimag dodo; Lb.e renssider of lb. oveing, sud sad the b.di&appoint.. muni 5stl.tben"ce of se promising s meuh.r,otfoui civie ilà trionie club. varicns prou"s.The>' ebjicteAdt"Lb. pargs aslgu.d te thes f'vtssrtee bard"' tisat itise>'bad ocI lime te eas stbm"; "tise ebange cf programme wustc0 batil>' adlopsud,"9 Mi,asd sentWrd lb.>'cotid not attend. Hepkuins, (wbo i. mos a soit ef SeigeanLat-acms,) vas deapatoeldte couapel tise atcndane cf tise refîsetor>' memisers. H. retorned-suiaoit brestblu. us sdIl as bociesu froua bis mission, sud Aclivered bis message sonieshal as fellos "Thse member <roui lb. Centre WarA Retis bigis >ou voa't calaIt hi> Ibis evenin;." pile oh. "6Tie oure, mnde hi. compliments, sud sys holà doue op Broiwn, anA cau'ltsttend. (Soom) ce> "esbeau rak<il teeto umuiis urougis tisecounry'for sou. deys pust:~'<Members solemul>' shako ti bseaui.) 'eTise aboient member (rom tb. nordh 'Fard 1tellstise mognoiltise>' are Ra-T.ing ; s Ray of bis iglashb.sale, viiipoct b. ubed on tise boards ontil thse plis la eried on s 11111. more eoniistently."1 Stage managr-"'This viii nover do.?# (Meubers mcv. ocail>' ins tisir smats.) "À. member frouatise Sentis Ward, onot proect, salA ise'd bo. Blowegf if b.'d have snyîsiag te o sis sais footing." <UOreat icidignation.), #'Tise meuuber- Â ~ ~ ~~p Scc-Su p oppr,"-'#Mr. Bqanu, <J»h asuprosent,) "Sm; us tise glonics'of "Bricu tise braveP' sud came hbe. ta ume tisefoun.'o On 'sitis dhe show. - Peabaps. Mi. Cochrane vil ia -sor us fts bis nes version cf-t "3ev dcltis th, ebus>'be."'<Laugis- ter.) Mr. NOE.-Sol nia, lot i<clamA O . tell as hi.s dventures ie6ü lis qîMr' iTic Mryo -A 1illip for aqois nouasu. Ildilar.0e .p«e(à enuance loseA for this .émInà g. ,J»ou MA nisura cf disaisfaction aI Lisis sbrupt teruination cf tb. sports, 'itsIwlfh b. >l,)gbteroe pial ou@4 e Pl di 01 hg oc l Sc ly cbosseea er 'os», sadwnmcz zn,raui- w aue.p., ra aaesin 'ber justerest, bave. not bed bqI .bc breadîh o( vision to se sud grasp b.- (rouaber ï fore I ls .in toter bands, W. are W -asd the an, fomedtis'taI several, IargeIls sillis. dieovere4' eicIcA on thse banus oui.ak St John, ferecA, avms rithin thec next ycar, tise uumited cspacity ber roëm of whics wihInot bc lmistisa fifIy millions Speakinga8 of fot pet ycar, <rou this single point-çr ber, Kru, 1 s otmber tonnage at once nearly-qual te mas voio the entire luunber tonnage of t4 orIsr epied b>' ead. .Again sh.. again recel Tow. Coneit. ., iadding 1 "break ti Monda>jieniog, AugSzt Zssd. Tb#e Major if uer fruitleauly valu.;g for spvsrds of se bou-, udjonmncd the. ocii cor50 e&t ao à quorum. ILsas&4Lbo as quartar put'-9 e'eleck, and thb.ou>' men. bars Who, b", pst ilean appesasnco v.re 9«&-&a.Cocthraus, MoMillau, Philp, sud Draper. '1fr.,Tisst. dropped lu abonut 8 '*look, on hi. vs>' (rom Torcato, 'aud Promised &0 iloin afler tebut diDot do s. as. DRAPts 0K TMg SAILVAT S-LS Pruviens tu tise sdjouonscnt bcbg dce- lsred, Mr. Draper, alubongu- utating thst be knes lt u sont ef order for Wtois edo so, proeeeded te7 addres tise coneIl. -He regretLAteisu bater. ws not a quorum proend, inumuc as thmre vers semq mau. Wrs of -importance shck 1 b. fel#inîlined Ioplace belote theccideL . lu as Lbe rorernt' dthst mb.es' sbo, ad bon eleted to tbair pises tLeo lc afier thise buimsseof th# Lown, Aid sot dinhproper te, sIe more putoall>' té thzele Anîles, Tise Lut auigisu 01 maelio thore asUne qluorum, sut' tiser.wuau adjourant nsfor s foitDige, anA pcv, vb.n il lu mois, Ami. rable ta cesidcimaltars.cf importance, tise>'er si bathcsaune Position, -lu in- troduein; the b>-las fer taskbng tise *10t- 000 stock1 o b. SItiated tist ho vas inforned-1snd lie isdbeem cedibi> lu- (ormed-dbat tise'township cueil cf Beacis vould sbuiabu s silar by-lav and for 4 like ainoupa, se a te mak lte neceasesmont cf stock avaliable te cuable tise directers te orgsuige and taise advsntage, ofIthe bonnuci, 4b>'.iasbai bien suismitted b>' Lb. township conneil of Beach; iL vu 0o4 hoviv.fr, uha la>' las as sas promised or bai bien ezpeoued, but vas s hy-Iss iabbng tise *10,000 <roas the liraocis to Uurldge. Instesd et intredo.- lu; à neur by.law saking *10,000 stock, tise, b>-lsv introdood ysqfor caiing $10,000 frous tiseBraneis and apprepri4sing Is op tise main lino, sud also for thb. pope.of sltering tise linc. Ho adualîted tisai bu vas ver, deuirable tisItishe b>-tas siousld b. passd lfor sltering-uiscliue; tisaI sa neCOeSand Aveuld b. cf sdvautage lis tise compsn>, sa ilvoald b. lb.. mias cf -affecting a aaving cf .10,00or $16,000J ini tise cou cf tise rosa. But tise direciora in BeacisW ssd tdoue sisaL sas ezpected2 cf $hîm, anA Lb. directors at Ibis aesd et tise lse 414 net asaame ltebe coguizant cf vhat issd bien doue b>' l11eacbl non diA lb.>' assume an>' repouaaibilily in tise mat- ter. AndAh.- aid Ibist, eensidening wsial lise direters oet tis ov cf Whbb> sd donstesrdelmalncningthoveairuaide- etBeach in veîing fer-tLb. firsL isy-law. îlc leIt that'he spoke i(etb4ts,.directes la tise tevu et Whit6îh>';lcertalaly, spolte fer 1istanqelf pF4O», as., ating tisItishe directers as PortPerrf liad. couapromsied thse dirolors lu' Whitby sis tis e sa ide of-Ru, ecis,0 n bavwmg inîroda.m'tise b>'.Iav fer 5Jin; stock as premised. Tis. vers tise <acs, and' lnsView et tisem and -of tise tfact etftt, programme agrocd opona neth Lbtime ise introdasced the by-lav net beIn; esied ontibu ablis iateation, bâA lire becu s quiormnpsent, te msov te rep6sl thebiy-lav, uleuà ajoraidî,oe tise opuneil atter liearig &a he. acts as b.e bad i&"let Ibas sali k sas ailit doir- dialogue, upnths îbnkn Lif 1 I luialg t 13& crosict te spil einsu, w rw ed b 1 ise sew La;bin7,ornfmmh1y, Lb. ruffian Ibnes bis weigisI against tise ligisI door, buartil opum sim4 eceredlise roins-sisen, qui*1 as - bougisl. the sarage dog praug forsad sand faened on lais necla. The aman, U. tousahed by tis asuddeui att;acla attemptel te kitltise do; vils a knifé wl'scb h m in, bis baud, buit un.accesuily, aud tis powertuilanimal dragged laims te tise ground, spil trctaining his hold . upon his tbroat Stunned ua i Smb>' Ibis unlookd fer deliverance, tise -wma<,sinleussec-oi onds, regnined ber pnescuce et mid sOune. shat, riln ecreauing froua tise-,heuie, never aleppimg until ah. aunived autilse placeoof the L'»s., vise, ber cries ueo» areause Lie faussiy, lBer tale sas rapIdly teld, samd Lb. servants scie prepang go te Lhe scane cf danger, she» s»uddous MrLse ni as isd, and his wife, al ou tb. instant, as if sImuca b>'à asudAsu presentoese creamed "Mlerciful God 1it ir mueut b. may busasd l" Witm a cm>' et boror te partr set fort, and ran as fiai to thsise e f Mr». IL as tbélatte- ai i _,j mun away froua IL a fis minutes belonu, Amnired there tise, tonAtise man- utili on lise fleor, anmd tise dog alilI grasping bis Ibroat. Beating bi saway froua bis pni>'. lisey fouinAtise suspicions cf Mms L. but - tee correct; il vas her lsusbsnd-buî tise teeli ofet'b.de;lmsddoue their verc, and &j héowas dead. " Tia AuFitf .arAMBAMADOE au SrM. -Genueral Siekeuu, in prent lngsun- dentiaj& te M1anuhal Scrauo, salA lChatIlle~ United Statcs novuse, tisuever a- preciated Ilhe Iraditieusl suuity et Spaiire, ' as animated b>' nes - sympathies and a cemmon participation lunwnstitutional libertics- Murshal Sersuci replied Ébat lb. Govornunent would endearour to incress lime gmit>' se iappily existing belveen lb. twe peophics,*,wsime re bound by ancien$l bonds, and nov havin; otisers equsill> us powerfut lu tise benÃ4cial exercla.eofthtie ampil t iterties plaed by>'lmeConstifls- lion lunIlmeir bande. IIeio4zwlà i4edsisa Iribute to Uen. Siekies, sud eqpressed bis belief Ébat Presidint Grant'could imothisse- made S more grasteful selectlon t (ci ' Spaniaispeople. Ette .a. Lvo DE IL]LuxINAEM." ES Youuc et'3.tl ic A i tlsoie4f line osf the Erie Railssy je ucsi te vu al-" lumismal t ,nigist hy tise nei>' discovr. Lyvqr u xI !LLM1OIS. -9tLouis,J %Au;. 2.-Mach oxcîlemcntcexistain Pkimu, Ilii, - lu regard te tise killing of a depul>'- simeriff et Tazeiveli coumut>', simili atemupt- iamg te anicat hersetieves. A mobbnok in-u to time gaol yîeterday sud teck tise leader of tegang and baung hlm, but net before heo bad -badi>' cuit seversl af -the iyncbing party-one cf wsimn iI probably dis. It le believed tisat mostof the gang tit b.c 1>'uclmed._ TuE ANT-RrRîe-r. -Albany, N. Y.,, Augumat 2.-)epà mty'Sieriff Gregges onA ed:iuî lise laIe anuti rent trouble at Eissk-- (ifflnhusb, dicdast bis rei.4cuse in -§and- lake tis morniug 'e Accinner -Lx A M»Aoamz-Âbout à sreekî "gth tie in wvisebu'hacirge ef-&. pair cf ilyenas tlhat aie simien;tise suimuail in Van Aumburgis's menagerie, put bis baud iustp their cage for the pupoeedof cammreein; 'gu.yof liseus, sisp Liseferociomis beout spîsu; at-hLP5 s la a bis and'-fl b9it in sucli s nanuer tisaI ià as fiant' il woul4'bpusocessary te. amputaI. it. &dvrsity asperates Zol,% dejict5 eowards,, diase outîîthe faculies ofthe vise and lugeulsus,, patâtahie modeet te the epulmit, -suùd usmakis tus e 'I.indusa- trions. Mach iuasy bcsai4 lus favor of adversty.çbU>t the -orsî cf it sitbuD .fr1,»s.:.ii aa the fcrocss bc ussA.a cl y upc into a dîtc but reu bitîng end user, For lilas a tige cnqssered mdrons As Tmà s vas0 remeved a buggy s& Thse "up <Jardiiner ih2ve Ébat preutec sisculd be to Van Au Ils. G ec. 1 -ton,un Tc tor says Id *bout al ing& <o led -bc - sa b end wvis.h the. close 9 bsd been t e lephaal meody anc tance cf a muad a r cither aide thse quidam ' sdevways 1 * tbc à SuaWi mnder mu Jsim bigla gr.s.Srd sunder him, - pouse Liirti for*ard s thouagh bla hurS- At up and ris pous situmst The gate TILL.- Oiec srfe of