Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1869, p. 4

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* 14 TO Muer$. OCHUMBEItAIN & SELL, <Con- oasy P. 0., Oounty of Lennooe, Ont., Canada. ofrovince et Provine of Utarî, Feb., i509. r 1115 le ta cerliiy thut.urlue t the winter ef r 1861 I uti-t»kon with a woskeea of te Unkies, whicla gradualiy durlng the Spring ef 1887, siescd&lte îuy liuces, and on up teaeiy lîi, atid Ihobe goiie wak tuiat t could net *walk, but wft couinod tu imy chair, Fer about two yoars, wbîle tlio woiiktss wtt coffibtg ou aie, aud sftcrwards,, 1 ouglit inedicaladnoic"- amiil'at rent Uimes, titredocters :Jrn>odetieos etdlffeoit kiue, preiaeribe *by frianîds. but et ne aval. I oonti,îeedte get worusud Terse, ull b.Srumr f188 wheîî I wee luducod te trry the great Sîteelîcu- ceILUentedy hy readîng tii. curds rerfermel, la o pamphlet. At tfii îtlie I lied begun ta fel thie woiiuoe lin y liands; intfact- I wet f etthiîg Aaiet lîiplons. I beyvet"kn two liottîe of UtheSelttiteucea ieîdy auîd two boxes cf the jili sud 1Iiîm ertirely rcztored te * lieuth. 1 neyer ex 'octod te gel botter. but siîîîpIy trIld thii leïicu-as amort )rforiore Laps. Thit,ciue oet iiliîe-w.., net a priviste Onte, but kiiowii te aillniy siiigibors sud frienuclo a sute aîîy eue ifiloited et a wvu, I lava 1e]Yciii> ,ytry the Stiuuhoncenu Keedy; jboler. l will cure yen. JaAIti'KNN DOUOHT. Sur bb or.mat:MNade, Countji of Ha#- iîigs, 17,1. cbU7î là ayqi Fbruaryl, 1869, * ~ A. Y. WOOD, J.?., a. 1 hîeîeby certif>' thet k lase knowe Mr. ?Unry &unc ouglity forte lest "cou een ya ulb e 8sawoincf prult> sud Cmaii. 1 huve kPowu lier before, dering, and suc. bier 1hl- nemts. 1 boler. ber certili te o truc lui erery partcuier. 1 know tlîat willIi1lier cme wo deeîeired hopoiess; snd 1 keow zlait mue lies, esiice lier recorery, sînsyim ttribuutod lier roocry>' thie Sliontieuecs Eoeinedy. Wlîtevr r uiy bc tîto pecuilar proportios cf titis modicitie, eue tiiieg ln certain,, thlat luiter casei, 1h lias iuc.ed lmotIlike the peroiumanco rta lutlrao. ar'ri 5c..to, Sheet Music,1 FANS, SECRETS OF' L'ATEST' NOVELTIES Perfu med Voil et Ink, TUE GREA&T CITY. ALWAYS ON JJANDU 0ur Goodâ are ohiefiy in, British Markets which w. bey at Iew rates), and will b. soId cheap for acaoh. May 26, 186e. Yariety Store, Whitby, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. GENEIRAL ý AGENCY OFFICE!l ersigned'ravlg recelved the ýappointinent of Officia Assigne. for Nortb Tf"t'nýE la ppared to gfe prompt attention to ail mnatters in BÎankruptcy or Idsoliency. 3Promissory Notes and Accounts speediiy coliecteJ and reeiittances 'promptly mae.. Oegood farm aeeurity at 8 Per cent Interest Special attention will b. giren-to the neocainfLonM borrowers eau rely upon having their applications attended topoptynda iaixpn. oe AseLaes, bth mprvedand uni'nproved cànstantly for sale. Insvrances orece leteOtreFrnr uual Insàrànc OomWpauy. .MJR OFlICS-Bieelw'aBioàI, neit door teRh ýol Clita an àk.- rort Perry, Deoeiber 2, 188. 48 Juit arrived a -splendidâ stoclk of Spring and SUMER TWEEDS,- &c., AT THE- GENTLENIEN'S TAILOKJNG AND FIJRNI1IING IIOUSE Y. WI, ef lutarie, Decimiien cf Catitadit. l COMMRCIL 'OTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRJNGLE, a Proprletor.. .-JO Hi< ARTERs LICENSED AUCTIONEER. -1 ounisaooiriaoî ONTARIO, YORK& PFEL. oeg EESDE4cE-]Lot SethCou.1 BALEB attouded oithe shortest noticeniau1 on reasbeuiesWe Tn.erme eacu bc mu'de tuî ]X Fa- BURKEq Pamlly Gracer, WIne & Spirit deitier, N., IOHAEL'8 ]LOMPK KING ST.. EAB',O[iiAWA. CR.OCKERY à GLASS WAR A WE.LL SELEOT.D STOCK FRESU TEAO, COFFEZ$, * SIJGAliS.o GRUCEJUES, Ar.. OP ÂLL KINDS, W 'As 0elieapnesauy boute lInadaJO. MY tî, 18. 21il T 1TU-NDS FORN-OPN Investment!rù*à eté futeret, nte iseerl c f Iuprored- eou md for flued perlodu, or rpayabie by tonna I elnets. lottoir, eddresacd te te om users t "ging, or *frcni L. AR NKJ, Mesl 'Et"1 e oalAget. Oa-rokithoot, Wilally, Sept 15,- Ue.5 PrtOF. J. PONT, TE AO)11E &-PI AN 0-YOU TA'&o., MDIPOTON OIENTO fiiiiir T TEll Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of every description, embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C. I~NO FIT NO PA.Y! Brock et., Wlitby, blarch 24, 1869. MLXADR PRINGLE, 'TEE OLD STA ND!1 1833..] The undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage hîtherto extended te the eld establiahment, for ncarly a period of fort>' years, deaire e 15>' tbt ho bas now on basd e large aseorîmont cf te moat modern and legent style af njwtT o 1:7Jl w xMC" tY E1. M: And trusts by proper attention aud moderate prices to secure a continuance cf public patronage. Practceî upholstcring. Furnture re-stufled and covered. Undertaking and limerais Fully Supplied as heretofore. £DSome splendid specimens of Picture Fraines, and Gilding. emeMber the Old Stand. Whitby, Mfirch 9, 1868, Stili wmly They ,.Corne THESUBSORIIBER'BEING ABOUT TO CLOSE UP THE,. Croker GIsg &artbenware Portion of his business, wifl from this date seil the same - - - - - - M m- - - Msuo0.) the stock is dom",. Scotch, E nglisb, and Ganadian Geods, wbicl i iii and at-tbq1ownatpalsîo. aberdasheryilegreat v 1C> C> fl «r MAPE TO ORDRA-B> N. B -The subseriber. intends reti fers the a"Ove Stooc-n-trade Çcr s34e, ith a.leaui Oosbawp, Msy 19, 1859. Great Clearing order, ini the ig fom business, and of- tppromises for a term of years. WILLIAM DIOKIE. 40 Sale- Rio&J. CAMPBELL Beg to announce, in consequence of MR.- JAMES 0 AMPBELL, haviDg started for -the BRITISUI Markets to purchase their laU - Stock, they offer thoe balance of their Summer Dress Goods, Mlifinery, Shiawl1s, Carpets, Window Curtains, Cloths, Tweedz, and IIEADY-,M.ADE CLOTdIING At a great reduction, *as it is desirable to c1ea~r them oft? in order te make reom for their Feul importations which iu in6tendoc1 to b. on a lerger scale then before. GROCERIES.-They direct attention to their Imported Teas, being mucb under regeler prices. Eztra inducements effered in 5 and 101b&. »jrcels, Ourrants, Raisins, Rico, Sugar, &c. 00-J= Wauted 2,000 Tubs of Farmeré' Packcd Butter for the Liverpool market. R. & J. C4MPBELL. Whitby_& Manchester, July 14, 1869. E tTA13LISI-Er) 18(37. 111E MONTRE.AL-TEA COMPANY 6 ]HOSPITAL STrMEm', MONTREAL. T uE otiîd sucessef titis0Ce atoly sltribeleblo te lte quelit>' snd parut> cf their Tes u. Irra liundred tioteaidC boxes et Tee haro beau sent te -diereut part. of' h Do- iinioe, ted npwards et a thousu eaisd inoel eau be tliown hbarlug testmoey le lthe queaity and punI>' oflb.heaésA groat uariiig çpu bobeT'eted b>'puvfuaIegdirct om t est el su21odu vads.Evory lpackage Wabientad te ir. eatisfaeloe. Club togothor sud se fokur or e 51b. caIes,,whicit wll beent carnag- teo e l4w W 5 y7tat ion litîhe Domienin. 2ha moey eau bo eellected osdkrr jW»Try £h, reth groend stem nrcasted 'lo oIn Bsudb. Ib. mi .n pW'arda, Cbpfiavonr of wdhii 'rosîl>" excllent. and o.> okeswitrrined.21..essdotlls C e.ut te an>' Eailwey Station carnage froc. , lo tpr PIL Âc TE A, EegtIth Ereakîi4Brokn Les04 mro g Tae .es. t; Fine Flveid N* ses 5d..Mr-.OU Msd 65.,- V V M Pul flvSrr do'6. -Sound qOlua, 4 ; gJcb larcced du, g on;vriy- 44 lôgý ; apu, GERBE% TBAo T-wauy, 50., 0 o. ;.Teu y« m en, #ee6,6 au inFe 4e.0. 7é; YoFine.Oô;,-; 5.per4qcp d yae choical pi; . Fue0Onpov.e" e, xiu Crne dà $1.- lÇe.1,$lle.; Ne.2 ry Ooods,' ai"u'nhear<' ,obe ýsoId o% on or befori of Augus 'e the The publie willfind it to their advantage toaean sd tbeinselves, as under tii. above circuinstanc'es, tindeniable bargi GrVEN, AT YEOMAN GiBSON'S. Choice, Family Oroce Hardware' PalotOils, Sait Plaster, and Wateiline, together, #nd t olected Stock et Harvesting Tools, wilI be offered at very ais 120.dozen good Harvesting Gloires, at -xeaonable rates, M ýwboleeor retail.- Remember tIi. above Clearing Sale. 'V 5,00 FIRJlY 0OF Bt/TI F lor which tbe highest cash price will be paid, at OId, No. 1 27-Whitby, JuIy lot,, 1869. YEOMAN «IBi DIVISION COUJRTS IN THLE CO-UNTY 0'"F ONTARI FOR THE YEAR 1869. - Ne ..'hib.................2î' ~ii P, I>ierln..........1i..2 .... 8, Meuclîcater 'inoAberI.'i.... 12t; . J20 j28 f , Ujçbridge 27..... ..... IQ . 21 29 5 oauiingten...... .... ..Il.- l.:. 1 , .... .. , lceaverton ................ " 7, A..h.e..... .:. ... 18 '... 20 I e n. I I ~ I i .~ 'I I i I.... 2 7 8 cri SI ZBUENHAX. Wliithy, Jaoner> lotb, 1869. RZAT i LEAEING s ALE, -McMILIAN & cos, Straw Goods at 50 per cent discount. Linen Dusters, at 25 per cent discount. Muslins and Summer Dres Goods, 25 per cent discount. T. Il. SMIILLAN & Co. AldwelI Aie in prime condi- tion. July 7, 1869. MoMILLAN 4 CO, GOLD &,SILYER WATCIIES, Colored and brighf, Gold ]3rooches, Ear-Drops, Bingo, &C.9 Wedding Rings, spectacles, Fancy Gooda. 8-Day& 30-HeOur Clookil in rceat varieey. Rtepairing carefully attepded te, JAMES* JOUNSTON, Watéhmaker &Jewelier, Wbitbyl, 5bh 1869. Brock Stret Whitby. CAR JAQES HA-NGIN GS. T HE nn dprti¶rod be oga tejuîîrrn h.pub-, liechalie hoas pnrcliatcd derlug bis re., cent ste>' ie Eeglend, a lot ef S PLENID .PAPERIIIG GS Sol1ected cereteill by bitnselt', which ho bason seleat Very Eeduced I'rices. W'Palung, Gaiiug, Glazaugt aedPaper Ilangng, excuatoi l awork' meeluko sud expodillusmatiner, aet nat. A. C. WILSON, Dendas Street, WbuLbi Whitby, April 811868.- 14-tf BUTOHErS 1KATe FRESH & - CIRED! 7T HE StBSCEIBEIL bene te intorm esatoin. J.» or ndtIi.pube .cthat biz§ Shonja ecou- stantly uepplied.with iLe best properly and carellully drcszcd and jointed t. suit hio u ekecpers. sud fur sale ut the lows Corned Bee4, rqrk and Cx ToDgu cnred in a meperior manner; and everytbin9 In the VIotusling #ue'kepi eoustautly c.4 band. -W lkomember Vice.w Sbop-b.tweee Cli. atuoe of Meutrs. fistoliandLIowes & Powell1 Brook Street. JAMES MANiN. Wliltby, March OUi, 38«.' 10IY Fire Insurance (-.o, OF LONDON. Capital, £4,9,000, Sterling, -rends invc.ted len Caado-$105,O. NSUIEANCES sgsinstIota by 7w. e eted I on the meust favourabln teflus. Ail]IU pald without re(ereni o e .Bourt in Le=dn RINTOUL BROTUILS, Moutreal, General Agen t oi 13na4s. JOHN AGNEW, WgMyB aind ùrroundtitcontry.' Ylj TaE AuflBON UTL9 Corner of Brock k&»,udaUS treet%5 WHITBY. J.O0. McPBERSON, .-Propuieior, larlate et tIi.Uuion HQte, Sacrameeto *Ye Califermis. IR' CS LÂLUJ ceTy, nII pdjoîning ]gr. Jan A.'W. I.ADeuaa W. iH SoLig on, Broek, 0. W. A, TUUNEY-A 'ecth cf pqo,4 6t - a scers and ' PRIMO£ AtBsxai- SR I. COCHiRA, L. 'CeunI>' rewvn ' M LYMAN fEn D R. F rESTABLISHED 4prIl 7$be tu C. ; Ne. S, ioo,.; mý . 1

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