Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1869, p. 2

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k. &0t., tise propentj skial-RB, L. Munro 11, on Lot Auction. 0.1.,26, 1869, at Whltby, Purin property -James Lamon, Plalntift's Solicitor ; L. Jairbanki, Jr., Aucloner' Iýatknvs. Svitser--At 'Wbltby, on Oaturdïty, Nov. , 1869, Panin propert>', K . ILCochrane,' vendoresoslicitor; L. Fairbanîks, Ir., Auctioneer. Keenan vs. Kenan.-At Browen's hotel, .Allons, on-$aturday, Nov.18, 1809, Plrin proporby, Bc-S . Cochr'ane, von;dore solictor;,IT Fairbaniks, jr., Auctioneor. ONLY $150 0 NMSA YEAR WlîlItby, -Tihursday1 Ot,, 21, '1869. #$What wll Dodo wllla l T"p " ull mu>' ellyou vbat jeu ill bo ýgladt 1 heur, that thons is a large sur- "pluiIbotheaunry, vel Investeti, thse à' ultlimate disposition of which, wbethsr Il to ha used le reduces Ihe dobt of thse "1Province, or.le pronsolo public mprove. ".mental throughout, the countiv, invobves "a poicy vhicls wibb hereaiber bo de..- fsef/- Gnrai .Slcedonald, cf Lannington, lot; DÃ"at., vide 2 aronto - Telerap1a, lStl ombler.) On Dominion Day 1867, Ontaneobbe- asme a seperate Province, vith a Local Gdovenentonsted vitb th. manage. ment of lis local affairs. The Hoa. John Sandfld Macdonald vas cbarged 'Irvitis th. formstion of th&& Govenninena, sud lu csrryiog onuthie. trust, bof songist the sa. alsace- ef leadlng ulatesiman fi onibqtb aides' of pelities. Thse resait vu tihe "Paltent Cmintin v- hich, visatever mal baue been Iîs good or Ica bad fetre, bas e.tainly ipneved te b. au econmiccab Gouerument for tbe couslny. Witbie Ivo.7eans aisd a haîf, ve tlnd thse Sleave.. tous'10biv wo milions of dgoUars "in the Ireaaury veili ivsted." This bhis been seeomplished vithin tbirty monthe, or ai tbe rate of nal avutAmlruand dol- fer. per mentisuad ibislange surpînlis pot bobo Made by voakening tise, publie service by negloting vaut, or by a nig. u4 .ostsretad a" ts eails te the ceuniry', flut bjtb ,.expendiure oif moue>', sud secatdIl>' by oibaelong the valu* of roal astate sd aIl tise productionus of the faim, Mud the - croit; 1'The nov prinoiple eofsa!iiog Balîvaj b>' "1boumes'app.sr tW aSd favývr vus, lhi Peope.. ' ibiaplan, oseS a ulci- pahit>' 1mev exactI, vAis a sgivini,0 vbat it vil! bavsetW psy, sud VIOCa ts lisiiit>' viiiceese, la ibis Ceni>'abone, vitinthe.puai jean, aine bonna BI' Lava for lise 'Wbitby sagi Nipissing Bâilvays bave beenaouhittîd tute sepeople,,.sud ;atifioti b>' thie votoi for an aggregate sain et $277,000. Tkiis mou.>' b oet bien g!autid lu tise e4ectstion tisaitise Goverumeut vonld pey lb, but, vitlu tise fuit- kuovietge tiai ovn>'penny maiSe repaid b>' taxation. Làd' lu ether sec- ions, mona1icipalitiea bave bien, equal>' liberaJ, ln granting bonrsa te aid Railva>' bulding. Yet vitis &Il tisese boums1mi io bard anud difficuît vork te baUld rail- vays. Our country la net icis eneugis te foraisis private menu forverks et suais magnitude, sud vus Grand brns exper. lino., isla useboas te appl>' te Englias - Capi'taiists. Nuov lu tise.ecaes visere tise >people 'are live b tise' boniets et Vaibvaya. Whou tise>' put, tieir ovn- sisouldons toeLiseie.! sud grant large munieipial bonosee' -andi'vison. privAts epqter#Fsae letuggling te carry thie pro' jeots le a acsfatlissue;1 havi tise>' ot a jusi sud sîroag dlaimu on tise Govea- meut efthue -day, for a reasonabbo ameunt eo, assistance. Net t6 tise mont of $10,- 000 per mile, ae lu limes et olti, but to a muais maliern anud jet tisaI suina,1 amaîl as il neasouabl>' mn>' ho, ilI in- ,tuse nev lite sud euengy in inu> a rail- va>' interpnise, sud onable its procioters1 te brng il io a saccesetaI issue. Lit tisaI assistance be givena aler tise roati laà om. pîcteti, Sut aiti snme lime lot tise Gev- ennient pay tisat for ovn>' mile ot'road1 busit anti completeti vus a given namiser1 et jeans, tise Govermmns vil!1 givWeu ah honuas et on.dollar, foi, eviry. tuuodolarsj et mulipiat bonus, op to -$2,000 per mile for Geverumeut aid., Even tisaI imall suin per mile, vouiti give i"back1 bon," le omin>' ralliai soisemis verts>'ofet publiec osifideqoC and pu>lie support. la, effecî, tise Govenumout weurbd coq61"GOUon isuiltiou jea ed, and, vhon cempboted, vo iii susai ju in bnying tise roiling ai ook.", With ibis idAueement,- municipalitiee vonidti more readul>' aid antimoisil-'and tise Pro-. vince, fer every $2,000 et Gevernsesi aid,e wooulti nîcive eue- mile et railva>';tise garai>'-sud pesinmusous adunuuuarsous or munleipalitloa. on tise oui baud, rooaliiu publie affaira ; but bj andt isougi s trite aId etthe (Govmment, sud tise Pro-, woveuiw sinu th. seUOA .... 1,suI. -1 blleaisof Ouri Lgisisînu, sud la, ever>' brach otfîIbo adininstration, of tisa (overa. meut etttissProvince, W. bave surn 4008001061. Premier, backeti up anti sua- taluotiby aue souemicai Legilélsture, talng monti>, atter paying anti pro. vidiug-for Il carrent sîpenses sutdlabii. $I4maseet>' Iouant dollars. Wltb snsoc 0 surplus ou baud, anti go rapiil>'[nmnu- MuI ise question uns>'W4ol!b.cseket, "Wisat -o1i1 ho do vhs h r'l To tiis quastion tbone caobutens latoligent reaipouse, open np.oui coustry, rspsirast itndt tie banagtin rond. vin.., ou tise ether haatroaping tise ad- vautages ofthtie expeuditureofethtie moue>' anti tise construction efthtie rend, Tis cish veulti ieJp tise otisrtansd oeSh be maualibhoeited. To meet this contoiupi'st.ti *pantitisne b>' lise Governus, tise amoeunt *oald net be exceusivol>' large. Ai the outaldo for tise Doit four or fivo jeans, mi voubti net, la aIl pro babubit>', rescS hait et-tho surplus nov on baud ; ud, long Soforo tisatimas -xpinot, tise wsuri vniiagain 6e matie uop Sj goverament avieguetf 70,009 1per mentis. Out of tise p risent surplus usine cooulti till ramai. $1,000,000 dollars ton lzprove tise navigation of, car Ilaudt nisnation ronds, inlanti waters, draiuing tiseDoev Rilva>' enierpnleaes ft te ta>' -lusagur&t. nev anti mach requiroti public v<iýko, And upplemnntprivât@enisanl qg oesije ut prjecte of publie Importance." lExpon nti d'tiltibate -tisa moe.>'in saob Ob a vy IthM tepublie me>' taap direct ad-. V*2atage froni Its, xpenduituro, anti ater- varda isae oeumrb. euricised tu tliir. polagtieu moug lise peuple;: To bave au ooo~umJcal Gevérumeai. la a ble.eiug te sha Provinace, but If tise money la aftera Ir", eto be josideti.ap ; &tises ilobomia on evl, a mieu, saur 5. eeoeomieal anti lae'but bliaMomIe>' f l tne arvee te b isâselff bit usigkboers, nor t Ibe country M wlrge. And ti es iorumeut, vriib aIl pelasé us du. e tiste Onarnio' Govenu. meut for gtetsai gma a lage surplus, àb.coeutry vill covuaeai tandtie 'sIL@ jadilous oxpaudtluro la publie vomie, t giirài pblie- iuporteo. Jus ibis ug8 duse eaeibiSfor0 idp valu.shai ho obi m*don 'la e. vatan avmpa,-antipreviting sleam ton thi anfortaimatea of tsar ceani'>'. Tise dat>' te save snd economise Su bien suçcoisftljy practileti anti carnet ount b>' tise Oawt aerouoninov, theso n Jeu imoenant-daoty ta ditibute, presesta- itaeb<. Io do ib4s'-ith'-oeiubastîti jus. tics;-,te satilsf>'ail parte etftise Province, ud ta do It lu sueh s manor ibat, atter saviag tise'surplus, it vil! net b. quaetier. et, neqir« es skiI! anti mature jutig. ment. W. beleia t s e Aittrna>'. (loeai -vil! proveoquel te tise occasion, anti tisai tiesurpîusuviii hi diaposîti et lu sueS' à manner aseta oetise "grosiesi goti <ta tise greatei nuasho." This surplus la «96s'g item; ' li disposaI a matter of gre&t importsnce ta tise Cîouan>r' anti vi Ma>' vel Ask-"6 Wbaisl ii-ho do villa iL?" Whitby East lWhiby 1Ustýux Ag d cultural Society, - ~~T. flivluomseluair maiefrou lb pssat publiaiseti lutveS as 8W00M 0 oiejee tmripe, la Joisus licol;2s Wu. Xemr- *l>eisa epburn. oreQf tnai, loteJohna motob>lf1 Sud Ws. Biteos $rdi wS. er I. & amof c*arro it s Rbi. Ormstln i Websa" lesvued wiî!i deep regret the d'omise or Mssbal Wi!o, KM. D.9 son or Our Lownernsn, J'. S. M. Wilcoz, Euq,3J.P. Young M&, WI!ooz did ia KSMnuaIst Ogoday. H. hsd a.ttled thon iin the prao" til. of bis profesuion, about a yar &go#,: and slresdy, -as a mdiesl «-an, bail von golden opinions on .very aide. Dr. WII!. C!g vos à papil At the Wbilby Granimar Bebeol, and ww v.kno ',teW nU of' out readors.Hlonxp eto db lbaves a voli nDot osatly file&dln bies<sîho'i. b resired ýhouuehold. The romains vil! ar- r ive' boe.on Sstnrdsy uext, the 23rd lut., sud the <nis! vil! Ishe place '601n bis fsîher's roidence, te the, Presbyterian buaal ground (Ber. gr. Thoraton'.) on A Few Iyordë on the Pwesentment of the G<rand Jury* The fol!owing is the presentinent made by the grand Jury eatho lat6 Pull Assîzes for tbis Oounty, and ini printig il vo have a few-'remarke te offer. The Jurors of Our Sovereign Lady the Quoen beg to prosent: Thst on visi Ling the Gaol they found the celui, passages, and rooms devotdto the useo<prisoners particularly dlean, and al *bout the promhites seomuingly well ordered for the preservalion of the physical ilealth of thei mantes. That the mcans--provided for. the moral and inental lioprovement arc, on the con' trary, vory inadequate, the saui! ibraryi procured for that purposo bc,gopoe in great part of unsiatablo books for the churactor of the-clatis of pensons for whom they are intended; and that the wboîe, as rtgards ils stt of preservation, iSs ina tattored, dilapidated conîdition; that no regular, nor aven oeccuional religious in- structions is aflorded the prisnners, on either Sunday or any othmr day-of the' week. -save whatmay. bcobtained main the perusal of two or three Bibles, should their 0Win uinds prompit thom teapply to thati source fur religious training -asupposition1 oppoied, unfortunately, te general experî. once. The jurors advert Lu the religious1 phase ofthIis mfatter more for the purposo of bringing it under consideration of the1 inhabitants of tbis town and vicinity, in the hope thut it may lead some w2lb dis-1 posed persona to devoto, if but hi of4 theîr turne, at Jouet on Susidays, to supply this want, than the expectation that1 through any officiei source the necessary1 lIstruction vil! bc imparted.1 Thut with regard te the zafe keeping of the prisonens, and notwitbstanding the many attempta muade te escape, sotae ofi whicl baye beon -s,4ccsaful, portions of the Saol yards are un.4sauly defective, apd seeni 10 court attcsnpt at escapo. WhiJo the Jte guoler was alivo, the Lurn - key' staled yestenday, tbat to prove the eue with which a prisonor could release bimself froin confinement ho liad volunteeri ed to ascend lnom the out yard te tho roof of the gaol, and thus pteta largo vithout1 any ottier aidthan bis banda antifo f eodd. This hoe acconsplisbed by elimb- ing up tb. northeast corner of tito build- ing until holiekaced hie hande upon th. eavetrough. Ho thon relraced bis stops, tho guoler being sutisfied tbul it was an easy malter toe escpe iroin the yard. Sîngulur te say, although Ibis matter wap represent- edto, the Prison inspecter, voll paid, ne doubt, for the performance of bis dut>', no stops, thgtthe4wgrand 1ury are avare of, bave been -takon t correct ibese dcfccts vbicb a comparatively oasi!Outlsy voubd1 romcedy. Tlhe- nortbwest yard~ te vhichi prisoners have occasionsîl accoua is equally,i if not more insecure, and it is te bo boped tht the gaol or Ibis ceunI>', whicb in the erceeion snd yearly maintenance coula so largo a smito monoy, yl bo reaily madle thut for vhich It vas iptended, a place of socure confinement. XYour Lor4ship, in referring te tb. liglit- nous of tb.e1alonder, suggeated that a1 chief cause might ho founsd in the inecas.- ed prospority and contontînent of th. people. That this locality is higbly favour cd in Ibis respect, vo hsd thoe mot p leas- ing evidènce on Wednesday last. Thous-. and:s of the prosperoùs, loyal, and content. e04 inhabitats ecrowduts<ho handsumely deor*Éateti tes ef tho <.ionty Town.i Oco. Ilsyden, Jue. Hlant, W. S uln J. M. Pbilip, Aaron Sharrerd, J. W. Davis, Peler Scott, IFij. Youg, FY. vallontino, Ricisti.Carruatisors, Mark Currie, John Taylor, John Milles', Jas. Leask, Pâîrick ivali, -W, D. Micissol, Jsa. Bonus, -TSio o$ve ahave le - ofe, oel Maidibef*r., asti priated ià-i 'k.... I LARGED 1 T ANNINP Th Tise ev. of Brook refuoses*S10 sstilY the Dosase y-Jsw.-Âlively Tlime. -Speeches of the PrçMesrBoa Me C. Cssueron, £oqé On 1storday but, pçuuat te, previonas -Sunouacemen t,, 59.romoul et "break- i.g thb. Oritsi e ofet Toronteotand Niplesing Baiiq 100ok pis.. etCanning- Lon, iu tise îovuiipcfBrook. Bulering tise village îb dmcruiug#,,belven uueý anud ten o'elo[r vo'§av ou even>' ade mauttcstatientý-f o unai e xcilement, sud indications lIi proceediogs of an extra- oîdinsry ciansocten vwere on foot. Tise striaIs et île village voie tbrouged, 'Met onlfvwitf, Ie people Of Bnock'anti imume- diate vicifhy, butvUs cnowds frein mono distantýs*4ýoetÉtis sud udjuinàgeann. tisa. Pîags sud deconations, anti bnnni in ahussiance fisantei in ever>' direction ; triumpUliarches wvr e ceîd aI varions peint#, sund tiese arainseofthtie Canangton banc? were anceaaig sa is te .gessenal rejuicing. Tise' principal sncb on tise nain street bore tise vends "1Weoine te &iso Premier," on one side, and on thse other ide tho vords &$Victoria, Our Queen." Anotisen 'aneis iadth ie vende "Couad mile laitbÇbe" -th ii ihlnd,Çaelie as distinulahod frin tise Irishs vord- "Cesti mille feaiti." oethtie urine mean- ing, or oee undredti iousauti voicomes ; sund aloisewonds "4Webcome 10 tise Provincial Secetsry." AÀ tiird urcis isil tise vende "Godenhai n sd Wortzi onoue aide, sud "Fniends et ProgrcssIlon tise etiser. Alîhongis lie streets vere snuddy untio foot tise veather vas deligistuül tbrongboust tise day, anti uotlsing- ceulti ho more anusuated tisu tise scone proeebt. t vas ceriainty' suais a scoeosCanning- ton nover witueseti etonu. The people et tise village bave ever>' neason ýe teeb prend attise creditable dispbay mado by thenu on tise occasion, sud tise guesL, ut Lise.varas, ean>' velcomne die>' ecelied. The eveuina bbore, vo wse uol4d,%boe vas 4140 a grand illiamniati n a- iaune ýr oef thse avent, sud ia veJeome oet tisePremier sud distinguisheti gaegta bl whos hoe va accompanieti. MESTINQ 0F Tue 1B304ILoourz,. Eanly in tise fonenoon a meeting efthtie Brook township couacil vas ield at Wsrd'a iuouei, tise proceedioga a i buisexcited cousideraisle attention, ns h vwas given otn tisat tiseReeve isati efussetite hbaui over tise tovnship dieutunos, andt iat in COU. aequeoee of iisfsi thie cenemouy et "&brenkiug the finit soti" voubd net takre place. Al tise sembene efthtie township couacs! voespresent, sud tise roi vas dcusoil Irougeti b>'tise natepayona anti t ho Tornto g6nîlmn, vise appeased te take an cager interoat in tise reuist et tise proceedings. Afior tise <ennuI business et neadiug tise minutes, &c-, bati been gene tbrougis, Mn. Gillespie intimaiedti iat as tise important pnoaoedings of 6"turnin< tise tînal sodl' oeftiseTornuto aud Nipiasing Bsail.vuy vere te taise place, it voulti1 net be ativisable ton tise ceuncil te go mb tiste cousidonatioa of township mations, fusthen lisan tise approval et an atidros le tise Premier, a draft etfvliicb b. proceedeti te read. A nesoution iu appreval et tise stidrous, au4requsesting ils preaeutation b>' tise Boive vastisen passeti. -Mn. Amy, eceoudeti b>'Mn. St. joua, moved tise adjeuumsent efthtie conucil te Pridal, 22nd Oct., thon te meet ai Vroo manton, ai lin o'c!ock a. su. Mn. Bretisour, secondeti b>'Mn. Car- miobasi, in anuentiment euoved, ibat tise Trustees and ti oso gentlemen cenuectoti vus tise Comupany' ho hourd, in eider te ogpliiç tievies oun the passisg ef tise Rail.. .i. Mn- Brth-. natnnos this 000,dproperýli a* cn i çrl>' Sedoue, aOnd vbjbhie duiing o gb v no ebsîzele ia: tise va>',ho wvoael e. Iinisoîf disgracod sud bis fsmii ydiagraçedif ho -did nos -keep bis pledge Wto th ratepens'r, tbàt tise dibectanes efthtie to.iip ibouJld net ho iaaudeà ovrer 'uýti thtis ovnaip Wuafflsr- of lhe reev-tise jeu s Wg uuss. Bre- thour & Carmiebael; naya, Mesura. Amy a Bd St. John, sud tise motion £oiadjourn- ment .annied ou tbe sume division, ,vÉA? veex- WLACZ AT TURNqIXO TUE 90o). Ohortly afuon 12 o'cleek, thebe nibeat of tise Company and Dinectons present witis tb. Premier, Hon. M. Coaeron, sd, the large çpncourse of pensons present proeeeded te the groundis appointed. for penfonmlig-thse cenemeuy of teruing tlb. lirot;,aod. ,Thse place saeocteilvas abUwlt lb 'a mile distant on the tanra et Mn. -Gillepie-a&isanduonse andi picteresqsel gree diigst!llysitate.Hors aa i> i able plattonin vas orected for thse cca-. sien, andi vben 4'be-proceedisnga coin.ý iuenced ,tiseracouùle net bave, ýbien' Jusa lison fificon btsndned people on tise groaud. -Ou tise plattonni vo«0o>- senv'ed Hon.,Atuonno>' ,Gosers! Mcdoniald; Mn. R.' W., Mbot, President: -ef -,he T.k N. Rsilnoid Comâpauy, Mesuràa; W. F. Mc- MaserJ. . Sni', Gorge Laidbasv, Diecloru-Mn. Graisas, tise Secnetary, Mn. Loy., lth. Solicitor efthte Company', Hon. G. W. Allas, Hon. M. C. Cameron,, Hon. J. B. Robinson, Tise Mayor of .Toronto, Alderman Baxt.r, Hon. Mn. McMurricis, Aidenmsa Bonbon, Mn Spratt,' Cisairman of tiseCorn Exciag, .Barn. hart, A. Crooka, Wnagge, Nelson. MilIar, MoCord, Lawrnce, et Risodèe Iland, Ew- ing, Josepb Gould es M. P. P., John Hall Tbompàon M, P.., John .Munison M. P., 'Tbou. Pazton id. P.> P, I1.d. Istison Braitre, Revd. PFa ser Camipbell, ;Ievdé Mn. Curnis, Daniel Morrison. Torontu, A. Kennedy, Atbenbey, C. Sith, W. Sinclair, W. Nelsons, G. Smritb, Heuny Brotisour, Malcolm- Gillespie, Reéve 'of Scott, Capt. Sinclair, Wm. Scott , Price Aihent Chas. Paxton, Port Perry, Mn. Chas. Robineun,ý 11ey. cf Tisoîsb Mn. -Broiný Major of Lindsay, Mn, S. C. wood, Mn. Msrgacb, Lindsay>, Mn. E. Wbclen, Sîouf'ville, Mn. Wheler, Reeve ef Uxbridge, Mn. Feuby, Depnty Reeve eof .Jbrige, Mn. Amy 'sud Mn. St John, Concillora et Brook, Mn. C. H. Duvideon, Mn. Canînichuel. Soin. lime vas epent S'u taking photo. grnph groupa, aftîr wisici tise pnesentatiou of the toJbowiDg utidressea teck place, TUr, ADDU51Z%@5 TO TUE VBkMIEBL. TIse finat wu tise addreea ut the conneil et tise corporation efthtie towushsip of Brcci, wbich vue rond- by tse Roeen s To Ille inouralile Johrn San4jleeld Af Iedon. aid, Premier oftha rvneo n tario. ' Poic , n S:u,-Ws the Reeve anti Council et the tewrihlip ef Brook, on bubal f et i iabi. tante, desire te express te jeu our hîgh- est gratification on tb. occasion ofthIis, your finat visit tq' Ibis portion of theeliro- vince, aind tu tender to jeu a beart>' vel ceuse. W. desire te express our pleasure un tise tact te yen is accerdedtihUe boueur of inauguratinig a schesue viicb, vo trust, wil! b h e mins of conterriug greut anti basting bpneits on Ibis portion of tise country, b>' epeuing up direct cosumuni - cationa viit ths capital cf Cntario ; there- b>' tacilitating ecwmriul intercounace, usutual udva-ttageous, anti vbicb, ive bpe, wil -bo the means - et increaging our strengbb and veabth. It la vitb feelings of prude Ibat Wo recognise lu you an ex.- penienceti legiftlater, iling te -extesit as- sistance te ail eutes'pnizes calculatedti l turtiser lte developinent o e b ac per- lions of ont ceunIry, anti sincerei>'truat tisat the presesit undentîrkin,having in view ils extensaion b a large section eftIhe ursettlei auds cf Ibis Province, ina> ne- ceivo ltai eucouragement anti assistance froin your Llovernmerit viicb we are satisfied yeu are willing te extendtei le > inoasunes calcubabeti ton th. public gooti. Iu concluâsion, we desire te exprôos our deep obligation for tb. great interest jeu tatu in tbe presut ruilwa>' oulorpnize, anti for the bonoun jeu bave conbsrred on us lu ceusenling, ut grcal personal inconvon- ienco te.yourself, te performîhie vork et tunning tise final aod of the Tonante and Nipissing Railwa>' in oun Township, MALCOLM GILLESPIE, Reeve efthtie Township et Brook. (louncib l Ros. Canninglon, Oct. 10I, 1809. country'. am sssure, gentlemntisa ju il! agreewvus me tsaitlsc moat- certain va> te enis lise a'id et Goverumoünt ini the promsotion su s ncbwdertuakap &ase is, 's tiprisbuco>te~be uvdonceofotyour readinesato cqntFlriue 'ihcnulbv eunsel-, itROBERT WATT ELLIOT, Prost "JAMiES GRAHAMI Socretar>'." To vieci lie Pazsuust rend tise fellov- ing 'rei>' ,; "o té PrsidnVic--1'rai&nit aud .Dtrectors o] tÏ7e Toronte and Nipia- ing. Railos>' Cimper.' 6GaEXTaaEX",-! sincére!>' lbank yen 'torenrnietlyinvitation te take part un lise inauguration et jourrailvu>', sud fer thse fIutlerngr- te.rme lunvisicis yenbave communicatsti your ajses. -"My colieaues anti mygct muat bave heon blindt thie interests net murmel>'et Ibis parlicular section ofthtie ceunIr>', but efth tieProvince ai lange,ihat#e tailedtiu1 pecive tise greal advautaged'to both oe andtihlie olter etfvsicis jour utetku attende tise fairest promise ; anduti er ivit- nessing te untiring usal anti enengy jeu * aetiplayetp n sgirmg ilt tiste slate et torivardness il-bas sîneaul>'arriveti aI, anti percsiving tisaI >'our couvietimus ot being able te hning ite a successfuliissue, are evincet b>' yeur putting jour bauds inu your own pokets, vo ehseulti indeeti ho recreant We ite duties incuinst on ss as a Ioverriment, tii w. laitin isffordiug joui ,avery menai support il Our poers towurdLS furtLiering the 9Ql4ect you bave at beanit. "Cttordialt>'jrinssiiiis e hope t1bat yens' suterprize yl prove nauîaîked step lu tise, opening up efthtie ceunts"y anti a pnlutieI te ihose ativarîtages viticis experience hase simoun 10 folJuw in tise tréin et hîke judi- cieug uudortakings, il secius tLe u Iat nothing else offo:aitr men us.scb a -happy usigur>'tsucces as tise dctenncined resu- luticus yenunerceviucing le put Sour owu shio'.iders lustil> te tise vises!; sud jeu have alreudti>'tsoîne.,extent oxpeniensceti whit unflug-ging,"Ptrseveinnce cçnn ac'om- phisîs. "For lise boueur jeu have donc myssif lu requesting tuse tao bru the finaL soti; fer lise gratification 1 receive-resu meeting àu snasî y u'respceei ien43, antiforan sy intnoduction ftefirst tumtu te sesur- roundigyetiorcaur' luwiîuess lise interesl anid spatb>'1tali i a oes'!destiued leatvanc esitem prosperity anidvole, anti fer tise appreciaîlon yeu express et whatevcr.litîbu uenviçe 1 andi nu>'colleague sua>' have besîs ulule 1u rendier jeu, sayi especial uckno'wJedg-uemsts are due. -In Ibis ceunIr>' public mass scîdeni neclines on, s beo etrossqa, ad ntil elun ton exissusting' Isrbdiir, hirasàing sx- isties, sud lotten nu uitle ,,'tssitct eblo' quy', hoba ldôm mucis Lu console hlm in tie vay"et persenal ativantage. Ilits chiot nsvard i isehéboueur et acrving lis ceunît', andi visn along vils Ihal anti pos.cassing lise conscieusiis of taving fulillet isiedul> Le tIs e St et his atbiJiby, lio is se fertunate as te finti bis oxentions genorousi> selimaaletib>' bis eiov'iti- zens, ho altains thse ver>' higisa recoin- 'pense ltaI ho ever ougisi to.seek. "JOHN SANDFIELD IIUCDONALD." CUTTIK'CITu£E YtR5T 50D. Tise Atemney.General tison nepairedtu t tise spot seJecieti for cnlting tbe Oral sot, te enable hum te pefernu ibis verS, Mn. Elliott pncanted huas witis a isantisome apade, viicisat beau madie fer tise compan>'b>' Mosans. J. E. Ellia k Ce., oeTobrouto. Tise taudis wus otwliiteeoodiigisl>pelisis e4 andi hoanti viub oopa et silves', on' visici tise follovieg inscription vu ou-j gt'svad -"-Presented te tise Heu. John SautilitMactionaldiapen tise occosies et bis tqmning thse firaiSumoth ie Toronto asut Nipisaing railva>' %; Çuqujngten ou tise1 I§tis et Octobenr, 186V.' Tise blado vasi et ailver-pîsteul steel, issving on tise upperî part a large matité lest, matie et puni sliven, f<m&-amine ou tue Ç auadian son. et Lake Supoer. À. mali vioelbanrov, ef beautiteill poliabeti birds oyo.maple, wu aise preseatedto thtsePremier, vise set te eenk vus euergy, sud, b>' means ettisej apade, quieki>' filleti tise harrov vus virgia soit. 14e tisesuvieeleti ise bnmoe aIon, a plauk, aitihe furtisen d etfvisicishi do.1 positet is ~ oati- in true "uuvvyV stylo' santi cisangiug about, netunet, truudliug tise1 Ssnrov atter biot, amit tise lJuatcheeraoo! ail tise spectalons andthie musie ofthtie Cani ningten brus baud, viicisuias uattend-1 suce. -bTe people vers tison-invitedti corse witwa utis e iurel< inm, ufnsut of tise1 Ho . . acdnn ha4v rsiirauceti, ouiier vas Mn. Broillur, a Mau of iuteog- riy, viso isatibeeaseeteti b>'tihe -volce- efthlie reevos sud depouy reeves; of tisnoo townsisahrongh viicistise raibva>' ran ; anti the tisird vu iisoîf (Mn. Caineron> vlhss record hi trau.ted, xss sacis as net te cause tisa public oWviîsdnsv tise confi- dence tise>' isd pisceti ,in hm. New na Isumannntiertakiug couiti Se carrWeont unloe aseshoaltibave fait11 inischsoison, aud if tiseratepayena ef Breek titi coithave' confdence ia tise honor of tise.> trastees; aud tise faith ot gentleman *ise iati lange. 1>' luveatet iein meaus -ib is -prejecitishen it couldti ne scannieti ouiLle completion.] Tise otion mnuicipaljties isatiall.expiessed thesaselves satis6esti itis tis acni:>'pro- videdthe'us law, but ho vus, intermeti tia tise neuve et Bneck, a mavioahole bigl>'reapected, roquinedti tSupecial a. Icurulies abouti bs given visichs but net Jbeen demauded lu ptisen cases. 'But< an exception coubti unI be madie viuh rgard for demaudiag il. Ths Jaw wva s eSu atated ti landti ie people. migisî .-be- confi- dent cisat tise moue>'tie>'gave, volt ho taitistuJi>'anti isusstl>' appropnilet. -,He' trsmsed, tiseretore, cthes.difficnbty l sici Sud anison voulti speedul> -bc aettled sud tisaino obstacléïwould remaîin ii',ay i of tise nudetaking. 'He.procoodeti té- speak oethtie bne ,fite visicis voiti ec»i ferred'ti hie railva>'antiofet is fiupert- tiuce in epening up tise countny sud faI>' tisveiepiug- ita reseunces.' Hie romanis hati a vîr>' decidot effeet opon tise audi- ence. wbq cineceet ieantil>' wben ho Lad cuuciuded. M.Hannsen alise spoke in ativecue>' ef uhe mues>'y, and vas uttentîvèl>' itened. te, Mr. Gillespie, tse Reeve of Brook, mid &bati h weuJd net ho tain t'a allow tise mate- payera to geoses>'witb a ýouue-sid(d 51er>' on tissir suinds. ls'bie ulti heur bot sud juà-de for ibosaselvea. IHo <ehlt a ho appeas-eJetai n d;audvautago cotpiug ici. modiase!>' after ihoas gen:i4na e hoae oena tenicai powers hu could ne ,rjVa1; but ho would Lay tise malter cftlàLly iseforo tise rutepayens. Tise>' ahaieasi Mn. Casseren apeak o e sacaristiut v.as efferèd ctisa a rend eculti Se buli; but ho voilti- read then that clause oethlie charter iviicis ne- terredti t tise boude. -Mn. Gillespie tissn rend tise clause netenned te- visicis provides tisat tise municipal dobentnres sisal! ho cou verteti into moue>' L e h.usetipro Tata ou the cubeage heween Toonto sud Baisatu Lia.-EH. saiti tiat usieevas- notising in thii te prevout tise Directons expendiag the, mono>'ou tise finst sectionuoethtie rend wbici tise>' migisi chaos. t-o buitti, ant ieh said t siehovu cenfirmeti in tisaopinion b>' tisa t fMn.Crooks an osineut lavyen ut Toronto, visom lih bticonaulîti ou tise suisject. Ho vas nu eppoent otetise oud ; ho vas in <aven et tise hy-!aw wvus certain coudtiions, He' resulitis cianie visicis pro. vitie t thitny-aeven' miles o e erond must Se isoibi witiutimes jeans et tise date et tise chanter, anti tise isolseo t hte Ni- pissiug viitin Oive jours. If tisa ene net dune tise charter veolti b. fenfeiîod. Tise Dinectens hati saiti'tise>' vulcigel tise tersas et tise chartienraîete frein tiini> savoni miles te aixîy. Tise bond efthtie Diroctons saitichtisitise nailea>' leBrock vus te 6e finiaiseti iithia oee ean frein nexi MarcS, if net tise dobeotares yee te ho returnet. Ho suit tisat tise municipa. is>' nover couieinplated tise debontnros be- ing. selt. If tise Company>' seopteti ssis. tante frein oson Corporation&, thedetsn. lunes vene te Sie convetedit uo stock. To. rente hati gut atock. Aliderman Baiser tsniéd ciai, Mn. Gillespro sait that tise>' hati paati a neaelusiou ehicis gave Tenante a Direc- ton, hç ie h.thongit tiseDinectora sisoufl baveý beau appointed pro rata, according le tise districts tlsrougis visicis- il paeseti.ý E.e rend Mr. Creok'e opinion, sud lu ne- ference te lise power tise Msnicipafity pas.'1 aeaaet et preceediug againaitthe Cupîn>', if siecti h, ho tiditiseevisai vas tu hi gajue& ,suppusisug tise cump4n> ' Doi- s roat buili. "Ho saitiMn. Crooks' opinion von to.isu tha.tse-iecor IAu! 1 ?t ...usute s t e .u-,eeu O eppos-o, sa 1wýIl cssubvs net likeS>'ste serve. Ar .u.ébeusw n uiinutu be sneere gjsarad- I t acin- b bsdue as a ass vuse talent s s4 fry for sean>' yeeas. (t vas a pititisi way- tq belittio a grossi mars by tlw.ulinsn vu bu lmai! 14l'câi. 1 < le 100 mach tise fsiuliouboe 8-0utm iseek tiese eat insslthue counry; but &is W44 a-ur dons ifuEglant. Tisa yy$bati il v doue hbosshewi,4 tisaivils Boule, Party w«. fane wus csrnip on usulil ivwi-,de-gndeil iit4 privais revenge. 1h hud heonaasdt iat.ha l ig snsaîer of faet, lie nover cogis45ted 1'im n na1j,1 àutiec nuo cteti cististe Oufanie "Govèru. ' coust. '('isere wrw thse prooutcuthLIe asençiessusi tieit 14ac: OfSir John A.. Luuvicz refausseli6sano.. lien nsu Act wihtits OiuieLo lrusatnre L& > pe. et. L. ua l'e 5sad buotSsendosunoti fonr eizisig wtis C uservntive cleagur aa4 lite' wu 'diîustnsnte bis oitO b'arefenene îqi. sa occssrrniuce in the ialier bi'i.iry of Cuisais.I Fe suidt tisieigity yeans ugo. samuati onua Lýarcàsu. limone vers canerai religions pro-. f4SCeu',e sa.amg.tlit 1um, but there vere cotauli. cieumt fculusvens of ais>'due of u'ace-creaslcte Wvarr5aut tishe reetiea ci a saperai. plâectuefuen- ship. Lidrius Orustuoatise assua. suhity creeted'askedittce tht ags eta sevissgaa efurcl or ail. Noew, fis wosiid eeLkuusif of tlcf wessut, wvia i'.h ey weûild' tisink etfsu>' oft il' secte o.f ih.st eltuamapty--suy, Romnan- Catisujio-if, seter ibsy inslfÛniighedt thir ow ulevetionse, Ltisé>'1Sui lok,'ied h ues' e!thé tuiidiug sud irfacsuett5tu oalluo u>' biut tisons selveé ,, lu>'Uit iWell, 'tishe sliiç,Wu tise ouiilie d îu Lt.ae wunid seS, wl,, muijet;)ut ison5Ls.tur.t«lin f us b:tt eu- fotusie alunie 1Ne; hi as e (uscvlo asisted by'-ie Ilfuriaerà, cuti yeL ho ewu ex- paetate hut tthéaonr"si 'un CpudsrYati'es andu keep ilseus ont, usiS. holia l nofîet.iu - s.u tisa, l'an p:-nîy iri',, asl .I 1i1nsacf ,t l'eeu .gairui Couslederationl. Ilc btird iiaviudI Mn. Cramefu.s te J'in liliim ite tise Gl vsui ent,- u.nd lic neyver rtgruten doiug sec.. le baiul&di isîviteti4r. <.r-fnlsg ansd Mlr. R'ichtards te jetin tila, and Su !iu.5 novcr-regretoil :5se iniatinî lisit lie ud Mr. Cf.sssiirsil wxnottise oul> îsinulare susubors aut hie Guverumuit, .ilj Sle did aur met1 teau p ceuipiiiheizUtut t te- expeures l culage.Ail 1,,UinJli seinClel, tllie Doa et guiuig te prn;ts.e Isisuisee d lià i., l sJ dultigu.lPeuple sout- e n d sl»one'tista t iste Gbide, TeZera'p4 asesd Lie..auithse ver>' f'u lwrgui up paij.r uof tise itis>. uc e.os!du 't resueishur ie usine, lieHosaidthtir hs'as a Linge eîrpua-inm Lie Suts ut trise' (oy- . rsuineut ready tu hi laid bui t WtIse batst - vai.tLuge ut tiéSe uuitro'. ledîtit uialtegetissin regaisrd Party, bt,rreouizedtiner. t. 'lteu cieusinsacsetwanld- pateut.,wers gnstimite tinu goud us§e c. lthons, tisa puit uu',.ereueweti ter ,sevcu jeans. Su il vas euth tise Ontario tzev. tsudet e iý6àrsthoe. lse vas ëee or tlissa tis iLsed esa'Ilsd ibtheusrstts but' lis liait seasc e d o iimsun d liupraved t tssm' ismtead. At tile Coatsdersstiun, tise CuusrVà- iloes sgeeti toise>'dtoeu ilseiranLanu sina ltus itsuo'tiey liatigesse ales fatser tisaiÃŽlie vas sesasissu s bligetittuai tise break On hie trient, Mr. Camer'.u, taepreves i luss gaing M5 ,uels a priatisai te susiti nos full5ow n. eas a Ifeornser tinssslfssid Ilie voutlrensiaiu se, for Selmsd boelÃŽdi dit i 'b . ue . n.unir- .onisa'hcen regeuergtetisnaidhopsdte LaT.ne- eheted.IPeuple miglst veep sud wiali, and dQ vis a ietatiues ascut ut duisg- curge sud ieear-but let oves'>'Oua isouesti>' do iheir dut>'. Ils visa glati te nient tis eoa'ý musry of tiss.-wtiasiip ut lrI.s, as' to bis! tniedtateii- tmus i tesp siii hu lmai rm'eil loe ien l:4àusto ils. future guvenuîse.t tIiq c;auts'. Ifie thrsnked tisenaafi ton tise vs> iii eluicis tise>' u rank bis lieuIth, ' lie vue JuIyssreu oni resutaiug bis s.eul. Tis Ainmny-Gueri as folluvgd b>'tise lioni. M. <.C,suereu, wvise ate . ousit l'O& ds.'îa iu islnerle lonug, s i us ila ossear> tisa uît>' sisuuld-gst brick tsi Teronto. il, use, La0,vur aecs.uwile liju, uîsleiipi rî s'b's na" 1uh Mn. LaJiaw, a gouiteulaus who aîy5ou itiî..ltsu Lkyaer, asdithiask bitsfortbevriy' il) vilielihiSebat '4pokosi oet isiscetand blis eulîsagurea. lié tisuiglst 5attisesocsal met- isug ut epp'uesîtà 4argiçat vuI feo efuture. It vas quit. s, ilc tai ihvj s< dûss §0 ;os, uds sue une wvusielt ttisai I.Lidlsv Sdbul ins>' wav âerifisiet bis prnsseples S>' dnukig tise iscutte t ir uvunu.suieui tea is Sho vu* o pus§ed t. wu*issrtlfit »n tea is>' malte s;.okeis ut sia'Mr. Laidse blati spekea e! Smi sud duuhly 00su sethat Mass v1.0 s pelutical uprsoient. lIeié iisl vas a Conervazsvo; but slse marais et 11) tbmu, ua gratsmou-s sule, saeps auymsytisediv!silu JiUqee0lpolitieril cpiuion. NO sILstèu i.>' wiere"tiue vidlugi isui ixatsai Jipreusu'nisneil tupio, ' tiueefoiro'themils W11 csuensouv iy bis Sno»2 us.i- >Aiiuns'y-Geiserai uanelhiiusself shenlit nO unuité. iiscy are,, suuitîsdtutorespet .tuf visS - tIsu> batte doué bécane a t vaisthein boaSAjb4 Se wuu5d 1k. teua*$y a vend'outaIsait eor5ah- sentsoieages.Thonravsa Ms'. Curling. *150 Suad -heëi-nis~et i'ueii bis po&iiion t tik ad:vriuuîsge et-t5is change luaLiseeccsýe l.'w, andi aqti ,ug could ,rie moufle.ais . ;in. CuîilS quoled a =su e rn. Caiig mU1gist Lil> isseys. boese'd >' tise chaisge, but' houorabl paiel tise moue>' ibiet te cas at-- saelau ta puy. lin. iùhesrd». 40 sit, vas shunt ila kuai iliaeuuuu44-lut Ontarimo. 'tIsaeuevale5 singiet ifins out, vison iàreolu ithése Uoa'eI- 'meut s>'as rosposibiiefor attf4isd*t.e ii 'V a geuttejunu- ot'great porseverApee' ssd"JsmEk inti'grity, suditl Se,ÃŽuufit %Yhi5wua .uirii an nt ~Vsiira .'. Iss , ut t luse i lima vs*W5 . Aged Se, &aud III LTaylor'- ad.I1litu kSew ot le,.'ufsl i SuM ChaPikey. -. dunihigu, 1ut Pairs auài& IcMti - iunkeu,)s57i Pair gee, lat Wns Pnrutueka l G - rueistox j m'IOoluter, ici l 10Ibs cluee, ault 'V Ar S KBiuwss. 10 yda sesie sado, 31ra Jlilk cy;- 21d 31 a yd* a ei..ios'r fie ;ads slisse uai, -i 10 ydh lieesitsl Pais'. ol5ask..clal Coreçulet matSue nous; led Mrin.G iWais Quslleil quist. bIl jud Mss. fnrui.L Painru's'leis uocka. Docker. par'ti£Coton ssek Pus utumlii., l'air Ws.uee -10v.'. 'Pais'etofn.. eb"us 10 s icut. lun 'Bide upser siS>... P'i a us e..uafiis.. Pair o el'swsu' ura 15escim oLUà 2 absous vlumpiPm Dded fruit. Mi.. S .J'el wilMaies'.im Piciles, Sure31 ri fldonberry Vits, i Ch" w' ine, Strs. Carrcant iusMr Ma5s5eaWguir, d iieciup. umiC W Fruit cake, aira R, CueumdiAmusam î -,U.ssede cnack.' TSd qui rE' 'Patchs wprk, Mm. à ,Cano oi ..eng. yfice ur0nV ecg, Tweed, Hom'..bstsmimeisg. Mn.» T C MeAvo>', PtScse>'vslle,2nd :Is lise E Terris Mria 8W.&st tassa>' ettisu>, lat E Dixun, iri Miss - ,tenh, libt-Miss*£ ponter, md Lsu Visl m uis t 5,1' -NxiWoodnustl' fias Ud Muai E T.ani f&iev utiture tua slavem k - 1 tom 1 ou el i P"- - mr,

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