Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1869, p. 2

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ms Ne lw CYtISClfti ts IfS vayi, Tiie Toronto Tes C*mpisn.- Whaî the Presu Say$, Dominion Wgrroous-Lowesk Powell, MiIiu!ry and Dr... goodo-Dosuinion Léeleet Jewery-jamu osison. Gold sud alitver Wache-jai. Jobustîi. Wislby.tov.deoî-su.Brysu. Factory Belle, k.-Wm. Bsyan. Boots and Shos-Cutle For.- Bine coat lbit. Beguations onder, Fre grant sud Hoe- staad Lav-Orowu Laudi Depariment. 100 Iton Wand - J. H. -Dumble, Cashifer Barioe'), Wbeat id Pos-W.. Whifesidoi Notic@e Bassiuaîlou ofTeaeors-Q Oct. Mfiustreloiy, k. a Wsloo rothor. Extension of dine for Timber Liceuses. ÂTJOTIÃ"N SALE* 0< valuable thorossgh-bred stock, tise proflerty of John Ifellwood, Lot 30. 2ud con,* Clark., on Tuo.day, October -5ti.- David Bisjopt aucsioueerf. ONLYsi 5ô> CENTS .A TEAR WYbftby, Thursday, Sept, 239 1869. Wiattby aud port parriy Ritsway- Turulng the, 66 Urss sod."9 Wedus*dsy, tie 29th lit, la thse daY appoiuîed <for turulng thse liraS sod. Thse Bon. Attorney Oeneral aud other m.. bers or tihe, Ooiernuesîî, lu roply ,la vi. talions forwarded te,, have signifled ther Intention to b. proineu lo0ti'e pars lu tise procoediugs on îbs.î dal. Hople. isse, bowev.r, beeu held out that the preseue of Prince Arthsur night be-seonr.d Io give 'clat to lh. proceediosig ou thse occasion. Should snob belb. case tf-cours e ewhole pro- gramme wl havi tobcb altered, aud a day appoiuted so as to suit the. couveuieuce of Ri. Royal lllghneus. The intention is, te belle,., ln uae the Prince .bould not bc preseut, t ' celebrate tise occasion by a public banquet, at vbich the mosuberi Or the Goierimunt; the. enators for Kiug's snd Qitee's division; aur eonnty mom. bersand varions prominent mon thronghout the cossniy ylbe the luvite4 gnusa of thse Company. Tu *additiou 10 ýthis public meetinsg vas bld on Saturday are. nlq ltet, and a cowmittee appointed 10o &et in concert wil hi hdirectors, and Wvth tbes vicw of collecîig udfole purnose grf mrrlng- the eveut by some demouslration la thse town-snchs ire. works, or a toroblight procession,ý or lu iome other vay to be yct determuined opon. Tiser.linDo f.ar or the Corporation being ailied (ore or glving any more moueY. An.&d tise gruniblers viso have raiséd Ibis bng-a.boo, in order tW suar ith. good <.01k. log wbich should nov prevail, haie rosai on fuel ashaud of their eondio-. rW. cught tb clobrate the commencement of thse work of our long wisbed, and long. vslîed for flailvaye in a Mauner tisai- vould do credit o b tlwn sud vo -grues tisaI this vill bc doue. Wheu fi cau be doue by volsstary contributioui, vitisont leurdouuibc fonude of tise corporat!on,let tise croalseri buttonup Dthoir lpocketisud i e Town Iruiprovëeoatz, - Çoipleuusw-sosgest thereet om e buildings potuop la tise tevu, vo are pleace to paoint te tisé rie*_ car4lo- factor'y tse nvPobirruCuos-tise baud& P ome net nissidence of Mn. 7àmoa Joisn. Mton, tatcbmakar, sud -others, shtiougl heu uoticeable in tiin Va, qquahly ueful large <rame thro e-mlorey otructîro,ýl00X24 foot, sudfIo *sltuated ou BrockSatreet,' iml'- modlately in rean of Mn. Donova'n'9.4resu. deuce. M.IoL syistise hlder. Tis ebhrcis lu coursoe rectlonfortie ceegregtlon of tise *Unlted 'Presbytsriau hoisrch of Canada, lu Whitby, tibI iupply a tant long felt, hatbey.Fo ya1 qrit. uumo.o, sudmau, o! the membaru wealtis,, ti e asbeeu titsont s s et- course cf ereelion 4Frt t4qwcizros:le 5414, t its ldewàslf -f18 -<tc. sud s h.lisiCiiof3 0 .4 iecstpc j.ro Tisere fIÏalso -a fondatio ansd projection fcr as'p!ire, ý12 <set sur rTcmatena. iî of wite ed k brick i!4L a stase ,fouud. atton, sud, *t tiselb.iandime circular, vîndets asud gouesal iis, presents-. vory neat, aud ai the same tlcuilistantia L ap-; pearauce, 'Tic estimated:cooit1l; $3'000. Mfr, Cormacoklth acibetud-blen sud bastise ocntraot for tic vcod vewrS. Mnr. Wei. Duukley bas tise coutract forth. masunaud plasterer'a verS. It fio expoot .d tisaSsich chorcis vilI b. ready seatedl aud fit for tise- porpoies of 1tic cengrega tion3 isy iitsa.Tcbldulssad ou lie corner et 3eutre snd Byron streets1 . soe. ttc-store, <ramne-building,#ituated un Greou Street, sud <rom Brook 8strest- la littit pattdreas Préents a very netiaïble and asuaeîilve sppearmmce- Its dimensions are 34X26 fesf,wits a 1is 22 "laeincgîis. Tb. ýbulding -la. vory' p ths. piug at Sa cot o, aboi ,OO Mn. Cormack iii tse, builder. M r, Deverili, dld these tone aand plaaterlng, sud lMn.ý Wilson tic painting. Mr. Cormacks bua aoinelucounie cf eneo- taon a new worlsisop, 7OX24 foot, sud ttc ieis isigh, for himuself. Hi. encreasicg trade useemsates Ibi, addition 10 bis pra- sent buiseis4 premisoa-a ttc store, bnilding 35X60. lu tho latter tisera ia s ivo-sors power duagins, circul.r, sWg sud gig mats, mouldiug machine, sud aIl tise tools sud appllaucei of a Iit.clasi carreulor'a shop, as tel as about $2,00 torts o! lumben ou baud. 19"0% W.siz. of t o Iis tovu, tWho go- companied tis e d Rivr surveying parti under Col. Dicui, goaq comnsissary, gr- rivedl bore tsi. (Wodnesdal) morning. He looksin ae plendid iseatis sund slu inlue spirits. -*Ho speaki mo4t enîhissiacly of tise, splendid prospects for seutlement in tise gieat Nortis.West, lerretory. Nothiug, li. saas, eaun- exceed lise r[chness of tbe 4oil, visicis is prinéipalhy a blacks lois, from twoVot feet lu depuis., Ho reporUs tise eropu this Beson asMvry iabundant sud good, sud asaya tisaS ho actusl, ait fields of' odts grovlng thon. tise strat vas isigiser tissu bis lsead. Major Wallace9 it moi ho rememboned, loft bore on the 2Siis Joli luit. Tise 'party arrivd at Fort- Garr, ounlthe 23rd Augosi. On lise home trip tic Major left Fort Gamnrytou IAs u quanzls of uewsmpare-and u'jtiswbor, ve bllbe., thse editor of tise Obsirteràrf Dot lisvïipenonal1y acqmaited. AndItisai fi fltea. Tise blaokgnard, la. thee dlthy oheet"uudorrbMs coutrol, goestie legth'of actual, outragiug public dpceucy. as. ferring tise a,.dvcrtiiomeut àf. tise forth. H.[the editèr of! lie OhaoxboL,j-of- fomrs iesthebenefit'of àa-paie-lu bis aimntue $10o sudproMWlisso v *îthcm 1000 copies or 'se of 7the famou a!mnanae. What doisthe. ma' mean I Wisy tise country if already 1iood ed vuSh gratuite». almausansd no condiions at- ,ahdiBnt, Ur.. Almanaufit rom the poculiar positiou l in is YODare plscedl >vs y)l rmag~e yeu n'uoffier visich is W. llovyou ill do wel te acept. That lu tiaSt e Wil1 ivo pua $2 a cord - fer yoir almauses, if you &gro 10 faye tise. rblsnk,; sud Wvo villýexcue u tisetrouble of 6îeIiîc hIe., os for thse exAiee pur.ý Pom.for vhicisvo iss 1 dle"pply t îbsy viW oqire ne <iîneisiug. Weare avae isa $ a'or fifa DorO th'tié wiif b. Werth, but iwe are villing t. ibelli remsember ks lse m»kPoe lehvered eat hé nortb.wp&'"4 efof o ziL ack yard vitb- ont furtlser charge.'2 W. are coiselous tisat von@ght te apologia. teour reader. for lntroduoiug tise dirty qustiou loto tises colunsu.- Aid visiloeecnt ilfro, tisefiltisy aiseet <rom whic t e quote-picv I-vo assugre ttem tisai velthrov it dowvi ttisdiigu.t, sud, profeod ta vasiscour- baudse ser con- tactvitistisefou tiiu. It gmoeeWsicv hoVp!l,-tise source tisatgir.es birtis ta lise Observersudp!ovestisat tiseidea of tise editor have go more exaltteil tissutho b4in5 geeased, lUise agoti, lua àdong- bill. Tic Unucallod fori aao pen tise pro-. &,0ed maac(our enterprise, altisougis nos uev 10 eotber nevipaper oSe.., le tise fiIof thea Sud evritattîmpWedlu Iisi ounty) -i. pititul in lis. ztrome. s witieile l injare itie ncesof ts ï'rk, IÏtlelrs thtise' p$lqiolu e~l eë1 r kuev' the *urrov.minde@d, valgar, senimentf Prom bh in rs eouueeîion withlt6 lie meris!. uIt. siseet undeï h i. control, up to tise present moment, ive ba&ve-nover resd a sentence front his peu tisaI conld b. approvod of for its poil tait., manneoi or langé-aie. Hie bas uerzer disluterostedly advocated-auy boue- ficial public project for its own sake. goe hbu been tise mur-plot of bis vil»go sud is neyer satiafled only whon flnding facît vith somethiug, or falliug ont titis soine- body. In tact, a pedantio coxcomis- -" l,,s ciet'davotion lies In odd perverse antipatlîles; Mbor e poviais carm sandd plonetio Thoan dog diatrisot or inosskoy ick.". To him#,muore tissu to nul man te ever kuewi Mr. OsY's wetI knovu fable of tise "Car, tiseborse ansd tise sepberd'e dogg, migbt be justly applied. Thoso viho knov tise mansi l ta once acknovledjgo tiso cor. reetnese of ils spplicability. "A sillagecaur <sf %naprpii.h raco, 'lho peàrlait puppy of lie uhssco lsusagis'i hthtfile trahIe t roaI, won tlott witb inssiasa'. awotogt nota; lit the mid road lie haAking lisy, Tri a ylploniul;aneo of lbe w4y; krr[lti o t re.pse'al âo!g,, Bluia ud ià awpa utoflIi.S Bog.' Aftor bhlu at exhibition, lise people of Canningtou vill ho forced 10 th. conclusion that îsoy vould, gain usothing by tise diîtilg of tise sneakiug Observer, tisilo tise people of Prince 'Albutr. one sud aIl admit Ibat tisoir Village would hb.Wall irld of 1h. D OWr ficamp. H. viii poualily'arriveby tisenoon, train, snd tisa iIon tuSil t9ke place ou tise Battalion gronudi about ilfi-past lisce e'eoloek. .Ib tria . o -lUtin t .lsetia . 'e y seltieGoverument clerlu, irged vwithiirplforiug tise:,Govoni- ment faudn, commenced at Otawa on *Thursday of lasti veskè judge Gvyne ipreaided, sud-tIse Ceonui e ves , for'tise 3Croîsn, Mr. BRichard, Q.C. jMn. Letis,z Q. C., isavlng charge of tise e; for ti defeuce, Mr. John HuBllyard; Cimeron. li Tise l gentlemen to9kS-op Tbursa 1Friday sud Batutday discuuing tise -lecs- î'sl .eut demurkrs iu4 ripIiéîà, rk;. Allr tse~ biug4ipoied of ti rv 8vWu not rsad tu go' ou. aud lie case r ai ve otsemi mihs uTdge aGwyna »iId tuéaitic, priseoer ;wonId bu admlkted toe bail to, appear et tise uest *Cosrt'of 0,cr aind Til lurfoi tu; mils- rdommaor, Bdiroenïtéin te glve baC iàiu~f la' tise tusn'of 8,60sud lwo sureie. ol *$80escis;asd l in theicarge of lareene, o ifuieu.bail tW bc8,4 an'sd bis inretis easis 1;200, licébailt. bértW tise uatiefaetiou cof tise (banI, Aîtorsse. Tas WaYSerBgnBeus.-Tse reuotod îEngîlis gymstoptitis-saBrat slus t<cm- psuy appear at Wisitby, Fnidsy sud Satur. day eveeiugs. From.tisc iigis ancommlns patissd apon themisy, tise Canadisu Prous tb.y muat b.euen of tise dent compaules traiellug. TicHlausilton Eveaing 7Tmessays "Tise Mochanies'Hall vwu telI fillcd laut _~ping, seviictaadiug otisjrattractioin -lu the city, but probably uo ale sutieipatid lb. veulatid iplesdld eteriainmout vici perfoemances cf tise Watson Brothers, preeeuî. Tises.rgmankable atis lotos perfor% a vanlt, cf stantliuig featm ou the horizontal bar, tripoe.and ac- batioc,>sud euî«ircly surpici ail otiser ac complisimeuts of -theekSnd ever vitnusd. Tise famtouiHauban Brothers arec eral "ibungleWns1companiscu. Chief amoug tiseir aïstouisilg lets teis e sucimermaui 1lÏC;<tyîIàj ugof tise all. 'This acom- ËI ,ihqsost tud b. ee'nide.ed impoiaib:e oui ctal itueised. But sich is e #ruacesd @vident confideuce titih ic ail tise.perilons feste ame performsd-*tic tise spectatcr is rebieved of that nervous disquicînde viicimigisi b. exporienced fros fear of a mishap. Tise entertain- meut of tic Watsonsis i. aried byý a sprink- liug Of the theatrical, a umgro dolineation, etc. Tise balladme!faàcisarming vocalfit connocted titis tiseCompany tire higisly commended. BALsAx Rsvza ANC TmI MusEoxA Due. vîîcîr.-Tic conînsct frth. torS adver- tissd a sisort time ago, to'be dori sut these points,,has beon avarded; sud, vo -are pleased 10 atate, tu our friand, Mr. Wm. Wiieaide, of Fronchmanus Bay. In hi., tise goverumeut bave aI beast secured a maunviso yldo isi ork faiîbfubîy sud Weil, Tho torS at Bals., river is tise construction oaisalacis and dam, titi @lido of ,vood ou tisa ris-r; alto a dravbridgo aud pior at Rosedsle, sud for deepeuiug tise bend. Thsat lthe Inelrokadistrict in fon tise deepeuing of tht cisanuels of lise Musisoka and Roussea ic 1iu. [otis vorks, -are of a Mst important claractor, Dot only ta tise Iocalitios ilavisicis tie, are siîanaed, but to tise province et large. It i. there- fore pleasing te he asiswed tis iu tise bande o! a gentleman, in every respect, no reliabie as Mr. Whileside, tise intentions of tise gevrerument tii! ho faithfully earried1 out aud fnll justice doue tise publi., One rosait o!i ftheo 4edging eItisis por- tlen o! the river vil b. te admit steamers lndebtcd for smofo!thse racieut poitîcai articles that bave sglsce thbst time sppeared in the coisumus of the Globct Mr. joisu- et-one wu ouly 32 year1 of ae it tise lime et is eaqt4. Â vidov audilfour ebldreu ourvive ibeirirraparable lois. Cazzer, visicis came off ou Tisnudaylaut, vas atteuded hy au immense assemblage. About oüu8 tisoumaud porions were preseut. tis d w a ail liat, eonld be demlred'.for tise Occasion4 eud Hatrick'a fliste neyer loobed more cbarmiug thon on tise brigst. sny occasione, Amusements of ovory id ýveras pread everyvicre ever tse grouds, .ssagiug aIl lu tise most. proar, ions, isrity. ffore gare tise deoteci of Terpuicore on su exbomporized plaîforu; iSere tic jumpe ri on"1h. ipringiîg turf, the swings, kc.y arraged for tiseoccaion. Tissutiser. garei theracing centeat and îha ezciîiug gam o <f ootball, otsat aIl *ere ploauribly employedtoliseir hearta cou, lent, vbiiî Lubar'. quadrille baud dis. couried "tise lmusie cf tiegreve." 1Tise viner of thoefBat race ubelue.da prise of' $5 ; aid prises altogetiser amenîting to $20 tuve avardod. Tic speakers gare Be. Paiser BHejdeu, Very Roy. Dean Mortisgrueave, cf Barrie, sud Dr. Tucer. greaves, stating tiat i. experieuced a veritable pleasure sud satisfactiou lu do- ing #o. To usany of tiosiesitic voYery. !Deau Nortlsgreaves wu- perisaps nvdoly' Inovi for lie lirait ime,; sud, (jocularly) for tise bouelit- of,,tisoae vio had not se yt consummated tisoir studies in tic go ograpis, of Canada, iso vould tell tise. tst Barrievas a ver, beautiful towulsituated eu au atm cf picturesque Lake Simce, otiser wise knowua se em. ýpeufeld& s- more difficult usine te We speit; From -the duinguflbed position visici Ver, Bev. Dean Norlisgreaves os- cupied lu tise Catholfocisurcis, -su d ise lact of his having travellsd a distance of uearly oee hudredl miles to add zes sud interest t. tiseir social galbering, ho hoped tit tise very respectable sud appreciative audience present, vouid give ail dueso. pect sui attention tw tise tords Peau Nortbgreaves ta,& about te add. Very Bev. Dean Northgreavosand Dr. Tnckor respectively addressed tise large assemblage in glowiug sud, eloquent ters. Botis gentlomen gère loudly ciseoed throughout, sud receivod a vote of liauks et tise conclusiou of tisoir addresses, and, îisreeciseer. more, proposed b, Father fisydon, tho agalun thanked tise preoet -and more especial, tisose belonging to, other deuomiuations-for their attendisme. But ihougislast moutioned -bore, cer- tainly not the leait importaut portion cof the proceedings of tise day, vere tise e hal took place et the tisree long refresisment tables, capable of seating 200 perlons at one lime. These vere losded its aillthe good liuga o! the season, provided b, tise ladies of Pickering, b, vboiu tisey were aIme presided oven, and tise gants, ofaill comers boipitably attended to. À large cake, tise gift of Mns. Mcffonry, osf Scarboroub6i, aï raffled for on tise oc-, casoiond vas wou b, Dr. Taeker for mens. Nolan, of Pickering. Tise amusements gere brougbt toa-end about five o'elock, ard o"e of lise moît auccesuful pic.uici iseld lu the loality via of ilsù, - ean stanling. H had ly I tise raturued <rom tise "cld counr,"tise day tisai bdel.bi. deatis, iavlug tasea tise trip h hsome l id t boise c f recruitiug bisl: ailiug nl 1 icaltis-ssiialas, iritiseul effeot, Tise ln-,IorMa iug part, twu coitpose ef membenu of bs 01of l otse Company; lie baud ef tiso battalion i plàyed lihe dead mearcis, and' the ramais of Ti deceased sure inter.d titis fult militany t honore. Tise funeral vas ver, largel, at. poir tcuded, and mauy more, ne dqusht, toril suce have been preseut, tere 1%. not for tise 'himi isay thunder stormstsii provsiled at tic ti. 3SttàtaloiuOsp sud The 3th Snalin, m amp. be b * (speclsi te i othe4 i4 frin atise'Camp.) on Monidayi tnlise aboie hatt. usema- bled la rno! lot 160 lun-tic ud Coli.$ BustWibt put 1a theirsau"lvek's. drill. Querter-Masir C. W. Smiths, va oirly on the greuud, sud succeeded lu. getIth! tlis os. veli protected fromttise tic isesv, raainariichf<eh diunug lise' day, Tise saeail' compacIes hega 1 arrie -ab ouqt four osclock, tise Brut ou tic groand iciuig liseBreoklin compan,, Capt. Hcd. gins; but tisemaner in viici tbey a- rived vas ailbut a disgnaceotei offle.i. cange. Tisearnived at tise qutor.masten's teut ou alter lie other, liSe sfieck of aheep, without aul order or discipline,tise officora belng *omovisere, but tber.,-vu tise question. No's. 1,'2, 3 sud 4 Compaules, preeàded b, tb. batt. band, foloveet&son alter j;but th.y iclted ou tise- rese totide Ise camp sud propani, forused' up sud, titis tic'baud as thein besd, proceedod tith brus soldierly stop te iheir soveral camp grouuds - piled a&rme ; told off 'onderles for ca' mp equipage, aul, titii aqnantq of au iour o! Sdn rar- rivai ontse ground, voro mnder cauvasa. Tise Prince Albert and'dCauniugteu cous. psuias urniveet late,the-latter about eight o'clock, sud tic mon beig qu iîe tlrod but; man, having startasdou Sonda, nigisi in order to e b.si Canuinglea n ttu;for whieh great credit fi due t. tb.m.-ý B, nideo'clock aIl vers uner -cati- vais,1lise.,guard asornted& aId -mlii- tary lité cemmeuceet lu carnos f ne oe b.iug .lloed1 ouI of ltoter 10 I o'clock. 'But tisere l e nul.ote eý ompol mou to slese, ite éocsequence tas that langisten sud slugiug tere tise onder cf tise day, or rallier nighst. BI ýtise byevo do't knot vseth9n it va, nigisr- or net, as thes te relired t ilmust bave 'been about 4 a. -mà.; but our watch had stoppod, sud even tison te coubi boas confused sonude iu many o! tise tente. O! course tise onfusion muti bave been in the le.-s and not in oun bond, St beait vo thinS s o. Tic fcîlowiing_ morning rations vers la. oued and tork commsucéd in caïnest, sud nos', attise tins. we tnito, ail tise Compsies are eut drilling -1usobaud pracîisiug ,;1 the bugles souuding, sud tise drame discouro4ing âteet noise-if 'sucis a thiug eau ho. 411 i. life sud bousle, sotd aU things, zoom te vork along sumootily. Ourn boit, Mn. BIseS, hau coutnibnted net a litîe to -tise comfont of the officors. Hle sets a geod table sud i. ver, attentive, doing aIl in bis power io maSe evorycue cosfotable- ratisen a bard job te de on Mouday wiseu tise tor. vas et ita hight. On Tueida, tise Baud Master annsvod fromt Toronto, and proceadod to ianaîrct the. baud. Somn. (et ladiem aIse arnived 10 se ho. te got aîong. W. trust vte sil se mass, more o! tises, aud as ie remaiu in camp ovin nazI Sunday, te IruonsaIl front tise sur- rouudiug country tilt pa, on- a visit. 15 tilt ciseer tise men to see tise ladies taS.e taS. su intenest in the camp. I"Camp vitl break op on Monda, a*fîcruou uoxt. Tise cumber o! mon usider dril! i. ovor 300j or au average cf over 40 toeuhci compan,. Mot no Lad. boonsdering lIse lit. de inducemeuts beld ont te Vounteers b, tise presentMXtniter of Milîtisand isis net Bits, thicisi.a diugrace te suy ecenty. Bas te suppose lie in liSe some otisem-te vol cf, vise try how ,,oCte odo it. ArrivI of Prince Arthaur tos Londeus. Kg s o m Pu ineÂrtihc se - Picisento chair. Miuutes oflaut meeting reset sud iu refene Wtb thansfer- et a lavera hicense, 'prçeoted by Mn. Groin ; of Pat- nricis Larkin, aiking tO b.appointed Ool0- felon, by Mn.-ý Mifler ; or Augus !cKal andt otsons; In, refenence te alenisytic> boundaries o! Sisool sections NO& - uiosl- No. 1 sanet No. 4 eïàI;-of S. B. 'Wcb, -«aking, foisa remittance o! a portion of bis- Iiccuiêmouey; of W. -Hubbsra qetn te b.eappointe tcoll rictornseut.d tnp' Mr. HajlitI Mn. Geen Intnoducod s by-law 'te ap- point. a collecter.. Tho hbylat-twas read lbre aeveral tises and passect appoirstîng- W. Hnb bard colleclor' for tic preseut yezr. Mn. Green usoves, tbut -,te,- céve and Clork ýgrant te Franklin Wthsr«, cf tise Gneenvood Holel, th jriiâe to ensable bhlm W transoL"a certain tavern licm ou.t bis bouse. Mvr. Green moyes. thatthere b. granteil fnom tise-genenal funds e! tise Corporation for Ibe present-year the sus .of 100 fer tise purpose of!ilu full indemnifying tise party ouvning tise land ou the eass sideofo tho alloîvance (ur rondbelîvoon loti 10 and- 11 lu tise fifts concession, for d'amage. l consequzence o! a charge o! lise said noad allovauce, bcýinig conteusplated,- sud thà, theé Love b. Sud bei.à hereby autboized' te drat on'îbe tronsuron for naid amount,* -P4dappl, il te tise sadpurp'o*e'- "cis manner as te hlm shah, soins igist sud proyer, -Mr. àMcKay mmoeue, tisat-the cheik he I- satrnc.W Wgivetho equireet notice sisneso ference tiZe p;ssiu of tic bj lsw 'est- ing in tise trdistieacï! tise Sales Wesloyan Melisodiat bu rla-nund s portion o! tise aliovance for rond - betteen lots ô sund 7- Iu tise 11th.conession.- Mr.01Haight, usoves for lbave te intrnoduce a bytw abolish -,Union Scisol Section No. 1. -Leavo rated aietlbe by-lat tas rend- fl filme. Mn. HaigisI imoveu, tisatiseé by-lsw ho read ths second timsItishe next meeting et tise council, sud tisaItise clark ho, in- structed to1 give tise required notice. Mn. Green moves, tisat J. Haigist bc antlnorized ta communiate titis A. -Ellis, cf Port Hope, tilts respect te bis mother tho i. notwiin Ibis Township in a desti- tute condition. Mn. Miller introducee a by-law te aises. 1dts Nos.,l19, 20, 21 sud 22, in the 7ih coni- cession, for tise expenses o! tise urvey thereof, under tise autisonty o! the Com- missionen o! Crotta lands. Theo Byilaw w as resd thrc. several timeit sud pasâed. On motion of Mn. Green, tise treasurer tua ordere t tepay ta AIex. BÙanclay, $9- 52, for iumber suppled tot oversecra of higistaya; also t J'.-Smi th $8 83, fora. siscep kibled by dogs., Mn. Mackey moves, tisatishe reevo order tise tneiauncn lé psy S. B. Webb tise aum o! $10, heing # portion of tise amount paid by hlm for his tavern iceuise. Ou tise motion o! Mn. Green tisa council stands sdjourncd-ll Satqndsy, tise SOtS of Oct. next lxnup çssss F IAs- osuox, Sept, 20.. -A, demoustration iu favour o1 tise im- pnisouW etl Vul took place, to-day. A procession, titis baudso! music, snd bear.- In& fling and mottoce, manccd Iu perfect erder 10 Trafalgar Square. Tiser. a mccl- ing tua organized, six tisousand poisons beiug present. George H. Moore-, memben c!f ParUsseànt,,for Mayeý, presided. Mn.ý Moore, on tiking ise chair, addrosad'tise meeting.' -Ho condemnned tise Englisis Go- verenuent for tise prolouged ineanceratien ,otpoliticai effenders; ýcoulrasteçd Ifi on- duellu-ilsresect iti ch cîen tatec. ýeversuus is îvonhip' hab would cudiug mise pot Thse nstables for b.e strosîlin bh a way, s as throcgb, iielestatious, rsicis te hie alting ber. tise defeud- hi, mcnoy TisaI higis 'il he calleet r face, sud Defendant denled thsccissrg., a»id tia complainant evie te bis boue to abuse, hi. an d to ram'se s lturbaucs;îlsat ase a at in hfs " in the- fiTt-iususce and ttrèlwstoes ï hm,(b. Prouce&lo the courtsa rock about Iveire PO"nn4 u-4ght wbichb ho nid - .icsent whistlinzabrn,,î 'bis ars) and that hé tbrew water aber h.. Wo compel ber tW bave. Eliza iforgan was examined for th" " o fence. '8h. aaid mli. denied to thse compla\sz nant that Rogers trs in the bouse At th\ý ltime, and that sise lld an untrutin ior-\, der we prevent £ row being raised. Sisesaw-notbing of tise furtiser proceedings of thse parties. Pied $e. sud costs. Tihe yonng ladywb took tb. gmnîbe' mn's fancy bas returned il, a'itbhtnsk. Waves that are sarmless-The - -va"ves of ladies' Làndkercbiefh. Tise romains of Lady Palnesrton wsrt intcrred at Westminster Abbey yesterday, Victor Bummnel bas csîngentedl that bis son tise Duke of Genoa, shah h.e a canidi- daterfor thée Spanisis Ibrone. -Tooth-pîcks-wDcntists. Distant relatives-Absent oncs. "Spýel"' bound-School cbildren. Men of -tusto- Liquor inspectors. Je'ace, tise Britisis braiser, bosmar- YOUNG.-ÂAt tise residencecf lài fatber, 3rd cou. Whitby, ons Fridayr, Sept. 17, Samuel S. Yonug, aged 33 yoars nid whitby Markdts. Cuowcx (ire, sept.92, 1869. Nnthliug dning exceptin Mhi rcy. About 10,(00 busiole lhave bocui slready brougbt Jute m'.rket, moal or wMch ha bcen fnrohauod by %Ir. Ycoman-Qi5sson.75 coure la thidbglsn figura pid. Toronto OKarketa. Sept. 22nd,19i0; Littledaintece, _ Bale o rSw f )Zoî00 trca;WW.$1 Naret ta Frencbmau's Bay inExAMiNÂTION Tise suanldExni Ceusty cf Ou*sr Gnuussan Sel] oc mon Saisool Ir, EW fortsn i ttise cc ad wvus mstlsfsetot cre f the B Wisitby, Sapteml là CZIsberel J.' Order and reg a~ r lii& xcllesscy t oncil unden thse stesd Act ci 1868, A« of iueo," by t) Sise îTtIaday 0f ksi -Or4enaand Regtl re. Granty 186S." and 1O, .Thc îuuntitllya feOu as -ýi rec_ id$, soi ireesid, Su'-1 atteiuocut setie dem

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