Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1869, p. 1

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M01*roONSasy8ArePI k1~*ui!s À eise3sê' 6olol~ lOOclJUiPt 5LAYa6 l~ a tIî1s~~s$t,'oaU.ouWô monoci ut 2uuîiv N,4 J..SIP$M b4 à tuî16 j#irdw),sTIRE ~A~fI8'JEI~Jo K~JIIFoy _&T ]AW utbsoc~, y, i, Woloy, le.W ,Ll olcl Or teloc, otors q'ao-44, >Ui jrubIiqg &Ç. 0 cive- oi»cpo te 1#, Apors lver h, pirraers 014 caor lu COrhue 104t Ofice 14611e, k OM, 1edO rARExi.& McGJE CiXNr eISAIJiXu Pè bà,îcs :-U 119 3rnorth fth '-b oxt <>lllc 7>uwu JJV.il, MuwîC'ilvIIN 48 LA DI., MTLK & SUJi A ttonteis.gsn ll, Souîtr ln C hans ce V L]mel.ae &Ooiv40c~. - s-..pi -.» à, lock, .WE eLWýa ea. . u ' , <1 W.' lxa, vcb.oaep o- * 06!LIe t Pet 'à, iSe. o uni: Y., 01 W 4LI-.(jiuO - SJ.uIOTF o tii. luaoi i'r Uisridge euud BseIo ev - ~ ~~ ILGRGE RBSà .- WlsbltbY,ilsv'aaas8. i iD - j!â tYNiDERTÀ lN'AlloaraetolsIî' o Àn"e. troo toils- WliIbysb. tli ulc &&#ýig 8G 1. 11) ýf ueto lug soq, Pi vet csiIOlpqsu e>',t LediL i- for "eila pn'u BfOoilnC. . IDÉP 25 YVOMMRCIB O.L suusd psseLlaî o-fbe- st r wv t o ifa l As a s les oaîîuqIr#e b n t avers' v -us ads, fe th i rse-,,ed .u eandsa n i lIse - p3i' eat ad V'eo'rurdtos sds", grluI'fsu, worlanie wlr. ouleut a blsr;zi ali s Cnlo-s.;e it is su ssn.uv o sc-rp aI if. il ., &WYCA DWEL.rea WILLN IAM CON WIslty, Ju., 1h 100. cMALOEUST(,,à . W.> i - DV5UASSTII~T. 24.7>'1 TkIItODONT. A. ealy e3- its I'ropre- 'iuor tel..., LilaswulJ 'ou. iwneo>u c» o t L5"V i or , S'p5 rm~tI",lscr~t r~ ~V1L~ONJ'r.,-s or. ý# L.op4d theabov irew ' - IIIA à11*1.1, os i irp a ne w., - 5l~P7si>.j,4~per iras, .Oltoe, sud sLinon u1g; o h I olsg, lso1 nirae "diits4 ui&ý11y r tucktmu, i)ey;lucsr. E5 AEBTRI(4J . -Proprletar. IL cIl3 J7 o eiîAlo~inU1 cd rstelas Rtel atd Olicii tihe pMroeage th 'pulc Isde j*bjo,-<lps-jd1. WUIT~yON"Ro. imblguéo. ber déAý e e.lr@ato TtaTIjka to ago lisowtvid sip I J -A lsp sauewr o ne ilsk~seawos ioôfsee tisat h lias lemaed t ê ai LLi; sddioa e.s reoug t1ua tumlber ci Oiekilsg 7OOlis to neariY âne lin Isetiaifurnarly.Airrmt- eiaiajl114grd1Prlor,"Wit h tturc-1mb es bas aloo S1abl1mg., bliedmi, louveue oIre, havo aise cs~'rt~1sf.Oid~rian~sd ise spubli esse- rall y advànUci su;epassedl by no urLer Isautel là t e pi de lie t 8a i dineslieappi te ,uiweli luh li£'lseis. Witby, Ua. 2, 1958., -48-ly QUery! why la tit ta id t e s , anuifor pictares CLIIK'S GALLERLY? Il is isecanasa Issuas tise bea Gllery lus tise ConsuLs, s'sî i .1us ou'oe fh'tluiea issusOlilfjten 111isAuauy stissi-Assliat Ins bisConu7, ati an de quit. as-gbud-wcrk as aie>'ptss'r isu lu tise 15 laL'a 'uiua's bS-e Staffer, se dou'l ae - J 3 O C J C à t , W H i T B Y . - Wlitby, ]Nov. 322.î186-, 45. -.N. VA RSOsP v lte tbq.'uscO&0 sçq,.. Z, ue, on 91ioit-s lird leerit atis ofîbe Ontario 5expRRsse .dRNr, Lda., Allio Agent 0. HI B WEETAPPLE, 'VETlEftlrAELY SURBGEON, GOriduateof cf i'o 7eterinary Collsé76 aznd- lao to eostotePi-sf. 'milttl poserr. 1UCI<bLAND, l"ssetbr of Agriculturse, poers. f- MI 1'1, V. S., Piocipal of (Ontario V. Dot. B0'IVE IL. Toroptp. Trrtui:ItUultN, P,-ofoissoually st Lia t es1ne, Jirooklu, et Ërlrâ-l'in, A pril le, 1(tu. 1 HEN'IRY GRIST, PAIENT SOLICITOR ý1, AND DRAUGIITgMAN OTTAWA, CANADA, - Trasaacsa tsqoius>uwiîlt tui4se nt Office, ans i orir dopàrtaienie of fise (lorr- Issu.Copyr)giasud Cie ralis;'ruslonoetbrada Ua"kg ani Dei.«'fç proessred. Driarisga t~ieefiauîo omedr Doeumes ces. oe f a ui/ a:s'o(pl aJr,i 61Iass maipt ea! . Na i , s 'realiae.iue pieum.T r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' G~4~t ~ila ô cd'aips'emîses kîsewua as tIsaé<ri tcl -Erink ilA01L'W hI.by ba.n.ian, begstu ilforin hlW'Irisasis -anti tIse baiag pussla thIaI li 4 I4d up lbitS li ase saii stWslu Ilvet,. '-tlostkugtuoe train aud , à'My lscs-tîee mil boare -lsso ,ltieav1cfih isi'returu. , ~-- 1 O Y Ï L C à I i 0 4 1 ' K i ô iL 8 ie> '"OUSE 4>1'- i O -s l-4 ire,. i I i>~~s ~ff4i j ~pe A u "PoJneq iaed lb m ftllu t r iom rt C, tsibuto#u the cQ a feeling' etrlief téotlio. wearer, sud ýOrodàIls are' "lb ahsape.t b ceuse'llse 1e à, el#ys l~~igmc- yoare wlthoit aoarga log ne-' ]PROTOGRAPH GALLERY New, Plates for. Cabinets! A NEW STOCK Qi' FRAlIES, AND M ip. 'WrILc y w iil bha aw ays j 'e ar ed to taka ' egçpm of ulle'ailkiss«s, 1lOFLIAIS nier. sudc witls Ijiblike esae.'. Cab;oIiii 1ICTIJIES, i vol'>iet ll>aaieartout,, r arrangemn)bts witix Mt. Zwitio, of Toiuoilto, lie' là' " reae-d 10 sppir lise poop'ie of M-.J' witls IMtA M E 8 -f ai l s nt very eloàe ratase# lY Uliliegd ltc iPO. elZE ausd COL(OlsI.Pplu iiL , $tiovia atuiso gi9n1 VO UIOY 1IÇG 01,1>I)06TLAT l Mt. Witby, Joiy 21st, 1882. 20. Ç ilAu 11Es GRaIFYFIT H, 130ga to lfortu bls oeras roii n i. teillera hi a -elias ,eitrneJ tb Wîittsby, and tlisa lie ltitfviîsis vsulstsuiig ii.oltibuaiie.i. Ilia place of busion suisnaw tu ba foiud oppo- ife tise IPOST 01?FICE,9 flaxt to M r Ferg uscu'. Tailor shop. AU Is.sa »INi Tise: ]Loekxmltth, Gussitia, Umbrela sud l'arases mcisinlsine; Slsaribenlu;- suid Ietting 01 Saws, &c.9 &c.9 wii! àms isaietofose, l iepori'y auj arafully ClIirLES GIFITIT. ronas t., orpoiiia te toffice,. Willtby, Jouao 29. Isou. 28.11'. WATBDVT1EE1 PRIVILEGES EOR SALE IN RAMA, ON EASY TEUJIS. 9 Valnable 3-911) Sites for sole on tho 2BLACK &VIîu21s2cd01n 1t 17, (Cou. 6, ilîreece u iie siatt froin lie Iortrire Cr Tramnway, thtey Oro well bil'eted frtrirer sawiug or Gligt Mill pur- !)exil water froin the tu!) of mil), for aititatig Ibie eCoveyanceor iiiiibe',&c tlîro.agb tlip eatiul to Tram way. 1'uintfeothe, of wutr-puivar gwiunteed; isbutidu-ice of wa. t,1111 1t:010 per. Ilouti;ful anuplitis ol .aw irg abu iwocprod ci isthe i eig),li ugin i. N.Li-1.,., îrt.ucufivo-îîbie irdgiceapet,.a for iuViIi.j.A goud msittecor wdi Fer rit. s te iiil privilég~e» by idie oti.cou., iioil arc wiVl n tîsîirc sxwcs offa l'eit Vofleu. lEor foi-tbe1 partiosilais p:iy (if by Ictter, post raid) $o J.MTlE ur, rropsiùý,of î~ KvrMi limita, ?.5J. J. J. LANDY,llrit,&c Or to J. C. lMOMlULLEI, hsusury Public, L. A,&. Orilla. P.-O. ROYAL CANA DIAN 1341K BILLS, Taken at lPar, for DRY GOUDS, At JOL'Nx N.:1e Cfserp Cubh Dry Uoods Sto-o. Wlsitby, Mlay 26, 1162. 21. MONEY TO LOAN Tisue or..i,çç'sed lbasrPC'yee i natruion's to 1070.1 jeYla is sofetniolley. lO pîstibie lu ce ni or ov Yoîvly linstalînents%, on lus- proesiEa"ss. poduetive Town 'or Villa-e 01111 rop"o P' ~ fItra,8 par cent. -AUCTION ,eUSINESS 1869. 1869. T userai pSUtTen-~ - onststIam proplresi te oussineut sales, rUOW-N OR' COUNTY AT Avraagmeslisfore ~slie q 's b . d Fo rms apply X&ù opr leu 'Jwmilv. - IfbOut., Âcuguse t, 118691 ~ -4li~1 'God,,Siler nd Orolde, Watbes, ltiory Dl.sit Le iosd 174ée1 Couds lu oDaily allutW;bekly ApeL, PEIj1O< ALs AN i A(AZLNES OsIssiru, 1(4'16, 188 .1 y. il. iiSW 'N le.-AU orers l'or 1 llos aea 1sfssnzioa. T'(iîplyattsinsieslte. - P. 7J. D. Galsi andsikvber PI'sauigdeou o oîsér. j'leaae cal anti ce;Ia'nilo our CUd4s ansi prieicc eIsulrg uosaogehuewàk0r0i. TE~TlI TRACTED: -BT TRE ýE -op,* NITROUS OXID LAUG}IIKG GAS, LOCAL HETIC, DENTAL lOiews, Y'NDAS 'ST RE E T, PRiITUY, C. WV. ItOOMS.-o' . .il. Coeb rt'.Stoe WîsitsoY, Juse 2, 1807, 25 Tise unudrignadtiIss'eeis-eti I nstruatlioua te larenît a is5go sssu o( Moue>', Reupayabin fus ossa Seom or by yeariy On Iiprvs- Fsmsar îrouatlva Toua or Village l!rsliii y. Firsît, dosai; Urigages pnrcloated. ~"Id-r cfauso Iteresl 8 por ent. NO Com- epply te W. il. BILIINGS, Sol-citer, &e., Wlisiby. April 201h, 12fo. 17 1809. - 11E SUPERD NEW- 1809. 94N ORSEM AN"9 UA$ CaiiiaeÇXs D !oI£LÀS TEl!' ZEICVze NORTH SHORE FORTS Andtil licetinuo uîsskiuîg dsij tiî,laing lho(os'g ii 8 g. n.; 'urt loup a ut U1n'a. m LiaIs a %:,iv. OsswJiisgcnsdNewr- aiie 'VediesdzvnioWîr's.;- etbrglsxop, Ttisis'sèd(y soriiite, sud Coboue.sory iet Ursuingloîsvvs s i'Vt o'1aisa de)>'at 0. P. ws., troqvvj9:- & tsla',, wsieù ahaleuirc ata 2 P. M., diretî fur ' i-t Iope. I'en FuErhlT-An1iy on board. or te C. Dr Vl &5'-.Wi.j,; James <i. COsîr, <>eha tri; . sh-s.uoî,Dusrliugtou : F.i- ichlsoli Ns-c-î..e; 4. (ohrî,su Geo. Lcle it'î,, Pais-,s;C Lot Ciosisrz; J. Keaer, culeorse; Ws-i uteIr~ba W'A NTED. 100 TONS SCRAp ýlR:ON. WIsiLby, April 23, 1d6. IJOE-*SEfP lW¶TIONM.EM, BAiLitI!ubp;xshDaviloeCourt' - 21 tlaudrimlbg axe btuaI40iCous tsuisueslu us> Dr90uî,r HAURGWS, FAB&N ~LEMENTS- Auv.. nia CHU N'itt9'l 15 150, 0t-OSs'UL : tâsi era eol TOU d ; ddes etg t Ie ajtljjq.ý sisos t tleroreoiaial-I{atlwiy uil c ;e vo- civqsi akttlr office lu Oiawaapto 7'slok Wlbc. requiresi.to s'ýuIen tise£eder. Ottis, _8rd 4guust, 188o._ A.D AI.' - Wednoada, eptcmber lit,ý are particuierly roseq Q, e uton Tha lassons àf'& tIsa <oliwng cl*ywfl1 b'4i&tiéinont b> tise varlon.Mastara. Xow,,t pipili> wiil ha -Ma'roiedat 10'i'élock, i)isl tlsosa pupllss i>bo fihlesi hepeos ttige uiidsîuousor sxeusiuutiu irill&be ra exp assod alt10.80 o'eiocle, .- ý pbh4 roeilsta"Ppoitasiet twso Assistat Masteris, asiditiausalLicv;iit ara ooow offisred t6 t1il:ibippissriso do Oiit désire aisigtu cii>.ion trablag tajolu théa En 1181sIfani Moderis De-' partuseu'ts, lui,îicelu t ay arc tIlsorosiqiily pro-ý Civil aussi llitasyterve. ot a ge aisi aopwerda. Tise oppuisstoeot ifi adsl léioal, ecuuîet Asais4t.ut'Master ilUsaue Bonrjisg lissue,-ai. raeéretU tsoo fficiant lis',e aoriss ofe tise isîsidits udsit a gotiral esîdurct outhtie 'tts, l l*llio tia riheent srraoersess4tl uL I.so ogula usseniariging ilIse acuouiuîodntion -Wii ineroase tiieir ve)Iifurt. Xvory Isoarder 14. reqniroslto brlngwiti iim acortipesiteo0fgodcouduetfrotutisa inestes' or ttôr uisuer ubosuho.ebIseu osprissioùaiy oducuted. Tise U. C. College Exhibitlous or gciioler- slispeaclu future taiusble elioer fie iCôillece or lna ais> of tIse (Isasissar Sciseols oft tis I'revisie. Tie nexi exalisiseatioii fer h-eu Exiiisesobtas p ~lace !li 4ssss. Thoe sabjeoti w 11 hoireted ts eptaus l'es'. intionst, $10. t9iedasi$8 prteran; uition sud boardise l ssduisg wamiisug, lSeat liasrfs assi ard 9mry iietslial tbesidaisce, $45. Tisae iss, n e uss ortise iext session u Se.ptober Isis tIse bell tiruoto aliter Collage; lor prospectas;, ai.ply ta tise I'riuc-ipa!, 1V. C. NSOLVENT ACT OP 18,4-AND AýiERD- lIn t7id matter of Lb WIS HO UCJI an .Tn8oloent. Notice 1l lorels> gironi, thst unuier 5usd by virt de o! t5se 1lînir estosl inu me, ais A'ss)gnee ofthesoaboya ritsas! liîaois'cst, ansi UsIscr bise prorioius ai tise ssid Act. 1, th iseusdrmigusei, vii la fer r mae ly plil'lieAuuetiosutaiMy aubec, lttîhie IToua of W iiby, Coutty cfOsi- tatio, on Tnusdij,,Ise 21ld dus> of Nsresoher, A. 1). 1809, i ttIse Itour o! Twao 'elsoc-. !fi tise aiftariseot,mil tis eAot:ste, rigii£t ille asîsl iiierrâts et tise Rîidlti ssait. in auj tu tIse uliuswksg îîruperty, riz 1 PAUCEL i-lusrpatrt cf lot ilinslîar tuus-vei, ils tisecvsond colcemsisssîc' tise 'fs ohp f I luth>', isi ilies (Juiqotr of onario laid out, ipcin a tma1îor )iluiiltseo.vf, aR tois jt n isier fi ye, n Iiloek 'A ,' ou ussiuts sriet, 'usai of lrock atrcab ie tIse Towneelo Wliitly. Tiieroi&is rectei on tIsa abuse two tro sînslsOPs. :PAIWn EL l[fleinna part ofloîsiuu'tnler twÏetisly*at-enisi ths.e visl ccorelis of thse bowui.ilip et tVlisily, in tIsa Cout' OfOsilario, luaid ont aponiliieaaffior plaun tîsreof disa owîs lot iuîmfho'- six, lis liioe±k-A ' osa Du iuujassisu mt, uomî ol Brook litre st, ius te Toun et Whithy. Tliero inuoret-si în tise tiio a Issu >tory 'fi-aine buildjusg, e ls aestore'ansi dweilitsg P A RCEr jTlr-Boing a'p.irît « lot nîsm7- isp l'OWIJiul) ~of W iitbyinluthse CsunîyoîVos. taîo 1 auss's d desuit6sd upo.î a map on plan th'cer, iastii; i - portion et lot ussushar ɧerosi, lis i ls, k'A,' wlst'els in ît4saît l h l-a4 rouir of lot* usniier ftoir, firo nd six, luis!.)1- tîlocli'A.' uv-ut, ofBock siroot, iis thue aaid Towu'of Wliilly. Ilufro in erceetei Oi tlie ahîcru as Iso star>' frusse bulidipg, used as 'a duelli!sa'. - PA RC EL 1V :-Bcb s a rtao' luit nsans- ber tvvvîy suvea, ils the second concelsaiou oh theisa dstl 1rwonIi eo. Wiif,, iioiu snsd te-, - ejê( wapan blicrouf', nsse ,ty Joshns $h ien Esq ., P L.S, atown lqtm uouberaflwty. streSI, au saisi plan. , 'Iises'e i.4 ereeted ounIsle abuse ea large tue star>' bris"c o'i, i buanity-se.-où, is' tte secon)d cuc , Onftise ed on su iplanti tisrecf, ieob>' Jolsu Sler,, 1£R4ýlPS.Satown lop assosb'iu. ciptity ftour, wentof rcàStretou, eîai is. >,Tiiere Ilu erce ào iab6se à alehl o ater>" fratme FPAICEL'Vi.-'Bssiag -part af, lot' ripai. ber tvenlty'seres, faln te second cgeCslonf aâcribei est as"pisu t'.oereof, tfondea loyJoifiS [itl-r,- Esq, 1i.1; S.asRtous lot'ius'stben'souoty.èbg-ioî Weba. of Brook aîseet, o e s isasipluan. Viut It'n-feloed.- >i . - - ~ i~8~~"P~..- ~ upen thé in'sWêi k - lnow' U seIspi 1 ~JAcdspî~ 41O», Ilf, iD-OwdxCE ptlws coret - i i- ~course ho 7i ,fmes btthi'Lh1ý ns',, ýoýtan teLouis Quinze~ i f1io éps~oiLh~lerat4 ~e of 1- Yviii, 'va, Viviii- a 'td iio M arquis of, 'Waterorh.. - - -- Thae, i a iisoliqôn p ibanor h é l,.-ù Cloretsc'V via"c' r 'V'ivian, cinain grould t heaslltasy 'th eMarquis .h~4f p i~ ~ ~ h W a ero d ç,T s e p o q d e u t a n d , ; e - t h e a j lî o f a tt reponaerst bu(! fllcd nwers traversmns- the aliIeatîýi s~ithe pctitlo)n * 'airyin mens> 'hoislotr<esisl M.rPrentbcé, Q, support,, wilsi G.And~ Dr. sw ~e~perdfrte'e way ut thse bar, tiLiuie~; ~. piîke~ ~C-.,for' thse'reg- of , literattire, pendent; and sir-j. B. iXèrÉlake Q:. us., tomisd Lis iand, Dr, 1ris tram ifor' thce eenëe Ms., Prentice ppçpscd thé cise jn thse kb. Pa r]Jlumetay sên e of thé Solicitr.ac o rà. le tatd d iin_ o t e tisaVthe petitiohertvaetiseHo x Mr. ViV -c h, ans. J ar4 IL.T, forTruro, s-andIA. Lord:,of the GatuP bel 1;one_ Treasury. Tu n* 18l6Ï, lhe liarried tise an 'nt pa * i e s p n d â à iu t wh o w a ï f l i c P d à i s& -h t r o< i v n , a ýMsjor Ro&wiy, ZU theo East indîa ouôn- cf COuiuanons, t togethceJr'tor Lithe inarriàas,nd uP th ie But the moset 'wiis-Lsily.KiuOUJ li ~Dlps~ quare. the Bouge of c -Iu 1868 Osiptaiu Viviasi became acqua intedl st te whxonx w Ivts theis orqs3ia of Wafèrtord, isi tlctien of Mv. Pi were subseqtsesstiy Oionery frientily -terns isa4i'. are .1111 logetlser, Is rquIs m'as a young imn uvoterais Whoi et2 i 0ycar 0 fj, o.Captain and. Cuarîaîc * li r . V iv i an o i n ti i*s e s ià it d h lm t ' * is , m ! m a c seat iWu Ourragbmoreci lu frelenti,,anda leJerideJr*,of t L o y r i$ î t c n b y t i s e ., a o r q u i -t e ( i sia p ta i t u c r ac k > c r s c Vivian weëuld'îuiow 'tiée frieudiv feeling M* Dekee suaigb weehlmen hs ate, uso bieIearal Wbiae om cncet "My dçsr Joisnny,r' thé,.-coleagues la th, m arq sýq id , i i" h ë w u a very aeorry t 60 iear lie w as u e u arter àii hoalddono -or is spsartyii wu o f work, butt liot to bave illee. ,îHo wont Oni 10Say thatisAaud reatiy atyl.e liao l oked 'on Captaiui V iviànî s n one t-hia, c e a t r s t cidst int bet ric~ls1anbeexpresseci SUaievenbs, ai bis regret aI soninnuit uhlcis ho: béen meit~ oe ferod 10 (iptai - Vivian wisle ho was, u t yn g ' a t hi s l sO o d " e i d id d th a t ii b eh . - U T V isad kuoWn iow (.iaptàin Viviani would iycas c hava bontreatesiiso would ratiserhbaveceut aëconî Le whicl out lis longute tison havo sake i hm* te bis oncieut, Qrodéco" bouëe, anti lia concludoti b>' ioping tisaI thon' beantyz-wý tisaI 04PL. Vbvian:wos4id 9go.iste oficO -Us but-,oniccount zoon as any, change occurred. .ITe firt theii làu rioui iul'oriuatiou tisatCaspt.'Vivian cear rcoirv- the cérémonies. cd of lbis wifo's infldclity use- en tise-4th crowned humae of Mercis, 18091, -hon twe letteret ucro for- swonî tsi vieit hi wardod b hflm, one li.tie haudwriting of et flairers upi has iife andthétsaéther ilu lai asd'writingWiths;*reathgti .of tise marquis. Liselcarried cetiusel W55 wis<>were suppc ebpist te ruits thesp lebters, but soari'. ~it *sir J.-Kos'slnke anti lr. SPiuks obJected templè unérouWs tsi their boing iecati nti lb bati been sisown csaoer oft ti tisaItbey ucre sidmissable in evidecnce. tisa flouers cft M r. Prontice yield pslbt is t e, objection, Ag i h n t aiid'procetlcsi svitisisbis staýtëeent ltisout tise tiebe,:wh reading thsous. liun ediately ater tise dis, oet bbweu IWýy cor.er>' cf Il7eso ILottrs 2thé a Marquis, and persona, ne - ri> lIra. Vivian wcut'off toËeIher. CapLoin -o ,ie hehat. ' Vivian was lisen rosidiuig et'16 Londcq .ýhc-n'they dîné street. lie employeci a dtcetive te ascer. isowls usoro de tain whitiser tise>'hiat ioe, and bisoy.were thése opartusetài brace tO lu Clais, ars4 isenc"ý e Co:teParisa, coereti edi wiscro liscy wero. slssyig fe$tise qHotol -reîecle uporiX W ce sm insebr, CaP tain V iviotu acco ff pa ui ak e whil ledl b>' lIra. night, n islter of ltra. Virissiïbsogsu u iu diatçiy ront to bise Qrssnd fltel of, q Paris. Mra. Kuiighb iad an intervieiw ulti may convey sol Mu-s. Vivisin At tisa lotel WV'stuinster; fieri ctultivaticl Ansi tricdt in uduce lier to leare tbýis ur- sttitutsàian smç( quis anti retru te Engisns for tie saie of tise eblîdre..there beîi Ilirete cilpdren of John- Mitchiso théo sîsirriage. Mrs. Vivian u lclirieti. ra. General Di't l Vivin th-cu bai an interview witfi Cap. is Vivianuet tise Grand Hotel, but vile psa , lmin ove 1ré cd, At bist interviec- cpuld not lue' pi'o*ed'. fixes b'ayonets. as îthe Iartics-couid'uibt hbetxnusined. But bail tb ans#er- iumediately oafber tibusinterviewlirai. VIý- preferresi againà vlan -wroto Ibis: lebterA~o her h usssuziti cordes 0' ,'cloclc-I eauuot,.goî" 1;'have- triev ion for neUitary nuiti~~~~ *rei Qgo ssstt u ieaijlbis éevidenit, Mitai owu urgent ittvice, 1 shahl stay. 'For Gosi's dcberiuinatioui,. i Aake, -don't tîisiuk'10e -hardly et me. anti ljau for nesessinc çlpn't let.auj oc corne no-ar tueor, I sisal ittebc dispolaye do iny se lf -so n e b ori. I A in g 91sg 't e i ' A ru in , f k u cw , b u t !t ' sa susoES a b l e fo r- Ê m e List e fa shi s 10 go b ck . ý- T ry nd vforgive m e lu i jour r d e e n t b h e rt. TJ cou d ip I l ok a I th4so -e po r bIt W ttis eptut not-senti for me, for heaven'a sake." *- Th saxter in >Iler,:sister, Mrs. J<nigisl, agalu 50w, ber, I liveti %vas cen andi, shtiec bçconl'essed ber guilt, Bise a11 tho 'parislip rontinuadti&tolire' uîh tise Marquiset tîshe mnil sua1per' rlte Weàftsinster, astia>' heywIîeO!e rdcos'dsr sufflçbii Ljapwtstacitation iuitis a st. te dià four cu'fli T ie 'f o'lÉ eu ig'w its c ses iI rier call eti»- eut ofte ,, pe r. Tise DOWaÈee Cptntèasî Kinndul.-I penedti tepas., have ktiôwun Captaiin 4nd lIrs. Vivian, for irent up te hir several - arsat rapee th îeir sau, 'Vouro g - e le Uae-pY Mr.jedigeof5,wfibcl- Ite report 5in oatiy do>s. celébratead'of 11h iale me or aneiser took inotesin Comn ar~ isa egreatsevel- Ï reidàbtilfMrthe ères- ln tisa GsIWs'Y of tl4ouo remeonber Lise das ewises ss sot b>' flair aide, it5 a th reporiag staff -ofthe 7nicle, widu hadti isn-tse fthse bouse cf Gomms, rili net, iralsope, be-ofaendedl StisaI tisaverdict ai lii» Phst btu ss-= ganseraI reporter iKhieti for lisespeeo thl à turfi'otgrat-spontties bat thiiauasdoue in avessgh le, antiues by noxeis iy 'Ltatneitnasà whk in, imied-st linaali-goos! par1i:q bing. 'Os' Fu.olvzsa.-Xo6ian so. wly foen s conception of-tha 'h fli>ers avore culuivated in~ onot marely for tise asa - rhan bohehi n the'. gardas,, .1ýQ othe eimmenseue nus cereusenias, as roil n oiq is of-dsily. 1sf.Tie. 'lee gef with f$owors ilion , hoe ha i£ toe hsong ganianiq wi 'ber tisor, ansi ederne4 tha statues of tise dîvî 1nities pose&i te preside over loeapr :recly eny onaeaisterlti'a nati. andi according> to the Jie dusty-woyslpe4 ther5* tise wroats iere cjsapged. th Atheans -rapstbid f>ta iici csntainada au tdien-ce, ont> andti ty, lIoàanud 'osver>' oua irore as 4arT-tn4- AI privaI. partiest, 1'rkwiza, ie or dra>k tagether, tisair jecledu %itsflouonrs, whio Laiýj su no intStaacoa werc- lei>' twîth roses tttbat1e>' leoI a aSupqp sofas-. iTls4 preaile i more -qr haeg 0 Wisolp cQlotry,-as avelU -a cia, SiciIy, anud Asis Miner. uine ideai' f Lise oxteutî of oni, whicis evarywisere con..: sortant' brancs 'f industry,ý pup>' $25,000 for conulninz' 18s Mo4re 'andsslj'eting scourse et bas] foodi 'and Tise' Generai lias givoui ýtise chargea s'f. Aitohel'haî aIt b4s. If evor tise case I,trilh, pcssibly aonse retribu. ry mniaeeda unilue ionsae ,IoC lsa a of naergy asdd , and if lIséra Is any ceslor et g bise Gener'al,'ha avili ca"so oalsisoa0sida résorts tise )ase; tisey dl9, or play î une. Tise clii elIei* coin eydo nut'fgl! - in a l T tiglousi siav whtc1 iiollet td Q% 11e ýrsves of pues" who'diet,for à veny o lirs- log 1- ~? 1 1

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