WIIITJ6Y BIIEÂIL cAmIR7O & A»O4EL AR(ISTERIS AND ATTOIINEYR-AT- P I.aw Sllieltors tua Lb. Bati of Maon OUI$ anfd liedUrporitlion of te fioucv or vus rlo,7 ,O. 0, ozae, &C . Jl. J. Mi.0. ïLa mo eo upon go d s.cnfity. Ap- DARRfilTERMt, Attorfcys, Solicitors; &o. TLoronto, Jsby 20,1601, 2 a. il. COC11ILANIL, LL.-1B. POUNuTY 0BOWI4 ATTO<NIIY ?Olt ON- tarIo, Ilrar init adAttorney-at-Laçw, go JIltor lae CIllinory, Na*,sry lible &0.- Offic-In liç¶low's Nw-Biiuldiug, bne G EORGE Il. DAITINELG,, B tcar Doaey logistrar, Masoto-gxtraorsll tory, sUd oxansnerin <Jianeery fur tht4floun- ly OfUnttarla * Office Brook-t., Witby. RoBJiliT J. WIl$ON. AIIIISTER &d ATfOILNZY AT LAW OSaioitrsnOianory &e.Whsiby, C. %e Dofite,- vor O Btra iuli, on tiso i'rth bide. _ _ _ _ _ _ Torouto-St. srPublie, &Q.* t7eyv&o-Ne1xt do0Tto tbe. Stor of B. &J.1 Csmipb4il, Brock fSt., WLitby, Out. Wbltly, Nov. 18, 1807. 4d SUMCI20111 NTA<Y PUBLIC, &k.,k&. C. A. jONVe«, Ilarrlster, Solicitor lu Chancery,ý Atm toWueyl, &c'.9 &C. - 1.' it removedhiA Orne. ta slotcor over the QxTARl IQ B.4., WhlLbhy, 00foL,, 86. 40 . FAIIUWLeLL & GIE Altlt$Tk; A'£TlLNF S 80ICI-a Oxylcgx iue dor unrti uoftIse l'e0tOffoce, Otiliawa; Aîîd MUEs'suer'silc, lpst Townu11all,lowninuviilo.- J. E. à FAjiILL. 1.EOx R 088$, LAUIËIZ, MULOCK & I1TII, Attorneys.itan,t olIiiors in Chan. cery, uand Isaolvecucy, &c. W iuc.MeIB1u0à hol, Brook-St., sljofing mr.J Off'lidss lice, Wiiitby, >1021. i. Itou, Q. c., W. 3uoK 4. W.IsAVU1I.0. Y. MIS;Tif. W. Il, BILLIN(.t, * (»aexiciMcMîj.à 'tLoci, Brook W08b, IN.28, 1802.UnLe CIARLES C. KELLER, A TTOUSEYC AT LAW, t3OLICIl'IVRlN lqiu u aeytcsvoyaueer, esig cil,Biek, C. W J. RAXiEII GICLrEi-dOOD, A T'UOIiNledy-ATX-IAW. illCIuVEIN Oieau0cry, Neayluifllc, Conveys:ieer, & 0. , Wlîtby il . utu&, IMyron streel, Moiffti orai- st ofice.. 48 Ct4IIRINE &CCIA -DARftAldTiLdE, ATTVUNl4,'8, CON VEY- Affl-. 'ancai-is und Notariem 1Publie, d&C., d&C,' 1)'Aimes ALisuiT-OrirCEo Vîuitu mTown- Cosuty*Crowu Attulorisy. l'art Perry, hithi Uecc:ubcr, 1865. 51 LYMIAN E NGLJtuJIl, L L. B.. AII'IIAT LA W, Suiliitor [n Choua- AF crY, 5oivoyitcer, &C. 1d&C. 40 DR. HANO-OCK9 (i=ZiGo lL5Z4D de vaxîvolT.) - IJRGLIt9N, ACCOUCUR, &e.s - .J. GUNNO M. 53. SIMJEiON TO mTjECOUNTY GÂOL, 13ly no3let,WiLtby. -4 W.-H. LAW, B. A., M. D, Pbyician, tlargco, Accouclicr-, &i. TUOMAI S ITON, - TOW N CLhItREi8TIteAIUltE]ltW1I1TBY Tu 0 lo-iawn iliait - lu-ai to e1o'clock. V.1CTrO1IA UO'rLL. W Win. tloyuton'sà .) - 27 BOYNTQN'U IOTEL, W IL.BOYNTON bog eg c Uforut n Ll- hushtan ià tb tfioatty oC Victoria asé *urrotudlng <iJouutles, imatftue I)sopenoil lb. RaMtel on WiIIIarn ftroot batoly coupied by - .Dw'tt, sud ai le ues bâtd Itlfitteil sndîurnitils- adluir4ststyle, viictro-willlud oeory conro- nianc. Wines, Lîquors sud Cigare of Lb. -bout quaiity. 1ý W-Ausattentive setlwsluten suce. Lindsay Feb-14486O4. -WELLINGTON HOTEL, WIJ48,N HO0U SEO, A,. 2êJ~,.,Proprietor. rrt UBCIUEbou e a noance La lis Cal - pl Y lot W LEVI PAIRI flUBO).N -Iqü78 E- FORT WHI, ment*I roîavnt d d~wlocfur' h T.Te .91 sa11tpple 4he< lng ofthe boast la sofison, anilf158bdt the,' best brando of- Wines, Lioa sudCigtora kepf.at the Bar, 17 8L NUW. THE ROB BOX NOlSE, DUXDAS SBEWIT YCW GEORGE MOlI8O1<,Proprletcn. l1 nsrb e s ten ouaey kt b. nosori .Lurol ltl, hlion b ei rénovâtb 0"d," W iilOd, ali fitted up Mr(h lotj iii.botOf tyle. Tiie remi.olartl csitutil m~.ote tiPost 2e., sud lu thé Tbo«afliway Unîubusealls at the n1oteliand the ,mîagos fur Uxbridg and Boaver ton lbava- thedoorovery îruig. Iloard*î perdsty, GEORGE ROBSON.. W iMitby, licv 1968. 20. tit'of %Il kindn ofluuxbrcontantly on bsud, UNDERBTAR]ING,. FUNiElitLL4 full supl.d And attoiudcd IIJItlJotiet, tCoruiji kopt colaiïlitl j Brookliu' Drug Store.. D ALIER ln Drugo, Patent- Mdiolnes D lao, O ils, bye Stuffs, Confection- u tr Wines and Lîquors;of the bout quality for ýNledicti1 puirpomtç. fIore'4*Caie MedicfnespiaywqaontAand, jroklin, C. W., 1885P 25 COMMERCIAL HOTrEL, BIZOCIZ 3T., WIIITBY. t I s, çîbiseruber begs trionnoe tsi T riendi, suc te p ublic, tot ha lino r.-* %nned pouseusion of tlie d bove well ttud fa- vorutb]y lkîn,iwn botel, whicli je now ftted up ln a touperior Iflineir, witlî eveiy COliJYDi- once for Llio recePtlon of guestg and tii. trie- uelsie iMbu. ;0- But accommodation, sud superIor vîttes, Ilquiorx aud cigaro,. Goad ostabluug«, wlîlî ovclosed yards, aud attentive Ostierg al- wAyâ 0o1t to epreminet§. Charges1goderaste. B. DI. CALDWELL. Wlîit by, Jan. -l14, 1868. 21 YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MER CH-ANI INSURANCE, & GENEBAL AGEN~T. Whitby, Jau., Ith 1860. 2 REVERE ROtJSE, B. PLANK, -- -- Propricor. 14nges toaud from Wliitbr all daily. Every attention pcld te ose. Caref'ul accd atten- tiveomtetîrd. 110 TEL & PIRE MISES FOR 'SALE,- TIIAT oléd establiâtîed aud well known Ilo- Ttel, thse CENTRAL HOtISE, EPEOM, Splendid roomy etc-bting, sud driving Flicé, togctbor, 'with Oe Oor twoaceres ai aud ettacli Zd sUs May cy ie deiied, sd a fine oun bear- ing olurd. Thteroare two wells 'wittigood punupe and excellent waeor. ata riie wiwolc wili bu obé!l ut a bargain, ud lai oa'tlgiibot chancets lu tiie Dominion WiII b. execnged for tarn property. For ternis, &c., apply (il by louter, pro-paid) te,- - - -11 1 - 1Octobo WILLIAM BC ' TIN, Ensou, . 42 D.bO, LIOENSED AUCTIONEER, U.ilLilF oflthe Sixuli Diviion Court Aubdrcs, BEAVERTON 21 Ceo. Ayers.. GENER1AL I3LACKSMITII, AND FIRSTi-PIIZE RORSE-SIROER, DUNUAS STREFI'. Wiuby, 19, 181. 24-iy J A,MES 1H. (h-EllEi, Il Ixt recelvosi a car boad of extrareilned (MaufctueaE.rprcso'Zijfor Exore.) Wilci ICI IEWILL 8ELr-AT RETAIL ONLY. FAJISLy DRUG STOItE. -Whiicy, Sept. 8,1869o. 41ri ;«. NoTics lanlicreby giron, tiat the cc-paner,- slbip lierattee xlsiun sdor tisenaine sud fi tun aiJAMES ILO sE k&(Co. DIS vFaridars Bohé War.liouse nu, AitL'en Wý"tlY, icubeau- dlïylq1rd, U b tcdeathtwo f tché psuîunrs, adz tbat t cosurvlving partuor,,M n. John -Washon, vihi ebase ulP aud adjast the business - Jm. ;- " JM. LAWDER, on belialf Ex3octan. late Jobn Welslc. WM L'AING, on bbobf Execators let* Jitues ovo JOHN WKIUON. WLitby, May 1lb, 1809. W 1 J '>d reu, (Japper, Bras., Cottatnd Lbueu Buglt, Wool 1 lbsgs lorge 1li ansd abl ilianueor of truck tabeen lu exclistu40. IYOHN BETAN. Wlutby, Marcb et, 1860, 10, AIXSTRONGeS HTL 'UXBIR I D G M. &B TEOÇG - Pro prictqr. rrHE BBS(TlBIR as ittd p and dauu- ce! firmt-ehas,; 10I., sud sohicts the pfranisg OftisP.e...i anc.le.Menfi-aué..Thse Lube Ãtd 1jXrige ju. 9t 186E . ARMSTRONGU. ONTARIO' FIOTEL Wfl1T1F3 y.O'AR A.ALEXANDEIB - Proprictor. Tr. o-'ub»oribex d.isire, taerin tiastite toti p£lo o lî oylibeol patron- ,Ans eýtOèd upfi hm vule ps'oprietoroe tii. aire btewed Ioklin, cuti ni tîle soino titue Ltocas ïion ta enuuuce thaL; lie bla hasd the, alove vol) luowu olou. Larget&dditions; kave bocu recosnly mode ta the promises soeni-- lut Mrorae ommaemjsucm .eultnoctatio ansd eucr.aulsag the number 01Ai cpig rooms to noa-ly aise Itif more thoan formerly. A finLrt- etasa Bililard Xalorvfiith tee tasbles Isasaelso becs adcbed.- Zteuliro additions Lo, the beu maca. Ail' cutln ieué.tindt éMfr La libs Obé! Frieudm aud *the, publie geste- ralidritgo u rpussoed, by no uther luote) luthwplsce. notviilet bimeâ,hoclsappy ta vecaell h!friends. WllyDe.21858. 48-1-Y Wliy ia iL that thela eisath o rua for pictures AT CLARK!S GALLERY? lu is beeue clienis the best Galîery hut the Couuty, eud Lias. nore lictionce wmth selinen j-lis atîy otiser 4nit in theL oCoumsoy, aud eamu do quit. os uisod worlu as sny ther Mau lu the Ceuuuy. SgW- Thit's what's ilie usatter, mo éo't lie baekvard about ceusiîmg foi-vend. BROCK ST., W1IITBY.ý Wbiiby, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 C. N. VA RS, RCIALDantisu, Oshava e f P Dest.1 ioms, direcihyoppo. dite thaosl'Osebutc.-Eut-ane ono JiucoeSt-o.-L thurd .1 oruoruliof the Ontario W-~ EXPRESS AGENT, &a., acs Agent cident sud Standard Insuranco Cos. 17 O. H. SWEETAPPLE, VETERINARLY -SURGEON< Graduate o Ontario -'Veterinar?' Collége and late .fsiitant to Prof. Smite, of 7Toronto. P uar. IUCKLAND, Prctesseujr Of AgrieultTuro t ->-,orouto itsor. miWI'lH, V. S., principal of Ontario V. ('olbu.ee. De. pdI)VI.L, Torott. STIIORb3U RN, " OWELL, " p. .-ME. SWEETAPPLE oanubco cousultol P-nofeasionalby at bis resildeuice, Broolin, nt ai hour%.. Bi-ooltlin, Apii 14, 1869. 15 EHENRY GRIST, (ESTABLISHI"D t18M.) PATENT SULICITOR DRAUGIITL"-rSMAN OTTAWA, CANADA, Trieusacta buoinei%viti thoel'atout Office, sud Ottuer departnota -f tise Govern- meut. Copyriglîts cud!the rcgietiration of trade Mmmli. arsel Deigais proctîrc!. Drawfp. Ejeu~fi animu d otisei'Document, c- garyil arure Pcies i/ f.Inresionm. lii'quucfsun ie- ee441 of le Mida ofr liseInentuion. and prdim-- înary, oarcheî un lis10 Paient O.5flc cre- fclty mede blarcis, 1809. - Grand lrrunk Ralway Hlotel f AT WIIITBY STATION# UÇ .O'NFIL tsiang ptirohised1hlss otu) srukIote)1, Whitby station, beggaWci îiorm hI* fiensi. sncb the traveling pîshl chat lie hà lias Sucé! itie iatsen un tablesi l i-t- chase style, ane! by atteui l o th îe vantas af tixose Whso fuvar hlm iViuh their Patronage tractt o milt a eortiuueacf lthIu otoin. £W" Parties takiig Cthe train and leaiving isareos 'vil) hava ihein vel taken care o i Lieu- returu.' 'ltbsept., 1808. " 8 ýWI1ITBY- BRANîC! BIBLE "DEPOSITORY Tii. atte ntfon oaitle public la turlted tea Lb. now sud vebi sclectcd stock of BIBLES and TESTAMZNTS, witli suâ vithont LIe pialuas lusuot-e, nov ta, be ud i;tii. Deposutsryai île «ýltlbyý Brandi Bible Sbcîty, -Tiiokhliasbeau se- )eted b -lthe Dopopltary, viLle great cale, sud wili be ude fa embi-aca voluides lu vrions styles of bulrimz laiÃŽ sn sanonameutai. Daonir- 4Jas, I.Lire)'.Drugst-ore, WhitbIy, July 21stIMO8. 29. fl OUSE1 AND LOT FOR SALE. m H.GERF.IE, Driggfet, &. À#. tha our&le Agent faor hu -place. - To avatakn ci-eta iveailnoeodfnl lu- strueilous, and havo confidence 1lu the aaliilt oûstotners. Au appotunaty wlll h.ctm s nfar- eled Ca procurei,uatoll tîmos Spectacles Uueqailled W raüfy for thelir rhty, ovor lice ormdlnary glasses v*cru. ,Thora is noolà 4ut<riguazelng of 4U É1èIga, 4 diz,u or othe iior neptasust sotusaton, but-on Lice con- t-ary tromt4lcepicunllionostruuction of Lthe a feeling of relief te e asir, ané! pra!ucîîg, " cleor fud istiinct VIXIon, as lu tIhe saturai Iieaitluy siglt. Thieyai-o thié oîuy Spectacle. tint priscrvoo i;weh2as sist the sisilit and are the. euaeu bsuette lieut, ivays hatlug many yearn withont chaerge lilg no- ffl Wl )JJPLOY fO .PEDDLE'BSMe D AWEBS IITJIL, (Por n mdZs eet of Toronteo.) The sub§qeriber biegu ta inforu blIs can)' fie-loé!Cit lie lasno reuod 51sinens un tIse abo e proumes,ý, vii hIo lias pbaced lu o ttserom luhOtc of et'i-opanad tew1y renovated tlirotioui O Comfortoflc accouuoditin, good etisbliu.g sdatetieetlors. ý; C. DAWES. Korvay, Ag1,ld 2 -1W~ILSONIS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, (LA?, J. C. lAiusls,) DUT1DAy S£TZIAET, WBITiT 'New Plates for cabinets! A NEW STOCK 0F FRAME8, -ANfD OTHER NOVELTIES. Mit. WiLstow vit) l'o slways jiseparecé! taulie Likenossumi of ail kujusti, PiII'OUlLAI'liS, AMiBROTYI'ES, &CI. &c., muaejtuperior tman- dort semé! with lhue liium accssuacy. Cabinet P'ITURRS, in Very mest Passe poettouts, or jîlein orc-ed (>uiofordYtFiues. Ilsaitug made arrangemns with hIn. Ewtucs, of Toi oîîto, hoe 11itpreuusreîb tea snprly thepeuple of Whi!tl-y wit FIAi k fal kidâ,at ver yreuisonabbo rates PICTfUIik.5 enlanged to LIFE tSIZE, sucé COLO0RE»lit 0OhL. Speeiab mttentiion giron ta COPVJNG OLI> POM'M*AITS. bic. Wîîi<la very stoccîafsul in takiig (!IIL»- W hltby, J nIy 2lst, 1869. 29. w {ATER ADVERTI8EMEINT. PRIVILEGES BOR SALE INI RADIA, ON EASY TEUMS. 9 Vabuable b1111 Sites foi- sale on thec BLACK RIVER. Tiiese importanit Wtîter liririletesa mre mituate itL oi ot17, Con. 6&, tîuneo îmiles distnt troin thme Portage or Traimway, tltey anc wcll mituatod for eitlîer Sawiug oi- Grist lut ll pu r- pises. Dosé! wstor irom inmoCu i ttilii), Ifor tseiiu'tctimg ihe ceurcyesuce of lîmsben &c Lirengl ie Canil oTruuiwuy. Nisse footht Of wetcr powor guaisetecé!; ah)uné!amco or water the vimole yeari. Ilcnîtifsll mmlpieo ci saw lsugs eau lie Irocurcéd luth. noighhonlsoo'l. N .B.mIba lreîqcia favorimble iludisecîmeuts 'fi- iiveatient. A goond sumai immnd wiiter rond ni 11ss111prilegmu by tuaOI COu., whielu are witiiin Clircomiles of cai'ot Ofice. For fauier partienlars spply (if by btter, post puid) ta J. M. TIiENOITrIi, 1'ropnicor orf BhlkK*Jror !sills, REnia, MI'O J. J. LANDY, fla-nlumîoa, &a. Or ta J. C. 11oMULLEN, Notai-y Public, L. A., &C., Vrilla. P.O. cm-2I M ONEX TO LOAN 1 The undereigucé! lias roceivoé! instruclini ta iuvet4t a largo siani of muouuoy. liePli ble iu one eumn or liy Yearhy Ium.tsulnents, on lui- proul Fienmi, pnoutuetivc Town or Villaige Proyarty. Rata ooristereet, 8 per ceuL. iNo Commniccjiomi. Wtitby, MAY 20, 186 VJ, li1O1iif, P.L. Surveyo-, 69. 2'- ÂUCIION BUSINESS 1869.8 1889. I egbroturiChanilcfor tio liberil patron- ageis91cotafore besosîeul upoît me, lndto au: noune that 1 om pnepisr*d ta conduct sales, ciior l1s TOWN OR COUNTY, AT REAS9JNABLE LRATES. Sw. Ai-nsgeants for seu c i eaa eilOui-pthtiUunoyi'oiex Offie, oraL nMy ova Office, Brooks treet, W litby. IL. "'FAIRDANKSq Jr., 1Wbihby, Jeîy 8, 1869. ,Aoorxi. 2h'. c OAL 1 COAL I EX'iehioouer" BELLE" nov aaloadýDg and reccly for deîivery, Aitishe whxarf, 'A CARGO 07 BEST ýCOAL, fan Houm se e. Appiy ta JOHN ItEITTI. THOMAS 8-T (unAitonO I»ONDONj NELAUlle> IRP MASURE. I»ta an 1 140. 1-La-as .. 11, Lut osae., Ksra; Lotfi di .xceblent'quâilty af loué!, idl vidnabb, ici-rttc [lue TImber. Na. 14-FaÃrt NXE LaiotNo. 7, luI4th Droci, 42 acres - - oe. IJ-Lat NO. O; lu thcau.- Bunmer a-o con. TEETI!-1XTAT1 B1 Tue Ust 07, NITRO1J8 OXID LAUGHING; GA;S, LOCAL ÂNM8?I-JETICf, DUNDAS STIREET- IIITB Y, C. W. rO0OMS.--Ovev M. IL Coobrane', store. Wliitu)y, Jane 20, 1867. 25 MNIONEYP montY Thse nderst.rned blion, eesived intneuuons to li.vest a lar6c scm of Mouey, Re-pnyabie l in o1%9Sum or -byYearby On Tmpravcl 7Arms, or 'Productive Town or Village Property. Fis~oeldssMIrt9ago e baed liste efit' urot8 o cp.5oO tolreiofrf - Apply te W. H. BIL4LING8, 8jc*T&oWliltby. Aprîl 28tlu, 10. -î' 1 1869. TIIE SUPEUtB NEW 1869. 94N(YRSEM AN"9 NORTH SHORE ]PORTS I'ORT 0F ItOCIIESTER, And! will eûtitinue nuakibng dîtily trips, Ieavirug t'obiý(urg unt 8 a.tni. ; Port 1hope ntL9:3(a. ni. Cul!q a Wliîby. tbshiewa, Darlitugion and Now- P.im tic Wednesdiy tuorningi.; nt Birighiton, 'filsundsy mnorintuie, tiîîd Colbonî,o .vory nnunrxept %Wedue.«dcy. ' .rulug lousvelPont oft I0locestor daily ai g.ptre xcept sattmdoys, weiieu mloubves at 2 P. M., direit for Ptort Rlops. Fou rnrtou'r-ApîdyV on benrd or te C. Drnper & Coe., WVlithy; James Ã". Ã"uUY, Osho wus; J. tteîcîlan, flarlingian : F. Nicuholian, Newcatbe; A. Cochrane snd Goo. Hoeuiersan, Port lapo; C. EIliatt, Colionrgo J.Roere Calhorsue; Wisuiîns &o Butter,Brgon April t1mt, 1869. 1 COMMERCIAL L4OTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - Proprietor. F ARM1ING 'IMPLEMENTS, &C. The uulergigned 7.9 egustatae iliat liecon- tinues to snuutfieetire Root, Seed & Mianure Drills, AS WELL Aà WAGONS, ANiD AUL INDS C« FARMING IDMPLEM~EN4 ALSu f1119 CELEBRATED CI-URN, Noîcé! as eue of the biot artiicles of te ibm lm nuinunf.acuur(cé! lu the eî,uutry, mand! big. inprov- cd S'IRA W CUT'VEiSs ea>.iby worked,and 00 muperior bu cvo yresperct. , iaviuig procure7dont' of JÊRICESON'S Ccle- bnated COL<)T0 CENGINI£$ n t lhi% ucanufae- tory, lie hegs to suy Iflat lue is nov omabicé! ta fexeeute ail orders. twl hi lie mcv lio 5ev- ored eleisper, sud witli grcater oxpouition Lian hitherto. sud tb gcai-uitee e oriastisise-' ieus to cumtomern uthe. qualîty of the work- tsniiip and triiteriiil, L:rI Cul! aud sec the nov Calorie Englue ai work ? COJIDWIOD & TLUM53ER Talion in exelsunge, sud Caslh Prices slbowed. JANIES CLAYTON. JACOI3'S BOOT- JACK0 (PATENTED.) The Greatosî Inveniotn of thte Age. Pistcntced by J. W. J aeob's. Domiuion Rigbus seeurcd by 2nd Jolan O'Ȉ nueU -- -- Iloier oave, lot, Thos Wbipps,: 2nd Peter Thampo.' BuatT'Ain, lotJasSmit,jr., hud Donald Shearling ram, lhtTaos Whlpps, Qud ,Rlam lamb, 'lut Wa Boalton, 2ad Tb.oa velaela lt Wm Bouln,' e e Stratlaorn. ' Eye havin raiWe a loai, Ist Thomas MceNuity, Qui Donald R McDonald. 'Sbearlhng, awa, laL Tlioa -Whppaý, fiud 'ýBoar, lot Wnt Boalton1. Bo*, lut Tbcas Me'Nnbty,,ZndW Boulton., Spring pig,,'lot -Tbos McNulty, 211d P Sprîug sow, lot Peter Tbompoob,2ndý -George Strothoru., Tva buel.els fali vbeat: lot J. Binglxer, 2sd Thoi Whippu.f. Tva buehels spring wlat, lit Thom&,a' WluiIpps, Lsd Jas. Biuglaer'2. i Tvs bogheIs oatal Lut WaM Bonitos, L James Bingixor. ýtro'bnushela commos hsrloy, lot Win ,Bonilton, Lad:A Reeve. .Tva busisacammon peau, lit Marrie 'Cauinll, 2sd. Heury Whitney. H1alf huuhel coi-a su car, lot D Heshin, 2ad James Binglami. DAIILT 1'iODIICE llost,5 Ibs butter, lot Jas.MePherson,ý Lad G ea Stiatheru Bout 2 buahel pctatoeu, lot W Baultan, 2udi ,Whipps.- Ose busisel tai-alnps, lut-John Foxi, Lsd Jos'sBingiier, One huche) fild cari-ats, lot J Bingher, Lad Hen ' y Witney. One bush l sangold wurtzele, lot Jas Bingier, Lnd O Thotupeon. dÂumYEGavBLU AN&» FRUIT. 6, itead& éfoaabaige, lot H Whitney, Qd B Hopkinos, 12 boots, lst.  Dadeaboffor, 2nd Wa. Botas. 15 caoirta, lot>Wm BalLon, Lad D. R IMeDnal!. 11 Peck af onions, lot P Titaspsos, L2d I- Boultau. Peck of apples, lot H Whsitney, 2nd J Fox. Pain torlucys, lot J MoPhersas, Qad, W Baubtor.- Pair geeso, lot W Iloul ton, Laid Henry ReveIl. Psur docks, lot sud Lsd M O'OnneiLl Pair lavis, D R McDonald, 2nd. WW Boîtan. Ose husbel Timotby seed, lot J.Bing- hain. 10 lbs, iax ssed, lot J 'Fox, Lnd- Oliver Thoîmpson. Cattle; Chai-les Thamps, Beaverton, Samuie) Jei-ouc,Oro, W. Wslson, Medouta. Grain, Boots, DairyPradluce, &c., &c. -J. Biais, F. Kçeiu, J. Wor)d. Fail Exhibition of Lbe To wnslipAzrA- euas'ub %Society -ôr the 'Iîowuiskip af The Fal) Exhibition of te Agricultural Society oftise Towuship of Brook, 'vas held in tise village af Sunderland!,-'an the fi-stinat.' Thewcau her'vas lina, sud Lb. - Né . 1f- * ? dg si" 200 acres. NO. 17- 'd *, lanIthe 200 acres. 200 acr2s 200 acres. Sevoral well ,-itnated lots - ulb.thetbrlvlu village af Part Poiry7 sud f o it1 acts lots lu tlieTown. f hty a_,ý , Àiso-Sont 34 Lot Noa 8la 2nd cancusbon Béeh, 70 acres ceered, wbth pgodildnings;. LtNO. 22 ln 15th con. LlOWIok. ý Ur;*PERarIeau blieAt luis o12ca aviny eay frac. 9 teo m6eac.k. rhcr0 oui nror.uation la rofOrusnce to tho obpvo cou b. hade - Appli, caiious by ot pro.pà id. Ail the. a ove îyrapcrty les DO en for bu- ipctiotu, ami:t.proprletor wauld like ~ cIlbo ut theo wlole w1 fiin Lhirty dayw.. Wiltby, Sept' 29, 186t. ti. 07 A YALVAULE; 0B.y Ivirtue of Paver af Sale csan'talued la'se cetinMrigge vhleh vil) bo praducedst. the Sale, on Monday, November lot, 1869, AT TvzgO'OLOtJK OONt et the d'Hamuilton Hause Hatel,lasthe. village cf floavortan. FARM IN TIIORAII :-Tis Soutlih aîf of Lot No. le ln tho 2iid concoession -of the sad Townslip of Thorali, contais-mug by sdmeusuro- nient 120 acresl, moro or lAes, of. wbh il bout 100 acres are ebcît.retb. Thmie are ai eoted on thue premises a good é!welbinir haupee,<rae bsarn, à WXt, Irame'stable sud, shed, 26X80, alla a Iog barn 80X52. TER 8 .-ne-teuth of Lb. purchas, n.oney ta lie paiR dowu ounulie dcv af sale; for ba- suce, taeruns il! be mode lonastathse. For furiher partieubarst apply ta JONAS AP JONES# 891lobciuo;Mamoanie, HallToi-auto. Toronto, Oct, 6' 1869. 40-t T OWNSHIP RIGIITS FOR BSALE, i 0F TB£ OILIEBBAXD CHEURN -DABER! A flrà t rate chance ta mako money; R.B. I OBBS.' Wltliy, Aug. 4, 1849. 81. AMES LAMOIN, SOLICITORIN CIIA»iCtITy, CONYEYANqCER, LAND AGENT &Co Omenr-Over Armuatrong's Bote), Main St-, lUxbrldgo. Uxîrulge, Juno Ttl, 189. tf-2s 'luVs-WILSON, FUaTEaoiMMOP a TROmÂa., Residence - TOUi Gate, 4te con., Wkitby. sales attené!od La ou the sliortest notice sud an î'eiuonable terme. Toits eun b.made at tlseFInoNICLE Office sud (Jaut4e, Wlsitby, ýfor Mn. Wilson. Whitliy, (Oct. 18, 1869. 41 RB. J. Darraeh, M.D.,N.CP.S.O., (LITA' OrJCLoGTor2 .i- OuiTRZ.) ï[as opened an cilice lu Whitby, lu Che aId Posi Oflbe, mîeorly opposite -Lhe Engîluli .Clunireli. Whore ho la proparod ta t.ret c- cordiîsg tth ie latest itchooha, et! sitoctins lu th Isauuclieis of PbysAie Surgory, stu mi md- vife-y. Dr. »erraglt'-Javotos portcuilar nt toutien ta ugi. afsel utd diseuses of theo eyo ulsAué!ori, aplraîlous for the cure of han3 Il,, iibfoot and! aquiutperfni-mcd- Ail cis pi-omptly atieudcd to. Whithy, Oct. 6, 1809. . 4w-40 w À AN T E D,-.AT DOMINION WARE. xI oxei, vnrray. Appreutices and! imp-overs ilbhe -boa sud Manile-Makiug Departmnt. L.OWES &do WELL. W A NT ED,-TffOMINIO-N WARE.ý A your laid of 10 or17 Teers, asan orcu- Lice. ta ubo Dry (lobda business. - LowE8 do WELL- LICENSE» CIOER fiO rmTE N Yo'oz-w -T~~o Win Fraucis, sidlLobert Brava. JUPOES Horgs-Robert Dobsoa and J ilkey, of Resalhand!CGaa. Harrison of Scott.- 6Oxoep aud Oaiibo-Mr, 8&'fopezj of GFeamgno. 1fr. Jas Jahneon of Brouc, snd Mr-. A Scott, af eacb.- Produceaaed M~ra41 aI watreI, Ni-s George Hill1, of Brook, sud Mis Henry, af Oearglna. famnii correspondent' bau pcnetralad Lb. Inamost interior of a Ohinage Jaau.itauae in San Praucýscaod'laas aeèuj"oa u nsel- Joui,wha is, i-ireýverently stiled tlae-Old Boy, seomed La bo'baving a vciy nice ime of it, sue! was-gou-geous in jevels-'and fiue clotises. -<Bis olîken caat' vas bhaay vith gohi'mue, sud beho voe &sasty 'Et). smokiîng cap. ýAIlie isunouné!lugs vers autuptuans. fia Lhxone gbittee-ed vitia geis Ovreaud as a velvet canapy rica ville prociaus uxetali. As far Jasa laimecf, h. pmesented tlaêappeatauoe ai laigit livingsud deep drinking; bis fingera wvere deokcd vitit diamaonds, but bie nase displayed carbuncieË only ; laie whoe face vos flamuiugly ýred;;sud sitogetber, lau apite allaislind; cloihos, ho vwuia uaost dîsi-eputable aId do[ty. The apendouraf titis Jass-haue see. c preseuiéta o o qual toa t of sanie af tise temples lain(Vblîna. Only thon-e, ' ud, doubless, lu Cali-nia, ezery Chineaxe itu lais ovu' Josi.laause aon a sînaîl sosie'. Mr.Barnuinu- uarrating bistroubles lu te dock husineai,"'tells hov Connecticut clacks h ave hees distriboled ai) over tise varé!, and tisat viiobe cargoes of tisent bave beensont ta China.,Tuere, hovover, tbey were not apprececl Ã'daus tie. keep- ei-a, but Chin amen* bonglait taemu'for orna- inented oases-Laking; ont tise snuaiery, sud convertis5 tise eusse ino easminiature temple for Joan, ilium indubitxebly piroving, uccrding to Baanuin, thaL faîtis l possible S4'lzGu or PaÇeo.-Mfrs. Mi)aprap, Wlao buas rs that the Bishopa attending the Pope's gi-et CouÙncib -at Rame are to rce- ocive an allaowance, 5varying betiveèe 6s. 8d. suad ,'lO1s. a day, 'Iaysthbt she.uow nunderstands- wisy h fa calod the 'Econo-' itiol Counèil. Sixo fa thatfik1ul to"'thiuk-- 1il; Mlanauexemplsry meucbar .of [the Estabiohed Oisonel>) that Pur IBialop ai-e -botter palé!, -To OoaRsoaciinrs.-Dnlyi-oceive4Sli jokea shMn-s. Beeclaer'S-toe putting7hor Tise BattI ai Jcâner.-Our adi'ice ta auxions *moibers visa are larine4 about Vaccination is, Don't lo friglatmed- Ihongi yoii're Coved. Tiso fashian for coats thia faîl' *111 h.b W'good dcal like Chat of lîet fat], pa-uicolar- by zwitis. tlese wlaceaare cmupelldeiwwear Au. haneat dam.eu inte Lova-af Rome, standing isésidea the coi-pue aifheaide-' cesacé! isobané!, bevailing in pitoons-toues his uiatimely depier-tre,,olamoned: It'e. apiÉ>'is'sdead, for hie tâth are se goad -as they ýever ver. GonFIsna-Wa. I. Thomnpion, of Portsmouths, N. Il.,& feçv'daygs aluce anglat ý-two h ' libut, weigising230 and 60 pouds, 1 Wallaece, ai tise isae plSo ne rock hlaned lu 3,500 poundso f nean1> $50, - MOL. Whltby, Aug. Ath, 18i, 1 PRIg LST.- - Ciui ones. Spgn ~I-aaxgbLhorses,,lot Geo Hadden niglat at ui Lsd H Bretisu.Ilaivrl Span gen pur bai-ses, lot W Shior, 2ud -Tisi-cor O Rennie. -' -BriLlit Colu $pan carnasge laoreo, .et Ww Bsisaw, af ail sizes iâ Lsnd H Bretha- ur. aiea pi-osent D-ran'ght'bwood more, lf'J StonoLa2d- colonial popf Ga Had4on alandaut ii T*o year old gelding, gon pur, lot Johnu river as alux Allen, Lsd, W,,Fi-suds. » Tvao ycar aid'fl i ea par, lot G Shier, "Why doi Lsd W Buter. a physicien t ,One year old iIly, lot JasJalansan, Lztd down a utait GBrsaaon, ut.faither." .Fool of 1869, gen pur, lotiVux Irancie,' 'q&'Io ,, La0d W Hututer. it Io for off.I bao!o 18869, draught, lotG$ier, 2nd 1 get toit."1 EJ. ROBINSON, GOLD &SL'RPAE~ - DTNDAS ST. EAST, Ansticac r.vaakauxi aIr, LIC W 'OUas. Ol!spoonsote, crt- oe., Tl'plted viLle Sterling f45lber aud'-macle - cqnbtéLo uw. Brooesè. e'tard damà is, vatoix cases, rinigs, &o,, repîated wiila pure gelé!. grCai--iage vcck an tise sbuoi-esoticela. XTALUABLE MILL PROPERTY'FOR V SALE.w For sale , on easy toi-ms Grist and-Sav MiII. uiv~i etodt ii IIIconins .8b l'anOf. 1 1. 1 1