m anw maenta op«, .04bi- * volunslIpore vory 'ologaut-, sua voold W, au orùam.nt to avy dswlng-ro0rm. A lib- pmrwho visIteb to ecuiro the voTbis W §m.twu m onaov iMau ifcet u rad ghon. d et tii Ghstat. igan. Addroos, Box 170, Cobourg. 1 D, ROBSoN, **5 Sm WAolaaZe 4gont vr Canada, T 2 LIVEEtPot>L & LONDON & GILOBE INSURAN1L19 UOMLtANY 1<.Co.oft ti moot prosporoc. oi BngIigiz In.tirango Cou. it. INVESTED FUNDS $. 17,005,088 It. DÂILY ýISCUltE otaod.... 820,000 It. 1<172 POLICIEB area Ouro IProtection for the future. 1*. PIRE POMMCES, kAiqed nt ClY20tT livras, atIird ample ptotection to tlio.Morcent and Iloualdor. Il fair ohaimuls reommy rPà n, and thie ut- At liberaIity milow» lu thre otdjuotmoiut ci Ilcad0Gffic ,Vanade Braneb,9 Non treal. G Y C SEITIF Chiai Axgonttfor DOndztloE* *L. FAIRBANKS, J. ýAeiNTr, 'ut Wihitby, tint, WIîItby, Jaly 28th, l$69. 80. Du -F.'OBURKE, FamUy Groeai; IVIOO &SpIrit ,ea1erMO KING ST., EAST, OSIIAWA. CROOKERY v&& GZllAsB WMR A WELL SELECTED STOC1K PRES!! TEAM9 > OP Au L INIIS, Mr Au about) ou ally iourto lau (jaada. ,I 'May 2001l, 1867. 21 toay IP. 0., Coutty of Lennoz, Ont., canada,.ADO O1%o lftn Province nofrJtîr 0, Feb. ltlî, son, 1118 Slà t to cerlity Otit iurirrq the wirter ot T 1661 Iwax ta. keit wrth a wcakrQeA of tire atikeo, while rduislly dtîtiîrg theaf41primrg of 1087, QoxUonîlodte ruy iihunes, undion ni) tu cri> hupm, sud 1 boattio tsn waak titrt IeîrlJ tnt walk, but waon oîfited t<o my cirtir. Fur about two yearoÇhi titis Wouknose wits eoming nu me, sud mforardm, 1 oliglît itorleul aitico, .mpIinfn , n osIfri1 in,, tlrots drctorus. sud mudiolîrao ailoftret tkinis ,, I:eraiiled by irloîttin. but ni ironail. lI cntitiotoWgot verse atnd worrre, util tta-*uttutncr c,!181P8, vison 1i ver Iutd rdtu try tuie groat lostili- ces Jlrrtod' l'yreadi e ncres perforiuail, ~hi apaîtilii .-At titis tintte 1 lidl egt'ut lbol flict weakries litiJi >aridb; lu faut i waxt gastik ~a Imont Itieicasà . Iihave takeru twn boxeai to-illsd1i.on anntiroiy rteort-rol ta ietohir 1 ienver eXpot-etdto et lbuter. but eimpi>' tre litc -iedicIua as a mort ) foil',rti hope. Titis lsortiene wax iilott a prirae eus, but knqwil to tIr tir'tolglthorq andi friendet; sud to atry 0o1 iftrcd nsa aWise, have otîly *0 141, ty tira htunlteio te ictedy; 4j1bellvoit viii curae yen. -MAILY'Jt.NN >OUCIITY. Miora to &8./onum.iat Jfadae, ouuty of/lIas- &W.-, iis Iutk dq ltl 1~ua,18Po9. * A. ~P. Woox, .P, l I herby ce thi trt I hiave krrewn- Mr». Mlar'Aonu Deiglitîy for tlio-last filîtei enor; irlitta woraittoni îrrniity ildtristir. i luce kuoovu lier bat'ore, during1 and i stre lier lit- * aa.IbeieqvQlier cortiicaîtis tulae rucrira-- aoe part1eîîirr.1Ikrrow tirest whitais it lier mes.Wa»tt rlfred biooioand mii1Iktr.w tiret ssho iras, sitrce lier recover>', ulairviys ttribitteil lier riocovér> W otire Slîsiioiices livt're'dy. Wîatnv r iney bc thùire cculirtr properries tifi tIns mioicirre, crre tiiila ertiir, t at Ilii lier ase, t fit s n t ic c siot Iiflite puroet arce et anmiracle. A. F. WOOD, J. 1'. Wardau cf ths Conrt>' of lia.iig.t, Prnvinrce cf Ontaelo, Dotiiolotr cf Canada. 16 New Bakery AND T IM1 underitignad rasîrectferiy Itîfotris lue- elpîblie tIret Iris laoirautenî<>1rpred tu- M ivtit prorupitude ail orders lri tire Bakor'v sud tjonfeotlorrairy litne. Fruit, Spotîo, anti &H ütl urirkind% et Cake, Tarte anrd Biactitt ni * the bit Iqralit>' IW'Finiit ol alkiï*dino l easoi. Aioelob. stors, fSardin, Ooosa Note, (linger Boer, &0c. Jr. jUcDOUGALIL, *Baker, Cortloctioner, &ê., Break et Wbu lrf Try 16, 187. 2 TEACIIEIR PIANO-FORT1%, 'c. * zxsinuriot azyervi To rvyi ~à : r m ltMs-IuIt'UelOlIon pirtue, $10; tiery> el mairesi comoiston, &0., extra, tri. Air eximrie cse fmor tiran 12 y.arm uelales lrofeJ5or Poot tdCgtrrantee ftle repiti advancometet of papfipiaaed uidr histuition, *Wlrlfby, Keh let, 1869. *.Iy ttanees on g0ood fsrm ecurity at $Sper cent Intoveset. Special attention wilI be given to the pegociâtlon of Léans, and, borroweai can rely upon bavi.ng their applications attended to, pronptly, and nt stnî1l opense. IW. Aloo, Lands,'both Iznproved and ulýtmnpioved constantly for sale. Insuranoe efflcceid là the Onitarlo Farshuos Mutual Insura4ne. Company. Il *, OJ?1FC-Bllgolow'is Block, îioxt door fo tbeRoyôl Ganadian ik. P'ort llorry, Decomber 2, 1868., THEOLD STA- ND!1 rESTABLI.SHIED 1833.1 The undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage hithorto extendcd to thre oIt establshurent, for nearly a period of forty years, deaires » , su>' that hoe ha nov on baud a largo assurtruont of theo moist modern and elegunt styles of- # An ' t's y t L iV E9 "Y3 t E An&'trstsbyproper attentiÃon and moderate prices to secure a coîtinîrauce of publiec patronage. Practicual upholttiiug. Fuurture re-atufled and Ujnd ertsking and Funerals Fully SuppIied -as heretofere, W'Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gildiug. .lemcmber the Old Stand. Whitby, 3rtreh 9, 1868. ~7~JJ~3f* KIII l.K CARRIAIE 00FACT ORI,9 M., 0'DONOVAN, BEGS TO.DIRECT ATTENTION TO HIS LARGE & COMPLUTE STOCK OP OARRIAGES, BUGGIES., &c.ý OF TEE BEST MAKE. A CALL 1S SOLICITED, M. O'DONO VAN, lVhitby, August 8rd, 1800.81 MAXNUFACTUIli) A'V1711IE Agricultural Workne LEFFEL'S CELEBRATED Double TUR111NE WIiTER WIIEEL miM O tOS N OIirt HIC L vitîOv luxni rytIE ieis ve are now manuuacturlng XLcliir~trmîr flnru> otir r nîop lin tihe corin- ty tin] va vilii ivoe agurinuaotoe vilicacîr ivu>ieai-arnutii:g tire-rnt bhoensWval mode, ird W giv'o ns gnr.h irtiitacuion as Ucriranu- ft'tred lin tireDominioni. i'arlioms tiiiig fuitier infonration cari cIn- tain il by itiddnecing l'AXTON, TATE &i CO., Ifarcli l'on -r.ft., Port Par>', Ont, INSOLVENT ACT 0F 166-AND AMEND- In the matter of, LIt-WJs.OUC, an insolvent. Notice is liai-oh> givon, tuit under andi b> vtiiaiùn! tiepover vacte-ti lu me. as A151signeo of tlireabove r nüdimtinrolreit, atuti uîder'theo imrovi4oîrm ut tIr, midAAt, 1, (lie ucrderltiured, viii orir for mule bt»' iîrbile Auction, uftir>' orllice, li tiraTonofi'Whitby, Coanly et Ou- tario., n1r Trr-sdtay, tieno rd dii>'ofi'Novemtir, A. D. 1ttfr, nt tlireheur ef Two 'cI'ck, lu lie afterfirroî, aial tIr rtrte, igirt titie ant i nteroist et tire said 1nsuIront, la andte tho follovhr-g îpr.opony, riz:- PARCEL 1.-Belug prit o! lot numirer tveirîy-rrovi, ln the second conicession o!flire 'i'wli, o! it'Iiitfpy, l he ra nutît>' fo Oteho Irtil onit upon a "Sap nr lieu tirr, RAs owu Int iunuuu1LOr fitrê, M iBItrek 'A, on Danrdus etr',t-, vot o! Break itreat, fi)itihe Townr ci W iritiliy. Tire r socîtod on tire aireve two two surah sîrnpp,. I>AICEL Ile-lcirg aspart o! lot number tworty -r.evci, m in ahescolid concess.ionu nf the towuxlrip o! Wîiby, l ir the îrît> of(Ontario, laidi nul uPori a In ri p laîdn tireof us lovîr loit nonier six, lin block 'A.' onu Dururstreet, weât ci Brook street, in tire Townu t %Wlitiy. Tiirra u erected ou tIre ebuvea two sftor>' ' fume building, usad sstone and dveîlirrg liouge. *PARCEL III.-Being a part of lot rrum - b,-r twerrty«-sovci, lutire second concession o! tire Townrship or Wlitby, ln tire County ut ni-n taîîo, kicwi andi descrîbed. opona amupr e plan tincrof, as tr t enei of lot huniber seVol, 1u1binck 'A, ' vlich i taatsoilu tIre neen ef lots number four, five and six, lu sait1 block 'A.l' vet cifIBrook street, lu tire mid Town cf Wlitby. Tirerù a ic<roctati onthe aboe, a tw 0-stor>' trame building, useti as a dwelîkug. PARCEL IV,-Boiug a part cf lot nuru- -ben twcrty oen, ru tiraseconrd concesioncf tira sait.wnnslnip ef W hitoy, Inrowu anrd do- tirokd on a pi lioneu, made t>' Jihu rllaer, Eaq. P.L.S., as tovu lotsi;rombens 5fr>'- ira, itt>-.six itra igl.îytwo, voat o! Brook sîret, cn cuilti plan. Tîrere ix enectet ou tIre abore a -largo t-wo stor>' brick buidinîg, used us m dwlîing. PAICCElr-V.-Boing a putof lot nuruber tveut y-sen, lu thes second concssion of tire srîîd Towutiip o! Wbitby, kuovu sud descib- cdb ou airnr thereof, tmade 'b>'John Obiler, Rsq, P. 1 'as lova lot nomban cigity; four, voit of Broc k Street, ou muid pieu. Thfone i. ectei on tire aboe.aeamell onie stor>' frane builing, uood m as dvelinSg houa.. PARCE VI S'lm ,a pat of lotnuin- bof tvwenty -seveu, lu theo seoud couaeseion of - holsmid towîs)ipoetWlrfthy, kuovtn sd de-' kribad ou a pisu -tlreof, ruade hi>'John Shter, Estq.9 P.L.F3. stovu lot anarý i bgi lot, 1but !er.oed. mliim.~an PASCEL V'iI.-Bcisrgà sPart of loi Bain- ber îwerity.aqvren, l in teoWid concesion Of the sidltitownSLip of W hft4)y kîtov 'i doe- acribed oouet pi lan trof, triae b>' iliu ShInlr, Sqq., P.L.S;muatwvn lot<AÀt ina reserretiblock, vesI of Brook street, ou-nt ld'Piu. Tirere Jla eeted ou thre sinova large Ivo .1er>' fralu building, rineti fur tonrage. 1PARCBrLYJlll-Bd Ieprt of lot nom-ý ber tleutr..lIx. in e ...nonýl à n h Whitby, Sept. 9, 1869.' PRINCE ,-ARTllhTR TWEEDS, ALSO A G0OD ASSOMTMENT 0FP IBroad Clotho,.. Silk Miitures, Doéskins, Kelton, &6O .9 c,,c.9, A Splendid varicty of Centsl' 'Furnishing AL WAY$YS OHAND.' Cood99 Goods made up in lateststyles, at low Mmce, for Cash. Brock et, Wlnrtby, Auguat 24, 1809. ALEZANDER'PRINGLI, 12-ly. Funrni1ture IorlEvcrybody AT THE CASH PRICESq, TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT TUIE SIGN 0FTE RIZ'L1OCI1171 IL-9AIR Avery large assortment- of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Sofas, Benreaus, Bedsteads, Tables, &c., on hand. Every article ini the FUPLNITURE LUNE MADE TO ORIIER AND WÂRRANTED! Also repairing, moinga oing furniture donc in the best and Most carofuî nianner. Undertaking attended -te and Funerals fiully Supplied 1 31 Nos. 1 & 2, CaIdwelI'a Blocok, Brocok streqt, Wbitby. CLEARING OUT 0F SUMMER STOCK 0F c 9 80 CENTS PER GALLON. Ginger Wine, on draught and in bottiez. Honnessey's bezt Froncli Brandy, on drauglit & in botties nae wlrieb carr fedtMay haro wiliatire Comanry <e êedt~tWC, tmy ire do"é vitirtir al.thae MnieyvilIle,lltrirJonc, 180.--Tbe 85e. Tee 'rcceiei * * * v~ied frein yen <iras very good ,iaanoand vw" Th efah ar;TeToronoareTs C alditeedeiianwrtg iliorearedi r lo ,fci.Éu. iilnlialife ais isgodl ieie: a! seeliexeeîle ia taiitltiWho Ilt tirrelir1<'lh ý wywleaaiuiAgmfla. ba"e rerened terui iy .asled, If tir.> do eetrInidtr o,1k tvr ahn muf.yoit ea w.do net know vire eaa. - 'teS; = Dltel Tire Tr«oreeTesComptany guareea Wgiv e atre lauhaicu ta alierauers, or retar e, ha y* . A& dem ahl Oid ri te- TETONTO TEA (COMPANY, s d( 180, -Yonge Street, Zoronio, -Ai 88, TO WIIO]YI IT MAY CONCEI'LN The subseriber, havingy learned by 'atual exeine ht the COREDIT SysTEm Is wroug in principle and unfair- to 'the Cash dealers; compeli- ing thern to makoe good the' lose atstained by trtiug the uupr Ineie, bas DETERMINED IIERRAFTER TO CNUTHIS BSNS 'He would therefore say tQ intending purchasers. that lie wilI- seit goods ceepei than any Nouse in town that does a oredit-business. 'Ct AND EXAMINE MV i TOCOK 0F FRESH IAlUAI c quiOC1f REFL î 1.u. Â...LI m..LJ.a s Mlour, Provisions, Crockery, Glass and Eartbenware,' &c., &ce., beforo purelrning eliqewhere. And il strict iutegrfty and fair deali'ng wil build îrp a CAS&h BUSINESS in tIns Town, I arn nfter i. W Positively no goods delivered without the Cash. The highest cash priec paid for any quantity of good Firkin's of BUTTER. Wiritby, Sept 7, 1869. *Corner ofi Byron & Duirdas st, opposite, Robson leuse; 36- 1 REDUCTION IN TME PRICE 0F la 0 c Family Groceries frcisli, cheaper than ever At R., FRANOCSI8, No. 1, ON THE CORNER Bià 't Br'andie%, Rum, Gi, OId llye, and- MALT WIIISKEY, jPORT & SHERRY 'WlvINES, Davis's Don Ale, in 10Ogallon packages, & on draught. 1 A spleiidid article in ('Iai-et, good -and clieap, Guinnesses's Dubli'Porter, PORT9, SHERRY, S-YLRIJPS, And ail kinds of LIQUORS. GROC tIlES9, TEk Best French Vinegar and Bottled Viüegar. Hams and Bacon, A FINE LOT ON RAND. R. H. JAKESON, Whitby, .Aug. 29t1î, 1869. DuN».s STtREm,. EM5TABLISHED -'1867. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY- 6 HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. FIF, coutinued Aucoas of th,. Company i. oui>' attributable tIthe nalit>' sud ponit> of their Tous. Over e tiuîdred thlranid cso eéo re hava beau sent to digèent part.»0f'tire Do- mrnronn and npwarda of a thotîand testirunuurli eau b. shown bemrirrg testimon>' tirah quelity and prt of thre rom. Agroal uavirig atirbc acffeced b>' p.ivornug direct fi em ue, cettius et 8 sd121h.., and upwrrdsi. Every ipac-kage warranted tW give a utafeinýtn. Club togther aird aed tor Our or live 511. cattias, wlielr yl bc sont carniage freol te au>' Bailwey Station in tIre Dominion. 'Tha moiiey er bc cojiocted oîr dalivcry. of Tiy our fresb ground âteam roistae-oifao, ti 5 sud 10b. Tiis and npvards, the. Esmour owhrieli lar rrtl exculîari)t. r.nd ovary package werrenrced. 2tlibo. Tee and 5 or 10bi,. Coffoeseut to iry talwu batnucuningefra.g-bilverut par. B LA CK TUA# Engîish i3regkfrra, Broken ua eu4srong Ten. 46c., M0e; Fine Flavoted New Sease do 80ei 00-. anM08. Veyiest Full Flavotred do. ' S, otrid Oo!oag, 45c.; Ricin Plsvoared du. M0.;1 Very Pure dZ. 76é15e.;;en At NO. 1, ON TEIE CORNER. Butter, Eggs, and- Fa rmers' Produ ce, Wanted. R--FRANCIS, Wiiby, July 22, 1869. N~O. 1, ON TIIE CORNER. COUNTY 0F O-NTARIO, FOR TME TEAR 1869. 2.1: Zhitby................... i.. 1 2,~~~~~~~~ .'ceig........1..1 ... . s 4' Uxbridge ..................77 48 " aiigo ...18 .ý.:4 , J v e o . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 9.. . 1 I . . . ' 2 "7, Ahle.. .......... ....13 .... 20 . .. 2 Whitby, January 151h, 1869. ZBUENHA)!, -BUCCGIES, AOS, 1Id GR9EENq TEA. Twsk 8.8,0. ergtyci 50,0aS1e;Fu o 1e;Ver' FIi"n5e.;SeperÃŽme nasd Ver>' 14.18e;No. 225o. ie .- 8-92e.;No. 4,15C.parý lb. The dorntrediTes Comffl.yrMnre! S tianm-~JisaealyyeasiaeI puacueS1k ethe oit e(TcWfrm yeirr bouie. i1bae ?arebired rny Moarreal TesC nMoaireai, Aprr M80-To iheMentriatTes ( jm- OPi OTXxmexoeýlýI'ea f 1Parehseéo ont ath isyo ti'aSremmaream-We notice vii, b. efound airS lire e! w'imtole ando tlli atg miio!Tes, tiratve bave frr- i telate verÙne Jtsve e, atsfte 1 ave beca' - r1 ju&Wrodfièent iparla efihe Deminiea, anm fbeýeraeinombracI- a absneimiiteein 5ferI 'e. torsn heie .Idltrr are indeaPu Lîndua>, and (57fide, wlitby. -2 NEWLY IMPORTED PAPER-_/ T HE undersigned begxt6 irirorm the pub. j c iahatie Tiras Purlissed d n-n ghi. re- cent stay ti Englrrnd, e lot of SPLSbDID Selectcd carebrhlly by iiilf, wvianh ia son Baie at Very Heduced iprices. WPaiunng, Grainstug, Geiazag, miel Paper angsaig, 'eïecnitetiniia e ork inuuke sit expc<hmiouâ mauner, asuuel. - A. -C.- WILsoN5 Dirudas treet, Whutl- Wii, Aprl 8, 1868.& 14-tf ]BUPTQHEL'5 EAT, T II SUSCRBERbeg toiuform utom. fleef, Mutton, Veail amb, Pork, &el properly and carefufly ,lresecd aud jointed to suit hourrekeocpers, and for aile nt ture lowest- Corned Becf, rork and Cx Tôngucs curcd ini a Ëtiperier nrîîrîer; sud everythiaig i thea Victulii!rg Bio kept couâteuîly o.1 haud. j~roRember tlic uew Slrop-betweu tire r'torca I' eertr». Ilaeolanxd Lowes e& Powell, BrOCE Street. JM8MNf wbitby, Merci Mbh, sIS. 0 Fire Insurance Co. 0IF LONIDON. ESTABLISîiED 1808. Çapital, £1,945,00, Sterling. Funda invested i nauda-t10,O0. TNiUICA.IWES rgia bb ieoffectedl j.ni] tira mont fevonrable ttflug. AU Jo... paid withirît referenco rIo thi.e Brt in London. JtINTrtUL BUOTREILS, Mcrrîreel,,General Agettefor C à îrada. JOHN AGNEW, Wirr", Agent for 'Whitby-Oghawo, Bowmauville, and à 4urrouidrt.g cunntry. 15 TUE ALBION IIOTEL, Corner of Brock & Dundaa Streeft, WJVHITBY. J. 0. MoP.HERSONX, - "Proprietor. W- La'c of1tii.Union Bételi Sar"uto City, Celifornia, WlIitbyJeu ll,182 - JOHN ROBINSON'% flair Dresing- and Shaving E20CR ST., WBlTlW. Whitby, Jau. 22,1'69. I L ANI) fOISALE! Tire North ir ra!o! lot 1Nr.12, lu thre 4tlr TûWN&-=IP f PIOKERING, .eo.ntaiuiiig 100 acres. Thora la a largo qusu- tii>' cf exelçit Coeder, and go"d Hardvood ou thre 1,1. Th ire sou la good ,and vel watoroti, anti thare a erà "p1 lMill site on the pri- mirs a, Apply to GEOREZBALLARD, on i e Premiaea. Dr. ADAM r A! O Greerrwod -Or te W. Hl. BILLIIIUS, Graanur-ood, ma>' 18, 1859. sl*itr, -htel. JOH-N CARTrER, LICENSED ÂUCTIONEER. ONTARLO, -YORK & PFE14 -0- 1W» RESIDENCE-ILot S, Sth Con.0 inurkham.-Poat office-Ijnlouviile. 1SALES attended ou the, shonteattce, sii on resouebie totma. Tenis cacn bc madie si-. 'bihf priulcd allihe Chrouislet omce.for ]or LI VE' R Y RLOBERLT B Sliitorohin B a C Puici &V'. C oeorxrîomt C. AtI .TR éJampbe1jil, blua w. cen.ranrd I Odjnrinig hr jno :MON. z. germa, Q. c. - w.r",u, APInot. ta acWitbysu. 25%V. Sou.l eeyou BAIiRtiTEIIt A' sucern* und hNo Ccunrt>'Crown ueAtrr ]LYMIAN ENt PAIILISTER AT]1 DR. H Et. J. C UORGEOTif TO bByron street, IW W. H. LAI ]Phyrici3a, Sui WI CLR& LLIAM $00' W ni Boyat( e LOWEST