Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1869, p. 2

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ratio.. vM~m~,dbalin ["oelr, sDromug yCtluh.@fcSd -Ouoose witb bit &jeter. ft bal reusalned *for 8tafndard1, sud Prince Albrt* bàwr nïo,., eil gj. -4- & 0iZe; ouldag reture s a'ise ùp.rtýmenît. 1 bore,' Ynee£ mu atel the -.degradjng ýaad Oâny cbrs. At inudcrY>, aluimauuftory doing a large bani a nd b Jut a hîlsl!.i rIU. a~e4 d a le. ta te world., Noiopssonofo odicavy 'viie t tr party &arrlwed betmpen lie suad là '4ft' S pui4n u p sui IN"11.d mizod op .hh tthediffurent dice'ncy uili foia moment gire t ecredit ; .1sixolllarge additions voie maie ta ,itîb uni ,O 1 stogius. .r aton, *tovIf'au th.7 aie retailed, And thbia but on the 1 on trary1 vili b. e l7 W ît .bïnk thoeunber of: eoroionotco onlbthétrpi e e. emrfrtf anatr vii h.ailmad teapear byud y aim eér te fâct thattheu lored? roul vbiceb usut day-from, thbat;point tiePenehon Faits, of ail Iiwt<ef agricultural lunplemente,and b~us, nuv oly Ibo scrîassngs of the, birds tt $monte&soutil 1ncenrilj bcohitIflain.. leldiusg Mv, 8hýorift QMEJlnI., Ur.t i. & wharaiva eiel , m- .<W"41. DîîGSWhomoitpare. ~ But capposlug tht. sîovy lu(Ili tLinebaa, rMv. ewcxMyùr et LlU«saY, plOy. a a 4@ number of bhW&s ç,urd# sur U~ A 5501 e surt@,npeql. IS abmintion.to b. îruelt.wlat good porpoo r. Robinspo, tbe Foot, sUr. Cooper, 0o f fforlyu oeloi iads i MP., K. Rlie la. eentoii@u* IUSbac beeu serned b>'il&s'publication nov?1 thici Icorisa 'ae, aiseveni elb#Éos;tn Marot avutr eq, .vnl ,0lg;Ideddn. a thtii m ot I& bocietv or tih$ worldmade botter by i thaï re*re aIoquite o obit del 0fermedi, iiaà%tià mw li. *xpectod ta reorer, and lebu ba ad narrative?1 Tbbii. crie ta fi stoo> ba- board. AtLissdsay, Mttnumsol adino w'o otti.ses, b. Âtlorey.GeseraIa.D) SCVbIIg enî factory iscutiier iadudtry food dent of trouble witb @ ccaes nd rible toaite thouiaibcfamach mote disance, donald bob bis departuireloieavrig bysp. f i leeplyanrbt1bad destb IDsbist<ssiil'. Dein5 thts period ad la choice.set phrase, wih al:c os-ciel <ais 'for Port Hope'1h. &ame evening4 mi aain 'cieý à~.MreIi le vasobliged tai avait bimei-,of the cil. tional attribue. AniIf, 8Wei sinote*ly 0n bard tbe Aiglo Saewon f.bexcursion ftyIosaisvloswv nogi i sisano ofohiersvutabng.advnta, b liovitcouoli bru ont ta b.uviiolli> at saboada righî joli> dime ;11 masic, dancing, thé, Port ýlâsiiprinsgand tfrk orle p oto >corbisgasotez, f<rom the.oadie, bcd re- <vouewbas bas fnet Mv..Stee'teasns*@r champagne lunch, k&0., t'hoÂttovney-Gen. lnmborýdarlsg the seauc. And, ovr ocse tb he villecI means tau eratue 9v on. plaeit uchsoudeails, betore' the,, uvatenteriqg beartill itto lbtheuny,,ad l, uviits epltc t oh biosud, s upplant bim lu bis situation., And tot n sîigmi n tim n ioyon obna-ali*9éis ýth opla toneofnthe;otîlié l b . . . v o e e n a t e s t o w y a r t . h e m b . b d t e m e o > t o d B r o . A d o c n y " r o d i n t e a î n e s u r c " n a v a a t l e s i , a i l t h e % t r a i s l a » n . 1 l e 8 , < v i *ivysotd msthIdi' ar. ii lup.,a itîgma on itie dcad, bht up u pon uhe 1lu lively stlle tate toue of-.Bobecygeen, -Pension, k., ilchnov '>îbeleln he cataiutbaacoîEn~ lvig eceoant o ti.othe . W4fsriiy et "Tire bUne bonnets oyat thé border." le".lic vaY.t10 Rice Lansd la sainu- sony bavai, 'and eevisiy, toc0#7 th« leu' th! dayi. I.14 ei kuown that Lady Bp i i. Anglo BarWos, as wubave stated, .fscleadaunthewarsc bTiivnl 5<~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~o lB arte aîysno oad v n tertained a morbii unaccountabie a tidy littlO estcab@ slat.avoa:b>'Mass. aliwUatly rachPort Pemr. The. ils Keller- And hobeuh'4ons'Ibis vithout tclng of dialike 0< tho Posî. ite'»ieowkTra cuGaptila Qsiley, mas-' tance i faveor ot ths latter point vould bc' *zainps al beIses nflcenlyor ti l 0(,o bo,,vasUnnaturaliy ,aOfw ter' Bliermeasures90 'lëest b'2)tsts4'sle'e1 mleaf's ronnd about M n r lgg lut.lo is c usi oIf M otveler bu, bis love".for la y Adugntai. The aster tua mt, bha nglais, of fortyb» ea. poevsvj i. eacil.be frot. Poit Frry i. undo bt-. 1fr. KoIerc acacrs.Tf v. ellr ~vasa canais rled o J3ronI. il.bisroms tvips evur>' otiior daytW Liaàais.' ra- y ltiie 'Étturaià n mi leoep bebni . bs rtons e hs, a blieeifilcal,., sud,,bock bar bnothbes'part quentl>' eveir>'day, and vu asull b>'ber ontlet, and ntnnua ,vitb lb. voe- suflelntmores o aisgoo a>' bati- hubetere and &teer sarniage.' Ishe :vas ourc at aià i it f abon& $5,000. 8h. t. palrlvsg of the lochs aoi Îhe construction eue>', andi vhlehcoald- eni 'b resui a.dsvoetibt. orvice a i bsmmor>' 1priceipally eomployod ln toving seows viti ef the Railwaày te .,Whblymccrethbat via v hve setined-bs wn fles ven absent. and By'ron vas net the,,man cav loge and lumboril. and sabealo doua inrdu. ,Prepmnt>' fi largol>' advanclng In #ua oilokbçp andi deat<in Lubic 4lamît 0.10 0,ave nnacluu edgeoo nencounasgsd oonsideraîle apassongoe > Iaffie. Therve lu , An., a oommanda *ousands viieres -I ter bvebeaIreglaitesca.béerlove. ,TIsat Ibisfeling ma>' hava e B u ana thor boMa.-tbe On<afo, a citero- hundreds 4sor ise agerouli b. con, mutci v ae ldliI oies escls *aspure as ny liaI ocld b. entertaiîsed vlsect-pîng balieu Port Ferry ald >sioed bloud -'tie ýval , Tb@ Portý potinuter tha"ebeu tasecull paMe Parties, heivéez:broh., andctsIsîer,'tugrc la uet4ie indoay>' , nioli l>' inliavlýi> mployed. Ferry cf'bois> préente à remanbable aidtha <bs a vii et . blete atc. ligistest fonda'futior on igtIsecon- Oar trip vas b>' tuesteamer Climpion. conîrsat te Port Perr>' cflus-thoa scocre UOisaatictactovil>'. Mcanîlno ve ask bic tvavy. H'val tehbtot addrssidg roul Lindsay' sa enelon Falls.-Mv. Geo; 'y'arc éal;o u b UrM. Chester Draper 'ce- ,Iienis <o aspeni hein Judgmont aul not bis sister la tii.'Moet aftetiouale, notltbu randol, formevl> 'teusolh Wb3d a», cap.d the tlrst og cabln lu thé. place and lI pfbertue m ste aloai aon o in rin as>" impassioied 'terma. But tbi W"s ail urcu. a noae. . SiBbcleabout tb.lsmu ept ators viitii.helais Peter Perr'. lt of u cea <rm li alogatonuot bs t a qe itbraotevisîio et Byron. WIseru he aisle and capatit>' as the Ausho Sa.onaai bac aHlthe.makiug of n. important enbre- ducrs T. fllwlg vie v ce>'bri or asad Lt vu alva>'s vlth passion. lfioueoftbîreouaeib>' tho cams goutu-pot of trie l ints ooaldings, and vii b fi1li *ouoTee p'rhau about toc TIre are tire.s tauziaual sema sétraesman, aoirplying in thoue waters. -Thé is présent rate of prognis;ils hgnd&omo uiuiib -rti about, it. -bas bhunlaid opon ta buila opMUri. tovaesaotiers are the Rangrer and tie Sampawn dvellingo, ctores, churchuc, sebools, miii., 'p "0ALLU ISOZOMAITVAStO I Or Tifs WtiITuntalu of horor y-battvisai do lb.>'go te Tiens are alise re other steamer& îuuaing Nkabyles, loundries, steambeas, and is e fi Poa:uàsnas.-Ia counsequenc e 'cr-prvbttste g badru4tL' 46 tala allégations made b>' ont Sortit,an poe bttatty'sih u smac io da>frenc sav mile t. Boaygeon, saturpriaioan d sagacbouî butinec enc,la "4 emploés lu the postal départaient et 'by the parois miies brother tea alter s Lite, Chemoug, Stunguon Latze, Buckhovo sud ail the. ouier adjançi. of incveuiag VC à'W U rbM. Francis Koller, postmnaater BYR.ON TO 1113 SISTER. ' in& oiier points, ail fayepoa ate ri a orm iic~'bpssat " t is laebau bean temporaril>'sus. Thongla tias day et inîy de.mt ilisbover, . gréat Initebr traie 0oflise vaters. We destinai te bu e etter! kugva la tii.e "Ponait ,pcnding luquirios- thurcluto by Atlt, liati t îy fate bhA deeiiid, icft -ft a quart«r W aine and rau ithe dis- bistor>' of (Çanadow *Mv. Dewu, «enrai posti0 Jlilculospcon, Tliie suiat lueusrilloed te diaoverci crntr ie ils vb wiciî so.masuy couldiind , tance tlethe 'Fait., 18 ltes, b>' Ivuot>' W.abiouladetOm taîing. litat theb P 1andi Mr. Patersou, who -baa beau con. Tiieîagh Lasu ii ygifva aqauehltci 5noetad i wthleFut Office in thus cit>', It Blirnaliet te suave Ilu wîîuîme, minutes pust tan. lÀnica>, alîhough mach trip wua ithout accidentofsolan>' ni, andi c' &b.ab.a ssrbaiuted Postmster at Wb;î. Aria tiré loeé which any a.l rit bath ilaluted improvesi and liaving a apiensid itraie, bau that thu gentlemen baviîlg tie arrange- 'I b ~T Ler, Cuaieralo ecitmîn h Iére hula fuisi btin ise.ont advacedlu an equial -ratio la pomla- mouta in charge did cvetything athi boa bauaengeaduesitijereb>' lu Wit. Tmuga uinli mai, dilit uot <lec.ae m dlon. ti.hsll,... veve totlromaine et powur tb promoetic pieseuroand con-n ssb>, local ýJI'uisIesbaing tg moaetise Tî,oinialevoi, tleu tovisrest te gianve liee; ticusoise idas h *agitationi more intcinse.,"' 'aaogh viisudered t1loisnnover eoaa id*t slaaîls. aid figure of 39000. lis prospecta* et tort cf ithe excroisasdiaotc 'iaagin ted, tlim chandt uet dimiclilia otua;; ncrease and fanther devetopomeat of traie Lindsa>' friands who Mset and accoospanies i ~ lisoiui partcd t aveu iot teiy P ~enck Rîsiwuy Dy-Law. Tiaougli wmtclfuil, tiaatn t ta defammeen, -are, hovuver, dail>' grovirrg, andi viîh tie as ta ansi froin thuboat acidet reciprocal Pu Nor ri te, thlit the,.vorld ilgiat belle. eiiinlrly> aiiicvlii iiceno.l Mr. George Ladiaw, lu bhc last Port Prom 1hwrcek oftise passî wlmiei bath par- 1000 -oas muet becomu one cf the ..e,....ci Feirry Standard, addrusses ia lutter so uho Thiimîts Iinaitoas i 1117 illi, moat important mni levaws la tbe pro- Mas abd Rnma-IisecCrops. Pu, haeaesof ftach, veIndus ta.the bonus il; ath auti nc lian trt wl imnt cipiede by.law et thés township, -inlu aid th e Ini tire jeuurtta Io deta ~i ijii. vscc.A ednlfouri Fes, vivetic pru>'W Ir. tire wiid Wmmte ther, ai i . a traie, ans yoal>wfu birvuoh vwurgettes a ri iat Ig e eusato, ta Whiiby rond. Il sanytiig wore silîl ne- Aid orlîîrd lit tit) olihtia ude $ig, nlarge encrasse in thc bus>' hostie ofth i ic a m msn e l, ee gM quivod ta sov wthse people ef Beach tie Wiicia peakate na>yipiitog,îî'0. lace-aIl oving la, adi nr it thebau, ilu sany inacs , 4t laoc1 i P ~bath bligit aud rues, nc tlàt the yieldii vii" isecesity. of Prompt action, andi heurt>' As vea s asii Mrd. towe's narrative tomber traie, <ho resnît heing encrease et fail fer short of wbat *ààas tsicipatei. r fuPppevfIbtticWhitby aches., Uv. Lali- cu sprvc tic gooi punposc, cither Ot popu lation and additional @tores and fhou- Ti nesn enas u!im e the iaw's ltter supplie.fit. He uets aut b>' murae or of societ>',' aud ail tbu probabil- ses. Thse population ia ncv ostimaci et phevintess an>' înamd d oit îousiugr a eiaimlug trai Reaci, 'tan céquitable shere itlec are that-as ebas dccpty slanalerci the 600j vieve a fair short yeara ago thotu of support" for tbc Nlpieing road. Tiet momor>' et Lord. Byrnaandiis saistur.. vie u cl>'a sev-mjl ansi a lavera *Of oulib is evea i a goai ndieti asfteyA le, vo préueu., dcllar for dollar;j tort>' Troc or outrue, s§ehe u lailci te o okail the placea onthiose nenticra waters, wvot u ti viii, as i selduse e qaniu' et ticusaifor Wlaiuh'roidi, asidicuce a upon the stor>' wlth au coécf PUtY, andi vicat haut veek vhavsuit asessed in Bpniug&.1 oeceni fort>' îhonaeod for' thu Nipinsiaat, certainl>' bas fed le exercice thst chlus. , oemn ad iu$o lt' pope Whstlok ncmmny elandi p Bel Andi If tbc honet grenied "tise Nipissiug. tianen lssie ihthv ba xece pewumnt aofniueigacflesinosper. peara te bavse scapus tiie inige and w&ve a ' chant>' Iba mvgltabavobeen s.peîed voill.et na uuxucornetu'mt Ccmpany viii have to colinot Il b>' indirect <nom the utior cf"46Uncic Tos's Qnbin," PORTvl itgehe.OaUvllbee o Bna iB srseanuon the passengers moi trellEcof R. ~.-.Iefeving ta thet place lu bu. CHKOIFîoLE crois. Ail riet crcls lock vcli andsi bd by Beach.'$ Bo sa's Mr. Laicilewi ansi when ONTAnZO 8T1ÂseEl,.evTo.-Atteulcu <n air ta yieid an unu4sgeby large rela aE cf tbe 23rd of Apnil, 1857, wcimd nov- ------- bu~~~~~~~~~ peswme'ti>esmula h adrcilthanonoctoMvaSîrca placing the population et i hon'- Ihec-IuMareii lut, Kingston and Comnpany' vili back op bis usevîlen. Blov in ocilr colombe, ftrmwbich ih vll suai, tienconsisiercsi an cuiidu figure. Bellevillu and cther places began the tad- m LIeve vs havo a cluar vier< of tic future bha unba h a Iaeitich bneNvlenme .stdv tffelgo esst.vii uefr anula mns t managemno e sNipnlsing rond. If Elireson ansi Promises, thse properî>' cf i'undred, or au i isses of neavl>' lice (iraa snjçs sbianvl o-U eshansi .very township do uabotcine op Mansr. Draper & Co. Uv. Blow, hba bad i huiesipar cent ila ve I cara. Port Amirco nclres.4osubus ncrie. in- aArt ta » ,iis he minci out b> 'UrvLaisils., mai>' yeanu expéience oft1hé bnisiness lu Pen>,a eteaisrMi eren> tSpaoise a bse, lue anIice iaon, la- Dot tie~~~~~ lutepgag e brCmm>'lt-ba aso l>'eîcfMsrawaeaRv thmon isibi ta n l ' hoî mItta fci 'us, if s enerable.Brother, whose lite has becu a practicai iliustratioià of0< ery X'a- Youi exemple ansi preeeptisave cxci.' piei a deepp<cltinguene teltor m. bons, b>'eim6nisbing utbfeilcw, tli blernelcus purit>' cf Ille andi consiset, wich viji enabie, cl g6od men'ani 'Mauons te stand at tse luI betonu T. . A. 0.1 T. un#siuei by' vlce,-eapi unupottesi by sin. Wc vilati àfîWd prospunat>'y you 'ansi youars, tnd nov bld 4oip i% beent>'andi On bebalf-the lb. rcirci cf <Cm- pesite Logea. Q jA..oNER. W. M., (uiaat 24. A.L. 0809. britbrcti et Composite Loigé o eh uldu'ransi nvrbroie ,Iiib 'fti Camesi s>'beant to glcv viii gratitude. But Ibis prissent and prebab>' liait mani- tustiation (6f iheir frsutaffection end, esiçeos, 50 unlookesi lor ans 0asno s on s>' part, quitu overviielmi me. Worsipl ir, I sceept ibis beautiral jeveli, uaot atheie acoothboy recuives bis ticket-as àa "revend of soritlo-kat au of the fratenesl.regard ad-esîccur of s> bnethren, viich vith ili associations iwili bu cieniisscd itiiis>' iant's 4eerpst Ires oures tifllthej.ateathbuinout s>'lite. Wonsbipful 51v sud Bneuireu,-In s>' long journe>' ut a someviat ohequerci ansid uventî»l 1 ie ut more tien 73 >'cfa, I have --y wayorne s caalishei le' vili 1I otten rato e.. h ,plneurs sua cenuratuou; -1 sat asoagettihes aIl none vii bleveefter1 appear le me sure conspicuous tben thia preclons gift ut the bretiren of Composite1 Brutbnen,-ten vent cf a stronger andsc mcre cumpreicusive tera la the Buglisb i 'ucabmnry,, I cao conl>'su>, I ibank you. c >id 1 poisssnbthe loquencu oifasCiciri or D'imoatisaueu, I ceoulsitc, -aI ,Ibis tise sekee aspeech, because cf tic deep ex- risemeni t ous>'mini. Bretirua, egaia permit su te se>'fros ticesieplis of e sin-t unre icavi, I thank >'un.r CHABLES. CLARK. f IL Tise prizes ewarded ai the late midauta. ner oxauninaîtion, woro 4tiIiutid te thée )upls on Ibaînsda>' cveuîhîg at. Tie~ arge hlfth ie Moclatiios' Inalitule was eowdod witly-chiidren. Tie Mayor Ce. l apioi lise chair. On tiae pltstiorsa vaine oesant. Penny, Tiuwitu, Fairg'uson, True- 0 ces, lise Ier. Mn. Gibbs ansi tise Bond ci faster. Mn. Penny spoliela lais - usuel S loquent rrianer, and vas liatenesi te wilîa h rai atteintion by both parents ansiciail. hI ri on. he fullowiug la thse prise liai for gi bc différenst uchools t- . lu Engiish Gramman ans (i Gograplay, vi rithpaie and Algobra, liis Louiasa d. arnuwu1aia ;Esaglisi Greammar and Phy, asi olugy. Anaibuactie and Aigebra, Mis, o AIeJ. Iluston ; Engilî Litoratuo,Missi in tue flubberd. Buiglihlisîony, 1Miss tc Pardon; Readinug and Algobra, Mliss 1A. Gaina; Gnamuuer and Aigebra, Geo. týf un; (xotaatry, 8rd ciass, Geurgli Gaie. y Anithanollo, John Lawder; Pnglisi or seay, John Shaw. 'm %àMAI# scaIo,,L-2K0PgND bcsT-sTh DiVISION. 0ou Aigobra, Avithuacîlo, (2nd Div.,) lon. sillion ius lIir&tory, James A. tliard ; Ge. nt sîn>', Auguauius Fottisirgiii ; Eviglias i e ratmiar aiid Latin, Atbert (Campbseill 'ithnuelic, hon. aisntion iin Ululer>' bu onaisi MacLennan ; Euîglish Butor>' aid th rutila, Sarah 1hjske; Roamding, Wniuing, tli m, maentîion in -L.atiq ansi Histor>', Jack-] in Beagough;ý Deponîimeuit, lys. Gib- th s; Bpelsitag aid Writing, Aqgiu -ý vI itianelo aaid 1Writiag, oohn Wedsi- l >se i Ucuometiry and Winit ~ williamti nouijy . encr'a. j.UIne, vonuuia ow for tisefirib.limc l hoir new boat hu Iby Elliot bSeeanuros dbIcotiluleni Jandi 21,jIncios sorose attse viSuel pe' Tic Hearvard monus iinu at a correcti bu made of tie =r ts laIhe' hve, a opteS tie IgngiiaI style of 1noving.-TI; mintaua liaI the matchluis bec cuit of styloo as wcil as mon, Tii>' expre tÏhopsevea weli 'pleasci vils ail' errang mcîbsmpde tor. thcs, and setisici tise resaIt et 15cmr predtice. The Amcrcaa'rcposp 1te Invite il i'nincçet fwuaeuM. Motel>'t4 aco pan>' tise creva ou libe de>' te ic a ,aid-for.tisaI purpose tic- use of the Ma yard Launci,.wiil be tendere le te Walter Brown lias made a nialci viiý Rtumturth "toi th eh saploihip ef Il TTise "Ie bas a icîagtsy éiorial theoomiag International hoat rcwc ln il se>'. lisre la ne. danger Ibet an3 tlaIng 'but an accident v- ilI prevent fi tc raoo truaeing feiriy rovosi. Wc ai i S eo h -se liat mcmi t singealpecs lIn eprevrent aun accident bave heenit "Paýi,Anguisb 24--OdIcini nevs et ti aqawsty te Fruncis ciles bas been reccfr cd viii uiuequivocel dcemtralicîs ý graitude ansi syspaîn>' leard'Nopcieo ansi tise goveriment, Feuix:'PifaIt lja taken adrenhage of 1he proclimation an rctssrncd te Part. 'lia Esp resu and Prince hImpériali bey arrived et Lyens on tistir way ta tue eaet The Sciat i.imuct . omurnow tb ba ctise repor-t oethicCesasittve coa avautos Susîvaten>' Pabti,'latiser cf Adelina ana Caniotta Patti, died laIb tis Cit>' yestcrd.ay Paris, AuigisAt >24.-1Tse it. Aunonicai tiaiistera le Bouth Asasenlà#a, MeMahos Bluenos Ayres, a rc expeoledbiseoun tbiL -a>' te théUeiJted 'Statua. Ttislereportec laa Whca Minister MeMahon approachet lie linos et the -aube son' hlm sictfunirou Lopez's beadqsisntàr, hovas' bail>' nc- civesi b>'theb. Brzilians. »Bis cacot beaning a visite fiag, *as atinokesib>' scia caar>, alîisough Ceunt'D'Eu bai notifi. il the ara>' ut liaexpeclesi arr ivai uftli uliantor. The reporteSd piilaging of ti Iscnican Legalion.ae$à scis .coný fmd. Madnidi, Aug. 24.--Diàsenaloîs ai'aonm lac Minlir>' are incrceaiig.. 4dmirai To sole lia@ throatc'ncd lu restiaif Zerrillm pensists in seocnil>' tovards thée hishopa. teptabioana bave petitionesi Go.vevîment fon bélter tuood and bolier quarter othlie CarIisl priatoners. Noew York, Aug.24.-Whei lise Feiaîn congroaconvoies bore lo-morrow. John lavage, reonîtly rctgwned troua Europe, viil presoat bis report. The annuel pic.aic ofthe Fenian Brotier. etasi teck place aI ,Jone's vuode lu-day. it was attondod b>' 12,000 persone- Baet )f ordér vas maintauiesi. Noew York, Aug. 23 -Wealaer and .rop repente trousi ladiuag locelitiesain lhe Souths, lnstand East. genali>'renoet ot, dry weatben, wvichinl some sections, as béai greal>'pnolonged.. Ati accouais opresent the o rn aind tebacco crupsas veau>' injured, and shaort Ires anc quar- ti te one haIt utflaut ycaa's yiaild. Newt York, Aug. 21.-he Tibune's iaîlington spécial aays --Pivate aid- îcou tram Tennesse, neccivosiblieate- a>', -give rime tb 1te behut tisaI ex-Pre-- donti Jobnsun's prospects tan élection o the UniLo4 Btates Sonate ae incroas- g. Priratc Sospatchsa rus Lobigu cuai ,porture, necéivosi yesterdmy, aBute Ihat 4o uviens ot Beaver rMoadoti mines àre yielde ode sedon'anss ethe min. m tor inecuesoi iasiai et vagos for thei eunh ut August. Th!& yul probalî ' folloved b>' a similan action tirug. ut- lise LolaigaBasin. Dcspatlios ftres au quartera announce mueronst deatia on a mausnt et ho la- nase. heat*ut PriSa>' ansi Satunda>' meut Saratoga,ý Aug 24.--Prsidunt Grant as notitled LellanS, outhtie Union Hoel, lat ho viii reacs Saratoga en Saiturda>', ie 2Oti instant. Mupireal, .Aug.,24.-Mn. Tisce.Wiite, le Ontario Ensigrelion, Corasissoner,ý ,ho arriveS b>' lie Pertiviai, let hisee las tening for lthe West b>' lic a. T. Tise- qsiéeiseePrevinoci R ip$ Associa- m'a nînl mtchs iomienced to-de>'. !rt match,- open'le' aIli-mersofthe soctiolion, vas firesi off - fAreS pnig.$40, spwen COleveland, 541h Latt- sdiz !4j b>' Ilcsbt.'JàJaot, Q.T rpe s t, 'Tii, band of bi$e(4- T- 'R. ri5mAd '*,' anSdviW ad au importent: part t l e iii r- il 15aI as >to e coure tise extenshoi a." lioug&ua Mars. Propent>' boiSera vouli tis he-bunefited as vel as ters, tihevil. su :abii ould mnake more repi striSes lis bhencotfore.- Tiseaununtsk'cd forva )n more bagatelle vien compareS viii lish ea- advaitaages timt wvuld accrue te nlain&.Th, r-Companyakesi $80.000 fnum Mari. an W0 *20i000 (rom gIlaeIl vas ver>' ccour 'e. egia; te kncv ihaI, peur as- Rae vas - tisat the rnuiWpaycrs qf tisi tuvnasip erg l' prup arcd"to-go heant andi soul or tie rossi Tapa>'iaenl et Ibis honuew ouaIS asisibu ce ver>' 1111e te btatxes, il pigat a pear i -_ Orattm-aven il W vas double- tise of amout we oetilS, viifi %'railye>' geli n lineaigh oua sidst, pa>' il aili such 19 groatar case lialise>'cuaid.novrpa>' lis 4or4.inery 4eos. The speaker gave eeve- rai oeuperisooif thiaibanals toivcc Fe trom ralways. lîe coalrated tise di11'er- cacacs belvoan Lise Co. et SimcoeÏ non' and ir lise stato il-vas in previcus ta -tise con- a8 sînsselici cf IsebontaiaIaiwy. liai heera uiS and preacieaib>'sainethuai il tise rond vouaiS nover corne te Atherlev,- limtaI iî vrouaI pas loua miles bock ut il, n tu Isaoç St. Jqls. lIn. -4as. Sanson baS al smfd se et tiec »ailway meeting ait Onillia, i& - ,,n Cuai paai,17 <ia tiec cro t he noad v cosîag, vo siglai gnov a few more- bushý- I l oif uwhuait anS a tsar more busisels outlpe I tatou s tisi ttiafips ;Liai we bld otinsg m vlicçwi ta eoncourage a ruaS li present. *le coasidered tlus an mesuh, particuienly *fnuunomo vie a uonce beld qp iaquenti eposition. 'WiLi ail due 4etanence b h *-Orillis aid ilas aiât arLmsysIla ilsnoble, m en, lhe quiçed, visai ceuls tise>' com pare s ith tfao pruducte ut, Mara etci les *come te themr agricultunal exibition' andi sec if tic>' couls pi'uduce suci a show as 9 i, an> une viiiao seat pgr latid suepr- ion, a gosi quali>t f rni es aised ià7the Lovaahip. 1Oui uft lispgiovis th 1805 tiere vas upwands of 70,000 haishels et vioal exporteS fresM 3are, l4e doubteS iveiy>' uci if Onillia turneS eoutlie same quaustit>.' le could titis flila; backlisp cuuuiemptibinsuat in tholeet lofu31r. Sain. son. TIse rasi vuisi cotaill>'bebuiltto Laie Si. John trîotîsren v psaisled or net, la onder lu accore lie lumbintstriade; if tru did net gnnnt lisons ttsa bousl asIçoSC fan we veuis becouit off, andSas station wculd aping up aI seilue pelitava>'la the huserion. vimerelise>' vouisi avontueliy atarit ram ton Lakçe Buron. Wo coulSi blidlie coe pn>'in tour tissthue' amnount out îlo onues fil thliecondi-_ tions requirod. Thilt bonus wouIS onaible thons te gel a boan lu Eaagland. Hoe noter- noS te bIse uumbex out nallsa tI otaiS hé hut inBaisa, and tisa cuussquaîst moyens, ia population ansitise constiaplion ufthtie necessailea of lite, bise eiaacoémonît o propont>',k&c. wu lcas isedaton'days ago, ha travelling Lisaugthgs ie -soulisrn part ofthtie tonnpip, toflaS ttiso0e utf lise natcpayors il tisIend, hbougih iesa jorily avero conla'nlyflot in Savon ot ex. tension,. because tisy e>' cail lise aivyan- toges lise>' nquire et a araket at, Uavor- tois, SUR1 a ten'are inclineci ta gonsider ieir nortisan neiglibor', -but tlte>'.sisuld net bcs seiisi anSloi thumaia oaS 'c'stick la lise maus4.. If thue>' rflectesi oaâçtull>' aid cAî1niiy 15e>' voulsi soàami arrive attie conclusion, usai ti i wulsi bu -a uipolny vise" anS pound fooliài" polie>'. Tise>' w4d-l' dsin qire etIa î>'a'mach'bèefitenas lise expetadibure hinlise conatnqcuion outhIe axtonsiun so tisai tise>'wailI noe tel lise sm~all amnousut viicis nill bc hspuseclas a taix upen luem. -Tise uni> companiaun he futjstifieS a4rvn mtinsel'na hiis 'pqrttpn pot liebpwnip vas su tilsiated , bit-il vs siýainesiIbaths vayu,ý (lise-oeu cS ite Tiserai qr, Iiaean tise otiso Onillia,) gse tisit ise>' tre kePt 4ana4 nPi4er Qf-tisusp rut;ýîhipu equal I'u ut. Any mai wiso oppo-aS 5h. voil; o Ibs Snt,~aecominitling a erveornmor. an4oestI a a-uici" lto i» 'us le people arc taking mure Ihen ordjnery lu iatenest an seeling ton neuve, faoliiûe ;e, and v we anesti>' basset tise>' ill geltif5 ni boonlte>'soperst.tently aeek fer. Pull ).reports utfml meetings cotinecL-d vitIýtla Sd veltare ofthlie nortisern a riway agitaion % i illepppar from tise tb limeinorcl eSiceueu ina aCirons. Id NA INWnÂcx505 T-HE iILI.-ENCST13NC ri TI NÇ UNDEIS TUE CA NVÂB. - t, -- O [Prom lise Dayton (Ohaio) Journal, &ng. 17,1 t Bryanl'a Mensigaeeandi Cincas, un Firà S treet, vas ha fuitlide oîsucceull xihi bi. tien vison a stnon; guet ut wind struci 9tli lreai siow-canves sud miSe thinga hcrack. Tis was oiy an admoniti-on ut - 'danger, but it *bcnnificS hie p>'oplc, vbo lIed in wild coalsietul, i wonsen andi clildren -intoneityi h' te lrron eof bis -scène b>' tljeir,,scream&. Motiers mnq tllios Seized tiseir lie une", and treuil. - ?all>' tsglat hem vwa>' te tise opemiega t i thue cazuas. lhan>' aduits, as' voll * t childncn, weré presseS Sowa in lhe paaict id I rampled la -the 'jt, and ase era tsnhousl>' bruisosi. * lktaiaely, most, cf lie seétators baS hUnie, uescapejatat he menoîît *hen tflse fotrce outhi g a strack lise canvas, and evept il aira> -lc a paper iailoon, hearng tisé large cuiter pole trous ifs tfastenietg;,ansi ber- la; up lthe'guys on te uc ns4e su" if tIsy e> rncrnu sure tIsai pipe slemis. So osie thlie etiiefes vero ieft -Txposed la tigîst a, epanglea ansi gaudy helts. On i the ladies atiached lo tie eoq., pan>' le reparlai Lu bave sade ber escape viti -but lilîle monoe taa aiwl* upon ber pursun. S8ererelut lise cages cf vilS animais vere ovcrtunned, visich vas quich. ly, discoverud b>'tise frigiitaied crov4 - :Iacrcsiag, iheir alria. bMai>' fliS aqlacent bouses sud cesed,-tise Scors be, bitaS thora lu egspe feroclous beastu, viaich lie>' imagineà would'bo upon thecq sudsiîl>'. 'Bail Lia cages vere atrcng. Thse clepisnl ccaipiosi hie posi paîlenîl>', scarcel>' budgîng .wien fragments of tise canvas vepi ovodrbis. ]Be iery tuarees Ll a pi lie aors.> 1Strange tp'siay, tIsai aitsotugis lie cirons n'asl'hroagod'uith people ut al ages, hpLt Ito persoaw e toc ciousl>' iurta-Wxn1 Harv'ey ltc1hçl, vio was lflung acrossi4 bonds isile attémpLiag te sapporti a gai>, and àclUtile girl-whose nase va did not ascenlasa, roccivc4 a iraken arinanad 4 Serere cul un tis eaosS. 'Tise'former vas iîjured ha lie .back,-ansi conoayed b bihe adjacent railroad xeaindhotase, viere Dy. Webster traited upan bis. , lis injuries aurc not likal>' le prove permanent. Min> oiSons recevaiS braises on themiseais e n4 bodies, 'aad sevonail Iopked au if tic)?5a4 been in 9 Ssharp akirmisîs, A Rival tio Paabesty. This pauificencu ut lin. Peabod>' hua fouiS us anorable rivalry la thse mclt of manifachunrtBirmnIigaar, Mr.ýjeai4h Maion, ,vihaieugjus4t Moiruresi ho the trd tues the propâhty anS endovmcîts cf is splondid* pile et élmaisouses-afid orpi.nag. 'at'Erdiagloni. Tise ainouat t f se>' exP 1 penSeS rinthia isunetiunn-la Do les. auhon wui - Spln dos.. Peu.... Osta ..... -Butbcr. Pobatues .. ,S PECIÀ-L> TIse-greai eatarb puiversal pain rtnm i?5nqeme oand to oern ,a.uce., 'tonoouay, an;d n rapidity-ecstig: esmesi organeA, nanti à mealdng e ralpk plaise nacsr dimisîe peuukiasi-are eubj péld b>' Gel ih-,-teet it-i. gsamro m aen1i C1 . Winanv & ral agenceeIzir the. -NEW ADV 0 NTAEIO s PORT Tise xndensiguîa 'TÂJIO. $TII&M boees =auieseL reado ta raceive, i Andst cmlreacft ruage froua Ta= Ina>'reqrnru aaosa PiaaycU-sans cpel lu .olâiaug, rlliuen ontrîlt e eh is ce ;Mry DMauTq lnuemsa, tisaI bath '1705. ln 1858 1 aàlisisoss and a sule, aid tiese 1 tilt the esult la ti crate establisia dence oftwvetys1 ether s bugi pile cotâsodationuof 0 urpisanago lu an i, Loashnndsc style acres ut, greusad, a esaà- wbonîVdIeiaîuw ikglbnasteuigo 8855>WEEAIL-4luon t. slant~etaui~ sol Pistil t

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