Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1869, p. 3

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of cert aptu ffld là by thie tmops, ad wlthnohanrÀ of sacpu. The Botin; bath houiesa V41alesît. eddsîiîY aunk yeaterdl4y, ani ,20nn Persns vîlhlu the structuire Wcml 2 rigd down wfth iIl and drownud. baslv, lau; 1-Tii.- arlsts undeu - Zavricce, Mar e Tn<omoustain. near ToL *do; 8the national roopaSie lin clofs. put psi. Bande of-Carlisîs hve apeearc lmi h, eprovince. <of Ponteiders andl Leon, The. Carlibeta vio vers taien prîtonora i Pampaltmna bave --on veihrid > our blartial. The Judgie Advocatc 'urged the #ppbcaîlon of the dlicth ponaiîp', butl li *hut bas not -boutndolded. TIhe Volun- tours of Libeirty tiirougiout tbe -klngdoî okrïoll'erlng <boir scrvicus <p <iiiProvis- louaI (ioyernment <o assist b inte aupprcîi pion o t lieCurllstIlnsurrction, 4drcadiul encounter viti a hors. la re l -3ted by the Orilla .FBpoitar. "On the £SdutMr Tiomua Mdcburray, rece c o »rapcr, let., imad a droiful cncountcr wlti en.. s entîre boiîse. Juat ase lie vas drilua1 put Mr. -atrînli Lsaaglmn's, about on@ pnd a liait mil.. north of Omilii, on onîbre isorse, (owaed, IL Io suppeseai, by 1fr. Rê- gan) ieaped Pr r Le fonce vîsere ho wa razcin, ad sclz.d the me cf 'rMo l- -Çîurray a marc withI bi-thcth. Fcrtunttely )fr. Robert Gardiner, cf KSoris Orillil. a, s riding home alliee huis, amid rau te Mr. Moidura'.s asistance. WiVti difflculîj tie torocoo animal wu& drivca banli, bis lie made anolîsor charge, andl Iprang no lonenil thueb marc, lhrowing ber down loto a ilLisi. Again lie «as drîron back, b triturucal tncre fiuacoly- <lia bufure, -bting and kkikng luna meut Irightful man- lier. for' &bout batil on hur bu fcught MieA àtîger, aud fortunately ho vos ut List coaqucreal, W. are g&ad teo adi<t tc #erlous Jamge babotmdon-tii, bar- nuis vas sosuewbit ltjired, andl tho miure rucelrcal a kick,.ILlis autoimialiimg thst ltha buggy au miel broken snd the nmure killed, Tho sccupe et lir. liurrisy mnd Mri. Gardinier la truly retmarkmble. Wo bo- jizoo limaitheo olier cf ticeitorse willbcb *prooccutud for daiages. $uelà anlipîmni ahoulai bo bouwes." The oliphant "lippe Sabibiel attachcdl to Van Ambtrg's menageobo, raari> kuleal Mo Ur. H. Occord, a mercbpgtcfi ilarnil- ton, on Tuusuboy mi;Ist lait. Tic Spetta," W e aiMr. Sucord weni uptlethie place vhere lthe Pavillon boit bucu pltche4, &bout hall pRot oeuven oleck of the cremi- la;, <o loue for bis littho boy, frouti vion hélie ad bucorne -separateal in the crevai, and who isal net fotmnd hie way boee t thse close e1 thu exhibition. Thie pavillon bsd beon aken dowa ai that ulie spd fbis eophantship waa standing ut one sidus - nioal and vicious. Mo. Seeprdaioppeucul ho pans In front eftich elopiani at a dis- tance cf about ton foot vien tbc brute made a rush at hlm. One tusk passeai on uitber aide of Mr. Secord and vich olmuost the. qubckeuseo»liglmlning ho w<a lurlod iideways <oelime greunai. Feiiowirfg tmp the. aussuit thcclepaupnt thruet flus tusj usider hlm with thei i.tention cf throirstg hin i >gb labo lise air, Fortoiîateiy for MIr. Secor'slilfe lime tusisa aid flot gct wlc Linder bIsi,- andi instood cf bing Iuricai Peine tui7 ( cet bate the air ie vos tllircwp forward smre fourîcon or fffteen foot, and though'bosdiy bruiridneî dangoroutily hurt. At <is momentthe keeper cao up and rescucd Mr. Secerd frem ini perdl Pussiltuationi. Drunkeanesa lo an ogg (rosa whicb aIl vices mmy b. hatcheai. Thc gâtes of ieaven are iow-archcd; vo Plust cunter upcn or kness. BIRTI!. TILL-At Whiiy, on <ho 3lsbýof Jniy, ilie vife cf Ma. Wnm. Tîi, c f a son. WiLîby Markets.c Whitby, Augnut 4, 1869. alWhoat.......0,0 1 $105.. )Spsing do......900 te $19 Banc7y,....a...o....$1,16 1e *1.30-, pose....,é.........65015. Psu........... 3ots - Buttîer.......14 cli. Potatoci........o i. Wool ..... ...... . 3 cet. for cdem -ThovsW hait f Loi nu ix,lnla t con. pi Birook, MMcose- aiselmreai, vel - <inueu àiwalered Vis gao oies uad ont hpllcIimjgs end uI>oi ugoelrd, reali>'au cxcii. leut samta, and mu 5go004 ondltluaal losli>'. ?pur tarni A pply on- tie prenulsesor ho J. ILGREEWooD,8o1ieitur, 40. - Whltb.,iont, *4jtia, lue,41 u <le WhSlby O 'f tjt nù Allen, D. .J. Aals-m ->-- wf co,,i,, Mis 14arlet t, 10, m ia,Pu Uo. - Drniett. Mos. rov*n, MW e"tf Bue, mms. E, Rarretl 14 . er DolevbcuJ. Y. - . ZIn»#on, Wp.'" . Brown, EMsi» aet4 ui Bost-i tâ, a.honmasBrown Abdasll H akeri , L.- ota., Ltra.J. <C.- i. 1Chsghorn, Lalvard Candon, Mmi M, htnabeplaînT W. 2 Canmpll,45dns - ,~ (Iqg, las. Ilar Cook Jomn -() ir îao, J. W. ~ -isn rn - Clokeo, A. Z Cosu,er FKiimau'bait nM oeviamWin, ,larey iJusn S- res, AsM - amsenL Rinbory, Amdrow 141 Yrammk. Chas. FaerDsncen Fors> lIai, Jas, lors> time, Aédriw lune TîiFoilta, Sjtto re tint, Mras. W, Grant, lP. 00 j.i , Otoat, <J4c. - Of orJemu, Thes. th Ilrpor. J. J.- fllndmaiid, hIc.4Dora 111 udt, luliarl iinaJs.- -o Illmgielil, Wtn. iantyn,,wni. 2 5 lieu aa.Orrills ImtveW lliry e- flimiit, Sarahit luth, Hosmry la fyosiep u& Kousi HRannau h&lBrowm, Iioî.pur,1U., etJ1 oisct y.B'PM. ry ,1m és i siii.'lonaa od ti Is le orvn bin»Sarahliblney. MtieJ r. mmipi, A., W.', -lly, Miss B. Y Immmsi, D. Laton, iDavid lovam Tiiousa - mis, chuc. iuttou, Titus. Mû G-ti, p1 lig Muniias matry A. ",@uY, eT. W. Ce itaieiel Frank Mosia.tm., Il. G. Ituie, .- Misoroltiî Mary Amnta * ono., John Môbso. lM(ssM. Moitimoscou, Doniel htefl John LiW'?trios, 0, Mc tLe IX. 0 msmNpdtzie, W. Mortphan, Jasi. îlcie lica000se MGllvrmy, Miesa hh-I'imteacî, Voier Mcomusuiy, MIes Sarah- lcCroioti, Msllas Mry tNioIcia v. 1M.8a Nlicîo, Ma# s, BannI - elianp, ;enigo' - lPicrinnu Fbmtiîr hllipo, Wu$. l'm-ujry, ÜLiitjanin Puwir*, garrot (8) ll'e, idra. £Il? Pardon ltbciird iltuiui, T. W. Ruttheafordl, J. .. l.odd, %V. Restait, W. - ltimmlite. A. ltoymohis, Win. $iotiottos, iss Fs torsy, 1F. (2) 8mmiiti:,k4Storey. lWv. .. - Surgis, John &Souit, Thomas -uargoent, Ira. T. Bàundel, Jaaits stol;kiad, lmro.I Sitephard, Jobs Tfaylor, Maibolm Thsoms, georgce -Taylor, Jamnos ýoIburst, M (S) 'tttompsou, lIra. :113. lW Voise, Ira Wood W.:W White, lias. Lorenga WiVli'msQfts> frueman Wiirgins Thoînai aWiluaott0, 1 1101t194 Wilsou, hise Jane 1Whtlly, Augntt, l8go. F. KELLJ~I, f. M. p AY upi'- Al pergon,% indobte{i 80 the underaigned by note, book acotolmm t, or otimcrwlua, are roqoiht ed tu- milke unIf ltaiio iietlerneit oer tie Aunie. Aima speciai notice lan givon that aIl &0- comis i»rouîminiîmg unsuttied- altertheM.bhh109P. wiil b, plascet! ln suit for collection. S. I 38 WlmtlY, Asignat 4, 180. 8. T OWN11P111GI1TS VUE 84LE or Tue 0ipsAiIP COIH-UEN DASER!L A trot rate chance go niake moneY. - . a. BOBBS. Whlîby, Ang. 4, 184-9. $1. m 1IO )AXY ,L EUHS Dar TaE IN EW fJ RUSALElI! As sîgaifleal la Roer, lut and Ibua ohpturs, WILL mOZ DELIlIEp MY IMM. Rev. John Parker, of Toronto. In GERRIE'8 HIALl,, luring ocit wock, as folieva . Noandny, Anguat Oha-Tii Lord Jeans Clrst, the cuir troc Goal, us pridegrocm and i nsbtnd of tliicCiîurch,1 Tucsday, Ang. 1O.-Christl'sconfilot with tlo bterpemit. Thuroday, Aug. l29he-Man ah dealli rilscs ititotiîoiSpirituoi worlda perfect man1 8tîd lffodia i iiigo u.o boaven, but It P;ili, ho w1goto hhol. Friday, Au;. l3th.-Tiis end of the vorlal in the and orcftihe ChristiaDispenaaticn, anal the estabishiment cf a nqv tj urch oailad "Tue New Jernmmlolm.l LECTURE to commncnceanch Erenîng AT 8 O'CLOCK. A~d lie that spi upon lh. Titrotie, ild, W hlthy, Augnst lirc, 180D.-81 ~1. - 'Whkby, Migust 8dlSO9~r 4~.5 5 ~~'~-Ç-t .aj ~ -1 ire lu-r Evcrybodýy AN, oquffl anomal dulîit <otéail iEnaod b>' IL of iimcTcwa, Y o te ani... . TeU bVoas et1b- ancspitalu- tockof orlm * omipasmy, finoun; ho taTan Titonsana Dollars, atid. tuiili Meyt,,r th<b.sàal Tovn ýéfWlmiby, r -porpo a , n timor. aatlorlad atI lre tahosabsorlle for -ai taafke on b@4a ifof thée salaiCorporation cf tiiTcwi of Wliîby Tvc Iludreai 2gTi;tt l 4ah p a-s-fl for lise Mayoràor a 1 tltrao llpaiotàmad 1,>' tlio C6noi t o r»W eby s-aof Iéai1041ou atm>'porno" or btroh, 'dy or bodios oorÎporato, sho niaY-bo* vIlII#; te adîsuce ithé sanie upen thi. crdib o! hic Dclenlous iireinaftar meitonesi, aauon o uierssmof itpov not tzeialutg flitlie s-hQe,, Ise anm ofTonj TmoouDollars, sul to causee i.aune tobu 191Içl itotise liada cf themTrosaurata ôtftic saldýCorpraiinfor them.pur pooe > nd vllo bhe ohijeot abo;ie actod. lie 'Imab i tail bu hauvuni for tb. sala Mayor, -orxclmr pè'nsc',mutimrized b>' tisole C iiimi, tahoumaie mreqiimito tmsiiîmer uf Debesa- tona cabumoad-e(or suclt4i amna cfluoney n a m bc o acuirca, i, mclles* timnon ue liundreai ])limtro cath, naiinmt the ui ;)ebeture-. iuli bu acasicaiwit lime semai of tihe 4910 Corpormation, sni umed by thme lLu>'r or timorycrais iîh oi.ad i 7ti 44.,i.,lomis. .st1Oum hel ien- asiro/alto Cerporads lca"i;ead. ra 4., ThiWstbih.sali Dbbeutîirps simol iibimoade payable lui Tu-otît>'),car»aisth' fmrl'mreab l'rum ltme day berealter niontiosica for tlii. 1y-lau- to tek. teu-ffc, at 1h, Onaraio Bank alIae Branci or Ageupy-ofim et ah Wtby aumai shah bave CýppensaUe«oW <lfor Mh _ýsnient of Insoessi. 9. Tba thb sal Debontaua shahbosr Internat et "anal ater thie-rate of 81% par cent.,per Amuuagn, froombe <la t ibrtof, wilb l- tèeo ulal p"pui.payable huif-ysarly <on thoetiridaky ef Jsmi sud Jatiary lu siolianalcr' -eur, naltie sld Branefs o V eucy o0"ic of tIse Ustarlo Bank Ai o. Tiat for tie purpos. of form; a inkinq fond for the. payaient of the sali Debea tares, anal for t4 o pj mentof the butercsl ah tto ratoeafcrecaîclta becoeoduo tisero- on, an eqîtal pecîmil rate et une Miii anal fo4laplqcf a Mill lu thie dollar, @hall, lâ adition t0a*Il otier rotes, bu ;yalsud,l eVied andcotIîeced in cach year Vaupl*1 ie lmatobiîproiterty la tii sold Nissilesjuaitg, a4ri,îg thc contluuamtco of the ml 'D entresor ian>' ettiiorsi. 7. Tîmtfor Mime nurposo of lakîug the voles of thm. salai uuiclpmii lotors et. buis By-lms- a rollhsbolillbc poed, accordîng tc iaw,Inu tie North Word, at the Mochilexa'matI. tutut, on thc Stît day of Agumenszi;ot s 'Tau of thes ock li theuiforcimoon, mnd L. Il. Scioliell, lauIerby îmnid tae st as lieturnin; UlDour,and t1mb hie votealu thme sali Wir . ilàb. éCentre Word, ai the Teowtt hall coi <ho Oui dey cf Auguai ucît, ai Ton cf thie plock ila ho foreuton, sud G. Y. $mnii l a eroby named o seo t as Es- tanîfifg Utlcer, hta ae. liiiobeA ln tic saai Ccrl.e Word InlatlieSouth Word, Au Jas. <'smercsm'n houge, West cf itici- umoni*trtre, icreo helii Muicipal Eleotîiu wnjmeld, oestIheo th day cf An- guet nexb ai 'rn oethlie ciock In te fore noon, und T. W. Clegg, ta hereby nanica tea nat asItaturnit; tufficer 0 uako the voles la tih ei Soutis Wara. S. 't aIhua By-Iaw pualItetks îffeel; aîîd corne lo eperaulon j'Tsesday,tiie lesmîlday cf Augnat, A. D. 18(le.- Take notice, flinat the boe i.a trnc oopyof1 a proposaa-l ly-lms-, wbiub s-I b.hotakon lotte pônidratlon iy ithe Connoil of tie Corpor- ation cf <lhe Tcwr, of Wbilîby, afki' on. uoalim, fS-cm the firsi piblle n'-luh tc Whibby, Cnicilsud anlWisby GàzEras, tic datm a( fhvimi dlraI publiaionm lu esoli of tiap abgoenes-spapora, s-as Thurda>' tîto- cghtb day of ,Jeuly, on, uiiouaand elghst huntiremi and siity--mium, anai hti lime v1t«o f tue Electora o et tii. un i m cipaifty , will bc lakon ilereon, on Tiers- day tel ittitdr y cf Ansgsmimcii. ai Totn eitttec dock In themofeomon, lii the Noarth Wmrd, a et oMobasmica' Hall, for Ws- , L. Il. Stisofiedla BoUtanramigulhcor , la the Contre Word, nt dis Tomsn BIl, for la tii.Sonbh W-ard, ai Janes lammereÀ' lionnea, wcst oetiiumor.d atroot, anud whcro thme luit 16umicipol Rlaton vos helai, for whio, T.W. C';; a Rturning Olfficr. T408. HUSTON, Wiih r un7i 80 27. M0LÂSJ~ & YRJJP MESUUE. Tie subsoriber has for sale a n ypatont ai RPPsraîus (ci'ineasnrini anlcisi &0. in btylasactitiyru'v la an' emnuaosnait t reet lie bOrrol or othtyrarcenauol: -,i V2à f<d tc tiai brreic uneutrul>' nes- prliùlpis, and, can ha e"lscted frenaaocetus>- .pjt- ed, o eturnealte liendacrel I, a ti9e vithent a partice. cf aste wdr 0< Ing cf a>bna i vimatovor. Cao Le au"o n th s ¶y'o heuneigned p rîce $4.,9 4_ps1 WLORENcpuXOWi - - MOZIDT, t0 tho GE1<. H.* DARTNEZLIJ, *CarmnBoard of Ttruat bnedu gem! servant girl tec dlO geleuI - hork?. Apfl>. te - Inni. CISPgPAFIN, VbbJulyls -J&.~ 9 * T LOWEST cg RCS TO SULT E TIMES, 4T TI1F4 SL$GN 0F THE," A vey ~ge ssotnietofFnritud~,consisting of Chair sofas, B3eureao, Bedsteas Tables,, on ad Every articen h ~'U1NIURELINZ )IADE'TO ORDER, AND WÂRIIÂNTED! '&lmepirng moving and box ng. ?i ~re done in thé beat' Undertaking attendedr to anId Fumeais -fWily SEupplied-Il 31 Nos. 1 &,2, Ciild4we I'Boeëk, Brook Îtreot, Wiâby DOMINON WAJEOOMIS, Dreas & Nantie ýakin'@- POM9INION WAýEROOK3, Tailoring te t*der, NeW Stock!of READY - MADE CLOTHING, Gray & White dttons, £M' Pancy Shirtints, Prints, Presh G2'ocerieu, ,uits, &C., just received. LWS& ~WL w A NT ED. A 8lrong lad mas pprantioe to thceBlaack aiti bnaiuess. 'Appi>' P.Ononelly te CJIlAILES EL1ÂOTT, Tos-line'-Wbitbiy & Piekerin;. Whiîby, Juîy 27, 1869. go w ILSON'd PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Ppf&04S STRET, WRZZ2JY. New Plates for, Cabinets,! A lNgw STOCK FOpUÂEA4 Mam. Wswvii ho lvaya ps efrm! tataku", Lîkenoase ail kisîda, PHOOL>ItAPuIS, AMBROTYPES, -c.,t., lnia snpermorimon'- muer, snd viti life-like acuaoy. £Jalineî PICTIJEES, in yer> uegth lassepartouts, or'- plain.oroarreci xfoidralamcs. Ilasuia madl, .rrangementss-ibIs Mn. Es-uap, e! To'îpste, ho Witt FRAM Sof a rimda at verreaonaiiîe ostos PICTýURES onlar eai ,te &sFZBil eg mmdÇLORIID lu o01 6pecsî1±nîies <COPYING OLD POJtTr"'AiTa II Wiisoa mivWy m-t. SEN'$ PORT1A1~"nabn HL) Wiitby, Jni>'1s t, 18Q9. 20. C009D W~O D FOR 8+LL 600,CORDIS Per tona, -* pal) j $9( by ltter, pro-, 1ZUTUD. UIDI Li ZARUSS m Ol<RIS kC 0 0P MOAS & 9OULISTB, U&ai;,rlhh a !ycs- to moelthoeled 4de- nmand fer he fr culbratual PE ;FECTED SZ'ECTÂCLES, - J Agent furl' tiis plu&é havltairet»o care te ira al l eoin1 . air tàsuo ana hroConfidieint bte iulit>' et am4 te lacet theu-r n onu f ail Au aAnoppomýInuIt vil! b tugnaaffor - .8g~hplganal, Presorymng naliîy. oôr imruiipy casant seàaton, ot'on tille con- frora ihe pucallar à "àair-mon ot tb. &d, s.., <oarc oo in 'ammcp.,i-nif, Cousimns A m lngcfrelle10 lu vth e r, Te aiproduoi;g a or ar ansdist n Yt vio,1s ktclaetr0 f hy lly-hb. -T0eà reho el8Spctces t preaerie Asg#aWCn asilis the - b ans 1 ar -tme -crIipc'at b canae the beat, à ay>' a -on upyy J Ytheut caeeiuhu wC ie- W': x14POez No -PZlDL48.. Wbitby, TRAkT E RAS JUST BECEWVED BOIME- SPLFNDID Engish nd Ganadii Just the thing for this ýWeaither. TERMS CAShU. OASTLE roi,- (4EI1WSALE Ceneral Dry Coods, IW-- OUI LARGE STOCX 1N0W OFFERED AT GREKJLY. REDIJCÉD PRICES! . AS. THE WHOLE MUST BE"'SOLD OFF, g GREAT BARCAINS Witt DBE GIVEýN. JIAMILTON & Co, Whiîby, eigl 1999~p WIL1ZIN 0$18 pOIÇ i310Cý STREET, WHITBY. Cheapir %hanthe C he.ape -t. Cosim t he'best quualiies of SUM3TE 1 OODS; and sellin ut yery re-. dguced erca1ms>othem belowC ltaCl x xi~~~ ossl JOILN BERNýRD, Ulighest prie. alloled fQr BUMT1R and EGGS. .ltb, uly fi, ;p HATCH & 1R0., have on Secythes. Snaithsý (radI es, Barl ey Fou.k, Ffay Pprkw, -esping iHooke' amnd a piudid stock of Rakes, &,c- CROQUE, a few. sets at 'Batchr &.Clothes -Wringers from *.50-to *8.00. Fawory andj Yarm 904l, broad ruies uih steel t.ops. tit hae oea- The undersigig ins te umàutu Rooti. e Whitby, Au.gust Srd, 1869t, - ATITATE & CO., fonystPor peryOnt. M a r o h sm o t , 1 8 6 2 . e y t ' t P n , IT 71~î The. undera1gned viiliç"ce lberui trp fo a terza of yaaro, <bel, STEAbl ELEVÂTOB1 ,ltn*ted on the wharf, a14 Frý 'a9iby. Çapar Cit y, 50,000 buthols. . DRAPER 4Co W h tb y , J u ly 21., 18 9. - h 9 1NZOLVENT AtT OF 186-A NDAM EN D- -in the fatter 0 lew12 HO UOK ait ln(otren t, Notice la beèreby gîrsu, tbsit under anal hy virtn. ci the p vm est lin me, saAssignes of the. aboya isinealIguiiolvent, andl under the. provision* of the. aald Act; T, the. underwigned wil ofr f«r "aisby publie Auction, 'at, m cIon thâTown of Wbitby, Cnnty of O- aoon TcaiA&I. tiié ba dity of Noetaber A. . 8, affi tirehomro f Two e'cilook ikn8h uflernoos il b ttei ,. ilt4isdltr ot tif. mi lnsoivent. kn ad 80 the foflowlrýg property, VIZ. PARCEL 1I.-Boibg pliit Rf Wotnember twency-fevenýn tih se-ond conceasjou Ur tihe riltby, bi te.aaUtty of Ontorlc. laidl ont-ispon a maP or pintiereof, as s laot nonyber ive, in Bock 'A,' on Du= areet, est f Brook strèt, -k tihe Town of Wbutby. Ther, le erocteal on the. above two tvo amis&hop#, l i.second cenuesaon of tie *ýo Iobhby, luti he untjr cf Ontario, lad ont op= a sus -or plan thereof os ova ersateuao ow ci9wabor. atwO r frneb udl enaalas store an:à dweiff bon". MAoIL U4llng a Mro(flot nom- ber t*eoly-sven. be osecond oonoesalon f the Townabip cf Witb teoFglq <silo, kovuandýal. d.hopoa a Emi o; plan herso eot i <liaI onofetlot nnimbow enliokAjÇ? cÎhiaiatattea.L « .h mrof lf otaonnuber (or, ive and Nsi AL blcok 'A,? wvertcf Brook sr$,l'thàl Town cf Wleitby. TheTea' IÉelu>aI'u~l abavq.qair '»Y f.b»llak PADCELTY eJp a gslof Wotnqnj- ber t!rpÉty seven, si thse seon côcesonii tho slaitcwpa'fi' cfWi*Çw' ,k oa andl de- acrl<ida a herofmaety Jahn Sier faaj P ,autowà ltsnumbera fifty- ive, lit ana elZrg-t.wet of Broek etreot, on anid-plan. TLore ix rectedon b abuse a large tvo »tory brick bolld!ig, naedii cd oun a ln tiserof, smcdeb,' 4cm #(il#~, Eaq., P. 8. n lova lot numli.r ejgiiy o, Vwt o f Br oarat, Oo saal-plan. 'aeei oicct.d on the. above a smidi on.@sàery ti-e builing, naed ma adweliig iiom~e -PARCEL VI.--Bduk a part of lot nom- ber Im en] -0v u; la theC mdseonloumi flnc EaqP.L utownlot.nçuberigne elgbt wet f 3;Ck utr", on theldaU ta lot. bus fericed. ]PARCEL VIL.-Belngaàpart oflot nom- bertwnvav, lu tbe . .c6n ecooosson of thé said townshipt of W hiuby, knoov andl de- Em., d'%p.L.n 'o niàde byJohn 8iuer- weat oBrock streez, on sai pln. There la erected on the Àbose, a large Ivo atory (rame building , u e-I uistorge. PABCÇL YK-en part of lot nom- ber twcbty-îdz, la tii emouid concesion eoftthe stala township cf Whitby, known analdeacrioeai on a àplan ilref, n de by John-$hie,. a . i'L.S.,s townlotnamnber ene iinndrqad e v e n t j o p , u s a i u B r o ok s t r e t . o n n d l 1 J PARC EL JX.-Te sâat ball' o f ut ber egb ithiith Conessinie f lie towù York. 'rmber lot. - -<4,I. Torma and r'ondlllonmaenof tn f JA UII OLDEN, Opouia Asaigne. Datai! et Whl tii bs bO~htiayof JG', 1860,y m ai. "ý' -1 1 rr 1 . .. ».ý1-, 1 w --, 1 --, --ý. STORvÀé-ý-

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