Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1869, p. 1

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e~ .ps~iaa~uImv5~g MAssÂssu SIO 3ANL' lilY BRANCII. 1<.?, LOCMJIARI;, - MMaAGEE. AMEÏRO1T k AC2DO4UILLi 1 ARIS'f£lg$AXI) 4TTOBÉçZye..& , 3 a? 0llotet. te b Bný O ou onSIp adee ope:sttloset tin. Coun ogj v otas, &c., &o., Whitlby,0 gamen.y toloin upen geed oaeueity.. Ap. ply à$&tdhéaei theoi, a»,Ccnt a1e Js#routo, Toreu9,186. W2 gfWUNTY CROWz< ÂTTOMK.EY YUR'ON. tJpro,Barr4,ter csd Attoruoy-ut-Law, ge - M~Ier la Oanoe, NeoaryIPublic &Q.- 09100Ioe-ln l". aNew Bùiugl baos a y of u*týrio., 0Db. eBreok-t., Wlitby.. pAItRI8TER e4* ATXOELEY AT LAW solicoter ascer ,e llb'O lace- Usr Ontarioe luk op» iso i-ofil néifJÂR il, * nÂEISTEE.ÂT LAW AND SOLICITOR » laucory, Ulaabers-19Tôfreato4t. Biwwâotiu Charsoery, coeoysncer> le- 0rs*ý.4est deorWt b.eStore ef B. & j. f.mpbê1,Brek S.,,Whltby,(Out. SOLIOITOU 'NOTABT PUBLIC, &a. . Ooswa, Efo&w. <. pris olt 0içztor As Cbarseery, 4au teCa remoed -is ODboo te lot flee: esc: thse W!sltb>', Ot.7, 1808- 40 j[J M1T1118AT ANDEY, SuIC .mzUooaoer nortîs ef the 1'e4 OtIlce, en-Mooer'a. U1vce~, ppult» Tlown 1Bail, Bewasssuvllî. I.Z. Ymtuaas..B, X M MI.shyr*bdmlue l,iloor. a* Cars ~~4~gaeL-aMiliss'.see~Brook-t, A. W. LatyhÈrs. a . Ir. axxaa. uW , DALSJIEGS, (#D'riez, lu ilMilMuJ'BLOCK, Brook Whibyjan.2S, 1862. 4ILABRLIOU Ç. RICLLER, STTUIIMEY 4 !LAWp BULlCl'kOEIN ob rty,W ouve>'suoer, oaalg on, Brook, 0.W J. 51IAXER GJRUPUtWOP»p A TTUZMY-À.r-LAW. SOL1CIÇUE iN 4L Ch.'sery, Notary Publie, (ieaveyancer, dbo., Wbtby 1. W. 'UzIsu,leyreu streot, CbC3iA dkCOCHRLANE- flA19IUTZ19S ýA11TO1LNEYS, LiUNYEY- ]> sucerà sud Ilotarlos Pusblie, 4&a., 4&0, - palmsAsrUwes oie Tewn Powrts mr-Owoz-BEglssw's Bloek. CeunI>' CresVbaAttorey>. f'ort lor:>', lotis tiogonbor, 1868. 51 ZITHSAK ENGLIOS 0 IL L. iBof pABEIOTER AT LAW, Selite: u <la au- *PR. ýHANCOOKo (io SOauni* & 3508T0.> ID1UNEUX TUTOXLECOUKT>' GIAOL W. H. LAWP -0. A.,M2D. Flssidanu, Bsurgon,, Acccerp '&0. OWNCLtXKcTléTZJfAI>MIL WIIITiIY -o QEe--Towaufij*l -ULo'ris syteo' look. BOYENTON W o sfrm hetu )el rsM *t:.es lol> oou 1."Ib tu leoto lUis'a il! gne! «0 ryenvo ,l »#" lre, JAe:.sud JWaré qgrtise w a airo0til 1 lis6«42ed * WEL LNUW M1OTr, WILSONIOS~ lEN SUBSOIBEZboas te aunessete i Sfieun j;saudlthe. publiolepnepfly lsS o * ssopenid tse above 5>Wbist.la se !lg 01 Aesbuaforth0coeedtiesa e«ft ls ' ve lfn pi. Tho bousetu.noer, ,nd --fr- clob4f lu .mnt thorodyh a md.ooniforabl* nmaquer. (*pstswviii au aeryeouvenleua. ps he boy er estihos, Wias.,Llaquers,'l eoo "~St buin sdttre Ostler. lais &. W[UN Jr, lroprietor. 9-Ime.. R.BN W, - Prop>'jetor. TL a er.îtl-knowuIbote] b*s beeîitho- r ontalble 1. suppTei tis vtlnfg ottýi. Lest 5n e.son, an nuebutlOeband et Wlaaes, Llajuers ongaskept attlea. THE RQ0360zf HOUSE, DVW1>AàgS ITg[ET, WBIlTBTC.W. rTVHEouisrlbor egs40snnue. tb;t he Jlia!m tigel selte buildIng fol serly*'knoev as Sripnru' Hoel iilias beenrone*at- md, refuarnhelid, ani littea u p tbrenglsout,în ta. bestofstyl. T p; sesearo pisausut!> aitatd, OUet tcot'OlB, and la the Tise Rallia>' Orniba>s all. At-tise Bil.ad tho (tageos for Uxbrldge sud Beavenea leave the deor ove:>' naorunig, Ioard$liperday, GEORG EROBS ON. GEORGE CORKACE[, TUMIIE i MIEICHANT, Cirlsouter, sund Lt Jolner,Greon St, Wi$7 agqss UxNID, E RT A :I XN G. 1'I EALSl<nil'a s pliod sud attencbd .L!'uinostiça., oElitkept consiuati> Brooklij Drug Store, D BLER lnIanllrug, Patent ILedielues .L.' ats, cilis, DIe Stufs, cenution. er>', 40. - W"% Wlaeos aud Liquers of tise Lest qusiS> fr Mdicil pnrposes. COMMER01ÀL. M'OTELp, r~IEsbailbp On0snnonnca ta bis TLfninan udth# publie, tisa heolias re- suaned possession et tise aboyaveili aini la- eu a naperier manaier, vill asry'conTenU- ue for the so cptlap of f ueà n tea umae, lquer sudan4 lgars.Geocd jn wt vill uosd yards, und attentave Otlor* ai- i5a'5 0o tise proml»s.c.Charge#s Noderate. E.'M. CALDWELL* YEOMAN GIBSON. IN8URANCE,& GENERAL AGEnT, Wlltby, Jain., lOth 1846, 2 REVERE HOUsrt IL 4 K, -- i Propribtor. étages teoalla froua Wiitb7 cal! dal>'. Zveiy Attentiona paid & eteet. Lareful iznd sUf»- tve ctlers. IOrTEL & I'REM18S FOR SALE. T TIAT oldIestallalaod asud well kuown ]Ie-' tei, tise CIENTRA4L HUE I N Splendid. roonay stsbling, sud driving .hçd, togcttîr, witia que or two acres et landI atteels- e, aso maa> Le dosircd, fondia ino Young bear- bng Oraianrdl. Thero are tiwolles wilhgood pui) s' atad:oxcelleait wa.or. Tk ioe wai lll bo aold at a bargeli saidls oaa.e (tha e sot changaie» lu thse Dominion for an se!Ive busialinana. Wil! te exclinsgod ib:tarin property. For terans, &a., appi>'((la Lyletter, pre-palaI) to,1 Octobeo WILLIAM BC LTONi ý 421 C eo0.-Ayers. GENERAL BLC<MTIAN IiUNDAS ITREET. Whitb>', Io, 1867. 24-IY 1 THOROLD, ONT. .LOCHm, _Proprietor. ~.Oid as.Md ruai ust cmepp toil. Bn..BiWstPuo. nd gooataS.ar ma uade tth o otleidtobhsL. Wuls# Don- oeup f f , - 1W - '1 1, > 1 sua' Wsraboas u» mnosPort WhItbyOsbeè= W stem, vli lleie p sud adjui le~ies z1%LJW~Ç o oblsl(Epetors lt lebuW010h, - WU. LAIN%*ý JJ.,WA1T$OK. Wbllby, Ms>' 151h, 150. ail Froins IidoeId toe lité Iedrm>Of ýxJieSe-usEn, & ClOr.W~, 44.5 wir- ewbsgte theduatb lmselaà utUpw au as..~~~~~ &usre usoess lo-va sua '112 Slsv, Oos 4ee: sentis orTii! & Sstisp'Forci- taore htqre wlaere Ilhe bast STOYES& XJ WARE May 't bola, sud aIHmanne: of Tnmii' 'werk dons on the'sbigt et t«. 1pe, rs, Coinsud L nau Xag s, cl ep.sqHtt ai u sIl maneorbi truck taksain iiraiaIr au JOUN BRTAN. Whltby, Mardi fph, 1869. 10 S1fBS~BEu'.aitted op and com O'h "$oe,!, sd siliits theo patronage of the publie snd, his frlonds. Thse tab4 sud baupidvit atisp boa' Good rooa»>' stb- Jzr ang, e. id,189g. ONT&RIo MO:1TEL (,oseC. Paves's.) WiT 'Y.,_ONTARIO. A. ALEXANDER - - Propzictor. bar desi ras té retumr 'thauku te Ttotopubliofor tho ver>'libera! patron- Mebt1d VfObm whi:ropîh 0~ tho aboya woIllknown hetel. Large additions bave beau récenti> made to p renis.s oeur- iug, more cemmodiaus accommondation sud enèressing tihe number ei slepisg remu oto :oari>' ou. hlf more thon former!>'. A lir.t elsa Biiilard Parler with tire, table. bas aise beén added. Extensive additions to tihé Stabiiubg,-Sliods, loâoBorg&s, 6 e., l u beeu mode. Ail etubIing thne naideignedte offe: to bis Old Frleuds andI the publié gene- Wi-itby, Ue0.06g, 18380,-1 Que rylY ,wLy lait etIsaSt di@seîli.arue for pletaires Itlsbeespe#aelia.tisbout GallorMISi tie Clne 14j ab. more patience witb ebiliren ibsu su, etîner Artist lu the. Coouty, sud eau dg quit@ as geed verk usa sl ether mau lu the couat>'. or Thuî's what' s moantter, ase do't be bsekward about conaiïfg forWard. 1OCK ST..WIIITEY. Wbltby, Nov. 12, 1861. 45 0. -N. VARS# ~ p KAOTCA LDeutst, hswa Denfitc Booms, directlyeppo. laaeee8trept. tbis'd .oruortls eftbo Ontario Blank. Ew-x'PRIMS AGENT, &or., aise Agent coled t ud 5.sd 1 peu suae VLos,. 17 C, X. SWEETAPPLE, VETERliànAY SIRGEON, M Ma (OU IL2 9 Graduate of Ontario Yeêterinary ColIe and ate si ta oProif. Smit, - of 2Toronto. 1?l( U ILCKLADND, Pradessor of Agriculture, 1'aoy. SMITII, V.S., Principal ef Ontario V. D;IsBa>oVEIL Toronteo 66TitJlBUkN 66" id IOWELL, 1" P. 6,-16E. BWEETAPPLE pan Le oeusuîtoi Protfesioily Ikt bis rcsldenço, Brooklu, at aIl bestr#. BreokliluApril 14, 18M. 18 HENRY GRIST, PATENT 8SOLICITOR DRAUJGESMAN OTTrAWA, CANADA, Treusactu busîinees vit!, theoPatent Office, aud ethor departmn'nctsofthe o (overai- m»ent, Copyrights sud tise reg'stratiou ef triade Marks snd Desigans procnred. Drawis, sI/Kawnï caInrd ocuene ece fu4 mascl. Moad, 18Û9. Grand- Trunik Esilway HoUL- AT WmüTÀgr s TATION.- W , ud Immsimskneus o; Trunis, lotol, Wiitb W ,be st4e. 1»!i taie friande ý i*ïïtlse travlig publietistise bus ile4drBP tisbenie ause! abla i rt- eustmotle, pue! b> att«ontnt Ue vinte et Ibouie uvis sr, lm vIt tlselr patronsge ja Parties takug. tise train sud lessla, breop wlIihave tisp Ite cr l * Wl , Sept., lu. 9 la ozeban;.for E.perv, 'Mowea,,Plia PsnlliigeUIVi,., "0 FOR, SÀ&lE.. 3.~B~EBIEDruggisl, o. 4, tloe S&14 AVnut Ifor""uisPl=e slrvso»pgeaisanl have confldence lbu t49 abiit> egtbtia agentit agheeslee nt. 0fail ddate procure, ut aM I meso Toosmeli -cannot Le calaI mste tlaeirSuwàrIl, rit>' oser tio odins,'>'glass oan . Tiacre le or Jaar np!"Dsnat sU;q, but eu tii0 'eou- trii y,*in mtlse-'peeuîar oontructdu 'orftise a eligo!rletIoweareé-, sud predu 1sg bealtis>' igla. Tise> are-. eoi>' Speetu.les tisat preserta e il A altts aniti d are thse oeape4 Lssue isUe$a4aa luntngsa»an y0yars evitises5changeLeu s- 29. JLvE.. C. HUasa,> »VYVAS 0#.EBT, WHIIB. .Ne~PJaeg or cabinets! A NEW.&TOCJK, 0F FRAMIES, AND Mr, Wgsor iii lie alway.s pîepatred te talle Llkeaneuss'ofail 'kianda, PUIO'IOGuAPIls,- ier, sud vit!, 1fliko*scag. Cbnt PfOTUES, lu vr nest Passepartantsq, or plan orerved OxfoId Fasmea. Il sin; made arrangement&s-witb Mn, Evana>, of Toi oanto ho I. pseaadtespp> tise people etoft vitl INA MSet i I lodasd Iver yrasonablo r ate. PlICTuRE$ erlaraad teLIESIZE, aud CULOILED I )L. - eoiai attantion .'tven te COPYIlSG OLDPFOR ITS. i. REN'S PORTRAITS. Whitby, Jul>' 21st, 1869. 29. -C RA~LE8 QEIFFITU, Bées ta afimh.,.,...é..n-..,n a ~ resnsrea4WlItb>'su tsthe iin p rsnig bioed l«usaieue la Placeoetbusiness ian noeLefnss pe site t tise oxdp POST OFFICIE., aesite ir. lreiUu&oaTauler aliop. Louipall, euusmith, TJmbreiia andi Praviso eumniinir lias; fSharpeuilng and ectiîng o01laas, . .P&C., will ausiseraofore, L' rpaoeriy and aarefasly CHARLES GRIFFiTHI, Dundax St., opposite Post Office. wiiby, Jnlie 29. 18.2-f WÀ7'TEE ÂDVERTISEMENT. -PRIVILEGES EOR BALE lm RAMA, 9 Valuable XII] sites for sale on <the BLACK HIVERI. Tises. Important Wator priuiegax» are situated, on I.ot 17, Con.- 0, tiarco miles diatsrt troan thse Portage or Tramway, tise> are vil! aitnated foi oltiier sawing or Gilet MilI pur- y oses. Dped vater tror tihe tait! of rýîIa, for lkacilitotlatie ecouenuce of luanber, & t1laontu e canal toTreanva>. Nincefoet isne of wank'r power guaractecd; abnndaaîce of inter thae violo 3ear. Ilentiful à.npplies of sair ogéi eaLeprocurcd lu thae nelghbor!so4. N B.'-Tiis pressente favorable inuacenats for invcsçtyseut. A good na»mer snd wmuter roaad te aili privileges by the Stia con., wzloh are witiain tiao reniiee of a Post Ofiee. 1>o furtîser partiesalaru appy (if b>' lette,, post paid) ta * J.M. TRENQ)UTUf Proprictor ef Black River Mille, liam&, lP.O. J1, J, L$NDY,, Barrister, &a. Or to J. C. Mlo3IILLEN, Notary PIublic, L. A..e, RO' 04DI4N PA"; 'BL'S Taken at Ilsr, fer DR9Y C00089 '4z 1JOLN SKINIOEWO, Chcap Cii Dry (loodo Store. Wisitby, MA' go, ]8sage1 T'ho aander4iguod Lasnrecoived Instructions -te invent a largeonium of mney. Re.payable lu ono sua» or b>' Yearly Instalmneuts,- on lui- r voelu Frants, productive Town or Vfillage roperty. :oor i eo nt,8 ur ta. a»(oiminsslou. ueot a 1Wiiby, gay 24, log JOHN SHIEN, P. iL Baryeyor, AUCTION MJINS J.uü ag t 1bere Prforaie to 09es, de an- TOWN ýOR COIJNTY, AT rE48UNABLE ATS *oe4rssgMAnibfo aleeeauLema4 alterttaCaosssatIfegr me ove Omme, Brook streot, WdbeL." WbltbyJby,1 .201, irem y attende o,à WhbAng. 4tý, 1809, not, #î ~ esSIndele or tp~isldb te »akorean i jstwm ilentn Y he; 08' >&I34 spoeantie glvon tbat 1 i£à. c=n{eîainlugi qnoettIed aftor thé 29t4 iD8t, Whb, bAIng*nt fc1869. lÃ" 'T OFFiQE .TAN Gold,, Sllve.r an4 lor*a ie Waohe Ur* gadnmil abdFARIEry <eeAT lu mag sinp promaptlàyaodedt. P..D. Schoolbookasnpl nd t rdcdrt Plessct gai! sud exaine our <oueand prices bâiore puýrebiisasug liere. W WT OUT PA, ..9 Olt TUIE 5NEW- LOCAL ANMSTH-ETIOV AT DENTAL 10mBï, DUNDAS STREETs- WIUT11, C. w.. ROOMS.-Ovor M. B. Ceebrane', Stori.- wlsitsy, .Jone I10 iv. 2 M ONEY, MONEY. Tiseurlmgned bons eeelved lustructleus te invest a large stum of Mono>', - I Re-payable JlaoeeSom or -ýly aril On Jauprorcd Farims, or 'produative Town or Village Propoety. P5irmt clamas Iborkgos pnrchased. ILAliafIn etcrest 8 par eeut. Ne Cern- uarnuAppI>' te W. B. BILLINOS, Apr> 20h, 1(9. Soltor, &., Whi~ 1809. TUE SUPP.R13 X<W 4~t s'RSEM AN" NVORTE SHOERZ PQF#T5 .'1-.p FORT 0F -EOCRESTEIt AndI will «utiaue making dal' tripe, leaving Cohouarg lot 8 a. a.; Port Ilope at 9.8£ s. in. Col,@ a Whitby, Osisaia, Darliangton ahd Ncw- moruilng exeoja Weduaada. 0. p. a»m oxep& Saturda>., wbou se baoses ut 2P. I-, dir ipr P0 or6w~. - Fou Fant-Assplv on board or t C. Draper 4& ce,, Wlatbjy 'james O. G1uy, op.ba ira; J. MdcLoua, Darfington; F. Nîcisolmon, Newcastle; A. Loclarahe snd Ueo. lleainlmn, Port 11ope; C. Elîbott, qbourg. J. bl: Coîhorane; Winnas 4*Bqîlý, Busgfton. April Ilt. 1849. JAMES IB1NGJLE, -ProPncUsrt DAjFup!rOfthe luxgh Divisies court ti a. snn Taoe lis O SFOi YAE* 's'CULEMIsT CELE8a.,TLUgt4 Our bo Ou t uee mspviÇ5j:»waI p I43. 1 pt sir, tpraŽ , t Er-frer v are parer yoncegbsdp1~ '01y But val fubattee sa Thonga 1but-o & ypadetroi, anuaq eebt anoiÏs 'e ailsà ïôwbrgne 4e'uea 5Wait 705>. Me lo u eanelt, iu eswYîu 'I'yd er ylierrosani -î« beta liïvnd" i # i t v i a o s o! e s , * *4itis tejae'mns eoef . o4 A dmeeliey.rem sedldoy MyW, buTWALTuS of 5053, et 4 séuié., téow" ' àa lrge toisé" eis em u4v- bidn1 i! "wftnvIiag vsbrvnbtmpa u. fvsveyoeen iiebse; beretssn, vu> Proe.in ni lu ' oon (fi.os. aflerop,a oerloit farlr .euyrs'tialo. Hai s a 0tierussas e, a ausil, via>' moi, vus finit qeue, sud *beardoai like a pard.' - RUs stock, viicis a exlib»tte4 te meý visile rouiting b>' then!,yfide, ceuisteai ef Eaiglimis'vell, oev.>gged sien; ehttie;, ausicbly ; sud juuI.'sbe sasdes of pyen- lu; teIl deep a irad, p ris.d M'asiboums t#. te-sdid, yhich ns>'compasiu as- eerted td e boutoier>', theltle;ra vus nothie; initîle tstwýd appaqrpaoé 15 vi. rant ana' ne suc ppeitieu. As tise nee rea illagevu usamy rilee.1 taitiir e, vagred te pues the uigsý bore, if we oeqld find sacoeasediatiqn ; Iberu' fore, I eisqstred of a viîlainusloing lad; viso vau liii>' oniung ea'tise or, ifIre' coulaI obtala s aelter vitisiai. 'Âsk' thise maier,' vus-Lis cari>rpl>'. 1 eutOm-l d n$'pe," 4P4 1eu4lyr vitIb mf' stick. 'What'o'vahtadi 9' ased a porl>' asd ratiser bealingulooking iidila gai'23, vo beyed ns>' ummous. ,a -I, l I to14 hi.> L01 wO e r9qi.>4ýbu "reekeasi e eeuld fdue qaate 9f uif ve vere net te psriklez! linge log va.. blsging >op jis4re, pheidin;9 a varus glov tiarbugb îLe- rooemv biols ie- opoke rtesu d eeuifo;t atter, long vaIL Seenia oa uet brouglit ue a good, auppye oggo sud bsec., pologiein ila'iaior neti bibtte: le offer us'; ,bât it vus usouo palatable fa», ssi ve %11U a aj a à.1' Joults frit" fergettios L. iesýi le Lis bouger. upper-ov,O vs ligisteai oma'jd.e#d dre clue oniaiîLelouil su, i vsudodroai;a ro vlILY min-wIsu tis e oqua e ea4 semai -the- i>m furh4sds fusioned tatisl'dl su1 pas-ruucf Aara.swehiole lenalis < the loi cmI rép 4iëký -bosybeai1froq jhp xu1 utreasg isel, vls icliaeu n e' onnoctoi edif, 'in' nMy'lnad, *vlk "the îis et n 'sat.bdést soide.- Théefor ni v*lueeý ea vroagis -mal oo in sui taeff, î Iaeq ue4 1o5690à esd lier iil4ie.su anga t, 4escajse, ,tht tie .qffee lad 4eensdrgged. " .>14 ad 4eàreS4, nmra gl the 4 l e g l y t sero.I d o o t k ao . 1 0 8 !'jte qp t4 roi Lux , a g siept sdeHes, t Moins50DBdreamm 'dis-O be tr*L'Muh t1irbone p; bat,'"uddeuly' fouu& myseif1 , ý siting'ýup MAubedi >trombliug'vitls boirr, Cnroe.gantiaI eidoe pl~fiasI ud* avildor>' et pieriiug,s*goal. gpr in, ld ia- helexp Ths r> e r i l i ' t ih r u g b u > c a r s * b' - e a r d l à beb u e s r o i l s 'I~«sa V~ .y~'I ord commting Theé hsrp, lu*, oe' u la'dire ledb " sfit boume it .<wa6eded, Icolai rsot 1.-,' oa. -_'-û Ir' ,Lee t'bati,,vithot goy pro imry uidni«no'édl!es'a "090e, um ifueeo me, i oun-.M "ef'Ir lg Up l~,u ý'ç4ipg,' vît i eli> ià; j M" ..mý e tU Tvs .beag ei,4 n -thae I.intonue, 4irbs'uslha PrOboat,- remN..ov4Ubdy - of -theO mwuiq, oaaemboung for a soaieat, ped!asrom<r n a%. w ii'sarcug bis .Mer I vu, iaya>rsiai till *rIug gvitis uîotbeefor tise «kmeudo. tisat terrible ey<But I1lbai «el 1W 'A-.irieî e.arcdr"%q" ittfd'6~r the te .galber Myescattèred viie to ete, vs#W'vnin mau d'-ladý bùt.411,yxeffoed tj,,Ojr, fôlibving enùic#ly Ofl itis came -50- qepe, muid I M~Mgsd.ssr -iu*tS, iatol i eli, osidalyeSau!' cloé thoir capture; My>' ittlosgi euuýîr_ç usea4lb.s y, h as>' 111osa the 4or, nà4 s ers w ude8by ueots s.iO SU' vasstili. - - - ae te .>' réscue, Llis!uPvihnpâ Tien thse recoelIeibp ,bIvuea~'a;wîL ris er e:iudoUIb! Vividly _bae à.» sn,'i-sd ISrs gge av Lr-grovsn uo,,,nto a; frei t4spbe4 suad gropeai * vay Io-teiefi]ajeMsoniy a-esf'.'suL r dxAO $4 dueeele000[d s". nOti ag~sas oureiiithsj Streaaaisle ; sendi 1 hqî$ Abt i> Ianai 15qebq>Al #P> l; e4 tg ber wonorag cildrep tisestor>' vba bd ,takei t t a ~ hitur ot1Js efîLt:geàttéisOtber vWmuof'oi jas îh tisel o s eiist aé ad ing«isgdeai1i. bowilt. aI.Itpnvledgme4.. s 4duqpda4l1ira adýiathedp,.ba pptis - qqnI-'ysga, Iak -sid te dué& a id sobr eeý104i pop upon-que bt îthéL p.DUgrd~ir ti aae~a UIfy' od, and~ ~ ~ ~~t my*hreiliéétpe- 'vW"very'oafd o É'as'*sd e aîm y - a;bm P r , a v e - IL e ;o e r il, - u o d o t t, bris a4, ur* ep. a t.huesi a4 ~ Maie ubd vent 'naaA h - - of1 ,rfesiia S40,40 lsWsr ýIaq,, Wu pael4-n cuappea,Qi sot Gr eat s4lisasr' arond,muai nny brai grev siuzyy>, aami - " spirits' lsukbeîov tse Sero hipe; us i ve- Palctiieàon wl' i s.teuad selitar>'d tLe dour aî4trsied uyutMantioan. -- reat apro tie Mtpe i4to tie room 7slfstng. Objection' t te m o lo d t , - c ud# 4 geÉreaito tibed, suaifell upouul ie n of Le6m - W t e« r as1 -41u u i e a as1li e p e t 6 , iD i ta qo"f"4,giI?~ 47 c vuos ,gIathe <l1 Alist onqsltLt t!,b m fanïe lruasi.naoweamé - I lAItIERS 'h OTHEE FttiW ý Bav -Uiiion lot IÇR II*,idke, I& proparod ~Tt4~a "f0 s - m effifil ppi 1 L4kcý- -t i 1 .L iri 1, dailo

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