Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1869, p. 1

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5~WMA5DSu ui- MYO BACU. T Âî n K. ]F. LOâJIr 19T, Vrrade' & ff ,A îNoL, AND ATTQI<NEYS.AT- 2.12mes., Ceq 10 te Bgajk ci montres!, truio n 0 othle Coaay of Ountario Wilaity, C. W., 0 .- .J.L MàoDppVrna.- usaaaion<& SAM< il'O , eNGUkMORRISOMN. - J.A.BAELpsol. To0rorato, Jnily 20,1887J.- 20 0UNTY0R0WN ATToX<Nzvy0X.0N-ý baro, arrimter asd Attorney-at-,Law, Bq Wtr i llaeerY, No'ary ibllc. &. - Offio-In Bigeolo*lo Rew ulding, Dqnd4s MEORLGE Il- DARTNELL, AUIBÉtATTORtNEX ,OONVEYÂNA B "r, IOPtY10lglrar, Master Extraordie ay o! Untarlo. OMWeBrook-ugt., Wiltby, R OiJERT J. WILsoNq. BAIIBIS8TEII t«b AT!OILNEY AT LAW' plceUver 'Ouaian Lk, ou 11w iNorth BARBISTJtlt-A'r-LAW AND SOLICIT(>B B lai Oliséisory. .anbr-9oot4. JAUES MEx ÇIIU3OqNý ARl1ISTlEIl J4AýTUNEY-AT-LAW ("Icw-lýsxt door to the Stor' of E. ai, Çapbi, Brook I$., W ldtby, Onut. W1fyy, Nov. 16, 1807 4 'S. B. FAIRBANKS. S QLWITOR 1'7OTABY PUBLIC,&a. . ie Oshawa, ?. W. 1 . ÇA. JOT<l4S, Uirrister, Blilcator la Vhauceiry, Atm Irais removed lias (fâclco Tt loor over the ONTARLIOBAUX. Whitby, out. 1, 1888. 49 FAREWELL & JIGEE, $AIIUIST}J.IS ATTG]tNPIYS, SLl (>YJi-iodonor itla of tiîol'o,4t Ofl1ce, Tuwn oL'wî»vIo J. .àrwt..Mpi. LAXJDIiR, IULOCK l.ir SMITiI, pery, und Iiisoveuacyp &ié. Oùitt 'UiiaMr.JaaîoaIlonidea'i Offico, Wlîtby, Inalo . n" W. Il# BILLJNGI, S(kricz it IdOUItAa 1JLcu, lBrook tCiAULEti C. KLLR, ATTUURN1lI, 4T LAW, SOLiCI'IORIN A diancoury,g<onvoyaior, £eaal 011, Brook, C.. , A TTOUNIEY-&i-LAW, IOOLICIT019 IÃœj .M Cancry, Notary Pl'tlloonveyaneer, *o., Wlittby il, W. Qirioz, yron stre moulu ior 1'oa4 011106. OLCIMANE & COCHiRANE# aixnl. Or-ri(i-ppusite ow 6 [tuî,u~a LL, ., 15 W. M. UocuacAir. Cousity crown Attornecy. P'ort Iorry, 20th Loccinber, 1865. Di LYMAN ENOLItIJi ,L L. B., fltIl:tSTIlt AT LA.W, Solilotor IlU (Jan- 'sasa DIý., HANCOOK, *(ig ENGu Zxrsu ir &v7ONoT0.) -suRGIION, ACCOUCHIEURI, &c.j. a.* J. GUNNJM. D. s 1YRON TU 111E COUNTY GAOL W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D-9 I'lafirlelaa, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o. THIOMAS HUSTON, T .OWN(3LPUfKt$TUYAdUiEhL WIIITBY otie-Towu liait -iliouneto I &eioek. VICTORItA MOt)EL. Wui. lloyraiou's.) 27 B Y NTON 'S IlO'EL, 1KMBOYNTUN legs te anfonan theatn- N btatoftiiocoliîy orviotornud cuaadiaî liunra l i,î ha i s opensd tho ! olëliou Wlium diruet laIe!>' occupied by Jowett,abnd am iias laad itiltted andlunniih id lu tiretaîyle, visrtor i»YIi duc! oveodave- lesues, Wluos&; Llqnors jt .gy flt ['SÀ.&iittentiveo ciles alva>'. iiiattmnt! Suce. WELLINÙTON I110TPJ.J .MARKCHAM. WILSON HOU-SE, T E UBSCRlBU b ec Le snoéuneste bis T IF eud sudthepub loganrally, OtItha±i Of Aitbliu fr teccounoodation or t11e trai- vellng Publie. hie houa. la DIV. end fur- lliahec(na a Mot tlhovCagh snd. eafctabl. muer. Ouest. v iiiIbd evr;oq cvenience 'I th siiovoeutebilishan,IW - ai, lquiorai sud Cigaro«e btILs hai s aEnsu ýe o band '~~ W g'Good Stabling auld Lativ.o tsn l ~ttudsco.- ,,,WILSON, Jr.tPropfi. à swTbliup» I iàdwth evenîra oi'(the besat in soison, md nono'but ltas b"tis cf Wluîes, LIquois snd.Cigmre Iept at thé Ber. 12' E.SNUW7, DUNDAB STREETi WEllJ3l,C.'W. GEORGEZIiIt(SO4, Propnleton. 7VHXýensibeniben hegâ tc annonnoe t-bte JL nasbleqse4i the buldinglfcnaenly uownu et îessf tylo. The premlsesane plesantiy conatral0;cthesiTdwn., tFhe stagesa fur Uxbridge sud -Boavertonn bave tbqçdoor oven> aîîorniaag - flurit Siporday., -GEOIRGE ROBSON. WW Iitby, Iay 1888. o GEORGE CORMEC. T UMBIER KEECHANT, Carpentçr. sud Joier , Green st, Wltby. A largequan. tii.yofelkinde o! iumberoonatanîly on hans WND E RTAÀKIN Gal W~A ilarsuto hireouliberaltens. GBoRGEcéORMAÇK. Wiitby, Feb. stlî, 1882. at Drooklin Drug -Store. I) A-LEI i n Drugu, Patent &odlioe DPiato, 011l5, 1ye Bluffe, CQnîsctlon- er.v, &or. ËZo-disanud Lquoreolthe bestquallty to Mdelparpoaap.' florse *aille Me4fcinasoeliayir oiandiu Brooklia, C. W., AOP 2 OOMMEROIAL HOTEL, BROCK MT., W!îlTBY.--/ T IIl Ubsoeriber fcg» eto nnourace tu 1lai. kIiîd* andi théiaoablie, Unitliae lis ne-r suauned poasgergion of te iuioyove wl and 1fa- vorablyI kown hotal, wiich la nov fitt.d np ln a huperior mainen, wltla avery'conveni- ce foril,. roeëptlon of g@sats sud the tia- veliaaiag pablic. .ýBut accommodation, aud ciapprior wist flic q DOTsud cigare.' 00<1 stsblinfg, with plp om yars ad attentive Ostlera ai-, wysnilrenises. Cbarges Modferate., B. in. ÇALDWELL. YEOMAlf GIBBON1. COMMILSSION MER CHÂNI INdSUIRANcE, &GENEBÀL AGENT. Wlitby, Jan, lotia 1800.2 REJVERE lBOUiSE, B. PLANS, .- -- Proprietor. litages tu anad rrom Wilîb7 oeilidally. BEn«y Ateton pal.!te guetua. Lanreful àacdatten- tive utions. IIOT kL &IREMISES FOR SALE. TIlAT old etatblied andi Weil 1<ppyD110- CENTRAL BOUSE, EPEON, Splenidid rocin> stabliig, sud drlving heti, tiloe etello3or two acres ol land attach. eYas ay e ie*ledand! a fino yonng bear- lîag Oroliard. Tiacre are two voIla wîtli go puend excelle-nt wa.r, su Ti. wlio e wiliiosodtabralu an i. n, cf tii. bo#t ciiuaaea ilu the. Dominion for a iIve husiaeaaa filn. W Ill bu exchaaîiged or taen property. For terni,, &o, applii ( b> lettur, pn-poid) to 1 0- - -1,-- Octche WILLIAM BC tLT0N, znsoir.1 42 Caeo. Aye rsiý GENERAL BLACROMîTU, AND FIRSI-PlUZE HORSEý-8JIOER, IDUNDAS STR[EF.ýT. Wiatb>', 190 167. 24-1>' - cza~ ~~P~3 1 THOROLD, ONT. ALOOR, _Proprietor. "lEsulncriaerhaviaag leasedibis w.i-known T.iliause. aIoafriroîs jo tinlirg the pslrnageo! gropilc-,gêeraîy 3 Tiiever>' bedt brande cf osiaes, îîarsmîO rssaways oparod. Omnil,so anditirou ail Tra1;itali cuuectaon Wiuýhb 110U86 Billierd'Jables aud good Ltver>'. KM spocious sauapie Blom for Mercantile Agt 47- ORG.INIBT ALLSAINTS' CHURCR, la propared tW give Muic and Binging lAssons W ellauied authoof 'np ls.Application 10 bcnmade te the office of J4lun L. Wîkis, Duon- des otreet, Whitby.21 DSSO0LUTION op C-PAIINEESqp'. > onios le bereby givon, bleattue co-partel sLip heretolure eeàdïaug undldrflcoe and u Iln cf JAMESU Wz t i Y do an hi l.snnviving partuer, lin. John Wst@ou, vili Close np aaad ad>usî the buaeoï of the juto frm. . " J. M. LAWDEI, on bebatf EuacutorolaIe Job. Wlob., 2 WU. LAING# on beijt, afExcaos loe James BioVe;. WLlithy, Mlà 01, 1869. Al Ponsons lodeohtpd Wlte lata m n JAMES. EWE & ou., cvr!ns houes men, &t 'por-t Wlbltb, are notilU oviSu .lt. dlsioinction Ã"I'co.partnerâl lmuiîojle t timent or ailoatdi la raqaineaL- - ,,- > AW57hRo, lof0. XRD GE, E.- ARMSTRONG, mProprletor. IIR SIIBSCI 1,6E £tue tir npand- cpM T lcthyIoiivtd tlia9aboya ç ild estab i t eomrt-elase RHote!, sud solielts the jxtrcnaige Of <lue Publile Sf14bis fiieudsa- Thé';tableansd baLrOulPpiled'ithtibe best- God rcomysl.eb-. tlxbnidge, Jan. 26,1889. 4 ONTAIRIO IHOTEL (laie C. Dives's.) WIHITI3Y,_NAR A. ALEXANDER -~ rpit TE o sbaaonber desires to retu tbanks tW T.to th4o Publie for tho very' liberal, patron- e best rdt upl h ailo propriotor ot the rékln and attlio same time taken s#;à te anOunce that lie has lesed the above weIl known liotol. ,lange addition% hairebmeeeenti>' pideto las prerahosern- log more -ceamodIn»use'soonnodation and eucrissiug the nuamber c aepigroonmeW neftil' on. he.fýmore tînan formerly. A firut- claie Biligard Parler with three tables bas aec beau added. ,,Extensive additioasae Wthe Stablixa, 8lîd. lome. Bojes, &e., have 810o heen made. ýAlil cuebling' tiap ùuxderaagned te offer t->bis% Old Friendtuanmd the public gene- rally adviatgeesnrpmesed hy »Ã"îîo tir bote! lu the Plaue.. 0wil et ail time. bc happy We welcoane bis olti fricaids. Wiltby, Dpec.2, 1858. 48-1>' Que ry ,wJ.y le It thât thex e le snch a run for pieture AT CLARK'S GLEY It in becmso bchoalsethe heut Galler>'filithée <.htiity,,sud lias more p.atience wth chliiiron tbsn u'otiier ArtîstInlathîe Ceui>', sud con dc qut. se gccd werk s ay othor man Iu the Coine>' tir Tlia,î'aawut9oe île motter, soù dcn't b.' biteteand about couiig fonward. DftOÇK ST., WUITBV. Wbie-by, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 e. N. VARS, pRArCTYroALDontiot, Oshawa DeaifLJ Blooms, dinetiyoppo. fimce8etre.'t tbindlooocrmorth o! îLe Ontario Bank. W-" EXPRE,38 AGENT, &or., aise Agent ceduant and Standard Insnonco Con. 17 Grraduate o Ontarie 'Feterincry Cl-ge and late $aèiâtant ta Prof, Sdh ai'f Toronto, * P mor. BUCKLAND, Pnrofesser 0f Agriculture, ( -ýloonto Pnoiz. $Id 'rn, V. 0., Princnipal o! Ontario V. Colloe. DuÀ 130VElL Toronto. di ROWkLLý, g P. B.-MB. SWEETAPPLE peu b. congnitel Profuseionaily à e i eirce, Brookilu, at ail honne., mtpolin, 4pril 14, 1969. 15 HENRY GRIOT#. PATENT SOLICITOR 'AriD - DRAUGH-TSMAN Tnatisuts busineàs vitia lhe Patent Office, sud -otlien depantanents of the Govero-. ment. Cepynightoansd the. negl.iratien of trade Mgarks and! Desîgus procure.. Dnaringst. >r feeas. eand olta Dmoameaoiso«M> wry o mrreflt.OIo J freatjili, pspared von e. etipi o ldu Mode4 ./<ie Iaeews adpneim- - iaerysmarcha in the Fiaent O(lu re n- msncb, 10.7 Grand Trunk Railway-BoteL ~AT IVITBV STATIOW*. ,WUM. O'KIL bavlog parebset!0* botel and preinisakuoon aslte Grand Tronklote!, Whitbytstation, he lloran bis'e d I nd dlte trsveulaag pubhec liti 1> basgtâ OV'lýp bp ub and stablesiu~ts- lî»ots sa.! b>' a"Ueioa te lte vanta et ltes.e who- lavon hlm viit thein patronage, trusta 80 mertV a cottiniinrea et lbbr.ustom. 'PeFrtiea tsking -the. train sud lestiD bonses viii bave - tlaem we.1l takan cane of> - y.XtEWÃŽLL TAXE 7 mâ.andxp Iu, or evausuce - - tbaFlas beeual6st. - a rFilly...... Two year old.eutireCl ,ne year old enti-e C t. ii il -nilly..... Horme Colt of $6...... -Fily , a ....... Pair, general purpe'eHorsMis DEAUGHT HOBSES. .t.lo. ............. ,Mare spd Foal, or evideuce thatPoil hau been' lest Threçi yetr eîd outine Cp..- Two year cI.! entire Colt 'oa idFi>'. Oue year ol.! entire Colt.... Rlorse Colt of 18692... Pair Draught Herses... ClasIl.-Catie. THOROUGII BIIEI -z 1- U x6-MaugOdWur t nzet oeeax- 1 4-3aS 1buahei Beans.. .~ , 4 à 2 1 bushel Tanes ......... ....2 I 4 3 2 -2-buahels Rye, $pning-.2 1 43 2 2 busl el@ Rve, Fall.. ....... 2 1 - 4 S2 buahels Potàteu.... $1.50 $1, _5c 4 3- 2 12 m-ots Tunips.i....1,50 J1 50o 4 3- 2 12,roots Mangol.! Wur 4 3 2 zel, lPug -red... 1.50 i-560e ,- 2 12_ nootà_Iong yelldod>10150 --'3212 reots Mangld,-yel- .3 2 1 low Globe . 1.50 1-50 0e 43 2 12 ito5Cirtl~ - - '4 8~ ~ 2 ne.!........ 0150e 4ro ots Carnets white 1.5U 1 50o U a ~1 -de - -do -orange 1.60 1 60e - CasVII-'Dairy Produoe. 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- Bull..........$ TweH yaaa ali0Bulle.# 4 Yearling Bull........... 4 Bull Caît...............4 MileL Cow, giving milk or in eU.......4 Two year olti Heifer.... 4 Yearling Heifer .....4 Ileifer lf.......4 Bull,............ . ....... 4 Tw-e year laBull....4 Yeai-liug Bull......4- B ullCalff............... .. 4 Milch Cow, giving milk or incaf.......4 Tw er .oa i... ....... 4 Bull ....................4 Two yean eld Bull......4 Ynliug Bull......4 Bull Caît ...... 4 Ilch Cew, ,iving milkorin caîf..................4 Twe yeai- ol.! hleifer.4 YearliuglMiter......... liifen <Cali............ . . GRAàpE. Milph Cpw, glving milk or in calf.............. 4 Twe yean old HoUfer .4 Yearling Heifer......4 Heiter Caif............... 4 ATEusHimE. Irwo year bld BhiI.; ....4 Bul arîf...ll.............4 Mieh Cow, gl*viug milk on in caît.......... ...... 4 TIvo yean old lctr 4 Vo'anuiug Rliier .-... 4 Heifer Caîf, ..............4 Beet blond, te include Bull, aand #e beat4 berais... 4 Bout Bull-an>' ago or blreed VIT CÂTI'E. Fat Qi or S1e.....4 Fat Cow or Heifin:....0..4 'Wom"ING OATTLE. Yoke workiug Oxen.... 4 Usai ,..$3$2$1 Racsrliig Ra.......... 3 2 1 Èàatamb.... ......... 3 2 1 Two Ew.......3 2 1~ TwoEiwe Lambs ......... 21 ShagRam ...,.b 32, 1* TweEweé'....... ....... 3 2 1 Two Shprig s 3 2 l» TweoLmbsg... 1 SOUTEDOWNIO, ihEan 0 0 for#.....3 2 1 n m a .. ............ 3 2 i l .......... .. .......a2 1 Two Shea-hiug ]*es.i- 2 Two EweLane uY $3 $2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 32 3 2 32 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 432 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 32 32 32 3 2 32 32 82 3 2 3 2 a3t 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 Best 10 Ibo- Butter, George Robso'. prize of-... .. $iO10 2nd -. .....4 00, ard........ ..300' 4th ...............2 00 5mh............. 100 Beet Cheesean Akea weep stake, =ire b ,M. Shier, 5 00 Bout 1lbe Chcesehome.made 4 40 grd................... 2 0 4t .....................2 100 Best Factor>' Cheeru, no e ba titan 30 lbo......4 00 2nd...........30 3rd..........2 00 Best uample Stilton Cheese.2 L0 2n.............. 1 O0 i3ost FirkÇn*«ofunotleésOthat 40 lbs butter in ahipping or.m der......... ..4 00 3rd............0 Ciaes Vff-Poultry. Pair Blaekc Spanish.......... $1 50o ~Dorkiiýg, white ...... . . 50o " de. coloied ........ 0eo <Hambung ..............1 50o Tu" es colan........... 150o do China .......... 1 50o " Pe Tarkl............ 1 50e "Tunkey, loere.. 1 500 "Géeeo, lebd ..... 1 60e0 16 Duoke,........... 1 5Oc Figeons, boat collection. 1 60e Guinca Fowl... .....1 60e oet lot of Poultin uoee peu evue.! by oxhibitor. dis- tinct frontall ethor en- trios.....z. las. IX.-Pand Implements. Reaperl au>' kin. ........ $6 $4 $2 Mowîug Macne ...e......... 6 4 2 Threshîuug acine-----6 4 2 Waggen, t( -oneteaso> 4 1 de t WZore-oze, s*pi-iu «g, mankt.............. 4 3 2 Two herse 0arage 4 3 2 Onechorso do ......... 4 3 2 Two-horse Sleivh ......... 4 3 2 One horse do ..........*.4 a -2 Iron 1'lougi......4 3 Plouçb, any other kind .... 4 3 Tunn pDu-i.......... 4 3 2 S;et c1llarrows, wood-...4 3 2 do déo iron......4 3 2 Two-hosé Cqltiyator ...#o4 3 2 Two-laonse Rolier ...... 4- 3 2 Gang Plough 4..... . 2 Grain Dr-i,........4 3 9 Straw Cutter, for herse power,.......o..o...4 3 2 Cern Sheiler............... 8 2 1 Que-herse Cultivator........ Straw, Cutter, werked b>' han!..........3 2, 1 ~q~I~k. ........... 3 2 1 g er MIII .....em...... .a3 2 1 Cheeeeless.....$ 5 0,0 Washing M achine'......... 50a Chai-n.......' 50e Grain cru le-....2 1 '500 H1alfdozcna y Pra,,2 1 5Oc lilf.dozen manure Foi-ko 2 1 Sc Haâlf-dloutn ateel HUeo..... 2 1-60e 1falf-dozSt 8cytbe .... 2 1 50o Pal-hfue Boots...... AS8rtmeuit boots and - a 4< " wiaifer..75e SOei 3; > -Red Cabbage .75a-50o 2 Sqnashes ........-.......45e0,600 2 um in . . : 75o 50o 142 table Cari-oI......75v, 50e 12 table Tunnips,. ......... 75c 50o e eimen of tlried Fruit... 75o 60Oc uanned 'Fruit and V egta-. - bles-eheapest, audbeet- - -mode of proesvingII4 -kepinu Y-Mr1'Pios 3$ Specmen of Fruit pneierved 1 n suguai--..... ....75o50c, Specimen of Fruit presuorved ~vthusna ..75e SOc Jeli y........... 75o 60e Jar of Pikles -..- ........ 75o50p 6, Oneumbers......75o 50é l2Yarscips ......- . 750500, 6 Heads -Celegy ........... 75e50a P.r1«k t nions .......75e 50e " e! do .. . 15e90e Pickling -do........ 75C 50ë Patato do........ 75c 50e 5-lbso Rfops .......75e 60eý Chi-Qkery ...... 75a 5Ne est and greateat vàriety cf Garden Vegeftabe. . . $2 $1 Grape ine-..... 75c Soc' Any other vanicty et Wiue. 76e 50e las XT â-D'omestic Narnu- 10 Yards Pull Cloth, home Jade, s pun -asud 4 bybai ............... so $ 10 yards Full Clotb, faetoij'~ 10 yards Satinet, home made epun and w ove by baud 1.5Q 1Q yards t;atiniit, factory - m 1d......... .0- 10 yards Flannel, home made spun aund wove b>' baud, ail wool.......1.50 1 10 yards borne made by band Cotton warp ........ 1.50 1 10 yards .Flanuel, taetory made, ail wool .... .... 1.50 i 10 yards Flannel, factory madle, Cotton iyarp.... 1.50 1 10 yards p laid Flaunc.... 50 1 10 yards Woolen Carpet...I.-50 i 10 yards Rag Carpet.,. 1.50 1 Pair Weolen Blankcetshome made................. 1.50 1 Pain Woolen Bianketo, fac- ' tory nmade .........1,50 i Pair Herse Blankes ......1.50 1 Covenlet, heavy........... 1.50 1 do ight ....-:1.0 1 Shepherd'a PJiaià .....101 Pair Wooleu Stocking.... 75o 50e 66 ilSocha..... 75e 50o SCotton Stokings ...75e boc id ~ Socks...75o 50o "Woolen bMitte . 75o 50o Plain Wooien Yarn......... 75o 50o 1OILs Fiaxin uils natural ato $3 $2 à Ibo FieE dresse.!........3 2 5 Ibo Fiai dresse& by han.!9 2 Specimen Flax thread ...75e 500 64 1Winten Tweeds... 1V50 i ' id Sutumer do ..- 1.50 1 Cluis XII.-Ladies' Depart- ment. .ad. ................ $150 $1 Childs Dres...... ......1.60 1 Gentlemau5s Shirt....... 1.50 -1 Lady's Bonnet...e........ 1.50, 1 1'ieco woî'k Qit,., 1.50 1 Enit Bed Cover ... 1.60 1 Crotchet wonk Counterpane 1.50 1 511k Counterpane....... 1.50 1 Fauey Netting..........1.50 1 Fautsy Knitting........ ... 1.50 1 Embroideny on, muslin orlace L1.50 i Eiubroidery on SiIk.. ...... .150A1 Embroiden> on Wonsted ... 1.50 1 Crotchet Wonk.....1.50 1 Ried Berlin Work . 1.50 1 FiatBI3enin Work.;_.....-1.60, i German Raise ok 1.50 1 G1uiprL k.....160 1 Cheilro Work........50 I. Ornamental Negdie Werk ... i15o 1 ,Speciniep of Bi-iiding.... 1460,1 Q.ýeernno BadWo k... 601 s. .. .. .. .. . 1 i;l Bée Rive.......16 Letton Proe Prnuting...1.510 Travelling Tr-nuk,...... ...,50 ide Sole Leather...... 160 àidetTýper Le4thcr C owbidé 1.50 Cali Leatber............. 1.50 Side Harnes's Léather-...1..50 FaraCte -.. . -Two rods board feneing, er- .. -ectètiou tbelhairgrduud 1.50 Tailor'sWQk....... 0 'Upbelstcrer's Werk . 1.50 Barrel of Flour....... ....3.00- di ofOatmeal .........300 diCorn Meal ........,. 3-00 Spoiîen ef Tinsniith'e work 1.50 Best collection -of Ceopons' -work-......- 1.50. EuuiC.ý-There will be a band o> Muie engaged during the exhibition, by Ahe éommnittee baving the arrange-. mente of 4hat dejnip. ncare The Wlnspring WJd. - iThe iaftened bpe go~idg% e t he traice, -And gently vltiepers Ina mine ear;, 4s fro ier Ibroat the dove'. moft note, Lie-k, mujalo onthoeer 401h baet-, _O wonld my riarlinz on. vore here. XI irsra>' y oesk tbcellvelong day, Foir nov beterries fer Slaa, Thon -wbispen what belie LseMY. TIrs ebeuedbreeze now fonu* th esso, That lusinthe Jarat 1 love te ros ; z ephyr saveet. witb wlnv ol 1eet1 O xseten DO1'n7iend tO grOct, 4nd jaf y u' veý.npon hie brasaI, And- W ies hllti ith inys ho vair- Thoaso eveet oneusthet IVbd thoe tare; 0 speedt lb.,,or my boart viii break. WIen the wextern wiud le l'lowiaxg, and the aveliing skies ore glowaaig lVith the dyian etreakaso àI tsligLti ud paie Lora.', silver sheen- O 'ics swect if yon are wilkiug b>'àa maldena' aide, sud teikiuig Ail tii. soft sud epoony "nties!! appq:-ý tainlaig to th4 sceue. ftuc me> wlaleperWords unmeauing, but thors's latl.wortb tbe glenlug nawouaenlà mot'or platitudes thàt tbnill b.. natis the moon; And 'idsW eofailoisant, feeling on the dapip orasseWhé kceiig,. p As eiiréi dsbeitves lau passion) and! a old's your oulyi>' iop. Thon teke my> advie t satng, bave no son- tiraciatal pArtiugi But. scccmfpauy ber polltel>' W ,bero"P Spaternel a4oor; 8h, a mi'ap".k to>rou unkmualy, but yoieli ot 0o ecbung blaraîll>'. .P And, wili thanir me yy k4dly tbno? b. agas evermoeo.- - Wouders of te, Unîverse. What aseretion wili make one believe that lu one.second of-time-one beat> of the pendulum of a dlock-â ay o' f ight travels ovir 155,000. miles, ant! wouîid, therefore, perform, thé, tour cf- tbe world ina about the, saine ime it requines to viuk tiîa cu eeidJý ad'in lunch legsaiane ba.a svift runnor occupies lu taking a single samidej 'What, mortaIel au be made te believe, withottde»onstitiqK jpat thte auri us rover a unuliion taunes; langer thian theecantb. and io fer !romnibutat a cannon.bail shot dinectly towards 14- sud maiutieiuîng ils faull speed, would bc tweuty yesrs lau nesch - ing it; ,hesn fét h erhap ciei>, b>'ite attraction, in a ipeta!P ot Mine? Who woaald not ask frdmntaiu vhen tbld. that sgnet'a ving, n-if ordi- nain>' fgh4, besa mman>' jund imesira accdOrthat the*~ exist animatet! He is a mild, 1hum>' nor ha -iandgoes day - -attende t-te. 2such aman; 2 manuinbiaow 2 usben!, but. xig to his.w withwhom 1 îtore. Ibe chu ceomarkalale 31aeontc Iucidenat. The Birst Masonie fumerai thateycr oq- curme.! ina alifornia loch place'in lbhe>'ear cf 1869, an.! vas penfonmced over-tbe body*' o! aW brother fbaud drown ueth îe Bey ef $an Tnrancisco 'Au eccoant cf theeee mones taas betonthe body of the de- ceeseti ws ount! a.silvermaark of a hieson, upen whicb voreengrevedth îe initials et bis naime. A.litîle' funther investiýuatioui revëet Wthie bebolden tb. most aingular exhibition o! Masonic emblemna t aus ever dnawu §y tolbpgeuity Of unan-upon te bunnskin. -'Tbee is ilt'ngi- t4 hisWu-y or traditions of Fnecauasomry eqa bu it. BeautifolI>'dotîed ou bis left anm, ibue nesd biue imL, viic tliane cquld nqý offce, appeanet! ail t.eembleme co i îe outare appnonticesbjp. eTheoo vono bt Bol>' Bible. the square and tLe compas, bte twcnty-four inch gauge and! the coan- mon gaveL. Thon. vene aIse Lite Masenie pavement, nepnesetiug the grdnt!fleor cf King Soomou's Teinple, the indeutet! Incasel vhich sannoundg it, andth îe bIa- ing star in the centre. On his night au, an5l: antistiesil>' exeutet! in îLe rame ln-- douible liquid.7 ire the embleaus pertaink- ing to the-FeiloW irâ-ft degre., vie: lb.h- square, îLe leiel. sud the plumb. Ther. were aise the -5fve éo1imns, ncpreseeting the fivecndene o!nchitectne-to Tuscats Donic, Joie, Corinthien, <'oanposite. Iura eaoving lte -garmeuts from hies ty te b-ove! pneseutedllael4 viti a4 ti.otler t"iof-oppralive masoun>'. Over bis Lear n' t s b.pot «otinccnse. On tbé ter. pente o! bis body>' as iLb. bechi#q, the book o! couutitutioue.- guardodbL te tylen's savord, the ivorcl pointing te sa uaL..! hearb: Lthe sîlseoing oe: î;Le Uai, M0aou, suerg anu eC steps emblenu-atical o!f>'o âge., ,Admirebl>' exeenta ing vu-gin, reeiiniug on a upon *vichIsj el'the book Iu ber lefit ant!abbe ll ceuse, the Maaeuic eà boat;- end inlufieruplifla .caciâ, te emblem-odf th the se'Oul. -- Imm'ediatel>' beneath 1 Timar, vitb bis scvthe h culs -the bittleî'ibr.sd itou-gassgt bis foot, 10 uiiiiaug neu that oui- liv ave>'. The vithoret!and ena o! the. destroyer wvan long ant! grecefuulIy » 6 the-diseotiolae mourner. etnikiug embletnuso! mort lelit>' beautiull>' blonde nepresettation. Il vas as9 lisons nover Eaw bel probabilit', sncb me Lia- neyer wiinees again. Th 'vas neyer kuovua. Buti vues - are-; trhswhe have disclced,' point of a nuodii of iigbl passast of Poniodical auc 1-

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