aareelei..Aqeina, l in WsuCeaIe m"DRth 4J AMiJI, 20ad WCowle f nd1 A WLLO "y 2" whita ; 1ta lut.# N t ISSe..; 2lad Tloce Puuelir, *d .ged 23 yeas ged minto Jebu DUIWeq *a As Port lt leas Matier, lad Btnnel&k loba- iet. &Ibert 4 John blut. er 2sd 1,u o e ar, a q , g -o tyM Çiswl 2»d Juba IMlle:; aid bt us Wll.osa -l2d m'OCiiww 11 y i)sd4 lot J Mille:; lid iWaa. FeuWho IoWiaJ u Spalsg d 4' y lu W lZ0; Vzs.a.; ->d At. peu.. loi Y. Wm;se; ud J Wtaa.o, S Wlum;sINs y Wzoouaî,d Win P Use.. Mou-A4ed altu t Mr Wtllmoes. Butter.. VrsYuuplod JWlauc; , ftO* la ffutJWt &i;d Mr Wllou. W Oy. st Mn. Wslieau 1a51 Wm u4sMgic NEW 9lbaud. loi a lesei 1MrItT biud lialaiit Bat ui J0dsI.iu;é10Yun Il lmncee, l$toi srel ; tlstoit lad aanb 31 RUIe, Te liaru rIi, Wi Isa eL thrngý Canna, li mi ell; u sd M el; lSut r I from8 to itd 80 per Mo mlaabulitno aeAijitr. un>,li fregu; 2ted IaWm %Veis uS dA disais, lit .Ttreunqîl 21d juio Vileoi. Jaw PaerwCI Aile " rasUai Aurel i lault. lot Bts WlViiu lisjis1sd AineA À Ela %u Collisa. .6 me heas, jit AlielB Dîzuo, lii&dP Bocevers, JiLtlJuwu., 1 boue ud UN cloult DA» tiiC Yukey.; lad 'liey j kIcl imC Whl1,i gcleneitor plain a libnl, rai Mr* 0 Waluonu; 40 Irrm l Zd brs hala:.i, 1 dowit îe el iili Eut bauy., alie tscidée woocuhmou wpai, lai MiWllion do lu aie flood* mgi Pet, lei t mÀ Psiarloou, lie fi, Fuler;ord Ut. 0. Lwsiiua. ,sl'llssslaal, lotutJ'ltaâ; 1usd Aire OWllin. $rd efola lotut il#*miranyNtghawmsdoeu;, l i«ilÀ Il lire t> Wlare. tcd lulit illes Terrifer; 2sd Mue MeAvo>' wacfoln oh, lit lins A Miurgmn; Ol IUliaD as! Cotton o mukuli it ls A log.»; end >Isa 1). luy bi* sOti m , SiueTerrier, si II.solilh. l<ne, %roi oaeflit 31a(d b alee ; laq gré caaesirca. let irsiaDI lDocker. là rawrj osifrlaili llo, lu.7oîr i.tsr tPa..&Usu. usprr nuiiulsr. ildû ip luaa itfi.lm sau' Palm*r.- 0( mnsja'corboc tde e.ss. les utolbruart tiMainldMnDI lo liqnno aro, lot Mwp A rilspi. I 1 u à ÀMIu Sa t'sqenter. lu, bi ne mm ,a iaaqry e~4 a A cavowpot;l 9 $ Sod J Wli- grfgJcie. a'siosu w;#uk, JnEl asc'vu Cutss simem in m. Mua a"Cty. eTwe, do,- Maie recsisbsîito,~slIaa ulmseP Iloor. Poesli dnawluîg, bis.1 Logan; <Jiaycn, lit binroT C Me oy s>Sud Mr*nao#,, i l coolured vaîsltg, i1,ote~fano>' kilîttior, lut Mia fi:d» £Trere, Ind bilas J Logano, Srd 91ON a À Camnero-,lrebrssh4er ,lot Mm 6j sinyutte-ltIUblm. E Dixou, S0d bils loaulîjs alberlin wbrk . bilasD %n, Filotberilu wonk li Miss E Taylor, 21111 YNias 13 Bisou, Srd Misa AtImlon ; eîm il et wunk, lot 1b10e E à Ailm V Sd Mion 5 A Car a eter ut ima K Ux 'Lblartiou ; silleil were, 1 l MIes Ll'aiJmer, sud 141*6 Y, -0 Inn, oiu ut oîinfeal brdo, lut Ji Geu 0 , Ssd N Wocdr If#î' aapyb#okeI t, l h uis Iîgas udii 51 l tiankîna, Ird lgwVilWlsou; daoir blgoÀlilamiis nit oou dbosi, lit lIt@s B Morgans, jnal-lire T i'uciei; ',f*uirra arcatis, lit ru Spencer 2nd Mlaï J Ltagasi Ta;lilot M liMts -M Alidup Sci L Bell; ci- lo îlà I P is, ituâ 7Eim nklis i ' epin fowerm, Ming E lauclia; finley table Iiitt 'Imst Mina J Terier, 2usd Mine E Dixcu; badyes norlig sres., Mr& é Vutîner ,otltdl drenta, lit lis .J Terrliend MlIn siruictan luc iahrwrrk,bt4ii s-Lugsii oafpli- iTMin Le oaaoi iihyaiglit die bilim E, Youugo wax eloils, Mm i T I'eon; -Brald.d lialy, ime L Bull; bratded âkrt, Mrs F auller; beond work Iisu J Logiata. Eitiaserisirsepdeod4bizugllc wirtc, Misa E Leuiskni;- basu tierltig, biama AÀ Wiisg(us%îr "l Eit-bl.I Younsg;-qco9wusbikt, Ur lre1. = taud syur,Urie Feuchser ; bauneluof slilngic * lo.Linresu; amloi t iiiaelblisc cul urel ptsvp-a, 1lieoîa sud hnadni, J etatlur. 1Waaloh iaohtmIs;e, lot T Leincreaux, 9usd W Feriusn; chr1T, sCLs.nreeuz; cy treuglie. 151 J liuy. ,y»Il.e4'Dsorfar; mbit ot - - aairlaars~uap,~D~yLî s lae, .1 Digeb - Jumld ; bores.rsaku,1M Burkle der,- Ot et liorné h 00,oea, lkesi sud jîuileil lt J Val or 2 eet îwo 1 uLiiil iu 1 1 u~,1. hoie Piltky,*lîod David Lw ,irSd S auklu ýwe biuthaia à prlswio et, lautises Maquta, Sincaiso alierii nmueo ; very 'Ais> pisiacu e ooinpeeitope ticufutâ, asdi T4ronto,Doct. ,vjoIpy . ami KSONICLI (iii» et. I.......... . . 10,00 te 10.05 60 tc MOots. bbto Botls sootl $14 t.. $Si, 2ite Tots. 2to 2hiteau ADVERTI8EMENT8. Xrr T.) YU IN .M E N. Taiegrtpliy and take charge or ic.odoibiew Liiîit, »o1-7vbuilding ans. Tluîîc ocUpIlcditilearuluîg 14 met,, i.arc vraffe Pi ,utîl, unll e'tpoilend. A iuige nuiii zwi ave uliocdy bean quaii. 11011,C40. d aif ucw iugucud pma. rtri l ue*. To eigotie youug bu'um fun pgucd tidue o til, lsîa i îdlucrative, f urdinary abi isn bue c j Pe *r dt th o1 lbianti*Uto. Pot V'ur- 'muxuoN TzLG.'Aà WtM NoÂx, :Boxv7i8, Toronto, ýOnt. 40 TO TUIE BYIT, 't £RITISH AEERItCAI AND BUIYANT, OTIIATTON& tODItLL Consolidated Bus' -ess college iïow thod tisret,, t o xseulve and onnaplt BiiuîutneSeclqul iii tic cuuntry. h liasa i he targeatlotuI! et or aictîcrm, tlie mnt priscllcil aind bee. udaei buels tiîiui th o bat i- rîrngud aud isoo csmîssudiuuearnenîrsssî It I' utuIlci ths sasiaiaîe orTR )U(ÙCTG BUNSiN,,i l.tN, faliy cli veo bull flicrefluirae 'tc faaî~vs:sbris Und failled uétîJd lntfai liitiiîti,î rc îiç1asii1 ii ii.Cuuutry, utisi Ji p raitlrglda litor 4s bîlil.t:r eur tiîiuafe t'b"lî' 0a s ei wsrs ' li.1PY.'ST PI2IZRI Ii IJNYtjW121T!NO iittiîlu 44t. Piuvlcl F.aittibitii n t 1.uiiduC#. As Liltlo la ie ilxtli £-'iisécà ilvo yaur iis.4w,. huyc takuui tut, p rizc. wc finît conildunt'iituailIire citu bu bt une opinitonilis wiucu tu go te hsaI'i te write,- for mm, ciracsi o! Wslîlug, tauk not",, chou-. laro, etc., f ra ,W IT B y UDELL4 e TICOUT, B RE WE RYI 704 $AU OR TO lENT. -A ppi>.t-. SWisitby, oct. 18, 1869. A, C. WILSON,. .PAlxTzli. F LU-T-CLASS YABU FOR S ALE VU TO ]RENT 1 Compo*cil a theu reui part of Lot No. 83, 4th Cou. of Whitby.- Çelstainhnlssg 0 cres, sue or legs, about 60 sace. cicred, the remuhsî'lcn weii flliral. . her,.lu a guesi traame )weltiig Ilunal., wlt tdi lai11Seita, 24 X 85, Il0U couct crecil, ,trameî i.sii, 86 zx156, wilr abeda 'un- îiciiicath.tîhucie à lu iving sînuain ruiclohag trulitue I!s.îw. P TIl l dipuable. Alleofor allie ajînge quutlty cf Mg oCrd Wouil, wtîicl wiîi44tul huaI wituîcr, JMâ ca<uan' tt loil ucsack Haini' crfurt00 For lorin aeuc furtbar parlipn>iô?, urpily (if hy bter jit-pultI) lu ALEXANDER 4ISTOIÇ, Wililby l'omi Uhoc, Wtîltby, Oct. le, 1809, u-t Strgygd (roithe promisses cf tie a, bs~ore tlNe.lt ui li e 8rJcou., aVlitby, oitli jWy tar talion oit, andi a picc ut a luîg arou ne-Cbr Usok'; aIm e n/si ycciig ijelfc»r nnrA iwiLIt liait ntocono$»s beîr ýc t, Wu sh fi Ii tu te tbii cptry wielbe uiably rewardcd. Whiîby, Qot. 19, 1809. Lpl D iqo~ N'OTII-I tîcrcl'y burbial ail parbleu i ron! .J.~rusln1ca~i poron i, y afeuist, wiîs- eut a w rtton cri, 1 I wll iut lbu .isiupouli for 4 lpie Aosîcu litt u. ýà ýI JACOIISTACrEE. Grceuolo, Opt.d9, 1869. 42-smn Whlt4v l Ot là . 184l9. 41 A mw.tiof thle Djr«Wetro et Wilby made uitt wIitby Union Agrioniturai 3orIùty,ý RODD88HOTEL, OSHIAWA, Ou SATURDAY, Uer. 28, 106s', At 2oee ICVmifiaiIDB. 17, ete biadthé- mu I bwelà * d# irpéyment#. JOUX, W.LLis, ,4Apiai1n wnI bc mide d, luth e iule An , loibiy of iMritno. ali it# bit j'iu, or ait Act, amcidnzAct 26, vie. oisip, 40, *ntadled, "AW Aeitto attlcizo tise "le -of tihe linmovubie pinoriýy et tho loiis UsinaiJudîi han,. oa te atmpowerthc. Curiter of tbeeotat, ofeti mud llarriet Judith Stt uconvey Lotann- 4sr Tweive, lan thow Twlftiî i Ae.aeIsn or lb TownaIiulcfBeach, Sli e i'îc~ccuiutuîio. Dpaiei, fth Catchr, 1509. 41 1NS§OLVEN? AO&wT OP, 1(69. Inth atter o ..Tco&.'lZy Pne ody. aned drd Trunoill UfarrU&n, aù vel idiidually, a-bet.g wcm3era of "fthe pmor co paitner.lîip c<srring on'Zaftinem ztn4er the came, aThe4ls ndotffulW4g 4f un n#IgnrfuP, of tlelr Umatac to iea, asid site .ereilitcil are t,,îti.d~oiétarUs. ùibhe ,f - Itiolaurd' 11,. llmniunlu b.villace sut Brcekilsa, Coua.t ut Juturo, osa TUJODAY. Lthe Twenty-aisll' t'ic, a he a.ftem4îna, te ruv ca natbe hir m4iiîtrê and t., appoint an Ao- ligterlin Aissignec. Disted etWbithy, ôth daY of Oct., 1869, 41 A SÂVIX0O0F DO PET CEXT NT ULL msZZECTED BT 01150e NOJITZIS PÂTENT Economical Drnm Heatfr, WaiîuCnhO sbOp;sted te auDy blin of Steve, Cook li>ricr or Box, wIis uquat usbvelage, bursstjir eltijer cool. wcud cirlieut, cise cura dut wood orin:g as ineir maetwc. 8oyera1 <oula caitiguc.is, or uv.is moine hisaescon bti us- <ortsatbliou4itb>'ulaigscae cf thme .drîunsas with butlù»ca satvu. Thie vuilai lot ..wcîs- denîily rasproVe&, am Itl lîcts pritîcipatli'b>' circuulton, ot art uicig cquity i.ed. Tite 4ruun» #sr sîu tuiry udnpteri or oucihe, I.ItaUIois, lat, -&d.. À 1oyam)suaiint b ocal re. <roneca» eau bc.given Il requireri. PILWÇE - ' - @7 sud upwrards. m~on ta iiu nallly qf i' aterliuî. A doortp- la4 circleri aeiiion 0)1sPliiin. Viaridta t Ur@ edemircua cf henatng hie builigit &Àwaauht liulsi swac Ilà Ia îautiar, à *s' lu eldesbsy thîe iesI iundj moat Ocoitsuéaiase yal Inveistesi. Tie aubajoiiber ail fieoIîasiy w foutiil à o epacluioîa sisd onet e as>'par liei tbsat whlbfiifoyr hlm witis tsa-i .rauo, atilii osutsntuthptre%i1tif. LlAîmo*-Atte las l#4iaVtsg si 1q p tpt <nnuonusthe rig1îls/of thlishoave pséuat. pur- aitamr rc rst:cotedLlu tlku n i ;i ttiLae woad»""ht. Nuîtt'ul' itu, Avril 10, lu$$8" ara uflxed taeroy lîcîclci. IW' urtlos llig'isti.ng or tusottinq tho abuvo ;ittei will bo îrouuîd scrgt Box 5,0, Oatoat";é ura olba.rir.sept, Ililo. 1849. . 80 will b. opoee on, THUR5DAY,' côW~8h wb en a- ohoice ecto 1The prioofale asflln AND SO HAS THE; PRICE 0F., Afoarfal sacrifice cf over $20,000 worth of flEADY-MtADE CLOTrHièfG & 100 piaos Dundas Grey Otton$, nt 124 Cent&, wOrth 10e. 1 t0 oon Eau (L'rc Mii, $5,00, per doz ., wortii $5 50. 200 bidlcu cotton Yacrn, Pecrey XIi, 41,90, wérth $2. 8,000 yards1- Printm, 1rouni oo. ta 17o. wortii 14o ta 2QC. P,000 yards plain Wilitcu.ys, frorn 10e, ta 40ai. würth 15c. to 50e. 100 p4ee94 pkiin asdti4 fu>' L PÈes oods, (beatiful deaigns.) Monrning Qoocis of overy kciid. very chamup. âd alilwool Shawls, Iyuiry fine, froni $2.7, b 86. One casie Veiveteon MautIes, 1$5, Worth $7.50 400 Oveco~ats, tru:îî $4 tao ý1 ~'Ç$lÃ0 18 100 Suitm, bv.st Catiadlati Tseç , Yrorn$10Lu $20. 800 yds Filinn,, (White, carkt Blue anxd Grey, .fromzo Centq. We reçpectfully solicit a oeil. T. H. M1cMILLAN & C~O Whitby, Oct. 14, 1800. MAGNIPICENT 'DJSPLAY 0OF NEW -GOODS JOHN SKI NNER'S 100 pairs Witusy Blankols, frein $2,75 ; 85 pietos of Yod, white, -ic., uosi gre>' Flansîilfîcan 22 cetlta per yard; a largo lut i tilomo-inalpe Pirunnei. frein 80 cIa ; Pac- tory Coteos nt Wbcicsutc prices bth e price; tocavy talled, urubleacies Shectings, 2 yardâ wide, «4b centîs per y ard; 15 piecota sraw tickings, fhoiu 20otW Soc per yard , 20 piecot a rthor Tiokitogs. trous 25 to Soc per yard; Mentie etîis tus evtsry iet>'. troe $1 por yard; Juoketu tin 15 tnukes arnd style», frein $1,53 te $5000; Stisuls in aIlt1Lle faiblons, trous $2,75 tg* $0.Ladies vibl inud hi b îiîeir advastai-tua.11- ian4 ugf aur NEW DRESS, CGOODS§ Beforsi purchaslug their fait auppi>',as esauguarsmntea to save tiseunatlesat 80'por contl; hagir, securosi anImnmensae stock la the Lsodeo aussiGluagoir Mankots 4qrng sý4l}o e- ogt tepressious lustheonsucy inau kot lustise otd co&rutry. - - 11tacdy-mradeo ttiro4 I-fate & Caps, Sisrtsu, uuîderr- hiris'ani Pants, Necktieu and Soarfs, Wrupperu auss Plaids, Cvisîcsatss licavy aisi warin, tique $050 ; Canada Tweed P4ntaf rqi e,250; Tweed Suit ftu or4er, freusi $9;Black Suit le urdoi, trous $10. U 21 WIsitbï, Oot. 2ý. 1860. Çhesp Cash Dry Gouda Store' Ioo.JTs Almà iiu o S t v£UYLEIBODY, 1 f ~ C T A"s AT =9. Taxe -R .owev 00 TO QOLUMBIUS J>LOUQUIINU MATChIvA S - ~ ~ Y Rpp NO M WD nrs A FtlougliimV Muuîoel wtll coma oit'n ei. Joliu iluwdauî a I90d, Lot 16, lts cou., et Esatt w lskbyj5 cp THiES DAY#, Octobor 2Stii, wbeus tise foliowiug pizes ill be awardled t IIEN-Fiet-Chume7Fin rsi .SI W co .,$1;lirds, 7;Yn rize l e ecard tI0; Thhrd 87; Foartîî $Sb' vii-byJis, l'O J ?Ž2k !,cc.iii; ftis l$ !t- 1 cfiiilhawt Blok, ojlo",Pil eOntm* iBanrk.1 1l by ept. 0 89 "I - 80. 1 A - UANT 1TY 0. m OXEY R.,*CAJ. CAPBELL, Beg ,ta announoa tihe arrivai of -overý 150 Caftre and Bales of' Purchased by one of the Éirin- -tha Ilritish 'Markica, for cash, togethar - with N st ine ho get bangains il acy're Oou,(ous1k o50e per Ye!d; go004 rope, blel nkce-lias been carefully ý jiose'j t~Dominion. ( ýVpo1 -Goo4u, and Clothlng, is large and complete. and for qnality ai EXCELLED IN THE PR( malking still under th1e superintendence, -Miwhel. Tailoriusg donc W"lorder b>' oeMpetent biends and patrontsgaod- bargains, and salait au Wvhuty 8et 1869. LOWEB rPWL SEL EC -GOO D s IN GOýULD &'SIL VER WAIOIIES, Oolored and brgig. ODd 33robohe , "- Gem Uinge, Loe oi-, Ky,&peiioil Cases; ou héetisse of tait pur Scuil Oard Baskets, -BouOuet Holdero, &c Englièh Gold platcdl Brooctîca and Ear drope, Black Jewelry ia Jettand Val. canito. Electroplated Ton spoons, butte Kniveo, butter Coolanu, î&a. Ciocks ir reat vaniety. French gilît hade Cloches, anitable for prcueutatien. Frencih ana>' Goodli Spectacles ta suisail sigfhts. Soli& GýldWedding Rings, An. JAMES 1-JOHNSTONj Whitby, ap. 23, 1869. I~RE&T HOUSEHOLD Watchniaker a& Jaweller, Brpek Straet, -Whitby. BzUWMNS I ?URNJlTURE N. ,PHIP.PEýN'$, BROQKýLINO 1 wilI il for one montb, Sofas, ChtAirg, Spcrçga s, Poo# Cases, Cupboards Shelfeners Wardrobes, Side boards, - Wesh Statds large anay hanging ooking.Glasses, at greas sacrifice. 31y stock otf uriture jlà yen> lare, uand nearly al i y own "ae, I carsWarrant il 10 ive g od s . dcton. Sow is ýbe tiino. for greas bargains, corne spd s CL T I CASL[. FUNÈRÀLS attende ,d to with- evpry, gtWption andl onr short notice. A first-caus .uarie to,4ro, f#;t4 gg wfth a4 omble pettp-Plusnes Çpmpiew~. Romomber the p!4p. Sert. 29, 1869. O0A STL'E N. PHIPPEN, Brookli. FOX BOQ T # HQOE MA-KE.R OPPOSITE THE: COMME1nCIAL ILOTEL- Whitby, Sept. 23, 1860. 38. Wooor the eLUS .ZcUtcrD. W, ILBILLfl<t&8, 1 I.R. H AIWIlE Velndbt'aSclleitor, JAMES McALLkI. Wihitby. WILLIAM TILEW. Executers. Dsatd, 111h Ooteber, 186Q. 4 NOTX,(MIE Thst a"pa#ttp wllbp made £1t the nezt seuulei ot-Puilhauicut> of tise ,province eIOntatJio lr i »atesmend lis Assis rebatsgLw ie Tort WMty & Porthiuy Raffway Co. To apthorîbaeapicei,îi4' pta Stock e tof abe epà y o sulierîzo an extenien c fPaeid ilway frios aNeitheri iso ut, I ]eý ' wi,.pevded by d 'Acta,teà uaesnc puinit on ue b o wa cf tise fleorgimayI>; Te autiierize uý uy uicujsaiti tp-vuautee pajineutfLr ct,ort gaLge Bonda tc ihe ilay ; Te niait. the Mortgage Bonds uated tise oinuisy, vals enrte $ti' lioldura;,Tole '1ze tise leten isf Diretbî iod goueratpr«slciuga ci Uic CompauflL mao iba seeusr'y muduoentà . -' ILE J. WILSON,- WhUby, Oct. 11, 1569. s4 J>UIiUANT TO à DICEZ IN TILJ, Coiot cf Chansoery. il &u 01i e Thse Cradtox> eof1111011 KEENAN, lIe ut r tkerng, lu the .Coutl>et Ontarsio, 3Ioo 64 2u on abutnt $éîicuth ef 4anuusq 86 oco r before tlsel8rd doy offcer10,l aeîd I.>'pot ré ty l0 tlieTcw6iifl4 ultt YaS0p1go ek86 . )Ll tif.-h CliCirilin ansd Sura~u dlds sud deacuniltieni, theo fuitl ,tsc1suort0 l cla1&trcaa tleoetott .h4Ot ttedoE &tae liature o et'securilje. tri 1) c'Yisemu; or lu deftuIlt threc t iley wli7usejap atertJy t]oludesl Item thse beisdt ef tbq aldderdee. Evor>' Créditen hioldiing nyaecùrrtftmeo- duce thé'am e be niLe, au w Cllanbera s the ITcvýwu cf tWtsllufstw aut elci Cterfie, >cg eié aBPllîdpy Pt tics ubQn, J00R, Kaitonueleo edkicatloou nthe CLs4pî. B. l.COCIENEp$..il.DÂRTNELL, Panlaseliciter. Maer [fI1ANCYJSy ALE tl ex#n W., .(CQergc 'ai - iîewers, 1,-t 1ew~yrioes, do-itit