Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1869, p. 4

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>rngglî N1 etara. CIAMBEI5LAIS &'SILLs, ('on- sony I. 0 ., Counfy qf Lennox, Ont., 4 lAuD , o~ udtity or JlîîsLingo, * JProvince oet Utorio, Pcb. 9t1i, 1869. T 1118 ln te esriify thâig~<îriu.c Lts v ioler Ot .. 180 I w tu komiieuwith' a w sakuesa ofthLb ankica, whiclt gradluaiy durlîîg tnu Spring of 186T, extoued sl o-my kusce, ,sud osfnp te my iilpoi, sud I beeosusemewook tduit t could noL wslk, bat vas coulluned Lu nsy elisir. Tor about two yssris, vbîle tbie vekuos avs.comiug ou nme, sud stlerwsrdiç, t son jIt medicai adice, em lynqitt dlffitrest tisues, tlises docte,,. uit maille nos ef ditl'eresst kiuide, p-eeribed by friciedo. butfetusionci!. I coutinuellte geL worso sud worsi., ntfl the $animer eof1868, whou ivas luduccd tLu t1Listrgreast Sliofiliu- ceu ltesudy l.y russdiusxgt se curds 1î'erformù3, lu s pamphlet. At tItistine Ibâtd begunu L fou] Lise wcsknes slutuy Il onds; la tact 1 vas gstuing slmnetithelpicsss. 1 bsve ltokn tv ehottie s Oft Lise Oiosso e s item cd y ssntd two boxe» oft héiejlles cud Icmn euLiroly rostoerc.1to hoasstli. 1 noyier oxrissctoil te geL b etter, but oipslupy Lrled Lb. nsesliciuo as a mort )f forieru Ilioe.'Thliseof na ot sitwsnt s privaste one, but known 10 ail îny tisilisbersi andI Mronde; sud tu ait u>' ais sli ct s. sut a s , I Jugive essly fte ssyIr>'tise 8tvsbongus its1eusody; Sb elis its iii cur e vo is. 31ARY ÂNN DOUGIITY. Ioar o bofura m# cf Mdot, Ouunty o 11u-. ins, (Ai.nina a y icof .#bmairy, 189. A. F. WVouI, J.1t, &». 1 liereby cerLIify VtaL I1 Juve kuevu Mirs. ?4àsry Atn Deuglity fur thésenlat flILsicu yearil ' eilse lu s volnstu of' proility sîui trutis. 1 bive known lier berors, dtruri ansd emiice lier fil- nasa. I bsîlievu lier cerslllente te be truc flu every partieuilsîr. I kîîow that whIle 111 lier mie hlis, aluco lier recevery, siecyti sttributed lier r.eovery tu Lis etilsioneusiteinedy. Wist4ev r nMay bo hics peculisîr prîsperties of tItin inudielise, Oselotiiing in cortîisi, tissit lit lier Umse, ILfiaâs se ed alise.t 11ko flise 2rfi i ssce of sa utiraclo. A. Y. WOO)D, J. P'. Wsrdsn oftftiseCoutnty of ilatisigtslProvinsce of Ointario, Domnioni ori e t' inuil. COMMERCIAL '-OTEL, OSHAWA. - JAMES PRINGLE, Proprietor. JOHN CARTERY -LIOENSE D AUCTIONEER. ]FOUTUE coul;nTis*07 ONTÂR, YORK & PFEL. or RESDENCE-Lot se @th Con's Muarkiîam.-Poit Ofiice-IJuloisVliIe. ýSALES sttoudedoi thtIe isuortest uotiee, *ni en rasonabla tarnis. Temis eoulbe timide îj.a ttilIs prîited ath ie C r nas officiaforili cater. 17 De F. BURKE, Fadiy (Irocer, Wl,. e &Ipiriti dealers, lo.2, IOH ELs 1BLOcH, KIcNG ST.. EASr', (SIIAWA. OROCKERY & G;LASS UWARE A- WELL SELECrED STOCK FIlESR TEAd, BUGARS, GROCERIES, d&c.. DY ALL IKINDS, D"As chsnea sauy béause lu Cauada, ff: May 29Lhi ,1807. 2 PUNDS FOR Inve stm ent! THZ TRIUST AND LOAN OPN -bave tausîdfor liuveottuî.a,at'thelrnsnal rates ci luterost,OU tLéb.seurit' ty fliproyed Lebsts e di (or Anxd periodsa, or repayaba >1 s'a nssona i iiis siru ts. i Fatrtîsaudati uil lssoriiuîiou eau be lied >y lattar, ssldrass.d te tise (omiss4nerg lit * isissugti, or frouta ' - L . F I R B A K S , J r .,' -Rmosi RatL & GaueraiAgent. O n e - ir e c ltre ot, WliILby, Sept 15,1lu$. 8 TEAÀC0IlE R 1PIANO-FORTEý, &o. umsasmcnsowualiag To rurua AT TUE Tmxu..--lustrnuctons ou piano, $Io; tlieryv lumcP1 1 i ,,J l I flhIP FNSECRETS OF' THÉE GREAT CITY. LATESTý'NO'VEITIES. OFFICIAL A 8 8 10 NE Eýý!9, GENE'RAL'.'-AGE4 NCY -- OFFICE reccived thç appointmentàf,'OfficialAmignee for North "On ý'nd«s gi;,prompt attention- to all matters in Bankriùptey or sojýve te _and Acc'g'qnts speedilï colleçtçd and'remittapffl n r7 On good farus oicourity at 8 per cent interest. Special attention will be gîven to th-e one rolyupois baving their applic Î dons attended nimproWed constantly for sale, lusqràhm surance Company. Offidal A"Igrm and wattor. OFFICP,-Bigolowla Block, next door to the Royol CausdLÙ'Bauk. Port Ferry, Decomber 2, ISO& KM, D s Àugu»t 2«b, 1868, N. B.-I am alao preparea to j nvest lu all klinde of Dchenture%. Graonbselc% bought and mold; also alaigq quantity of Silver tor sale. JAS. ]ROLDEN. NEWLY IMPORTED PAPE-R Il A N Cx 1 N CT S. unler>igned bc-gs to à1forni Vie pu> Tli'c' duit lie han pureltastd durine liii y&, cent stoyýin-Pugland, a Jùt of SPLYNDID Scleeted earetn1ly by 1-.irneelf, wltieh he han oo sale at Very Redizeed Prices. ,ý 1w Pal.ntl»g, Grainjug, Cinzing, and, Paper, Bangs ng, -exectiteil lit is work ninnlike and eýxpedi-tiuu» muner, an usual. A. Ck WILSON, - Dnu*Street, lybithy -P.APER ILANGINGS0 whitby, Aprit S, 1868. 14-tf ]BUTC=R's MM, FRESH & CURED T HE SUWEIBtR be" to inform enstoin- ers and the pliblicti lat hiâ Shop la cou- fitantly fiupelied with tLe best properly and carefullf drë»ftd and jointed to sait bouseýeeperi%, and fur -ode at me foweët Prima. conied Beef, Pork and ft ToDgw cured in a oupeiior mauneý; and everything in -the Viet11àlliDgý liue kept constautly oa band. SW» Iffinepiber the new $hop--betwoon the stores of Mefflo. 1lutch, -and 1ýëwes &,Polrkllt Brock Street. JAMES MANN. Whitby, March sth, -Isou. 104Y For whiéh the bighest cash priee w0i be-paîa, at Old No. 1,- 27ýWbitby,-July lot, 1869, YEON&N G][BS0Ný DIVIS ION COURIS IN THK COUSTY OýF,.IONT*ARIOP TOR mm YEARýý1ffl. à, 1 .... 2 .... a 2 .... 2 .... 2 î: 221elring... 0 ... et ebter & Prince Albert, 2i .... 20 28 7 .... ' " &ý 4. Uxbridxe., ............. lt ..- . 4 si ........ .......... . .. . .. .... 18 .... 5 21 61 Benvafton ........ ..... ... .... .... 12 22 7, Atherley ......... .. .... .... 28 ze BultmiffAm, Whitby' January 16th, 1869. C ItEAT fILEABING SALES -AT- MeMILLÀN & CO99 -mo-- Straw Gooda at 50 per cent discount. Linep Dusteral at 25 per cmt discount. Muelins and Summer 'Dress Goods, 25 per cent discount. T. U. DIMLLAN & Co* Aldwell Aje 141 prime 'co>lxdi-. tion. Joly7tl8G9. XcUILLAN&COt GOLD--&-SILYER WATCHES, Colored and brigbt Gold Brooches, Ear-Axopse Wedding Rings, Spectacles, $-Pgy gt 30-liour Clocks in gieatvalictY- pepairingSrdully attended to.,'ý JAMES JOHNSTON, W.1trpmeer "&- Jewelley whitby, 5*9 ý860- ]Brock Stree.4 Whit1by. E OLD ST. ND 1 NO. Il ON THE -CORNER. Best Brandie% Rum, GI«rj, Old Rye, and MALT "ISKEY, qyelàloiDm & s If "JL- ]KERRY WaThNES9 A splendid article in Claret, good and cheap, At NO. il ON THE CORNER. W-hitby, July 22,1869, tomuthstltalm retnrüed to Whitbx end thst be lûtends reauming bli old, bwel;;. lin plm of buoineu la now to be Ibund fîm ait* tbe POST O'IFFI.CF,ýo nezt to Mr. Yeygu»Wo Tailor ébop. .41m bromm lit miz Lockomithp Gunemitbg Vmbrella *Bd Paramimendingline; Bharpentag and Çming 01 samp &C.? &c.fý wUl au herotolbreg bu prowly Md oro*41 attended t0à Dündab'et., OppcwU@ POO WHIOH WILL BE POU" vFay- 9WýTHE-- MILLINERY DEPA latent titylef and noveltW in'Baits, Bonnets, Éibb JAF THE TAILOILINC DEPAB Seotch, English, and Canadian Gooda, vhich vrijl and st the lowest prio. Ilabgrdubery in great i 1 ft-r 5ctiq. S h b ]t .Jreat Clearing sale of Dry Goods, at îunhi . whole Stock ïo be sold off, on or b OOT First Day.of Au.. The publie will find ît to their advântage-t tIxemseIveiý as under the above circumstancés, 1rýný GMN, AT YEOMAN GiBS ,Choiçeý Fam , fly Hardware, Pointo, Oils, Sait Plaster, inud Wateil and solected Stock of Harvestin-,'TooIý,ý ill bË off C w aloo,120 dozen ý good Hat-vestinir GIovesý at;^ reasor wbolésalçýor ietail. Remý'mbçr tbe above Cle ALWAYS ,ON:ýýHAND. Our Croods Are chic . fly in Biitiâh Markets whiéh we bu and _y at low ratleiN will bc sold che for cash, , ' " , 1 X3 £> C> wM , 09 AP. -V à màrý"n, A qRwqm 1 im à imin me% d%» luivia à wl MMES BORIAND, variéty storeg whitby. MADE TO ORDER AND- N. B.-The- subsciiber intends retii feýs the àkbový $tmk-in-tra4o for W.e,ý with a jeue, from busilie&% and of- premises for a term of yenra. WILLIAM DICKIE. 40 ý May 26,1869. AT-LA Ooshawa, Uay 10, 1809. ipbe3, C. Aý jf torney, à Ilas removed là» Gffwe Whitby, Out, 7, 1863. FAREWELL JD,&UUISTE-RS, AT TORS ct>'ý%VEY. RIFIS PÉISLI412. TA" à,, IFIcÉ--0Iýe dp--zr fft îxohawa; nfjdý IICFC-l W E. F.&P-L-W£Lr- LAULLR, M ceryq and fusq A- W. LAUDLu- -W# il, jjL SOLICITUR, (jj!rlcr, CHARLES TTORNEY AT Li 0 iltauccry, ','OU V-è.V Brock, C. W. J* HAMER GI Wr ýStc.' whith; il. W, Re Je 041n'fPIPPELL "eg to announce,, in consequén a ce -of MR. JAMES CAMPBELL, baviDgotarted for th ' e BRfTISH Markets to purchase their Pal.1 stock, t4ey Offer the bâlance 'of Îhe' ir Summer Dress Goods, 311illinery, S ' là ' awls, Carpets, Window Curtains, Clotho, Tweeds, ind .RE.ADVoMADE CLOTHING At a- great recluction, es it ig desirablé to èIcar them off, in arder to make room for their Pau importations which is intendp4 to lm on a larger scale than before. GROCERIES.-They direct attenfi-On to their Imported Teas, being much under re-.-ulgr prim. 'Extra inducements offered in 5 and 101bâ. parcels, Ourrants, Raisins, Rice, Sugar, kg. « 00- Wanted 2,OûO Tubs of Farmerd Packed Butter for the Liverpool market. ý 1 - ý ý a ý Just arrived a splendid - SUMMER TWEEDS, Stock or . &c., AT & J. C4MPBELL. ae ýVhitby & Manchesterg July P [no a 0 4ý am - i&, W09 C2 wi eswewo 1 REDUCTION IN ME PRICE OP ù mou il Sie G Rqgve, C 1 ni i - --0 Gentletîieti's -Furnishing Goods of every description, cmbracing-SJ.ýîrts, Céllars,-Socks, Braces, 4c., &c. W ý NO FIT NO PAY! 1 ALEXANDER PRINGLE, 12-ly 1 amily Groceries frésh, Cheaper than eveil 1 Brock nt., Whitby, blarch 241 1869, suaers and Notarit [tir Primir-OrriCE- Coonu&xy, LL. B., Ly Ciown'Attornpvý rtPerry, 26th Dëeà MIAN B-NGLI ,ItPâl$TErb AT LAN 'e, rYOouveyancer, je$t.-QppoýsitijtL( DR. HAI (mwx E'.-ýGLAei» àccc J. - G u IN IOWX TO TIII 1 F i r e, Imn Psuo"ëlaA " n# è e or LONDON. ESTABILISkiED 1803.. Calnitale fIQU,000r, SterUpe lunde lnvoeW in L'ocadu-$105,W. TN$URANCES $pinot-lm by FIrè eokw JL On the mout favourablg temis. , All Io" puid witheut, roforence to the B«rt on L«mdëo. BINTIJUL BUOTB-M, Mentreal, Genom Agents fur V -nodis. ý0f11-q AjINEW, wumir, Agent for IWhitby, osilawn, Bowmanvillm_ aud surrounditg conntry. TM ALBION-RO-T-EL Corner or BrOck The undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage hithorto extended to the old establishment, for nearly a period of forty years, desires to say that ho bai now on band a large assortment of the mosit modern and elegant styles of 1 WM lu MIL 3EV X WM lu X:IL lu *0 And trusta by proper attention and moderate prices to secure a continuance of publîe patronage, Practical upholstering. Furniture re-stuffed and covered, Undertaking and Funerals Tully Supplied as herotoforet SM-Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. - Nw Whitbyq March 9, 1868. 10-ly Still > They- Come, 1 -TIIE 8ýUBSMIBER> ABOIU.TJTOýýCLOSE 'tPý THE Farmers' Produce, NO. 19 ON THÉ CORNEIL CAINADIA'X BANK BILLS, Titken at rur, for pigIr 600009 At joi!N tsmENErs, - Cb«p Cub Dry Goodg 8tom 'Wh4ýf 9Aý?4' micTION BUSINESS Butter, Eggs, Wanted. and lwe ot the cellifornia, WMtby, Jisu. lith Glas's & Earthen, w*a're noiness, will from this, date sell the Mme T,-(NO HUMBUCa.)',i ired by an early call, à&',,tàé-ýBtock is com-. lete in evýéry department,"W----"' M V el Il "Sale Cle'a rý*l,,Ing: ý5ýqooo FIRR141vs*> Spring and. THE GENTLEXEN'S - - TAILORING AND FURNISIIING IIOITSE At Ra FR A N C 1 SS rESTABLISHED Cr'oeke ry".

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